GK Questions PART 1

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Indian History GK Questions

1. In Indus Valley, which one indicates the commercial and economic development? Seals
2. In which veda is the famous Vedic saying War begins in the minds of men" stated? Atharvaveda
3. Who was the first monarch of Magadh kingdom In the sixth century B.C.? Bimbisara
4. What is the name by which Ashoka is generally referred to in his inscriptions? Priyadarsi
5. During which time was Gandhara school of art developed? Mauryas
6. Which ruler of southern India were the contemporaries of kings of the Gupta empire? Vakatakas
7. In which region of India was the Firdausi order of Sufism popular? Bihar
8. Who was the first Indian ruler to organise Haj pilgrimage at the expense of the state? Akbar
9. Who was the Mughal emperor at the time of Ahmed Shah Abdalis invasion of India? Shah Alam II
10. Which was a revolutionary who later turned into a yogi and a philosopher? Aurobindo Ghosh
Geography GK Questions
1. The altitudes of heavenly bodies appear to be greater than they actually are. Why is this? Atmospheric refraction
2. One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to howmuch distance? 50 miles
3. Which region of the world is called the bread basket of the world ? Temperate grassland
4. Bowl shaped depression created as a result of glacial erosion high on a mountainside what is this called? Cirque
5. What is a person of mixed European and Indian blood in Latin America is called? Mestizo
6. The oldest inhabitants of India are considered by which name? Negritoes
7. The Tibetan river Tsangpo enters India through which State? Arunachal Pradesh
8. Why does north-western India receive substantial rainfall during winter months? Westerly disturbances
9. Which would be most suited for an area which has only two months of scanty rainfall in a year? Pulse
10. Which state has the highest amount of Nickel Ore resources ? Odisha
Indian Polity GK Questions
1. In whom did the Government of India Act, 1935 veste the residuary power? Governor-General
2. Why is the constitution of India republican? Because it has no hereditary elements
3. Howmany times has National Emergency been declared? Three times
4. Who has the power to form a new State within the Union of India? President
5. Which was the first woman film star nominated/ elected to the Rajya Sabha? Nargis Dutt
6. How many High Courts in India have jurisdiction over more than one State (Union Territories not included)? 3
7. With which the executive power relating to concurrent subjects remain? The Centre
8. Up to howmuch age can the Members of the Union Public Service Commission function? 65 years
9. A Municipal Corporation is set up in a city with howmuch population of not less than? 10 lakh
10. Which language is Next to Hindi spoken by the largest number of people in the Indian subcontinent? Bengali
Indian Economy GK Questions
1. By whom was the first attempt to initiate economic planning in India made? By M. Visvesvaraya
2. In India, what is the present trend of rapid urbanisation? Lack of employment opportunities in rural areas
3. When was decimal coinage introduced in India? 1957
4. Which is at the apex of Industrial Finance in India? Industrial Development Bank of India
5. By which bill does the government make arrangement for the collection of revenues for a year? Finance Bill
6. Which place does Buyers market denote? The demand exceeds the supply
7. Which forms the largest share of deficit in Govt. of India budget? Fiscal deficit
8. Which Committee was formed to suggest means for eradicating black money? Cheiliah Committee
9. Which is the Highest milk producer in India? U. P.
10. With which was Tarapore Committee associated? Fuller capital account convertibility
General Science GK Questions
1. Who laid the foundation of nuclear science in the country? Homi J. Bhabha
2. A girl ate sweets while fanning the flies away. Due to this, she suffered from a which disease? Cholera
3. Which is the highest grade of coal whose surface is shining and has the highest calorific value? Anthracite
4. What is Refrigeration? A process in which the decomposition of food is delayed
5. How can the quantity of water vapour the atmosphere hold increases? With increase of temperature
6. Which substance is a bad conductor of electricity but a good conductor of heat? Mica
7. Which hormone is responsible for the secretion of milk in mothers? Lactogenic hormone
8. What denotes the smallest temperature? 1 on the Kelvin scale
9. Which metal is used for making boats because it does not corrode by seawater? Titanium
10. Sweating during exercise indicates operation of which process in the human body? Osmoregulation
General Knowledge GK Questions
1. Which country won the first World Cup cricket tournament in 1975 ? West Indies

2. What is the first large research reactor of India that uses U-233 as fuel? KAMINI
3. Who was the first Indian woman to swim across the English Channel? Arati Saha
4. Which is used as the logo of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) ? Panda
5. Which country has the largest number of land-border neighbouring countries? Russia
6. Which train/railway passes through Germany, France, Austria, Hungary and Romania? Orient Express
7. What is the range of Prithvi III, the naval version of Prithvi ? 250 km-300 km
8. To which woman is the Chameli Devi Award given to an outstanding woman? A journalist
9. Which is the most widely used code that represents each character as a unique 8-bit code is? ASCII
10. What is the maximum permissible limit for investment in PDF account in a financial year? Rs. 70,000

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forest policy of govt. aims to bring what percentage of total area, under forest? 33%
Where is pearl fishing well developed in India? Off the coast at Rameshwaram
The Grand Trunk Road connects which cities? Kolkata and Amritsar
When did Mr. Attlee, Prime Minister of England, announce tile transfer of power to the Indians? June, 1948
What is the minimum permissible age for employment in any factory or mine? 14 years
Under which article the provision for Contingency Fund of India as well as for each State has been made? Article 267
When the Vice-President officiates as President, whose salary does he draw? President
By whom is the Annual Financial Statement caused to be laid before both Houses of Parliament? President
Ministers in a State get salaries, by whom is it as determined? State Legislature
In respect of which states has Union Parliament power to legislate on the subjects of all three lists? Union Territories
To whom does UPSC submit its annual report on its work? The Union Home Minister
What is the intermediate tier of the Panchayati Raj System called? Panchayat Samiti
The Archaeological Survey of India is an attached office of which Department/Ministry? Culture
In which of the Five Year Plans, preference was given to the weaker sections of the society? Fifth
As per latest data in urban areas women employment is highest in which industry areas? Retail Trade In India,
which first bank of limited liability managed by Indians and founded in 1881? Oudh Commercial Bank
In which year, some more commercial banks in addition to the first lot of 141 were nationalised in India? 1980
Which are referred to as the developed economies? Countries having large per capita income
If saving exceeds investment, how will the national income? Remain constant
What is meant by Underwriting, the term frequently used in financial sector? Under valuation of the assets.
Which authority sanctions foreign exchange for the import of goods? Reserve Bank of India
What is the ideal average NPK ratio aggregated for the country as a whole? 4 : 2 : 1
In India, which is regulated by the forward Markets Commission? Commodities Futures Trading
What does Every object at a temperature above absolute zero? Radiates energy
Which ceil organelles function as the power house of a living cell ? Mitochondria
# What is a partially completed workbook that contains formulas and formatting, but no data?
# Which reserves can act as a liquidity buffer for commercial banks during crisis times?
# What was the main occupation of the people of the Indus Valley civilization?
# In which book has Buddha been described as an ocean of wisdom and compassion?
# Which transferred his capital from Patliputra to Vaishali ?
# By whom was the Mauryan dynasty was overthrown?
Pushyamitra Sunga
# When was the The Mathura school of art fluorished?
During the reign of Kanishka
# which Sultan of Delhi has been described by the historians as the 'mixture of opposites' ?
Muhammad Tughluq
# By whom are the oldest compositions in Punjabi devotional compositions?
Baba Farid
# Who was the Afghan ruler of India whose administrative system was emulated by the British?
Sher Shah
# By whom was Island of Bombay was given to the English Prince Charles II as dowry?
# During which movement was Mahatma added before Gandhijis name?
Champaran satyagraha
# From where do the strongest evidence that comets are members of our solar system come?Their

# In USA, which region receives heavy rainfall throughout the year under the influence of Westerlies?
# Which type of climate is known for the maximum diurnal range of temperature?
Hot desert
# Which proper order of seismic waves as they are received at seismograph station?
P-wave, S-wave, L-wave
# What is the country through which both Equator and Tropic of Capricorn pass?
# The Himalayan mountain system belongs to which mountains?
Fold mountains
# From which states does the River Godavari flows through?
Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh
# Who is the recepient of Nobel Prize for the development of Wireless Telegraphy?
# Which form an irreversible complex With haemoglobin of blood?
Carbon monoxide
# Which is the variety of coal in which the deposit contains recognisable traces of the original plant
# A person who lives exclusively on milk, egg and bread is likey to become a victim of which desease? Scurvy
# The pH of water at 25C is 7. When it is heated to 100C, then what will be the pH of water?
Remains same
# Non-stick cooking utensils are coated with which metal?
# Which is the scientist who explained about blood circulation for the first time?
William Harvey
# A man with a dark skin, in comparison with a man with a white skin, What will experience?
Less heat and less cold
# Which polymeric material is used for making bullet proof jacket?
# Between which set of blood groups, is the blood transfusion possible?
A and AB (A donor)
# The first Commonwealth Games were held in 1930. Which country hosted the games?
# The Indian research station Himadri is located at which place?
# Who was the first Indian to be a Fellow of the Royal Society of London?
Srinivas Ramanujan
# The headquarters of the International Red Cross is situated in which city?
# What is the name given to an almost circular coral reef inside which there is a lagoon?
# How many States of the U.S.A. are not attached to its mainland?
# With reference to Indian defence what is, the Lakshya?
A pilotless training aircraft
# Who got the Bharat Ratna award, before becoming the President of India?
Dr. Zakir Hussain
# Which Article of Indian Constitution prescribes Hindi in Devanagari script as the official language of the
# Who can initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of India?
Either House of Parliament
# To which Bill the President must accord his sanction without sending it back for fresh consideration?
Finance Bills
# A Judge of a High Court wanting to resign addresses his letter of resignation to whom?
The President
# Under the Constitution, the residuary powers vest with which government?
Union Government

