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CS-414: Data Centre Administration

Lab Sheet 6: Design of a complete Network and subnetworks

For this week, the lab will cover a step by step design of full network into subnetworks using
Classes, IP addressing, and Subnet mask.
Exercise 1:
Design a network diagram, using Packet tracer, with 4 subnets. Fill in the Network design table
below before configuring the network devices:
1 router, 4 switches, and 16 PCs.
Use the main network address:
Network Design Table
Network IP address:
Default Network Mask:
Network Broadcast IP address:
Subnet Mask:
Subnet 1 IP address:
Subnet 1 Broadcast address:
Subnet 1 Range of IP addresses:
Subnet 2 IP address:
Subnet 2 Broadcast address:
Subnet 2 Range of IP addresses:
Subnet 3 IP address:
Subnet 3 Broadcast address:
Subnet 3 Range of IP addresses:
Subnet 4 IP address:
Subnet 4 Broadcast address:
Subnet 4 Range of IP addresses:
B to to to to

Configure the router and the various PCs with the appropriate parameters from above.
Use the appropriate gateways in the PCs in order for the router to route the messages.
Finally, use the simulation and realtime modes to test your network design.
Save your design as lab6diagram1.pkt, in your flash memory for future use.

Exercise 2:
Design a simulated network diagram, with 4 routers located in different parts of the world through
the Internet. Fill in the Network design table below before configuring the network devices:
4 routers, 4 switches, and 12 PCs.
Network Design Table
Riyadh Router
Network IP Address
Network Broadcast IP address:
IP Address Riyadh Router Port 1
IP Address Riyadh Router Port 2
IP Address PC 0 / Gateway
IP Address PC 1 / Gateway
IP Address PC 2 / Gateway
London Router
Network IP Address
Network Broadcast IP address:
IP Address London Router Port 1
IP Address London Router Port 2
IP Address PC 3 / Gateway
IP Address PC 4 / Gateway
IP Address PC 5 / Gateway

Paris Router
Network IP Address
Network Broadcast IP address:
IP Address Paris Router Port 1
IP Address Paris Router Port 2
IP Address PC 6 / Gateway
IP Address PC 7 / Gateway
IP Address PC 8 / Gateway
New York Router
Network IP Address
Network Broadcast IP address:
IP Address New York Router Port 1
IP Address New York Router Port 2
IP Address PC 9 / Gateway
IP Address PC 10 / Gateway
IP Address PC 11 / Gateway

Configure the routers, switches and the various PCs with the appropriate parameters and
connections from table above.
Use the appropriate gateways in the PCs and routers for the messages to be routed.
Finally, use the simulation and realtime modes to test your network design.
Save your design as lab6diagram2.pkt, in your flash memory for future use.

Practice Exercise:
Design a network diagram, using Packet tracer, with 8 subnets. Fill in the Network design table
below before configuring the network devices:
2 routers, 4 switches, and 16 PCs.
Use a class C IP address for the network.
Network Design Table
Network IP address:
Default Network Mask:
Network Broadcast IP address:
Subnet Mask:
Subnet 1 IP address:
Subnet 1 Broadcast address:
Subnet 1 Range of IP addresses:
Subnet 2 IP address:
Subnet 2 Broadcast address:
Subnet 2 Range of IP addresses:
Subnet 3 IP address:
Subnet 3 Broadcast address:
Subnet 3 Range of IP addresses:
Subnet 4 IP address:
Subnet 4 Broadcast address:
Subnet 4 Range of IP addresses:
Subnet 5 IP address:
Subnet 5 Broadcast address:
Subnet 5 Range of IP addresses:
Subnet 6 IP address:
Subnet 6 Broadcast address:
Subnet 6 Range of IP addresses:
Subnet 7 IP address:
Subnet 7 Broadcast address:
Subnet 7 Range of IP addresses:
Subnet 8 IP address:
Subnet 8 Broadcast address:
Subnet 8 Range of IP addresses:

Configure the router and the various PCs with the appropriate parameters from above.
Use the appropriate gateways in the PCs in order for the router to route the messages.
Finally, use the simulation and realtime modes to test your network design.
Save your design as lab6diagram3.pkt, in your flash memory for future use.

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