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The fall of God’s Family

The Judgment and its Restoration

The family is the building blocks of nature and its existence. Love is its life force and
sacrifice is its sustenance. Our individuality is only illusion born from the mind and its
senses. When we seek our “self” the family collapses. Community collapses, nation’s
collapses and eventually the whole world collapses Our “Self” is an illusion that
distances us from the Kingdom of God and puts us into a vortex of death. God exist
and functions through a family.

Everything in nature exists in pairs. For example, male and female, dominant and
recessive gene, pairs of chromosomes, day and night, east and west, hot and cold
and so on. This reality is very evident in particle research, where human attempt to
isolate the building block has led to creation pairs of particles. They are born
spontaneously and disappear spontaneously in pairs into basal energy field. They
represent and speak a fundamental truth that the opposite are one and that there
exist nothing called opposite or enemy. They become one in the unseen field of
energy. The spiritualist called this field the conscious field. The concept of enemy is
our creation out of ignorance. True creation includes the opposite. Bible tells us that
Jesus manifested to salvage all the souls and restore them to Kingdom of God.

Light has no significance without darkness. Where light enters the darkness moves
out, where light leaves darkness engulfs. We humans are created in the image of
God to His left and right. We are part of a Family of God. We very often tend to
judge the opposite as evil. In this very tendency exist the fall of human beings.
When individuals fall, the family falls, when the family falls the community falls,
when the communities falls nations fall. The spiritual scriptures never give any one
the right to judge others. The best option to grow individually is to judge once
own self, in relation the most superior or God. The spiritual scriptures describe
God in terms of some qualities. Here at its pinnacle one encounters Love, not the
illusionary love that flesh generates but the Divine Love that forgives and creates.
This calls for retreat and a period of selflessness. The spiritual scriptures describe
God as Priest of all priests, King of all kings and so on. He is understood by highest
quality in every field that cannot be equaled.

Bible tells us that Christ manifested and sacrificed himself in Calvary not for the
salvation of one set of people but the whole of humanity. Jesus clearly says he did
not come to judge, but save our souls from the grip of darkness [death] and restore
us back to Kingdom of God. He spoke of Love. He oozed the feminine nature of God.
He was in creative mood, sacrificing his own flesh and blood in true faith to the
Father. He showed the path and asked us to follow him. When life creates, the
Father [Essence of the Father] leaves its body enters the body of the feminine to
create new body to perpetuate in time cycle. In this phase the feminine rules, but
this rule is not antagonistic to life but supportive to the world that is growing within.
The whole process is a process in which Father enters the womb creates and
emerges. The two worlds form one and separate to start a new life cycle.

But Bible and all spiritual scriptures speaks of judgment. What then is the judgment?
The judgment is the end of creation and the separation of the right and left as the
King and Judge takes his seat in the center. Does God judge humans? Christ said no.
All spiritual scripture says God is Love. Love does not judge. Then how judgment
takes place?

The question can only be answered from the point of existence or manifested state.
In Creation the Father and Mother are one. The Essence of the Father leaves its body
exists as a seed in the womb of the Mother. Here the body of the Father
disintegrates to become food and feed to the body of the Mother that nurtures the
child within. This gives a meaning to what Christ did in Last Supper. Christ Lifted the
Bread and Wine blessed it offered it to disciples, asking them to eat and drink form it
and do it in remembrance of Him, till he comes again to take them to where they

Free Will exists for every soul to participate in the creation process and take a new
position in the new world. The birth separates the Father and Mother. Here begins
duality and existence. A new time cycle begins. The best way to comprehend what is
going on since Christ Calvary sacrifice is to visualize the first cell or the zygote. Here
a selected reduced cell of the Father leaves its body enters the body of the Mother.
Here Essence of the Father leaves behind its world and enters a selected reduced cell
[n] of the Mother to meet its Essence to form a new cell [2n] called zygote. The
Essence of the Father and Mother now form the template to create two new cells out
of one. Matter for this creation is taken from the body of the Mother and Mother in
turn is fed by sacrificed body of the Father. After creation or the DNA duplication is
complete a bright radiating object called “centriole” emerges which splits and move
to the pole twisting and dividing the cell into. Creating entity now exists in the
middle in spiritual form as perceiver and judge maintaining the balance, till next
division necessitates. The emergence of “centriole” can be related to formation of