# The powers of the Election Commission are given in which Article of the Constitution?
# Who is to conduct the elections to the Panchayats and Municipalities?
State Election Commission
# What is the document published by the government to apprise the public on any issue?
White Paper
# In India, in which banking is the Public Sector is most dominant?
Commercial banking
# What is the aim of Operation Blackboard?
Promoting adult literacy
# Rupee was devalued by what percent in July 1991?
20 Percent
# Which is the oldest Development Financial Institution of India?
# Which is the best measure of economic growth of a country ?
# In the short run, a producer, how long continues his production?
Fixed cost
# What is the measure of a workers real wage?
The purchasing power of his earnings
# How is the difference between visible exports and visible imports defined?
Balance of trade
# What percentage of countrys demand for natural rubber is met by in indigenous production?
# Basel II relates to which?
International standards for measuring the adequacy of a banks capita

General Knowledge Questions and answers about Ecosystem for preparing Examinations.
# Growing of green plants along roadsides to reduce noise pollution is called?
Answer: Green muffler
# World Environment Day is on:
Answer: June 5
# Ozone Day is on:
Answer: September 16
# World Forest Day is on:
Answer: March 21
# World Animal Day is on:
Answer: October 4
# Environmental planning organization in India?
Answer: NEERI
# NEERI (National Environmental Engineering Research Institute) is in?
Answer: Nagpur
# Father of the Chipko Movement?
Answer: Sunderlal Bahuguna
# Chipko Slogan introduced by Sunderlal Bahuguna?
Answer: Ecology is permanent Economy
# Leader of Narmada Bachao Andolan?
Answer: Medha Patkar
# Father of ecosystem Ecology?

Answer: Eugene P. Odum

# The largest man made ecosystem?
Answer: Agroecosystem (Agriculture)
# Ecologically friendly tourism?
Answer: Ecotourism
# Father of ecology in India?
Answer: R. Mishra
# The rich source of energy which never causes Air pollution?
Answer: Solar energy
# Producers which change solar energy into?
Answer: Chemical Energy
# The total weight of living organisms per unit is called?
Answer: Biomass
# Farmers friend?
Answer: Earthworm
# Various steps of food chain is known as?
Answer: Tropic levels
# Many food chains are interconnected to form a network called?
Answer: Food web
Computer General Knowledge Questions and answers
# MSI stands for:
Answer: Medium Scale Integrated Circuit
# According to Boolean Theorems X + XY is equal to:
Answer: X
# The language that helps the user to access data from a database is:
Answer: DML
# The logical design of a database is called:
Answer: Schema
# How many categories of operators are there in JAVA?
Answer: 4
# The default package that is implicitly called in JAVA program is:
Answer: Java.io
# Which operator is used to create an array in JAVA?
Answer: New
# RS-232 is a popular standard used for........... Communication:
Answer: Both synchronous and asynchronous
# The number of changes in the signal per second is called:
Answer: Baud rate
Computer General Knowledge Questions and answers
# What is an Internet?
Answer: A world wide interconnected network of computers which use a common protocol to communicate
with one another.
# How long can a filename in Linux be?
Answer: 255 Characters
# MICR stands for:
Answer: Magnetic Ink Character Reader
# Which was the computer conceived by Babbage?
Answer: Analytical Engine

# The process of starting a computer system by loading instructions from a secondary storage device into the
computer memory is called:
Answer: Booting
# Which language is directly understood by the computer without a translation program?
Answer: Machine Language
# WAN stands for:
Answer: Wide Area Network
# The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk is:
Answer: 1.44 MB
General Knowledge Questions and answers related to Periodic Table for preparing all competitive
# Who is the father of Periodic Table?
Answer: Dimithri Mendeleev
# Number of horizontal rows in periodic table?
Answer: 7 periods.
# Number of vertical columns in periodic table?
Answer: 18 (groups)
# Shortest period?
Answer: First period (Only two elements)
# Longest period?
Answer: Sixth period (Contain 32 elements)
# Man made elements are called?
Answer: Transuranics
# Which is the first man made element?
Answer: Technetium
# Mendeleevs periodic table based on?
Answer: Atomic weight
# Modern periodic table based on?
Answer: Atomic numbe
Biology General Knowledge Questions and answers for preparing Examinations.
Chemical Co-ordination in Animals
# Birth hormone?
Answer: Oxytoxin
# Milk ejection hormone?
Answer: Oxytoxin
# Hormone secreted by hypothalamus?
Answer: Vasopressin and Oxytoxin
# An Anti Diuretic Hormone (ADH)?
Answer: Vasopressin
# Hyposecretion of ADH causes a disorder known as?
Answer: Diabetes insipidus
# Hormone promotes the reabsorption of water by kidney tubules?
Answer: Vasopressin
# Supra renal gland?
Answer: Adrenal gland
# Pyramid shaped yellowish gland situated over the kidney?
Answer: Adrenal glands
# Emergency gland?

Answer: Adrenal glands

# Emergency Hormone?
Answer: Adrenaline
Biology General Knowledge Questions and answers for preparing Examinations.
Chemical Co-ordination in Animals
# Which Gland is commonly known as Biological clock?
Answer: Pineal gland
# Hormone produced more in darkness?
Answer: Melatonin
# Gland like pink leaf?
Answer: Pancreas
# The gland that secretes both an Enzyme and a hormone?
Answer: Pancreas
# The gland which has both endocrine and exocrine function?
Answer: Pancreas
# The Endocrine part of the pancreas is known as:
Answer: Islets of langerhans
# Alpha cells of Islets secrete?
Answer: Glucogen
# Beta cells of Islets secrete?
Answer: Insulin
# Hormone which controls the level of sugar in the body?
Answer: Insulin
# Deficiency of Insulin leads to excess sugar in the blood known as?
Answer: Diabetes mellitus

ndia related General Knowledge (gk) Questions and Answers

# The European country which first started trade with India was:
Answer: Portugal
# Which is oldest of all Vedas?
Answer: Rig Veda
# Which is the largest Man-made Lake in India?
Answer: Nagarjuna Sagar
# Who introduced the postal system in India?
Answer: Alauddin
# Who is the author of the book Death of a City?
Answer: Amritha Preetham
# The war of 1556 is known as:
Answer: Second battle of panipat
# Sravanabelgola is associated with:
Answer: Jainism
# As per which Article of the Indian Constitution the Presidential Rule can be introduced in States?
Answer: Article 356
Biology General Knowledge Questions and Answers for preparing Examinations.
Plant Hormones :# Hormone promotes root initiation and cell elongation?

Answer: Auxins
# Apical dominance is due to which plant hormone?
Answer: Auxins
# Auxins were first isolated from?
Answer: Human urine
# Synthetic plant hormone used for the uniform flowering in pineapple?
Answer: NAA and 2, 4-D
# Dormancy breaking hormone?
Answer: Gibberellins
# Hormone for abscission?
Answer: Abscisic Acid
# Plant hormone help to induce cell division and cell elongation?
Answer: Cytokinins
# Plant hormone that controls Fruit ripening?
Answer: Ethylene
# A gas from plant hormone?
Answer: Ethylene
# Seed dormancy is due to?
Answer: Abscisic Acid
Botany General Awareness Questions and Answers | Plant Movements :
# Bending of stem towards light is due to?
Answer: Phototropism
# Sunlight stimulate the plant movement is called?
Answer: Heliotropism
# Movement of the plant organs in response to the force of gravity is called?
Answer: Geotropism
# Water stimulate the plant movement is called?
Answer: Hydrotropism
# Chemicals stimulate the plant movements is called?
Answer: Chemotropism
# Growth of pollen tube towards the Embryo sac is due to?
Answer: Chemotropism
# The movement of an organ induced by contact with a foreign body?
Answer: Haptotropism
# Growth movement in response to the Heat or Cold is called?
Answer: Thermotropism
# Alternation of day and night causes plant movement called?
Answer: Nyctinastic Movement
# Movement of Mimosa is due to?
Answer: Seismonastic Movement

First in the World | General Knowledge Questions :




person to reach North Pole Robert Peary

person to reach South Pole Amundsen
religion of the world Hinduism
country to print book China
country to issue paper currency China
country to commence competitive examination in civil services China
President of the U.S.A George Washington
Prime Minister of Britain Robert Walpole
Governor General of the United Nations Trigveli (Norway)
country to prepare a constitution U.S.A


