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ode 2- sty Assurance 150/Q9003 is “Yor use when conformance 10 nts isto be assured by the final inspection and test”. mass producers, who buy Faw material, prosess these materials in appropriate machinery and sell the output. By and large, the is and the finished product. Makers of bolts and nuts, pint, welding wire, ‘within this eategory. makers of product 5 we oruandard These equality sysem requirements which are not a replacement nor Alertive to thos codes and standards: These system should encompass. Hi TSO do not enforce uni requirements to specific company needs, et “The puielines are: art2-Guldolies for Services => Part Guidelines for Processed Materials Part 4 Guidelines for Managing Quality Improvement ‘The Quality System mods 9001, 9002 and 9003 we "CGERTIFYING BODIES FOR 24 QUALITY MANAGEMENT RA AAA RANABROPPSHHAMLARAARHRRAR ORE ALE RL LLL Pl Mdede U.K. took the lead, and based on experience and proach to quality system ve time, the cerifying bodies of organizations that had been = be it Bureau Veritas or the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). engage an outside quality professional A QUALITY MANAGEMENT ‘SYSTEM Basic requirements for quality management systems include the requirement of being fully documented, generally inthe following format: ets out the manner In eh 28 edie 2- Cut Asurace reports, corrective action di ‘similar documents sh: ‘status of he system. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ARE DYNAMIC Quality Management Systems, especialy in ron-conformances that often lead t0 major problems down the road MEASUREMENTS test laboratory. ‘Records of each item of measuring and test ipment are to be "These records the recalibration, and the results. In Motie 2-Cuaty Assrmce — x qxqxrcKaVrrerre statistical techniques are frequently overlooked to determine conformance of a in the verification of welded product quality. up of products a¢ a whole is a In the present conten overview well proven technique. Tables such as the canbe given, Asa ibility’ _-Dodge-Romig and MIL-STD-105 have been 1s been around for more than $0 yeas. Cerin unique noted by _teminology is used with such tables. It cannot the builders of the pyramids and by the clock be over emphasized that any inspection and makers of the Middle Ages. The 19th century _ subsequent conformance based on al r techniques only be implemented with the buyer” approval THE QA AUDIT ‘While there are several types of and reasons for conducting audits of Quality Management pre (of supposedly identical prov recognized from the beginning. Welding-related audits | may include jacheck- for such items as: of approved and qu data provided by finite part of a stat Dropertes are being stadied tog ‘population’ the individual characteristics ofa single 4. Cettiction of welding consumables 5, Use of approved and up-o-ate drawings and specifications 6 Inspection status of product 1. Records of noneonformance Systems; the mechanics andthe objectives ate-=—~ de 2- uty Assurance ee preventive action. Auaits should not be viewed as 2 positive means for the tnd portions of an ISO elements are requted for a particular model. 28 Qualy Systems nd Design cst? CultyAsurance 13. Control of Inspection, Measuring, and Test Equipment 14, Control of Nonconforming Product 15, Comective Action 16. Postproduction Activities 19 Product Safety 20, Use of Statistical Methods ANSIISO/ASQC 09001 processes", Several notes further define that a product may be: “4 The Intended product but not an unintended by-product (such as that affecting the “Management Respon 42 — Quality System 43° ContractReview jon and Traceability Motil 2- Quay Aaseraee = et irc ‘quality. This is particularly importa for those Personnel who need the organizational freedom and authority to: Inspection and Test Status *) Initiate action to prevent the occurrence of 413 Control of Nonconforming Product ‘any non-conformities relating to product, 4.14 Corrective and Preventive Action process, and qualty system; 415 Handling, Storage, Packaging, 1) Identity and record any problems relting to Preservation, and Delivery the product, process, and quaty eystem; Cootrl of Quality Records 6) Inltiate, recommend, opr Internal Quality Audis Training Servicing Statistical Techniques QRLALLLLLLLPLPLLPBBP ~ achieve the required quality; Encuring the compatibility ofthe design the product 43 CONTRACT REVIEW ‘This section specifies that the supplier is to have a procedure for reviewing contacts. The Noda 2- Quay Ansara aa a a ‘equipped with adequate resources to perform the work. It also requies thatthe plans are to be updated as te design evolves. 443 Organizational and Technical Intertaces ‘This requires that there be 1 communis ted, and reviewed by the suppl adequacy. If there ae incomplete, ati oF conflicting requireme resolved with those ree these requirements. Thi ‘consideration the results of any contract review. activites, control and verify the design ofthe produet. The purpose of this isto ensure that the specified requirements ode 2- aly Assurance are o be reviewed before release. 