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Sender(s): Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God

Addressee: Timothy

Greetings: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord

Christian Motifs: Paul is an apostle by God’s will and both he and Timothy serve
the same Lord, Jesus Christ. Timothy is also referred to as Paul’s beloved son, not
literally but in the spiritual sense that Paul brought up Timothy in the faith


Thanksgiving: 1:3-4 Paul is thanking God for Timothy and wants to see him again
before the Lord calls Paul home

Blessing: -

Prayer: -

Declaration: -

Exhortation: 1:5-7 Paul brings to remembrance the faith of Timothy’s family;

Paul charges Timothy to rekindle the gift that God has given him and tells him that God
has given us a Spirit of power.

Significance in the presence of the above elements: Paul knows he is writing, in

all likelihood, his last letter to Timothy. Paul is in essence preparing Timothy for his
demise and for Timothy to take over Paul’s ministry.

Significance in the absence of the above elements: I am not sure that the above
elements that are in fact missing. Paul and Timothy both may be blessed by remember
how God worked and continues to work in Timothy. Paul may also be declaring to
Timothy, that the faith of his mother and grandmother dwells with him too. This whole
section may also in fact be a prayer to God for Timothy’s faith by Paul.


Formal Opening: 1:8-14 (HORT/DECL) Paul tells Timothy not to be ashamed of

him but calls on Timothy to join him in his suffering for the sake of the gospel. Not an
ascetic idea of punishing oneself but by defending the doctrine and standard to which he
has been called.
FIRST MAIN SECTION: 1:15-2:19 (HORT/DECL) Paul tells Timothy that he
has been abandoned by all but Onesiphorus. Paul encourages Timothy to be in the grace
that is in Christ Jesus and to entrust what Paul has taught him to other men who will teach
others as well. He encourages Timothy to be a soldier of Christ. Paul encourages
Timothy to endure just as he has for the sake of the gospel and the chosen so that they
may receive salvation. Paul charges Timothy to be diligent and to accurately handle the
word of God, encouraging him that the Lord knows those who are his.

SECOND MAIN SECTION: 2:20-3:9 (DECL/HORT) Paul encourages Timothy

to flee youthful lusts and to pursue righteousness. He tells him not to be quarrelsome but
to be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged and to correct people that they may
repent and come to the knowledge of the truth. But Paul also points out the difficult
times will come. He tells Timothy to avoid men that love themselves, money, hate good,
and are treacherous, conceited and the like.

THIRD MAIN SECTION: 3:10-4:8 (HORT) Paul tells Timothy that he has
followed him well and as a follower of Christ can expect to be persecuted. Timothy has
also had a healthy understanding of Scripture. Paul then charges Timothy to preach the
word in and out of season. The time will come when people will not listen to sound
doctrine but will only listen to what they want to hear. Paul also charges Timothy to
fulfill his ministry. Lastly, Paul tells Timothy that he expects that his life will come to an
end soon.

The Body’s major Declarative Elements: The is little in the way of Declarative in this
letter probably because Paul wants to encourage Timothy regarding his passing out of
this world into the next. He does tell Timothy that difficult times will come and to be
prepared for them. As the last days approach, men will love only themselves.

The Body’s major Hortatory Elements: This letter is almost one long charge to Timothy
and his ministry. Paul calls him to preach and endure in the face of trials. Paul wants him
to flee youthful lusts and pursue righteousness. Paul also encourages Timothy in his
view of Scripture and prepares Timothy for the news of his passing that Paul felt would
be soon.

CLOSING: 4:9-22

Greetings: 4:19-21 Greet Prisca and Aquila and the household of Onesiphorus.
Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia and all the brethren greet Timothy

Final instructions of information: 4:9-18a Paul wants Timothy to come soon.

Reminds him the he has been deserted by all; Paul also asks Timothy to bring some items
with him when he visits and to watch out for Alexander. At Paul’s defense no one
supported him but Paul was rescued out of the lion’s mouth and he has confidence that
the Lord will continue to rescue him from evil

Doxology: 4:18b Now to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Benediction: 4:22 The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you

Signature: -


Opening message’s anticipation of the rest of the letter: Paul wants to be an

encouragement to Timothy. He tells him how he fondly remembers the faith of his
mother and grandmother. This is followed in the rest of the letter with Paul continuing to
be an encouragement. He is not so much instructing Timothy (as Paul has probably
taught him all he can) but encouraging him to stand firm in his faith.

Relation of sections of Body to each other, and to Opening and Closing: The whole
letter seems to shadow the picture that Paul is preparing to pass out of this world. There
is very little in the way of instruction to Timothy. Paul is confident that he has taught
Timothy all he can and now goes on to encourage him to preach and stand firm in the

Relation of Closing to the various parts of the letter, including the Salutation and
Opening Message: Paul mentions twice that he wants Timothy to visit him soon. Paul
also points out again that he was left to stand alone at his trial and that no one came to aid
him but God still delivered him. I cannot imagine how lonely for fellowship Paul felt
which probably lead to his plea for Timothy to come quickly so he might see him one last

Significance in the order and arrangement of the material of the letter as a whole;
signs of logical progression: The letter can almost be seen like a bell curve. Paul, after
remembering the faith of Timothy’s relatives, tells Timothy not to be ashamed of his
(Paul’s) imprisonment. Paul tells him that he has been deserted and then calls on him to
be strong in the faith and to be diligent to present himself as a workman for God. Paul
then affirms Timothy’s strength in Scripture and commands him to preach the word.
Paul then asks Timothy to come see him and reminds him that he has been deserted, tells
him to come before winter, and makes greetings to those with Timothy.

Evidence of Inclusios: I see inclusios in Paul remembrance of Lois and Eunice and with
his greeting to those with Timothy. Also in Paul’s accounting of his desertion and trial
and with Timothy’s call to be an unashamed workman and his call to be ready to preach
at all times.

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