The first Governor General of Pakistan Mohd. Ali Jinnah

The first country to host NAM summit Yugoslavia
The first European to attack India Alexander, The Great
The first European to reach China Marco Polo
The first person to fly aero plane Wright Brothers
The first person to sail round the world Magellan
The first country to send man to the moon U.S.A
The first country to launch Artificial satellite in the space Russia
The first country to host the modern Olympics Greece
First human in space - Yuri Gagarin (Russia)
The first city on which the atom bomb was dropped Hiroshima (Japan)
The first person to land on the moon Neil Armstrong followed by Edwin E. Aldrin
The first shuttle to go in space Columbia

Botany General Awareness Questions and Answers | Plant Movements :

# Bending of stem towards light is due to?
Answer: Phototropism
# Sunlight stimulate the plant movement is called?
Answer: Heliotropism
# Movement of the plant organs in response to the force of gravity is called?
Answer: Geotropism
# Water stimulate the plant movement is called?
Answer: Hydrotropism
# Chemicals stimulate the plant movements is called?
Answer: Chemotropism
# Growth of pollen tube towards the Embryo sac is due to?
Answer: Chemotropism
# The movement of an organ induced by contact with a foreign body?
Answer: Haptotropism
# Growth movement in response to the Heat or Cold is called?
Answer: Thermotropism
# Alternation of day and night causes plant movement called?
Answer: Nyctinastic Movement
# Movement of Mimosa is due to?
Answer: Seismonastic Movement

General Knowledge about Human Body | Numbers in Human Body :


Number of bones 206

Number of ribs 24
Number of bones in skull 22
Number of bones in face 14
Number of bones in neck 7
Number of bones in Vertebral column 33
Number of bones in hand 30
Respiratory rate 16-20 times / minute
Number of heart beat 70-72 times/minute
# Number of pulse- 70-72 times / minute
# Blood pressure 120/80 mm of Hg
# Number of Cranial nerves 12 pairs
# Number of spinal nerves 31 pairs
# Life span of R.B.C 120 days
# Life span of W.BC 10-15 Days
# Life span of platelets 5-9 days

# Amount of blood 5-6 L

First in the World | General Knowledge Questions :

# The first youngest grandmaster of the world in chess Sergey Karjakin (Ukraine)
# The first adventurer flying successfully across the English Channel without aircraft Felix
Baumgartner (July 2003)
# China's first man in space Yang Liwei
# The first Muslim woman to receive Nobel Prize Shirin Ebadi (Nobel Peace Prize 2003)
# The woman with the highest individual Test score making a new world record Kiran Baloch
# The first woman of the world to climb Mt. Everest four times Lakpa Sherpa (Nepali)
# The first woman to cross seven important seas of the world by swimming Bula Chaudhury
# First Asian city to host Olympics Tokyo, Japan (1964)
# First woman black tennis player to win a singles title at Wimbledon A Gibson (1957)
# First woman to win a Grand Slam Maureen Catherine (1953
# First woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal Charlotte Cooper, UK, Tennis singles (1900)

First in the World | General Knowledge Questions :

# First professional woman bullfighter Patricia Mccormick (1952)
# First man to fly solo non stop across the Atlantic Charles Lindbergh (1927)
# First person to cross Antarctic Circle James Cook (1773)
# First people to reach the North Pole Lt Col. Joseph O. Fletcher and Lt. William P. Benedict
# First person to conquer the Everest twice Nawang Gombu Sherpa(1965)
# First person with only one arm to climb the Everest American Gary Guller(2003)
# First woman to fly solo around the world jerrie Fredritz Mock.(1964)
# First woman to fly solo across the English Channel Hariiet Quimby
# First woman to set foot on North Pole Ann Bancroft, USA (1986)
# First Atom Bomb Little Boy dropped over Hiroshima by the US during the Second World
War (1945)
# First manned space vehicle Vostok 1,USSR (1961)
# First human to walk on the Moon Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11(1969)
# First human to walk in space Alexei Arkhovich Leonov (1965)

Important General Knowledge Questions and Answers for preparing all

Competitive Examinations in India :
# My Unforgettable Memories is the book written by:
Answer: Mamata Banerji
# Who is the new Comptroller and Auditor General of India?
Answer: Sashi Kant Sharma
# Who has taken over as the 25th Chief of the Indian Army?
Answer: General Bikram Singh
# The Government of India has declared 2013 as the Year of:
Answer: Water Conservation
# Quit India movement was organized in which year?
Answer: 1942
# The scientist known as the father of Green Revolution in India?
Answer: M.S. Swaminathan
# In which state the Jallianwala Bagh incident took place?
Answer: Punjab
# Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee for preparing the Indian Constitution?
Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
# Who received this years (2013) Dadasaheb Phalke Award?
Answer: Pran Kishan Sikand

Boundaries and Borders between Different Countries | Famous Lines and Frontiers :
# Boundary between Pakistan and Afghanistan - Durand Line
# Boundary between India and China - McMahon Line
# Line between India and Pakistan - Radcliff Line
# Line between North and South Vietnam - 17th Parallel
# Line between North and South Korea - 38th parallel
# Border between France and Germany - Maginot Line
# The line which Pakistan claims to be the boundary line between India and Pakistan (Not acceptable to India) - 20th
# The border between USA and Canada - 49th Parallel
# The border between Germany and Poland - OderNeisse Line
# Boundary between Germany and Poland - Hindenburg Line
# Boundary between Namibia and Angola - 16th Parallel
# Boundary between Russia and Finland - Mannerheim Line
Indian Geography GK Questions and answers :
The river which originates Kulu hills near Rohtang pass:
Answer: Beas
The river which originates near the Chemayungdung glacier near mansarovar lake:
Answer: Brahmaputra
Which river originates near Lahul in Himachal Pradesh?
Answer: Chenab
The river which originates from thriambak hills:
Answer: Godavari
Which state has the largest mangrove forest area?
Answer: West Bengal
Which state has the second largest mangrove forest area?
Answer: Gujarat
Which state has the least forest area?
Answer: Punjab
Which state has the least percentage of forest area?
Answer: Punjab
The headquarters of the Forest Survey of India:
Answer: Dehra Dun
The only crator lake in India:
Answer: Lonar
In which state is Lonar lake?
Answer: Maharashtra
Nalsarovar lake is in the state of:
Answer: Gujarat
The saltiest lake in India:
Answer: Sambhar
In which state is Sambhar lake?
Answer: Rajastan
Kasiranga national park in Assam is famous for:
Answer: One horned Rhino
Keolodeo national park is in the state of:
Answer: Rajastan
In which state is Elephanta caves?
Answer: Maharashtra

Plant Kingdom General Knowledge Questions and Answers

# Largest seed?
Answer: Double coconut
# Plant with leaf nodules inhabited by nitrogen fixing bacteria?
Answer: Ardisia
# Root develops from which part of the Embryo?
Answer: Radicle
# Stem develops from which part of the embryo?
Answer: Plumule

# Example of Insectivorous plants?

Answer: Nepenthes, Venus fly trap
# Tissue conducting water and minerals from the roots to the other parts of plants?
Answer: Xylem
# Tissue conducting prepared food materials from leaf to other parts of the plant body?
Answer: Phloem
# Outermost protective layer of plants?
Answer: Epidermis
# The regeneration of new plants from vegetable organs is called?
Answer: Vegetable propagation
# T budding is practiced in?
Answer: Rosa

Cities and Founders in India

# The founder of Vijayanagar:
Answer: Harihara I
# Who founded the city of Siri?
Answer: Alauddin Khilji
# The city of Daulatabad was founded by:
Answer: Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
# Dinpanah was founded by:
Answer: Humayun
# The city of Allahabad was founded by:
Answer: Akbar
# The city of Jahanpanah was founded by:
Answer: Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
# The founder of Kolkata:
Answer: Job Charnok
# Who founded Ajmer?
Answer: Ajayaraja
India related General Knowledge (gk) Questions and Answers
# The European country which first started trade with India was:
Answer: Portugal
# Which is oldest of all Vedas?
Answer: Rig Veda
# Which is the largest Man-made Lake in India?
Answer: Nagarjuna Sagar
# Who introduced the postal system in India?
Answer: Alauddin
# Who is the author of the book Death of a City?
Answer: Amritha Preetham
# The war of 1556 is known as:
Answer: Second battle of panipat
# Sravanabelgola is associated with:
Answer: Jainism
# As per which Article of the Indian Constitution the Presidential Rule can be introduced in
Answer: Article 356
General Knowledge Questions and Answers for preparing all Competitive Examinations.
# The one word substitute for one who studies rivers is:
Answer: Potamologist
# Who wrote Harshacharita?
Answer: Banabhatta
# In which year was Gandhiji born?

