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Anopheles aconitus

Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1902:70 (F*). (Original German)
Kajoe-Tanam, [North of Padang, Tapanuli], Sumatra and Willem Island, Soekaboemi, Java (ZM)

Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam

albirostris Theobald
1903a:24 (M, F*; Myzomyia)
Type-loc: Malaya(BM)
Harrison 1980:38 (lectotype design.)
brahmacharii Christophers

1912:11 (F*; Myzomyia)

Type-loc: Calcutta, [West Bengal], India (MSI)
Brahmachari Bahadur 1912:186 (A). [May antedate Christopher's description - study needed]

Larvae found primarily in flooded rice fields, grassy ponds and stream margins. Also found in Nippa palm swamps,
stream pools, fresh water swamps, rock pools, seepage pools, and ditches. In Thailand found at elevations of 1 - 700m. In
Indonesia, Java found up to 853m (Harrison 1980).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector (Harrison 1980).

Additional References
Christophers and Barraud 1931:183 (E*).
Christophers 1933:216 (M*, F*, L*, E).
Crawford 1938:86 (P*).
Bonne-Wepster and Swellengrebel 1953:365 (M*, F*, L*).
Reid 1968:320 (M*, F*, P*, L*, E*; distr.).
Aslamkhan 1971:147 (distr.)
Harrison 1980:33 (distr.).
Darsie and Pradhan 1990:71 (distr.).

Anopheles annularis
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

Van der Wulp
1884:249 (F).
Mount Ardjoeno, Java (LM).

Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam

adiei James and Liston
1911:89 (A; Nyssorhynchus fuliginosus var.).
Type-loc: Ferozepore and Amritsar, Punjab [Hill States], India(LU)
Christophers 1933:300 (syn.; melanic variation).
fuliginosus Giles
1900a:161 (F*).
Type-loc: Calcutta, [West Bengal], India (BM).
Christophers and Barraud 1931:177 (E*).

Senevet 1931:62 (P*).

Townsend 1990:76 (type info.)
jamesii Liston
1901:441 (non Theobald 1901a) (A)
Type-loc: Ellichpur, [Central Provinces], India (LU).
leucopus Doenitz
1901:37 (M, F)
Type-loc: Doerian, [Palembang], Sumatra. (ZM).
lineata Ludlow
1908a:50 (A; Chagasia ?)
Type-loc: Camp Gregg, Pangasinan, Luzon, Philippines (USNM).
nagpori James and Liston
1904:90 (A; Nyssorhynchus fuliginosus var.).
Type-loc: Nagpur, [Central Provinces], India (LU)

Larvae found in clear, still water with abundant vegetation. Habitats include ponds, swamps, rice fields. Adults
zoophilic (Reid 1968).

Medical Importance
Secondary vector of malaria (Reid 1968).

Additional References
Christophers 1933:300 (M*, F*, P, L*, E).
Bonne-Wepster and Swellengrebel 1953:438 (M*, F*, L*)
Horsfall 1955:193 (review).
Hara 1959:110 (F*).
Reid 1968:373 (M*, F*, P*, L*, E*; keys; tax.).
Ameen and Talukdar 1974c:90 (P*).
Ahmed 1987:187 (distr.).
Darsie and Pradhan 1990:71 (distr.).
Suleman, Khan and Khan 1993:321 (distr.).

Anopheles annulipes
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1856a:433 (A).
Van Diemen's Land, [Tasmania], Australia (BM).

Australia, Papua New Guinea

derricki Taylor
1943a:155 (type M* only).
Type-loc: Irvinebank, Queensland, Australia (ANIC).
Lee and Woodhill 1944:121 (syn.).
Lee, Hicks, Griffiths, Debenham, Bryan, Russell, Geary and Marks. 1988a:136 (lectotype design; type dep.)
mastersi Skuse
1889:1757 (M, F).
Type-loc: Blue Mts., New South Wales, Australia (ANIC).
Lee, Hicks, Griffiths, Debenham, Bryan, Russell and Marks. 1988a:136 (type dep.).

