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What is a boiler? What are parts of a boiler?

Boiler is widely used in power plant industries, sugar industries, textile industries
and other process work. Boiler is first invented and used in 18th century by
England. A boiler, which is also known as steam generator, is a mechanical machine
which is used to convert water into steam. First it was introduce in the 18th century.
It was named as boiler because initially, it was use to boil water and convert it into
What is a boiler?
A boiler is a closed vessel, which is made by metal, in which water is converted
into steam by using the heat energy of fuel. It can generate steam at desire
temperature, pressure and the heat generation rate.

According to the A.S.M.E. the boiler is define as " A combination of apparatus

for producing, finishing and recovering heat together with the apparatus for the
transferring the heat so made available for the fluid being heated and

In a boiler, the heat energy of the flue gases transfer to the water through convection.
The fuel is burnt in the furnace which produces flue gases. These flue gases pass
over the water containing in shell or tube according to the type of boiler. The heat of
the flue gases transfer to the water and convert it into steam. This is the basic
principle of boiler.
Boiler is simply a heat exchange in which, water is work as cold fluid and the flue
gases works as hot fluid. The heat is transfer from hot fluid to cold fluid through
convection which increases the energy of water and converts it into steam.
To understand working of a boiler, considered a container half filled with water. The
fuel is burn and the flue gases flow over the container as shown in figure. These

gases heat the water and convert it into steam. This steam taken out from a tube
situated upper side of the container. As the steam taken out from container, the
equal amount of water is feed into the container by the feed valve which maintain the
boiler pressure unchanged.
If the steam escaping rate is high compare to water feeding rate, the pressure of the
boiler decreases. And if the water feeding rate is high compare to steam escaping rate
the pressure of the boiler increases. Thus the boiler pressure is controlled by the fuel
supply and water supply of the container. This is the basic working of a boiler.

The main function of a boiler is to generate steam at desire pressure and desire steam
generation rate. A boiler has to provide the space for water, steam, furnace, and safely
perform the following function.
1. Generate the steam at desire pressure.
2. The steam generation rate is high.
3. Provide a appropriate surface area to transfer heat from gas to water.
4. Safely operation
5. Convert steam into super heated steam if desire.
6. Avoid the explosion due to high pressure inside the boiler.

Parts of a Boiler:
The boiler is a combination of many parts which are used to achieve a common
function. These parts are divided into two categories. The first one is known as
mounting and the other one is accessories.
Boiler Mountings:
The boiler parts which are essential for the safely performance of boiler, or in absence
of which the boiler cannot generates steam, known as boiler mountings.
1. Water level indicator:

The water level indicator is used to check the water level inside the boiler. It is used to
correct working of boiler. It is mostly fitted in front of boiler. It consist three cocks and
a glass tube.
2. Pressure gauge:
A pressure gauge is used to measure the pressure inside the boiler. It is also fitted in
front side of the boiler. Generally, Bourden type pressure gauge is used in the boiler.
3. Safety valve:
The safety valve is fitted on the drum. It prevents the explosion due to high pressure
in the boiler. It is generally two in number. The safety valve blow offs the steam when
the pressure inside the boiler exceeds the certain limit.
4. Stop valve:
This valve is used to control the flow of steam from the boiler to the steam pipe. It
opens When the steam require, it shut off when sufficient steam is the steam pipe.
5. Blow off cock:
It is used to blow off mud and water whenever required. It is situated at the bottom of
the drum. It is use to empty the boiler, when required.
6. Feed check valve:
It is a NRV (Non Return Valve). It regulates supply of water in drum, by the feed
pump. It is fitted to the drum slightly below the normal water level.
7. Grate
It is the space in furnace on which fuel is burn.

Boiler Accessories:
Those parts which are used to increase efficiency of a boiler and boilers can perform
safely without these parts are known as boiler accessories. These parts are as follow.
1. Feed pump:
Feed pump is use to pump the water in boiler for continuous working. The feed pump
is run by the electricity or by an steam turbine. The steam use to drive the turbine
taken by the boiler itself, which increase the boiler efficiency.
2. Super heater:

The steam generate by the boiler is saturated steam. If this steam is use in turbine, it
may cause corrosion. So the steam is superheated before taken out for process work.
This is done by super heater.
3. Economizer:
Economizer is use to preheat water before it enter into boiler drum. The economizer
uses the heat of flue gases to preheat the water. The flue gases coming out from
boiler, first passes through economizer and then to atmosphere. It increases the
efficiency of boiler.
4. Air preheater:
Air preheat is use to preheat the air. It is preheated by the exhaust gases of boiler. So
it also increases efficiency of boiler. The heated air enters into boiler,

Boilers Classification:
There are large number of boiler designs, but boilers can be classified according to
the following criteria:
1. According to Relative Passage of water and hot gases:

Water Tube Boiler: A boiler in which the water flows through a number of
small tubes which are surrounded by hot combustion gases, e.g., Babcock and
Wilcox, Stirling, Benson boilers, etc.


