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Gracemor Adventure Club

Tammy Debrick
Site Manager


Key Card Tips

*Each family is issued two key cards for
access into your childs building and can


Welcome to all new returning & new

only be used between 6:45-9:00 and 4:10-

Adventure Club families. I hope you had a


Connie Johnson

fantastic summer! We are looking forward to a *Treat your key card like you would a
credit card. Keep your card in a safe,
great year here at Gracemor & we are excited

Contact Information

to get into the swings of things.

Gracemor SACC

Hello, my name is Tammy Debrick. I have been

*Report any lost or damaged card to your

married to Mark, a BNSF conductor, for 27

Site Manager immediately.

SACC Office

years We have 3 adult children. One of our

*There is a $12 replacement fee for lost or

daughters is the Adventure Club site manager

damaged cards. Excessive requests for

Tammys Cell
Text messages are

at Bell Prairie. I am also a childrens pastor and replacement cards may result in higher
a baton twirling instructor for NKC Community replacement fees.

Gracemor Office
Tammys Email

secure place where it will stay clean; i.e.

your car console or glove box.

Education. I am currently in school working

*New parents, see your Site Manager the

towards my Bachelor of Arts in Education.

first two weeks of school to receive your

A Note From (assistant manger)


key card.
Thursday Early Release
Thursday beginning August 25, 2016 .
Adventure Club will provide care for all

Adventure Club Hours

Open 6:45 AM
Close 6:00 PM

A Note From Miss Connie:

children on Thursday that are early release

Hello My Name is Connie Johnson. I have

days. If your child only attends in the AM

nearly 30 years of experience in the health

on regular school days, you will need to

Important Dates:

field. I was a certified nurse assistant, a med

sign up for these days so we can be

* Closed Labor Day

tech, and a certified rehabilitation aid in a

adequately staffed.

September 5, 2016
No Adventure Club

variety of settings. Besides that I was a nanny

and a lead teacher in an early learning center. I

Sign In and Out

am a mother of 4, grandmother of 11, and also

Please sign your child in and out everyday.

a great grandmother.

Books are organized alphabetically by last

name. The books are on the parent table

Toys From Home

Parent Board

weapons, violence or any thing to big to fit in

Please be sure to check the Parent Board for

information about Adventure Club. You will find
the following items posted on there: Monthly
Newsletter, Monthly Snack Calendar, Daily
Schedule, Weekly Lesson Plans, Drill Log, Staff Bios,
and information on upcoming events (ie: closed
days, field trips, family events)

your childs back pack. Electronic devices are

Changes in Attendance or Pick-Up:

Your child may bring

a toy from home on
Fridays. Please no

only welcomed on full days and snow days.

Please know that Adventure Club is not

responsible for any lost or stolen items .

Please keep in mind, that you Ultimately
make the decision as to whether or not your
child brings anything from home.

Important information

Parent hand book is located on district web site

or come see me, I would be happy to help.
We close at 6:00. Please have your child picked
up by 6:00. If you are late, you will be charged a
late fee. The late fee is one dollar a minute.
Please call if you are running late.
Please make sure your children wears tennis
shoes . This will keep your child safe on the play
ground and in the gym.
Please make sure children bring jackets and
dress appropriately for going out side.

Safety Cards
Please help your child remember to get their
safety card in the morning & place it in the
binder. Please help them remember to put the
card away upon pick-up in the evening. This
is how we keep track of where children are at
(in the room, gym, bathroom, etc) and is very

If your child will not be attending Adventure Club on

a certain day or someone else might be picking them
up please let us know via text, phone call or email. If
other adults are picking up your child, they will need
to bring a photo ID with them, be prepared to give
the family password, and either be listed as an
authorized pick-up or we must be notified by the
parent prior to pickup.
Tuition is due on the first of each month & late after
the 15th. There is a $30 late fee if paid after 5:00 PM
on the 15th. Care will be suspended as of the 15th if
tuition is not paid. Care will be terminated 3 days
later if tuition is not paid. Re-enrollment in
Adventure Club is dependent on space availability

AM Schedule
6:457:15 Arrival & areas
7:158:00 Areas & Gym
8:00-8:10 Gathering &
8:10-8:40 Club Times
8:40-8:45 Clean Up
8:45 Go to breakfast
PM Schedule
4:10-4:20 Arrival & attendance
4:20-4:50 Snack
4:50 5:20 Clubs, gym, or
5:206:00 Areas

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