Answer: 1869
# Who discovered the neutron?
Answer: James Chadwick
# The first winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics is:
Answer: Roentgen
# Who wrote the book Paradise Lost?
Answer: John Milton
# The autobiography, The Voice of the Heart is by:
Answer: Mrinalini Sarabhai
Biology General Knowledge Questions and Answers for preparing Examinations.
# Chemicals seen in plants which regulate growth and development?
Answer: Phytohormones
# Hormone promotes root initiation and cell elongation?
Answer: Auxins
# Apical dominance is due to which plant hormone?
Answer: Auxins
# Auxins were first isolated from?
Answer: Human urine
# Synthetic plant hormone used for the uniform flowering in pineapple?
Answer: NAA and 2, 4-D
# Dormancy breaking hormone?
Answer: Gibberellins
# Hormone for abscission?
Answer: Abscisic Acid
# Plant hormone help to induce cell division and cell elongation?
Answer: Cytokinins
# Plant hormone that controls Fruit ripening?
Answer: Ethylene
# A gas from plant hormone?
Answer: Ethylene
# Seed dormancy is due to?
Answer: Abscisic Acid
General Knowledge Questions and Answers for preparing all Competitive Examinations.
# The one word substitute for one who studies rivers is:
Answer: Potamologist
# Who wrote Harshacharita?
Answer: Banabhatta
# In which year was Gandhiji born?
Answer: 1869
# Who discovered the neutron?
Answer: James Chadwick
# The first winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics is:
Answer: Roentgen
# Who wrote the book Paradise Lost?
Answer: John Milton
# The autobiography, The Voice of the Heart is by:
Answer: Mrinalini Sarabhai
General Knowledge Questions and Answers for preparing all Competitive Examinations.
# In which year did the Simla Conference between India and Pakistan take place?
Answer: 1972
# Who painted the famous picture called the Sun Flowers?

Answer: Van Gogh

# Which disease is also known as Hansens diseases?
Answer: Leprosy
# Which Indian state has the name meaning Land of the Dawnlit Mountains?
Answer: Arunachal Pradesh
# Which athlete was known as the Black Gazelle?
Answer: William Rudolph
# Which country was known as Abyssinia?
Answer: Ethiopia
General Knowledge Questions and Answers about The First to Visit India.
# The First British Monarch to Visit India?
Answer: King George V
# The First Chinese Premier to Visit India?
Answer: Chou-En-lai
# The First Pope to Visit India?
Answer: Pope John Paul VI
# The First American President to Visit India?
Answer: Eisenhower
# The First Russian Prime Minister to Visit India?
Answer: Bulganin
# The First British Prime Minister to Visit India?
Answer: Harold Macmillan
General Awareness Questions and Answers for preparing all Competitive Examinations.
# Which is the Image forming Eye layer?
Answer: Retina
# Which is the light sensitive pigment of rod cells?
Answer: Rhodopsin
# Rhodopsin synthesized from:
Answer: Vitamin A
# Most prominent pigment found in the cones?
Answer: Iodopsin
# The area of sharpest vision?
Answer: Yellow spot
# Myopia can be corrected with?
Answer: Concave lenses
# Hypermetropia can be corrected with?
Answer: Convex lenses
# Astigmatism can be corrected with?
Answer: Cylindrical lenses
# Increased pressure in the eye ball is known as?
Answer: Glaucoma
# Silent blinder?
Answer: Glaucoma
# Twenty Twenty means?
Answer: Perfect vision
# Study of Eye diseases is called?
Answer: Ophthalmology

General Awareness Questions and Answers for preparing all Competitive Examinations.
# Eye ball is situated in?
Answer: Bony Cavity called Orbit
# The eye ball is kept moist by the secretion of?
Answer: Tear glands

# Tear contains an enzyme known as?

Answer: Lysozymes
# Outermost layer of the Eye ball is known as?
Answer: Sclera
# Bulge forward and transparent part of sclera?
Answer: Cornea
# Exposed portion of sclera is protected by a transparent covering known as?
Answer: Conjunctiva
# Infection of conjunctiva is known as:
Answer: Conjunctivitis
# Middle layer of eye ball?
Answer: Uvea
# Just behind the cornea the choroid forms a circular opaque disc known as?
Answer: Iris
# The central opening of Iris is known as?
Answer: Pupil
# Which is the Innermost Eye layer?
Answer: Retina
# Eye layer acting like the film in Camera?
Answer: Retina
General Knowledge [gk] Questions and Answers for preparing SSC and Other Examinations.
# The game chess had its origin in:
Answer: India
# How many bones are there in the human body?
Answer: 206
# The first Cricketer who complete 300 one day internationals.
Answer: Wasim Akram
# The first month of the Saka era is:
Answer: Chaithra
# Black Revolution associated with the production of .?
Answer: Petroleum
# Operation Flood associated with the increase in the production of .?
Answer: Milk
# Which country is the leading producer of vegetables?
Answer: India
# Which is the major type of soil in India?
Answer: Alluvial Soil
# . Is the leading of producer of tea in the world?
Answer: China
# Who authored the Bok The One Straw Revolution?
Answer: Masanobu Fukuoka
# Who is known as The Father of Organic Farming?
Answer: Albert Howard
General Knowledge [gk] Questions and Answers for preparing SSC and Other Examinations.
# In 1974 India surprised the world by exploding a "nuclear device" in an underground test in ........ state.
Answer: Rajasthan
# The cheapest transport in India is:
Answer: Water transport
# Public health and sanitation, under the Indian Constitution fall in ......... list.
Answer: State list

# The festival kumbhamela is celebrated in:

Answer: Uttar Pradesh
# The largest planet is:
Answer: Jupiter
# Name the capital of Switzerland:
Answer: Berne
# Who wrote Asian Drama?
Answer: Gunnar Myr Dal
# Pneumonia affects:
Answer: Lungs
# Arms and the man is a drama written by:
Answer: Bernard Shaw
# One word for a group of islands.
Answer: Archipelago
Botany General Knowledge [GK] Questions and Answers :
# The first to use the word Green Revolution?
Answer: William Gaud
# Tsomoriri is a glacial wet land in:
Answer: Jammu and Kashmir
# Cork is obtained from:
Answer: Oak
# The native place of Guava?
Answer: Americas
# The plant cell wall is made up of:
Answer: Cellulose
# The tendency of plants to grow towards light is called?
Answer: Phototropism
# The plant hormone that is useful for the formation of roots?
Answer: Auxin
# Which plant is called the mother of herbs?
Answer: Coleus aromaticus
# The practice of calculating the age of trees by counting the annual rings is called:
Answer: Dendrochronology
# The advisable distance for planting coconut trees?
Answer: 7.5 m x 7.5 m
# The plant which emits ozone during photosynthesis?
Answer: Tulsi
# What is called the tree for thousand uses?
Answer: Coconut tree
General Knowledge [gk] Questions and Answers for preparing SSC and Other Examinations.
# The game chess had its origin in:
Answer: India
# How many bones are there in the human body?
Answer: 206
# The first Cricketer who complete 300 one day internationals.
Answer: Wasim Akram
# The first month of the Saka era is:

Answer: Chaithra
# Black Revolution associated with the production of .?
Answer: Petroleum
# Operation Flood associated with the increase in the production of .?
Answer: Milk
# Which country is the leading producer of vegetables?
Answer: India
# Which is the major type of soil in India?
Answer: Alluvial Soil
# . Is the leading of producer of tea in the world?
Answer: China
# Who authored the Bok The One Straw Revolution?
Answer: Masanobu Fukuoka
# Who is known as The Father of Organic Farming?
Answer: Albert Howard
Biology General Knowledge [GK] Questions and Answers
Cells and Cell Organelles
# The most abundantly occurring component of the cell wall?
Answer: Cellulose
# Energy is stored in the mitochondria as?
Answer: ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
# ATP synthesis takes place in?
Answer: Mitochondria
# Universal biological Energy currency?
Answer: ATP
# Power house of the cell?
Answer: Mitochondria
# Chemical factories of the cell?
Answer: Mitochondria
# Smallest cell organelle?
Answer: Ribosome
# Cell organelle which is known as Suicidal bags?
Answer: Lysosomes
# Disposal unit of a cell?
Answer: Lysosomes
# Largest cell organelle?
Answer: Nucleus
# The controlling centre of all vital activities of the cell?
Answer: Nucleus
# Cell Nucleus was discovered by?
Answer: Robert Brown
# Store house of hereditary information?
Answer: Cell Nucleus
General Science Questions and Answers for Learning and Exam Preparation.
# Pollination by the agency of water?
Answer: Hydrophily
# Pollination by the agency of animals?

Answer: Zoophily
# Pollination by the agency of birds?
Answer: Ornithophily
# Pollination by the agency of bats?
Answer: Chiropterophily
# After fertilization ovule developed into?
Answer: Seed
# After fertilization ovary wall developed into?
Answer: Fruit wall
# After fertilization ovary developed into?
Answer: Fruit
# Final product of sexual reproduction in angiosperms?
Answer: Seed
# Study of fruits is called?
Answer: Pomology
General Science Questions and Answers for Learning and Exam Preparation.
# The flowering plants are collectively called?
Answer: Angiosperms
# The reproductive units in Angiosperms is called?
Answer: Flower
# The male reproductive organ of the flower?
Answer: Androecium
# The female reproductive organ of a flower?
Answer: Gynoecium
# Study of flowers?
Answer: Anthology
# Fruits developed from the parts of the flower other than a card?
Answer: False fruits (Cashew)
# Smallest pollen?
Answer: Myosotis
# Largest pollen?
Answer: Mirabilis
# Father of angiosperm embryology in India?
Answer: P. Maheswari
General Knowledge Questions and Answers for preparing all Competitive
# In which year did the Simla Conference between India and Pakistan take place?
Answer: 1972
# Who painted the famous picture called the Sun Flowers?
Answer: Van Gogh
# Which disease is also known as Hansens diseases?
Answer: Leprosy
# Which Indian state has the name meaning Land of the Dawnlit Mountains?
Answer: Arunachal Pradesh
# Which athlete was known as the Black Gazelle?
Answer: William Rudolph
# Which country was known as Abyssinia?
Answer: Ethiopia