446 Design Review ‘This requires formal documented reviews of the design reults to be planned and conducted stages of design. Representatives 3 that are concerned with the being reviewed are to be included, ‘as well s other specialists as required. Records ofthese reviews shall be maintained. performing alternat the new desiga with ‘and; reviewing the design-stage documents ‘before release, ‘448 Design Validation performed on the final product, be performed during production ‘4S DOCUMENT AND DATA CONTROL This section covers all types of documents and data that relate to the requirements of readily available to preclude the use of invalid andlor obsolete documents. in TAB AAEHRRBAADLBARANIARARRARRGRROGLALRED PPLPLOLD enizations that perf orginal review and a to base their review and approval. A note ses that, where praccable, the nature ofthe change in the document or the is 448 PURCHASING 481 General ‘This requires the supplier to documented procedures to ensure ed product conforms to requicemes 8 Of subcontractors intaln g ‘scceptable subcontractors, 3, class, grade, entiation; 5) The tile or other postive identification, ang plicable Issues of spetcations, caving, pl ment ther ding requiements for approval or {ualicaton of produt, procedures, process 8quipment, and personnel; ©) The Be, number, and issue ofthe quty- ‘yetem standard tbe sped, The purchasing documents ate to be ‘viewed and approved ty the supplier pir va release. Section 4.6.4 covers yer Purchased prods. IF the sop ‘Premises, the supplir shall specify verification ‘arrangements and the mettod of product release in the purchasing document, If specified in the contract, the supplier's customer or customer’ representative shall be verify at the subcontractors the supplier's premises that subcontracted product conforms to specified requirements, ication is not to be used by the evidence of effective contrel of subcontractor. Verification by the 0 dots not absolve the supplier of, to provide acceptable product, rechide sabseqient rejection by the ‘47 CONTROL OF CUSTOMER-SUPPLIED PRooucT If the customer supplies produ incorporation into the final product, the is to have documented procedures f ‘control of verification, PAMAnanAHGARGeOCHORRAsaenapensanannesssseesl Modul 2- Out asrance erie 5 the supplier to the event of nonconformity to specified requirements. 4103 in-process Inspection and Testing the inspection authority wires the supplier to perform in- release of product. 4.11 CONTROL OF INSPECTION, MEASURING, AND TEST EQUIPMENT the qual documented procedures have odie 2- Out Assurance lly or nationally here no such standards exist, the bass used fr calibration ‘shall be documented; ©) Maintain calibration records for equipment: 4) Assess and document he valid of previous Inspection and test results when equipment is found tobe out of calibration, the calibation setng. 412 INSPECTION AND TEST STATUS 4.13.2) isused or installed 4.13 CONTROL OF NONCONFORMING PRODUCT are then presented for what to do with nonconforming product. It may be 8), Reworked to meet he b) Accepted with or ©), Regraded fr atornative applications 4) Rejected or scrapped odie: ult serene 4) Ensuring that relevent information on actions ‘taken is submitted for management review ‘rrp the magni of poten and ASHMDLNG STORAGE, PACKAGING with the risks encountered. The PRESERVATION, AND DELIVERY implement and record any ‘As evident from the ttle of tis section, it jocurented procedures resulting ‘and preventive action guidance on quality system audits) ‘as required. Appropriate records of, training shall be maintained. 4.49 SERVING ‘SUMMARY ‘An SCWI might personnel whose funct MODULE 3 MATERIALS AND THEIR PRO} ERTIES Section 3.1- MECHANICAL TESTING INTRODUCTION A broad knowledge of mechanical testing ' basic requirement for the AWS S in almost every aspect of welding design, Fabrication, end inspection, especialy when he ‘s yroadened to include the dimensional snd fabricated echanical testing is jet to determine the mechanical properties of fhe base metals and filler metals te be id 8 on the basis of many fifeent factors such as strength, dud Jveidability, eval ut mechanical strength is often of primary importance and must be considered for each sividual application DESIGN SUIEWERHH of pressure vesels tothe ASME teview of the various als specifications using the ‘allowable ess tables. In ASME 5 ‘the design safety fs lORable stess bles ited on each 88-25% of its typical tensile strength. Division 2 tables use a design fetY factor of 3 to ‘aly of the various equipment often bi es use Proaches but may have highe: lower design safety factors depending on the application Altemative design approaches may aso be used; one approach is based or values asa percentage of the 10 determine the forces required for the development and growth of cracks. ‘This design approach uses a ‘stress s-amplitude) factor’, K, ich represents the tendency of internal imple terms, Mechanics applies the concepts of 18 What cual service stresses, snd then requires the appropriste NDE 10 make Sure no laws greater than the critical flaw size completed fabrication. Stress ‘was developed as a fending to cause crack giowily-and data fom the CTOD are used in Fracture Mechanics 4 pipe and other shapes, forgings, extrusions, cast metals. Al depending on product frm ‘For example, a casting specification may selected base metals, and their operties may often differ from metal being welded. Mechanical testing is also used at the job te or in local testing laboratories to contiom Fequacy of joint configurations, welding