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13. A cat has a litter of seven kittens. If the probability that it will happen in one trial.
probability is 0.52 that a kitten will be 0.4514
1. Three standard 52-card decks are used female, what is the probability that exactly
27. The probability that a man will be alive
in a probability experiment. One card is two of the seven will be male? 0.18
25 years hence is 3/7 and that of his wife is
drawn from each deck. What is the
probability that a diamond is drawn from 14. A committee of five individuals is to be 4/5. Determine that 25 years hence only
the first deck, an ace from the second, and formed from a group of 9 males and 5 the wife will be alive. 0.4571
the ace of hearts from the third? 0.00037. females. What is the probability that the
committee will include exactly 2 males? 28. One shot is fired from each of three
guns, the probability of a hit being 0.1, 0.2
2. What is the probability of drawing a face 0.18
and 0.3 respectively. Find the probability of
card on the first selection from a deck of
making at least one hit. 0.496
52 cards and without replacement, drawing
which there is a first prize and a second
an ace on the second selection? 0.0181
prize. What is the probability of a man 29. Find the probability of throwing a prime
3. The probability that a randomly chosen drawing a prize if the owns 5 tickets? number in one toss of a die. 0.50
30. Of 100 engineers who applied for
sales prospect will make a purchase is 0.1837
positions in a computer firm, 40 had some
0.18. If a salesman calls on 5 prospects,
prior work experience and 30 has
what is the probability that the salesman
total of 8 out of 11 in a single throw of a professional
will make exactly 3 sales? 0.0392
pair of dice? 0.1944
applicants had both work experience and a
license. What is the probability that a
4. A person draws 3 balls in succession
from a box containing 5 red balls, 6 yellow 17. Five discs in a bag are numbered randomly chosen applicant has a license
balls, and 7 green balls. Find the 1,2,3,4 and 5. What is the probability that given that he has some previous work
probability of drawing the balls in the order the sum of the numbers on 3 discs is experience? 0.50
greater than 10? 0.20
red, yellow and green. 0.04289
31. In a party where there are 35 people,
5. A person draws 3 balls in succession 18. Two dice are rolled. Find the probability the ratio of females to males is 4:3. If 2
from a box containing 5 red balls, 6 yellow that the sum of the numbers on the dice is persons are picked at random, what is the
balls and 7 green balls. Find the probability odd and the first die shows an even probability that they are of opposite sex?
of drawing the balls in the order red, yellow number. 0.25
and green. 0.0429

19. The probability of Juan's winning

6. Jose's probability of winning a certain whenever he plays a certain game is 1/3. If
game whenever he plays it is 0.25. If he he plays 4 times, find the probability that
plays the game 4 times, find his probability he wins just twice. 0.2963
of winning just 3 times. 0.047
20. What are the odds in favor of obtaining
7. What is the approximate probability of at least 4 heads when a coin is tossed 5
exactly two people in a group of seven times? 0.268055555555556
having the same birthday?
8. Find the probability of getting exactly 12
out of 30 questions on true or false
question. 0.08
9. If two dice are tossed, what is the
probability of getting a 4 on the first die
and an odd number on the second die?
10. What is the probability of picking an
orange ball and a white ball out of a bag
containing seven orange ball, eight green
balls, and two white balls? 0.1
11. For the frequency distribution at the
right, the relative frequency for 17 is 0.14

32. One box contains 5 marbles and 2

blocks and a second box contains 1
marbles and 3 blocks. If an object is taken
from one of two boxes at random, what is
the probability that it is a block? 0.5179

33. A basket contains 3 apples and 2

oranges. Another basket contains 2 apples
and 5 oranges. A boy selected a basket at
21. If three sticks are drawn at random random and picked a fruit and then placed
from five sticks whose lengths are 1,2,3,4 it on the other basket. Then another fruit is
and 5 cm, find the probability that the picked from the second basket. Find the
sticks drawn will from a triangle. 0.30
probability that both fruits he picked are of
the same kind. 0.5363
22. Find the probability of getting a prime
number thrice by tossing a die 5 times. 34. What is the probability that either two
heads or three heads will be thrown if six
fair coins are tossed at once? 0.55
23. If six coins are tossed together, find the
probability of tossing at most two heads. 35. A card is drawn from a deck of 52
cards. Find the probability of drawing a
king or a red card. 0.5385
24. The probability that a certain ball
player will get a hit in one time is 0.30. 36. If a card is drawn from a deck of 52
Find the probability that in 4 times at bat, cards, find the probability of getting a Jack
he will make exactly one hit. 0.4116
or a black card. 0.5385

25. What is the probability of getting two 37. A bag contains 100 balls numbered 1
12. Samples of aluminum-alloy channels numbers whose sum is even from the to 100. One ball is drawn from the bag.
What is the probability that the number on
were tested for stiffness. The following numbers 1,2,3,8,9,10 and 11? 0.4286
the ball selected will be odd or greater that
frequency distribution is assumed to be
80? 0.6
probability that stiffness would be less than happen exactly three times in five trials is
equal to the probability that it will happen 38. Jose is taking two final exams in English
2350 for given channel section? 0.16
exactly two times in six trials, find the and in Math. The probability that he will
pass the English exam is 0.75 and the

probability that he will pass either the examinee in passing each subject is 0.75,
English or the Math exam is 0.90. What is what is the probability that the examinee
the probability that he will pass both will pass at least two subjects? 0.84375
exams? 0.65
49. Two boys A and B work independently
39. During the Gulf War, a US submarine on a puzzle. If the probability that A can
disposed off 4 torpedoes each with a solve the puzzle is 3/5 and that of B is ,
probability of 0.25 of hitting a hip? What is what is the probability that the solution will
the probability of hitting an enemy ship? be found? 0.90
50. 100 random samples were taken from
40. Out of a sample of 10,000 men, the a large population. A particular numerical
probability that a man picked at random characteristic of sampled items was
weighs over 86 kg is 0.25. The probability measured.
that a man weighs less than 61 kg is 0.15. measurements were as follows: (image)
What is the probability that a man picked the smallest value was 0.859, and the
at random weighs between 61 and 86 kg. largest value was 0.958. The sum of all 100
measurements was 91.170. Except those
noted, no measurements occurred more
41. Five manufacturers produce a certain than twice. What is the median of the
three measurements? 0.903
manufacturers are selected at random,
what is the probability that the selection is 51. The probability that a Filipino boxer will
exactly equal to two of the best three? win a silver medal is 0.40. Find the
probability that out of 5 Filipino boxers; at
least one will win the silver. 0.92
42. The probability that Mr. Unyok drives
his car to work is 0.21; rides to work with 52. What is the approximate probability
his neighbor is 0.14; takes a bus is 0.48; that no two people in a group of seven
takes a taxi is 0.12 and walk is 0.05. What have the same birthday? 0.94
is the probability that he will take a taxi or
go by the bus? 0.60
53. If 15% of the bolts produced by a
43. David attempts to shoot two free machine will be defective, determine the
throws after being fouled in a basketball probability that out of 5 both chosen at
game. The probability that the first attempt random, at most 2 bolts will defective.
is successful is 0.70. The probability that 0.9734
David is successful on the second attempt
is 0.45. If David is successful on the first 54. The required probability that a twoattempt, what is the probability that he stage rocket will perform successfully is
makes the second attempt? 0.6429
0.97. The reliability for the first stage is
0.99. The reliabilities of the two stages are
44. If a computer randomly generates the independent. What must be the reliability
last digit of a telephone number, find the for the second stage? 0.98
probability that is odd or less than 4. 0.70
55. A couple plans to have 7 children. Find
45. If P(A) is the probability of the the probability of having at least one girl.
occurrence of an event A, then P(A) is the 0.9922
probability of the non-occurrence of A.
Suppose P(A) = 0.90 and P(B') = 0.20. Find 56. Four friends took the ECE board exam,
P (A and B). 0.72
each with a probability 0.60 of passing the
said exam. Find the probability that at least
46. A box contains 3 red marbles and 7 one of them will pass the exam. 0.9744
white marbles. A marble is drawn from the
box and a marble of the other color is then 57. Find the standard deviation of 8, 7, 12,
put in the box. If a second marble is drawn 4, and 9. 2.61
from the box, what are the odds in favor of
getting a second red marble? 0.73125
58. Find the root mean square of 2.7, 3.8,
3.2 and 4.3. 3.55
47. The overall proportions of defective
items in a continuous production process 59. Find the harmonic mean of 3, 3 and 6.
are 0.12. What is the probability that two 3.6
randomly chosen items will both be nondefective? 0.77
60. Find the geometric mean of 3, 5, 8, 3, 7
and 2. 4.141
48. An engineering board exam consists of
three subjects. If the probability of an

61. If the sum of the square of 5 numbers

is 130 and their standard deviation is equal
to the square root of 2.96, find their
arithmetic mean. 4.8
62. Find the standard deviation of the
numbers: 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15 and 18.
63. If the sum of the squares of 10
numbers is 645 and their standard
deviation is 2.87, find their arithmetic
mean? 7.5
64. Find the harmonic mean of 7, 5, 8, 6, 4,
10, 9, 11 and 13. 7.12
65. A man is promised a reward of P1, 000
if he can draw 4 cards of the same suit
from a deck of 52 cards. What is the
mathematical expectation? 10.56
66. Out of 50 numbers, 8 were 10's, 12
were 7's, 15 were 16's, 10 were 9's and the
remaining numbers were 10's. Find the
mean. 10.88
67. Find the standard deviation of the set
of numbers in the arithmetic progression 4,
10, 16, 22, , 46. 13.75
68. If the arithmetic mean of an ungrouped
data is 13.6 and their variance is 8.24, find
their root mean square. 13.9
69. Find the variance of 11, 13, 16, 18, 20,
and 22. 14.6

70. Find the mean of the score:

72. What is the sample variance of the
following numbers? 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and
14. 18.7
Find the root mean square of 16, 19, 22
and 27. 21.39
73. A car travels from A to B at 30 kph,
from B to C at 40 kph and from C to A at 50
kph. If A, B and C are equidistant from
each other, determine the average speed
of the car for the entire trip by using the
harmonic mean formula. 38.3
74. If median = 57.22 and the mean =
55.78, find the mode by using the
empirical formula. 60.10
75. The scores of a student in six
examinations were 70, 84, 81, 79, 88, and
92. Find the median. 82.5
76. Over a period of 4 consecutive years
an employee has received 7.2, 8.6, 6.9,
and 9.8% annual increases. The ratios

therefore of each new salary to the

previous salary are 1.072, 1.086, and
1.098. Find the geometric mean of these 4
ratios and then determine the average
percent increase for this employee over
the 4 year period. 1.23, 8.140

89. If three coins are tossed, what is the 102. A coin is weighted so that he head is
probability that one head will turn up? 3/8 three times as likely to appear as tails. Find
P (H) and P (T). 3/4,
90. The odds that a reviewee will not pass
a board exam are 1:4. Find the probability 103. The sum of the probability of an event
that they will pass the exam. 4/5
is. 1

77. What is the approximate probability of 91.

exactly two people in a group of seven independently on a problem. Their
having a birthday on April 15? 1.6 x 10-4
respective probabilities of solving the
78. The probability that a basketball team problem are 1/3 and 3/4. What is the
will win the championship is assessed as probability that at least one of them will
being 1/3. Find the odds that the team will solve the problem? 5/6

104. Find the mean deviation of 3, 5, 7,

and 9. 2
105. How many permutations can be made
from the letters A, B, C if all letters are
taken at a time? 6

win. 1:2
79. A point P is selected at random inside a
circle. Find the probability that the point P
is closer to the center of the circle than to
its circumference. 1/4

92. The odds for the occurrence of an

event are s:f. This ratio means that for
every s favorable outcomes, there are f
unfavorable outcomes. What is the
probability value equivalent to an odd ratio
of 5:3? 5/8

80. Four fair coins are tossed at once. What

is the probability of obtaining three heads 93. A box contains 7 tickets, numbered
from 1 to 7 inclusive. If 3 tickets are drawn
and one tail? 1/4
from the box, one at a time, determine the
81. A coin is tossed 3 times. What is the probability that the tickets drawn are odd,
even, odd. 6/35
probability of getting 3 tails up? 1/8

106. A sample consists of the values 10,

18, 34 and 22. Find average deviation. 7
107. Find the value of n if nP6 = 3nP5. 8
108. There are 13 teams in a tournament.
Each team is to play with each other only
once. What is the minimum number of
days can they all play without any team
playing more than one game in any day?