General Awareness Questions and Answers for preparing all Competitive

# The area of sharpest vision?
Answer: Yellow spot
# Myopia can be corrected with?
Answer: Concave lenses
# Hypermetropia can be corrected with?
Answer: Convex lenses
# Astigmatism can be corrected with?
Answer: Cylindrical lenses
# Increased pressure in the eye ball is known as?
Answer: Glaucoma
# Silent blinder?
Answer: Glaucoma
# Twenty Twenty means?
Answer: Perfect vision
# Study of Eye diseases is called?
Answer: Ophthalmology
General Awareness Questions and Answers for preparing all Competitive Examinations.
# Just behind the cornea the choroid forms a circular opaque disc known as?
Answer: Iris
# The central opening of Iris is known as?
Answer: Pupil
# Which is the Innermost Eye layer?
Answer: Retina
# Eye layer acting like the film in Camera?
Answer: Retina
# Which is the Image forming Eye layer?
Answer: Retina
# Which is the light sensitive pigment of rod cells?
Answer: Rhodopsin
# Rhodopsin synthesized from:
Answer: Vitamin A
# Most prominent pigment found in the cones?
Answer: Iodopsin
General Awareness Questions and Answers for preparing all Competitive Examinations.
Eye :
# Eye ball is situated in?
Answer: Bony Cavity called Orbit
# The eye ball is kept moist by the secretion of?
Answer: Tear glands
# Tear contains an enzyme known as?
Answer: Lysozymes

# Outermost layer of the Eye ball is known as?

Answer: Sclera
# Bulge forward and transparent part of sclera?
Answer: Cornea
# Exposed portion of sclera is protected by a transparent covering known as?
Answer: Conjunctiva
# Infection of conjunctiva is known as:
Answer: Conjunctivitis
# Middle layer of eye ball?
Answer: Uve

General Knowledge [gk] Questions and Answers for preparing SSC and Other Examinations.
# Black Revolution associated with the production of .?
Answer: Petroleum
# Operation Flood associated with the increase in the production of .?
Answer: Milk
# Which country is the leading producer of vegetables?
Answer: India
# Which is the major type of soil in India?
Answer: Alluvial Soil
# . Is the leading of producer of tea in the world?
Answer: China
# Who authored the Bok The One Straw Revolution?
Answer: Masanobu Fukuoka
# Who is known as The Father of Organic Farming?
Answer: Albert Howard
General Knowledge [gk] Questions and Answers for preparing SSC and Other Examinations.
# Pneumonia affects:
Answer: Lungs
# Arms and the man is a drama written by:
Answer: Bernard Shaw

# One word for a group of islands.

Answer: Archipelago
# The game chess had its origin in:
Answer: India
# How many bones are there in the human body?
Answer: 206
# The first Cricketer who complete 300 one day internationals.
Answer: Wasim Akram
# The first month of the Saka era is:
Answer: Chaithra
General Knowledge [gk] Questions and Answers for preparing SSC and Other Examinations.
# In 1974 India surprised the world by exploding a "nuclear device" in an underground test in ........ state.
Answer: Rajasthan
# The cheapest transport in India is:
Answer: Water transport
# Public health and sanitation, under the Indian Constitution fall in ......... list.
Answer: State list
# The festival kumbhamela is celebrated in:
Answer: Uttar Pradesh
# The largest planet is:
Answer: Jupiter
# Name the capital of Switzerland:
Answer: Berne
# Who wrote Asian Drama?
Answer: Gunnar Myr Dal
Biology General Knowledge [GK] Questions and Answers
# The ability of a cell to form a complete organism is called?
Answer: Totipotency
# Plant cells differ from animal cells in having?
Answer: Cell wall
# The most abundantly occurring component of the cell wall?
Answer: Cellulose

# Energy is stored in the mitochondria as?

Answer: ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
# ATP synthesis takes place in?
Answer: Mitochondria
# Universal biological Energy currency?
Answer: ATP
# Power house of the cell?
Answer: Mitochondria
# Chemical factories of the cell?
Answer: Mitochondria
# Smallest cell organelle?
Answer: Ribosome
# Cell organelle which is known as Suicidal bags?
Answer: Lysosomes
# Disposal unit of a cell?
Answer: Lysosomes
# Largest cell organelle?
Answer: Nucleus
# The controlling centre of all vital activities of the cell?
Answer: Nucleus
# Cell Nucleus was discovered by?
Answer: Robert Brown
# Store house of hereditary information?
Answer: Cell Nucleus

Biology General Knowledge [GK] Questions and Answers

# The ability of a cell to form a complete organism is called?
Answer: Totipotency
# Plant cells differ from animal cells in having?
Answer: Cell wall
# The most abundantly occurring component of the cell wall?
Answer: Cellulose
# Energy is stored in the mitochondria as?
Answer: ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
# ATP synthesis takes place in?
Answer: Mitochondria
# Universal biological Energy currency?
Answer: ATP
# Power house of the cell?

Answer: Mitochondria
# Chemical factories of the cell?
Answer: Mitochondria
# Smallest cell organelle?
Answer: Ribosome
# Cell organelle which is known as Suicidal bags?
Answer: Lysosomes
# Disposal unit of a cell?
Answer: Lysosomes
# Largest cell organelle?
Answer: Nucleus
# The controlling centre of all vital activities of the cell?
Answer: Nucleus
# Cell Nucleus was discovered by?
Answer: Robert Brown
# Store house of hereditary information?
Answer: Cell Nucleus

General Science Questions and Answers for Learning and Exam Preparation.
# Pollination by the agency of animals?
Answer: Zoophily
# Pollination by the agency of birds?
Answer: Ornithophily
# Pollination by the agency of bats?
Answer: Chiropterophily
# After fertilization ovule developed into?
Answer: Seed
# After fertilization ovary wall developed into?
Answer: Fruit wall
# After fertilization ovary developed into?
Answer: Fruit
# Final product of sexual reproduction in angiosperms?
Answer: Seed
# Study of fruits is called?

Answer: Pomology

General Science Questions and Answers for Learning and Exam Preparation.
# The flowering plants are collectively called?
Answer: Angiosperms
# The reproductive units in Angiosperms is called?
Answer: Flower
# The male reproductive organ of the flower?
Answer: Androecium
# The female reproductive organ of a flower?
Answer: Gynoecium
# Study of flowers?
Answer: Anthology
# Fruits developed from the parts of the flower other than a card?
Answer: False fruits (Cashew)
# Smallest pollen?
Answer: Myosotis
# Largest pollen?
Answer: Mirabilis
# Father of angiosperm embryology in India?
Answer: P. Maheswari
# Pollination by the agency of water?
Answer: Hydrophily

Biology General Knowledge Questions and Answers: Kidneys

# Chief excretory organs of vertebrates?
Answer: Kidneys
# Urea is removed from the blood by?
Answer: Kidney
# Volume of urine produced by an adult man per day?
Answer: 6.5 L
# Structural and functional units of Kidneys?
Answer: Nephron
# Absence of Urine due to kidney failure?
Answer: Anuria
# Blood in urine is called?
Answer: Hematuria
# Presence of urea in the blood?

Answer: Uremia
# Dialysis is used in the case of a patient suffering from:
Answer: Kidney trouble

Information Technology [IT] General Knowledge Questions and answers.

# Linux is a ..
(a) Database program
(b) Application program
(c) Operating system
(d) None of these
Answer: Operating system
# ......... is a legal monopoly granted for a limited time to the owner of an invention?
(a) Trade secrets
(b) Copyright
(c) Trademark
(d) Patent
Answer: Patent
# This is based on individual who knows how to use information and communication
technologies and those who do not?
(a) Access
(b) Usage
(c) Usage Quality
(d) None of the above
Answer: Usage
# The kind of crime involves altering raw data just before a computer processes it and then
changing it back after the processing is completed:
(a) Data diddling
(b) Data tampering
(c) Salami attacks
(d) None of the above
Answer: Data diddling
# Information Technology Act in India was amended in:
(a) 2000
(b) 2004
(c) 2008
(d) 2010
Answer: 2008
# Which of the following is not a wireless communication device?
(a) Blue tooth
(b) GPS
(c) Infra red communication
(d) None of these
Answer: None of these
# Computer to computer exchange of business documents is done through?
(a) EDI
(b) ERP
(c) CAM
(d) CAD
Answer: EDI

# Who started Free Software Foundation?

(a) Linus Torvald
(b) Richard Stallman
(c) Bill Gates
(d) GNU
Answer: Richard Stallman
# The resolution of a monitor is governed by the:
(a) Size of the screen
(b) Cost of the monitor
(c) Contrast of the pixels on the screen
(d) Number of pixels
Answer: Number of pixels

Information Technology [IT] General Knowledge Questions and answers.