The judgment becomes inevitable in time. Creation occurs out of Love but Judgment
is qualitative segregation and differentiation right and left or the beginning of
manifested state. The Vedas essentially speak of four categories of people - The
Priests, Kings, Traders and Working Men. [Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishnava, Shudra].
Every human has all these traits but one of them dominates. When “Final
Judgment” happens it happens in the middle. This segregates the good priest from
bad priest, good king from bad king, good traders form bad traders, good worker
from bad worker. The time deterioration happens from good to the bad. The work of
God is therefore to restore time to its original state or restore the pristine state of
highest quality. God works for qualitative transformation of the whole
system. This cannot happen unless human soul is retrieved form the mouth of death
and his mind is illuminated with Truth. When Truth reveals we all fall by relating to
it. This is when God’s own people realize God they crucified.

Modern world thinks Universe is material. But the ancient understood it as living one.
Time direction is inevitable for both. Science tells us that universe collapses to a
point and originates in a big bang. Living universe is also not beyond time. It is
bound to collapse. The Law that God laid to humans created in his image – not to eat
form the tree at the center was a resistive law against humanity form seeking “self”
and becoming slave to material world. It is a law to cells created to the left and right
not to disconnect form the creator. The dominion gives the right to co-create but not
work against the creator. This law was resistive law against human mind
disconnecting from the consciousness and true intelligence that lies within. The law
was resistive to human from walking from the field of light in to darkness. However
time is inevitable. Every human soul walks into it.

Vision of Living Universe that the ancient scripture presents is centered on one soul
or world from which billions of souls or worlds are formed in time. The primal soul
after the first division sits as judge sustaining the system by justice and truth. Every
time injustice is done and the balance is disturbed it acts to maintain the balance.
God pays the price to sustain the system. The basic law of God to humankind was to
be positive and be co creators with him and not to align with material force [gravity]
that directs to death. But the human souls created in His images using mud begins
to break law and fall. With it Truth and justice begins to deteriorate. The Living Light
begins to dwindle and the darkness begins to manifest. When the ¾ of the soul
breaks the law and falls away from Kingdom of God. The balance begins to collapse.
Bible tells us that when Christ manifested not one soul was left who could be justified
before God. [¼ has committed to sin by thought in the heart]. The Family of the God
the Father is in danger, unless the whole is recreated and restored. Thus the Essence
[son] of the dominant world [Father] leaves its body to manifest as a seed in the
womb of the recessive. The two worlds give way to one world. The Father now exists
within the Mother in a creative state. His body becomes feed for to sustain the child.

Journey of time in the universe is from life to death. We are some where near
universal collapse or death. The signs are very much there everywhere as predicted
in Bible and other scriptures. The four forces of nature which other wise supported
life, one giving way to the other today is vitiated and we are experiencing it as
drastic climatic change. The nature in which we exist is sustained by two opposing
cycles. When west awakes to light and heat, the east sleeps to darkness and cools
and vice-versa. Modern man, who speaks of building ladders into space, designer
babies, colonization of mars and other planets, mining in moon, space tourism and
so on, seems to be ignorant of this simple design of earth by which it maintains the
temperature and sustains life.

Today, when one cycle of earth is shearing and endangering life because of heat
manifesting into fire disasters, the other cycle is condensing very drastically causing
flash flood, huge snow falls. The winding of earth forces is leading to series of earth
quakes. The distant cosmos are also showing unnatural events. The logical
conclusion to time directed to winding of material nature is the eruption of volcanoes
breaking the belly of earth and turning it inside out. Volcanic ash is known to cool
earth. We have evidence of civilizations being buried in earth and sea. This and the
vast source of oil and gas are related to huge volcanoes. It is not a big thing for
Mother Earth to break our ego and annihilate us. A little shaking of her body is
enough for us to wither like leaves.

