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‘oT MELBOURNE AVE. LOS ANGELES, cA 027 Soran Ane ‘amusoann vars ogenoantressngamatcon ‘ot Pa WL 137018 {LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT - STANLEY OSK 00 LOS ANGELES, CA B0012 oF POF CLERK bie eer DDEFENDANTIRESPONOENT: AFSHIN PISHEVAR bern 3c ae PROOF OF PERSONAL SERVICE-CIVIL ee (0 not use this Proof of Service to show servis of Summons and Somplalnt) 1 over 18 yous of ape andnot a party to tis ation 2 served ne folowing documents (pec) NOTICE OF COURT HEARING; REQUEST FOR CIVIL HARASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDERS; DECLARATION OF EX PARTE NOTICE; RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR CIVIL. HARASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDERS PROOF OF FIREARMS TURNED IN, SOLD, OR STORED 1D Tre documents are stein the Atachment to Proof of Personal Senice-Cii (Documents Served tom POS-0200), 5. personaly ered the folowing persons atthe sess, dat ad tie state 1: Name: AFSHIN PISHEVAR. ‘Age: 60 Weight: 190 Hair: GREVISH BLACK Sex: Malo Height: 96" Eyes: Race: 'b, Address: 300 § SANTE FE AVE LOS ANGELES, CA 90012, «©, Date: 63072016 44. Time: 9:20 AM Gi The persons are sed inthe Attachment o Prof of Parsansl Service Persons Sered] om POS-L20(). 4 tam 2.) nota regbtered Caloris process sore 00 anenployee or independent contactor ofa registered Peceersen ead Colores Ga tue 4.0] exams fom agraton uncer dusass &Pctesions (Code secon 223800), 5. My name, ses, eephone number, sn appcble, county of regicraton and nub else) oO Conny 268 ANGELES. Regitabon 2014380327 Direct tegel Support, Ine OF | decir uncer ponaty of perry unde teas ofthe Sate of alma that he foregoing is We ad comet 7.01 tama Calter sherit or marshal ang carty that the foregoing i tue ag core SOOT eeeeSRORGEASTUDILO Date TPTRO TE rem ann or anv snc ‘eins reson wo SNOT area PRONE AF PFRRNWAI RERVIE_FAA aE Notice of Court Hearing praesent br FILED "eraon Secking Protection opener Conn Cabo a. Your Full Name: Bou of ae eles “Bro Gas BAMB no GA GUN 17 2016 ‘Your Lawyer fyou have one for thi ease) | she Cae en Name: State Bar No. By ibd DODO Firm Noms as — ‘ee Cae 5. Your Ades (you have toner, give your layers information {onda nothavea lyr ont want ecpyomrhame ae sant, gays tiie main adres ead Youdo mt Sper aot eat ATT Address: tor Mecnssons Ave oe Angeles Superior Cour Gin: tos Mace se: CR tips 26027, N. Hil Street, Teoas poe Tog Angeles, CA’ 90018 / E-Mail Addres: bregaa.bambresan@ goul.coan Com hai tas rosaw aie a BOT aE @ Person From whom Protection's Sought 162832 Futtname: Agta “PrsihevAR The cour will complet the rest of ths form. @ Notice of Hearing ‘A courtheningia scheduled on the request for restraining orders agsinst the person in): ane nd dds of out iter fom atve (“sz Date ee — ~ Do 200 2 @ Temporary Restraining Orders (any orders granted are om Form CH-110, served wth this motive) 1 Temporary Resraining Order for personal conduct and stay-away orders a equesed in Fors CH-10, ‘Request for Cit Harassment Restraining Orders, a (check only ome box below) (1) Cl AIGRANTED until the court hezng (2) SS/AlI DENIED until the court hearing. (Speci reasons for denial in, below.) ©) Gi Panty GRANTED and actly DENIED until the court heating. (Spec reasons for dena ib, Below.) Sowaortiogeenay ron Notice of Court Hearing ar retreat (Civil Harassment Prevention? * ', Reasons for denial of some oa of those perscal conduc nd stay-away order as requested in Form CH-100,, Request for Civil Harassment Bsiainng Orders, se (1) The facts as state in Foem CH-100 donot sufficiently show ats of violence, heats of vilene, ora «our of conduct that erously alarmed, annoyed, ot hararsed the person nH) and eased substetal ‘emotional distress 2) Brother pecs): C) Asset fort on Attachment 4b © service of Documents by The Person in @) tease HCve days before the hearing, someone age I o lde!