# Which of the following is not related to a computer monitor?
(a) VDU
(b) Plasma Display
(c) Pointing devices
(d) CRT
Answer: Pointing devices
# ......... is an input device commonly available in laptops.
(a) Trackball
(b) Touchpad
(c) Touch screen
(d) Joystick
Answer: Touchpad
# A temporary storage area attached to the CPU of the computer for input-output operations is
(a) Register
(b) Buffer
(c) Channel
(d) Core
Answer: Register
# Product of the data processing is:
(a) Data
(b) A computer
(c) Software
(d) Information
Answer: Information
# A collection of parallel lines that connects several devices in a computer is called:
(a) Bus
(b) Link
(c) Bidirectional wires
(d) Cables
Answer: Bus
# Software installed to help prevent hacking is called:
(a) System software
(b) Antivirus software
(c) Firewall software
(d) Application software

Answer: Firewall software

# Encryption of data means that:
(a) Data cannot be sent over the internet
(b) Data is encoded so it cannot be read without decoding software
(c) Data is kept locked in special room
(d) Data has been hacked into
Answer: Data is encoded so it cannot be read without decoding software
# A person who gains unauthorized access to a computer network for profit, criminal mischief or
personal pleasure is:
(a) Hacker
(b) Cracker
(c) Programmer
(d) None of these
Answer: Hacker

Online General Knowledge Questions and Answers

# From which historical monument did Galileo drop down objects to test his laws of gravity?
Answer: Leaning Tower of Pissa
# Who called Taj Mahal "A teardrop on the cheek of time"?
Answer: Rabeendra Nath Tagore
# Golden Palm Award is associated with:
Answer: Film
# Name the country where there are no coins in circulation but only currencies:
Answer: Paraguay
# The performing art form "Thamasha" belongs to ___________State:
Answer: Maharashtra
# The highest peak in Indian Sub continent is:
Answer: Kanchanjunga
# The lowest layer of atmosphere is called:
Answer: Troposphere
# Which country has its national flag bearing with the picture of a leaf of Maple tree?
Answer: Canada
# What is the colour of black box in aeroplanes?
Answer: Orange

Taxonomy General Knowledge Questions and Answers

# Rod Shaped bacteria are known as?
Answer: Bacillus
# Comma shaped bacteria are known as?
Answer: Vibrium
# Spiral shaped bacteria are known as?
Answer: Spirilla

# Study of Fungi is called?

Answer: Mycology
# Who is the Father of Mycology?
Answer: P.A Micheli
# Father of Modern Mycology?
Answer: Anton De Bary
# Who discovered penicillin?
Answer: Alexander Fleming
# Vegetative body of fungus is called?
Answer: Mycelium

# Who is the Father of Taxonomy?

Answer: Carls Linnaeus
# Who introduced two kingdom classifications?
Answer: Carls Linnaeus
# Who introduced binomial system of Nomenclature?
Answer: Carls Linnaeus
# Who introduced five kingdom classifications?
Answer: R.H Whittaker
# The kingdom Monera includes?
Answer: Bacteria
# Bacteria were first discovered by?
Answer: Anton Van Leeuwanhoek
# Father of Microbiology?
Answer: Louis Pasteur
# Spherical Shaped bacteria are known as?
Answer: Coccus
General Knowledge Questions and Answers about Agriculture
# Large, Fleshy, Edible fungi are called?
Answer: Mushroom
# The seeding part of Mushroom?
Answer: Spawn

# The Scientific Study of atmosphere is known as?

Answer: Meteorology
# Velocity of Wind is measured by using?
Answer: Anemometer
# Instrument used to indicate the direction of wind?
Answer: Wind Vane
# The most abundant element on the Earth atmosphere?
Answer: Nitrogen
# Element which required for the synthesis of Amino acid?
Answer: Nitrogen

General Knowledge Questions and Answers about Agriculture

# Bunchy top disease is a major disease of?
Answer: Banana
# The chemical contained in tobacco?
Answer: Nicotine
# Most important stimulant in Coffee?
Answer: Caffeine
# Aseel and Plymouth Rock are the important varieties of?
Answer: Poultry
# Azolla is a?
Answer: Fresh Water Fern
# Rearing of Silk worms is called?
Answer: Sericulture
# Mulberry cultivation is called?
Answer: Moriculture
# Rearing of Honeybee?
Answer: Apiculture
# Honeybees belong to the genus?
Answer: Apis

General Knowledge Questions and Answers for all Competitive Examinations.

# The substance that gives colours to skin is:
Answer. Melanin

# Who is the Father of Modern Genetics?

Answer. Gregor Mendel
# The period of the pregnancy of an elephant is:
Answer. 22 months
# The founder of I.N.A was:
Answer. Subhash Chandra Bose
# The first writer to get the Jnanpith Award was:
Answer. G. Sankara Kurup
# Which amendment to the Constitution was recommended by Sardar Swaran Singh Committee:
(a) 72
(b) 42
(c) 73
(d) 86
Answer: 42
# The Preamble of the Indian Constitution has been amended .........:
(a) Once
(b) Twice
(c) Thrice
(d) Never
Answer: Once
# The High Courts may issue writs under Article .........:
(a) 32
(b) 226
(c) 139
(d) 24
Answer: 226
# Which writ is issued to a detaining authority:
(a) Prohibition
(b) Certiorari
(c) Habeas Corpus
(d) Mandamus
Answer: Habeas Corpus

Biology General Knowledge [GK] Questions and Answers

# The ability of a cell to form a complete organism is called?
Answer: Totipotency
# Plant cells differ from animal cells in having?
Answer: Cell wall
# The most abundantly occurring component of the cell wall?
Answer: Cellulose
# Energy is stored in the mitochondria as?
Answer: ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
# ATP synthesis takes place in?
Answer: Mitochondria

# Universal biological Energy currency?

Answer: ATP
# Power house of the cell?
Answer: Mitochondria
# Chemical factories of the cell?
Answer: Mitochondria
# Smallest cell organelle?
Answer: Ribosome
# Cell organelle which is known as Suicidal bags?
Answer: Lysosomes
# Disposal unit of a cell?
Answer: Lysosomes
# Largest cell organelle?
Answer: Nucleus
# The controlling centre of all vital activities of the cell?
Answer: Nucleus
# Cell Nucleus was discovered by?
Answer: Robert Brown
# Store house of hereditary information?
Answer: Cell Nucleus

# Part III of the Constitution deals with:

(a) The Union Territories
(b) The States
(c) Fundamental Rights
(d) Directive Principles
Answer: Fundamental Rights
# Which part of the Constitution deals with Gram Panchayats:
(a) VII
(b) VIII
(c) IX
(d) IX A
Answer: IX
# Part XV of the Constitution deals with:
(a) Elections
(b) Tribal areas
(c) Tribunals
(d) Languages
Answer: Elections
# Which Schedule of the Constitution includes Anti-defection provisions?
(a) Eighth
(b) Ninth
(c) Tenth

(d) Twelfth
Answer: Tenth
# The Eighth Schedule deals with:
(a) Scheduled Tribes
(b) Municipalities
(c) Panchayats
(d) Official Languages
Answer: Official Languages
# Which Article deals with the Constitutional Amendment procedures?
(a) 368
(b) 360
(c) 358
(d) 356
Answer: 368
# The concept of Judicial review is adopted from:
(a) Canada
(b) Australia
(c) Germany
(d) USA
Answer: USA
# Which Article is described as the Heart & Soul of the Constitution?
(a) 17
(b) 22
(c) 27
(d) 32
Answer: 32
# Which Constitutional Amendment is known as Mini Constitution?
(a) 24
(b) 38
(c) 42
(d) 59
Answer: 42
General Knowledge Questions and Answers about Agriculture
# Large, Fleshy, Edible fungi are called?
Answer: Mushroom
# The seeding part of Mushroom?
Answer: Spawn
# The Scientific Study of atmosphere is known as?
Answer: Meteorology
# Velocity of Wind is measured by using?
Answer: Anemometer

# Instrument used to indicate the direction of wind?

Answer: Wind Vane
# The most abundant element on the Earth atmosphere?
Answer: Nitrogen
# Element which required for the synthesis of Amino acid?
Answer: Nitrogen

General Knowledge Questions and Answers for all Competitive Examinations.

# The substance that gives colours to skin is:
Answer. Melanin
# Who is the Father of Modern Genetics?
Answer. Gregor Mendel
# The period of the pregnancy of an elephant is:
Answer. 22 months
# The founder of I.N.A was:
Answer. Subhash Chandra Bose
# The first writer to get the Jnanpith Award was:
Answer. G. Sankara Kurup
# Which amendment to the Constitution was recommended by Sardar Swaran Singh Committee:
(a) 72
(b) 42
(c) 73
(d) 86
Answer: 42
# The Preamble of the Indian Constitution has been amended .........:
(a) Once
(b) Twice
(c) Thrice
(d) Never
Answer: Once
# The High Courts may issue writs under Article .........:
(a) 32
(b) 226
(c) 139
(d) 24
Answer: 226
# Which writ is issued to a detaining authority:
(a) Prohibition
(b) Certiorari
(c) Habeas Corpus
(d) Mandamus
Answer: Habeas Corpus

# Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?