frente welder sll nd whether the find Flrcaed srucare mew the specication or purus order requirement tape of ie complied product fefaton of mechunical easoremest requiremen ‘auipment inspections often require mechanical ess 0 de ct of Testing, and will include the Measurement Techniques Sampling Principles Hardness Tests Tensie Tests Impact Tests Figure 3.1.1 » AWS B40, Standard Methods fy ‘Mechoncal Teciago Wat, © Bend Tests © Mechanical Properties of Metals AWS B4.0, Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of Welds (Figure 3.1.1) covers mechanical toting of welds; and should Set “eRe: of Stud Welds. The ASM Met th Editi Figure much Handbook, 1 8, Mechanical Testing Standards included the 1996 ASTM Volume 03.01, Metals - Mechanical Testing (Figure ), cover the actual methods used, and these am ankeaeAaGGAGARAGRARRAARARA have ready access to the various technical references which cover the technical aspects of the particular inspection requirements, MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES One of the most basic factor i requirements of the engineering drawings. A part that does not Joint ftup is recognized as one of the-basic-uspeet® of caiisideration for ‘obtaining sound welds, and joint measurements prior to welding are a critical component of weld quality contol. The SCWI must be able to read and interpret engineering drawings, and translate those requirements to the preparations, welding operat finshed product, Fer 3.2- ASM anol ate, Mecaria Testng is often given to tolerances. Fabrication draw out the requi not, the SCWI must question the designer and ‘welding engineer to determine these tolerances Prior tothe inspection effort. Inspectors must recognize th th or hundredth of a mm or thousandth of an inch. Foi 1d not be used when ‘The messurement tools circumference with & pi tape gives the actual ‘measured circumference. Uhrasoni thickness ments can be used for thickness ements of various components during ton or in-service inspections for wear of corrosion and are accurate toa half mi or less (0.020 inches) ‘The important point forthe inspector is thet the appropriate measurement device should be selecod and used based on both the size of the component and ite required measurement ces. All of these tools are usually in both metic and U.S. Customary type with ease and convert from one system to the other using appropriate conversion tables, 2 table of conversion factors used in welding is found atthe font ofthis Manual ‘Measurement of joints and welds can ically for measuring groove isalgnment, root openings, size, undercut depth, reinforcement height, or Special tapes such Jiameter measurements simpler, encir Modul 3-Meckanle Testing periodic reviews to confirm continued proper weld lengths and wi appropriate rulers or sales. For groove welds, undercut and reinforcement heights can be measured with a gage designed for that as shown in Figure 3.1.6n and 3.1.6b, ‘weld sizes should be measured with gages; there are many different types available but one of the more convenient types is shown, gure te - Wed UneatGape, The WTP. ye ‘mamas 0017 ph Pag corte eB. Gage) should be part of scheduled quality assurance programe. “ATRUSY, Worn machinis of litle value for making accurat essary for mast QA pi and the SCWI should prepare and mai Fae 189 he VAC bpe meses rat Soh arden wo nanos iterate 9 He Provomhaniy OAL Cape) an dns et pe a rene Ts near mea ga er se tcicogieaitment eet ‘hic Ty mec man wap ‘gud to ewe impact testing Jjnay be specified as longitudinal or vansverse ‘and for the sample to be notched within the ination of percent elongation; these gage marks must be carefilly and lightly applied wo avoid affecting test results MECHANICAL TESTS specification. Improperly sae worse than none at all: incorec! data often Lee to errr While it is not appr the significance of individual values at this time, it Mle 3 -Mechanis Testing ‘ep in mind the desired end often aft sep fr the materials engineer when 5 Procedure tat saises the doing fire sees In hardness testing of metals, an indenter of 4 specified geometry is usually applied to the Surface and by various techniques the metal's depth of indentation as a measure of hardnee sisccnee bile chers @Brinell, Vickers) use the men or je scope OF Gulifcaion _uareconered indenting determine relative othe type and number of handncne Another method used for metal hardness i, oF rebound, method, For object such as « hardened Posibly the mechanic! propery of which wre a tware is that of a metal’s hardness, ur moa basic sens fn dealing wih wa rs re sppennace ud touch "A may ce andthe eight rzrnce cn be changed By omer of febound ate ieee orld ois mechani proees. ecommerce fom owes if we bade mel sure ihe, * Mestre rebound meth, se of these review of hardness testing is mewhat more comprehensive than are the ‘often tested using the rebound "re commonly used mechanical tests, method Since hardness tests are applied to metal DNESS TESTING surfaces, sectioning of a The definition of mi etal’s The Senior Welding 11 familiar with various lean, smocth surface on the tet piece, fee of Scale, rust, paint, ete, and Positioned on a rigid Suppor. The hardness test equipment must be reporting the ‘ach sample tested to obtain the most accurate fardoess data. Calibration test results prior to 5 getul component testing should be reported ‘long-sith the hardness. data for the actu component and the tet method used, impertive that the appropriate hardness M40. ‘Vickers, Rackwel, and Knoop) 384+ Test Method for Microhardness of Materiis M48 Practice for Sderoscope Hardness Testing of Metalic Materials SRINELL HARDNESS TESTING ; ; : gure 318 Bo Ui ina rates Ter (Pho ote Te en) impression inell hardness, ingle hammer blow fom a four pound hammer to ereate the sresions. The Telebrin the fixture is sample and struck, an impression indenter is created in both the Janple is determined. ‘The most accurtte ne occurs when the calibrated bar and test 8 are within 25 isthe ‘Minibrinll indenter and ‘ther standard Brinell scales. 