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This paper deals with the advances in the

automobiles in the automobile industry. The best examples
of growing, emerging automobile industry are BMW,
paper we are going to discuss about the tremendous
advancements and development in automobile industry.

I. Introduction to automobile
An automobile or motor car is a wheeled motor
vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries
its own engine or motor. The word automobile comes, via
the French automobile, from the Ancient Greek word
(auts, "self") and the Latin mobilis ("movable"); meaning a
vehicle that moves itself, rather than being pulled or pushed
by a separate animal or another vehicle. The alternative
name car is believed to originate from the Latin word
carrus or carrum ("wheeled vehicle"). Automobile industry
is a vast industry so before entering into advance technology
of automobiles, we must know the history and older

Figure 1: Early steam powered car

Electric vehicle:
A small-scale electric car was designed by Professor
Stratingh of Groningen, Holland, and built by his assistant
Christopher Becker in 1835. Practical and more successful
electric road vehicles were invented by both American
Thomas Davenport and Scotsmen Robert Davidson around
1842. Both inventors were the first to use non-rechargeable
electric cells.

II. History of automobile

By definition an automobile or car is a wheeled vehicle that
carries its own motor and transports passengers. The
automobile as we know it was not invented in a single day
by a single inventor. The history of the automobile reflects
an evolution that took place worldwide. It is estimated that
over 100,000 patents created the modern automobile.
You can point to the many firsts that occurred along the way
to producing the modern car; and with that goal in mind,
highlighted below are the history about the automobile.

Figure 2: Electric vehicle

History of car:
A multi-part feature on the history of
automobiles starting with the first steam, electrical,
and gasoline-engine cars.

Steam powered car:

In 1769, the very first self-propelled road
vehicle was a military tractor invented by French
engineer and mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot
(1725 - 1804). Cugnot used a steam engine to
power his vehicle. The following year (1770),
Cugnot built a steam-powered tricycle that carried
four passengers.

Gas powered cars:

The very first self-powered road
vehicles were powered by steam engines. Daimler and Benz
invented highly successful and practical gasoline-powered
vehicles that ushered in the age of modern automobiles.
Daimler and Benz invented cars that looked and worked like
the cars we use today.

by 2003. This means that developments in hybrid

technology will continue to occur especially as the
environment becomes a larger focus in most technological
subjects. The following technological advancements may
occur in hybrid vehicles:

Figure 3: The internal combustion engine and early gas

powered cars.


The heart of automobile:

The internal combustion
engine is called as the heart of automobile. An internal
combustion engine is any engine that uses the explosive
combustion of fuel to push a piston within a cylinder - the
piston's movement turns a crankshaft that then turns the car
wheels via a chain or a drive shaft. The different types of
fuel commonly used for car combustion engines are gasoline
(or petrol), diesel, and kerosene.

III. Advances in automobiles:

The gas powered cars
are the major problematic cars, because it causes huge
pollutions .so to overcome this Ford, Dodge, Toyota, and
many other companies built newer more efficient vehicles
called Hybrids. Hybrids are automobiles that have better gas
mileage, lower harmful emissions, and little or no loss in
horse power. These hybrid cars came into market by 2004.
This is one of the greatest advanced improvements in the
automotive industry.

Hybrid Cars and Other Automotive Markets

The hybrid vehicle is efficient, yet loses little power.
Therefore, it will surely work its way into other motor
vehicle markets. These include:

1. Big rigs and semi trucks- Fuel efficiency is a multi-


A. Hybrid cars :
Ford released a Hybrid version of their current SUV, the
Escape in the year 2003.
Dodge released their Hybrid version of the Durango, also in
Dodge will also be releasing the ESX 3, a diesel/electric
sedan. When is not yet known.
Toyota plans to develop a hybrid version of the RAV 4.
When is not yet known

Hybrid Cars in the Distant Future

Eventually all the vehicles on the road will be either zero
emissions, or some sort of hybrid vehicle. In fact, 10% of all
vehicles on California's roads have met with zero emissions

Increased Battery Capacity- As batteries become

larger, but decreased in size, hybrid cars will become
more efficient. Eventually batteries will be so good
that cars will run solely on electrical power. Until
that day hybrid cars will become more efficient. That
means better gas mileage and a cheaper source of
More Powerful Electric Motors- With better electric
motors comes greater power. Some day electric
motors will be as powerful as IC engines. Hybrid
cars will not have to rely on the IC engine for
accelerating power, so this means better gas mileage
and lower emissions for the environment


million dollar area of research in the trucking

industry. The hybrid cars efficiency will undoubtedly
have effects on the shipping industry because it can
save companies millions of dollars on fuel costs each
Mass transit vehicles (buses, trams, etc.)- Hybrid
buses, taxis, and trams will also begin to appear as
time goes on. Companies will save money on fuel
costs, and will also help the environment since these
types of vehicles are running constantly and often
have large engines which consume large amounts of
Race cars- Hybrid engines may not replace all of the
engines in race cars, but they will surely become their
own class of racing technology. In fact, many races
for hybrid cars already exist however a major racing
circuit has yet to surface.