musivus Skuse
1889:1754 (F).
Type-loc: Elizabeth Bay, near Sidney, Mt. Kembla and Illawarra, New South Wales, Australia
Lee, Hicks, Griffiths, Debenham, Bryan, Russell, Geary and Marks 1988a:136 (type dep.).
perplerus Taylor, F.H.
1943a:153 (M*, F*).
Type-loc: Adelaide River, Northern Territory, Berner Creek, Watten and Cairns, Queensland,
Australia (ANIC).
Lee and Woodhill 1944:121 (syn.).
Lee, Hicks, Griffiths, Debenham, Bryan, Russell, Geary and Marks. 1988a:136 (lectotype
desig.; type dep.).
persimilis Taylor, F.H.
1943a:155 (F*; perplexus var.).
Type-loc: Irvine bank, Queensland, Australia (ANIC).
Lee and Woodhill 1944:121 (syn.).
Lee, Hicks, Griffiths, Debenham, Bryan, Russell, Geary and Marks. 1988a:136 (type dep.).

Larvae are commonly found in open or partially shaded ground pools of limited depth and rock pools in association
with green algae. It has also been collected in stream pools and flood pools. Can tolerate salt to 1.6%. Females readily
bite man both indoors and out (King in Boyd 1949).

Medical Importance
Secondary vector of malaria (King in Boyd 1949).

Additional References
Lee and Woodhill 1944:121 (M*, F*, L*, E*).
Lee 1948:54 (tax.).
Peters 1962:166 (P*).
Dobrotworsky 1965:47 (M*, F*, L*).
Lee et al. 1987:136 (distr., tax.)

Anopheles culicifacies
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1901b:197 (M, F).
Hoshangabad, [Central Provinces], India (BM)

Afghanistan, Bahrain, Cambodia, China, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Iraq, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Oman,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Yemen

adenensis Christophers
1924c:296 (A; as var.)
Type-loc: Dar al-A'mir, Aden Hinterland, [West Aden Protectorate] (BM).
Evans 1938:172 (M*, F*, P, L, E).
deMeillon 1947b:99 (M*, F*, P*, L*).
Mattingly and Knight 1956:95 (to ssp. status).
Gillies and deMeillon 1968:104 (M*, F*, P, L*; tax.).

Beidas and Gillies 1980:172 (E*).

Harrison 1980:52 (syn.), 56 (lectotype design.)
indica Theobald
1901a:183 (F)
Type-loc: Madras, India (BM)
listoni Giles
1901b:197 (M, F).
Type-loc: Ellichpur, [Central Provinces], India (BM)
punjobensis James
1911. In James and Liston 1911:72 (A*; Myzomyia;as var.).
Type-loc: Punjab, India (BM).

Larvae are found in fresh water irrigation ditches, rain pools, pools in riverbeds, freshly dug pits or holes and wells.
Females avoid oviposition site with emergent vegetation. Larvae found between 35 and 960m. in Thailand; in Vietnam
only over 914m. and in Pakistan usually between 1524 - 1829m. but also up to 2286m (Harrison 1980).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector. (Harrison 1980)

Additional References
Christophers 1933:197 (M*, F*, P, L*, E; tax.).
Ross and Roberts 1943b:13 (M*, F*, L*).
Horsfall 1955:199 (review).
Viswanathan, Rao and Halgeri 1955:371 (biol.)
Harrison 1980:55 (lectotype design.).

Anopheles farauti
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1902b:908 (F).
Faureville, Vate [Efate], New Hebrides Islands [Vanuatu] (PIP)

Indonesia, Solomon Islands (Santa Cruz Islands), Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Bismark Archipelago, Vanuatu

moluccensis Swellengrebel and Swellengrebel de Graaf
1919(1920)b:1 (L*; annulipes var.). Also 1920b:29 (M, F; annulipes var.)
Type-loc: Several localities in Moluccas and Western New Guinea (NE).
Knight and Farner 1944:132 (syn.).
Lee and Woodhill 1944:140 (M, F*, L*, E*).