1 no comparison chars are avail standard Brinell test noted previously, Brinell hardness number (HB) of & sample cas be calculated with the formu HB=2P +x DD-\Dr-@) Wher: P = Testoedia kilograms D+ Diameter of impression tal ~~ 4 = Diarateof sample impression, en ‘The formula for determining the Telebrineller hardness of « samp . ‘BHN, = [0,* (0,71 BHN, Where: BHN, = hardness of calbration bar. BH, = hardness of sample D, = diameter of impression in calibration bar, am D5 lameter of impression n=" ~ ‘sample, mm ROCKWELL HARDNESS TESTING The Rockwell hardness test {compasses an entire series of test which can be used for most every alloy group, both hard size, and appl hich correspond to various hardness scles ‘The more commonly used seales forthe ferrous alloys are the Rockwell B and C scales; ones a8 eo sete 3- Meare Testog reused for testing thin further identified as “Superficial” scales $3110) for testing smaller pi able for larger components an gue 3111 Patt Spe badd gnats Peas Te ton be ih (Pek te 18 cory Put Tira) higher costs One such unit, the Equotp, uses the rebound of an indenter and electronic. ound from a metal Figure ‘Conversions frm the Equotip hardness value to ther common scales can be MICROHARDNESS TESTING ‘This method of hardness testing refers tothe equipment and teshsiques used to measure the fon a microscopic sale This technique is valuable for measuring the hardness of specific phases such ax martensite 3440 odes and specifications requiring hardness i of welds often specify one or more but not exclusive Iicrohardness testing is required, This enab the microsture edule 3- Meta Teng smal local feature of & weld. Microhardness 4s already mentioned, requires the imen to be polished to a metallographic and etched to reveal the microstructure Codes normally specify the ‘number of indentations required foreach traverse. Figure 3.118 shows possible weld hardness test Fequirements. As shown, the extent of testing ‘overs base metal and HAZ on one side, the ‘Weld metal, and the HAZ and base metal onthe other side. The interval between tent impressions is also typically specified TENSILE TESTING Strength, percent elongation, and percent ‘eduction of area can be determined as well Tensile testing consists of preparing a sample ording toa specification and applying an ten gure. 16-abraey Test ost Mace (Prec corn Tri On) : a “ a a ee a a a 4 a a a ng 2 3 As As e a 3 oe | = 2 2 ele 3-Mechankal Testing ‘The SCW! must be fami ad US, Customary measi rable to convert from of (pe standard conversion tables found atthe fot of this Manual Yield strength can also be determined from 18s aterm given tothe value the tes applied stress where permanent deformation begins. Yiei is derived usi paethod Ka‘ et method’ fnethod uses the stress-strain curve obt drawn parallel to be used in the elongation a formulae; the percent values ‘yS= Loud legciitoftet mn iasnina sounds) girs foquar ro aguas nches) {Elong) isthe measure elongation occuring. i testing can be found in AWS B4.0, Part A3 and inthe following-ASTM Standard EZ3- Test Methods for Notched Bar impact ‘Testing of Metal Materials OD =~ th ouside adie ofthe pipe sample ID= the inside dameter of the pipe sample ‘ay ua characerisics ofthe spesitiens or procedure IMPACT TESTING (Fracture Toughness Testing) gue 21.19 Lateray input Tang Mache sa44 Module 3- Mechanic! Tenting TT AWS B40 does . ding round, ‘7 For the tensile i usually performed per using notched samples to insure thatthe sample . will break under impact at the specified test Iso temperature. Additional information on impact a oe cee eee ee ee Oe ote 2- Mechanic! Tettng These impact ments in the various specifications ‘an apply 1 both the Sase metal and the weld ONen, impact testing is done on welded sanples, uld be: very Knowledgeable ‘concerning its usage. a he Fase 1.20: Chay Vo np Sec BEND TESTING ican bend the following ASTM 190- Method for Guid Bend Test for Dusty of Wels £E 280- Test Method for Semi-Guided Bend Test for Ductty of Meat Nile Mechel Testing ardfaced samples is seldom beneficial due to the inherent brittleness of most herdfacing ‘The actual bend testing is done using a fie and plunger fixture or a wrap-around ature, these are shown in Figures 3.1.21 and $122, The ductility of the weld metal is tested, "2 tut the test can also determine the presence of ‘weld surface discontimites. ‘Samples are prepared and identified withthe | = ‘weld orientation as the descriptive terms, If the sample is prepized with the groove weld transverse tthe frogs of the sample, its refered {0 88 © gana -Tipe Sen Ox nd TatFtn transverse specimen, to whether the maximum tensife stress, and AWS B4.0, Figure