Student A Marking Criteria

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Student name: Connor

St Dominics College
Assessment Notification

Marking Criteria Part A

Highly detailed and accurate description of the selected material
Highly detailed and accurate description of the manufacturing process
Clear and well-structured flowchart of manufacturing process created
Highly detailed positive and negative environmental impacts are clearly explained
The material as a sustainable resource is clearly explained and justified
Detailed and accurate description of the selected material
Detailed description of the manufacturing process
Logical and structured flowchart of manufacturing process created
Positive and negative environmental impacts are explained
The material as a sustainable resource is explained
A satisfactory description of the selected material
A satisfactory description of the manufacturing process
A flowchart of manufacturing process is created
Some possible environmental impacts are described
The material as a sustainable resource is explored but may be inaccurate
A brief description of the selected material
A brief description of the manufacturing process
A simple flowchart of manufacturing process is attempted
Some possible environmental impacts are listed
The material as a sustainable resource is briefly identified and may be inaccurate
A very limited description of the selected material
The manufacturing process is listed and may be inaccurate
A simple flowchart of manufacturing process is attempted
Some possible environmental impacts are listed
Sustainability is briefly mentioned
Marking Criteria Part B
The College scaffold is applied to accurately acknowledge a broad range of appropriate
information sources.
The College scaffold is applied to accurately acknowledge a range of appropriate
information sources.
The College scaffold is applied to acknowledge some appropriate information sources.
The College scaffold may/may not be applied to acknowledge a few information sources.
1-2 information sources are listed without using the College scaffold.



Student Feedback
Marker: T. Kroon Date:26/3

Great work! You have presented your research well with great colours and accurate images and also
provided effective research to go with your material topic.
One issue which you can work on is the way you present the information in your task. Always make sure
there is a point to ever sentence you right, and the examples you include match what you are trying to
bring across in your sentences
All in all, a great JOB

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Student name: Connor

Materials Analysis

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