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Philip Reichle 7/13/16

6 Daily Routines

Beginning of class routines:

1) Students greeted and homework checked as the students enter the
classroom. Students must be prepared with homework out before they are
admitted, and if they do not have their homework ready for inspection, they
go back to the end of the line.
2) Immediately upon entering, students place homework in the collection basket
and take out of the handout basket all papers they will need for the day or for
the homework that night.
3) Students then quietly take a seat and begin work on the beginning-of-class
assignment (including writing their homework assignment in their homework
journal) which will be completed 5 minutes after the class begins.

End of class routines:

4) 8 minutes before the closing bell, have students begin ending exercise.
5) 3 minutes before the bell, have students clean up and stand up when ready.
When all are standing, do the 2-second response mental math game, where
individually each student will have 2 seconds to respond to a basic mental
math problem. If answered successfully, the student sits, if not they remain
standing and must go again in a second round. (sponge activity)
6) When all students are seated, the teacher dismisses the class and all may
leave except those who have to stay after class to discuss issues with the

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