Fire-tube Boiler: The hot combustion gases pass through the boiler tubes,
which are surrounded by water, e.g., Lancashire, Cochran, locomotive boilers,

2. According to Water Circulation Arrangement:


Natural Circulation: Water circulates in the boiler due to density difference of

hot and water, e.g., Babcock and Wilcox boilers, Lancashire boilers, Cochran,
locomotive boilers etc.


Forced Circulation: A water pump forces the water along its path, therefore,
the steam generation rate increases, Eg: Benson, La Mont, Velox boilers, etc.

3. According to the Use:


Stationary Boiler: These boilers are used for power plants or processes steam
in plants.


Portable Boiler: These are small units of mobile and are used for temporary
uses at the sites.


Locomotive: These are specially designed boilers. They produce steam to drive
railway engines.


Marine Boiler: These are used on ships.

4. According to Position of the Boilers:

Horizontal, inclined or vertical boilers

5. According to the Position of Furnace


Internally fired: The furnace is located inside the shell, e.g., Cochran,
Lancashire boilers, etc.


Externally fired: The furnace is located outside the boiler shell, e.g., Babcock
and Wilcox, Stirling boilers, etc.

6. According to Pressure of steam generated

Low pressure boiler: a boiler which produces steam at pressure of 15-20 bar is
called a low-pressure boiler. This steam is used for process heating.

Medium-pressure boiler: It has a working pressure of steam from 20 bar to 80

bar and is used for power generation or combined use of power generation and
process heating.

High-pressure boiler: It produces steam at a pressure of more than 80 bar.

Sub-critical boiler: If a boiler produces steam at a pressure which is less than

the critical pressure, it is called as sub-critical boiler.

Super critical boiler: These boilers produce steam at a pressure greater than
the critical pressure. These boilers do not have an evaporator and the water
directly flashes into steam and thus they are called once through boilers.

7. According to charge in the furnace.

Pulverized fuel,

Supercharged fuel and

Fluidized bed combustion boilers.

Characteristics of a Good Boiler

A good boiler should have the following characteristics:
1. The









minimum fuel consumption.

2. It can be started or stopped quickly.
3. Its initial cost, running and maintenance cost should not be high.
4. Its erection time should be less and its parts should be easily
5. The boiler should have reliable controls and safety apparatus.
6. It should have high rate of heat transfer and better combustion efficiency.
7. It should be able to accommodate the load variation.
8. It should occupy less floor space.
9. It should be trouble free and require less attention and less maintenance.

It should be free from manufacturing defects.


Mud should not get deposited on the heating surface. Soot or scale

should not be deposited on the tubes.


All parts of boiler should be accessible for cleaning and inspection.


It should conform to Indian Indian Boilers Regulations Acts.

Comparison between Fire Tube and Water Tube Boiler

Comparison between Fire Tube and Water Tube Boiler can be done in 14 aspects.
Those aspects are operating pressure, passage of material type in tubes, rate of steam

generation, handling of load fluctuation, floor area requirement, efficiency, operator

skills, design, maintenance cost are listed below in the tabular form.

Fire tube boiler

Water tube boiler

In Fire-tube boilers hot flue gases In









These are operated at low pressures The working pressure is high enough,
up to 20 bar.

up to 250 bar in super critical boilers.







therefore, not suitable for power



surround them.

The rate of steam generation and



water through tubes and hot flue gasses

surrounds them.












quality of steam are better and suitable

for power generation.

be Load






It requires more floor area for a given It requires less floor area for a given


These are bulky and difficult to These







transportation is not a problem.

Overall efficiency is up to 75%.

Overall efficiency with an economizer is

up to 90%.

Water doesnt circulate in a definite Direction of water circulated is well



The drum size is large and damage If any water tube is damaged, it can be
caused by bursting is large.

easily replaced or repaired.

It requires more floor area for a given It requires less floor area for a given


Simple in design, easy to erect and Complex, design, difficult to erect and
low maintenance cost.




high maintenance cost.

are Skilled

operators are



sufficient for efficient operation.