We have hope only in the reality that Love binds a family into one. No Mother would
let her children into death trap and no Father would let his children’s perish. They go
to any extent to retrieve them. Bible says “My people are lost for want of
knowledge”. The knowledge or Truth of nature and its functioning is the need of the
hour for humanity to survive on earth. But judgment is inevitable by the choice we

The modern knowledge system [science] has grown on mind that is focused on
matter and material power. It has turned from the center to the outer world of
darkness. Its quest for knowledge is backfiring. Knowledge in its true sense should
have brought Love, order, peace, happiness, and control --- [positives]. But one look
at the modern world shows the opposite - hatred, fear, disorder, unhappiness, --
[negatives]. Human beings are lost from the perimeter of Creator and His influence,
we exit in darkness. We see the opposite as enemy, cultivate animosity and strive
for war and conquering the opposite. We try to corrupt the flow and strangulate the
life force. In the process we are edging to self destruction. The cause exists in us and
our thinking and knowledge on which we rest and function. We need to review it

Role of science in the modern world

Science in its quest has created complexity out of simplicity. It knows not the truth
of nature and its oneness. It is yet to discover the inner realm of Life and Soul.
Science began its quest by isolating mind and consciousness from matter and is
searching for truth in matter. In the process human beings are virtually destroying
the house in which he dwells. Science knows only half truth. It has explored a world
that is prone to collapse in time. In fact it is accelerating the collapse out of
ignorance. Scientists in their quest are detached form their consciousness and the
intelligence and have proclaimed pseudo immunity to their actions at the very

When Galileo the father of modern science, lifted the ball of different weight to the
top of the table and rolled it down a slope and to show that free fall acceleration in
gravitational field is independent of weight, he broke the common notion that bodies
with large weight comes down first. The experiment was constructed on non-existing
assumption of “absence of friction”. Friction is essential reality of the world. He did
not explain how this happens. The first experiment paved the way for the modern
science. It mesmerized the mind of humanity. No body has gone back to review it. It
is common sense that Galileo did work against gravity to put the ball on top of the
table. The energy spent by Galileo is proportional to the weight of the ball. In order
to return to its original state the ball had to give up the potential energy and gain
kinetic energy. Suppose we assume that time taken for exchange is proportional to
weight of the balls, the end result is same. The time in which Galileo lifted the ball to
the top of the table can vary depending on his will, his strength, his state of mind at
that moment. But the fall is independent of it. Similarly rolling balls in a V shaped
plank and changing the angle of one of the plank, he argued that in the absence of
friction the ball would roll fore ever. This is the basis of first law of Newton and the
choice to use Euclidean geometry [that deals with straight line] to herald the
machine view of the universe.

Newton’s work was revolutionary his assumptions and his works caused the first
revolution in science. From Galileo’s work he stated that all system moves in a
straight in a uniform speed. Then he introduced the “law of attraction” He said every
matter or system attracts another system. He attributed this attraction to “mass” but
failed to explain what it is. Then he went ahead to assume a fundamental non
equilibrium, to present his famous gravitational theory. He said a smaller body
moving in a straight line curves under the attractive influence of the bigger body and
rotates around it. But Newton failed to explain what mass is how gravity comes into
existence. History of science speaks this in terms of great quote “I frame no

I am not a physicist but my quest to seek truth led me to these concepts taught to
me in my school, which some how I managed to reproduce and pass my exams. But
when retreating in my quest for truth, I began to think. Many question floated in
mind. A prominent one is that if Newton’s thinking is true then there should be a
huge body with a huge mass that is spinning and circling, around which everything
rotates and there should exist a Person who first initiated the motion!!! I was
perplexed to read that we still do not know what Mass is and we are spending billions
of public money to find “God Particle” that give mass to all other bodies. Newtonian
world just assumed that mass is nothing but weight for all practical purpose.

If you are to ask me was Galileo and Newton evil persons. My answer is emphatically
no. They were an instrument in Gods Plan. Each of us of are. It should be noted that
Galileo emerged on the scene when the church had deteriorated. The churches were
supposed to hold the Living Light, but at that time were virtually ruling the west
amassing wealth in the name of punishing God. Even a new spiritual movement
reminding judgment [Muslim] began during this period.

The development in Electromagnetism began to challenge the Newtonian world. It

was a turning point in science. We failed to comprehend how charge comes into
being. How electromagnetic force comes into being. Einstein came to rescue by
changing the language from Euclidian to Riemann’s geometry which deals with
curvature. This step was closer to nature in the sense that nature essentially speaks
of curvature and cycles. Newton’s world was built on a minimal uniform a speed.
Einstein’s world was built on assumption that speed of light is the maximum speed.
But Einstein failed to explain why it is so. The mathematics of Einstein and his
arguments were so complicated that it is said that there were hardly few who
actually understood him. As a biologist, the mathematics of Einstein’s work was
beyond me but in my quest I struggled to step into his shoe to see the root
observation from which he possibly developed the idea before squeezing them to fit
in to chosen mathematical language. His work helped to predict planetary motion to
a near perfection at the same time including the phenomenon of electromagnetism.
The Newtonian world and Einsteinian world were built on predictability. But before
Einstein could rest on his laurels, Heisenberg gave death blow to Einstein. He proved
that Nature is not truly predictable. In the great battle of Copenhagen Einstein
admitted His defeat. The science lost it foundation. It split into two, a new language
[statistics] and new thinking was developed to predict and explore the micro world.
This fundamentally contradicted the language and thinking that rules the macro