—aot you or anyone tbe roteted ms personaly give (ere) a court le-stamped copy ofthis Form CH109, tothe peon nD long wit copy oll the forms iadleated below: Notice of Cour Faring, 2 CH-100,Raguestfor Cs Hore:sment Retraining Orders (ile-stamped) 1b. CD Ht, Temporary Restraining Order (estmped) TF GRANTED ‘©: CH-120, Response to Request for Coil Harasomant Restraining Orders (bank for) 4. CH-120,NFO, How Can 1 Respond toa Request for Civil Harassment Retaining Orders? ©, CH.250, Proof af Service of Response by Mal bank orn) 6 O Other pec): — un 1 1 2085 Date * The cout cannot make the resraiing oer afler he cout heating unless person in @)ha ben pron given (Gerved) copy of your request and any temporary orders. To show tha the person in @)has been served, the person who served the frms must fl outa peo of service form, Form CH-200, Prof af Personal Service tay be wee, * For information abou sevice, ead Forn CH-2004NFO, What Is "Proof of Personal Service"? + Ifyou are unable to serve te person in Qin ine, you may ask for more inet serve the documents, Use Form CH-118, epwet to Continue Cour Hearing and to Reissue Temporary Restoring Onder, nasa Notice of Court Hearing [oe BST SB ASR Ifyou want to respond tothe request for orders ia writing, file orm CH-120, Response to Regus for Cs ‘Harassment Restraining Orders, and have someone age 18 of older—not you or anyone tobe protected mail itto the person in @). mz + The person who mailed the form must ill outa pref of service fxm. Form CH-250, Poof of Service of Response by Mail, may be sed. File the completed form with the cout before the heating and bring apy with you tothe cout, breacng. Whether or nt you respond in writing, goto the hearing you want the judge to hea from you before making an ‘order. You may tlhe jue why you agree or disagree withthe orders requested ‘You may bring witnesses and other evidence ‘Ate hearing, the judge may make restraining orders aginst you tat could las upto five yea and may order you to ‘tum in ola enforcement, o sll r store with iensed gun dese, any few tha you own at poses Request for Accommodations Assistive istening systems, compute-assited readme captioning o sign language Interpreter services are avaliable if you ack atleast Five Jaye before the hearing, Comat the {les offic o go to wie courts ca govforms fo Regus for dccommatons by Pervont with Disabilities and Response (Form MC-410), (Civ. Code, § 38.8) (Clerk wit owt hs part) Clerk's Certificate— 'cecity that this Novice of Court Hearing isa tre and correct copy of the original on fen th cour. Clerks Ceryicate eal) (Clerk by ___ wmnanin————SSSCNotige ah Gout Headng OT Notice of Court Hearing ch09, ape r3 Fig Request for Civil Harassment so tr nan ma FILED Super Coo Cairn Read Cano Ci Harassment Reraining Onder Help Me? (Form CHF 100. San fe Arges {NFO) before completing hs form. Aso il out Cowen! CHENG Information (Form CLETS-001 wns much infor oe Ly an a ee @ Person Seeking Protection by Lafeicor_» Deputy Yee fll eee us ‘eros Cas BamBrebAcd Age: IS ‘Your Lawyer pow have one jor tis ca) Lee: Fon a erties Sia oat ae 5. Your Aditess fou have wlawer gineyow layers {LOS Angeles Superior Cou}? (hema edt coe advent ten our AT N, Hil Sto, tome ces privat you may goa difren maling eee ‘instead. You do not have to give telephone, fax, or e-mail): [Los Angeles, CA 90012 Address: A607 Meroe Ave ___ aan nie on om RE Ciy: bes Anions State: CA Zipi FO5LT [Pare Mum Telephone: 30-7H-SY9S Fax: Ws1e2ese EMail Addr breqan bembrogén®. 4m coma @ Person From Whom Protection Is Sought Fallin: APSHhal Pisitevan ft Hee Address (if known): Bnd S Saree Fo Ave Cig Loe nce ~ sie CA tip: Pte Additional Protected Persons Are you asking for protection for anyother family or household memes? J8f Yes () Noyes, ls then llName Sex Age Lites you? How a they rated io you? — £. Boma suse OY One — —— a oe oN cere FREE FE-PE ye Ree ereeee i Chek here ihr ars more pron: Antach shat of paper and write “Atachet2oAdional Priel Pero orate Tounayare Pom Me!) anatboce Why do these eole ed proton? (pln low) Cet here there no enongh pac for our awe. Pl you complet anor on thatched shetof ey fer te i ly ed pe th) Life wits mneAtENEg by poo Lees WC NEWSER To ENG VNTH 5 os ok House Reed win py wife 4 RaLede Ts SMGeRBE Te Paegus ORERS OE Tine Mb SS AS sta oh Pop WE ekimsirsetteren™*™ Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders ovwu reece PrmesTez ez: @ Relationship of Parties ow do you naw th personn @? (plan Below) Check href theres not enough spac fr our ane Pet yor complete ane the ache sh of paper or Frm MC-O25 and write "Atachinn &Reatoshipof Paso oie Co- hoR MER @® Venue ‘Whar ou ing inhi cust? (Ceca harap ‘8. [The person in (2) lives inthis county. 