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PETE AGUILAR coumeree ow neue “one Congress of the United States SEs eee House of Representatives seinen “ Washington, BC 20515-0531 mi mace July 14,2016 The Hononble Paul Ryan Speaker H-232, The Capitol US. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515, Dear Mr. Speaker: ‘The past year has been very dificult on my community, which includes the City of San Bernardino, ‘While the horrific events atthe Inland Regional Center on December 2, 2015 could not have been prevented by one specific aw, there is no justification for refusing to take action. The terrorist attack pt San Bernardino on the growing list of cities that have seen mass shooting tragedies, alist no city ‘wants to find itself on. But what's more is that even before the attack, gun violence had long been a problem ant it appears to be getting worse. Over two hundred Americans were killed by guns in the week following the tragedy in Oriando, and only a few days ago a nine-year old boy and his father were gunned down in San Bemardino. There have been 39 homicides in San Bernardino this year. I is for this reason that I urge you to withhold adjourning session inthe House of Representatives for the August recess until after this chamber considers two bipartisan bills that will help make our ‘communities safer. ‘While we may disagree on the approach, we share a deste to stop the violence plaguing so many of| ‘ur cities, nd we want our communities tobe safe for our children. We cannot refuse to take act ‘we have & moral obligation to our constituents and to our country to a least try 1 do something to reduce gun deaths believe we ean uphold the Second Amendment and make our neighborhoods sufer—these two objectives ere not mutually exclusive. In fact, the two bills that our constituents have asked the House to consider are bipartisan proposals. Representative Peter King's Denying Firearms and Explosives 10 Dangerous Terrorists Act isa commonsense, bipartisan plan to keep guns out ofthe hands of suspected terorsts wh are compelled to kil. The same is true of the Public Safety and Second Amendmen Rights Protection Act, which expands background checks on all firearm purchases to prevent criminals, domestic abusers and the mentally il from purchasing firearms. I've lost count of how many times I've observed moments of silence on the Hotse floor to honor victims of gun violence. Every ime I've bowed my head in prayer, I've thought about the funerals 1 attended, the victims I visited in hospitals and the family members| comforted. This House has not taken any meaningful steps to end this violence and I am tired of apologizing for our inaction. ! am requesting to stay in session and vote on these bills Because itis our responsibilty to work to protect ur constituents and right now we are filing to do our jobs. As public servants ~as the voices for our communities in the People’s House ~ we are obligated fo act on our constituents’ behalf and make their concems frant and center. The people have spoken and they want us to vote. | request that you withhold adjourning session forthe August recess until votes are allowed on these two bipartisan bills so we cen do our pat in addressing the gun violence epidemic. Sincerely, RAL Pate Aguilar “Member of Congress

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