8 Files

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Write a Program to Convert Lower to Upper and Upper to Lower Cases of a given file.
2) Write a Program to remove a Specific line from the given text file.
3) Write a Program to replace a Specified line in a given file.
4) Write a Program to Capitalize First Letter of every Word in a file.
5) Write a Program to meges the lines from two files and store the result into another file.
6) Write a Program to replace the word with the reverse of that word in a given file.
7) Write a Program to copy the one file into multiple destination files which are provided
during the loadtime.
8) Write a Program to replace the perticular word with another word ( can be any length ) in a
given file.
9) Write a Program to reverse the Contents of a given file.
10) Write a Program to implement sort command.
(Check the command: sort filename.c )
11) Write a Program to implement grep command.
( Check the command: grep searching_word filename.c )
12) Write a Program to implement wc command.
(Check the command: wc filename.c)
----------------------------------------------------------- END -------------------------------------------------------------Dear students, If any mistakes found, kindly inform to me.
A. Tandava Ramakrishna.
Email: ramakrishna@vectorindia.org

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