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Photo Elicitation Project

Rebecca DeRose
Loyola University Chicago

Photo Elicitation Project


There is a reason higher education is seen as an Ivory Tower. Society values degrees of
higher education. This is declared in the job market, by many parents, grandparents, and the
government who provides funding. Higher education institutions set the tone of what is valuable
and necessary. This is also why the institutions symbolize leadership. Institutions who wisely
exert power can create more socially aware citizens. Institutions who poorly exert power can
create socially unaware citizens.

Photo Elicitation Project


Sunrays have both positive and negative effects. Twenty minutes in the sun provides our
bodies with vitamin D, it is an important part of photosynthesis for plants, and it heats the planet
so we dont freeze over. Too much time in the sun can make our skin burn, scorch vegetation,
and generally when too hotmake being outside miserable. Power exerted can also have
positive and negative effects. Power used wisely can further socially just contexts and
environments. Power abused furthers unjust contexts and environments.

Photo Elicitation Project


Flames can be destructive if uncontrolled. When used appropriately by someone who

knows how to control it, fire can be a life source for warmth, to cook, or to purify. This is another
example of how fire is similar to power in leadership contexts. Power controlled is power that
exemplifies furthering a more socially just context. Power uncontrolled furthers unjust contexts.

Photo Elicitation Project


The food industry is one byproduct of our capitalistic society. We all need to eat. We also
need to work to pay the bills (so we can eat). Few people spend time actually growing or
harvesting their own food and especially, food like the photo above. Getting this time back in our
schedule is great. We get to pursue our careers, further our education, and spend time with people
doing activities we enjoy. How this food arrives in our pantries and lands on our plate is another
story. Leadership and power used thoughtfully in the food industry can result in sustainability
and fair labor wages. Leadership and power abused in the food industry can result in
unsustainable and unfair labor opportunities. Do you know what is on your shelf at home?

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