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IOStash IoT PaaS

Rock solid foundation for the connected world of tomorrow

Making every device a connected device presents an

overwhelming amount of data. The ul:mate challenge is
eec:ve and ecient distribu:on of this data to reach the right
people at the right :me for processing. To ensure secure
transfer of this data to hands of people who can make a
dierence with it for the be>erment of this planet and our lives,
we need a robust, solid and secure IoT plaAorm.

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of
interrelated compu>ng devices, mechanical and
digital machines, objects, animals or people that
are provided with unique iden>ers and the
ability to transfer data over a network without
requiring human-to-human or human-tocomputer interac>on.

IoT is predicted to reach 50 billion by 2020.

IOStash is a middleware that glues together
your IoT devices and applica>on so?ware for
seamless data ow between them.
Furthermore, you dont have to worry about
your IoT backend, just concentrate on your
product and leave your backend worries with

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The Challenges
M2M Integra.ons

End to End Security

Integrating data from the IoT to application

software is one of the major challenges of IoT.
Ensuring timely delivery of data is the crucial
step that maximises the value of data.

Data must always be protected from

unauthorised access. From end point to data
centre, secure data transmission without
hindering the data flow is a must.

Data Management

Device/Applica.on Variants

IoT generates huge amount of data which is not

easy to handle or manage using traditional
relational databases or programming

There can be a million different types of IoT

enabled devices ranging from coffee cups to
package trackers. Data from these devices can
be interpreted in another million ways.

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IOStash IoT Pla1orm

An IOT plaAorm is a key factor while developing innova:ve connected
products. IOStash lets you tackle this by providing a rock solid founda:on
to build upon.
Design & develop IoT based solu>ons
faster than ever before, leaving the back
end worries at bay

Integrate with ERP/CRM or any other

enterprise data aggrega>on system to
eec>vely manage your user data.

Scale up to requirements seamlessly while

delivering quality products and services

Cut down edge device costs by pushing all

applica>on logic to your core so?ware.

Eliminate connec.vity boElenecks and

worries about M2M interfacing.

Protect data while ensuring secure access to

the righNul users.

IOStash provides an end-to-end plaNorm for bringing together the physical and virtual worlds allowing devices to connect, catering to wide range of data from them, enabling secure, fast
transac>ons and providing a background for eec>ve data analysis. It also enables users to gain
quick and uninterrupted access to their real->me data from distributed devices with the ability to
process data con>nuously to op>mise opera>ons and business.

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Connect, analyse and integrate from

a single pla1orm.
Connect any device using any protocol and access the data from your
applica:ons in real:me with a protocol of your choice. IOStash virtually
converts your device into a powerful data API, complete with real:me data
streams and persistence.

Power of simplicity
IOStash provides an end-to-end plaNorm for
bringing together the IoT world - allowing devices
to connect and applica>ons to use the data from
the connected devices seamlessly as if they're APIs.
Mul>ple data access APIs makes integra>ng IoT
with exis>ng applica>ons as easy as it gets.

Power of op=ons
Mul>ple interconnec>on op>ons
including REST, MQTT,
Websockets and CoAP makes it
easier to design and implement your products.
From low power devices to processing
mammoths, IOStash integra>on APIs lets you
connect your devices and applica>ons seamlessly
and hassle free.

Power of analy=cs
Analy>cs being the most signicant tool of the modern business, IOStash oers a plethora of
analy>cs tools via our so?ware dashboard and our enterprise integra>on API. Gain valuable insights
into your services and products and tap into the hidden poten>als of your business.

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Mul= Protocol Data Connec=ons

IOStash supports mul>ple protocols for M2M communica>on, thereby making it possible to use any
connec>vity op>on youre already familiar with. IOStash supports MQTT, REST, CoAP and web
sockets for M2M communica>ons. You can use any protocol and the system yields the same results.
You can choose to send data via MQTT and listen to data changes in real>me using web sockets or
MQTT itself.

Protect Data & Handle Data Growth

IOStash protects your data, right from our data storage policies that ensure that the ownership of
your data remains with you, to encryp>on schemes, from high tech data security technologies to
industry best prac>ces. Our proprietary data persistence & distribu>on technologies makes it
possible to handle massive amount of data while keeping the performance op>mised, enabling
smooth data ow across the en>re ecosystem.

Find Out More

To learn more about IOStash plaNorm, contact us or visit h[p://

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Innythink Engineering, TC-37/465, TRA-49

Thirumala PO 695 006
Trivandrum, Kerala India
Business inquiries:
Contact: +91 9995716922
For more info, visit h[p://

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