Ad also contains a para) the quick determination of radius. This standard ‘emp “elapsed seconds and n0 more than 2 minvtes, and bend tests on welds requite thatthe weld and HAZ be the curved portion of the specimen. the tension surface welds (AWS B40, Part ‘welds a9, also be bend requirements are shown in Figures 3.1.23 and 31m “The fist step in bend testing isto determine the maximum bend radius to apply to the ek sample is usually ‘e= percent elongtion of the maria {ina plat thickness (rm orinches) Reads of curvature atthe inside surface of the bend (nim or inches) (Note: most codes specify the bend radius based on strength and/or material thickness ) specifi d Other sodes or standards will have similar requirements for acceptance and the appropriate code must be consulted for bend test acceptance "AWS B4.0 also notes the requirements for seand filler metal ca pace cheatin Ai AA AAA ALAN PLS. reporting bend test es 146 noted, along with any s of the specimens or ADDITIONAL TESTS Additionally, AWS B4.0, Cl, covers the Break Test, and Part D reviews the titing 1d Welds." When the need arises, these 1d be reviewed for testing MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS ‘When materials are selected for fabrication, there are several te uring selection factors can include Mole Mechs Texting mechanical ion resistance, du igh temperature properties, ‘appearance, conformance to code requirements, conformance to purchase order requirements, and many others specific to particular Industry. The designers select the materials and specify the appropriate standards or specifications these materials must conform to, and these standards often specify the ordering information. Typically, material components sre ordered to various standards prepared by ength, ty, in the QA and/or QC responsible for developing ‘@ Materials Control ‘often do, copies of these and reviewed, The next st est Report (MTR) data, sheete for conformance. with: the specification fultements, ‘A opicel MTR (shown lists the original manufac acral” i very much preferred actual data for the components the review for conformance is sce materials can then be used inthe ‘required fabrication. If not, a nonconfomance 3447 te Mechanica Teng a_i plate length, shall be sfcint forthe req removed mechanical from the test plate pre 1.23 Fe eld os: ure Test Spain Fram AWS B40, Fg), 3448 OCH HABBABRDAARLLARIDBRIRBRBDLBRALL. * par of the QA, nondestructive, 0: ) ” > > , > > ’ ’ , , , ’ , , , ’ , , DI i a , , , ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ see tana dhe nist tanec os trode ee ye ‘omponects used in srframes; or fems used in extremely high pressure systems ‘The SCWI must be familiar with each item of the MTR. First, the heat numt regis often issued andthe material put aside sal te problem is resolved Cinplene In some cases, MTRs are nt provided, but" $YSEM Wine that taceailiy is malnained fsead a Ceifiate of Co throughout fibricatn, le to the purchase order. ints and specifications, often they are determine the acceptabi vice vers IFQA procedures req ode 3-Mchaniel Testag HROHALBRAABDRDAARMRRARARRARA LR. , , > dvmical or mechanical analysis, the laboratory ofthe test method used should be certified as to scauracy. As always, nonconformance issues product form. Mechanical prog ‘and wire may differ 3421 Section 3.2 - METALLURGY INTRODUCTION ‘The CWI training program covers materials tn ther properties. Figure 3.2.1 shows the caver page from the CW] Welding Inspection This text covers ‘earbon steels include basic information on: 4 alloying slement effects > crystal structurés 4 thrmal effects residual stress 4 solidification aspects 4 aloying mechanisms 4 phases and Fe-C phase dlagram 4 het treating 4 -heatinput and carbon equivalent 4 ffusion and solibitty Fare 12.4 Wong spactn Tere Vaal, Aer MATERIALS AND THEIR PROPERTIES It is expected that the CWI presently understands the above topics and can concepts and terminology to the w applied to the metallurgy of we ess steels, and several new cccurring when two metals are melted together To begin our study of yasider what happens levels of 3,000 degrees F or higher, and as the retal temperature rises, thermal expansion of the metal surface occurs. Just prior to melting, the high temperature rise causes severe thermal ‘often enough to cause Media 3-Metangy —cpuomination irom the wurconding —_reingin fe comput an iu | Ga wes leds Seaulevca peas yield point relaxation but the femain vty high, actors affecting the level of residual stress remaining in welded components ty of many ga sgeaterin (3 metal and cons oe atmosphere can be quickly absorbed into quid. Air contains approxi cent eon ty inte So etien etl form melo ‘usually have lower mechanical strens + ewlding set han the ongial metal, 7 4 ating ected Naud mel becomes «a 4 tke of bas meta 1 tal tempoctre aE HOORDRERDDIRIIBALR | the base metal. and 1 structure would usually ‘ctl relative tothe base metal In an easier fection, 2 weld vias described as a small casing, jogy aids our understanding of the metallurgy of welds. id this oxidation 4 ‘metal and as might be expected, fhetallurgical end mechanical properties, THeS® properties must be expected and considered : metals for any wel act of welding not only destroys the origi but can also modify the weld there is one suggestion often given as a starting point. When