The problems were further aggravated by the discoveries in the field of

thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics speaks of friction and loss of
some energy in the process of motion. This means in time the universe tends to
“Heath Death” This fearsome end to which nature tends was set aside as human set
about exploiting nature and burning fossil fuels. One needs to ask ourselves are we
not experiencing this at the global level. The Big Bang Theory also speaks of such
situation where space or environment shears down under increasing energy and the
matter which loses the energy winds to collapse to a point.

The advent of non linear science changed the vision of nature from predictability to
order out of chaos and chaos out of order. With advent of quantum mechanics
science has come one circle to conclude that somehow consciousness and mind of
human plays a role in the experiment and the observation one makes. But they have
not comprehended the truth how. This means human being and life plays an
important role in the way nature unfolds and enfolds.

The picture of the world and the universe that scientist paints seem to differ
according to the language they use, the branch they belong and tools by which they
try to experiment. From Machine view of Newtonian world, the world shifted in to
relativistic vision of Einstein, to chaotic world view. Scientist’s attempt to picture our
world can be compared to 5 blind people touching an elephant and describing it. It
hurts to make this comment, but it is true. There are so many fundamental
questions and paradoxes that science has left behind. Let me list few
1] We don’t know how gravity and mass comes into being. We are spending billions
to search for God Particle that give mass to a particle.
2] We do not know why ratio of acceleration of two interacting bodies is always 3.
3] Why wave particle duality
4] Why Uncertainty
5] Why speed of light is maximum speed
6] Why instantaneous communication exist.
7] Why gene is paired and one dominant and other recessive
8] Why double helical, why pairs of chromosomes
9] Why mitotic and meiotic division.
10] Who set the universe in motion.

List can be end less.

I am tempted to write this short history of changing ideological developments in

science in view of few filthy and attacking comments I received in response to the
article “Jesus and Big Bang Theory”. It did not hurt me. But just felt sorry for the
state of scientists. It is up to individual to believe in God or not. The fundamental
premise of learning is to explore, the realms you do not know. How one can explore
it, if you deny existence of anything beyond your self and your world?

Honestly, I was no different form these people two decades back. As a student
science I had written down God as invention of intelligent to rule the ignorant. But
my ego broke down as I dealt deep into biological science as researcher. There is a
famous quote of Plato where he describes scientist as prisoners, chained to a chair in
the mouth of the cave. They see shadows of the object moving behind them on the
wall. They can figure a picture out of it. But he said, the picture that is drawn by one
who is free form the chair is far more superior to one that is drawn by who is bound
to the chair.

Knowing the Truth of Origin from parable of a tree

The whole scenario of modern world and the present situation can be rounded up by
a simple parable of a tree. Time and time direction is inevitable from modern
scientific or materialistic view as well as ancient living vision of nature. From the
energy point of view science tells that universes is expanding and is bound to shear
down and disintegrate. From material point it says the universe would collapses to a
point and explodes into a big bang.

Let us now extend it to a living tree, a tree begins from one cell [born from two half
cells]. Life begins as wave from a point in the cell. This leads to duplication of
information and one cell into two eventually in time it forms a huge tree. There is a
seed state to it, which is protected, but when the new season comes shoot and root
emerges. In time newer twigs and branches form and in parallel the roots also grows
and branches to support the tree. But a tree is not beyond second law of
thermodynamics so at one time or the other it begins to deteriorate. The tree gives
the signals to cells to reduce and enter into seed state so that it can withstand the
unfavorable situation and come to life when New Time [rain emerges] emerges. This
vital signal comes from within not from out side.
Thus the ancient spiritualist spoke that path to life exist beyond mind in the inner
realm of soul. The mind and its extension cannot see life and cannot lead us to truth.
They spoke that the faith is the only means by which we can enter it. For those
lesser individuals who cannot have faith, they advocated different yoga and
mediation. The purpose is to control the mind and de-link it from the external world
and focus it to the inner world of soul and intelligence that gives life.