109. For the data collection shown at the

82. Three boys and three girls are sitting in 94. From a box containing 6 red balls, 8 right, P30 is: 18
a row. Find the probability that the boys white balls and 10 blue balls, one ball is
the 110. For the data at the right, the
and the girls in alternate seats. 1/10
probability that it is red, or white. 7/12
minimum is: 20
83. In a game of roulette, find the
probability of betting on a winning number 95. If a card is drawn from a deck of 52 111. The quadratic mean of 11, 23 and 35
if wheel includes "0" and "1" through "36". cards, find the probability that it will be a is: 25
Jack or a black card? 7/13
112. For the following given data: 12, 0,
84. What is the probability on a single roll 96. The probability of getting a credit in an 45, 16, 31, 45, 45, 22, 25, 27, and 28 the
of the die, that the number is either even examination is 1/3. If three students are median is: 27
selected at random, what is the probability
or a 3? 2/3
that at least one of the students got credit? 113. Given the eight number summary (at
the right) for a collection of data, the IQR is
85. A class contains 10 men and 20 women 19/27
of which half the men and half the half
brown eyes. Find the probability that a 97. What is the harmonic mean between
114. A standard normal (Z) distribution is
person chosen at random is a man or has 3/8 and 4? 24/35
used to test a hypothesis if the sample size
brown eyes. 2/3
98. From a bag containing 4 black balls and is: 30
86. There are 7 students, 4 of whom are 5 white balls, two balls are drawn one at a
girls. They are participation in elections for time. Find the probability that both balls 115. A t distribution is used to test
4 student body offices, namely: President, are white. Assume that the first ball is hypothesis if the sample size is: less than
Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. returned before the second ball is drawn. 30
What is the probability that a girl becomes 25/81
116. What is the approximate standard
President and a boy, Vice President? 2/7
A box contains 4 lemons and 2 oranges. 99. In a game of Yahtzee, where 5 dice are deviation of the population from which the
What is the probability of obtaining 1 tossed simultaneously, find the probability samples were taken? 51
of getting two pairs. 25/108
lemon in 3 random selections? 2/9
117. For the data shown at the right, the
87. A bag contains 5 red balls and 6 white 100. The probability of a certain event is range is: 56
balls. If 4 balls are drawn in succession 2/7 and the probability of another
without replacement, find the probability independent of the first is 6/11. Find the 118. What is the number of permutations
that the balls drawn are all of the same probability that at least one event will of the letters in the word BANANA? 60
happen. 52/77
color. 2/33
119. The average of six scores is 38. If the
88. Find the probability of occurrence of an 101. In a poker consisting of 5 cards, find highest score is removed, the average of
event if the odds that it will occur are 3:2. the probability of holding three aces. the remaining scores is 18.2. Find the
94/54, 145
highest score. 92

120. A semiconductor company will hire 7 respectively. Find the mean weight of the
men and 4 women. In how many ways can students. 68.02 kg
the company choose from 9 men and 6
women who qualified for the position? 540 135. How much you will spend if you will
bet all the combinations in a Lotto lottery
121. Find the number of ways in which 4 Draw? 52,457,860 pesos
boys and 4 girls can be seated in a row if
the boys and girls are to have alternate 136.
seats? 1152
of n distinct objects arranged in a circle is:
122. In how many ways can 4 boys and 4
girls be seated alternately in a row of 8 137. Any function of the random variables
seats? 1152
constituting a random sample. Statistics
123. Samples of aluminum-alloy channels
were tested for stiffness. The following
frequency distribution is assumed to be
normal. What is the approximate mean of
the population from which the samples
were taken? 2402
124. In how many ways can 9 books be
arranged on a self so that 5 of the books
are always together? 14400
125. Find the sum of 1 + 1 3 + 2 + 23 + 3 +
33 + .+ 20 + 203

152. The number of children a woman has

is: discrete data
153. This data give estimates of the
centering and the dispersion of the
process. Control chart data
154. The height of a male college
continuous data

155. Permutations that occur by arranging

objects in a: circular permutation
138. An outcome in a sample space: 156. It is used in two-sample situations to
draw inferences about the population
variances: F distribution
139. A sample space containing an infinite
number of possibilities equal to the 157. It is used extensively in problems that
number of points on a line segment: deal with inferences about the population
mean or in problems that involve
comparative samples: t distribution
140. An arrangement regardless of the
order: combination
158. The probability distribution of a
statistic: sampling distribution
141. A sample space containing a finite
number of possibilities or an unending 159. The distribution of a normal random
sequence with as many elements as there variable with mean zero and variance one:
are whole numbers: discrete
standard normal distribution

126. In a group of 10 boys and 15 girls,

how many selections of 6 students are 142. Consists of the totality of the
possible? 177100
observations with which we are concerned.
127. How many 6-number combinations
can be generated from the numbers from 1 143. The IQ of all sophomore students in
to 42 inclusive, without repetition and with Rizal High School is: population
no regards to the order of the numbers?
144. Distribution that lacks symmetry with
respect to a vertical axis: skewed
128. In how many ways can 5 different
trees be planted in a circle? 24 ways
145. The ages of all females from the
freshmen students in Mapua Institute of
129. In how many ways can you line up 5 Technology are a: sample
persons to get up a bus when person A and
B will not follow each other? 72 ways
146. The purpose of this measure of
central tendency is not to be influenced by
130. In how many different ways can a true extreme values: median
false consisting of 9 questions be
answered? 512 ways
147. When a record is made of an actual
measured quality characteristic, the quality
131. In how many ways can 4 boys and 5 is said to be expressed by: variables
girls sit in a row if the boys and girls must
alternate? 2,880 ways
148. A function that associates a real
number with each element in the same
132. How many different permutations can space: random variable
be made from the word "infinity"? 3,360
149. A failure to conform to a particular
specification: non conformance
133. In a group of 10 boys and 15 girls,
how many selections of students are 150. An article that does not conform to
possible if it is composed of 2 boys and 4 specifications in some respect can be
girls? 61,425 ways
described as: non conforming
134. Four groups of students consisting of 151. The area of the statistics that involves
10, 15, 18 and 20 individuals reported constructing histograms (bar graphs),
mean weights of 74, 67, 70 and 64 kg frequency distributions, and sorting is:
descriptive statistics

160. It involves the possibility of putting off

the decision on the lot until a second
sample has been taken: double sampling
161. Which of the following is said to be an
unbiased estimator of the population
mean: Sample Mean
162. It is a control chart for number of
nonconformities: c chart
163. It is used to analyze the spread or
dispersion of the process: R chart
164. If a subgroup size is constant, this
control chart for actual number of rejects
may be used: np chart
165. It is defined to be the ratio between
the mean square treatment and the mean
square error: statistic F
examination to determine whether quality
activities and related consults comply with
planned arrangements: Quality Audit
167. The set of all possible outcomes of a
statistical experiment: sample space
168. Two events that have no elements in
common: mutually exclusive
169. This type of curve gives the
probabilities of acceptance for various
fraction defective as a function of the lot
quality of finite lots: Type A OC curve

170. The event containing all the elements 3. For the probability density function 14. A survey of a random sample of people
that belong to either event or both: union shown, what is the probability of the leaving an amusement park showed an
of two events
random variable being less than 1/3? 0.22 average expenditure of P 103 for the
evening. The average expenditure for the
171. An event containing of all elements
20 girls in the sample was P 97 and for the
that are common to two events:
boys it was 111. How many boys are there
intersection of two events
in the sample? 15
172. The subset of all elements of a
sample space that are not in an event:
complement of an event

15. The probability for the ECE board

examinees from a certain school to pass
the subject Mathematics is 3/7 and for the
subject Communications is 5/7. If none of
173. What value(s) of x will satisfy the
the examinees fails both subject and there
equation x2 - 4 = 0? Both a & b
are 4 examinees that pass both subjects,
4. If six coins are tossed together, find the find the number of examinees from that
probability of tossing at most two heads. school who took the examinations. 28
174. The inferential statistics is relevant
16. For a sample of 20 children in a certain
because it: is a tool for decision making
5. The water content of soil from a borrow school, the numbers of minutes they spend
site is normally distributed with a mean of per day watching TV are as follows:
14.2% and a standard deviation of 2.3%. 45, 25, 30, 20, 50, 24, 48, 50, 60, 23, 25,
175. A normal distribution would show the What is the probability that a sample taken
35, 18, 30, 35, 20, 25, 18, 27, 28. The
following characteristics EXCEPT: the from the site will have water content above
range of these samples is________. 42
mode is between the mean and the 16% or below 12%? 0.37
17. What is the average for students who
6. The grade point average of 20 college receive grades of 85, 76 and 82 on 3 tests
176. Which of the following statement is seniors selected at random from the
and a 79 on the final examination in a
false: The mean is a measure of the graduating class is as follows. Calculate the
certain course of the final examination
position of a score in a collection of standard deviation. 0.585
counts 3 times as much as the 3 tests? 80
7. In the ECE Board Examinations, the
probability that an examinee will pass each
subject is 0.8. What is the probability that
an examinee will pass at least two subjects
out of the three board subjects? 0.896

18. There are five main roads between the

cities A and B, and four between B and C.
In how many ways can a person drive from
A to C and return, going through B on both
trips without driving on the same road
twice? 240
8. If seven fair coins are simultaneously 19. A semiconductor company will hire 7
tossed in the air, what is the probability men and 4 women. In how many ways can
that at least one will land heads up? 0.992 the company choose from 9 men and 6
women who qualified for the position? 540
9. For the data shown at the right, what is
178. In continuing the use of control the average passing percentage of CE
20. Find the number of ways in which 4
charts, possible action on the process can Board Exam last year? 34.21
boys and 4 girls can be seated in a row if
be: action to remove assignable
the boys and girls are to have alternate
causes of variation that are brought 10. This year is considered the worst year
seats? 1152
to attention by out-of-control points
for Tiger Woods. His score for the ten
177. Data consisting of 10 observations
were taken from two different samples. The
results indicated a mean x1 = 12.5 and
mean x2 = 4.5. These dates were subjected
computed t value is greater than the
critical t value. This means that: there is a
significant difference between the two

70 72 68 75 69 70 71 75 70 67
179. In a dice game, one fair dice is used. What is his average score this year? 70.7
The player wins P20 if he rolls either 1 or 6.
He loses P10 if he turns up any other face. 11. Three sections of a Statistic class
What is the expected winning for one roll containing 28.32 and 35 students average
83.80 and 76 respectively on the same
of the dice? P0.00
final examination. What is the combined
population mean for all 3 sections? 79.4

21. A man works in a company whose

employees had an average income this
past year for 280,000 pesos with a
standard deviation of P 30,000. How much
did the man earn this past year if her z
score is -0.8? 256000

22. If 15 people won prizes in the state

lottery (assuming that there are no ties),
how many ways can these 15 people win
mean and sample first, second, third, fourth and fifth prizes?
of the following 360360

12. What are the

standard deviation
1. What is the sample variance of the numbers? 75.7, 3.8
0.50, 0.80, 0.75, 0.52, 0.60: 0.0183
13. There are 13 teams in a tournament.
Each team is to play with each other only
2. There are 50 tickets in a lottery in which once. What is the minimum number of
there is a first and second prize. What is days can they all play without any team
the probability of a man drawing a prize if playing more than one game in any day?
he owns 5 tickets? 0.2

23. How many are there to select 3

candidates from 8 equally qualified recent
graduates from opening in an Engineering
Firm? 56 ways
24. A college plays 12 basketball games
during a season. In how many ways can

the team end the season with 7 wins, 3 survey, suppose 100 boys and 50 girls are
losses, and 2 ties? 7920 ways
sampled. What is the probability that the
male sample will have at most three more
25. A group of 3 people enter a theater days of absences than the female sample?
after the lights had dimmed. They are 0.035
shown to the correct group of 3 seats by
the usher. Each person holds a number 3. A batch of computer chips includes two
stub. What is the probability that each is in that are defective and four that are
the correct seat according to the number acceptable. If two of these chips are
on seat and stub? 1/6
randomly selected without replacement,
find the probability that both are defective.
26. Three bolts and three nuts are put in a 0.067
box. If two parts are chosen at random,
find the probability that one is a bolt and 4. What is the probability that 4 or more
one is a nut. 3/5
adults reside at a randomly selected
home? 0.1
27. Two cards are drawn in succession from
a deck without replacement. What is the 5. Marie is getting married tomorrow, at an
probability that both cards are greater than outdoor ceremony in the desert. In recent
2 and less than 8? 98/663
years, it has rained only 5 days each year.
28. In a swimming race, the odds that A predicted rain for tomorrow. When it
will win are 2 to 3 and the odds that B will actually rains, the weatherman correctly
win are 1 to 4. Find the probability and the forecasts rain 90% of the time. When it
odds that A and B wins the race. 3/4, 3:2
doesn't rain, he incorrectly forecasts rain
10% of the time. What is the probability
29. On a vacation trip, a family travels 500 that it will rain on the day of Marie's
km each day. If the trip lasts 3 days and wedding? 0.11
the family averages 80 kilometers per hour
the first day, 93 kilometers per hour on the 6. Suppose a die is tossed 5 times. What is
second day and 87 kilometers per hour the the probability of getting exactly 2 fours?
third day, find the average speed of the 0.16
entire trip. 86.3 km/hr
7. There are three candidates A,B and C for
30. On a vacation trip, a family bought mayor of a certain town. If the odds that A
21.5 liters of gasoline at 39.9 cents per will win are 7:5 and those of B are 1:3,
liter, 18.7 liters at 42.9 cents per liter and what is the probability that candidate C will
23.5 liters at 10.9 cents per liter. Find the win? 0.17
mean price paid liter. 30.08 cents/liters
8. Molly earned a score of 940 on a
31. In a dice game, one fair die is used. national achievement test. The mean test
The player wins P20 if he rolls either 1 or 6. score was 850 with a standard deviation of
He loses P10 if he turns up any other face. 100. What proportion of students had a
What is the expected winning for one roll higher score than Molly? 0.18
of the die? P0.00
32. The distribution of a normal random 9. What is the probability of obtaining 45 or
variable with mean zero and variance one: fewer heads in 100 tosses of a coin? 0.18
standard normal distribution
10. There are 50 tickets in a lottery in
the t-test
on which there is a first prize and a second
Student's t-distribution)
for? prize. What is the probability of a man
differences drawing a prize if the owns 5 tickets?
between samples means is significant 0.1837 or 0.1918
1. Bob is a high school basketball player.
He is a 70% free throw shooter. That
means his probability of making a free
throw is 0.70. What is the probability that
Bob makes his first free throw on his fifth
shot? 0.00567
2. For boys, the average number of
absences in the first grade is 15 with a
standard deviation of 7; for girls, the
average number of absences is 10 with a
standard deviation of 6. In a nationwide

11. A bag contains 10 red balls, 30 white

balls, 20 black balls and 15 yellow balls. If
two balls are drawn, replacement being
made after each drawing, find the
probability that only one is a red ball.
12. In one state, 52% of the voters are
Republicans, and 48% are Democrats. In a
second state, 47% of the voters are
Republicans, and 53% are Democrats.
Suppose a simple random sample of 100
voters is surveyed from each state. What is

the probability that the survey will show a

greater percentage of Republican voters in
the second state than in the first state?
13. Suppose we randomly select 5 cards
without replacement from an ordinary deck
of playing cards. What is the probability of
getting exactly 2 red cards (i.e., hearts or
diamonds)? 0.32513
14. A coin is tossed three times. What is
heads exactly one time? 0.375
15. Twenty tickets are numbered 1 to 20
and one of them is drawn at random. What
is the probability that the number drawn is
a multiple of 3 or 5? 0.45
16. A student goes to the library. The
probability that she checks out (a) a work
of fiction is 0.40, (b) a work of non-fiction is
0.30, , and (c) both fiction and non-fiction
is 0.20. What is the probability that the
student checks out a work of fiction, nonfiction, or both? 0.5
17. A public opinion survey explored the
relationship between age and support for
increasing the minimum wage. The results
are summarized in the two-way table to
the right. In the 21 to 40 age group, what
minimum wage?