The treatment of feed water is not

very essential, as overheating due to

scale formation cannot burst thick


Used in process industry.

Treatment of feed water is very essential
as small scale deposits inside the tubes
can cause overheating and bursting.
Used in large power plants.

Fire Tube Boiler Construction, Working, Types

Fire Tube boiler is the simplest form of internal furnace, vertical fire tube boiler. Fire
tube boilers are portable boiler and it requires a small floor space.
The steam rating in fire tube boilers doesnt exceed 2500 kg per hour and pressure is
limited to 10 bar.

Construction of Fire Tube Boiler:

Fire tube boiler consists of a vertical, cylindrical shell, equipped with a fire
box in the bottom, water space in the middle portion and steam space in
upper portion. The fire grate is placed at the bottom of fire box and coal is
fired at the fire box. An ash pit is located at the bottom of grate to collect
the ash of burnt coal, which is periodically removed.

One or more cross tubes are either flanged or riveted to the water space is
located in the fire box to increase the heating surface area to improve the
water circulation. A short chimney is connected at the top of the fire box
to discharge the waste flue exhaust gases at some greater height. Man
hole and hand holes are provided for cleaning the interior of the boiler
shell and cross tubes.

The boiler consists of a pressure gauge, water level indicator, safety valve,
steam stop valve and a man hole as mountings to provide safety and ease
of working.

Working of Fire Tube Boiler:

Fuel burns on the grate in the fire box. The resulting hot flue gases are allowed
to pass around the cross tubes. The water surrounding the cylindrical fire box also
receives heat by convection and radiation. Thus steam is produced. The water
circulation in the boiler depends on the density difference in water, created by
temperature difference in water.
Types of Fire tube Boilers:
1. Cornish boiler
2. Lancashire boiler

3. Locomotive boiler
4. Scotch marine boiler
5. Horizontal return tubular boiler
6. Immersion fired boiler
7. Vertical fire-tube boiler

Water Tube Boiler Construction, Operation

Babcock and Wilcox boiler:

The Babcock and Wilcox boiler is also is known as Longitudinal Drum Boiler or
Horizontal Tubes Boiler. It is probably the first water tube boiler designed and
widely used across the globe.
A schematic of the Babcock and Wilcox boiler is shown in the figure below.

Main Parts:
Babcock and Wilcox is a stationary water tube boiler. It has inclined tubes which are
inclined at 10 to 15 degree, which are inclined to maintain natural circulation of

water from drum to tubes and steam from tubes to drum. The main parts of this
boiler are as follow.
1. Steam separator drum:
This drum is situated upside of the boiler. It is larger diameter drum in which water
and steam placed together. The one half of the drum is filled with water and the other
half is remaining for steam.
2. Water tubes:
Water tubes are situated bottom side of the drum. Water flows from the drum to the
3. Uptake header:
Steam separator drum and water tubes are connected by the two tubes. One is
known as uptake header and the other one is known as down take header. The steam
from the water tubes to the drum flow by the uptake header.
4. Down take header:
The water flows form the drum to the water tubes through down take header. When
the steam flows by uptake header to the drum, at the same time water flows from
drum to the water tubes by down take header which maintains the flow of water.
5. Grate:
The place in the furnace, where the fuel is placed and burn known as grate.
6. Furnace:
The furnace is the place where the fuel burns. This is situated at the down side of the
water tubes. When the fuel burns, the flue gases generate. This gases flow upper side
and passes through water tube, which heat the water and convert it into steam.
7. Super heater:
Super heater is situated upper side of the water tube. One end of super heater is
connected to the drum and other end is for process work. Steam flows from the drum
to the super heater, where it heated by the flue gases and send for the process work.
8. Baffles:

Baffles are provided between the water tubes. The main function of baffles is to divert
the flue gases, so it flows more than one time through the tube and more heat is
Other mounting like safety valve, blow off valve, fuel door, inspection door, mud box,
feed valve, stop valve, pressure gauge etc. are also provided for safely working of
Now we discuss about working of Babcock and Wilcox boiler. This is a high pressure,
natural circulate, water tube boiler. The working of this boiler is as follow.
* First water is filled in the water drum through feed pump. The drum is half filled
with water and the upper half is for steam.
First flue is fired at the grate.

The flue gases generate by burning of fuel. These gases start flowing from one end

to another end of boiler.