welding a ‘low’ alloy toa *high’ alloy, use the filler metal suitable forthe *high* © chemistry and heat treatment of the ‘base metas 4 chamiaty of th filr metals welding process 4 welding curent an vohage 4 hickness of thebase metals + ameter ofthe flermetals © tavel gout 4 intrpas lesing ambient temperature © prebeat, cooking rate (shielding goses and fiw rates purging equements 4 post wld heat teatng 4 andmany more Nee 3-Wetaory inydrogen cracking problems often associated ‘with repair welds on such equipment. The bere shepherd Vite techniques requiring shielding we also less The Jominy End-Cooled testis Forgiving when welding in windy conditions, _testing medium hardening ané common alloy and this must be considered for fed wel stedls and it wil be used asthe example for Two of the more important aspects garding hex input during welding ar: ‘The end-quench testis covered in ASTM Standards A 255 and A304. ASTM A255, ee ere specifies that nommalized 1 inch bar specim rate of cotng of the test lly are toe heated tothe prop prolonged sstenitizing temperature and then quenced by cooling only one end face with room temperature water (Figure 3-2-2) For many high and care must’be taken during (oid overheating and improper © ‘oy enomisny 4 ezoingrat wii further tletd by: + mass of the component + quench media Hardenability data generated by oe of Mole 3-Metaurgy —_—_—_———_— —————— Oe — retards the martensite reducing cracking ten 4340 allo steel, C= 0.42, (0.80, to = 0. Hardness - Re Distance From: Quenched End (Sixteenths) : AARAANRARARALABAAREDR Wee 3- Meaty CEs NCeMne Kur KM Hert Me MY The above formula reflects the fact that 1 formula above 10 Drcheat, the C percent is added to a f the Ma, Cu, Ni, and Cr percents, while portions of the Mo and V percents are subtracted from the total. Thus, Ma, Cu, Ni, and Cr promote martensite formation, and Mo and V can retard it, We know that carbon content is critical to weldability én low élloy that as carboa increases, the nes fr increased. formula. permits us to account for other elements that affect weldability and use the CE to determine preheat temperatures, The following table from the CWI WIT is used to select preheat of alloy steels based on CE: CE Preheat Temperature <0.45 Optional (neta temp > 507) 045-080 200-40F >080 400-7007 In reviewing other alloy types, one resizes they are austenitic at room temperature, Their alloy chemistry is such that no trensformation ‘occurs on water quenching as happens with the carbon and low alloy sees. Type 304 stainless is a common grade, containing 18-20% Cr, 8 10% Ni, 2.0% Man, 1.0% Si, 0030 S, G045 P, and 008 C. All the elements listed except Cr and Ni are maximums permitted. This grade as one of the first 300 series developed, an it that austenite isthe stable phase on cooing to room temperature. The familiar Fe - Iron Carbide phase diagram, ‘wansformation at about 13337 from austen fertte, pearlte and cementite, In the CW showed the transformation Fl 328. Peuosnny phase aan 200 > ‘Tethperature, °C Chrot ium content, wt% Fgwe 126- hustons Transmaionh Fie Cte Phase Cogan job thar reduces their corrosion” ~ grades when exposed 10 hi re. For the 300 series st proces fr these alloys, ly welding on the 300 s steels required a solution anneal at Noite 3-Mtabergy : { a SEL AL esas eq ~ i iy f fe ame eS ae iH t Figure 3.2.7 Schoo Dagar 1900" - 2050'F, followed by a water quench ire the alloys to their maximum corrosion resistance. However, ‘Additions of Ti and Cb were made, usually in the amounts of 8 to 10 times the carbon percent, and these stabilizers combined with the carbon and maintained the Cr content to the needed levels for corrosion resistance. The st versions were given the grade numb the Ti addition and 347 forthe Cb these grades could be used in the condition for many corrosive services Later, the approach used for avoiding ‘This approsch led tothe development af the low carbon grades, eg. 3041 and 316, These low carbon grades contained carbon percents of (0.030 maximum, thus providing less carbon to come with the Cr:~One disadvantage ofthe Tower carbon is lower strength’ at high temperatures. FERRITE CONTENT Another aspect to consider when welding on 1 varying amounts of Fert, end this percentage is determined by he See eee ere elena) chemistry of the base and filler metals. Ferrite ‘Content is important because ferrite increases the suength of the alloys and algo helps retard ing welding. ‘The cracking of erdendriic and can occur before end ected to yield the appropriate ferrite content 3 welds. ‘useful too for determining the expected tc grades converting the elements equivalents using the formul ctl gable = 5H +2666) homium Euiaent= Cr+ Ho +1306 ND) “The multipliers used for elements other than Ni and Cr are referred to as “potency ctor f equivalents have ‘magnetic Ferrite gage showed (EN) of 2. The diagram pre Figwe328- Deng Clayem Mele 3- Merny ee ‘content within 4% for the common 3 308, 308, 309 Cb, 310, 312, 316,317, ritrogen, a strong austeitizer, a revised curve ‘was developed to give greater accuracy in fertte determinations (Figure 3.2.8). Note that nitrogen has been added to the Ni equivalent formula. This presents both Ferrite Number (Nand percent Ferrite. ‘AWS has prepared ¢ Standard, D10.4, Tubing, which presents a detail the metallurgical characteristics and weldability