18. The odds that a new product will
succeed are estimated as being 5:3. Find
the probability that the product will
succeed. 0.625
19. The probability of getting a credit in an
examination is 0.30. If three students are
selected at random, what is the probability
that at least one of them got a credit?
20. If a computer randomly generates the
last digit of a telephone number, find the
probability that is odd or less than 4. 0.70
21. The probability that a student is
accepted to a prestigious college is 0.3. If 5

students from the same school apply, what 28. In state lottery, first prize is won if a
is the probability that at most 2 are player selects six-number combination
accepted? 0.84
when six different numbers from 1 to 51
are drawn. If a player selects one particular
22. In a survey of randomly selected six-number
adults, 150 were ticketed for over speeding probability of winning the first prize. 5.5 x
and 140 others received illegal parking 10-8
tickets. Of this group, nobody received
both a speeding ticket and a parking ticket.
The men received 100 of the speeding 29. In a recent little league softball game,
tickets and 90 of the parking tickets. If one each player went to bat 4 times. The
of these adults is randomly selected, find number of hits made by each player is
the probability of selecting a man or described by the following probability
someone ticketed for speeding. 0.8621
What is the
23. The number of adults living in homes distribution?
on a randomly selected city block is
described by the following probability
What is the standard deviation of the
probability distribution?




38. Five-card stud is a poker game, in
which a player is dealt 5 cards from an
ordinary deck of 52 playing cards. How
many distinct poker hands could be dealt?
39. A urn contains 6 red marbles and 4
drawn without replacement from the urn.
What is the probability that both of the
marbles are black? 2/15

probability 40. A card is drawn randomly from a deck

of ordinary playing cards. You win $10 if
the card is a spade or an ace. What is the
probability that you will win the game?

41. A urn contains 6 red marbles and 4

black marbles. Two marbles are drawn with
replacement from the urn. What is the
probability that both of the marbles are
black? 4/25
select 2 letters from the set of letters: X, Y,
42. Below, the cumulative frequency plot
24. The required probability that a two- and Z? 3
shows height (in inches) of college
stage rocket will perform successfully is
0.97. The reliability for the first stage is 31. Suppose X and Y are independent basketball players.
0.99. The reliabilities of the two stages are random variables. The variance of X is
independent. What must be the reliability equal to 16; and the variance of Y is equal
to 9. Let Z = X - Y. What is the standard
for the second stage? 0.98
deviation of Z? 5
25. The table at the right shows the joint
two 32. How many different ways can you
6 inches
random variables - X and Y. (In a joint arrange the letters X, Y, and Z? 6
probability distribution table, numbers in
43. The table on the left shows the joint
the cells of the table represent the 33. How many different outcomes can
probability that particular values of X and Y occur when a coin is flipped 4 times? 16
random variables - X and Y; and the table
occur together.) What is the mean of the
on the right shows the joint probability
34. A business man has 4 dress shirts and
sum of X and Y?
distribution between two random variables
7 ties. How many different shirt/tie outfits
- A and B. Which of the following
can he create? 28
statements are true?

26. The Acme Battery Company has
developed a new cell phone battery. On
average, the battery lasts 60 minutes on a
single charge. The standard deviation is 4
minutes. Suppose the manufacturing
department runs a quality control test.
They randomly select 7 batteries. The
of the selected
batteries is 6 minutes. What would be the
chi-square statistic represented by this
test? 13.5

35. Each year, a national achievement test

is administered to 3rd graders. The test
has a mean score of 100 and a standard
deviation of 15. If Jane's z-score is 1.20,
what was her score on the test? 118
36. In horse racing, a trifecta is a type of I only
bet. To win a trifecta bet, you need to
specify the horses that finish in the top 44. The stemplot below shows the golf
three spots in the exact order in which they scores in a recent amateur tournament.
finish. If eight horses enter the race, how
many different ways can they finish in the
top three spots? 336

37. The average salary for an employee at

Acme Corporation is $30,000 per year. This
year, management awards the following
bonuses to every employee.
27. Find the probability of throwing 11 each
A Christmas bonus of $500.
time in 3 tosses of two dice. 1.71 x 10-4
An incentive bonus equal to 10
percent of the employee's

48. Consider the box plot below.

The distribution is right-skewed with

no outliers

53. The four major golf tournaments are

the Master's, PGA, U.S. Open, and British
Open. The dot plot below shows how many
of these tournaments Tiger Woods won in
the first decade of his professional career.
Which of the following statements are Which of the following statements is true?
I. The distribution is skewed
II. The interquartile range is
about 8
III. The median is about 10
The distribution is left-skewed
Which of the following statements are II only
I. The range is 70
49. Four friends take an IQ test. Their 54. When it is operating properly, a
scores are 96, 100, 106, and 114. Which of chemical plant has a daily production rate
II. The median is 46
that is normally distributed with a mean of
the following statements is true?
I and II
880 tons/day and a standard deviation of
I. The mean is 103
21 tons/day. During an analysis period, the
II. The mean is 104.
output is measured with random sampling
III. The median is 100
45. Which of the following is a discrete
on 50 consecutive days, and the mean
IV. The median is 106.
random variable?
output is found to be 871 tons/day. With a
II only
95 percent confidence level, determine if
I. The average height of a
50. I. One college student read seven the plant is operating properly.
randomly selected group of
II. The college median is equal to the high probability that the plant is not
II. The annual number of
operating properly
school median.
sweepstakes winners from New
III. The mean is greater than the median in
York City
55. Every year, 50,000 runners compete in
both groups.
III. The number of presidential
the Peachtree Road Race. They run 10
I, II, and III
elections in the 20th century
kilometers (a little over 6 miles). The
II only
average finishing time is 55 minutes, with
46. The stemplot below shows the golf
a standard deviation of 10 minutes. Fred
scores in a recent amateur tournament.
and Wilma completed the race in 61 and
51 minutes, respectively. Barney and Betty
had finishing times with z-scores of -0.3
51. Consider the box plot below. Which of and 0.7, respectively. List the runners in
order, starting with the fastest runner and
the following statements are true?
ending with the slowest runner. Wilma,
Barney, Fred, Betty

1. A fixture that costs P700.00 will save per
The median is about 10
item produced. Maintenance will be P40,
000 annually, 3500 units are produced
annually. What is the payback period at
52. The dot plot below shows the number 10%? 5.57 years
Which of the following statements are of televisions owned by each family on a
city block. Which of the following 2. By the conditions of a will, the sum of
statements is true?
I. The range is 70
P25, 000 is left to a girl to be held in a trust
II. The mean is 100
fund by her guardian until it amounts to
III. The median is 100
P45, 000. When will the girl receive the
I and II
money if the fund is invested at 8%
compounded quarterly? 7.42 years
47. A weatherman records the high
temperature in Norfolk, Va. for each of the
3. In how many years will it take for one to
first 7 days of the year. The temperatures
accumulate an amount of P250, 000 if he
(in degrees Fahrenheit) are 51, 49, 41, 53,
will deposit a uniform annual amount of
54, 68, and 48. Over that time period,
P15, 000, given an interest of 12%? 9.69
which of the following statements is true?
II only

4. How long will it take the money to triple interest rate of 7%, what is the total
itself if invested at 10% compounded semi- amount available upon the deposit of the 29. If you borrowed money from your
annually? 11.3 years
6thpayment? P3, 577.00
friend with simple interest of 12%, find the
present worth of P50, 000, which is due at
5. By condition of a will, P2, 000.00 was 17. P4, 000 is borrowed for 75 days at 16% the end of 7 months. P46, 730
given to a small business for a period of six per annum simple interest. How much will
years. With a given interest rate on be due at the end of 75 days? P4, 133.33 30. The amount of P50, 000 was deposited
amounts of P50, 000, when will the girl
in the bank earning at interest of 7.5% per
receive the money if the fund is invested at 18. A merchant puts in his P2, 000.00 to a annum. Determine the total amount at the
8% compounded quarterly? 11.57 years
small business for a period of six years. end of 5 years, if the principal and interest
With a given interest rate on the were not withdrawn during the period.
6. Find the values of n if F = $7, 000, P = investment of 15% per year, compounded P71, 781.47
$3, 500, and I = 6% compounded annually, how much will he collect at the
quarterly. n=11.63 years
end of the sixth year? P4, 626.00
31. A car was bought on installment basis
with a monthly installment of P10, 000.00
7. How many years will it take $10 to be 19. A loan of P5, 000 is made for a period for 60 months. If interest is 12%
four times its original value if invested at of 15 months at a simple interest rate of compounded annually calculate the cash
the rate of 7% compounded semi-annually? 15%. What future amount is due at the end price of the car. P455, 875.00
20.15 years
of a loan period? P5, 937.50
32. At what annual interest rate will
8. Find the value of P if F = $5, 000, n = 3 20. If P5, 000.00 shall accumulate for 10 increase an investment of $1400 by $600
years, and i = 8% compounded annually. years at 8% compounded quarterly, find in 9 years? 0.0404
Find the value of P. P=$3,969.15
the compounded interest at the end of 10
years. P6, 040.20
33. A piece of machinery can be bought for
9. Find the value of P if A = $600, n = 15
P10,000.00 cash for P2,000.00 down and
years, and i = 5% compounded annually. 21. At an interest rate of 10% compounded payments of P750.00 per year for 15 years.
annually, how much will a deposit of P1500 What is the annual interest rate for the
be in 15 years? P6, 265.87
time payments? 0.0461
10. If you borrow money from your friend
at 12% simple interest", determine the 22. A young engineer borrowed P10, 000 at 34. An interest rate is quoted as being
P.W of $20,000 which is due at the end of 9 12% interest and paid P2, 000 per annum 7.5% compounded quarterly. What is the
months. $ 18, 348.62
for the last four years. What does he have effective annual interest rate? 0.0771
pay at the end of the fifth year in order to
11. An employee obtained a loan of P10, pay his loan? P6, 919.28
35. Compute the equivalent rate of 8%
000 at the rate of 6% compounded
annually in order to repair a house. How 23. An asset is purchased for P9, 000.00. compounded bi-monthly. 0.0797
much he pay monthly to amortize the loan Its estimated life is 10 years, after which it
within a period often years? P110.02
will be sold for P1, 000.00. Find the book 36. What rate of interest compounded
value during the first year if sum-of the- annually is the same as the rate of interest
12. A bank charges 12% simple interest on year's digit (SOYD) depreciation is used. of 8% compounded quarterly? 0.0824
a P300.00 loan. How much will be repaid if P7, 545.00
the loan is paid back in one lump sum after
37. What nominal rate compounded semithree years? P408.00
24. A manufacturing firm wishes to give annually, yields the same amount as 16%
each 80 employees a holiday bonus. How compounded quarterly? 0.0824
13. A sum of P1, 000 is invested now and much is needed to invest monthly for a
left for eight years, at which time the year at 12% nominal interest rate 38. Mr. J. Reyes borrowed money from the
principal is withdrawn. The interest was compounded monthly, so that each bank. He received from the bank P1, 842
accrued is left for another eight years. If employee will receive a P2, 000 bonuses? and promise to repay P2, 000 at the end of
the effective annual interest rate is 5%. P12, 610.00
10 months. Determine the simple interest.
What will be the withdrawal amount at the
end of the 16th year? P706.00
25. A man expects to receive P 25,000 in 8
years. How much is that money worth now 39. A deposit of P110, 000 was made for
14. How much must be deposited at 6% considering interest at 8% compounded 31 days. The net interest after deducting
each year beginning of January 1, year 1, quarterly? P13, 265.83
20% withholding tax is P890.36. Find the
in order to accumulate P5, 000 on the date
rate of return annually. 0.1175
of the last deposit, January 1, year 6? 26. The amount of P12, 800 in 4 years at
5% compounded quarterly is P15, 614.59 40. Find the nominal rate which if
converted quarterly could be used instead
15. A debt of P10, 000 with 10% interest 27. What will be the future worth of money of
compounded semi-annually is to be after 12 months, if the sum of P 25,000 is 0.1183
amortized by semi-annual payment over invested today at simple interest rate of
the next 5 years. The first due is in 6 1% per month? P28, 000
41. A man borrowed P100, 000 at the
interest rate of 12% per annum,
payment? P1, 295.05
28. Find the present worth of a future compounded quarterly. What is the
payment of P 100,000 to be made in 10 effective rate? 0.1255
16. If P500 is invested at the end of each years with an interest of 12% compounded
year for 6 years, at an effective annual quarterly. P30, 655.68

