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|| mahynanityakramtisakepa ||

Extremely Condensed Daily Mahyna Chants

A very minimal daily Mahyna practice should at least contain the

Four Immeasurables
Main Practice
Dedication of Merit

Refuge and Bodhicitta (3 times with prostrations/half prostrations)

How to fold your hands (ajali)

Full prostrations: while standing, fold your hands and bring them
above the head (representing the body), in front of the throat (speech)
and in front of the heart (mind); then prostrate with the full length of
your body, stretching the arms in front.

Full prostration
Half prostrations: same while standing, but when prostrating touch the
ground with hands, head and knees (without stretching the body

Half prostration
Doing 3 and a half prostrations means that after standing up for the
last time one brings folded hands over the head, in front of the throat,
and in front of the heart one more time.
After having done the prostrations, one may sit down on the floor and
complete the rest of the chants with folded hands.

buddha ca dharma ca gaottama ca
yvad dhi bodhi araa praymi |
dndiktyai ca ktair mayaibhir
buddho bhaveya jagato hitya ||
Until Awakening, I go for refuge
in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Supreme Assembly,
And by the good deeds beginning with Giving,
may I become a Buddha, for the benefit of the world.
Four Immeasurables (3 times)

sattv sukhena samprayujyeran |
sattv dukhena viyujyeran |
sattv sukhena na viyujyeran |
sattv hita labheran ||
May sentient beings be endowed with happiness;
may sentient beings be separated from suffering;
may sentient beings not be separated from happiness;
may sentient beings obtain benefit.

Main Practice
Mahyna meditation practices can be understood as included within
the aspects of calm abiding (amatha) and insight (vipayan). Those
who have received no special meditative practice can chant the SixSyllable Mantra of rya Avalokitevara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion
(this mantra is found in the Stras and can be chanted by anyone).

|| o mai padme hm || 7, 21, 108, 111 times or more
Dedication of Merit (3 times)

anena puyena tu sarvadaritm avpya nirjitya ca doavidvia |
jarrujmtyumahormisakult samuddhareya bhavasgarj jagat ||
By this merit, having obtained omniscience and defeated the enemies,
the afflictions,
may I lift the world from the ocean of existence, filled with the great
waves of decay, illness and death.
Listen to the chants here

iti mahynanityakramtisakepa || dharmavardhanajnagarbhasya kti

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