73 1st Probset 2nd Sem 13-14

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University of the Philippines

College of Science

1st Long Probset

2nd semester
AY 2013 - 2014

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the best answer and shade the corresponding circle in
your answer sheet. To change your answer, cross-out and sign your original
answer and then shade your new answer.
ideal gas constant: R = 8.314 J/molK = 0.08206 Latm/molK
Boltzmann constant: k = 1.38110-23 J/moleculeK
Stefan-Boltzmann constant: = 5.6710-8 W/m2K4
1 atmosphere = 1.01105 Pascal
1000 liter = 1 m3
Avogadros number: NA = 6.022 x 1023 molecules/mol
normal freezing point = 273.15 K = 0.00 oC
normal boiling point = 373.15 K = 100.00 oC
triple-point temperature = 273.16 K = 0.01oC
specific heat (liquid water) = 4.19103 J/kgK
specific heat (ice) = 2.10103 J/kgK
latent heat of fusion = 3.34105 J/kg
latent heat of vaporization = 2.256106 J/kg

Hour 2
1. The pressure of a gas at the triple point of water is P. The gas is warmed at
constant volume until the pressure is 3P. What is the final Celsius
temperature as compared to the temperature of the triple point of water in
A. greater by a factor of more than 3
B. greater by a factor of 3
C. greater by a factor between 1 and 3
D. lesser by a factor of 1/3
E. the same
2. A temperature change of 135 C was observed, what is the corresponding
temperature change in the Fahrenheit scale?
A. 375 F
B. 243 F
C. 135 F
D. 75 F

E. 5 F
Hour 3
3. A 5m by 5m solid square object has a hole in the middle of radius 2m. If the
object is cooled with a small finite temperature change, what will happen to
the radius of the circular hole?
A. decreases
B. increases
C. remains the same
D. answer depends on the coefficient of linear expansion of the material
E. answer depends on the magnitude of the temperature change
4. A 1-L cylindrical flask is filled to the brim with glycerin at 30C. When the
temperature of the system is raised to 70C, 19 mL of glycerin spills out of the
flask. Given that the coefficient of volume expansion of glycerin is 49 x 10-5
K-1, determine the coefficient of linear expansion of the flask.
A. 6.4 x 10-4 K-1
B. 3.2 x 10-4 K-1
C. 1.5 x 10-5 K-1
D. 0.8 x 10-5 K-1
E. 0.5 x 10-5 K-1
Hour 4
5. 200 g of steam and 200 g of liquid water, both of which have a temperature
of 100.0C, are cooled to a temperature of 0.0C. Which among the two
substances will release more heat?
A. Liquid Water
B. Steam
C. Neither will release any heat
D. Both will release an equal amount of heat
E. There is insufficient data to answer this question.


6. 15 kg of ice at 0 C is mixed with 20 kg of steam at 100 C in a thermally

isolated vessel and allowed to reach thermal equilibrium. What is the final
temperature of the resulting mixture?
A. 258 C
B. -27 C
C. 25 C
D. 0 C
E. 100 C
7. A 0.01 kg iron nail is driven into a board by a 2.00 kg hammer that
increases its temperature. The speed of the hammer as it hits the nail is 5.00
m/s. If 50% of the kinetic energy delivered by the hammer is transformed into
heat that flows into the nail and does not flow out, what is the temperature
increase of the nail after it is struck once? cIron = 470 J / kg K
A. 10.64 C
B. 5.32 C
C. 2.66 C
D. 0.53 C
E. 0.00 C
Hour 5
8. Which of the following statements about heat transfer is TRUE?
I. Conduction requires the motion of atoms from one region to another
II. Convection requires a fluid to transfer heat
III. Radiation does not require a medium to transfer heat
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. II and III
E. I, II and III
9. Three different metal rods 1, 2 and 3 conduct the same amount of heat per
unit time if their ends are subjected to the same temperature gradient. Arrange