Larvae are found in a wide variety of breeding places but prefer habitat with emergent, floating and submerged

vegetation or algae in heavy shade. Thsi species is also found in brackish pools, lagoons and mangrove swamps in costal
areas. Larvae are occassionally taken from a wide variety of artifical containers. Adults feed on a wide variety of hosts,
including man (Belkin 1962).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector (Belkin 1962).

Additional References
Knight and Farner 1944:132 (resurrected from syn. with punctulatus).
Rozeboom and Knight 1946:120 (F*, P*, L*; tax.).
Reid 1947:90 (tax.).
Horsfall 1955:210 (biol.).
Belkin 1962a:138 (M*, F*, P*, L*).
Bryan and Coluzzi 1971:266 (cytogenetics).
Bryan 1973:64 (tax.).
Maffi 1973a:29 (tax.).
Bryan 1974:413 (tax.).
Schmidt et al. 2001: 391 (M, F, L*, P*; tax.).

Anopheles flavirostris
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1914a:30 (F; Myzomyia; as sp.).
Camp Wilhelm, Tayabas [= Quezon], [Luzon], Philippines (USNM).

Indonesia, Philippines, Timor

merak (cohesia) Mangkoewinoto
1919:57 (A, L*; Myzomyia aconita var.).
Type-loc: Kali Madaksa in Merak (Bantam). West Java (NE). (Without nomenclatorial status because of
incorrect formation).
Harrison 1980:40 (syn. transfer from minimus).

Larvae are found in shaded and unshaded stream margins especially around roots, ground pools an shallow wells.
Puri in Boyd 1949. Mendoza and Abinoja 1952. Females feed on both man and cattle and readily enter houses to bite
(Puri in Boyd 1949).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector (Puri in Boyd 1949).

Additional References
King 1932b:491 (M*, F*, L*; to spp. status).
Baisas 1936b:215 (P*).
Gapuz and Santiago 1949:127 (L*).
Mendoza and Abinoja 1952:53 (biol.).
Bonne-Wepster and Swellengrebel 1953:371 (M*, F*, L*)
Baisas 1957:68 (to sp. status).
Cagampang-Ramos and Darsie 1970:4 (F*, L*; keys).
Da Costa Pinhao 1974:470 (distr.).
Somboon et al. 2000 37(3): 476 (support of sp. status).

Anopheles fluviatilis
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1902:31 (A*, L*).
Duars (Jalpaiguri District) [West Bengal], Nagpur [Central Provinces], and the Jeypore Hill Tracts, India (LU)

Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, India, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka,
Taiwan, Vietnam, Yemen

arabica Christophers and Chand
1915:189 (M, F, L; funestus var.).
Type-loc: Muscat, [Oman] (BM).
Mattingly and Knight 1956:92 (syn.).
Townsend 1990:45 (type dep.)
leptomeres Theobald
1903a:38 (F; Myzomyia)

Type-loc: India (BM)

listonii Liston
1901:365 (non Giles 1901) (A*).
Type-loc: Ellichpur, [Amaraoti Dist., Central Provinces], India (BM).
Christophers 1911:66 (E*).

Not usually found below 1000 ft. Larvae are found in the grassy edges of slow moving streams, sprIngs, irrigation
channels, sometimes in the edges of swamps and lakes. Females readily bite man, feeding generally before midnight
(Christophers 1933).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector (Christophers 1933).

Additional References
Christophers 1933:203 (M*, F*, P, L*, E).
Puri, in Boyd 1949:490 (biol.).
Horsfall 1955:214 (biol.).
Bhombore, Sitaraman and Achuthan 1956:23 (biol.).
Maffi 1971:449 (L*; distr.).
Chowdaiah and Seetharam 1975:495 (chromosomes*).
Harrison, Rattanarithikul, Peyton and Mongkolpanya 1991:223 (distr.).
Oo, Storch and Becker 2004: 24 (distr., Myanmar).