1 Twas aie yh persian is ou 6 1 Ober pec. @ Other Court cases 4 Have you or ary ofthe persons named in@oen involve nati ores ih he yeson in @P Yes (Noyes chckenh Kind of cae and indeate where an when cach was fled kindof Case Flsdin(GoyrSiae) Yael Case Nu aan) (0 O Cirittsment ©) O Domenie Vere ©) G Divot Nutty, Leas Seaton (8) Patemiy, Penge Cd Cosy (©) Ci Eleror Dependent Ad Abe (© Oi Brion © Cl Gmdiantip (©) Di Woriplce Vsene ©) D soatlcains (10) D Ceiminal (0 Di Omer rei 5. Aretere sow any potesive or esting orem in fet reign you or any ofthe pron in@ ate Peon in@)? GENO) Yes yen atacha cop ion ha oe @ Description of Harassment Harssment means vee of tet of vole asin yo, or x couse of onde at ell le, annoyed or hased you and cased you alta ema des. A couse of enduti nena ac 4 Tellthecout abut te ast tine the person in @ frase os. (1) When ithappen? rove dateor exited dete)” AT eo office ©) Whoch war tee? sro GUPSIEES. shitrwEssso BY 10+ oe Pape ‘Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders ‘CH00, ages [Case Number os a Pew" psi62aag @) tow dle prasan @ tanya (Elan too) Check here thre ts not enough pace for your answer. Put your complete anwer onthe atached shee of paper er Form MC-02S and write “Atachmen Ta(3} Describe Harassmen! for ale A NOOSE _WIAS_Lefr ent anf chaz, AS wi BEGAN REWEaIG Seen] CAAA PeorAE Aomures cles THs WAS WS Aenea, TNS iAS Coditmes ar nie Secsiny Aga Bare. (4) ide person in @ use or threaten to use a gun or anyother weapon? Gh Yes] No dyes, explain below) check here there is not enough space or your answer. Put your complete answer on the atached {sheet of paper Form MC:025 and write "Aachment7a(4)—Useof Weapons” fort, A tloosé By ute ro slat 6, (5) Were you harmed or ajured because ofthe harassment? Gh Yes GH No (re, explain below) 1 Check here ithere i not enough space for your answer Put yur complete answer on the atached ‘sheet of pape or Form MC-02Sand write "Atachment7a(3)--Harm or liury" fora fe (©) Didite police come? Yes CI No tyes, dd they give you orthe person in @) an Emergency Protective Onder? (Yes PX) No yes, the order protcs (check al ha apply CMe &.C Thepersonin@® e. [) Theperonsin @) Altach a copy ofthe order i you have one b. Has the person in @ arsed you at the times? 1G Yes P No (ify, describe prior incidents and provide dates of harassment below) Check here there is not enough space fer your anwer Put your complete answer on the etched sheet of paper or Form MC-02S and write "Atachaont7b—Previc Haressment” fora ttle ee Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders: ‘oH100, Pon 3ur0 (Check the crders you want. + @ Oi Personal Conduct Orders "ask the euro orderthe person in @) not todo any ofthe following thing tome or to any person to be rteeted ised in) 1 BY Has, intimidate, molest, atack srk, stall thveaten, assault (sexually ox otherwise, hi abuse, destroy personal property of, or disturb the peace ofthe person Conte the person, ithe zt or indirectly, in any way, ncn, but nt limited o,in person, by telephone in iting by public or pivate mai by interofic mal by emai by text mcsage by or by. ter leirnic means © Other specs 1D Check here ithee isnot enough space for your anewer. Put your complete answer onthe atached ‘she of pape or Form MC-O25 and write “Atachment 8c Other Personal Conduct Orders," for tite The person n @ wil bordered ot tae any ton o et th adresses or aatons of any protected orion sth cou finds god cs nto make oder @ 0 Stay-Away Orders Insti coutto rete panonin@ 0s at let 250 yas away om (hcl hat a) () Me ® B Myvehicle © B Treoterpersnstistedin@ CI othe speci ©) R Mytome pee @) BW Myiob or workplace —_ ©) O Mysehoot — (©) Cl Mychitre's schoo! (1) O Mychilre’s place of hid care eee Ifthe court orders the pom in @ to stay avay from al the ples ited