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I, Altaf Jahangir submit the call for papers focusing on

Technology landscaping of GIs in India an emerging economy of

the World.
This study navigates the complexity of the Geographical
Indications in the emerging economies of Indian sub continent;
Geographical Indications in India is of a total traditional domain
which has given the opportunity for local innovations, research
and development, usage of language and knowledge, expansion
of cultural and business practices.
Focus on pragmatic IP development
GI is an important intellectual property element with India as the
largest basket of traditional GIs in the world, to compliment the
market and the usage of Geographical Indications as products and
services, which benefits the economic status of the region, and
even from the cultural inheritance and acceptance of commercial
opportunities from eras and centuries.
The GIs will be instrumental in connecting the global institutions
with commercial partners to bring their technologies and have
better market access for key IP players, commercial organizations
and the innovators providing opportunities to shape the cultural
designed products and services.
Technology landscaping of GIs in India is a matter of great
concern with impediments, IP infringements and absence of
National IP Policy which has hindered the growth of GI products
and services in the Indian sub continent.
Challenges faced by GIs in India
1. Absence of budgetary allocations for GI management and
legal support for registrations and usage
2. Absence of IP knowledge, training and technical know how
3. Wide gap between the GI holder and commercial

4. Absence of financial and legal mechanisms for marketing of

GI products and services
5. Absence of a GI platform in India for better co ordination and
synchronization of IP stake holders
6. Meager support from the government




authorities for storage and usage of GIs

The GIs enhances the opportunity to the local innovations,
triggering large scale employment opportunities and imparts
robust growth in exports with balanced socio economic
development of the region.
GIs in India need collaboration from the incoming technologies
for enhancement in capabilities and abilities for competitive
intelligence and to gain a better commercial value in the
international markets.
The changing GI matrix in India
The intellectual property and its scope and applications have
wider economic ramifications throughout the world. The product
based developed countries have become richer and wealth is
moving towards the nations owning the IP products.
India an Agri driven economy has to sustain on products and
services largely derived from Agriculture income and allied
services wherein GIs play a pivotal role to bring traditional
agriculture products and services in the international
mainstreams of Intellectual property ownership, driving the nation
towards a global IP economy.
The successive governments in the past have shown meager
interest in the development of GIs in India and with the new
global trends and the changing IP equations have identified GIs
as an important element for sustainable IP development and
creation of an cyclical IP economy.

The recent times have seen large scale filing of traditional

knowledge in India with enhanced awareness of age old and
cultural knowledge transferred from generations to generations.
The government needs to contribute with financial and technical
interventions for better innovations which increase the efficiency
levels in the field of business sophistication, technological
readiness financial and infrastructural market developments and
bridging the gap between the innovators and the commercial IP
The global innovative index reflects Indias position as 64 th in the
world and ranks no 1 in central and southern Asia, to regenerate
Indias intellectual growth we need to provide additional privilege
facilities for the target GIs groups for sustainable agricultural
growth in the region.
The changing global trends in the field of food consumptions and
lifestyles have assumed a paramount importance for research and
development in major food products, changing the specifications,
formulation and preparation of the traditional food and lifestyle
The adoption of the traditional food and lifestyle products with
technological modifications, diversified designs and enhanced
capabilities of the products and services have given economic
independence for few target GI groups in India.
The policy makers shall extend the economic surveillance for the
development of research activity in the field of Geographical
Indications and including the GI as an important IP product under
the purview of greater budgetary allocations, financing and socio
economic ramifications.
The GIs in India shall mark and affect the socio economic
environment of the people with greater economic freedom,
innovative enterprising, strategy and decision making with large
scale productivity of goods and protected services.

The GI statistics registered in India reflect a strong robust growth

of traditional technologies and know how, the IP stake holders
shall enhance the integration of GI clusters with access to
national and international markets with hassle free research
support, technology transfer, transshipment of IP and storage of
GI knowledge across the global markets.
The sustainability of the traditional knowledge shall contribute for
the economic development of the nation with new innovations
and incubations catering to the needs of the global IP markets
and enhancing the nations intellectual strength and the
innovative index.

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