the thermal conductivities of the metals in DECREASING order if their

physical dimensions are:
Metal rod 1: cross-sectional area S, length L
Metal rod 2: cross-sectional area 0.5S, length 2L
Metal rod 3: cross-sectional area S, length 2L
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 2, 3, 1
C. 2, 1, 3
D. 1, 3, 2
E. 3, 2, 1
10. A tungsten sphere with radius 2 cm is suspended in a large evacuated room
with walls at 300 K. If you want to maintain the temperature of the sphere at
2000 K, 1823 W of power input is needed. What is the emissivity of tungsten?
A. 1.0
B. 0.8
C. 0.7
D. 0.4
E. 0.0
Hour 6
11. Some n moles of ideal gas at pressure P, was heated isobarically so that its
temperature rose from T1 to T2. What is the final volume occupied by the gas?
A. nRT2 2 / (PT1)
B. nRT2 / P
C. nRT1 2 / (PT2)
D. nRT2 / P
E. Cannot be determined
12. Two identical cylinders are filled with different ideal gases having the
same pressure and temperature. Which of the following statements is TRUE
regarding the setups?
A. The total mass of gas is the same in both cylinders.
B. The total number of gas molecules is the same in both cylinders.

C. Both gases have the same density.

D. All of the above
E. None of the above
13. A cylinder contains 0.100 mol of an ideal monoatomic gas. Initially the
gas is at a pressure of 1.00 x 105 Pa and occupies a volume of 2.50 x 10-3 m3.
If the gas is allowed to expand at constant pressure to twice the initial volume,
find the final temperature.
A. 602 K
B. 301 K
C. 150 K
D. 1812 K
E. 3623 K
Hour 7
14. A rigid vessel contains some amount of ideal gas. The density and pressure
of the gas was determined to be and P, respectively. What is the vrms of the
molecules of the gas?
A. (P/(3))1/2
B. (2RP/)1/2
C. (Rk/P)1/2
D. (3P/)1/2
E. (3k/P)1/2
15. The molar mass of carbon monoxide CO is 28.0 g/mol. If the temperature
is 300 K, what is the fraction of CO molecules with speeds between 310 m/s
and 725 m/s?

























A. 0.664
B. 0.882
C. 0.218
D. 0.993
E. 0.000
16. Suppose a container filled with Helium gas is maintained at a temperature
of 400 K. What is the average translation kinetic energy of a Helium atom
according to the kinetic molecular theory?
A. 8.29 x 10-21 J
B. 2.76 x 10-21 J
C. 5.52 x 10-21 J
D. 1.38 x 10-20 J
E. 1.93 x 10-20 J

Hour 8
17. Some n moles of hydrogen gas, a diatomic gas, is kept in a closed cubic
vessel of constant volume V. The initial temperature was measured to be T. If
some quantity of heat Q is absorbed by the gas, what is the final temperature
of the gas?
A. T + 2Q / (5nR)
B. T + 2Q / (3nR)
C. T - 2Q / (5nR)
D. T - 2Q / (3nR)
E. T
18. Perfectly rigid containers each hold n moles of ideal gas, one being
hydrogen (H2) and other being neon (Ne). If it takes 100 J of heat to increase

the temperature of the hydrogen by 2.50 C, by how many degrees will the
same amount of heat raise the temperature of the neon? Assume that the heat
capacities of H2 and Ne follow the equipartition theorem.
A. 4.17 C
B. 1.50 C
C. 1.90 C
D. 8.01 C
E. 4.81 C
19. Suppose it was determined that the gas molecules of a sample has the
following degrees of freedom: three translational, two vibrational and three
rotational. According to the equipartition theorem, what is the samples heat
A. 4R
B. 8R
C. 7/2 R
D. 3R
E. 5/2 R
Hour 9
20. Consider some n moles of ideal gas at some initial temperature and
pressure, T and P1, respectively. If the gas was compressed isothermally to a
higher pressure P2, how much work was done by the gas?
A. nRT ln(P2 / P1)
B. 2nRT ln(P2 / P1)
C. nRT ln(P2 / P1)
D. 2nRT ln(P2 / P1)
E. 0
21. Three moles of an ideal monoatomic gas expands at a constant pressure of
2.50 atm; the volume of the gas changes from 3.20 x 10-2 m3 to 4.50 x 10-2 m3.
Calculate the amount of work the gas does in expanding.
A. 3.28 kJ
B. -3.28 kJ
C. 0.0325 kJ