42. Find the effective interest rate if the 56. What is the exact interest earned on a
nominal rate 12% compounded monthly $20, 000 for a period of 29 days at 5% 7. If a firm is producing a rate of output for
with time interval of one year. 0.1268
simple interest? 79.45
which MC exceeds price: The firm can
increase its profit by decreasing
43. The effective rate of 14% compounded 57. What is the ordinary interest earned on output
semi-annually is: 0.1449
a $20, 000 for a period of 29 days at 5%
simple interest? 80.55
8. External costs are: The difference
44. The tag price of a certain commodity is
between social costs and private costs
for 100 days. If paid in 31 days, there is a 58. At 6%, find the capitalized cost of a
3% discount. What is the simple interest bridge whose cost is P250M and life is 20
paid? 0.1614
years, if the bridge must be partially rebuilt 9. An upward-sloping supply curve a labor
at a cost of P100M at the end of each 20 reflects:
rate years. 245.3
The correct answer is: The increasing
corresponding to 16% compounded daily?
opportunity cost of labor
Take 1 year = 360 days. 0.1735
59. Find the present value in pesos, of
perpetuity of P15, 000 payable semi- 10. Which of the following conditions is a
46. A man borrowed P 20,000 from a local annually
8%, characteristic of a perfectly competitive
commercial bank which has a simple compounded quarterly. 371287
market? Products of all sellers in the
interest of 16% but the interest is to be
industry are homogeneous
deducted from the loan at the time that 60. P1, 500.00 was deposited in a bank
the money was borrowed and the loan is account, 20 years ago. Today it is worth P3, 11. If a single perfectly competitive firm
payable at the end of one year. How much 000.00. Interest is paid semi-annually. raises its price above the market price: It
is the actual rate of interest? 0.19
Determine the interest rate paid on this will not sell any output
account. 3.5%
47. What is the corresponding effective
12. Compared to a competitive market with
rate of 18% compounded semi-annually? 61. Which of the following is equivalent to the same cost and market-demand
Higher prices and lower output
48. A service car whose cash price was 62. Mandarin Bank advertises 9.5%
P540, 000 was brought with the down account that yields 9.84% annually. Find 13. A machine costing P72, 000 is
payment of P162, 000 and monthly of P10, how often the interest is compounded. estimated to have a book value of P40,
874.29 for 5 years. What was the rate of Quarterly
545.73 when retired at the end of 10 years.
interest if compounded monthly? 0.24
Depreciation cost is computed using a
63. Between any two given rates of output, constant percentage of the declining book
49. You loan from a loan firm an amount of if marginal cost is less than average total value. What is the annual rate of
P100, 000 with the rate of simple interest cost, then greater output means: Average depreciation in %? 25
of 20%, but interest was deducted from the total cost must decline
loan at the time the money was borrowed.
14. A shoe manufacturer produces a pair of
If at the end of one year you have to pay 64.
be shoes at a labor cost of $23.50. The fixed
the full amount of P100, 000, what is the approximated by the formula: Change in changes on the business are $10, 125 a
actual rate of interest? 0.25
total cost/Change in output
month and the variable costs are $2.50 a
pair. If the shoes sell the retailers for $48 a
50. The VISA CREDIT CARD charges 3% 2PTS
pair, how many pairs must be produced
interest per month on the unpaid balance 1. The change in total revenue that results and sold each month for the manufacturer
for purchases made on this card. Compute from a one-unit increase in the quantity of to break and even? 750
the effective rate of interest. 0.4258
output sold is: Marginal revenue
15. A privately owned summer camp for
51. Find the interest factor if F = $5, 000, n 2. Markets that exhibits economies of scale youngsters has the following data for 12
= 3 years, and i = 8% compounded over the entire range of market output: week
annually. 0.79383
Are natural monopolies
Charge per camper $60/week
Variable Cost per Camper $40/week
52. In how many years will require for P2, 3. The eventual decline in the MPP of labor Fixed Costs $24,000/season
000 to increase by P3, 000 if interest is at can be attributed to: The law of Capacity 150 campers
12% compounded semi-annually? 8
diminishing returns
What is the total number of campers that
will allow the camp to just break-even?
53. Find the difference between the 4. Compared to a competitive market with BEV=100
amount of $100 at simple interest and the the same cost and market-demand
compound interest for 5 years at 5%. 2.62 circumstances,
in: 16. A privately owned summer camp for
Higher prices and lower output
youngsters has the following data for 12
54. Find the interest factor if A = $600, n =
15 years, and i = 5% compounded 5. If economic profits are earned in a Charge per camper $60/week
annually. 10.379
competitive market: More firms will Variable Cost per Camper $40/week
enter the market
Fixed Costs $24,000/season
55. What is the exact leap year interest
Capacity 150 campers
earned on a $20, 000 for a period of 29 6. In monopoly and competition, a firm What is the equivalent of 12 week/season
days at 5% simple interest? 79.23
should expand production when: Marginal into months? 3 months
revenue is above marginal cost

17. A privately owned summer camp for

youngsters has the following data for 12
Charge per camper $60/week
Variable Cost per Camper $40/week
Fixed Costs $24,000/season
Capacity 150 campers
What is the Contribution Margin per week?
$ 20/week

18. A privately owned summer camp for

youngsters has the following data for 12
Charge per camper $60/week
Variable Cost per Camper $40/week
Fixed Costs $24,000/season
Capacity 150 campers
What is the profit for the 12-week season if
the camp operates at 80 percent capacity?
Z = $4, 800

19. Given an annual usage of 8, 000 units,

nit commodity cost $ 2, cost of placing an
order of $ 5, and annual inventory carrying
cost of 30% of the average inventory; what
is the total cost? $ 16, 219
20. Suppose a firm has an annual budget
of $100,000 in wages and salaries,
$50,000 in materials, $20,000 in new
equipment, #10,000 in rented property,
and $20,000 in interest cost on capital. The
investments is $30,000 per year, and there
is an owner-manager who could receive
income of $50,000 by working elsewhere.
The firm earns revenues of $210,000 per
year. What is the economic profit for the
firm described above? Loss of $70,000
21. In five years, P18, 000 will be needed
to pay for a building renovation. In order to
generate this sum, a sinking fund of three
annual payments is established now. For
tax purposes, no further payments will be
made after three years. What payment is
necessary if money is worth 15% per
annum? P3, 919.53
22. A machine having a first cost of P60,
000.00 will be retired at the end of 8 years.
Depreciation cost is computed using a
constant percentage of the declining book
value. What is the total cost of

depreciation, in pesos, up to the time the years. Increased productivity attributed to

machine is retired if the annual rate of the equipment will amount to $8, 000 per
depreciation is 28.72%? P56, 000.00
5 year after extra operating costs have
been subtracted from the value of the
23. A person buys a piece of lot for P100, additional production. If MARR (Minimum
000 down payment and 10 deferred semi- Attractive Rate of Return) is 20%, compute
annual payments of P8, 000 each starting the Explicit Reinvestment Rate of Return
three years from now. What is the present (ERRR) using the six (6) methods for
value of the investment if the rate is 12% making Economy Studies. 0.2125
5. The initial investment to buy an
equipment of a proposed project to
24. A man inherited regular endowment of increase productivity is $25, 000 and this
P100, 000 every end of 3 months for 10 equipment will have a salvage value of $5,
years. However, he may choose to get a 000 at the end of its expected life of 5
single lump sum payment at the end of 4 years. Increased productivity attributed to
years. How much is this lump sum if the the equipment will amount to $8, 000 per
cost of money is 4% compounded 5 year after extra operating costs have
quarterly? P3, 702, 939
been subtracted from the value of the
additional production. If MARR (Minimum
Attractive Rate of Return) is 20%, compute
1. A fixed capital investment of $10M and the Internal Rate of Return Method (IRR)
an estimated working capital of $2M are using the six (6) basic methods for making
required for a proposed manufacturing Economy Studies. 0.2168
plant. Annual depreciation is estimated to
be 10% of the fixed capital. Determine the 6. The initial investment to buy an
Annual Rate of Return on Total Investment. equipment of a proposed project to
increase productivity is $25,000 and this
equipment will have a salvage value of
$5,000 at the end of its expected life of 5
years. Increased productivity attributed to
the equipment will amount to $8,000 per 5
year after extra operating costs have been
2. It is the practice of almost all banks in subtracted from the value of the additional
the Philippines that when they grant a production. If MARR (Minimum Attractive
loan, the interest for one year is Rate of Return) is 20%, compute the
automatically deducted from the principal Annual Worth Method (AW) using the six
amount upon release of money to a (6) methods for making Economy Studies.
borrower. Let us therefore assume that you 312
applied for a loan with a bank and the P80,
000 was approved at an interest rate of
14% of which P11, 200 was deducted and
you were given a check of P68, 800. Since
you have to pay the amount of P80, 000 7. The initial investment to buy an
one year after, what then will be the equipment of a proposed project to
effective interest rate? 0.1628
increase productivity is $25, 000 and this
equipment will have a salvage value of $5,
3. The initial investment to buy an 000 at the end of its expected life of 5
equipment of a proposed project to years. Increased productivity attributed to
increase productivity is $25, 000 and this the equipment will amount to $8, 000 per
equipment will have a salvage value of $5, 5 year after extra operating costs have
000 at the end of its expected life of 5 been subtracted from the value of the
years. Increased productivity attributed to additional production. If MARR (Minimum
the equipment will amount to $8, 000 per Attractive Rate of Return) is 20%, compute
5 year after extra operating costs have the Present Worth Method (PW) using the
been subtracted from the value of the six (6) methods for making Economy
additional production. If MARR (Minimum Studies. 934.29
Attractive Rate of Return) is 20%, compute
the External Rate of Return Method (ERR) 8. The initial investment to buy an
using the six (6) methods for making equipment of a proposed project to
Economy Studies. 0.2083
increase productivity is $25, 000 and this
equipment will have a salvage value of $5,
4. The initial investment to buy an 000 at the end of its expected life of 5
equipment of a proposed project to years. Increased productivity attributed to
increase productivity is $25, 000 and this the equipment will amount to $8, 000 per
equipment will have a salvage value of $5, 5 year after extra operating costs have
000 at the end of its expected life of 5 been subtracted from the value of the

additional production. If MARR (Minimum

Attractive Rate of Return) is 20%, compute
the Future Worth Method (FW) using the six
(6) methods for making Economy Studies.

16. You need P4, 000.00 per year for four

years to go to college. Your father invested
P5, 000.00 in 7% accounts for your
education when you were born. If you
withdraw P4, 000.00 at the end of 17 th,
18th, and 20thbirthday, how much will be
9. Machine cost = $15, 000; Life = 8 years; left in the account at the end of the
Salvage Value = $3, 000. What minimum 21st year? P1, 700.00
cash return would the investor demand
annually from the operation of this 17. A company must relocate one of its
machine if he desires interest annually at factories in three years. Equipment for the
the rate of 8% on his investment and loading dock is being considered for
accumulates a capital replacement fund by purchase. The original cost is P20, 000, the
investing annual deposits at 5%? 2456.66 salvage value after three years is P8, 000.
The company's rate of return (i) on money
10. A fixed capital investment of $10M and is 10%. Determine the capital recovery
an estimated working capital of $2M are rate per year. P5, 625.38
required for a proposed manufacturing
plant. Annual depreciation is estimated to 18. A steel mill estimates that one of its
be 10% of the fixed capital. Determine the furnaces will require maintenance P20,
Minimum Payback Period if the annual 000.00 at the end of 2 years, P40, 000.00
profit is $2.5M. 4.8 years
at the end of 4 years and P80, 000.00 at
the end of 8 years. What uniform semi11. Given an annual usage of 8, 000 units, annual amounts could it set aside over the
unit commodity cost $ 2, cost of placing an next eight years at the end of each period
order of $ 5, and annual inventory carrying to
cost of 30% of the average inventory; what maintenance cost if all funds would earn
is the lot size? 22 lots
interest at the rate of 6% compounded
semi-annually? P7, 897.35
12. A contractor has a job which should be
completed in 100 days. At present he has 19. Which of the following should increase
80 men on the job and estimated that they during the expansion phase of the business
will finish the work in 130 days. Of the 80 cycle? Real GDP
men; 50 are paid at $12 a day, 25 at $18 a
day and 5 at $25 a day. For each day 20. Governments usually build highways
beyond the original 100 days, the because it is difficult to exclude people
contractor has to pay $250 liquidated who dont pay for the highways from using
damages. What is the amount of the those highways. What type of market
liquidated damages? $ 7, 500
failure is most likely involved? Public
13. A contractor has a job which should be
completed in 100 days. At present he has 21. When there are positive externalities
80 men on the job and estimated that they from the consumption of a good, the
will finish the work in 130 days. Of the 80 government
men; 50 are paid at $12 a day, 25 at $18 a consumption
day and 5 at $25 a day. For each day
beyond the original 100 days, the 22. Suppose a supply disruption causes oil
contractor has to pay $250 liquidated prices to rise, which leads to a recession in
damages. What is the "total wages" if 80 the United States, and many Americans
men will do the job? $ 152, 750
lose their jobs. Which of the following types
of unemployment would develop in the U.S
economy? Cyclical unemployment
14. A fixed capital investment of $10M and
an estimated working capital of $2M are 23. Automobile workers in Detroit who are
required for a proposed manufacturing unemployed because of imports of foreign
plant. Annual depreciation is estimated to automobiles at the same time that job
be 10% of the fixed capital. Determine the vacancies exist for coal miners in West
Net Annual Profit. $1.5M
Virginia would most likely be classified as:
Structurally unemployed
15. A fixed capital investment of $10M and
an estimated working capital of $2M are
required for a proposed manufacturing
plant. Annual depreciation is estimated to 24. As labor productivity increases, which
be 10% of the fixed capital. Determine the of the following shifts in the labor market
Capital Investment. $12M
should result, ceteris paribus? Demand
for labor should shift to the right