The flue gases passes by the water tubes and exchange heat with water. The

baffles are provided in the way, which deflects the flue gases before escaping from the
chimney. Due to this deflection, the flue gases pass more than one time through
water tubes, which cause more heat transfer.

The water flows from the drum to the water tube through down take header.

The water tube nearer to the furnace heated more than the other, so the density of

water decrease in this tube which causes the flow of steam from tube to drum
through uptake header. At the same time the water from the drum enters into the
tubes through down take header.

The circulation of water from drum to tubes and again tubes to drum is natural,

due to density difference.


The steam separates in the drum at the upper half. This is saturated

steam. This steam sends to the super heater through steam pipe. The steam is heated
again by the flue gases in the super heater and taken out for process work.

The flue gases send to the atmosphere from the super heater.

This process repeat until sufficient amount of steam generates. This boiler

can generate 20 ton steam per hour.

1. The steam generation rate is higher about 20 ton per hour at pressure 10 to 20
2. The tubes can be replaced easily.
3. The boiler can expand and contract freely.
4. It is easy to repair maintenance and cleaning.
5. It drought loss is low compared to other boiler.
6. The overall efficiency of this boiler is high.

Lamont Boiler: Principle, Construction & Working

The La Mont boiler is a high-pressure, water type boiler. It was first introduced in
1925 by La Mont. La Mont boiler works on the principle of forced circulation. The
water circulation in La Mont boiler is maintained by centrifugal pump.
The arrangement of water circulation and different components of La Mount Boiler
are shown in the below figure.


This boiler works on basic principle of forced convection. If the water is circulate by a
pump inside the tube, the heat transfer rate from gas to the water is increases. It is
the basic principle of it.
This boiler is the first force circulation boiler. This boiler consist various part which
are as follow.
Economizer use to preheat the water by using remaining heat of the combustion
gases. It increases the boiler efficiency. The feed water first supplied to the
economizer before entering to the boiler.
Centrifugal pump:
The Lamont boiler is a force convection boiler. So a centrifugal pump is used to
circulate water inside the boiler. This pump is driven by a steam turbine. The steam
for the turbine is taken by the boiler.

Evaporator tube:
The evaporator tube or can say water tubes are situated at furnace wall which
increase the heating surface of boiler. This is also at the up side and down side of the
furnace and other equipment. The main function of these tubes to evaporate water
into steam. This also cools down the furnace wall.
The space in the furnace where the fuel is burn is called grate. It is bottom side of
In the Lamont boiler vertical furnace is used. The main function of Furnace is to
burn the fuel.

Super heater:
The steam generated by the evaporator tube is saturated steam. If it directly used in
steam turbine can cause the corrosion. So the saturated steam sends to the super
heater where it can increase the temperature of steam.
Water steam separator drum:
The steam separator is situated outside from the boiler. The mixture of water and
steam from the evaporator tube send to the steam separator where it separate the
steam and send it to super heater. The remaining water again sends to the
Air preheater:
Its main function to preheat air before entering into furnace.
Lamont boiler is a forced circulation, internally fired water tube boiler. The fuel is
burn inside the boiler and the water is circulating by a centrifugal pump through
evaporator tubes. The working of this boiler is as follow. A feed pump forces the water
into the economizer where the temperature of water increases. This water forced into
the evaporator tube by using a centrifugal pump driven by steam turbine. Water
passes 10 - 15 times into the evaporator tube. The mixture of saturated steam and
water is formed inside the tube.

This mixture sends to the steam separator drum which is outside the boiler. Steam
from the separator sends to the super heater, where the saturated steam converts
into superheated steam. The water again sends to the economizer where it again
passes by the evaporator tubes.
The air from the air preheater enter into the furnace where fuel burn. The flue gases
first heat the evaporator tube then passes by the super heater. These gases from the

super heater again use to preheat the air into air preheater before exhaust into
This working pressure of this boiler is above 170 bar and have the steam generation
capacity of about 50000 kg/hour at temperature 773 K .
1. It can high pressure boiler.
2. It is flexible in design.
3. This boiler can reassemble in natural circulation boiler.
4. It can easily start.
5. It has high steam generation capacity of about 50 ton/ hour.
6. This boiler has higher heat transfer rate.

Cochran Boiler: Main Parts and Working

Cochran boiler is a modified form of fire tube boiler which has various fire tubes
which exchange heat to water through convection. It is used in small power plant and
Cochran Boiler:
It is a simple fire tube boiler which has multiple fire tubes. These tubes increase the
heat transfer area of boiler. Water passes over the tubes. The heat is transfer from fire
tubes to water through convection.
Main parts of Cochran boiler:
1. Shell:
The main body of the boiler is known as shell. It has vertical shall which has
hemispherical top head. This hemispherical top gives higher volume to area ratio
which increases steam capacity.

