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Araneta v Gatmaitan

1. The administrative agency pertains to the executive department and so

comes under the constitutional control of the President, which control cannot be
withdrawn or limited even by the legislature.
2. If under the law, the Secretary of Agriculture has authority to regulate or
ban fishing by trawl, then the President of the Philippines may exercise the same
power and authority because of the following: (a) The President shall have
control of all the executive departments, bureaus or offices pursuant to Section
10(1), Article VII of the Constitution (b) Executive orders may be issued by the
President under Section 63 of the Revised Administrative Code governing the
general performance of duties by public employees or disposing issues of
general concern; and ( c) Under section 74 of the Revised Administrative Code
All executive functions of the government of the Republic of the Philippines shall
be directly under the Executive Departments subject to the supervision and
control of the President of the Philippines in matters of general policy.
PSDSA v Hon. Edilberto De Jesus
1. Administrative officials have the power to promulgate rules in the
implementation of a statute is necessarily limited to what is provided for in the
legislative enactment. The implementing rules and regulations of a law cannot
extend the law or expand its coverage, as the power to amend or repeal a statute
is vested in the legislature; however, administrative bodies are allowed under
their power of subordinate legislation to implement the broad policies laid down in
a statute by filling in the details. All that is required is that the regulation be
germane to the objectives and purposes of the law and that the regulation does
not contradict but conforms with the standards prescribed by law.
2. Administrative supervision means overseeing or the power or authority of
an officer to see that their subordinate officers perform their duties. If the latter
fails or neglects to fulfill them, the former may take such action or steps as
prescribed by law to make them perform their duties.
Romulo Mabanta v Home Development Mutual Fund
1. Rules and regulations, which are the products of a delegated power to
create a new and additional legal provisions that have the effect of law, should be
within the scope of authority granted by the legislature to the administrative
agency. The agency cannot, in the exercise of its rule making power, issue a
regulation not consistent with the law it seeks to apply. Administrative issuances
must not override, supplant or modify the law, but must remain consistent with
the law they intend to carry out.
Assoc. of PH Coconut Desiccators v PH Coconut Authority
1. Under Art. II, 3(a) of the Revised Coconut Code (P.D. No. 1468), the role
of the PCA is "To formulate and adopt a general program of development for the
coconut and other palm oil industry in all its aspects." By limiting the purpose of
registration to merely "monitoring volumes of production [and] administration of

quality standards" of coconut processing plants, the PCA in effect abdicates its
role and leaves it almost completely to market forces how the coconut industry
will develop.
2. Only judicial review of decisions of administrative agencies made in the
exercise of their quasi-judicial function is subject to the exhaustion doctrine.
3. Where the regulatory system has been set up by law, it is beyond the
power of an administrative agency to dismantle it. Any change in the policy must
be made by the legislative department.
Echegaray v Sec. of Justice
1. Empowering the Secretary of Justice in conjunction with the Secretary of
Health and the Director of the Bureau of Corrections, to promulgate rules and
regulations on the subject of lethal injection is a form of delegation of legislative
authority to administrative bodies. The reason for delegation of authority to
administrative agencies is the increasing complexity of the task of government
requiring expertise as well as the growing inability of the legislature to cope
directly with the myriad problems demanding its attention. The growth of society
has ramified its activities and created peculiar and sophisticated problems that
the legislature cannot be expected to attend to by itself. Specialization even in
legislation has become necessary. On many problems involving day-to-day
undertakings, the legislature may not have the needed competence to provide
the required direct and efficacious, not to say, specific solutions. These solutions
may, however, be expected from its delegates, who are supposed to be experts
in the particular fields assigned to them. Although Congress may delegate to
another branch of the Government the power to fill in the details in the execution,
enforcement or administration of a law, it is essential, to forestall a violation of the
principle of separation of powers, that said law: (a) be complete in itself - it must
set forth therein the policy to be executed, carried out or implemented by the
delegate- and (b) fix a standard - the limits of which are sufficiently determinate
or determinable - to which the delegate must conform in the performance of his
2. The Secretary of Justice has practically abdicated the power to
promulgate the manual on the execution procedure to the Director of the Bureau
of Corrections, by not providing for a mode of review and approval thereof. Being
a mere constituent unit of the Department of Justice, the Bureau of Corrections
could not promulgate a manual that would not bear the imprimatur of the
administrative superior, the Secretary of Justice as the rule-making authority
under R.A. No. 8177. Such apparent abdication of departmental responsibility
renders the said paragraph invalid.
Lupangco v CA
1. One of the requisites for an administrative regulation to be valid is that it
must be reasonable. To be valid, such rules and regulations must be reasonable
and fairly adapted to the end in view. If shown to bear no reasonable relation to
the purposes for which they are authorized to be issued, then they must be held
to be invalid.

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