25. An emission charge: Increases

private marginal cost and thus
induces lower output

1 PT
1. Travel of a loaded hand. Move
2. Secure sufficient control of one or more
objects to permit the performance of the
next element. Grasp
3. Predominant purpose is to move the
hand or finger to a destination or general
location. Reach
4. Elemental motion of empty hand: Reach
5. Elemental motion of hand grouping for
one specific object: Select
6. The principle of motion economy of both
hands being in motion at the same time
tends to eliminate which therblig: Hold
7. Placement of object for

later use:

8. Normal time + allowance = standard

9. Observed time x rating = normal time
10. Defined as the length of time a worker
should take to perform a job if there are no
delays or interruptions. It does not take
into account such factors as personal
delays, unavoidable delays, or rest breaks.
Normal Time
11. Sum of observed times: effective
12. The average time required to produce
one good unit of product out of the last
stage: cycle time
13. A rating of 130 when the true rating is
110: loose time
14. Developed motion study: Gilberth
15. Eighty cards dealt in
substandard performance


16. Operator selected for a time to study

should be: qualified
17. Time added to be able to go to
washroom: personal allowance
18. It is cited as a percentage of the
normal time: task allowance

19. It is cited as a percentage of the equipment are busy or idle: Man-Machine

standard time: shift allowance
20. Time added so as to be able to sharpen 37. Chart using a time scale: Simo Chart
a tool: contingency allowance
38. Chart showing relationship of one
21. Time added so as to be able to smoke: worker to another: Gang chart
personal needs allowance
39. Shows the relationship of many
22. This is extra time allowed to account workers: Gang Chart
for forced idleness when a worker is
waiting: delay allowance
40. Show the start and completion of a
particular operation: pert charting
23. Brisk, business-like performance:
incentive performance
41. Charting of operation and inspections:
Operation Process Chart
24. Evaluates the skill, effort, conditions
and consistency in order to provide a 42. Errors due to sampling on a regular
performance: Westinghouse system
cycle: in-phase bias
25. This work measurement approach is
useful in cases where either the task does
not yet exist or changes to a task are being
designed and not all elements of the new
task or changed task are those for normal
times have already been established:
predetermine time systems

60 min
120 units

Cd =

= 0.5 min

0.1+ 0.2+ 0.2+0.3



= 1.6

2 stations

Station 1
A: 0.5 0.1 = 0.4
C: 0.4 0.2 = 0.2
B: 0.2 0.2 = 0
Station 2D = 0.3

% idle time =
43. Without balancing the assembly line,
of the
46. What is the %
the unbalanced line?
feasible? ABD C




26. The ratio of actual output to effective

capacity: Efficiency
27. Reassigning of tasks to other stations:
Line balancing


44. For a balance assembly line producing

28. Cases when timing and length of 120 units/hr, which of the following
servicing is not known: random servicing workstation
feasible? ABC D
29. Fixed machine cycles with regular
loading: synchronous servicing
30. Items of interest are identified and
measured on a common scale: pareto

%idle time =

( 100 )
4( 0.3)

47. What is the hourly production rate for

the unbalanced line?

31. Which of the following is not a basic

technique for work measurement? Work


32. A technique for estimating the

proportion of time that a worker or
machine spends on various activities:
Work Sampling
45. What is the % idle time for the
balanced line?
60 min
33. A technique for increasing the
Production Rate =
0.3 min
consequently, reducing the unit cost:
48. What is the idle % idle time for this
Methods Engineering
unbalanced line?
34. Known as work measurement: time
35. Chart showing only sequence of 20
operations without time: Flow Process
36. Chart used to determine the portion of
a work cycle during which an operator and


% idle time =

( 100 )
( 0.8+0.6+
3(0.8) )

56. Moving the hand reaching for an object

- It is assumed that the hand begins to
move without any load. Identify the
therblig symbol. RE

1. A time study in the molding operation of
49. Which one of the following workstation microchips processors yields the following
arrangements is not possible?
observed times for one element of the
process: If the Time Study analyst gave the
What is the % idle time for the unbalance
worker a total of +0.13 Westinghouse
lined? 0.48
Rating, what is the normal time for the
operation? 1.30 minutes
% idle time =
2. A time study in the molding operation of
microchips processors yields the following
Station #1 (1,2,4) and Station #2

observed times for one element of the

process: The Selected/Observed time is:
1.15 minutes

( 0.1+0.5+0.1+0.2+0.4
) ( 100)

50. What is the alternative name for this

3. A time study in the molding operation of
microchips processors yields the following
observed times for one element of the
process: Considering a 20% job time
allowance, what is the standard time for
the operation? 1.56 minutes

80-20 Rule
51. Who originated this graph?

6. The following production line has 5

operations with elemental times: 1 = 1, 2
= 5, 3 = 1, 4 = 2, and 5 = 4 (in minutes).
Develop a set of workstations that would
most efficiency balance the production line
and decrease the idle time. Management
hopes to have 150 units produced per
4. The following production line has 5 hour. Show the effect of your balancing by
operations with elemental times: 1 = 1, 2 filling the table below
= 5, 3 = 1, 4 = 2, and 5 = 4 (in minutes).
Develop a set of workstations that would
most efficiency balance the production line
and decrease the idle time. Management
hopes to have 150 units produced per
hour. Show the effect of your balancing by
filling the table below

What is the cycle time? 0.4 min

Wilfredo Pareto

52. What is the name of this graph?

What is the idle time for the balance line?

5. The following production line has 5
operations with elemental times: 1 = 1, 2
= 5, 3 = 1, 4 = 2, and 5 = 4 (in minutes).
pareto chart
Develop a set of workstations that would
most efficiency balance the production line
54. A therblig symbol used to denote
and decrease the idle time. Management
turning or locating an object in such a way
hopes to have 150 units produced per
that it will be properly oriented to fit into
hour. Show the effect of your balancing by
the location for which it is intended. P
filling the table below
55. Moving an object from one place to
another, the object maybe carried by the
hands of fingers or it may be from one
place to another by sliding or dragging it.
corresponding therblig symbol. M

60 min
150 units

7. The following production line has 5

operations with elemental times: 1 = 1, 2
= 5, 3 = 1, 4 = 2, and 5 = 4 (in minutes).
Develop a set of workstations that would
most efficiency balance the production line
and decrease the idle time. Management
hopes to have 150 units produced per
hour. Show the effect of your balancing by
filling the table below

12. The ABC Co. provides a 10% allowance

for its operators. A work sampling study of
one operator over a 8-hr. shift yields the
data in the table. Average rated
performance is 110%

minutes). What happens to the cycle if you

20. The Industrial Engineer is in the
Process of balancing the assembly line in
the Finishing Department. The following
are the operations and elemental times (in
minutes). What happens to the production
rate if you cannot hire an additional
worker? Decreased

What is the hourly production rate for the

What is the overall standard time (in min)?
unbalanced line? 120
21. The following work sampling table was
found in a lost file. Please complete the
60 min
following statement based on this table.
Production Rate =
13. The ABC Co. provides a 10% allowance
0.5 min
There is 95% probability that machine idle
for its operators. A work sampling study of
time is between __ minutes and __ minutes
8. A work sampling study consisted of 400 one operator over a 8-hr. shift yields the of an 8-hour shift
observations with the results shown below. data in the table. Average rated
Assume a task allowance of 15%. The performance is 110%
study covered the period of 10 hours
Determine the standard time for one
Between __ minutes. 43.2
assembly. (Minutes/assembly): 1.58

9. A work sampling study consisted of 400

observations with the results shown below.
Assume a task allowance of 15%. The
study covered the period of 10 hours
What is the accuracy of this study for
working time? 0.935
10. The ABC Co. provides a 10% allowance
for its operators. A work sampling study of
one operator over a 8-hr. shift yields the
data in the table. Average rated
performance is 110%

22. The following work sampling table was

study? found in a lost file. Please complete the
following statement based on this table.
There is 95% probability that machine idle
14. The Industrial Engineer is in the time is between __ minutes and __ minutes
Process of balancing the assembly line in of an 8-hour shift
the Finishing Department. The following
are the operations and elemental times (in
minutes). What is the total processing
time? (Minutes/unit) 4
What is





15. The Industrial Engineer is in the And ___ minutes of an 8-hour shift: 182.4
Process of balancing the assembly line in
the Finishing Department. The following
are the operations and elemental times (in
minutes). What is the total number of work 23. Given the following operations and the
unit times in a minute (A= 1.5, B = 3, C =
station? 8
1, D = 2, E = 4), develop a set of
16. The Industrial Engineer is in the workstations that would balance the
Process of balancing the assembly line in production line and decrease idle time. The
the Finishing Department. The following desired cycle time is 2 minutes.
are the operations and elemental times (in
minutes). What is % idle? 12.5

What is the normal time (in min.) for

17. The Industrial Engineer is in the
unloading? 3.0
Process of balancing the assembly line in
11. The ABC Co. provides a 10% allowance the Finishing Department. The following
for its operators. A work sampling study of are the operations and elemental times (in
one operator over a 8-hr. shift yields the minutes). What is the efficiency of the line?
data in the table. Average rated 87.5%
performance is 110%
18. The Industrial Engineer is in the
Process of balancing the assembly line in
the Finishing Department. The following
are the operations and elemental times (in
minutes). What is the cycle time in
minutes/unit? 0.4

What is the idle time for the balanced line?


24. Given the following operations and the

unit times in a minute (A= 1.5, B = 3, C =
1, D = 2, E = 4), develop a set of
workstations that would balance the
production line and decrease idle time. The
What is the observed time (in min.) for 19. The Industrial Engineer is in the desired cycle time is 2 minutes.
loading? 3.1
Process of balancing the assembly line in
the Finishing Department. The following
are the operations and elemental times (in

What is the idle time for the unbalance

line? 0.425
25. Given the following operations and the
unit times in a minute (A= 1.5, B = 3, C =
1, D = 2, E = 4), develop a set of
workstations that would balance the
production line and decrease idle time. The
desired cycle time is 2 minutes.

document. They appear to be on a 90 5. Data from an 8-hour work sampling

percent learning curve, and the 50th study are shown below.
manual took 10 man-hours to prepare. For
the total man-hours to prepare the 20
methodology gives an estimate of most
nearly. 194 man-hours
What % of the time is the machine
running? 0.54
2. You are the industrial engineer at 250employee plant in Phoenix, AZ. Give your 6. Data from an 8-hour work sampling
answers to the following questions that study are shown below.
may arise in the course of your work. An
envelope-stuffing task consists of picking
up an envelope with the non-favored hand,
picking up a pre-folded piece of paper with
the favored hand, lifting the flap of the
What % of the time is the machine
envelope with the thumb of the hand that
broken? 0.1
holds it, slipping the paper into the
envelope, swiping the flap across a moist
7. Data from an 8-hour work sampling
sponge, closing the flap, sealing it by
study are shown below
passing it between thumb and fingers
while applying pressure, and putting it on
the completed work-staked. All elements
except closing the flap require hand or
hand-eye adjustment. The layout is very
convenient; all movement are within 6 What is the limit of accuracy of this study?
inches of the center of work. The normal 0.138

What is the hourly production rate for the time for this task should be most nearly:
8. Develop an MTM-2 analysis for the
6.5 sec
balanced line? 30
following bolt and 3 -washer assembly
26. Given the following operations and the 3. You are the industrial engineer at 250- (insert figures below). Including only the
unit times in a minute (A= 1.5, B = 3, C = employee plant in Phoenix, AZ. Give your fixed allowances, what is the standard time
1, D = 2, E = 4), develop a set of answers to the following questions that for this operation? 0.105
workstations that would balance the may arise in the course of your work.
production line and decrease idle time. The Aluminum edging stock used as train in
finishing operation easily loses its new
desired cycle time is 2 minutes.
look. A winnowing operation for this stock
has a standard production quota of 5 lineal
ft pre sec, or 144, 000 lineal ft. per shift.
Actual average production has been only
slightly greater than standard, although
there is an incentive plan that offers a
bonus for every 100 lineal ft above 110%
of standard in a shift. The shift allowance
has been changed from 12 % to 16 %, so
What is the hourly production rate for the the bonus threshold rate must be revised
from its current 158,400 lineal ft per shift.
unbalanced line? 15
26. A work sampling study consisted of 400 For best results, the new bonus threshold
observations with the results shown below. rate (in lineal ft per shift) should be set
Assume a task allowance of 15%. The most nearly to: 137, 000
study covered the period of 10 hours
What % of the time Assemble undertaken?
27. Adding predetermine basic
times to get standard time. MTM

9. You are the industrial engineer at 250employee plant in Phoenix, AZ. Give your
answers to the following questions that
may arise in the course of your work. You
must specify the letter height for all caps
warning signs intended for crane operators
to read from 500 ft away. The applicable
code merely says "easily legible: The 11point type you are reading now, capital
letters about 0.11" high, is easily legible
from 12" away. On this basis, the letter
height for the warning signs should be
mostly nearly: 22"
10. The total number of machines needed
to make 720 drill bits per hour is most
nearly: Nine machines

motion 4. Data from an 8-hour work sampling

study are shown below.