D. 1.31 kJ
E. 19.44 kJ
22. Suppose an ideal gas, initially at pressure P and volume V, can expand to a
final volume 2V via any thermodynamic process. Which thermodynamic
process will yield the highest amount of work done by the gas?
A. isobaric
B. isothermal
C. isochoric
D. adiabatic
E. free expansion
23. One mole of an ideal gas is initially at 1.2 x 105 Pa and 0.03 m3. The gas is
then heated at constant pressure resulting to an 80 C increase in temperature.
What is the work done by the system?
A. 665 J
B. -665 J
C. 561 J
D. 1.23 J
E. 155 J
Hour 10
24. Some n moles of ideal gas at a temperature T and occupying a volume V1,
underwent a cyclic process. Firstly, it underwent an isothermal expansion so
that its new volume is V2. Next, it was compressed back to the original state
such that this process traces out a straight line in the pV diagram. How much
heat flowed into the system during this cycle?
A. nRT ln(V1 / V2) + nRT (V12 + V22) / (V2V1)
B. nRT ln(V2 / V1) - nRT (V12 - V22) / (4V2V1)
C. nRT ln(V2 / V1) - nRT (V1 V2)
D. nRT ln(V1 / V2) + nRT (V1 + V2)
E. nRT ln(V2 / V1) + nRT (V12 - V22) / (2V2V1)
25. An ideal gas expands while the pressure is kept constant. What is the
direction of the heat flow?

A. into the gas

B. out of the gas
C. no heat involved
D. cannot be determined
E. constant temperature
Hour 11
26. Some amount of ideal gas with ratio of heat capacities , is at pressure and
temperature, P1 and T1, respectively. If it was compressed adiabatically to a
final temperature T2, what is the final pressure of the gas?
A. P1 (T2 / T1) 1 / (1 - )
B. (P1 T2 / T1) 1 -
C. P1 (T2 / T1) / (1 - )
D. P1 (T2 / T1) 1 / ( - 1)
E. P1 (T2 / T1) / ( - 1)
27. An ideal monoatomic gas is initially at a pressure of 1.00 x 105 Pa, volume
of 2.50x10-3 m3 and temperature of 301 K. If the gas is allowed to expand
adiabatically to twice the initial volume, calculate the change in internal
energy per mole.
A. -1395 J/mol
B. 2219 J/mol
C. -2574 J/mol
D. 189 J/mol
E. 1515 J/mol
Hour 12
28. Suppose an experimental engine has an efficiency of 0.25. If the engine
burns kerosene (heat of combustion = 4.620 x 107 J/kg) at a rate of 500 mg per
cycle, how much work does it deliver per cycle?
A. 5.8 x 103 J
B. 5.8 x 106J
C. 1.2 x 107 J

D. 2.3 x 104 J
E. 1.7 x 104 J
29. An engine operating using the Otto cycle has an efficiency of 0.35.
Assume that its working substance is purely a diatomic gas. What is the
compression ratio of this engine?
A. 2.9
B. 1.4
C. 1.9
D. 1.6
E. 5.0
Hour 13
30. A window air-conditioner unit absorbs 9.80 x 104 J of heat per minute
from the room being cooled and in the same time period deposits 1.44 x 105 J
of heat into the outside air. What is the coefficient of performance?
A. 2.13
B. 1.47
C. 0.68
D. 0.47
E. 3.13
31. During one summer season, your friend suggested that to cool down your
room, you keep all doors and windows closed while setting your refrigerator
to the lowest temperature and keep its door open. Why is your friends idea
not plausible?
A. The temperature difference between your room and refrigerator is very
B. The refrigerator takes heat from the room but throws it right back to the
C. Large power input is needed to cool your room.
D. The temperature difference between your room and refrigerator is small.
E. The refrigerator cannot work if its door is kept open.
Hour 14