Anopheles jeyporiensis
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

1902:32 (A*, L*).
Nagpur, Jeypur State, [Central Provinces], India (LU)

Bangladesh, India, Taiwan, Thailand, Laos, Viet Nam, Cambodia

candidiensis Koidzumi
1924:98 (A).
Type-loc: Lake Candidius, Formosa (LU).
Christophers 1933:225 (to var. status).
Russell, Rozeboom and Stone 1943:116 (ssp. status).
Bonne-Wepster and Swellengrebel 1953:392 (M*, F*, L).
Chow 1970:47 (justifies varietal status).
Harrison 1980:83 (syn.).

Abdomen - lateral

jeyporensis Theobald
1903 (M*, F).
Type-loc: Jeypore Agency, India (BM).
Christophers 1933:220 (tax. note on status).
Harrison 1980:65 (junior secondary homonym), 70 (lectotype designation).
tonkinensis Toumanoff
1931:576 (M, L; aconitus var.)
Type-loc: Tonkin, Indochina (LU).

Ground habitats with clear, cool, fresh water, slow moving or nearly stagnant with abundant emergent vegetation,
and water temperatures in the 23 - 33C. range with 28C. as the ideal. Hill, mountain, high plateau species at elevations up
to 1829m. seepage pools at the base of hills is the favored habitat (Harrison 1980).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector. Found naturally infected with B. malayi and W. bancrofti (Harrison 1980).

Additional References
Christophers 1933:220 (M*, F*, P, L*, E).
Aslamkhan 1971:147 (distr.).
Klein 1977:110 (distr.).
Harrison 1980:69 (type info.).
Darsie and Pradhan 1990:71 (distr.).
Harrison, Rattanarithikul, Peyton and Mongkolpanya 1991:223 (Thailand.).
Oo, Storch and Becker 2004: 24 (distr., Myanmar)
Qu and Zhu 2008:212 (distr. China)

Leucosphyrus group:

Anopheles balabacensis
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1936a:65 (M, F*, P*, L; leucosphyrus var.).
Balabac, Balabac Island, [Palawan], Philippines (NE; paratypes USNM)

Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines


Immatures found at in heavy shade along edges of swamps, rock pools, stream margins and in temporary roadside
ground pools (Sallum et al. 2005b).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector (Sallum et al. 2005b).

Additional References
Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon 1956:224 (L*, E*).
Colless 1956:43 (M, F*, P*, L*, E).

Colless 1957c:135 (F, L, to sp. status).

Reid 1968:291 (M*, F*, P*, L*, E*, keys, tax.).
Harrison et al. 1991:207 (distr.).
Sallum et al. 2005b: 20 (M, F*, P*, L*) (lectotype desig.)
Sallum et al. 2007:27 (phylogeny)

Anopheles dirus
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

Tdk bisa di

Peyton and Harrison
1979:40 (F*, M, P*, L*).
Ban Bu Phram, Prachim Buri, Thailand (USNM)

Cambodia, China, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam


Immatures abundant in rainy season and found in several small, shallow shady temporary ground pools, animal
footprints, puddles on foot paths, pools in dry stream beds, springs, streams, ground pools, wheel ruts, rock pools,
bamboo stumps, and depressions in hollow logs (Sallum et al. 2005b).

Medical Importance
Primary vector of human Plasmodium parasites in forested and hilly-forested areas throughout its distribution range
(Sallum et al. 2005b).

Additional References
Teng et al. 1974:463 (F*, P*, L*, E*, distr.).
Ahmed 1987:187 (distr.).
Darsie and Pradhan 1990:71 (distr.).
Sallum et al. 2005a:
Sallum et al. 2005: 29 (M, F*, P*, L*, distr.)
Sallum et al. 2007:30 (phylogeny)

Anopheles latens
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

Sallum and Peyton
2005a:160 (M, F, P*, L*)
Phangnga, Ban Bang Kaeo, Thailand (USNM)

Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand


Forest breeding mosquito found in ground pools and stream margins (Sallum et al 2005a,b).

Medical Importance
Incriminated as a vector of both human malaria and Bancroftian filarial parasites (Sallum et al 2005a,b).

