NET Developper Skills

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The other day I was thinking about the skill set requirements for a strong senior

level .NET Developer/Architect and I came the conclusion that the ideal
candidate would be a strong mesh of a wide variety of skills. So I put together a
list of topics of thing that I look for in ideal people I work with. I've always
looked for these things, but never put them down on paper before now.
To be completely honest, the list of based partly on what I have always
consciously looked for, but also on my pet peeves. For example, it drives me
bonkers when a senior .NET framework developer doesn't have ANY ethical
nature at all, when a senior .NET web developer doesn't even know the
fundamentals of Ajax or even how to use Firefox Firebug at all, or when the
same doesn't understand the difference between JavaScript from 1999 and
Modern JavaScript (of course these are real examples.)
It's not that I'm looking for someone with 100% of the list, but for someone who
can admit with humility that they don't and can learn as they go (though the
ethics and attitude sections absolutely are non-negotiable!) Also, to be clear... I
strongly believe in fairness. So, I do not put anything on the list that I do not
possess. I do not feel comfortable demanding that someone I hire follow genderneutral guidelines if I myself don't.
So, here's the list... is there anything that you would add? Please leave a
comment if you have a skill that you wish someone would have in your own team
(but make sure you have that skill before requesting it.) Also, obviously, for nonweb developers, the web sections are not applicable and obviously some section
are required more than others for certain roles.
Senior Level .NET Developer Skill Set (the absence of 'fundamentals',
'mastery', or 'proficiency' means 'general knowledge')

General Programming Skills (Data Types, Iteration, Functions)

Algorithm Proficiency

Unary/Binary Operation Proficiency

Declarative Programming Fundamentals

Regular Expression Familiarity

Framework Design Guideline Proficiency

Collection/Array Differences

Language Specific Skills

C# (or VB) Mastery


Delegates and Events

Nullable Types


Preprocessor Directives

P/Invoke Fundamentals

COM Interop Fundamentals

XML Documentation


CLI Fundamentals (Memory Management, Assembly Loading)

Framework Type Mapping (int -> Int32, long -> Int64)

IL Fundamentals

Framework Navigation Fundamentals

Reflection / Dynamic Invocation

Understanding of the 'Object' Type

Core Assemblies

Global Assembly Cache (GAC)

Boxing/Unboxing Fundamentals


ASP.NET Concepts (CodeBehind, Compilation Model, Intrinsic Objects, ViewState, etc)

ASP.NET Control Proficiency

ASP.NET Page Life Cycle

ASP.NET HttpHandler, HttpHandlerFactory, and HttpModule Proficiency

Object-Oriented Nature of ASP.NET

Client-Side Development / General Web Development

ECMAScript 3 (JavaScript 1.7) Proficiency (Closures, Anonymous Calls, etc)

CSS Proficiency (Specificity, Selectors, Rules, etc)

DOM Familiarity

XHTML Mastery (and it's relation to HTML)

Web Standards Familiarity

MOS (Mozilla, Opera, Safari) and IE Development Differences

Firefox Utilities (Firebug, Web Developer Toolbar)

Core Ajax Fundamentals

Classic Web Development Concepts (State Management, Stateless Development)

.NET Data

ADO.NET Fundamentals (DataTable, DataSet, DataColumn, etc)

Data Binding Fundamentals

XML Serialization

.NET Concepts


Exception Handling




Strong Naming

Disposable Resources (and IDisposable)

Object-Oriented Principles

OOP Principles (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation) Proficiency

OOD GRASP Patterns Mastery

OOD GoF Pattern Fundamentals

UML Fundamentals

Enterprise Architecture

N-Tier Architectural Design

Service Oriented Architecture Fundamentals

Component Oriented Development Fundamentals

Enterprise Services/COM Fundamentals

MSMQ Fundamentals

Web Service/WS-* Fundamentals

RSS/Atom Fundamentals

WCF Fundamentals (Address, Binding, Contract)


Set Theory Fundamentals

Database Design/Data Modeling Mastery

ACID and Normalization Concepts

SQL Server 2005 Interaction Familiarity

SQL Server 2005 Query Optimization

SQL Server 2005 Index Design

SQL Server 2005 Tuning

T-SQL Proficiency

O/R Mapper Familiarity

XML/DTD/XSD/XSLT/XPath Fundamentals

System Technologies

Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 Familiarity

IIS 7 and 8 Proficiency

Component Services (COM+) Familiarity (the tool)

TCP/IP Fundamentals (Basic IP Theory, DNS, ping, tracert)

Networking Fundamentals (Routers, Switches, DHCP Servers)

Web Server Farm Fundamentals

'Run' Window Proficiency

Batch File Fundamentals

Windows Client Proficiency (Network Mapping, File Operations)

General Software Development

Software Development Life Cycle Fundamentals

Iterative/Agile/Waterfall/MSF Familiarization

Version Control Familiarity (CVS, Subversion, etc)

Quality Assurance

NUnit Familiarity

Unit/Regression Testing Familiarity

Profiling Fundamentals


College Algebra Proficiency

Statistics Fundamentals (probabilities mainly)

Calculus Theory Fundamentals (rates of change fundamentals)

Cryptography Fundamentals (asymmetrical, hash, checksum)

Proper English Grammar (who vs. whom, etc)

Solid Spelling Skills


Results Focused Attitude

Vision Oriented (mainly for Architects and Team Leads)

Paradigm Shifting Abilities

Unlearning Abilities (the ability to unlearn obsolete paradigms)

High Standards ("takes pride in his or her work")

Unbiased to Vendors (i.e. doesn't say Microsoft SUCKS! or Linux blows!)


Patience for Technology and Other People

Strong Ethical Nature (Honest, Trustworthy)

Common Sense Sexual Harassment Law Adherence (a.k.a. maturity)

Common Sense Use of Proper Language In and Around the Work Place (a.k.a. maturity)

Common Sense Politics/Religious Respect

Work Place Software Piracy Law Adherence

Gender Neutral Language Guideline Adherence (mainly in documentation and professional


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