in pipe and tubing, The dalta fe explained, and its importance | cracking is discussed. A review of the Santer D104 follows. BASE METALS 4 Stabiized (921,347) Low Carbon (204, 3088, 3105, 364) 4-H (04H, 3168, 21H, ATH, 3484) 4 Muclear Service (248, S48H) 4 High Carbon Cast (GF HAL HK, HE, HT, HL, HU, HN) © Low Carbon Cast (GF3, CF8, CFBM, CFS, CHE, CPK20, CF8C, cH) (Wrought equivalents for his Low carbon ‘ast group are 304L, 304, 318, 316, 3095, ‘310, 347, 309 respectively) References are made the corrosion, dependent on the service carbon grades are included which offer greater resistance to sensitization, mentioned previously, FILLER METALS ~ Welding’ electrodes from the AWS- Table 4 and their compositions are D104, Table 5 and D10.4, Table 6. C: helpful for matching filler metals to the base metals. ‘The stainless steel covered electrodes use ‘wo kinds of costings lime or titans, The ime redrying may be requ exposed t high humidity 3.240 iP®RBBAPPRAPPREPRARANRARRAA II OP LOVE LAE PPP MLM > > ) > > > > > > > , , , , , , , ’ , , , , , , ) , , , , , , ’ , , , , , temperatures above 650" F should be avoided ‘Bare filler materials do not absorb moisture and teefore dono rire the same ora ‘with its identifying information which aids in avoiding mixup, FERRITE NUMBER Islands, which form fet during solcicaton, ‘have greater solublty forthe Impurtes than ‘he constituents which form later. The The prosence of for strength. High fer contents may improve resistance tp srisscoroson cracking. Conversely, the feromegnetc frie phase tmay Interfere in applications requiiag weld tmetal with low magnetic permet, such fs thp war fie nonmagnetic mineswespers tnd certain contol pads in ruler reactors. fine sui required for other alloys to achieve the same tend result; 4FN for E309, SEN for E318, and (EN for E347. face cracking, control of the base metals. During wel dilution of the weld metal may be as high a8 ‘cause additional weld metal chemistry changes FEN control may require increasing the FN ofthe ‘weld metal to offset these effects. For example, if the base metal has no ferrite, and the requirement is for the completed weld to have SEN, and expected dilution is 50%, the FN of ‘the weld metal must be at least GFN to offset this dilution ‘The minimum FN has been reviewed, and row attention must be given to the maximum FN desired. Excessive ferte can reduce high temperature creep strength, reduce toughness at pecified within @ range to ensure not excessive ferrite. Typically, the range is specified 48 3FN-7FN, or 6EN- 10FN.” ‘AWS D10.4 also welding processes for pipe and tubing. Thess GTAW, GMAW, and SAW. El metal must be appropriately Carbon. When welding a low carbon or sanz Figure 3.28 - Typical Jot Dain or Weng Aerie ‘Sali Ste Fam ANBUANED ICA pce stabilized grade to 1 standard grade, the standard filler meal is adequate JOINT DESIGN joint design, andthe can be sequenced for t designs are shown in Figure 32.9. Note thatthe old standby of 37 “degree bevel angle can be reduced 10 30 gag edule -ettugy is required. Suggested purging procedures include the folowing: 4 All weld joints of the assembly should be tape sealed nei) The end ofall branch connections should Wee & ot Riel As stated earlier, the approximate time for ” 0 adequate purging of a pipe run cen be determined from Figure 3.2.12. Upon ‘completion of the preweld purging peti, the following procedure shouldbe established: eer 4 Vents in all branch connections should Figure 3210- Sanders Cora ts egrees in many applications to minimize weld retl volume Frequenly, pipe and mbing welds are made using a back purge, and without backup sips. (Backup strips create crevices which can cause the welder. Consumable inserts may be used as an alternate method, and several inser designs «xe shown in Figure 3.2.10. Proper us ofthese 8 is required for the root pass when welding pipe or tubing with the GTAW process. Figure 3.2.12 (Figure 4, 1OwS a chart useful for deter 1 for various pipe diamete purge gas flow rate of 50 cf, is chart for a pipe diameter of 18 inc purge ime of 12 minutes per foc of pipe length £8 vere seu tutngponag-zece ent “uy ‘ezis adid “wun ‘ezig eda ‘Atmneon-€ ote -Neargy During Welding: 4 Staring theere + Seal tape should be left on all Joints yang postion and electrode han handing ‘excaptthe one tobe welded. Aree + * . Cleaning ad ishing root opening. Another procedure is to + Weldngftuxand stag use a tape which will bum off 4 Ropar uf tain ‘The inspector should become familiar with ince they can aid the flattened point about 0.020 inches. It also soften best to points out Common technique issues often the welding is overlooked, such as: completed. Purge Mocks or soluble paper dams Start thy ar into join, not onthe adjacent are frequently used on each side of the joint t0 rs Sigh Wequeney stats localize the area under purge. The gases used RaScINARRTeATEOR for weld root purging aze generally argon and helium, It has been established that nitrogen may be used satisfactorily for purging purposes © Short arc lengths are desirable 4 Weaving shouldbe controlled to three times tecorless =~ 9 current to low end of + Grind or chip to romove weld stop craters before continuing welding Panticul st must be appl cleaning and finishing of stainless steel welds, several concems are noted: 4 All flux and slag must be removed between passes