1. You are the industrial engineer at 250employee plant in Phoenix, AZ. Give your
Hint: Personal allowance = 9; no of
answers to the following questions that What is the 95% confidence interval of the occurrence a = 1; b = 2; c = 1. What is the
may arise in the course of your work. A machine running? 54 13.8%
total check time? 2.1
three person team is systematically
revising the plant's operating procedure
manuals. Each manual is a 30-page


Occasionally lab employees must lift a

cartoon from the floor to a 31 high
tabletop. The maximum that a carton
should weigh is most nearly: 20 lb
18. Answer the following questions base on
this precedence diagram and operator
times (in minutes)

Hint: Personal allowance = 9; no of

occurrence a = 1; b = 2; c = 1. What is the
standard time? 2.689
What is the idle % time for an unbalanced
line? 38.9
19. The Shimano Bike Co. assigns Jane
Smith to assemble a batch of 100 10-speed
cassette hubs. Based on a MTM-2 analysis,
the IE calculates the standard time of 10
minutes for the assembly of one hub and
based on previous hub assemblies
estimate an 85 % learning curve. It takes
Hint: Personal allowance = 9; no of Jane 25 minutes to assemble her first hub.
occurrence a = 1; b = 2; c = 1. What is the What is the algebraic equation for the
total record time? 7
learning curve? y = 25 x - 0.2345
14. Your manager says that the range in
part d) is acceptably large. She would like
to narrow the 109 range down to 1
minute of running time. How many
observations should you collect to achieve
this? 66755

20. If the only decided to make these bits

on two identical cells, with one press
feeding both cells, and with the inspection
machine processing the output from both
cells, the number of the flute grinders in
each cell would be most nearly: 2

15. Develop an MTM-2 analysis for the

following bolt and 3 -washer assembly
(insert figures below). Which principle of
motion economy is violated? Both hands
active simultaneously

21. You are the industrial engineer at 250employee plant in Phoenix, AZ. Give your
answers to the following questions that
may arise in the course of your work.
Outdoor plant workers wait for personnel
carriers in sun/rain shelters having 18"16. What is the idle % time for the high benches. The shelters are to have
balanced line?
horizontal slits to allow seated workers to
see carrier coming. The top and bottom
dimensions appropriate for the slit,
measured from the floor of the shelter, are
most nearly: 130 and 112 cm
22. You are the industrial engineer at 250employee plant in Phoenix, AZ. Give your
answers to the following questions that
may arise in the course of your work.
17. What is the production rate for the Assuming that the data for the forgoing
question represent standard times after 15
unbalanced line?
percent shift allowances, the standard and
normal times for preparation of the 51st
document are, respectively:
9.97 and
8.47 hours


23. You are the industrial engineer at 250employee plant in Phoenix, AZ. Give your
answers to the following questions that
may arise in the course of your work. The
lab purchases supplies in cartoons typically
16" ling, 12" wide and 10" high.

24. You are the industrial engineer at 250employee plant in Phoenix, AZ. Give your
answers to the following questions that
may arise in the course of your work. Your
harsh-environment workers work two 16-hr
days per week and are off the rest of the
week. Female workers complain of weight
gain on the site diet. The nutritionist says
they are receiving 3000 kcal daily. If their
average level of activity during the 16-hr
double shift is enough to burn 0.8 watts
per kilogram of body weight over basal
metabolism, and they eat and exercise
similarly on their off days, the equilibrium
body weight of female workers should be
most nearly: 80 kg
25. You are the industrial engineer at 250employee plant in Phoenix, AZ. Give your
answers to the following questions that
may arise in the course of your work.
Suppose it were decided on the basis of
multiple considerations that 10 kg was the
greatest appropriate carton weight for the
cartons in the foregoing problem. The lab
receives mainly cartons of glassware and
cartons of liquid chemicals. Lab employees
containing. Glassware but not liquids
26. In building the framing for an interior
wall for a two bedroom house, the most
appropriate chart type of the following is: a
flow process chart and operation
process chart
27. You are in charge of building a two
bedroom wood-frame house and are going
to develop a single chart for showing the
construction operations to the teams that
are working on the electrical wiring, the
interior walls, the exterior walls, the ceiling
and the plumbing. Of the following chart
types, the most appropriate is: An
operational process chart
28. A work sampling study consisted of 400
observations with the result shown below.
Assume an overall allowance of 15%. The
study covered a period of 10 hour during
which 30 assemblies were completed.
Determine the normal time for each
element (fill in the table). Then determine

the standard time for one assembly and 4. The main reference point of work workers are intensity of the noise and of
the accuracy of this study for working time. surface height is the elbow height of the exposure to the noise. Duration
operator for writing and light assembly is
___. 107 cm
22. For standardization purposes, position
5. The reading distance for displays: 300 anthropometric measurements: Either a
or b
6. The time for information processing in 23. This philosophy is to design the job in
What is the limit of accuracy of this study?
the CNS: 70 100ms
such a way that it can be accomplished by
nearly any worker, regardless of limitations
7. A biomechanics student is trying to in his or her mental and physical
show off his friends in the weight room. He attributes: Fitting the job to the person
tries to curl 800N with one of his arms. The
cross sectional area of his biceps is 4cm2. 24. It is concerned with how the human
Is it even possible for him to perform this body functions during physical exertion
act? 200N/m2
and how the physical dimensions of the
body affect the capabilities of the worker.
8. The optimum line of sight is roughly ___ Physical Ergonomics
degrees below the horizontal. 15
25. An applied scientific discipline that is
29. A work sampling study consisted of 400
9. The preferred angle of view for display concerned with how humans interact with
observations with the result shown below.
should be 90 degrees
the equipment they use while performing
Assume an overall allowance of 15%. The
tasks and other activities. Ergonomics
study covered a period of 10 hour during
10. There are ____ bones in the normal
which 30 assemblies were completed.
human body. 206
26. The "laws to be observed at work":
Determine the normal time for each
element (fill in the table). Then determine
11. The operations which occur as a
the standard time for one assembly and
consequence of the decisions that are 27. The application of scientific principles,
the accuracy of this study for working time.
made: action function
methods and data drawn from a variety of
12. The information is presented to user engineering systems: Human Factors
via his sense of touch. Taction
28. The three human components are the
13. The information is presented to user human senses, the human brain and the:
via his sense of ears. Audition
Human effectors
What is the standard time? 21.57
14. The immediate energy source: ATP

29. It is a combination of humans and

equipment interacting to achieve some
15. These are directed at managing the desired result or function: Human
exposure durations for employees who machine system
Administrative controls
30. It is a condition when the body
temperature falls below its normal level of
16. These are directed at reducing the approximately
noise intensity levels in the work Hypothermia
environment: Engineering controls
31. It is when the body takes in and/or
17. Some ways of reducing the noise along produces more heat than it gives off, thus
1 PT
1. A certain task will require 7 liters/min of the path between the source and the raising the body temperature above
normal. Heat stress
air assuming EO2 as 0.16. Compute for the receiver: All of the above choices
energy expenditure. 1.715 Kcal/min
18. This is the minimum energy used to 32. The following are some of the
2. A force of 60N is produced by the sustain the vital circulatory and respiratory automatic mechanisms that the body uses
to regulate its temperature except:
brachioradialis and biceps to maintain a system of the body. Basal metabolism
Dehydrating to stabilize temperature
15N forearm and hand in the position
shown. Given that the moment arm for the
muscle is 5cm, what is the moment arm for worker as the arms are outstretched 33. The principle components of the
moving away from the body: Increases
machine in the human-machine system are
the forearm/hand weight? 20 cm2
the following EXCEPT: Information
3. The main reference point of work
surface height is the elbow height of the body, the maximum force that the hands 34. It is the rate at which light energy is
emitted in all directions from a light source
large are capable of exerting: decreases
measured in nits of lumens: Luminous
downward or side forces is ___. 90 cm
21. The two factors of primary concern in flux
assessing the effects of noise on human
30. You would like to develop a cell for
manufacturing drill bits, and you are given
the following operations in sequence, with
The takt time for a requirement of 720 drill
bits per hour is most nearly: 0.083

35. It is the relative luminance between an movement

object and its background: Brightness musculoskeletal
51. The three types of muscles in the
36. It is the amount of light shining on a human body are cardiac muscle, smooth
surface, measured in lux (lumen per muscle and __ muscle. Skeletal
square meter) Illuminance
52. The three principal types of joints
37. It is the amount of light reflected from associated with body movement in the
a surface, measured in candelas per human body are ball-and-socket, pivot
square meter Luminance
joints and __ joints. Hinge
38. An anaerobic metabolism generates 53. It gives information about the progress
which results to muscle fatigue during a of processes. Recording display
static muscular activity. Lactic acid
54. System information sources may either
39. Design consideration for determining come from inside or outside the system.
height: Sensing
extreme maximum
55. The measuring and description of the
40. The anthropometric principles imply physical dimension of the human body:
that clearance dimensions should be anthropometry
designed for the: large, 95th percentile
56. Concerned with the development
structure, interaction and behavior of
41. It is a hearing loss that is not individual or groups: sociology
reversible. When this occurs, full hearing is
Noise-induced 57. Refers to a situation in which a person
permanent threshold shift
needs to monitor multiple sources of
42. The initial likely effect of exposure to irregularities or opportunities. Selective
noise exceeding the damage level: Attention
temporary hearing loss
58. It is the information processing
43. The two main areas of ergonomics activities of perception that are based on a
applications are: design, work system humans knowledge, experience, and
expectations which is concerned with the
recognition step in perception. Top-down
44. It is the difference between the amount processing
of oxygen needed by the muscles during
muscular activity and the amount that is 59. It is the stimulation of the senses by
supplied: Oxygen debt
external sources which is concerned with
the detection step in perception. Bottom
45. This is used to determine the range of up processing
popliteal height
60. Characteristic behavior when a person
has gained a high degree of familiarity and
46. Relative estimate of the level of proficiency in a task. Skill based
physical stress associated with a particular behavior
manual lifting task: Lifting Index
61. The capability to discriminate small
47. Relative estimate of the level of objects or fine details: Visual acuity
physical stress associated with a particular
manual lifting task: Lifting index (LI)
62. Optimum location of displays: Within
normal viewing area of the operator
48. Maximum load that can be given to a and Display area perpendicular to line
worker without violating the NIOSH of
Recommended Weight Limit
63. The three primary food types that
provide energy to human body are
49. The four variables that define climate carbohydrates, proteins and __: Lipids
from 64. Working conditions which are well
surrounding objects
capabilities and desires, that physical,
50. A complex system of muscles and mental and social well-being is achieved.
bones that is responsible for the Optimal

65. Working conditions that do not pose

known dangers to human life or health:
1. Most injuries are the results of accidents
caused by: Any of the choices
2. The strength of the muscle depends on:
Both a and b
3. Rhythms with a cycle length of 24 hours:
4. The excessive brightness in the field of
vision: Glare
5. The amount of reflected light is __.
6. When a person is exposed to noise that
exceeds the damage level, the initial effect
is likely to be __. Temporary hearing lost
7. You are using green ink (reflectance =
0.30) on a yellow note pad (reflectance =
0.60). What is the contrast of the writing
task? 0.5
8. Coupling multiplier for lifting a box with
no handles but where the fingers can be
flexed 90 degrees: 0.95
9. What is the increase in dB of a noise
that doubles in intensity: 3 dB
10. What is the combined noise level of
two sounds of 86 and 96 decibels: 96.4 dB
11. A worker is exposed to 5 hours at
80dBA, 2 hours at 97dBA and 1 hour at
96dBA. Compute the combine noise dose:
111.03 dBA
12. Normal Sleep requirements for young
adults: 7.5 hours
13. What is the WBGT, assuming indoor
conditions, with a dry-bulb temperature of
80oF, a wet-bulb temperature of 70 oF and a
globe temperature of 100oF? 79oF
14. Given a 25-cp source emitting
uniformly in all direction, compute the
luminous flux emitted per unit solid angle.
25 lumens
15. Given a 25-cp source emitting
uniformly in all direction, compute the total
luminous flux: 310 lumens
16. Given a 25-cp source emitting
uniformly in all direction, compute the
illumination normal incidence on a surface
2m away: 6.25 lumen/m2

17. Design for a 5th to 95th percentile

female population. There are several
assumptions: a. There is no footrest; b. The
shoes are 4 cm high; c. In the upper part of
the body from the elbow height to the
shoulder height is a postural slump of 2
cm.; d. When looking into the microscope
the operators bend the head forward about
30o, which moves the position of the eye
downwards by 1.5 cm.; e. The hands are
manipulating focusing controls and elbow
height.; f. The arms are horizontal and
resting on the granite slab, and g. The
table top is 3 in. high. There is also a 4 cm
thick granite slab on top of the table to
reduce vibration. Measure B: 39.5 48.3
18. Design for a 5th to 95th percentile
female population. There are several
assumptions: a. There is no footrest; b. The
shoes are 4 cm high; c. In the upper part of
the body from the elbow height to the
shoulder height is a postural slump of 2
cm.; d. When looking into the microscope
the operators bend the head forward about
30o, which moves the position of the eye
downwards by 1.5 cm.; e. The hands are
manipulating focusing controls and elbow
height.; f. The arms are horizontal and
resting on the granite slab, and g. The
table top is 3 in. high. There is also a 4 cm
thick granite slab on top of the table to
reduce vibration. Measure A: 45.9 - 46.9
19. Design for a 5th to 95th percentile
female population. There are several
assumptions: a. There is no footrest; b. The
shoes are 4 cm high; c. In the upper part of
the body from the elbow height to the
shoulder height is a postural slump of 2
cm.; d. When looking into the microscope
the operators bend the head forward about
30o, which moves the position of the eye
downwards by 1.5 cm.; e. The hands are
manipulating focusing controls and elbow
height.; f. The arms are horizontal and
resting on the granite slab,; and g. The
table top is 3 in. high. There is also a 4 cm
thick granite slab on top of the table to
reduce vibration. Measure C: 53.6 - 72.4
20. Complaints have been received that
the chairs in the waiting area of a dental
clinic are not wide enough. If new chairs
were to be ordered to replace these chairs,
the seat width should be based on: the
99th percentile hip breadth for