A cell cannot take new life or conquer time unless it reduces and enter the process of
creation. The cells that fail to realize this truth will begin to experience it in the end
of time when the tree begins to wither.

The mind which truly enquires truth should be free, as long as it is attached to a
branch of science, a religion, it cannot see the Truth of a whole tree. A mind that
enquires into truth needs to take a huge journey.

1] It has to listen to the inner call of the tree and submit. Those who submit by faith
form into seed, it is protected to over come the harsh season and emerge back to
life, when the new season emerges – the parable of seeds falling on different
conditions becomes applicable here. Where you fall on depends how you submit. An
adult human goes to God seeking solutions to problems; it could be financial,
disease, problems at home and so on. We believe after getting some miraculous
favor. We then become bound by the platform where we got it, very often we fail to
grow beyond it. Absolute faith thus is beyond human. The philosophy of Christ is
to accept death by Faith. No human can do this. For life is a struggle and fight
against death. Accepting death in order to gain life is beyond human comprehension.
A human cannot step into this shoe and form a tree that supports the whole world.

2] To know the truth of the tree, we need to enter the inner realm with out any
intent or demand. This would take you down to every branch of the tree and beyond
it to the depth of the roots of the tree. Here you will know the fertile soil into which
you need to fall to survive.

3] Traveling through all the branches and the roots need to not give you truth and
the secret life and its perpetuation. Truth needs traveling back in time to the seed
from which the whole tree is formed. Here in this point you discover that that unique
Seed of the Father, which by Absolute Faith accepted death to get resurrected into a
seed and is creating the blue print for a whole new tree for every one to transform
before the old tree collapses. Jesus and Biblical Secret reveals as a supreme science

There is an unseen spiritual world that is supporting the material world or the body
from within. As long as individual cells of the tree seek “self” and fails to connect to
the consciousness and the inner call, it fails to know the time and catch the signal for
transformation into seed to survive time. This signal will surface and every one will
note when the old tree begins to collapse.

The parable of tree has limitations to explain the reality of nature for it is two
dimensional and fixed one. Nature is four dimensional one, the fourth being the
dimension of time. This means we need to extend this parable replacing a tree with a
human system. This makes Christ and Calvary sacrifice more sensible.
The nature works on two worlds a light world and dark world. Time directs form light
to the dark world. The God the creator is Light or the king of the Light world and he
works against time and its deteriorative effects. Thus he places a resistive law – Not
eat form the tree at the center. But time is inevitable and thus a slow journey begins
from light to darkness. Beyond a point the light world shrinks and the king of light
world become seed in the womb of the dark world. This new world within grows as
dark world tends to collapse.

Calvary sacrifice is critical point in the time cycle. The rule has shifted form light to
darkness. But by design darkness exist defeated in those three days when Christ
entered the dark world resurrected. This can be compared to the formation of zygotic
cell, which eventually gives rise to a whole new individual. God the Father is in
creation since Calvary. God finds no human responsible for the death striking his
creation or his body. Death coexists with creation and is inevitable. This becomes
evident from Bible and Christ’s sacrifice. When human creation involved mud or
matter the death elements was incorporated with it. God calls us to be in faith and
obey his law. The law was only resistive. He called on Abraham to sacrifice His only
son as a test. But God sacrificed his only Son. He called Jesus Christ into judgment for
our sins. He placed our sins upon Christ. The bible says "God made Him (Jesus Christ) to
be sin for us." Therefore God found Jesus guilty of our sins. Sin enterd creation when
mud was used and no human could be found responsible for it.

We have hope in Christ and his Second Coming. The Second Coming is revelation of
Mind of God or the emergence of living light or knowledge of higher order that bring
order and life to the world. When the old body or tree collapses a new body or tree is
formed within, for all of us transform and make a dwelling in the Home of God. We
are all children of God.

The End Time

Today we are being governed by intellectuals existing in temples of science and
religion, who are not truly illuminated and are lost in complexity. We are ruled by
illuminati’s, who are depended on material power to rule. This is so with other areas
of human organization. In the absence of true knowledge, the common man ends in
making wrong choices to adore the high Chairs ruling them. Democracy can be
deteriorative in the absence of true Knowledge. The beginning of deteriorative
democracy can be traced to the decision of Pilate. Pilate found no wrong in Jesus
Christ but gave the choice to the people. People gave the verdict taking on them and
their children the effects of wrong judgment.

