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Girls Not Bride

Thar Extension of Global Campaign

to End Child Marriage
Dungargarh Jaisalmer Phalodi

Thar Desert Context

Lack of Alternatives
Lack of exposure and awareness

As per DLHS 3 (2007-2008) married women

aged 20-24 who were married before age 18
(%) Total: 57.6, Rural 61.6, Urban 38.8
Only 23 % girls (between 15-17) attend higher
Only 26% women, who have money, can decide
how to use it.
Only 4.5% women (aged between 15-19) participate in decision-making

Theory of Change

If local leadership, and key

community groups are
mobilized, trained,
educated, and sensitized
about the ills of the social
malpractices such as child
marriage and communicate
the messages about the same
to their communities, then the
constituents of the communities shall witness a marked
improvement in the qualities
of their lives.

the process starts with

Identification of villages and village risk mapping
Identification of chilren with high vulnerability

3568 girls married as minor.

Identified 2,894 girls at high risk through door-to-door survey
(Girls out of school/married) from 21896 Households.

how do we approach the situation

On-the-ground sensitization and

Promoting change advocates/watch
dogs and whistle bloweres

Multiple level advocacy events, meet

ings at village, panchayat, block and
district level
Regular meetings, follow-ups with
different government and PRI agencies
Special campaigns on particular days Akhateej - day of mass marriages
IEC development and media exposure

Working with different groups

Community leaders and religious leaders
Consolidation of village institutions Panchayats, School Management Com
mittees, Village level Child Protection

Closely working with front line workers ANMs, ASHA

Sensitisation of government agencies and
reps - health, education, social security,
Direct engagement with adolescents and
youth of village - sports, culture, train
ings- formation of child rights clubs

Workshops and briefing sessions with


journey at a glance

5171 adolescents participants in

youth groups and their activities

Over 1000 panchayat members trained

and now changemakers in their respec
tive areas

1858 front line workers trained and we

regularly follow up with

245 religious leaders sensitised

7000+ participated in school session

and 60 active child rights clubs

Child marraige free Akhateej Campaign

in 49 Villages with the help of 802
Campaign reached out to over


141 of 150 villages

completely child marriage free

Total 41 panchayats cmf
Panchayats declare itself child
marriage free
Felicitation and pledging event
by panchayat at its expense and
work force


The name of the Village is Benisar, in the Thar Desert, the fabulous Rajasthan. The first meeting
is in a big room of the school. There are girls and young women with their children, for a total of
60. They arent aware of the condition that Virginia Woolf describes in A room of ones own, but
they achieved it.
excerpt from a reportage by Adriano Sofri; LA REPUBBLICA 21.02.2015

Local action to a global challenge

by Urmul and UNICEF
taking it forward
Comprehensive documentation of project intervention, its achieve

ment for wider outreach and experience sharing as a - successful

replicable model

Expanding the scope and area

Providing skills and teamset to replicate the similar efforts in other


Policy lobbying by sharing the achieved

Development of online and physical platform/centre - Desert youth

resource centre to concentrate advocacy work

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