above, will he or she sl be able to getiohisorber home, school or job? C1 Yes No fm, exam below) 1 Check here i there snot enough space for your amewer. Put your complete answer onthe attacked shest of per or Form MC-025 and write “Attachment 9bStay Away Orders” for ale @ Guns of Other Firearms and Ammunition oes the person in @) own or poses any guns o ater firearms?) Yes C] No Ef Ldon'tkoow {Ythe judge grasa protective order, te person n(Q) wil be prohibited from owning, possessing, purchasing _reciving oF atempiing fo purchase or receive a gun, other rearm, and ammaniton we te protective order 's in afect. The person in 2) wil also be ordered turn no law enforcement, sel or sere tha ‘cened gun deter, any guns or firearms within his or her immellate possesion or contro. ‘Sasa anor Chl Hamaameuaan Sxre-=— ——- Request for Civil Harassmont Restraining Ordere ©1400, peste Pe oseenaal | @ Immediate Orders Do you vant the eur to make any ofthese orders nw that wil st unl the heating without otic to he person in @)? Bl Yes [] No yowanswered yes, explain why Below) G Gheck here there snot enough pace for your answer. Pt your complet ane on the tached shect of Paper or Form MC-025 and write “Ataconent I1—Inmedite Orders orate EES ME FASE AGS onsrae DATARS ef Voce Acre, —— (@) Cl Request to Give Less Than Five Days' Notice You must have your papers personally served an dhe person in (2) alas five days before the hearing unless the court orders sorter tne fr service. (orm CH.-200-INFO explains What “Poof of Personal Service"? Form (C1-200, Poot of Personal Service, may be wed to show the court tha the papers have bacn served) you want tare tobe fewer than ive days between sevice andthe hearing, explain why below 1 Check here i theret not enough space for your answer Put your cmplete answer onthe attached shet of ‘Paper or Form MC-025 and write Aachment 12 Request to Give Les Than Five Days Notice" fora ile @ 0 No Fee for Filing or Service 1. 8 There should be no fling fee because the person in @) has weed o threatened fo se violence against me, has stalked me, or has acted or spoken in some other way that makes me reasonably fear viclence, . 0) Thesheritf or marsha should serve oot) the person in @) abou the orders fr fee becouse my request for orders is based on unlawfl violence ceil heat of violence, or stalking. © Ci There should be no fing fee andthe sheitf or marshal should serve the person in @for fee Because 1 fam entitled tafe waiver. You must complete and ile Form FHI, Applicaton fr Waiver of Court Fees and Costs) @ 0 Lawyer's Fees and Costs ask the court to order paymentof my: aC) Lawyers fees b, C] Court costs “The amounts requested are: tem ‘Amount tem, ‘movat 1 Check here ythere are more tems, Put the ems and amounts onthe attached shet of paper of Form 'MC-025 and write “Anachnent14—Lawyer's Fer and Cost” for ale 9st for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (cH 400, epee (Civil Harassment Pravnntinnt : ER“"Asiezea2 @ © Additional Orders Requested "ask the cour to mak the following additional orders (specf i Check here ithere i not enough space for your answer. at your complete answer en the atcha she of ‘Paper or Form MC-025 and write “Aachen 15~Addtonl Orders Reuied,” fora tle Date » Lawyer's name (Fay) Tae gwar | declare under pealyof perry under he laws ofthe Sate of Calfomia tha the Information above and on all atachmens iste and eoect. Dae: [7 Sune 2016 By. : treopn Bar Brogaw r Sy Lowaw! Tipe or prin your ame brome Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (CH400, age ate (Chil Haranamant Prevention’ Beeoad Bay Erocte! 