2. Grate:
The area where flue is placed known as grate.
3. Combustion chamber:

It is at the bottom side of the boiler. The combustion chamber is connected to the
4. Fire tubes:
There are various fire tubes which one end is connected to the furnace and other by
5. Fire hole:
The small hole is provided at the bottom of combustion chamber to place fuel is
known as fire hole.
6. Furnace:
It works as a mediator of fire tubes and combustion chamber. It is also has dome
shaped top. The main advantage of this shape is that it deflects back the un-burned
charge and flue gases to the combustion chamber and furnace.
7. Chimney:
The flue gases leave atmosphere through chimney.
8. Fire brick lining:
The brick lining outside the combustion chamber prevent the overheating of it.
Along these parts Cochran boiler equipped with following mountings and accessories.
1. Safety valve
2. Pressure gauge
3. Water level indicator
4. Stop valve
5. Blow off cock
Working of Cochran boiler:
Cochran boiler works as same like other fire tube boilers. It can be understand by
following points.

Coal is placed at the grate through fire hole.

Air is entering into the combustion chamber through atmosphere.

Fuel is sparked through fire hole

Flue gases start flowing into the hemispherical dome shaped combustion
chamber. This flue gases further moves into the fire pipes.

Heat is exchange from flue gases to the water into the fire tubes.

The steam produce collected into the upper side of the shell and taken out by
when required pressure generated.

The flue gases now send to the chimney through fire box where it leaves to the

Now this process repeats and run continuously. The steam generates used into the
small industrial processed.
Advantages and disadvantages of Cochran boiler:
1. Low floor area required.
2. Low initialization cost.
3. It is easy to operate.
4. It is easy to transport from one place to another.
5. It has higher volume to area ratio.
1. Low steam generation rate.
2. Limited pressure handles capacity.
3. It is difficult to inspect and maintenance.
4. It requires high head room space.
5. The capacity is less due to its vertical design.
6. Due to its vertical design, it often presents difficulty in cleaning and inspection.
The outstanding features of Cochran boiler are listed below:
1. In Cochran boiler any type of fuel can be used.
2. It is best suitable for small capacity requirements.
3. It gives about 70% thermal efficiency with coal firing and about 75%
thermal efficiency with oil firing.
4. The ratio of grate area to the heating surface area varies from 10: 1 to 25:

Benson Boiler: Principle, Construction & Working

Today we will discuss about Benson boiler. Benson boiler is also known as super
critical steam generator which is developed by Mark Benson in the year 1922. This
boiler can generate high pressure steam, which is further used in production of
electricity and other industrial processes. It is a water tube boiler. In the early stage
water tube boiler used to generate steam at the pressure up to 10MPa, which is
known as sub critical boiler.
Two big problems occur in sub-critical boiler.
1. First, in sub critical boiler water from the vapor bubbles at the tube
surface, which decrease heat transfer rate, hence decreases efficiency.
2. The second one is, the sub critical boiler used the water steam separator
drum to separate steam which makes it too complex and heavy. It cannot be
easily transfer from one station to another.

To overcome these problems, in 1922, Mark Benson invented a boiler which works
above us and generates steam at super critical pressure. This boiler is known
as Benson boiler. This boiler works at pressure above critical pressure, at which the
water instantly convert into steam. No air bubbles generate in this boiler. This boiler
generates a high pressure steam which is used in various industrious processes.

Benson boiler:
The Benson boiler is a water tube boiler, works on the basic principle of critical
pressure of water. The critical pressure is the pressure at which the liquid and gas
phase are at equilibrium. The water enters in the boiler at just above the critical
pressure so it suddenly converts into steam without generating air bubbles. No air
water separator drum is required. It also takes less fuel to generate steam. This is the
basic principle of Benson boiler.

Main parts:
It consist a great large tube. The water enters into the tube from one end and steam
exit from other end. No water steam separator drum is used in this boiler. This boiler
consist six basic components.
1. Feed pump
Benson boiler is the forced pumped water tube boiler. The water is entering into the
boiler at critical pressure A feed pump is used to pump the water into boiler.
2. Air preheated
In this boiler air is preheated from before entering into combustion chamber. It
increases the efficiency of boiler.
3. Economizer:
Water from the feed pump enters into the tube which first passes from economizer




increase efficiency of boiler.

