Alexus Rawls Round Table Essay

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Alexus Rawls
12 July 2016
Round Table Essay
Interracial adoption is something that need to be embrace more. Many people go around
judging other people families just by looks. And they dont even know what their background is,
or what type of life they lived before today. That why many people that have been interracial
adopted are speaking up and stand up for the kids that cant talk for them self. They are letting
people know they been there before and judging is not right, so stop judging and start helping.
John Raible, and Janay Naomi were interracial adopted and they want their voice heard.

John Raible is a biracial adult adoptee. He adopts children of color and he want his voice
to be hear about how adoption both improves the lives of adoptees and creates lifelong trauma
for those adoptees (Raible). He goes to explain since his adoption background he became a
professional multicultural educator where he analyzes and understand the dynamics at play in our
society. He breaks his article down into assumption point that he made to better understand
where he coming from. He starts with racism is alive and well he goes to say that play a role in
interracial adoption because many people are still judging by the color of your skin and not you
as a person he also says he was born in the 60s where it was alive and happening and people
thought his parent were crazy. The other assumptions are transracial adoption and
transnational (or international) adoption are fundamentally the same experience. He pointed
out that just because you get adopted oversea or through a private agency the experience is still

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the same. Many parents think it will be a different experience because of where they come from
but in the end it all the same. Raibile have talk to many adoptee and they all said the same thing
adoption is adoption anywhere. Adoption does materially improve the lives of many individual
children, at the same time, adoption burdens adoptees for life with enormous psychological
challenges and emotional hurdles that must be continually renegotiated at different stages of the
life span. he say that adoption can be a blessing because you are giving a home and love to somebody
who never experience it before, but at the same thing it can a cursed because the parents will have to
understand you will be moody at time and emotion at different stages of your life. You have to understand
that they didnt want to be there in the first place they didnt ask to be there someone places them there,
so people just have to be understanding. And lastly Transracial adoption

remains controversial

because it rests on contested ideas about race and family ever since transracial adoption was
allow many question was ask like who belongs together? how are groups recognized? should
various groups remain separate? should "race-mixing" be encouraged or discouraged? Which
causes other people without doubt to have doubt and that just keep on going.

Janay Naomi is a biracial adoptee as well; baby Janay is what was on her birth certificate
but her mom doesnt know who name her because she cant care for her after birth. So for six
weeks she was without a family she was a grand adventure waiting to unfold. Or you might say I
was born without a last name, a people, or a home. Or you could see it both ways(Naomi). Even
though she does not remember foster care like the other kids she still the experience the feeling
and emotional of being mix in school. Many kids at school would call her name and shovel her
down the slide leaving a scar on her back that she sees every day and remember her what she
been through. Janay is a professor on the same campus that her parents met on in 1968 when

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they didnt allow interracial relationship, but Janay mom was pregnant at the time with her and
he parents disapproved of her dad because he was black and Janay mom was Swedish-American
and that was against the law, and that the reason Janay was put up for adoption because her mom
cant deal with the backlash she will get. But even though Janay did not know any of there
information until she was nineteen she still experience what her mom was trying avoid for
happening. she had kids of her own by a white man who when they go out get looked at different
and she just think it normal because she been judge her whole life. She works closely with social
worker, adoption, and hospital so if a situation like what happen with her she can be there so the
baby can feel loved. Janay love her birth mom but she closer with her white mom because she
raises her to be who she is today, and she dont want anybody to experience what she went
through even her child.

And in conclusion the Janay and John both make good point and are doing the right thing
represent for the adoptee that cannot express how they feel. I honest think everybody should read
their article because you can get inspired and want to make a different just by reading what they
been through because they were adopted by a families of a different color. Nobody want to think
maybe this families is doing someone good and helping someone else that need love and support
they just start judging immediately which is rub off on their own kids because most of the bully
and picky happen in school, and as they got older they learn to annoy but still it hurt to be call
name and be put down every day over something you cannot control.

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