607 MEFS IRNE Aus FILED bss AnGenss, cA e027 Sufetior Cour of California So Ne 9S rey aL Avice nt UN 17 2016 F i, 08. raStBSNOR COURT OF CALFORNU, COUNTY OF LOS anaxteg | AU oe rm Bnacaal Bean Gan Se Arc Flour - a oie HS 1 62 83 go EATON RENT FEET RESUS NONE amr emp Rng 1 BRoGAa BaviBregfn) aaeaet ace 1) aid not give notice to Ue othe paty in thisacton because Ey iwas afi thar he vilence woud reoccur when gave atc that was bing fr thet odes C1 twas aaa ha the other pa would ake the children out ofthe area before the order could be granted and served 7 Ibeteve that siving notice would make the orders useless because the other party would: 22) attempted andwas unabletoinfom______orhismerattomney_—__ ‘that would be seeking a temporary restraining order. My attemptsinckded 3) Other reason: | deca thatthe aboveis tue and comet and that executed this decaraton at 405 ANGEES catia teenie BeBe iavaurexore re ‘Angeles Superior N. Hill Stee Angoics, Inadton the temporary ‘ we Response to Request for Ci (rennet wren me Harassment Restraining Orders Use this form to respond to the Request (Form CH-100) PILED Read How Can Respond toa Rect for Ci Harasment Sayer Cou of Ctforna Resirining Orders? (Fm CH-130 INFO), opt your igh ‘Gayot Anes + Flu this fom anda ito the court ler + Have someone age 18 orolder—aot you—sere the person in Dor MH We 14 2016 his orb layer by mal with a copy ofthis fom and ay stached | Ser 8 Cf, Eg OeaCerk pages. (Use Form CH-280, Proof of Service of Response by Mai) ‘ oe @ Person Seeking Protection Rito fines ‘Name of prion seking prcteton (see Form CH-I00, item @) Becean Baregen Eo @ Person From Whom Protection Is Sought Stanley Mosk Courthouse 1. Your Name: Afshin Pshevar 11 Nill st, ‘Your Lawyer (ifyow he oe or this a) SE eens "Name: David K, Willingham SM" state Bar No. 198,874 Fem Name: Caldwell Leslie & Proctor, PC b, Your Address (you havea lawyer, give your lawyer's information. Cau e cve rter war ari ind {you donot havea lawyer and want 0 keap your home address [Care Number private, you may give a differen mailing acess stead Youdo not |BS162832 Ihave to give telephone, far, oF e-mail): Address: 725 5, Figueos St. 31st Floor Present your response and any opposition at he Cio Angoes Zp 917 |i We youre dete, ple Telephone:(213) 629.9010 Fax: (213)20.9022._ |" Form CH-109 tem @) her: Date: 7142016 Time:8:30am. Dept:2¢ -Room:283 E-Mail Adress: @ & Personal Conduct Orders 2, C1 Lage tothe orders requested 1b, Lo not agree tothe onders requested © Cy Tagre tothe following odes (apc: I you were served witha Temporary Restraining Order, you mus obey i enti the pearing. At the heating, the court may make orders against you that last for up to fv years. @ @ Stay-Away Orders Lage tot ores requested 1B Ido not ages toe orders requested 6D Lage othe following orders pec @ @ Additional Protected Persons ' C] Lapree tha the parsons listed in item @of Form CH-100 may be protected bythe oder reused, 1 do nt agre thar the persons liste in item) of Form CH-100 may he protected bythe onder equested, SeaigtStinageS"* — Respon to Request for Civil Harassment H-20 Poe ts 0 Nobo S162852 @ Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition Ifyou were served with Form CH-110, Temporary Restraining Onder, you cannot own or possess any guns, other frearms, or ammunition. (Se fem (7 of Form CH-110.) You must sell oor store with alicensed dealer, or turn info law enforcement agency, any guns or other firearms in your inmediat possesion or control within 24 hours of being served with Form CH-110. You must file a receipt with the court. You may’ tase Form CH-800, Proof of Firearms Ture In, Sli or Stored, forthe resiph. 2.) Idonot own or contol any guns o reas. 'b. OI have rum in my guns and firearms to the police oso them tor stored them with icesed gun dealer ‘Acopy ofthe roost) tsstashod. C) has alrcdy bee ied with he court, @ @ Other Orders 2. Degree to the orders requested 1b, HI donot agree to the orders roqested & C) Tage tthe following orders (pec) @ @ Denial 1 did nt do anything described in tem of Form CH-100. (Skip 1 1D Justification or Excuse IT dd some oral of he things thatthe person in(¥) has accused me of, my actions were justified r excused for the following easons expla): i Check here if there isnot enough space below for your answer. Pat you complete answer on an tached shot ‘of paper and write "Atachment 9Jusiction or Bxcuse™ aati, You may se Form MC-035, Aachen ime Response to Reauest for Civil Harassment ~erizO Page P ara @ © No Fee for Fiting 4G Lrequst that no be required to pay the filing fee because the person in@ claims in Form CH-100, item @ to be ented to fre fing, '. CO Lrequest hat not