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The Standard

FRIDAY, May 2, 2014 1

The voice of the south-west since 1872

Peters Project founder Vicki Jellie is congratulated

by Victorian Premier Denis Napthine and federal
member for Wannon Dan Tehan at yesterdays
gathering at the Lighthouse Theatre.
140401LP09 Picture:


$5 million in
nine months
sends Peters
spirit soaring


Cancer survivor Sue McMillan

speaks yesterday.

A WAVE of emotion surged

through the audience when
cancer survivor Sue McMillan
pulled out two $50 notes to complete the Peters Project cancer
centre appeal yesterday.
Her cash not only took the
appeal to its $5 million target
three months ahead of schedule, it also realised a dream
ve years earlier by Peter
Jellie as he battled cancer in
Warrnambool Base Hospital,
where Ms McMillan comforted

him in her pastoral care role.

After Mr Jellies death, his
widow Vicki spearheaded
the formation of a committee
to push for establishment of
a dedicated treatment centre
in Warrnambool so south-west
residents would not have
to travel Geelong, Ballarat
or Melbourne for specialist
Ms McMillan herself journeyed many times to Geelong
for treatment while she had a
young family.
Peters spirit is very
palpable in the room today,

she said at yesterdays ofcial
announcement of the $5m community fund-raising achievement, which will go towards a
proposed $30m radiotherapy
centre expected to be under
construction by next year,
bolstered by $15m from state
government and $10m from
Im sure hed be pleased
she had the courage to bring

that dream to reality.

Ms McMillans donation
also kickstarted the Peters
Project Foundation which
will be an ongoing source of
revenue to support patients
in the proposed cancer centre
and assist staff with resources
and training.
The appeal target was given
a huge boost yesterday when
Devondale Murray Goulburn
dairying company donated
$300,000, the largest corporate
contribution since the appeal
started nine months ago.
People have been touched

by cancer in this region and

this donation is to support
the community that supports
us, managing director Gary
Helou said.
Ms Jellie was given numerous accolades for her
determined leadership along
with appeal chairman Peter
Headen and other members
of the committee, of which
Premier Denis Napthine was
an inaugural member in his
role as local MP.


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