1. Accuweather is considering hiring Bill as

a new weather forecast. However, they
would like to compare his forecasting skill
with their veteran Bob. The following
results were obtained during the month of
November: Bob correctly picked 10 out 15
rainy days, and 13 out of 15 non-rainy
Bill correctly picked 11 out of 15 rainy
days, and 11 out of 15 non-rainy days.
Which forecaster is more conservative?
Why? Bob
2. Accuweather is considering hiring Bill as
a new weather forecast. However, they
would like to compare his forecasting skill
with their veteran Bob. The following
results were obtained during the month of
November: Bob correctly picked 10 out 15
rainy days, and 13 out of 15 non-rainy
Bill correctly picked 11 out of 15 rainy
days, and 11 out of 15 non-rainy days.
Which forecaster is the most accurate?
Why? Be specific with the numbers. Bob
decrease errors
3. Accuweather is considering hiring Bill as
a new weather forecast. However, they
would like to compare his forecasting skill
with their veteran Bob. The following
results were obtained during the month of
November: Bob correctly picked 10 out 15
rainy days, and 13 out of 15 non-rainy
Bill correctly picked 11 out of 15 rainy
days, and 11 out of 15 non-rainy days.
Which forecaster has the better hit rate
(correctly forecasting rain)? Give value:
Bill, .733
4. Accuweather is considering hiring Bill as
a new weather forecast. However, they
would like to compare his forecasting skill
with their veteran Bob. The following
results were obtained during the month of
November: Bob correctly picked 10 out 15
rainy days, and 13 out of 15 non-rainy
Bill correctly picked 11 out of 15 rainy
days, and 11 out of 15 non-rainy days.
What is Bob's false alarm rate? 0.133
5. Accuweather is considering hiring Bill as
a new weather forecast. However, they
would like to compare his forecasting skill
with their veteran Bob. The following
results were obtained during the month of
November: Bob correctly picked 10 out 15
rainy days, and 13 out of 15 non-rainy
days. Bill correctly picked 11 out of 15
rainy days, and 11 out of 15 non-rainy
days. What is d' for Bill? 1.246

a room for the combined noise level to be

tolerable for 8 hours? 100 machines
7. You are installing lighting for the reading
of books and newspapers in the living area
of a senior citizens' home. The room has a
drab paint scheme (reflectance 25%). What
is the recommended level of illumination?
100 f.c.
8. You are installing lighting for the reading
of books and newspapers in the living area
of a senior citizens' home. The room has a
drab paint scheme (reflectance 25%).
Assume that you will use the typical
tungsten light bulb (similar to a point
source of light). What should be intensity
of the light source if it will be placed 3 feet
above the reading area? 900 cd
manufacturing industries can also be used
for service industries. Consider sanitation
workers who collect garbage bags left at
the curbside for 8 hours a day. In a typical
2-person team, one worker drives the
truck, while the other walks the street,
picking up the bags and dumping them
into the truck (the lip of which is 50 inches
from the ground). Typically the worker lines
up the bag, picks it up by the tied top,
twists 90o to lift it above the lip and then
drops it in. The height of the bag is 18
inches and the horizontal location of the
load is 16 inches. Assume one garbage bag
per household (with a limit of 20 lbs to
protect the workers), a distance of 70 feet
between properties, and a walking speed
of 3 mph (1 mile = 5280 feet).(INSERT
IMAGE 1) The frequency multiplier is 0.45
10. Many techniques developed for
manufacturing industries can also be used
for service industries. Consider sanitation
workers who collect garbage bags left at
the curbside for 8 hours a day. In a typical
2-person team, one worker drives the
truck, while the other walks the street,
picking up the bags and dumping them
into the truck (the lip of which is 50 inches
from the ground). Typically the worker lines
up the bag, picks it up by the tied top,
twists 90o to lift it above the lip and then
drops it in. The height of the bag is 18
inches and the horizontal location of the
load is 16 inches. Assume one garbage bag
per household (with a limit of 20 lbs to
protect the workers), a distance of 70 feet
between properties, and a walking speed
of 3 mph (1 mile = 5280 feet). (INSERT
IMAGE 1). The horizontal multiplier is

11. Many techniques developed for

6. Each sewing machine produces noise of manufacturing industries can also be used
70 dBA. What is the maximum number of for service industries. Consider sanitation
such machines that can be put together in workers who collect garbage bags left at

the curbside for 8 hours a day. In a typical

2-person team, one worker drives the
truck, while the other walks the street,
picking up the bags and dumping them
into the truck (the lip of which is 50 inches
from the ground). Typically the worker lines
up the bag, picks it up by the tied top,
twists 90o to lift it above the lip and then
drops it in. The height of the bag is 18
inches and the horizontal location of the
load is 16 inches. Assume one garbage bag
per household (with a limit of 20 lbs to
protect the workers), a distance of 70 feet
between properties, and a walking speed
of 3 mph (1 mile = 5280 feet).(INSERT
IMAGE 1) The distance multiplier is 0.856

12. Many techniques developed for

manufacturing industries can also be used
for service industries. Consider sanitation
workers who collect garbage bags left at
the curbside for 8 hours a day. In a typical
2-person team, one worker drives the
truck, while the other walks the street,
picking up the bags and dumping them
into the truck (the lip of which is 50 inches
from the ground). Typically the worker lines
up the bag, picks it up by the tied top,
twists 90o to lift it above the lip and then
drops it in. The height of the bag is 18
inches and the horizontal location of the
load is 16 inches. Assume one garbage bag
per household (with a limit of 20 lbs to
protect the workers), a distance of 70 feet
between properties, and a walking speed
of 3 mph (1 mile = 5280 feet).(INSERT
IMAGE 1).The value of the horizontal
multiplier when the load to be lifted is
about 25 cm. in front of the operator. 1
13. Many techniques developed for
manufacturing industries can also be used
for service industries. Consider sanitation
workers who collect garbage bags left at
the curbside for 8 hours a day. In a typical
2-person team, one worker drives the
truck, while the other walks the street,
picking up the bags and dumping them
into the truck (the lip of which is 50 inches
from the ground). Typically the worker lines
up the bag, picks it up by the tied top,
twists 90o to lift it above the lip and then
drops it in. The height of the bag is 18
inches and the horizontal location of the
load is 16 inches. Assume one garbage bag
per household (with a limit of 20 lbs to
protect the workers), a distance of 70 feet
between properties, and a walking speed
of 3 mph (1 mile = 5280 feet). (INSERT
IMAGE 1).57) the lifting index (LI) is 2.51
14. Many techniques developed for
manufacturing industries can also be used
for service industries. Consider sanitation
workers who collect garbage bags left at
the curbside for 8 hours a day. In a typical

2-person team, one worker drives the

truck, while the other walks the street,
picking up the bags and dumping them
into the truck (the lip of which is 50 inches
from the ground). Typically the worker lines
up the bag, picks it up by the tied top,
twists 90o to lift it above the lip and then
drops it in. The height of the bag is 18
inches and the horizontal location of the
load is 16 inches. Assume one garbage bag
per household (with a limit of 20 lbs to
protect the workers), a distance of 70 feet
between properties, and a walking speed
of 3 mph (1 mile = 5280 feet). (INSERT
IMAGE 1).56) the recommended weight
limit (RWL) is 7.95

15. Many techniques developed for

manufacturing industries can also be used
for service industries. Consider sanitation
workers who collect garbage bags left at
the curbside for 8 hours a day. In a typical
2-person team, one worker drives the
truck, while the other walks the street,
picking up the bags and dumping them
into the truck (the lip of which is 50 inches
from the ground). Typically the worker lines
up the bag, picks it up by the tied top,
twists 90o to lift it above the lip and then
drops it in. The height of the bag is 18
inches and the horizontal location of the
load is 16 inches. Assume one garbage bag
per household (with a limit of 20 lbs to
protect the workers), a distance of 70 feet
between properties, and a walking speed
of 3 mph (1 mile = 5280 feet).(INSERT
IMAGE 1).The speed of the worker doing
the job in ft per minute is: 264.

inspector visits the plant and is ready to

cite the company. Is the inspector justified
in his/her actions? Support or refute the
inspector's claim. 2.5
19. You as the IE are being asked to design
an addition (separate room) to the existing
production facility. This room will hold
several identical milling machines and
several identical grinders. The current best
model milling machine produce 86 dBA
noise, while one grinder produce 89 dBA
noise. Each hour of milling requires and
additional half-hour of grinding to finish off
the piece and each piece is done in batch
processing, i.e. in sequence. Management
wants to maximize production (i.e. put in
as many machines as possible) while
maintaining compliance with OSHA noise
standards. However, they do not want to
require workers to use earplugs. Assume
that 0.5 hours of the 8 hour day are spent
at lunch in a quiet area. What is the
resulting time-weight average noise? 89.7
20. You as the IE are being asked to design
an addition (separate room) to the existing
production facility. This room will hold
several identical milling machines and
several identical grinders. The current best
model milling machine produce 86 dBA
noise, while one grinder produce 89 dBA
noise. Each hour of milling requires and
additional half-hour of grinding to finish off
the piece and each piece is done in batch
processing, i.e. in sequence. Management
wants to maximize production (i.e. put in
as many machines as possible) while
maintaining compliance with OSHA noise
standards. However, they do not want to
require workers to use earplugs. Assume
that 0.5 hours of the 8 hour day are spent
at lunch in a quiet area. Find the best
number of milling machines and grinders
so as to maximize production and maintain
OSHA compliance. 2 Mills, 2 Grinders

21. The following noise exposures were

16. Per NIOSH, a lifting activity carried out recorded for J. Smith at ABBA, Inc. over his
for 30 minutes should be followed by a rest 8-hr work day:
period or light activity of __ minutes. 36
1.5 hours in the press area at 95 dBA
3 hours in machining at 90 dBA
17. Joe Schmoe lifts 30 lb bar stock (10" in 0.5 hour lunch at 60 dBA
diameter) from the floor to a jig 40" from 1 hour in grinding at 92 dBA
the floor. Assume that the standard time 2 hours in assembly at 90 dBA
for the operation is 0.5 min. and the Is the exposure acceptable according to
operator works a full 8-hr shift. An OSHA OSHA? What is the dose exposure? 1.166
inspector visits the plant and is ready to
cite the company. What is the % reduction 22. The following noise exposures were
in low back compressive force from your recorded for J. Smith at ABBA, Inc. over his
design? 0.6
8-hr work day:
1.5 hours in the press area at 95 dBA
18. Joe Schmoe lifts 30 lb bar stock (10" in 3 hours in machining at 90 dBA
diameter) from the floor to a jig 40" from 0.5 hour lunch at 60 dBA
the floor. Assume that the standard time 1 hour in grinding at 92 dBA
for the operation is 0.5 min. and the 2 hours in assembly at 90 dBA
operator works a full 8-hr shift. An OSHA

Is the exposure acceptable according to

OSHA? What is the resultant time-weighted 8. A sequential GP is a type of goal
average noise for the 8-hr day? 91.1 dBA
programming where a hierarchy of priority
levels for goals is. FALSE
23. A manufacturing operation is to be
accomplished using 2 machines: X and Y. 9. According to the DP principle of
For a perfect balance, the ratio of machine optimality, the optimal policy of remaining
X to Y in a production line is 2:3. Machines stages is dependent on the policy in
X and Y produce sound at levels of 75 dBA previous stages. FALSE
and 65 dBA, respectively. How much noise
is produced by a well-balanced line? 78.6 10. In the branch and bound method,
branching is done to set limits for the value
of the objective function. FALSE
24. The computed noise dose in a
workplace is 219.455%. What is the
equivalent TWA: 95.67 dBA
11. The usual physical interpretation for

exponential distribution, and that the

number of servers is any positive integer.

19. A system is said to be in a(n) ___ state

if, once there, it cannot exit to some other
state. Absorbing

20. Two stated are said to ___ if j is

reachable from i, and i is reachable from j.

the M/M/s/K model is that there is unlimited

25. A worker is to lift a basket with a waiting room that will accommodate a
circular cross section having a diameter of maximum of K customers in the system.
20 inches. Handles are placed at opposite FALSE
21. The most that a person should pay for
ends of the circles diameter. Determine
the perfect information: EVPI
the least possible H for this lifting activity.
18 inches
22. A characteristic of the spanning tree
26. What is the contrast created by black 12. In decision theory, the maximum or problem that is not true for PERT-CPM and
text (reflectance = 10%) on light green Wald criterion is considered conservative maximum flow applications: undirected
or pessimistic. TRUE
paper (reflectance = 52%)? 0.81.
27. You are installing lighting for the
reading of books and newspapers in the
living area of a senior citizens' home. The
room has a drab paint scheme (reflectance
25%). How much of a reduction in the
intensity can be obtained if the lamp is
lowered 1 foot? 55.6.