be required to pay te fii fe because | am eligible for fe waiver (Ferm -FW-001, Request to Waive Cou Fes, must be filed separately) GD Lawyers Fees and Costs 8. C1 Lask the cour to order payment ofmy Lawyer's fees} Court costs ‘The amounts requested are! tem ‘Amount stem ‘Amount pee eee 8 Os 8 Sooo eee Ci Check here ifthre are more items. Put the tems and amounts on the tached she! of paper or Form (MC-025 and write “Attachment Lawyer's Fees and Cots” fora til . Cl ask the court deny the request ofthe person asking fr protection that pay his or herlayers fs and cos. G@ Nob oF pges tached ois fom, an Dagan ya Lawyer's name (ifany) Tanyer'ssignanre Date: ly 14,2016 1 declare under penalty of pejury unde he lws ofthe State of California that he information above and on all atachment fs ue and correct ou: July I, Zello Agshia Pishevar p i peer ne eine cH20, Pane sot 2 2B 2% 25 26 2 PROOF OF SERVICE |STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES At the time of service, I was over 18 years of age and not a party te this aetion. | am employed inthe County of Las Angeles, State of Califomia, My business sddress is 725 South Figueroa Street, 3st Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017-5524. On July 14,2016, I served tre copies ofthe following document(s) described as FORM. ‘CH-120, AFSHIN PISHEVAR'S RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR CIVIL HARASSMENT ORDERS on the interested parties in this action as follows: in, T: Berge Wn BamBrogan cao the ey dab Le R-F Los Angeles, CA 90027 BY PERSONAL SERVICE: I personally delivered the documents) directly tothe person(s) being served, | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California thatthe foregoing is true and correct Executed en July 14,2016, at Los Angeles, California, lan iP fevorP. Stutz Temporary Restraining Order @tsttatun nie Personin Qa cogletsems @) onl ony Protected Person © rropard ror Bec An Baw Rooln Your Lawyer (70 hve on fr es) Name Ste Bare Fen Newt 1 Your Ades (fon hve a loge vj ler lrmaon Ipoude nothoe tony adn heep our home aves aaa reo ay ge adiferen ming es tend ou do not [Bapaes Seatet ae SOONG hove ie lho ex ora) Address: Hes? MeceasPe AWE Jos Angeles Superior Courl Co: tas Aiceves it Nl Sion ina indy eansanntnanauanD los Angeles, CA so012 _| EMail Adds — oot 2) Restrained Person [ease Manton ® FullNeme: Asti PislevAg, | BS162832 Deseigtion Sex: OO MC] F Height: 6! 0" Weight: 262 Ibs Date of Bint: panes, Haircolor, "GLA" EyeGolor: Rpoaw Age: ___—Race: Peas |Home Address (if known): Zoo S. Sawre FE Ave: lCiy: tos Anceves ‘State; CAL Relationship to Protected Person: Co-wsoescee. Cie war Sime (5, © Ci Additional Protected Persons In adition the person named in, he following amily or household member ofthat pecson are protected by the temporary orders indieatd below Full Name Sex Age, Household Member? Relation Protected Person Eames EasiinsGAy 2a Yes Ono —e D Ye 2 No = Ove Ge G Check hee if there are addtional persons. List them on an attached thee of paper and write “Atachment = Additional Protected Persons" as ati. You may ue Form MC-025, Aachen The cour wil complete th rest ofthis form. @ Expiration Date cone ‘This Order expires athe end ofthe hearing scheduled forthe date and time below: Date: Time: Oh 90. Pow pm ‘| SSRSYSSM&Sa Temporary Restraining Order (LETS-TCH) otra tas Seger Ent nareeoment Pravonson) - P"esiegasz | i) ted below. Ifyou donot obey these orders, you cam be p to one year, pay fine af wp to S,000 cr both, charged with a erime. You may be set fo, @) Personal Conduct Orders © Not Requested SX Denied Until the Hearing SeterammeaasFotows 1. You must mot do the folowing things othe person named in @) (Can tothe other protected person ited in(@) ily or indirety, in any way, ac DA WE TTT OF, ‘ephone in writing, by public or private mail byiterace mal, by e-mal by text mesma by fa, or by othe leon means, (©) Take any action to obtain the person's addres or location, If this item (3) not checked the out has ‘bund good cause not to make this order. © O otter pee 1 Other personal conduct orders te atch at thee ofthis Order on Anat 54), ', Peacfulwriten