Since then we have been making errors on errors leading ourselves to self
destruction. Consequently the system is deteriorating to a point of collapse. For lack
of Truth We are caught in the grip of death. This is exactly why Bible says “Seek
Truth and Truth will set you Free”. The Vedas say we exist in the period of darkness
or inferior knowledge. Spiritual scriptures write that no human can seek Truth.
Human soul is created to the left and right of the center. The Truth exists in the
center in an unseen form. Since man cannot seek Truth, Truth descends to Earth and
comes in Search of humans. The Truth manifested on earth is Jesus Christ. It is
a “Divine Plan” of salvation [giving new life] and restoration of human soul to
Kingdom of God. When the Salvation of the soul or creation is completes, Christ
Comes Again [as Spirit] revealing the “Mind of God” such that humans are freed
from the clutches darkness and death and brought to life and are given the dominion
to rule the Kingdom of God.
Eastern culture speaks of manifestation of God and His participation in the war for
Justice and Truth. Vedas describe universal time cycle in terms of four phases where
Truth and justice deteriorates in certain proportions. It tells us that in each of these
phases God manifest in human form to lead humanity in the path of Justice and
Truth. According to them we are in the last phase where truth and justice
deteriorates to the maximum. Christ has manifested in this last phase of universal
life cycle, where the system is tending to collapse and needs to be recreated and
restored. We are going through this process of restoration back to Kingdom of God.
Bible tells us that when Christ manifested not one human soul was left behind who
could be justified before God.

The kingdom God manifests when “Mind of God” is exposed and Truth is revealed.
This is an inevitable process. When Truth is exposed the darkness gives way to light.
We individuals judge ourselves and fall to take an allotted position in the Kingdom of
God. This becomes evident form Jesus’ words to His disciples “Believe in God and
believe also in me. There are many rooms in my Fathers House and I am going to
prepare a place for you. --- and after I go and prepare the place for you I will come
back and talk you to myself so that you will be where I am” John 14:1-4

Here the word “house” calls for attention. It represents uninhabited structure, the life
is imparted to these rooms at the birth of the child and it forms into family. When
Truth is revealed, every one bows to truth and gains order. When individual gains
order, the family gains order, when family gains order, community gains order, when
community gains order nations gains order and nations gain order the world gains
order and kingdom of God manifest right here. A New Time Cycle then begins.

The social problem

Since Calvary our self and our attachment to material world and its force is growing
as never before. Consequence of It is reflected in individuals, family, community,
nations and the whole world. At the individual he has lost connection with his
consciousness and intelligence within and has become slave to the outer world. He is
restless and his restlessness and “self” is reflecting in the family, community and
nations. This is manifesting into war terrorism, suicidal tendencies and other social
problems, that are going beyond human control. The fall is happening in three steps

The 3 steps of fall

The fall begins to manifest in adult hood where a natural tendency of separation and
independency begins in an individual. It takes place in the following 3 steps

1] Children are forced between the forces of love and comforts of parents abode and
the illusionary love and comforts that the external material world presents to them.
Here the thinking of illuminati [Mind] that rules the environment plays an
important role.

2] A war develops in Children’s mind and they fall to the external illusionary vortex
of love and comforts that flesh and matter can bring. He follows the Mind and force
that is ruling the external environment. Here every Father and Mother, every ruler,
who thinks of “self”, makes money the principal force, inevitably adds to the power
of the vortex which leads to death. They ignorantly are destroying the future of their
own children and making their life miserable and contributing to the collapse of the
very home in which they dwell. They could be compared to fools who are creating a
boat of their own out the mother ship sailing in a vast sea prone for tempests.