4. Radiant Evaporator:








The water from the economizer further passes to

the radiant evaporator, which use radiant heat transfer method to transfer heat from
combustion chamber to the water. This section is near the combustion chamber.
5. Convective Evaporator:
In the convective chamber, convection is used to transfer heat from the flue gases to
the water. The water is completely evaporated in this chamber.
6. Convective Super heater:
This is the last chamber of boiler. The steam passes from this chamber, which
increase the temperature of steam and this super-heated steam taken out for the
industrial work.
As we discussed this boiler works on the basic principle of critical pressure.
The water is pumped at above the critical pressure into boiler tube. This water tube
first passes through the economizer, which increase the temperature of water. This
hot water further passes from the radiant evaporator where water is evaporate
by radiant heat transfer. After that the water and steam passes through the
convective evaporate where








water pressure is critical pressure so the water converts into steam directly
without actual boiling. The steam is further heat up and this super-heated high
pressure steam is taken out to rotate the turbine.
1. The Benson boiler does not use water-steam separator drum, which reduce the
total cost of boiler.
2. This boiler can transport easily from one station to another.
3. It is economical and has higher efficiency.
4. This boiler can use over the pressure above 350 bar without changing the
5. This can be start easily and can reach its maximum load capacity within 10

High Pressure Boilers Features and Advantages

A boiler is called a high pressure boiler when it operates with a steam pressure
above 80 bars. The high-pressure boilers are widely used for power generation in
thermal power plants.

In high-pressure boiler if the feed-water pressure increases, the saturation

temperature of water rises and the latent heat of vaporization decreases. The
feed water can be heated to saturation of temperature in the economizer with
the help of waste heat. Recovery from the exhaust gases escaping to chimney.
Then the boiler supplies only latent heat of vaporization and superheat. Thus, a
boiler operation at high pressure will require less heat addition for steam

Features of High pressure Boilers

High-pressure boilers have the following features:

Forced circulation of water in all modern high-pressure boilers, the force

circulation of water is maintained with the help of pumps. It increases the help
of pumps. It increases the mean temperature of heat addition and evaporation
capacity if the boiler.


Large number of small diameter tubes the surface-area-to-volume-ratio (area

density) increases with the use of small-diameter tubes. It helps in high rate of
the heat transfer to water flowing inside the tubes. Therefore, a large number of
small density tubes in a zigzag manner are used for water circulation in forced
circulation. Further, use of a short tube reduces the pressure loss and gives
better control the quality of steam.


Higher steam pressure and temperature the steam is generated at a pressure

between 80 bar to 300 bar and temperature of 450C to 585C with two super
heaters in series. The use of such stream is very suitable for power generation. It
increases thermal efficiency of the plant and reduces the moisture contents in
low pressure stages of expansion in the turbine.


Improved mode of heat transfer modern high-pressure boilers use the heat
transfer by radiation along with conduction and convection. The total heatreceiving equipment is divided into several parts. So they can easily be located
in various zones of the furnace for most efficient heat transfer to the water


Improved mode of heating the high-pressure boilers use the following

methods for improved heat transfer rate:


Evaporative of water above critical pressure of steam.

Heating of water by mixing superheated steam for high heat transfer rate.

Increasing the combustion air velocity over the tube.

Pressurized combustion for increasing the combustion rate and thus heatrelease rate, pressurized air is used in the furnace. It gives large amount of heat
in a small space.


Compactness the high rate of heat transfer inside the boiler reduces the
overall size of the boiler and the boiler becomes compact.


High efficiency High-pressure boilers have better firing methods, monitoring,

furnace conditions, control flue gases and water velocity.


Intensive heating the furnace temperature in high-pressure boilers is high

enough and therefore, 70% of heat is transferred to water by radiation. This is a
faster way of heat transfer.

10. Once through construction in high-pressure boiler operating at and above the
critical pressure, the water directly flashes into steam in the tube itself. It
eliminates the need of a boiler drum.

Advantages of High pressure Boilers

High-pressure boilers use the forced circulation of water which ensures

the positive circulation of water and increased evaporative capacity.

They require less heat of vaporization.

They are compact and thus require less floor space.

Due to high velocity of water, the tendency of scale formation is


All parts are uniformly heated and the danger of overheating is minimized.

The steam can be raised quickly to meet the variable load requirements
without use of complicated control devices.

The plant efficiency is increased.

With the use of high-pressure boilers, the steam generation is economical.

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