contac though a lawyer ora proces ever or other person for service of legal pape elated 0. cour casei allowed and does not volt this ore. However, you may bave your papers served 3) mal ‘on the pasa in). © Stay-Away Order C_Not Requested [Denied Until the Hearing (Granted as Follows: © Yourarauyatiest " yalsanay om cata ater (0D tepenen a () C1 Tepe oft of bechen ot ©) C Eatyronin) thpemenn@) ©) C Mebameot te penon in) Chevette penn © O DekSeerigse penn 6) Com et (3) O The schoo! of the person in an (6 C Testelethe cto ———— pon) So This stay away order doesnot prevent you fom going to or fom your home a place of employment. @) Ne Guns cr Other Firearms and Ammunition | You cannut ovo, poses, have, buy or ty to buy, ive or ryt receive oF in anyother way get Bu, other Steams, o aramniion, . You must: () Sellto or store with ficensed gun dealer, or turn in to aw enforcement agency, any guns or other firears in your immediate possession or contol. Tit mt be doe within 24 hours of being served with this Gre ra ‘Tomporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) o (Civil Harassment Prevention) PeeerBS162 692 ‘receipt with th cour within 48 hous of receiving this Order tht proves that your guns or firearms have bee unedin, sod, or Sred. (You may te Form CH-80, Proo of Firearms Turned In, Sold cr Stored fr the rept) «© C) The court has recive information that you wn or poses ean, @® Other ordors CINot Requested —( Denied Until the Hearing (Granted as Follows (speci ® (Additonal ondrs are atazhed athe end af his Order on Atachmeat 8. To the Person in@ (© mandatory Entry of Order into CARPOS Through CLETS ‘This Onder mus be entered io the Califia Restaining and Protective Orr System (CARPOS) through the California Law Enforcement Telecommunicatons System (CLETS). (Check one; © C1 The clerk wl enter this Onder and its pro sevice form into CARPOS, 8. WP hi tl wart i One adits roo seis fm a efrcement agency be nes into CARPOS, «: C By the close of busine onthe date that this Orde is made, the person in os or her Inwyer should ever copy ofthe Oxder and is poofof-service fom tthe aw enforcement agency Iisted below to, enter into CARPOS: Name of Law Enforcement Agency Adee (Ci, Soe, Zp) G Aaiiicna law enforcement agencies ae ised atthe sed of this Order on Atachment 9 ‘No Fee to Serve (Notify) Restrained Person Ordered) Not Ordered The sheriff or marshal wil sre this Onder without charge because: 0) The Order is based on unlawful violence, a credible threat of violence, or stalking. 8. O Thepenonin@) ieatdedion te wanes 2 (Number of pages aached to this Orr, if any Date Hae ial _ SUNT tg" Senor fomporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) (Civil Harassment Prevention) You Cannot Have Guns or Firearms Youcanat own i, poses bur ott by evo ty oes, or eerie pet gun te kes ot sexton whi tie Order isin fet I 90 yous on land ay 4100 fn Vo' mnt slow witha ices un dees o tam into ln enfoenent ageeany gn or ata aa yooh ocala Sued into above. Th cour il tegueyou to poeta Jou bse Notice Regarding Nonappearance at Hearing and Service of Order {you ave been personally served with his Temporary Restraining Order and Feem CH109, Nets of Court Heong but youdo not appee a the hearing either in person or tyalawyen and a esting ode that ithe see otis "Temporary Restraining Onder excep forthe expistion dist athe hearing, copy ofthe order wl be served or you by mail atthe address in tem (2), this adress is not correct or you wish to verify thatthe Tempomry Resting Onder was converted into resining ‘order atthe hearing without substanive change, orto fd out te dation ofthe ender, contac the clerk a the cour After You Have Been Served With a Restraining Order + Obey al he orders * Read form CH-120-1NFO, How Can Respond oa Request for Civil Horasament Retaining Orders? to lean how to respond to thie Orde. + Hfyou want to respond, ill out Form CH-120, Response to Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders, ad le "withthe court eer. You do not have to pay any fet file Your esponge ifthe Request claims that you nite or threatened violence against o stalked the person in * You mist have