and the result is an entirely new approach to suspension


B. Biomaterials as a part of advance in

It seems that nowadays bioplastics are even reaching into
that most biased of petroleum-friendly industries - the
automotive sector. Nearly two years ago now, Mazda
announced the arrival of its new bioplastic, for use within
car interiors, in partnership with Hiroshima University
among others. It seemed too good to be true: three times
the shock impact and 25% higher heat resistance,
with manufacturing process that reduces energy by
30%. As is so often the case, there is a problem. The
Mazda creation is in fact 88% corn and 12 per cent
petroleum. And as we all know, this is the nail in the
coffin when it comes to compostability and trying to
achieve the end of life benefits inherent in the logic
behind bioplastics. The story doesn't end there however,
as late in 2007 Mazda announced another new
technology, biofabric for use in car seats and upholstery.
This time the news is better: 100% PLA-based, the fabric
is flame-resistant and was planned for use in the
companies Premacy Hydrogen RE hybrid .

Figure 4: 2003 RE hybrid Mazda made up of bio-plastics

C. The Bose suspension system:

Every automotive suspension has two goals:
passenger comfort and vehicle control. Comfort is provided
by isolating the vehicle's passengers from road disturbances
like bumps or potholes. Control is achieved by keeping the
car body from rolling and pitching excessively, and
maintaining good contact between the tire and the road.
Unfortunately, these goals are in conflict. In a luxury sedan
the suspension is usually designed with an emphasis on
comfort, but the result is a vehicle that rolls and pitches
while driving and during turning and braking. In sports cars,
where the emphasis is on control, the suspension is designed
to reduce roll and pitch, but comfort is sacrificed. Bose
engineers took a unique approach to solving this problem,

Figure: 5 Bose suspension front module.

While there have been enhancements and improvements

to both springs and shock absorbers, the basic design of
car suspensions has not undergone a significant evolution
over the years. But all of that's about to change with the
introduction of a brand-new suspension design conceived
by Bose, the same Bose known for its innovations in
acoustic technologies. Some experts are going so far as to
say that the Bose suspension is the biggest advance in
automobile suspensions since the introduction of an allindependent design. The Bose system uses a linear
electromagnetic motor (LEM) at each wheel in lieu of a
conventional shock-and-spring setup. Amplifiers provide
electricity to the motors in such a way that their power is
regenerated with each compression of the system. The
main benefit of the bose suspension motors is


They are not limited by the inertia

inherent in conventional fluid-based
An LEM can extend and compress at a
much greater speed, virtually eliminating
all vibrations in the passenger cabin.
The wheel's motion can be so finely
controlled that the body of the car remains
level regardless of what's happening at the


The LEM can also counteract the body

motion of the car while accelerating,
braking and cornering, giving the driver a
greater sense of control

D. Black box technology-a great advancement in

All of us know that technology keeps changing everyday
and when we talk about technologies in a car, new models
keep coming. We use AC's in a car even when we do not
require it, I meant to say we can open the window that time
but with the latest technology you need not worry about
these features. The car will be designed in such a way that it
will automatically switch off the unnecessary requirements
such Cruise controls and other features .Also cars are
coming up with features like black box technology , in fact
they are called as recorders and they can be very useful ,
Ford Motors is already doing that in their cars. These
recorders will be able to tell police officers and insurance
companies about car accidents, how fast you were driving,
where you had driven that day and much more. The Cars
will also be able to do the parking and will be able to get
enough space for themselves.
A company that provides communications systems to law
enforcement agencies around the world has developed a
black box similar to those used in aircraft to record crash
data in cars. The Smart Black Box by KCI Communications
sticks to your windshield and uses a built-in camera, GPS
unit and G-force shock sensor to document accidents. The
info could come in handy when trying to determine fault or
explain to your insurance company just what happened
when you crunched your car. Its the cheapest, most reliable
thing yet for recording the events leading up to and after an
accident. KCI says the GPS unit will record the time and
location of an accident and document your speed and
direction of travel. The company says that could be useful
when trying to prove that red light you ran was actually
yellow or in cases where you dispute the reading on a cops
radar. KCI Communications is of course not the first
company to put a camera in your car. But it couples the
camera with GPS documentation and a built-in G-shock
sensor, which is capable of tracing the point of impact
during an accident on a three line X, Y, Z graph. Unlike
other car camera providers, Pflanz said KCI
Communications also doesnt charge a monthly fee or
aggregate the recorded data through a main-frame server.