Additional References
Sallum et al. 2005b: 15 (M, F*, P*, L*)
Sallum et al. 2007:30 (phylogeny), , ,

Anopheles leucosphyrus
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1901:37 (F)
Indonesia, Sumatra Island, Tapanuli, Kajutanan (Kajoe Janam), north of Padang (ZM, BM)



Nothing is known about habitat of immatures (previous reports of larval habitats for this species actually refer to An.
latens, see Sallum et al 2005b).

Medical Importance
Primary vector of human malaria parasites (Sallum et al 2005b)

Additional References
Colless 1956:55 (M, F*, P*, L*)
Reid 1968:386 (M*, F*, P*, L*; in part, Sumatra)
Peyton 1990:197 (classification of Leucosphyrus Group)
Sallum, et al. 2005b (Leucosphyrus Group revision)

Anopheles Sulawesi
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1954:63 (A, as var.)
Sulawesi, Toraut, Bone-Dumoga Forest Reserve (0 35 S 123 54 E)



Immatures found in shaded rock pools, stream pools and drying pools along streams (Sallum 2005b).

Medical Importance
Primary vector of human malaria parasites in Sulawesi (Sallum et al 2005b).

Additional References
Colless 1956:66 (F*, as leucosphyrus, Celebes form).
Reid 1968:303 (F*, to sp. status).
Hii, Peyton and Shrang 1988:43 (authorship change).
Sallum et al. 2005b: 72 (M*, F*, P*, L*, Neotype desig., corrected type loc.)
Sallum et al. 2007:30 (phylogeny)

Anopheles ludlowae
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

1903a:42 (F*; Myzomyia; as ludlowii ; emend. by Stone 1956:333).
Luzon, Philippines (BM)

China (Hainan Island), Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan

cabrerai Cagampang-Ramos and Darsie
1969. In Darsie and C. Ramos 1969:34 (F)
Type-loc: Philippines (LU).
Baisas 1974:66 (A*, P).
Darsie and Cagampang-Ramos 1977:123 (syn.).
formosensis Koidzumi
1917:354 (F; as var.)
Type-loc: Port Ari, Ako Prefecture, Formosa (LU)
hatorii Koidzumi
1920:24 (F, L)
Type-loc: Formosa (LU)
King 1932a:322 (syn.).

Abdomen - lateral

Larvae are found in clear shaded or open fresh water streams and rivers. Slow moving and stagnant water is
preferred. Adults are anthropophagus (King in Boyd 1949).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector (King in Boyd 1949).

Additional References
Urbino 1936:267 (E*).
Baisas 1936b:216 (P*).
Bonne-Wepster and Swellengrebel 1953:404 (M*, F*, L*)
Hara 1959:111 (F*).
Cagampang-Ramos and Darsie 1970:4 (F*, L*; keys).

Anopheles maculatus
Wing dorsal

1901a:171 (M*, F*)
Hong Kong, [China] (BM)

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam

hanabusai Yamada
1925:471 (M, F; Myzomyia)
Type-loc: Kagi, Formosa(IID)
Ho 1938b:402 (M*, F*, P*)

Larvae found in hilly areas in seepage springs and small streams with some sunlight. Found frequently in recently
cleared areas with disturbed soil. Adults primarily zoophilic (Reid 1968).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector and a vector of W. bancrofti (Reid 1968).

Additional References
Christophers and Barraud 1931:179 (E*).
Christophers 1933:278 (M*, F*, L*, E; tax.).
Crawford 1938:93 (P*).
Ho 1938b:402 (M*, F*, P*).
Bonne-Wepster and Swellengrebel 1953:454 (M*, F*, L*)
Hara 1959:111 (F*).
Reid 1968:353 (M*, F*, P*, L*, E*; tax.).
Aslamkhan 1971:147 (distr.).
Narang, Narang, Kitzmiller Sharma and Sharma 1973:13 (chromosome map).
Tsukamoto et al. 1985:151 (distr.).
Rattanarithikul and Green 1986:252 (lectotype desig.; distr.).
Darsie and Pradhan 1990:71 (distr.).
Suleman, Khan and Khan 1993:321 (distr.)
Oo, Storch and Becker 2004: 24 (distr., Myanmar)

Anopheles minimus
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1901a:186 (F*)
Pokfulam, Hong Kong (LU)

Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam

alboapicalis Theobald
1910c:25 (F; christophersi var.)
Type-loc: Meenglas, Jalpaiguri and Duars, [West Bengal], India (BM)
christophersi Theobald
1902a:378 (F*)
Type-loc: Duars [West Bengal], India (BM)
Harrison 1980:83 (lectotype desig.).
cohaesa Doenitz
1903:233 (aconitus var. nom nov. for formosaensis I Tsuzuki,Sept. 1902, non formosaensis II Tsuzuki, Feb.
formosaensis I Tsuzuki
1902a:288 (M, F).
Type-loc: Formosa (BM; on slides)

Harrison 1980:83 (lectotype desig.).

vincenti Laveran
1901c:993 (F)
Type-loc: Van-Linh, Tonkin, Indochina (PIP)

Larvae found in small- to moderate-sized streams of clear, cool unpolluted water with partial shade and grassy
margins. Other larval habitats include rock pools, sand pools next to streams, seepage pools and springs, stream pools
and fallow rice fields with seepage. Females anthropophilic and endophagus (Harrison 1980).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector (Harrison 1980).

Additional References
Christophers 1933:209 (M*, F*, P, L, E).
Wu 1936b:269 (E*).
Bonne-Wepster and Swellengrebel 1953:369 (M*, F*, L*).
Hara 1959:110 (F*).
Reid 1968:314 (M*, F*, P*, L*, E*; distr.).
Aslamkhan 1971:147 (distr.).
Harrison 1980:78 (distr.).
Tsukamoto et al. 1985:151 (distr.).
Darsie and Pradhan 1990:71 (distr.).
Toma et al. 2003: 267 (distr., Japan).
Oo, Storch and Becker 2004: 24 (distr., Myanmar).

Anopheles pattoni
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

1926:871 (M*, F*)
Tsi-nan-fu, Shantung, China (BM)



Larvae are found in hill streams and pools in streams with abundant algae (Feng 1931)

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector in northern China (Beklemishev in Boyd 1949)

Additional References
Martini 1930:179 (M, F).
Feng 1931:494 (P*, L*; biol.).
La Face, in Boyd 1949:436 (F)

Abdomen - lateral

Anopheles pulcherrimus
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1902a:369 (F*)
Lahore, [Punjab, Pakistan] (BM).

Afghanistan, Bahrain, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel (and Gaza Strip & West Bank), Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Russia,
Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey

atropotenae Lindtrop
1924:40 (A; Cellia; as var.)
Type-loc: Azerbaydzhan U.S.S.R. (LU)

Larvae are found in warm, sunny, stagnant habitats with abundant submerged vegetation. Where sufficiently warm,
rice fields are used. Females readily bite man and animals (Beklemischev in Boyd 1949).

Medical Importance
Secondary malaria vector (Beklemischev in Boyd 1949).

Additional References
Senevet 1931:41 (P*).
Christophers and Barraud 1931:180 (E*).

Christophers 1933:311 (M*, F*, P, L*, E).

Beklemischev, in Boyd 1949:434 (biol.).
Gokberk 1970:20 (distr.).
Gutsevich, Monchadsky and Stackelberg 1974:110 (M*, F, L*).

Anopheles punctulatus
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1901:36 (M, F)
Stephansort, New Guinea, and Herbertshoehe Bismarck Archipelago (ZM, BM)

Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea (Island) - Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands


Larvae are found in sunny road ruts and other temporary pools such as depressions and footprints in native trails,
margins of streams and sloughs. Habitats are usually free of vegetation but may have marginal herbaceous growth and

dense algae. Females readily bite man indoors during the early morning hours (Belkin 1962).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector and vector of human periodic filariasis (Belkin 1962).

Additional References
Ross and Roberts 1943b:11 (M*, F*, L*).
Lee and Woodhill 1944:134 (M, F*, L*)
Belkin, Knight and Rozeboom 1945:253 (M, F, P*, L).
Rozeboom and Knight 1946.95 (F*, P*, L*; tax.).
Woodhill 1946:276 (tax.; biol.).
Penn 1949b:16 (P*).
Bryan 1973:64 (tax.).
Bryan 1974:413 (tax.).
Townsend 1990:125 (type info.).

