Excerpt - Kender Race

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by Ray Cordova, iltharanos@yahoo.com

last updated on July 14, 2016 at 09:07:24 AM

commentary as he headed for the closed door from

object tumbled, of
look at this! Uh-

can be based off any combination of factors. The most

common method is to name the child after an existing
relative. Occasionally, parents name the kender after an
event in a recent adventure, or after common kender
is common practice for kender to adopt a more
descriptive name later on in life after their adventures.

Usually during their wanderlust, they leave home to

make a name for themselves, literally. Some also decide
tter return it that they want to be like famous kender who came before


Male Names: Balif, Kipper, Kronin, Latchlifter,

-Margaret Weis & Tracky Hickman, Lockpick, Logan, Meridon, Mudskipper, Nightshade,
Time of the Twins Pentrian, Puff, Raph, Remo, Rinn, Rufus, Sindri, Tavin,
Teekli, Thistleprick, Ticklefoot, Toolkit, Topknot,
Of all the races that call Krynn home, none are as
ubiquitous or polarizing as kender. Many of the other
Female Names: Amberstar, Fern, Gaeadrelle, Hakan,
Keppli, Vera-Jay, Whisper
negative thieving traits, but those few that have truly
gotten to know the kender will tell you the truth of this
remarkable race: kender take things not for their
monetary value, but because they are interesting. Given a
choice between a valuable but dull -looking platinum
candelabra and a worthless but surprisingly-shiny rock,
the kender will take the rock every time. Kender are the
children of Krynn perpetually innocent in all that they do.

Small and Swift

Family Names: Burrfoot, Furrfoot, Keeneye, Lampwick,

Lightfingers, Lockpick, Metwinger, Nimblefingers,
Pakslinger, Pricklypear, Quickstep, Shadowfriend,
Springheel, Suncatcher, Sunflower, Tanglemop,
Thistleknott, Thistleswitch, Willowine, Wrinklecap

Kender Traits:

Your kender character has a wide variety of abilities that

makes them suited to adventuring across the breadth of

Kender typically stand no more than 3 to 4 feet tall, with

the males usually being taller than the females. They
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
weigh between 80 and 100 pounds. Adult kender are well
muscled, despite being thin and light of build. Kender are by 2.
sometimes mistaken for young humans, but closer
Age. A kender reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and
inspection reveals the pointed ears, face wrinkles, and
generally lives into the first few decades of his or her
many pouches indicative of kender. Kender find their
second century, assuming they survive their wanderlust.
Alignment. Most true kender are chaotic good. Many
highly attractive.
afflicted kender are either chaotic good or chaotic

Curiosity is King

are born with the heart of an explorer and an intense

curiosity that can not be denied. This leads them to
explore every nook and cranny, check behind every door,
and snoop in every pocket. Over time, a kender can learn
to understand the need for caution in some situations,
such as when their friends may be hurt as a direct result
of their actions.

Kender Names

Tradition dictates kender parents select a name for their

Size. Kender average about four feet and just under 100
pounds. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Taunt. You have an uncanny insight into the

motivations and characteristics of other races, and you
can use this insight to infuriate them. As an action, you
can unleash a verbal barrage of sarcasm, insults, and
crude comments against a creature. Make a Charisma
(Performance) check contested by the
(Insight) check. You fail the contest if the target
understand you.

by Ray Cordova, iltharanos@yahoo.com

last updated on July 14, 2016 at 09:07:24 AM
If you win the contest, the target must use its next
action to attack only you. If you are out of range, it must
charge at you or, failing that, dash toward you. The target
attacks you with disadvantage during this action.
If the target wins the contest, it is immune to your
Taunt for the next 24 hours.
Kender Pockets. Kender constantly pick things up and
pocket them, and then often forget about them. If you
find yourself in need of a piece of nonmagial equipment,
there is a 25 percent chance you have it. Roll a d4. If you
roll a 4, you find the item in your pocket, pack, or pouch.

Rummaging through your pouches, pack, and pockets in

this way takes 1 minute.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Kenderspeak.

Subraces. Two main subraces of kender populate

Krynn: Afflicted and true. Choose one of these subraces.
Kender Handlers

Kender really dislike being called thieves, for in their

minds, thieves are despicable people that take things that

rightfully belong to others because of their own selfish
desires. Kender, on the other hand, handle things to
help out the people they take things from. It s a huge
That said, these kender handlers are in fact,
mechanically-speaking, thieves.


Your people have suffered much, and are grimmer and

more serious than other kender. The kender from
Kenderhome and the marakai of Taladas are afflicted

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases

by 1.
Sneaky. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.

Blister Nimblefingers by ?

by Ray Cordova, iltharanos@yahoo.com

last updated on July 14, 2016 at 09:07:24 AM


You go where dragons fear to fly and angels fear to tread.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 1.
Fearless. You cannot be frightened.

Kender Nightstalkers

Some kender have a natural affinity for the dead. These

kenders are known as nightstalkers, and are usually
Death Clerics or Death Mystics.

The outlander background is particularly appropriate for

these characters.

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