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1 ‫עמוד‬

NGO Monitor claims to "promote criticaldebate and

but instead
accountability," stiflesdissent and distorts the facts


Events of the pastyear have highlighted

the Not Accountable to Anyone
vital need for accountability,
transparencyand NGO Monitor does not meet itsown
standards of transparency or

informed debate on the activitiesof NGOs..." Itsannual reportpublishes

accountability. no listof donors, scant

Gerald PresidentofNGO
Steinberg, Monitor, financialinformationand nothing
on the of itsboard
identity of directors
Forward, December ,03

"These NGOs continuing

are to exploit moral, Anti-Democratic in
Principle and in Practice
legaland humanitarian principles in order NGO Monitor's claim thatlegitimate criticismof Israel's
warfare against
to promote political Israel." tantamount to seditionis not justwrong, but dangerous. By denying
Gerald Steinberg,
NGO Monitor PressRelease, Israel'sobligation to complywith international law and universally
December 2009
,22 accepted standardsof human rights, theydamageIsrael'sstatus as
democracy. Muzzlinglegitimate dissentputsIsraelin the company of
Russia,China, Sudan and other authoritarian

The very controversial decision to re-open Fast and Loose with the "Facts"
Route 443 between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv itwas
Actually, Israel's
HighCourt thatallowed limitedPalestinian
to Palestinian vehicles was the
largely result access to road builton
expropriated land. Steinberg'sgross
of pressure from these NGOs. When the first mischaracterization
of thisand other HighCourt decisionsdemonstrates
Israeliisattacked due to thisdecision,NIF for an independent
disrespect judiciary and other democratic institutions
and donors will be blamed."
Gerald The Australian Jewish News,

"What professional as human

qualifications EmbracingRight-WingExtremists
rightsresearchers do theyactually possess, Steinberg's
own so-called"open-minded
search for truth"has led him to
and what evidence isthere of the open-minded partnerwith YisraelHarel, founder of the radicalsettlermovement, Gush
search for truth and rejectionof pre-formed Emunim. NGO Monitor has never "monitored" the funding or activities

ideological conclusions?" of radicalsettlergroups for illegal

responsible outposts, repudiationof
Gerald Steinberg, JTA, September,9 2009 the ruleof law and confrontationsin East Jerusalem that
the escalating
threatenthe peace process and US-Israel relations

NGO Monitor is
mouthpiece for the extreme

They have no regardfor objectivity

right. or

transparency,and onlydisdain for democratic

process and open debate

‫ל‬. 1¥‫ ל«ש‬nminn /7f7/7 The New IsraelFund (NIF)isthe leading committed
organization to

democratic changewithin Israel

New IsraelFund Let Israel's attackson Israel'sdemocratic foundations,
leadersknow you reject

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