Anopheles stephensi
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1901:441 (F*)
Ellichpur, [Amaroati Dist., Central Prov.], India (BM)

Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi
Arabia, Thailand

folquei de Mello
1918:363 (F*).
Type-loc: Pragana, Nagar Avely, Damao [Portuguese India] (IM).
intermedia Rothwell
1907:34 (M, F; Neocellia)
Type-loc: Deesa, [Bombay], India (BM).
metaboles Theobald
1902a:374 (F*).
Type-loc: Lahore, [Punjab, Pakistan] (BM).
mysorensis Sweet and Rao
1937:673 (E; as var.)

Type-loc: India (LU).

Rao, Sweet and Subba Rao 1938:262 (E*).
Puri, in Boyd 1949:495 (to ssp. status).
Rutledge, Ward and Bickley 1970:1024 (syn.).

In urban areas the larvae are found in a wide variety of artifical containers, cisterns, wells, tubs and fountains. In
the wild they are found in stream pools, stream margins, seepages, irrigation channels and springs. Females avidly bite
man (Puri in Boyd 1949).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector (Christophers 1933).

Additional References
Senevet 1930:325 (P*).
Christophers and Barraud 1931:179 (E*).
Christophers 1933:273 (M*, F*, L*).
Rao, Sweet and Subba Rao 1938:261 (E*).
Pringle 1952:779 (L*; tax.).
Aslamkhan 1971:147 (distr.).
Aslamkhan, Aaqil and Hafeez 1972:29 (natural variation).
Darsie and Pradhan 1990:71 (distr.).
Townsend 1990:136 (type info.).
Oo, Storch and Becker 2004: 24 (distr., Myanmar)

Anopheles subpictus
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1899. In Grassi, Bignami and Bastianelli 1899:101 (A)
India (RUM).

Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mariana Islands,
Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, New Guinea (Island) - Papua New Guinea, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam

error Theobald
1903a:353 (F; Aldrichia).
Type-loc: [Calcutta, West Bengal], India (BM).
rossii Giles
1899:63 (M, F).

Larvae are typically found in muddy pools often near houses. Also found in barrow pits, buffalo wallows and artifical
containers (Puri in Boyd 1949, Reid 1968).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria in the Celebes but of minor importance elsewhere (Reid 1968).

Additional References

Christophers and Barraud 1931:175 (E*).

Christophers 1933:231 (M*, F*, P, L*, E).
Penn 1949b:15 (P*).
Bonne-Wepster and Swellengrebel 1953:415 (M*, F*, L*).
Hara 1959:111 (F*).
Aslamkhan 1971:147 (distr.).
Darsie and Cagampang-Ramos 1971b:28 (n. distr.).
Ameen and Talukdar 1974c:89 (P*).
Harrison and Klein 1975:11 (distr.).
Tsukamoto et al. 1985:151 (distr.).
Oo, Storch and Becker 2004: 24 (distr., Myanmar)

Anopheles sundaicus
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1925:185 (A*; Myzomyia ludlowi var.
Indonesia (LU).

Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam


A primarily coastal species, the larvae are found in sunlit brackish pools with algae. Adults bite primarily cattle but
readily bite man indoors and out (Reid 1968).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector (Reid 1968).

Additional References
Christophers and Barraud 1931:175 (E*).
Christophers 1933:245 (M*, F*, L, E; to sp. status).
Crawford 1938:103 (P*).
Colless 1948:111 (M*, F*, L*).
Bonne-Wepster and Swellengrebel 1953:395 (M*, F*, L*).
Reid 1959:101 (L).
Reid 1968:343 (M*, F*, P*, L*, E*; tax).
Aslamkhan 1971:147 (distr.).
Oo, Storch and Becker 2004: 24 (distr., Myanmar)
Culicidae Anophelinae Anopheles Cellia

Anopheles superpictus
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1899:560 (A)
Italy (LU)

