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Information About c

Data Type In C





-128 to 127


Unsignes Char

0 to 255


Short Or Int

-32768 to 32767

%i or %d

Unsigned Int

0 to 65535



-2147483648 to 2147483647


Unsignes Long

0 to 4294967295



3.4e-38 to 3.4e+38

%f or %g


1.7e-308 to 1.7e+308


Long Double


3.4e-4932 to 1.1e+4932


Integar Data Type



Occupies 2 bytes in Memory

Occupies 4 bytes in Memory

Range -32768 to 32767

-2147483648 to 2147483647

Format string is %d or % i

Format string is %ld

For example: int a=2; Short int b=2;

For example: long b; Long int c;

Starting With C Program

all c program will code into the main() function make sure you have an compiler to complie your
Simple example of c program
#include < stdio.h >
void main()
Printf("this is the most simple example of c program");
Click Here to get all the c programes.
Creating variables in c
Its very simple to create one or more variable in c, There are some basic datatypes which are used to
create a simplea variable in c, Now question arries what is datatype datatypes is the identity of the
variable. Its tell to compiler that which kind of data that Variable can store.

Now here ia an simple example to create an folder in c

int id = 1 , Now int is the integar datatye which only stores the integar values
Another example is string name="Hardeep Singh"
Print Variables in c
We can print the variable values in c this is very simpe task printf function is used to display the
values in c so with the help of printf we can also print the variable here is an simple example of
printing the variable in c
#include< stdio.h >
Void main()
string name = "hardeep Singh";
Constant and Volatile Variables
Constant variable-tells the compiler that the variable is constant
For example: const int m=10;
Volatile variable-those variables that are changed at any time
For example: volatile int m;

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