1. Expected value measures the value of a
particular alternative taking into account
the decision-maker's preference for money
as opposed to risk. FALSE
2. A condition of risk occurs when the
probability or likelihood of certain future
outcomes cannot be specified. FALSE

13. A dominant game strategy produces 23. A condition in which there is a tie for
as-good-as or better results, regardless of the leaving variable. Degeneracy
the action taken by the competitor. TRUE
24. When any basic variable in a solution
14. When the customers are generated equals zero: degenerate
from a finite population, the resulting
25. The constants in the constraints and
queue is also finite. TRUE
the objective function: parameters
15. When any variable in the LP solution is
26. Numerical values that appear in the
negative, the solution is infeasible. TRUE
16. Given several feasible corner points in assumed known and constant in LP
an LP graphical solution, the optimal models: Parameters
solution is the first corner-point that
intersects with either the isoprofit or 27. A controlled statistical sampling
technique for estimating the performance
isocost line. TRUE

17. A stabilized system is said to approach

3. Delay occurs whenever finite queue is steady state or equilibrium when the
system's state probabilities have become
full. FALSE
independent to time. TRUE
4. The LP 2-Phase Method is a procedure
for obtaining simultaneous solution to a
system of linear equations. FALSE
5. The value of Z becomes unbounded
when there is no entering variable in the
simplex solution. FALSE
6. Matrix algebra is used as a solution
approach to 2-person games where players
have more than two strategies each.
18. The M/M/s model assumes that all
interarrival times are independently and
identically distributed according to an
7. An optimal solution results from
exponential distribution, that all service
satisfaction of all the problem constraints.
times are independent and identically

28. The assumption in LP models that non

integer values are accepted for decision
variables. Divisibility
29. The LP assumption that is not true for
integer Programming: divisibility
30. LP assumption about considering
individual activities independently of the
others: proportionality
31. The boundary of a feasible solution
space: Constraints
32. The amount of scarce resource or
capacity that will be unused by a given
feasible solution to an LP problem: Slack
33. Decision criteria in game theory when
the column player chooses the strategy

whose maximum payoff to the row player 49. The net pay-off due to the players of a 63. We have alternative optimal solutions
is smallest: minimax
game: value of the game
to a minimization transportation problem
whenever we find a solution where the
34. Indicates the impact on the value of 50. The dual of a 5 constraint in a improvement indices are: All nonthe objective function that would result maximization
Nonnegative negative with at least one equal to
from a one-unit change in the right-hand variable
side value of a constraint: Shadow Price
51. A type of analysis that allows us to 64. The Branch and Bound Method includes
35. Measures the marginal value of a predict the future by using the state which of the following processes? all of
resource in an LP problem: shadow price
probabilities and the matrix of transition the above
probabilities: Markov analysis
36. Condition when customers move from
65. This represents circles on a decision
one queue to another in a multiple channel 52. A means of adding one or more tree: state of nature
system: jockeying
constraints to LP problems to produce an
optimum integer solution: Cutting Plane 66. If a variable xi is unrestricted, this is
37. The case in which arriving customers Method
change into: either a or b
refuse to join the waiting line: Balking
53. If the initial basic solution of an LP 67. An assignment problem is also what
38. Test of an LP solution by checking problem is infeasible, the algorithm that type of an integer programming problem:
whether all basic variable values in the can be used to achieve optimality is: Dual both a and c
RHS are still non-negative: Feasibility
simplex method
68. The dual of the dual is: a primal LP
38. The pool of potential customers in a 54. A technique used to connect all points
queuing system: Calling population
of a network together while minimizing the 69. In the simplex method, the initial
minimal solution
39. The process of finding how the solution spanning tree
variables in the product mix
characteristics of an LP problem change
when data inputs are altered: sensitivity 55. The range over which the right-hand 70. What is the value of Q? 0
side value of a constraint can change
without changing the optimal solution mix 71. What is the value of T? 0
40. Determining the degree to which of a problem: Range of Feasibility
possible changes in various model
72. What is the value of U? 1
dimensions will affect the results of model 56. In the integer programming, the part of
analysis: Sensitivity Analysis
the feasible region is eliminated by cut 73. What is the value of W? 0
constraints: Only non-integer solutions
41. Simulations that experiment with
74. How many constraints are variable in
probabilistic elements of a system by 57. Provides a powerful tool for solving the problem? 3
generating random numbers to create very large LP problem: Karmarkar's
values for the elements: Monte Carlo
Interior Pt. Method
75. Max z = 4x1 + 5x2
s.t. 2x1 + 4x2 > 8
42. Structure of a probabilistic DP which 58.
the x1 + 3x2 > 9
includes all possible states and decisions at transportation problem which considers the x1 x2 > 0
all the stages: decision tree
penalty associated when not allocating What is the standard form of constraint 2?
resources to a particular cell in a row x1 + 3x2 - S2 + R1 = 9
43. Linear programs in which some or all column: Vogel's approximation method
the variables are restricted to integer or
76. Max z = 4x1 + 5x2
discrete values: Integer Programming.
59. The entering variable in the simplex s.t. 2x1 + 4x2 8
method of finding the solution to a x1 + 3x2 9
44. Integer Programming uses all of the maximization problem is the non-basic x1 x2 0
following methods in finding solution variable having: the most negative What is the optimal solution? No feasible
except one: Hungarian Method
coefficient in the z-row
45. A constraint that does not form a 60. If two < inequalities do not intersect
unique part of the boundary of a feasible each other in the quadrant of the graph
solution space: Redundant Constraint
where both variables are positive: The
solution is unbounded
46. Decision making criterion that is used
for decision-making under risk: expected 61. If Y results to a negative value, which
of the following is true? the current
solution is infeasible
47. A model in which all numerical values
are known with certainty: Deterministic 62. The right-hand side coefficient of some
constraints in a primal problem appears in
the corresponding dual: A coefficient in
48. Variables set to zero by the simplex the objective function
method: non-basic

77. Min z = 10x1 + 4x2

s.t. 2x1 + 3x2 12
-3x1 + 2x2 -4
3x1 - 5x2 = 2
x1, x2 0
Which variable in the dual problem is
unrestricted in sign? y3
78. For a minimization problem, the
objective function coefficient for an
artificial variable is: +M
79. Min z = 10x1 + 4x2
s.t. 2x1 + 3x2 12
-3x1 + 2x2 -4

3x1 - 5x2 = 2
x1, x2 0
4. There are six cities (City 1 City 6)
The objective function of the dual problem serviced by a particular bus line. Limited
is max yo
routes are available, and the distance for
each of these routes is presented in the
80. Max z = 4x1 + 5x2
table below.
s.t. 2x1 + 4x2 8
(Input table here) If dynamic programming
x1 + 3x2 9
were used to solve for the minimum
x1 x2 0
distance from City 1 to City 6, how many
All of the following methods can be used in stages would there be? 3
finding the relaxed solution except one,
branch and bound
5. Given the following information, what is
the total cost of the optimal assignment?
81. Min z = 10x1 + 4x2
s.t. 2x1 + 3x2 12
-3x1 + 2x2 -4
6. Using NWC, what is the quantity that
3x1 - 5x2 = 2
can be allocated from X to A? 100
x1, x2 0
The relaxed solution to the problem is x1
7. Using Least Cost Method as the initial
feasible solution, what is the quantity that
can be shipped from Z to A? 300
8. What is the
population? 100
1. Williams Auto Top Carriers currently
maintains plants in Atlanta and Tulsa to
supply auto top carriers to distribution
centers in Los Angeles and New York.
Because of expanding demand, Williams
has decided to open a third plant and has
narrowed the choice to one of the two
cities - New Orleans and Houston. The
following table provides pertinent and
distribution costs as well as plant
capacities and distribution demands. Using
Northwest Corner Rule, how much can be
allocated from Atlanta to New York? 0
2. Williams Auto Top Carriers currently
maintains plants in Atlanta and Tulsa to
supply auto top carriers to distribution
centers in Los Angeles and New York.
Because of expanding demand, Williams
has decided to open a third plant and has
narrowed the choice to one of the two
cities - New Orleans and Houston. The
following table provides pertinent and
distribution costs as well as plant
capacities and distribution demands.
Using Northwest Corner Rule, how much
can be allocated from New Orleans to New
York? 500
3. Williams Auto Top Carriers currently
maintains plants in Atlanta and Tulsa to
supply auto top carriers to distribution
centers in Los Angeles and New York.
Because of expanding demand, Williams
has decided to open a third plant and has
narrowed the choice to one of the two
cities - New Orleans and Houston. The
following table provides pertinent and
distribution costs as well as plant
capacities and distribution demands. What
is the total cost using NWC? 23600




20. An upper or lower limit on the value of

the objective function at a given stage of
the analysis of an integer programming
problem: Bound
21. What is the distribution of arrivals in
the system? Poisson
22. Dr. Mac, a surgeon, must decide what
mode of treatment to use on Mr. Samuels.
There are three modes of treatment, Mode
A, B, and C; and three possible states of
nature: 1. Treatment succeeds and the
patient lead a normal life, 2. Patient
survives treatment but is permanently
disabled, and 3. Patient fails to survive
treatment. Dr. Mac has prepared the
decision table shown. What mode of
treatment maximizes the expected value?
Input table here: Mode C

calling 23. The distribution of service times in the

system. Erlang

9. What is the total cost using NWC as the 24. The dual of a <_ constraint in a
initial feasible solution? 4200
10. What is the total distance of the
25. What is the appropriate method to be
shortest route? 7 km
used to determine the shortest length of
11. Given the following data, what is the pipe connections between every storage
tanks? Floyd's Algorithm
critical time? 14 weeks
12. There are how many servers in the 26. A queuing model which allows only
arrivals of customers: Pure birth
system? 10 parallel servers
13. Given the following data, what is the
27. In computing for the maximal flow, the
critical path? 1 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 7
maximum flow in the network is to cut with
14. Given the following information, what is the: smallest capacity
28. Used to force an initial solution:
the job assigned to typesetter A? T - 50.
Artificial Variable
15. Given the following information, what is
29. Variable that is added in a of
the job assigned to typesetter B? S 66
constraint: Artificial variable
16. Given the following information, what is
30. Variable that is added in a of
the job assigned to typesetter C? R 34
constraints. Slack variable
17. Considering the following two-person
game, what percentage of the time should 31. Graphical method is applicable in
X2? solving LP problems with two: Surplus
Y1 Y2
X1 6 3
32. What will happen to the solution of an
X2 2 8
LP if an artificial variable remains in the
basic solution of the 15 Phase of the Two18. Consider the following two-person Phase Technique? The LP is infeasible
game. The payoff for X is given in the
table. X will always play strategy 33. Processing of driver's license can be
modeled as a queuing system with the
Y1 Y2
following elements: None of the choices
X1 4 6
X2 1 -3
34. The Lack of Memory Property of the
exponential distribution states that: The
19. Given the following network, what is probability of an arrival in a given
the shortest route from node A to node G? interval

probability of occurrence of another minute, and the mean service rate is 4

event in another interval
customers per minute. Determine the
probability that there are less than 5
35. Which of the following is true about the customers in: 0.7627
Maximal Flow Problem? All flows that
entered the system should also exit 5. Homer, the owner of a car wash
the system
franchise intends to construct another car
wash in a suburban location. Based on
36. In dual simplex, the leaving variable is experience, the owner estimates that the
the: the most negative right hand side arrival rate for the proposed facility will be
20 cars per hour and the service rate will
37. Which of the following situations can be 25 cars per hour. Service rate will be
be modeled as a binary (0-1) integer variable because all cars are washed by
programming problem? Assignment of hand rather than by machine. Cars will be
workers to jobs
processed one at a time. The average
number of cars waiting in the system is 3.2
38. What is the appropriate representation cars. Assume Poisson distribution of
of the decision variables (x,) in the arrivals. Determine the number of servers:
assignment problem? The assignment 1
for each machine i to each job
6. Homer, the owner of a car wash
39. An example of a service facility design: franchise intends to construct another car
All of the above
wash in a suburban location. Based on
experience, the owner estimates that the
40. Which of the following is true about the arrival rate for the proposed facility will be
Travelling Salesman Problem? Going from 20 cars per hour and the service rate will
a city to itself is not allowed
be 25 cars per hour. Service rate will be
variable because all cars are washed by
41. Reneging is: moving out from the hand rather than by machine. Cars will be
queue due too long waiting time
processed one at a time. The average
number of cars waiting in the system is 3.2
cars. Assume Poisson distribution of
arrivals. Determine the average number of
1. The mean arrival rate of customers at a cars in the system: 4
ticket counter with one server is 3 per
minute, and the mean service rate is 4 7. If each server can only accommodate
customers per minute. Determine the one customer at a time and could only
probability that there are two customers in allow 5 customers to queue at any time,
the system: 0.1406
what is the number of idle servers if there
are 22 customers in the system? 6
2. The mean arrival rate of customers at a
ticket counter with one server is 3 per 8. If each server can only accommodate
minute, and the mean service rate is 4 one customer at a time and could only
customers per minute. Determine the allow 5 customers to queue at any time,
probability that the system is empty: 0.25
what is the number of active servers if
there are 50 customers in the system? 9
3. The mean arrival rate of customers at a
ticket counter with one server is 3 per 9. How many customers are allowed in the
minute, and the mean service rate is 4 system? 50
customers per minute. Determine the
System utilization: 0.75
10. Homer, the owner of a car wash
franchise intends to construct another car
4. The mean arrival rate of customers at a wash in a suburban location. Based on
ticket counter with one server is 3 per experience, the owner estimates that the

arrival rate for the proposed facility will be

20 cars per hour and the service rate will
be 25 cars per hour. Service rate will be
variable because all cars are washed by
hand rather than by machine. Cars will be
processed one at a time. The average
number of cars waiting in the system is 3.2
cars. Assume Poisson distribution of
arrivals. Determine the average number of
cars being washed: 0.80 cars

11. The mean arrival rate of customers at a

ticket counter with one server is 3 per
minute, and the mean service rate is 4
customers per minute. Determine the
average time a customer waits to be
served: 0.75 min
12. Homer, the owner of a car wash
franchise intends to construct another car
wash in a suburban location. Based on
experience, the owner estimates that the
arrival rate for the proposed facility will be
20 cars per hour and the service rate will
be 25 cars per hour. Service rate will be
variable because all cars are washed by
hand rather than by machine. Cars will be
processed one at a time. The average
number of cars waiting in the system is 3.2
cars. Assume Poisson distribution of
arrivals. Determine the average time a car
waits to get washed: 9.6 minutes
13. Homer, the owner of a car wash
franchise intends to construct another car
wash in a suburban location. Based on
experience, the owner estimates that the
arrival rate for the proposed facility will be
20 cars per hour and the service rate will
be 25 cars per hour. Service rate will be
variable because all cars are washed by
hand rather than by machine. Cars will be
processed one at a time. The average
number of cars waiting in the system is 3.2
cars. Assume Poisson distribution of
arrivals. Determine the arrival rate: 20
cars per hour

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