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France,
Georgia, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Israel (and Gaza Strip & West Bank), Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya,
Macedonia, Pakistan, Russia, Spain, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yugoslavia (Serbia and

atheniensis Cardamatis
1931:129 (A*).
Type-loc: Athena, [Attica], Greece (LU)
Pandazis 1935:4 (syn.) [an earlier record of syn. than recorded by Ward 1984:269].
berestnevi Shingarev
1926:48 (F; as var.).
Type-loc: near Tashkent, [Uzbek, U.S.S.R.] (LU)
Christophers 1933:264 (syn.).

cardamatisi Newstead and Carter

1910:379 (M*, F*; Pyretophorus). )
Type-loc: Athens, [Attica], Greece (BM)
hellenicus Peus
1954:76 (E*).
Type-loc: Langadas Loutra, Thessa loniki, Macedonia, Greece (NE)
macedoniensis Cot and Hovasse
1917:890 (A*, L; Pyretophorus superpictus var.).
Type-loc: Macedonia, Greece (FMP)
nursei Theobald
1907:66 (F; Pyretophorus).
Type-loc: Quetta [Baluchistan, Pakistan] (BM)
palestinensis Theobald
1903a:71 (M*, F*;Pyretophorus).
Type-loc: Several localities in Palestine [= Lebanon and Syria] and Cyprus (BM)
vassilievii Portschinsky
1911:58 (A*; as var.)

Larvae are found in flowing water, including streams, rivers and irrigation channels in hilly and mountainous areas.
Adults readily enter houses to bite man (Barraud 1933).

Medical Importance
Primary malaria vector (Beklemischev in Boyd 1949).

Additional References
Theodor 1925:381 (E*)
Senevet 1930:319 (P*).
Christophers 1933:264 (M*, F*, P, L*, E).
Beklemischev, in Boyd 1949:433 (biology)
Monchadskii 1951:96 (L*).
Gutsevich, Monchadsky and Stackelberg 1974:114 (M*, F*, L*)
Ramsdale and Snow 2000:10 (distr.).

Anopheles tessellatus
Wing dorsal

Abdomen dorsal

Abdomen - lateral

1901a:175 (F*)
Taipang [=Taiping], Perak Malaya (BM)

Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Guam, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Philippines,
Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam

ceylonica Newstead and Carter
1910:377 (A*; Dactylomyia).
Type-loc: Trincomalee, Ceylon (BM).
deceptor Doenitz
1902:60 (F*).
Type-loc: Sumatra (NE).
formosae Hatori
1901:275 (A*).
Type-loc: Taihoku, Kielun and Tansui, Formosa (LU).
kinoshitai Koidzumi
1917:135 (F).

Type-loc: Ryukokosho, Taihoku (Taipei), Formosa (LU).

taiwanensis Koidzumi
1917:135 (F).
Type-loc: Garden of Central Inst, Formosan Government and Banshoryo, Ako Pref., Formosa (LU).
thorntonii Ludlow
1904a:69 (F; Myzomyia).

Larvae are widely distributed but rarely abundant. Larval habitats are collections of dirty stagnant water in sun or
shade. Adults primarily zoophilic but will enter houses to bite man (Reid 1968).

Medical Importance
Except in the Maldive islands it is not regarded as a malaria vector. Is also a secondary vector of W. bancrofti in
Maldives (Reid 1968).

Additional References
Christophers and Barraud 1931:174 (E*).
Christophers 1933:182 (M*, F*, P, L*, E).
Crawford 1938:82 (P*).
D'Abrera 1944:353 (E).
Colless 1948:98 (M*, F*, L*).
Bonne-Wepster and Swellengrebel 1953:274 (M*, F*, L*)
Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon 1956:224 (L*, E*).
Hara 1959:112 (P*).
Reid 1968:257 (M*, F*, P*, L*, E*).
Miyagi, Iha and Kishimoto 1969:33 (tax.).
Basio and Reisen 1971:60 (L; n. distr.).
Aslamkhan 1971:147 (distr.).
Darsie and Pradhan 1990:71 (distr.).
Oo, Storch and Becker 2004: 24 (distr., Myanmar)

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