Here our present education system, the universities and the temples of power and
religion all are erring. Today, these systems that should work to lead peoples mind to
their consciousness and help ignite their intelligence within and liberate them, are
actually working to encapsulate their mind and make them slave and work for them.
The education system works in favor of killing the intelligence, such that the mind
and body works as a slave. It creates a situation where we are entrapped in debt. It
promotes competitive existence and gaining material aspects and power at all cost –

3] When the material power comes to the growing child, [when he begins to earn]
He proclaims his “self”. He snaps his tie with parents and begins to build his HOME
separate from the parents based on love of flesh and matter. THE LAW ALLOWS
SEPARATE HOUSES NOT A HOME. We cannot break the love relationship
with our roots. When we do it, we carry pains in the subconscious level. When in
time the flesh begins to lose its shine, material power of the body begins to give
way, he [his soul] find itself in misery. His EGO or SELF which passed the wrong
judgment and took the forbidden path creates cover over his misery and persists.
This Ego is often passed for generations. Some people call it curse. This happens in
every strained relationship. The ego creates, from one sin many sins, form one debt
it create many debts, form one lie it create many lie and passes on to the next
generation. This is a qualitative genetic phenomenon.

To some extent its reaction is resisted by mixing of information when new

generations are created. The ancient culture and knowledge system probably knew
the importance of gene. Thus, when children are to be married, the parents and
elders, unite to make selection. Some cultures have developed art of making time
charts to make matches. But all this has a limit, determined by the second law of
thermodynamics. The evil is carried for generations and is growing within all the
family and it is reflecting in community, society and the whole world. The present
situation of the world that is boiling from within [disorder] and moving to self
destruction is the resultant of wrong judgment of our ancestors, aggravated by us by
fallowing the same path. The solution is that the path needs to be changed. This calls
for a turn around. It necessitates a pivot or a New Mind over which we can change.

In short, “self” is real and independent, but this independence is limited to the body
level. It cannot be applicable to conscious and intelligence level that binds the whole
into one. Thus our spiritual cultures speak of daily practices to connect to the
consciousness and the intelligence. The east speaks of yoga and meditations to
silence the mind so that one can connect to the consciousness and intelligence
within. Nature and life is designed such that it the inner fields of life can work to
sustain the life. Every life has a rest or sleep period where the mind sleeps but heart
and its realm works to repair and sustain the body. Sleep it self has few stages
hardly few go into deep sleep stage, when the inner world can freely work.
Meditation helps the inner realm to work and cure the body. Experiments have
proved the effects of meditation.

Just as life, earth is designed with two phases a dark and light phase [day
and night]. It is designed to repair herself and maintain her temperature
and order. Much of the problems of the world can be directly or indirectly be related
to breaking the sleep cycle of nature. Global warming and climatic catastrophes that
the modern world is witnessing relates to it. In our quest to exploit nature and gain
material power, we are destroying our own home. There is no hope for humanity
unless we awaken to Truth of Nature. The scientist of modern world who are so
adamantly perched to their branch, and the leader who depends on them for
guidance, should at least take note of this.

The time is inevitable reality of nature. Nature becomes meaningful and sensible we
view it as a Living System. The down hill journey and social deterioration to death
probably began when Christ was judged, voted and condemned by his own people to
death and the out come of it they took it on themselves and their children. Humanity
got its ‘Free Will” to choose at this point. The root of modern day democracy exists in
this point. This Free Will gave impetus to human “self” and his material quest and
power. Every body is a victim to it. It began from “west” and with globalization it has
spread to “east”. The present globalization is powered with intent of human “self”. It
is aimed at conquering the market and money and thus unleashing the material
power to rule the world. The human intent is manifesting as conquering motive and
corruption and it in its fullness it is ready to engulf and destroy humanity as a whole.

The type of freedom that modern man has is only illusionary. How one can chose a
good, when the Information and Truth to choose the good does not exist. When a
human soul is part of one Universal Soul born in time to its left and right and is
resisted by law not to seek from the tree at the center, it is impossible for him to
seek Truth. No amount of study of spiritual scriptures can lead you to Truth. Truth is
what you are. Philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurthy says, man has changed externally
from bullock carts to Airplanes, but he is internally remains the same. He is caught in
the darkness and suffering for want of Light.

The spiritual scriptures speak of Faith and communication with God as the
fundamental foundation of existence. Phase of darkness is inevitable in the cycle of
light that sustains. Time and death is inevitable reality of nature. The breaking of
faith relationship is symbolically spoken in terms of First Sin. This sin is committed
by all souls. Bible very clearly says Christ manifested when there was none left who
could be justified before God. The hope for the world exists in Christ’s Calvary
sacrifice and His Second Coming. The Second Coming is the revelation of Truth or
the “Mind of God” that initializes Humanity into Kingdom of God. It is the pivot over
which the world can transform and come to life.