32. Two adiabatic curves intersect once on a PV diagram. A cycle could be

completed by creating a thermodynamic path between the two adiabatic
curves. Which of the following added thermodynamic paths would follow the
second law of thermodynamics?
A. isobaric
B. isochoric
C. isothermal
D. none of the above
E. all of the above
33. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. The second law of thermodynamics states that it is impossible to achieve
absolute zero with a finite number of steps.
B. The Kelvin-Planck statement and the Clausius statements are equivalent.
C. The coefficient of performance of a refrigerator can be less than 1.
D. The spontaneous transfer of heat from a cold reservoir to a hot reservoir is
E. The efficiency of any engine is always positive.
Hour 15
34. A copper pot at room temperature is filled with room-temperature water.
Imagine a process whereby the water spontaneously freezes and the pot
becomes hot. This process violates?
A. The first law of thermodynamics only.
B. The second law of thermodynamics only.
C. The first and second laws of thermodynamics.
D. The conservation of energy.
E. The second law of thermodynamics and the conservation of energy.
35. A Carnot heat engine has a thermal efficiency of 0.600, and the
temperature of its hot reservoir is 800 K. If 3000 J of heat is rejected to the
cold reservoir in one cycle, what is the amount of heat input from the hot
reservoir during one cycle?
A. 7500 J

B. 5000 J
C. 320 J
D. 1200 J
E. 1800 J
36. What is the maximum possible efficiency of heat engine operating
between TC = 25C and TH = 990C?
A. 76%
B. 35%
C. 97%
D. 24%
E. 56%
37. Which of the following are parts of a Carnot cycle for a Carnot
refrigerator (TH > TC)?
I. Isothermal expansion at TH
II. Adiabatic expansion to TC
III. Isothermal compression at TH
IV. Adiabatic compression to TC
A. I and II only
B. I and IV only
C. II and III only
D. III and IV only
E. None of the above
Hour 16
38. Three moles of an ideal gas undergo a reversible isothermal compression
at 20.0 C. During this compression, 1850 J of work is done on the gas. What
is the change of entropy of the gas?
A. -6.31 J/K
B. -37.68 J/K
C. 92.50 J/K
D. 0.15 J/K
E. 8.86 J/K


39. A container, filled with 0.250 kg of water at 85.0 C, is inside a room at 20

C. The water eventually cools to the room temperature. The cooling process
is essentially isothermal for the air in the room. Calculate the total entropy
change of the water+air
A. 22 J/K
B. -442 J/K
C. 3194 J/K
D. 1888 J/K
E. -4919 J/K
40. Suppose you want to observe the resulting change in entropy of a liter of
water as it undergoes an increase in temperature. Arrange the change in
entropy of the water as its temperature
I. goes from 20 C to 40 C
II. goes from 25 C to 50 C
III. goes from 30 C to 50 C
A. II > III > I
B. III > I > II
C. II > I = III
D. II > I > III
E. I = II > III
Hour 17
41. A configuration of N molecules underwent a change in entropy S. What
is the ratio between the final and initial number of microstates?
A. S/k
B. e-S/k
C. ln(S/k)
D. k ln(S)
E. eS/k
42. Two moles of an ideal gas occupy a volume V. The gas expands
isothermally and reversibly to a volume 3V. What is the change in entropy of
the system?
A. -18.27 J/K

B. -9.13 J/K
C. 9.13 J/K
D. 11.53 J/K
E. 18.27 J/K


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