(a) Rajendra Prasad

(b) B. R Ambedkar
(c) K. M Munshi
(d) G Mavlankar
Answer: Rajendra Prasad
# Who was Indias Constitutional Advisor?
(a) B L Mitter
(b) K M Munshi
(c) A K Iyer
(d) B N Rao
Answer: B N Rao
# Who was the first Indian judge at the International Court of Justice?
(a) B L Mitter
(b) K M Munshi
(c) A K Iyer
(d) B N Rao
Answer: B N Rao
# What was the official estimate of expenditure on Constituent Assembly (in Rs):
(a) 1 Crore
(b) 10 Lakh
(c) 50 Lakh
(d) 75 Lakh
Answer: 1 Crore
# Which Indian artist decorated the handwritten Copy of the Constitution?
(a) Mihir Sen
(b) Nandalal Bose
(c) SN Banerji
(d) Mukesh Bandhopadhyaya
Answer: Nandalal Bose
# Which part of the Constitution deals with Gram Panchayats?
(a) I
(b) II
(c) III
(d) IV
Answer: II
Indian Polity General Knowledge Questions and Answers | Indian Polity
Multiple Choice GK Questions and Answers.
# The Constitution of India was adopted on:
(a) January 26, 1950
(b) November 26, 1949
(c) August 15, 1947
(d) August 15, 1950
Answer: November 26, 1949
# What was the total number of members in the Drafting Committee of Constitution:
(a) 7
(b) 6

(c) 8
(d) 10
Answer: 7
# Constituent Assembly worked by constituting ......... committees:
(a) 11
(b) 12
(c) 13
(d) 14
Answer: 13
# Total schedules in Indian Constitution are:
(a) 22
(b) 10
(c) 16
(d) 12
Answer: 12
# Most important influence on our Constitution was the .........?
(a) Cabinet Mission Plan
(b) Govt. of India Act, 1935
(c) American Constitution
(d) Canadian Constitution
Answer: Govt. of India Act, 1935
# Who was the chairman of the minoritys commission of the Constituent Assembly?
(a) Abul Kalam Azad
(b) HC Mukherji
(c) Frank Anthony
(d) BN Rao
Answer: HC Mukherji

Who propounded the equation E = mc2?

Answer. Einstein
# In which year did the French Revolution begin?
Answer. 1789
# When was the Dandi March begun?
Answer. March 12, 1930
# What is the solvent of gold?
Answer. Aqua Regia
# What is the name of the acid in grapes?
Answer. Tartaric acid
# The sugar in the human body is controlled by the hormone called:
Answer. Insulin
# A person who does not believe in the existence of God is called:
Answer. An atheist
# Who is the author of the book The Wealth of Nations?
Answer. Adam Smith

# The time taken by earth to rotate on its axis is:

Answer. 23hours 56 minutes and 4.00 seconds
# Who invented the barometer?
Answer. Torricelli
General Knowledge Questions and Answers for all Competitive Examinations :
# Who is the new chief of Intelligence Bureau (IB)?
Answer: Syed Asif Ibrahim
# Who is the new chief of CBI?
Answer: Ranjit Sinha
# When a yellow coloured flower is placed in red light its colour becomes?
Answer: Red
# Anti Tobacco Day is on:
Answer: May 31
# Who is known as the Father of Internet?
Answer: G. Vinton Cerf
# The Land of Cakes is:
Answer: Scotland
# Which cloud indicates a clear weather?
Answer: Cumulus
# The greenhouse gas is:
Answer: Carbon dioxide
# The author of Alice in wonderland:
Answer: Lewis Carrol
# Birds can able to recognize their home through:
Answer: Orientation of magnetic field

General Knowledge Questions and Answers for all Competitive Examinations

# The vitamin present in yellow fruit is:
Answer: Vitamin C
# The normal level of hemoglobin per 100 ml of blood in woman is:
Answer: 14 g
# World Wild Life Week is observed on:
Answer: First week of October
# Red data book provides data on:
Answer: Endangered plants and animals
# Ailurophobia is the unnecessary fear of:
Answer: Cat
# The seasonal winds of South Asia is known as:
Answer. Monsoons
# Who administers the oath of office to the President of India?
Answer. The Chief Justice of India

# Whose date of birth is nationally observed as Teachers Day?

Answer. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
# Which is the longest cell in the human body?
Answer. Neural Cell
# What is the name of the crystal form of carbon?
Answer. Diamond
Indian Geography GK Questions and answers :
The river which originates Kulu hills near Rohtang pass:
Answer: Beas
The river which originates near the Chemayungdung glacier near mansarovar lake:
Answer: Brahmaputra
Which river originates near Lahul in Himachal Pradesh?
Answer: Chenab
The river which originates from thriambak hills:
Answer: Godavari
Which state has the largest mangrove forest area?
Answer: West Bengal
Which state has the second largest mangrove forest area?
Answer: Gujarat
Which state has the least forest area?
Answer: Punjab
Which state has the least percentage of forest area?
Answer: Punjab
The headquarters of the Forest Survey of India:
Answer: Dehra Dun
The only crator lake in India:
Answer: Lonar
In which state is Lonar lake?
Answer: Maharashtra
Nalsarovar lake is in the state of:
Answer: Gujarat
The saltiest lake in India:
Answer: Sambhar
In which state is Sambhar lake?
Answer: Rajastan
Kasiranga national park in Assam is famous for:
Answer: One horned Rhino
Keolodeo national park is in the state of:
Answer: Rajastan
In which state is Elephanta caves?
Answer: Maharashtra

First in the World | General Knowledge Questions :

# The first youngest grandmaster of the world in chess Sergey Karjakin (Ukraine)
# The first adventurer flying successfully across the English Channel without aircraft Felix
Baumgartner (July 2003)
# China's first man in space Yang Liwei
# The first Muslim woman to receive Nobel Prize Shirin Ebadi (Nobel Peace Prize 2003)
# The woman with the highest individual Test score making a new world record Kiran Baloch
# The first woman of the world to climb Mt. Everest four times Lakpa Sherpa (Nepali)
# The first woman to cross seven important seas of the world by swimming Bula Chaudhury
# First Asian city to host Olympics Tokyo, Japan (1964)
# First woman black tennis player to win a singles title at Wimbledon A Gibson (1957)
# First woman to win a Grand Slam Maureen Catherine (1953)
# First woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal Charlotte Cooper, UK, Tennis singles (1900)

First in the World | General Knowledge Questions :

# First professional woman bullfighter Patricia Mccormick (1952)

# First man to fly solo non stop across the Atlantic Charles Lindbergh (1927)
# First person to cross Antarctic Circle James Cook (1773)
# First people to reach the North Pole Lt Col. Joseph O. Fletcher and Lt. William P. Benedict
# First person to conquer the Everest twice Nawang Gombu Sherpa(1965)
# First person with only one arm to climb the Everest American Gary Guller(2003)
# First woman to fly solo around the world jerrie Fredritz Mock.(1964)
# First woman to fly solo across the English Channel Hariiet Quimby
# First woman to set foot on North Pole Ann Bancroft, USA (1986)
# First Atom Bomb Little Boy dropped over Hiroshima by the US during the Second World
War (1945)
# First manned space vehicle Vostok 1,USSR (1961)
# First human to walk on the Moon Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11(1969)
# First human to walk in space Alexei Arkhovich Leonov (1965)

Important General Knowledge Questions and Answers for preparing all

Competitive Examinations in India :
# My Unforgettable Memories is the book written by:
Answer: Mamata Banerji

# Who is the new Comptroller and Auditor General of India?

Answer: Sashi Kant Sharma
# Who has taken over as the 25th Chief of the Indian Army?
Answer: General Bikram Singh
# The Government of India has declared 2013 as the Year of:
Answer: Water Conservation
# Quit India movement was organized in which year?
Answer: 1942
# The scientist known as the father of Green Revolution in India?
Answer: M.S. Swaminathan
# In which state the Jallianwala Bagh incident took place?
Answer: Punjab
# Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee for preparing the Indian Constitution?
Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
# Who received this years (2013) Dadasaheb Phalke Award?
Answer: Pran Kishan Sikand

Photosynthesis: General Knowledge Questions and Answers :

# Number of plant nutrients?
Answer: 17
# Who classified plant nutrients?
Answer: Arnon
# Soilless cultivation is known as?
Answer: Hydroponics
# The technique of growing plants their roots bathed in Nutrient mist is called?
Answer: Aeroponics
# Spraying of nutrient solution directly on the leaves of plant?
Answer: Foliar Spray
# Photosynthetic pigment?
Answer: Chlorophyll
# Green pigments?
Answer: Chlorophyll
# Structural Constituent of Chlorophyll?
Answer: Magnesium
# Site of light reaction of Photosynthesis?

Answer: Granum
# Site of dark reaction of Photosynthesis?
Answer: Stoma
# Photosynthesis is maximum in which light?
Answer: Red light

Photosynthesis: General Knowledge Questions and Answers :

# During photosynthesis Kinetic Energy of sunlight is converted into?
Answer: Chemical Energy
# Diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane is called?
Answer: Osmosis
# Pores of Epidermis of plant?
Answer: Stomata
# Transpiration take place through?
Answer: Stomata
# The loss of water in vapour form through the aerial part of the plant body?
Answer: Transpiration
# The loss of water in liquid form through the tip of the leaf?
Answer: Guttation
# The attraction between similar molecules?
Answer: Cohesion
# The attraction between dissimilar molecules?
Answer: Adhesion

Olympics and Asian Games General Knowledge Questions | Indian

Achievements in Olympics and Asian Games: General Knowledge Questions
and answers.
# Who were the bronze medalists for India at the 2012 London Olympics?
Answer: Gagan Narang, Saina Nehwal, Mary Kom, Yogeshwar Dutt
# Who is the first Indian badminton player to win an Olympic medal?
Answer: Saina Nehwal
# Who is the first Indian woman boxer to win an Olympic medal?
Answer: Mary Kom
# What was Indias rank in the medal tally of 2012 London Olympics?

