S - D ' E C T B T J 15, 2016: Upcoming Worship Schedule

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Sunday, July 17 Holy Eucharist, 8 and 10am, Mother Johanna
Wednesday, July 20 Feast of Adelaide Teague Case, Teacher, 1948, 6pm, Mother Johanna
Sunday, July 24 Morning Prayer with Communion, 8 and 10 am, Joan Preble, Homilist
Wednesday, July 27 Feast of William Reed Huntington, Priest, 1909, 6pm, Mother Johanna
Sunday, July 31 Morning Prayer (No Communion), 8 and 10 am, Diana Gazis, Officiant and Homilist
Sunday, July 17 ECW Meeting
Sunday, July 24 Sunday School Planning Meeting
August 7 All Parish Meeting, 9 am Liturgy
August 13 Rotary Breakfast, EE Food Booth, 11am-2pm; Liz Tracy Booth, 8am-2pm (all proceeds St. Ds)
August 21 United Thank Offering Ingathering
September 3 Loaves and Fishes Pie Day at the Blue Hill Fair
Ha, Ha, Igor, we are experimenting..again!!
Yes, its true. Mother Johanna is offering an experiment for the Eucharistic Prayer this Sunday.
Not to worry, all the congregational responses are the same and new language may bring new
thoughts and ideas about our Eucharistic life together.
Igor, please pass me the electrodes!!!
Yes, Dr. Frankenstein!
The 6 pm Mid-Week Eucharists continue. Our worship on Wednesdays has taken on a more
relaxed, contemplative shape. If you have not yet made use of this spiritual practice, please
give it a try. This Wednesday we celebrate the Feast of Adelaide Teague Case, Teacher, 1948.
Attention all crucifers, acolytes and other fire attenders: When using
the candle lighter/snuffer, please blow the flame out. NEVER, we repeat,
NEVER, retract it. The internal tapers get stuck and plugged inside the
tube and its a nightmare to get the wax out. Thanks!


You are cordially invited to an evening of laughter Friday, August 19th beginning at 6pm in the Parish Hall.
The game of the evening will be Scattergories. The objective of the game is to score points by naming
objects within a set of categories, given an initial letter within a time limit. Feel to bring snacks, junk food,
beverages. Sign up sheet (Mother J needs to make the appropriate number of copies) available at coffee hour.
Save the Mowers:
Donations are still needed to purchase junipers for the banking in the front yard of the church. These junipers
will save our mowers both male and female from trying to mow that banking. The cost is $22.50 per
juniper. Many thanks to all who have already donated. However, a few more junipers are needed.
Property and Maintenance Committee

Three Coins in the Fountain

Or better yet, a prayerful coin placed in our UTO box during our summer UTO ingathering.
When we place a coin in our UTO box daily, we can reflect on a blessing we have received no matter how
large or small and make it part of our daily spiritual practice to give thanks to God for that gift.
In addition to filling up your UTO box with abundant blessings, we are encouraged to fill out a blessing card
found in the pews to note a blessing for the week on Sundays. These are being read during our service and then
posted on the UTO bulletin board created by Deacon Joan.
UTO kits will continue to be available from the ushers through July. Extra boxes are available as well and
all family members are encouraged to have their own box. Boxes will be placed on the altar during our
ingathering celebration August 21.
Bill Thomas Homily June 26, 2016
Bill Thomas homily from June 26th has been added to our website for you. Printed copies have been left in
the narthax for those without computer access.
United Thank Offering (UTO)
June 26th was our UTO kickoff!!! Heres a little nourishment for this week:
I must be willing to give whatever it takes to do good to others. This
requires that I be willing to give until it hurts. Otherwise, there is no true
love in me, and I bring injustice, not peace, to those around me.
- Theresa of Calcutta

Summertime and The Livin is Easy EZ Coffee Hours Extended Through The Summer
In late May, we introduced a lighter approach to our coffee hours to celebrate the ease of summer. Based on
feedback, we are continuing these for July and August.
The ECW will continue to provide coffee, tea, creamer and juice. If you have something to share on a
particular Sunday, bring it in. Everything is welcome even that left over dessert from the evening before.
If you wish to help set up for coffee hour, join the fun in the kitchen around 9:30 AM. Our thanks to Liz and
Hyla Tracy for doing our kitchen laundry over the summer and for being on hand to help with weekly set up.
A Chance to Help November 19 Holiday Fair to Benefit THAW and Friendship Cottage
The ECW selected Friendship Cottage, a facility that provides medical level adult day care services and
activities to area residents and The Heating and Warmth (THAW) fund as the two 2016 beneficiaries of our
upcoming holiday fair proceeds during our June meeting.
If you would like to help with fair planning, please plan to attend our upcoming ECW meetings held the
third Sunday of the month after the 10 AM service. If you have a craft, jellies or jams to offer to the fair, please
let an ECW member know.
This will be our third fair where we are able to donate proceeds to worthy organizations in our community as
part of our parish outreach. Through your help and generosity, we have been able to contribute to THAW the
past two years and we also provided funds last year to Everybody Eats! Weekends with EE! Student Food
Backpack Program and the Rectors Discretionary Fund.
Rectors Discretionary Fund
St. Dunstans has a Rectors Discretionary Fund (RDF) for the use of our priest. These funds are used for
outreach expenses deemed appropriate. Your donations by cash or check to Mother Johannas RDF are
welcome at any time. Undesignated cash donations from the offering the first Sunday of each month will be
directed to the RDF. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Our Sexton, Lori, offers excellent cleaning services. She is looking for new clients. Please call her
at 404-3205.

Remember to wear your nametags each Sunday!

Lay Ministers:
Chalice Bearer
Lay Readers
Coffee Hour


Jan Newett
Georgianna Pulver
8 am Service
8am Service
Mother Johanna
Mother Johanna
Joan Preble
Jean Rohrer
10 am Service
10am Service
Mother Johanna
Mother Johanna
Joan Preble
Diana Gazis
Dave Wells
Diana Gazis, Tracy Shaffer, Marian Wells Dianne Kelley, Karl Haller, Harvey Kelley
Dianne Kelley
Jerry Whitney
Dan DeLong
Dianne Kelley
Dave and Marian Wells
Harvey Kelley and Joe Stockbridge
EZ Coffee Hour
EZ Coffee Hour

If you should have an emergency, you may contact: Reverend Johanna-Karen Johannson, Priest 902-1013;
Senior WardenDave Wells at 667-6206 (h), 610-3709 (c); Junior WardenDan DeLong at (h) 667-9019. For
pastoral needs: DeaconRev. Joan Preble at 667-4068. Ann is in the office on Thursdays from 9am-3pm.
Our email address is: stdunstansellsworth@gmail.com

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