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(Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, retrieved

March 20, 2016

Question 1: Australias population in 1945 was approximately 7, 430, 200

people. In 1990, the population had increased to approximately 17, 169, 800
people. What is the total increase of Australias population from 1945 to 1990?
Show working below.


Question 2: Calculate the percentage increase in Australias population from

1945 to 1990. Show working in the space below.


Annotations for Portfolio:

Question 1: Australias population in 1945 was approximately 7, 430, 200
people. In 1990, the population had increased to approximately 17, 169, 800
people. What is the total increase of Australias population from 1945 to 1990?
Answer: 9, 739, 600 people. (17, 169, 800 minus 7, 430, 200 = 9, 739, 600)
This question is a simple question for students at the stage 5 level of
numeracy, and functions as an introductory question targeted towards the
development of student competency with addition and subtraction and how
important they are in understanding statistical data. It also provides the
platform from which students reflect on the importance of being aware of
population issues in everyday life.
Question 2: Calculate the percentage increase in Australias population from
1945 to 1990.
Answer: 231%. (17, 169, 800 / 7, 430, 200 = 2.31 = 2.31 x 100 = 231%)
This question forms a basis for students to develop their understanding of
calculating percentages. Once again the question is not overly difficult, but
requires students to interpret the data from question 1 in a different way and
can be extremely beneficial for teachers to draw a link between content in
migration experiences and skills in numeracy. The high percentage increase in
Australias population between 1945 and 1990 can be a useful means of
transitioning into investigating the factors behind the increase, such as
overseas conflict and domestic policies that led to increased immigration.

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