Answer: 55
# Indias rank in the medal tally of the 2008 Beijing Olympics was ..........?
Answer: 50
# Independent Indias best rank in the medal tally of Olympic games so far is .......... at the
London Olympics of 1948?
Answer: 22
# What is the total number of medals India has won at the Olympic Games?
Answer: 26

Different Colours of Salts :

# What is the colour of Nickel Salt?
Answer: Green
# What is the colour of Ferric salt?
Answer: Brown
# What is the colour of Ferrous salt?
Answer: Green
# What is the colour of Cobalt salt?
Answer: Blue
# What is the colour of Manganese dioxide?
Answer: Purple
# What is the colour of Cupric oxide?
Answer: Red
# What is the colour of Cadmium sulphide?
Answer: Lemon yellow
# What is the colour of Uranium oxide?
Answer: Greenish yellow
# What is the colour of Cryolite?
Answer: Milky
# What is the colour of Phosphate?
Answer: Milky

India in Olympics General Knowledge Questions and Answers | India in Olympic

# India participated for the first time in ......... Olympics?
Answer: 1900, Paris
# Who represented India at the 1900 Paris Olympics?
Answer: Norman Pritchard
# How many gold medals Indian Hockey Team has won in the Olympic Game so far?
Answer: Eight

# The total number of medals won by the Hockey team for India at the Olympic Games
is .........? Answer: 11 (Gold-8, Silver-1, Bronze-2)
# In which year Indian Hockey team won the first gold medal in the Olympics?
Answer: 1928, Amsterdam
# Indian Hockey team won the Olympics gold for the last time in .........?
Answer: 1980, Moscow
# In which Olympics Indian Hockey Team won the Silver medal?
Answer: 1960, Rome
# Who was independent Indias first individual Olympic medalist?
Answer: K D Jadhav

Cities and Founders in India

# The founder of Gangaikondacholapuram?
Answer: Rajendra Chola I
# The city of Shahjahanabad was founded by:
Answer: Shah Jahan
# Founder of Fatepur Sikri:
Answer: Akbar
# Chandigarh was designed by:
Answer: Le Coubusier
# The city of Amritsar was founded by:
Answer: Guru Ram Das
# The city founded by Kanishka in Kashmir:
Answer: Kanishkapuram
# The founder of the city of Patna:
Answer: Sher Shah
# The architect of New Delhi:
Answer: Edwin Lutyens
# The architect of the city of Gandhinagar:
Answer: Le Coubusier

Cities and Founders in India

# The founder of Vijayanagar:
Answer: Harihara I
# Who founded the city of Siri?
Answer: Alauddin Khilji
# The city of Daulatabad was founded by:
Answer: Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
# Dinpanah was founded by:
Answer: Humayun
# The city of Allahabad was founded by:
Answer: Akbar
# The city of Jahanpanah was founded by:
Answer: Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
# The founder of Kolkata:
Answer: Job Charnok
# Who founded Ajmer?
Answer: Ajayaraja

Plant Kingdom General Knowledge Questions and Answers

# Largest seed?
Answer: Double coconut
# Plant with leaf nodules inhabited by nitrogen fixing bacteria?
Answer: Ardisia
# Root develops from which part of the Embryo?
Answer: Radicle
# Stem develops from which part of the embryo?
Answer: Plumule
# Example of Insectivorous plants?
Answer: Nepenthes, Venus fly trap
# Tissue conducting water and minerals from the roots to the other parts of plants?
Answer: Xylem

# Tissue conducting prepared food materials from leaf to other parts of the plant body?
Answer: Phloem
# Outermost protective layer of plants?
Answer: Epidermis
# The regeneration of new plants from vegetable organs is called?
Answer: Vegetable propagation
# T budding is practiced in?
Answer: Rosa

Plant Kingdom General Knowledge Questions and Answers

# Smallest angiosperm?
Answer: Wolffia
# Tallest angiosperm?
Answer: Eucalyptus
# Largest herb?
Answer: Banana
# Tallest members of Grass family?
Answer: Bamboo
# A plant with single leaf?
Answer: Pinus Monophylla
# Longest leaf?
Answer: Raphia Vinifera
# Longest inflorescence?
Answer: Agava
# National flower of India?
Answer: Lotus
# Largest flower?
Answer: Rafflesia
# Smallest flower?
Answer: Wolffia

Monuments and Founders in India General Knowledge Questions and Answers

# Tanjavur Big Temple was built by:

Answer: Rajaraja Chola

# Gangaikonda Cholapuram was built by:
Answer: Rajendra
# Harmandir Sahib (Golden temple) was built by:
Answer: Guru Arjan Dev
# Founder of Vikramsila University:
Answer: Dharmapala
# Seven Rath Temple at Mahabalipuram was built by:
Answer: Narasimhavarman
# The dancing Nataraja figure at Chidambaram was built by:
Answer: Chola dynasty
# Palace of Thousand Pillars was built by:
Answer: Alauddin Khilji
# Hazara temple was built by:
Answer: Krishnadeva Raya
# Shalimar Bagh of Kashmir was built by:
Answer: Jahangir
General Knowledge Questions and Answers for preparing Competitive Examinations
# Which Asian river is sometimes referred to as The Road to Mandalay?
Answer: Irrawaddy (Myanmar)
# Where is the headquarters of the Transparency International?
Answer: Berlin (Germany)
# Which international organization was founded by Peter Eigen?
Answer: Transparency International
# Which is the worlds most saline lake?
Answer: Lake Vanda (Antarctica)
# A projectile launched at which degree angle has the greatest range?
Answer: 45 degree angle
# What is the unit of measurement of cotton?
Answer: Bales
# Which metal is added to fireworks to get the lilac colour?
Answer: Potassium

# Which acid is used to acidify foods and beverages such as various colas?
Answer: Phosphoric Acid
# What kind of creature is a silverfish?
Answer: Wingless insect
# Which animals walking style is known as Knuckle walking?
Answer: Gorillas and Chimpanzees
# Which countrys official currency is the Renminbi?
Answer: China
# Which country started the Money Order System?
Answer: Great Britain
General Science Important General Knowledge Questions and Answers
# Entomology
# Fathom









is the

# Trachoma
# All

Behaviour of

unit of


human beings










# Plants make their food by the process called photosynthesis. Which of the following
# Which of the following devices is needed for converting alternating current into direct

(d) Transducer


# All of the following organs in the human body are located both on the right and the
(d) Eyes
Physics GK Questions and Answers
# One calorie equals?
Answer: 4.2 Joule
# Normal body temperature is?
Answer: 36.90 C or 98.40 F
# Instrument to measure temperature is?
Answer: Thermometer
# The temperature at which solid changes to a liquid is called?
Answer: Melting point of sold
# Lowest melting point has?
Answer: Mercury (-38.80 C)
# Highest melting point has?
Answer: Tungsten (34100 C)
# Change of liquid to gaseous state is called?
Answer: Evaporation
# The amount of heat required to melt unit mass of substance?
Answer: Heat of fusion
# The amount of water vapour present in air is known as?
Answer: Humidity
# Change from vapour to liquid is called?
Answer: Condensation
# The temperature at which liquid solidifies is called?
Answer: Freezing point

General Science Important General Knowledge Questions and Answers

# Entomology
# Fathom

Behaviour of

is the


unit of


human beings





# Trachoma
# All















# Plants make their food by the process called photosynthesis. Which of the following
# Which of the following devices is needed for converting alternating current into direct
(d) Transducer
# All of the following organs in the human body are located both on the right and the
(d) Eyes
Botany General Knowledge Questions and Answers
# Split genes are discovered by?
Answer: Sharp & Robertis
# Which Amino acid known as bacterial amino acid?
Answer: Diamino pimelic acid
# Rephano brassica is an example for?
Answer: Allopolyploid
# Recently discovered non-leguminous nitrogen fixing
Answer: Acatobacter paspali

# Largest organelle of a plant cell?

Answer: Vacuole
# Which plant is called water fly trap?
Answer: Aldrovanda
# Intra nuclear mitosis is known as?
Answer: Karyochoresis
# Father of plant physiology
Answer: Stephen Hales
# The simplest biological light energy transducer?
Answer: Bacteriorhodopsin
# Reagent used in RNA extraction is?
Answer: Guanadinium thiocyanate

Biology General Knowledge Questions and Answers :

# The colour of cows milk is slightly yellowish due to the presence of :
Answer: Riboflavin
# Artocarpus integrifolia is the scientific name of .
Answer: Jackfruit
# In case of cardiac arrest what should be the most primary step?
Answer: Cardiac massage
# Palynology is the study of ..?
Answer: Pollen grains
# To which group of plants does the banyan tree belong?
Answer: Angiosperms
# The chief timber used in manufacturing rifle parts is obtained from ..?
Answer: Walnut
# Eustachian tube connects in which parts of the body?
Answer: Ear and throat.

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