The hope for the world exists in the “NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH” being created
within, for us to transform and survive through Christ. We cannot enter this world
unless we die a “Mind Death” by faith and eat from the table that Christ or God
prepared for us. We need to take rebirth. A mind that is focused on material world
cannot find Truth. The first step towards enquiry into Truth begins when we listen to
the call of consciousness. The second step is to focus the mind to the inner world of
“self”. But “self” is a reality and it is life. Truth is beyond “self”. Thus “self” cannot
seek Truth. Therefore ancient scriptures say we humans cannot seek Truth. Truth
has to come to us by a Divine Plan for Divine Purpose. Truth reveals when
“self” dies. No ordinary man can be expected to do it. Human quest is a search to
conquer misery and death and rule over the world perpetually. How can he accept
the philosophy of accepting death in order to conquer death? This is beyond logic
and the comprehension of mind. The Truth has already come to the world when the
“selfless” sacrificed for our “self” at Calvary. This secret is well written in Yajurveda
Vs 30-31, which clearly write that the universe was created by the self sacrifice of
the Creator and this sacrifice was conducted by His own people or the lesser Gods.

There is a qualitative difference in the FALL of human soul into death trap and the
RETURN from piggery to Kingdom of Father. Some fall easily into death trap. Who
have good lineage and have good culture and upbringing fall slowly into the death
trap. But in time everyone falls. Some quickly retreats from piggery back to Kingdom
of God and some take very long time to realize it. But it is inevitable that everyone
returns to Kingdom of God. When Truth or “Mind of God” reveals the present mind
ruling the world would bow to it. Then a journey form the disorder to order or death
to life begins.

Kingdom of God is a family. The basic force that binds is Love. And it does not wish
to loose one Child. The Father and Mother act to sustain the family at all cost. The
cost was paid at Calvary. You have “Free Will” to take up your berth in a new journey
in New Time Cycle.

More about it is discussed in my sites,

Awakening to Truth -

Truth of Nature –
Bio-Physics of Bible -


A Humble Request – The article is the product of over two decades of self less research,
guided by His Grace, after I gave up a lucrative career in biotechnology to live as a small
farmer taking the responsibility of a combined family that was collapsing. It brings to you
the basic substance and arguments for a Living Universe Theory. Those of you who are
reading this, if you feel there is substance in my work, please spread it to as many people
as possible. Specially try calling the attention of the TV, Media People, Ministries,
Leaders and scientist of the world who are determining our fate. The Truth of the
Good News, Knowing God and returning to our spiritual roots is the only means to
survive the End Time Disasters. I am convinced beyond doubt that humanity will
“Awaken to Truth” and Truth will have its victory. We are going through pains of
delivering Truth. More we delay heavier will be the destruction and the pain the world
has to endure. I have spent one life time, listening to my consciousness and its call. It was
a sacrificial life of walking the difficult path by taking the cross. The devil of “self” is
manifesting to cause a split and fall. The defeat of evil and saving the future for our
children cannot happen unless there is change in the environmental forces. We need to
stop the mind pollution and “self” forces disintegrate, family, community, society, and
the whole world

I live on the last of my resources as I exist on the net to communicate to you all. Your
help to spread this message is vital to bring the much wanted defeat of devil and
transformation of the world. The future to the world exists in Knowing the Truth and
Awakening to Truth. Key to this is to review science and look at key development in
science with new perspectives. It is impossible convince a mind that is perched to branch
of a tree. It is time scientist who are New Born or Spiritually oriented to come together in
Christ or God’s Name and discuss the developments in science and advance it such that
partial truth give way for whole truth and the disordered world turns into ordered world.

Much of the problems that the modern world is facing would disappear when humanity
awakens to truth. New technique and technologies can be developed by mimicking
biological system. The key area I have pointed to the world is disruption of the energy or
time cycle of nature and intervention into the functioning of earth to maintain its
temperature. This is manifesting into global warming and climate change and
catastrophes. We can reduce this by giving time and space to earth to maintain her
temperature. We can develop technologies that can release less heat and do more work by
mimicking life. For example, heart that is the size of left fist, pumps blood along1000000
miles, that is roughly circling earth twice. Heart does this function 20 times per minute,
with few pieces of bread and releases very less heat to the environment.

It is time to awaken and transform to survive. Our survival exist in the Light World that is
hidden in the darkness and is growing, as it breaks through and reveals the world would
enter the Kingdom of God of Dharma yuga.

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