figure6: Black box technology (recorders in cars)

E.Tata nano The worlds cheapest car: It is one of

the wonderful advancement of automobiles

figure 7: Tata nano car

Looks & Dimensions of Nano: Keeping in mind the young

age group, the Tata Motors has strived well and gave the
Nano a contemporary and stylish look. The snub-nosed
small car derives inspiration from Fiat 500 and Nissan
Micra. As far as dimensions of the car are concerned, Nano
is 3.1 meters (10.23 feet) long, 1.5 meters wide and 1.6
meters high and can accommodate four to five people. Some
of the talks about nano

Engine: The small car sports a two cylinder 623 cc horse

power, 33 rear mounted multi-point fuel injection (MPFi)
petrol engine. Tata claims that the car can touch the top
speed of 105 kms.
Fuel Efficiency: Engineers at Tata Motors have designed an
efficient engine that can run 20 Kms on every litre of petrol.
Pollution: Against the criticism and concerns of the
environmentalists, Nano surpasses Indian regulatory
requirements and Euro IV emission norms. In fact, Tata
claims that the small car is less polluting than most of the
bikes on Indian roads.
Safety: Tata says that they have tested the small car
extensively for front, rear and side collisions and come out
with a product that exceeds current regulatory requirements.
The safety features of the Nano include a strong passenger
compartment, intrusion resistant doors, seat belts, sturdy
seats and anchorage.
Price: The base model of the car will sport a price tag of Rs
100,000 (2,500 dollars) which excludes taxes and transport
costs. The high end/deluxe models will include airconditioning and other features to be incorporated based on
suggestions of the common people.

stored there to 5,000 psi. During acceleration, the HLA

system switches from the pump mode to the motor mode,
the nitrogen gas forces the hydraulic fluid back into the lowpressure accumulator, and the pump/motor applies torque to
the driveshaft through the clutch. If quick acceleration is
required, the F-350's diesel engine works with the HLA
Eighty percent of the initial kinetic energy is returned to
the vehicle. "The system stores approximately 380 kJ of
energy. This is one of the major advancement in
Early research indicates that application of HLA could be
ideal for larger vehicles such as commercial trucks, delivery
vans, buses and work trucks. Heavier vehicles employ more
energy in stop-and-go traffic, creating greater opportunities
to capture and reuse energy.
Using hydraulic pressure to drive a vehicle is a key aspect of
the innovative hydraulic hybrid research project being
conducted jointly by Ford Motor Company, Eaton
Corporation and the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA). In future, optimized hydraulic hybrid applications,
highly efficient internal combustion engines would produce
hydraulic pressure to drive the vehicle. The system also
would capture this energy during vehicle deceleration.

F. Regenerative braking advancement in

automotive industry:
Regenerative breaking is a technology where in the wasted
heat , which is produced while applying breaks is again in
converted to usable energy, thus by increasing the energy
efficiency of the vehicle
Hydraulic regenerative braking improves large-truck fuel
DetroitFord Motor Company and Eaton Corp. introduced
a regenerative braking system called the hydraulic launch
assist (HLA). The system is designed to improve fuel
economy in large trucks during city driving by an estimated
25 to 35%. The HLA system featured on the Ford's new
F350. Tonka concept truck recovers energy normally lost
during deceleration and converts it to hydraulic pressure in
an accumulator, where it is available as a source of energy
during the vehicle's next acceleration. The HLA system
consists of a reversible hydraulic pump/motor from Eaton's
Fluid Power Group (Eden Prairie, MN) coupled to the drive
shaft through a clutch and two accumulators. As the driver
steps on the brake, the pump/motor forces hydraulic fluid
out of a low-pressure accumulator and into a high-pressure
accumulator, increasing the pressure of nitrogen gas

Figure 8: Detroit ford auto show hybrid car



Auto mobile giant BMW S turbo streamer:

Automobile giant BMW has developed a technology

called the Turbo steamer which helps to harness the
heat expelled by the internal combustion engines and
generates mechanical energy from it.

Hybrid engines:

Researchers at the Brunel University, United Kingdom

has developed a hybrid engine which compresses the
air, converts it to a form which the engine can use,

thus by reducing the fuel consumption of the

engine to 30%.


Carbon nano tubes:

Carbon Nano tubes will replace steel, which makes the

car safer and more energy efficient. Nano technology
will also be imparted in the engines of the car, giving
the driver options to change the engine type!

Thus in this paper we saw the advancement in
the tremendous development of automobile industry.
We also look after the advancement on automobile
industries advantages in detail. Especially we looked
into the Indias made worlds cheapest car Tata nano.the
future advancements will be sure more tremendous
than this and it will boosts the automobile industry to a
higher position in this world.

5. Automobile wikipedia

figure 9: Various hybrid engines and hybrid cars

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