andon final pass 3248 Module 3-Metahrgy + Remove © Use woll trained and qualified welders Use qualified velding procedures RALRLAOLARAIPRIRRLRABRERDOELUIPRL LPL LPL LILA LMA thie Manual referred to ANSI/ASC Z49. rear deus. Appendix A Appendix A of D10.4 reviews the welding cof new and in-service high earbon stainless steels used for high temperature service in the perochemicat industry; and it will Be reviewed 238 one example of the considerations necessary for fabrication and welding repairs fo ‘of alloys. The cast alloys commonly used for high temperature service are HK40+ 0.4% 0, 25% Cr, 20% N HT35~ 0.35% 0, 20% Or, 35% HU4O- 04% 6, 18% Cy, 37% HN40- 0.4% 0, 20% Cr, 25% HPO 0.4% C, 25% Cr, 3546 Ni anes content, These alloys are used in the temperature range of 1400 - 2000" F, and have 2 form of damage known as The term ‘creep’ is defined in 3247 gical terms as, “The flow deformation of metals held for long periods of time at high temperatures and at stresses lower ‘han normal yield strength” Thus, metals used 1 these high temperatures are designed based on creep and stress rupture data developed fom, Jong term, high temperature testing Typically, he alioy data developed for high temperature e stated asa percent cree rate at 8 cern appied stress at a given temperature. ORe, alloy data wil report applied stess and temperature limits for the listed above can be specified , these castings are ficulties are iste below: 1. Low duetity. longations of 10% are typical {and are much lower than the 25% elongation ‘usually found in austenitic stainless sees, v service further reduces ductility to about 3% or less. 1 can carburize the exposed welding process. Casting quality is usually below the wrought vorsion leading to additional welding éticuties. of 1200" = 1850°F res secondary carbides, W! 97 and A351. Inthe form of |” Module 3-Metaturgy — carbides improve creep strength, duct Preheating may not overcome this jon in ductility, and welding of these 8 after several years of service is extremely, cult. Solidification and cooling of welds causes severe shrinkage stress adjacent HAZ. M For new fabrication welding, post weld heat treatment (PWHT) is not usually specified. necessary for proper hardenable alloys, A procedure has been developed for such cases joining Cr-Mo steels 10 HK-40 which doesnot require a final PWHT; fully austenitic ftor such as Inconel 600 metal 2. Tha butred component should be PHT 8 required, c + Join the buttered odge to the HK-40 using income 60 filer meta Use as-wolded; PWHT is not re o Welding of new HK-40 requi care, and the following requirem ‘maximizing the ductility of the alloys and the avoidance of welding prob 41, Do not overheat the casti 3248 ‘welding process. Keep as cool a possible, 2 Avold the use of oxyfuel cutting methods; use cooler methods such as alr carbon arc ‘gouging followed by light grinding to remove the carbon layer. }. Do not overheat the surfaces by excessive rinding or rotary fling. HIK-40 can be successfully welded if the above procedures are closely followed. It is also imperative that joint geometry is careful Tower carbén percentages reduce the sténigth oF the weld metal, High nickel electrodes are not recommended since they suffer attack by ‘A summary ‘components fellows 4. For static castings, specify areas to be welded welding new HK-40 @ a a a a a a a % a oy e « a ct 2. Design pints to minimize stress 4. Select proper filer metas (creep strength, corrosion resistance, ductity, coefitent of expansion) ‘4 Minimize welding heat input and stress (small ameter electrodes, ow curent, high travel speed, singer bead, low nterpass temp) 5. Avoid highly restrained joints; allow freedom ‘of movement during welding Fish tack welds and root pass on bevel, not ‘Appendix A, D104) Repair welding of used castings is much 3249 Madle3-Metargy Seah beads, high travel speed, minimal weaving, Interpass temperature maximum of150°F) 2. Minimize restraint ‘3. Hot bead peening to reeve stresses 44. Avoid welding on previous HAZ 5, Avold joining two old components uttering of the groove face has also been ding success. The edges of buttered with a ductile F more layers, followed by ‘machining tothe desired shape. This technique is not helpful where extremely low ductility necessary for these materials. OTHER ALLOYS impossible, Both aluminum and co are good conductors of heat ‘welding heat input needs to be for both to en spray tansfec GMAW is usually the process of choice. Helium shielding is beneficial because ‘ofthe higher aze voltages poss Most nickel alloys are aluminum, copper and nickel alloy families BASE METAL DISCONTINUITIES a thorough s potential ‘obvious, but of equal importance, is alnowiedge ofthe problems thet say apply to the base metals that are to be or type of ‘exowledge of the potential problein ares he features and form, the information io be gine enhanced, This review is largely confined to iron and steel, and the most common castings and wrought p sheet and rolled £6 ‘contain some amount of serap, 3220 Mle. etatergy ‘selection of metal for welding, should have copies of every specification forthe materials for a job, plate and sheet products, Seamless pipes may have nonuniform wall thickness, a problem not likely ia welded pipe. The mol should be aware of the more common possible

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