Form CH-120 seve by mail onthe persoa in (or that person's attorney. You caotdo this ‘yours. The person who does te mailing should complete an sgn Form CH-250,Proofaf Service of Response by ‘Mail File th complet proof service with the cou clerk before the hearing date or bing it with yout he bearing. * Imadditon tthe response, you ty ile and have declaration served, signed by you and other persons who have pesonalknowiedgeof thefts. You may use Form MC-030, Declaration, for this purpose. te avalale fom the ‘lerk's office a th cour shown on age 1 of tis form rat wn courts. cagowforms Ifyou dont know how to ropre a declaton, you shouldseea lawyer, * Whether oF notyou fila respons, you should attend the hearing. Ifyou have any witnesses, hey must ako got the baring * Alte hearing, the alge ean make res isagre with the ocdrs requested. ning orders against you that st 0 up to fve yeas. Tel he je why yoo CS Enforcing the Restraining Order order is enforceable by any law enforcement ager tat has recived the order, i shown a copy of the order, or has ‘verified its exstenes on the California Restraining and Protective Onders System (CARPOS), Ifthe law enforcernent agency has not etcved proof of service on the restned person, the agency must avis the resusined person of te ‘erms ofthe ode and then must nfo it Violation of tis order are subject to ermal poses, a a ab ee” ‘Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) (Civil Harassment Prevention) PmrRST EL 832 | ‘Start Date and End Date of Orders ‘This order starts onthe date next tothe jude’ signature on page 3. The order ends onthe expiration date in item @) on age 1 Arrest Required if Order Is Violated an offcerhas probable cause obiev that the estaned person had notice ofthe oder and has disobeyed the ode, {he officer must amet the restrained person (Pen. Code, $9 836(¢X1), 13701.) A violation ofthe order may be Voltion of Penal Coe section 166 or 273.6, Agencies ae encouraged to enter violation messages into CARPOS Notice/Proof of Service ‘The law enforcement agency mus fist determin if the esaned person hed note ofthe oder, Consider therestanee pstson “served (given nie) If (Pen, Code, §836(0K2)} + The office sees. copy of tt Proof of Service or confi thal the Proof of Service ison file: ot + The restrained person was informed ofthe oder by an ofice. ‘An ofier can obtain information about the content ofthe order snd proof of service in CARPOS. If proof of servic ot the restrained person cannot be verifed the agency must advise the retrained person ofthe terms ofthe der and then, enforce If the Protected Person Contacts the Restrained Person Even ifthe protected person invites ce consents o contact withthe restsined person this oder emsins in eect and mast be enforced The protected person cannot be aresed fr inviting or conenting to contact wit he rested peron The ‘order can be changed ony by anothe: court order. (Pen. Code, § 1371000) Conflicting Orders—Priorities for Enforcement more than one restraining order has been issued, the orders must be enforced according to the following priorities (ses Pex Code, § 1362, Fam. Code § 6383), 640510): 1. EPO: fone ofthe oder is n Emergency Protective Orde fm EPO-001 and is moe restive than other restrining or protective orders, ithas precedence in enforement overall othe orders 2, No Contact Order there sw EPO, ano-contst order that included na restaining or rtetive onde has precedence over any other estrainng or protective cre 3. Criminal Order: if none ofthe odes includes no conte onder, a domestic violence protective ode sued in¢ éximinal case takes precedence in enforcement ver any concn civil cou order. Any nonconictig terme ct the civil restraining order teain in efet and enforceable 4 Family, Juvenile or Civ Orde: If more than one family, jverile, or other civil restraining o protective order ‘as been issued, he one that was ised last ust be enforced (Clerk wl flout this part) A Ssumeranen led talc leaauah eames eet octal a city ay EE ‘Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) ch490, apes (CWitHarasement Prevention)

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