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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT O1 FINANCE BUREAU OF CUSTOMS MANILA 1099 CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. eOf SUBJECT: RATES OF CUSTOMS FEES AND CHARGES Pursuant to Sections 608 and Secti: +5301 to 3304, Tariff and Customs Code of pines, in relation (o Section 36, \ntinistrative Code of 1987 and Executive Orders Nos. 197 and 248, both series of year 2000 as implemented by DOF and DBM Joint Circular No, 2000-2 dated April 3, 200, the rales of Custome fece and charges in all ports of the Philippines shall be as foliys: 5; 1. Import Processing Fees For shipments processed wuder Form, (dnfornual Entries ___ P250,000 ee Bun 00t) 750 = [Over 3: | 2. Refund Processing Fees/Dacket lies (i ordinary claims for refi of taxa: daly payments, deluding cash Bonds; and fr each formal protes\iappeal fron: the decision of the District Collector Valuation 6 Classification Review Comniitice (VCi%) AMOUNT OF CLainy — ___PROTESTED AMOUNT [pte Pac F500 | Over FP 50,000 to 0 - P_ 100,000 “to | Gver PF 200,000 — we Over P 300,000 10 900 400,000 10 “P 500,000 1 7 ver _P 750,000 te 1,000.0 2 CZAO-2A-BY 3. Administrative Fees BAL Issuantee of Cerlificites B.L1, Certificate of Payment P 100 B12. Vax Credit Certificate P 100 3.41.3, Cerlificnte of Clearance outstanding account, Tax Credit, Tax Debil, and related matters P 100 31A Other certificates not he specified, if such are issued the course of routine istration and do not subserve any special pecuniary interest of (he party concerned therein P 100 adi BZ Issnanee of Permits 3.21. ‘To render overtime se for processiiy/ releasing imported go vts P 400 3.2.2. To take ci s aboard sh per thousane? ~igars (secned byf | given fo perso: , other tun the passengers } P 100 Tu take cigar ot es aboard ship, per thousanc! ¢ garelies, (secured by/ ‘given te perso is liter than the pusscugers) P 100 B2AQ - 3. HG 3.24. Transshipment of cigar /or cigarettes foreign vessel Wo another 3.3. Registrution Fees 33.1. ‘Te participate in public auction sale, per auction 33.2. For importes to transact business with [he Bureatt 3.3.3. Vorrenewal/ ‘pilates of the registration of importers, per year 34. Aureditation Fees 34.1. ‘To practice Customs Brokerage per pa Col entry, * individuel weker © brokerages arms. 3.2, To renew broke: age accreditation, per yew © Individual © brokerage fru s 3.43, For Commercial by nls and surely compar iw lo act bsitte's the Bureau, » wy uarter peso equivalent of two US Dollars ($2.00) per carton of fifty reams P2000 P1000 P 500 P 500 P 1,000 \ P 300 P 500 P 400 3.5, Cireularizatiow 3.5.1, per circular origina or requested by any private individuals, corporations or en P 1,000 J. Ducruneatary Custos Staurps 3.6.1. For each entry for immediate Aransportation in bond P10 3.6.2. For cach bond accepted or renewed P 200 3.6.3. For cach approval of application in respect lo transaction covered by general hond P 200 3.64. For each amenciment allowed toa Foreign Inward Manifest Pwo 3.6.5. For every formal protest filed before the Collector «f Customs P 200 3.6.6. For each appeal in protest and seizure cases P 200 The Bureau is hereby authorized to inctease the cost! of all Accountable Prenurmbered Customs Forms based on the «ost of printing plus 25% mark-up to cover handling and security cost at the Bure. to: lake effect fifteen (15) days after publication in a Customs Memorandum Oi der Repealing CI AlLorders, rules and regulations i istent herewith are rep F modified accordingly. bAO- 2. DIY APPROVED: ry a / i (dle. al ie ALBERTO: ROMULO Secretary of Finance, Date Approved HAT bt, reot 4 REPUBLIC OF T11E PUILIPPINES DEPARTMENT O8 FINANCE J BUREAU OF CUSTOMS,* MANILA rove = MEMORANDUM FOR Hon, ALBERTO B. ROMULO- Secretary of Finance SUBJECT CAO ON NEW CUSTOMS Frais AND CHARc paTE 27April 2001 Forwarded tor approval isa C ishums Fees and Charges as s toms Aduiin ed by the Cor live Order (CAO) on the Histo ser. mony C1 This new schedule is the product uf a series of dist ‘ussion and consullation between representatives of the Bureau of” Customs andl. the Port Users nfederation (PUC), the umbrella organivalion of 22 industry groups presenting the trading community; arrived at after several exchanges. of Proposals and caunterpropasals between the lwo jar lies, Somsidering that the peso has since drastically depreciated; Boc and PUC awe agreed that herein subject CAG is reasonable ard acceptable. As may be Heaned from Annex A hercuf, which also shove ina matic the percentage difference between the existing rates and te new tates, the last adjustinents were established through CAQ issuances in 1992, 1993 an | 1094 ‘he increase In Customs. foes. and charges i one of the revenue ‘ubanicement measures the BaC and Dul earlier apreeal on to help the Bureau raise around FE Billion in additional revenues. (Plea: we Annes Bi} The new rates take etfect fifleen days tum a iproval and publication of the CA. For consideration/approval ( ; wr Ay if HY, X an , Keg EVA snot Comhnissionier < ae Ne ea

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