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The South Asian Times

e x c e l l e n c e

Vol.9 No. 12 July 16-22, 2016 80 Cents

New York Edition

In UN and US Congress,
Pakistan humiliated as
sponsor of terror
Washington/New York: Pakistan was
humiliated on the world stage on
Wednesday even as it tried to rake up in
vain the Kashmir issue in the United
Nations to put international pressure on
A range of lawmakers, analysts, and
diplomats called Pakistan a terrorist enti
ty, said it should be denied foreign aid,
and proposed that its leaders, including
its military generals, be sanctioned and
stopped from traveling to the US for con
sistently cheating the world community
on terrorism, reported The Times of
A congressional hearing in Washington
and the UN general assembly were the
forums for Pakistan's public shaming
after its representatives tried to rake up

New British PM
signals swift
exit from EU
London: By putt ing some of
Britains bestknown ant i
European Union
polit icians in
major policy
roles, new UK
Prime Minister
T heresa May
signaled plans
to push ahead
British PM
quickly w ith
Theresa May
for a divorce from Europe.
Ms. May took over Wednesday
from Prime Minister David
Cameron, who resigned in the
wake of Britains June 23 vote to
leave the EU. Her new cabinet
includes key figures in the Brexit
campaign who tapped into voter
anxiety over immigration and
globalization, which has boosted

Continued on page 4

i n

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80 killed in France
terror attack
A truck plows through crowds
celebrating French national day in Nice.

US Congress was told how Pakistan

hoodwinked successive US
administrations on the issue of
terrorism, milking Washington for aid
while promising to change course.
(Cartoon courtesy Neelabh Toons.)
the Kashmir situation in the wake of the
recent violence in the Indian state.
Accusing his
Continued on page 4

Mike Pence is
Trumps VP pick

Donald Trump with Indiana governor Mike

Pence. (Photo courtesy Reuters)
Washington: Presumptive Republican presiden
tial nominee Donald Trump has called Indiana
Governor Mike Pence and offered him the vice
presidential slot on his ticket, CNN reported.
Pence has accepted. But Trump cancelled the
planned vice presidential announcement after
the terror attack in
Continued on page 4

The scene after the truck attack in Nice in French Riviera. (Photo courtesy
Paris: At least 80 people were killed on
Thursday night when a large truck mowed
through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in
Nice. French President Francois Hollande said
the truck attack was of a "terrorist character".
In a press conference on Friday morning,
Hollande said, "the state of emergency was
extended in the country for three months
beyond July 26".
The driver shot into the crowd and then
drove for 2 km along the pavement of the
Boulevard des Anglais, the main street in
Nice, mowing down people who had gathered
to watch fireworks, reg ional President
Christian Estrosi told CNN affiliate BFMTV.
Police shot and killed the driver, said Pierre
Henry Brandet, a spokesman for the French
Interior Ministry.
Firearms, explosives and grenades were
found in the truck, Estrosi said.
The driver is suspected to be 31yearold
man of Tunisian
Continued on page 4

World condemns
second major terror
attack in France
Washington: The world reacted with shock
and horror at the terror attack in Nice,
France, where a truck mowed into a crowd
of Bastille Day revellers killing at least 80
people. It is the second major terror attack
in France after the November 2015
attacks in Paris.
US President Barack Obama issued a
statement saying, We stand in solidarity
and partnership with France, our oldest
ally, as they respond to and recover from
this attack.
US Secretary of State John Kerry, con
demning the attack, said the US will pro
vide France w ith Continued on page 4


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July 16-22, 2016

July 16-22, 2016


India Day Parade on Aug 21 with In town, Akshay Kumar

promotes Rustom,
Bachchan Jr as Grand Marshal
based on Nanavati trial

By Karishma Asoodani
New York: The annual India Day
Parade in Manhattan this year
will be held on August 21 and
the Grand Marshals are Abhishek
Bachchan and Baba Ramdev.
This was announced by the
Federation of Indian Associations
at a curtain raiser event at the
Indian Consulate here on July 8
in the presence of Consul
General Riva Ganguly Das.
Since 1981, FIA has been
organizing this celebration of
India's Independence Day
through the largest parade out
side India. The parade showcases
the progress, prosperity of India
and its accomplishments, and
friendship of USA and India.
The parade shall begin at noon
from 39th street and Madison
Avenue and culminate near 26th
street, where several food and
commercial stalls will be put up.
Many cultural events have also
been lined up at the venue.
Anand Patel, President of FIA
NYNJCT, said, "Our India Day
Parade is regarded as premier
community event.
The highly decorated and inno
vat ive 35 plus oats have
become a great attraction for
thousands of participants and
The booths and services, food
and other items have become
increasingly entertaining and

FIA officials and guests with the Consul General Riva Ganguly Das
at the kickoff event for the parade

By Parveen Chopra

Actor Abhishek Bachchan and yoga guru Baba Ramdev

will be Grand Marshals at the parade.
popular. They are a great oppor
tunity for you to reach millions
to increase awareness about
your products.
Abhishek Bachchan, actor son
of legend Amitabh Bachchan, and
Baba Ramdev, famous yog a
teacher who has created a huge
business in ayurveda products,

will be the Grand Marshals for

the 2016 parade.
Every year, Bollywood stars
and US elected ofcials ranging
from Governors and Mayors of
New York City, US Senators,
Congressmen, State Senators and
Assemblymen and leaders from
India participated in the parade.

Evacuation of Indians from

South Sudan starts
Thiruvananthapuram: One hundred
and fty six persons who were
evacuated from South Sudan
arrived on a special Indian Air
Force C17 aircraft at the interna
tional airport here early on Friday.
Among those rescued included
46 Keralites, two Nepalese nation
als, seven women and three chil
dren. The remaining passengers
hailed from other South Indian
states. The Kerala government has
made special arrangements for

Film star Akshay Kumar was felicitated by the

Parsi community at the promotional event for his upcoming
Hindi film Rusotm (Photo: Gunjesh Desai /

their onward journey.

This was part of the 'Operation
Sankat Mochan' to evacuate Indians
from the African country initiated
by the Indian government and was
led by Minister of State for External
Affairs V.K. Singh.
Speaking to reporters at the air
port, Singh said two aircrafts were
involved in the evacuation opera
tion and the other ight will land in
Delhi. "There were more than 500
Indians evacuated. Over 300

Indians will continue to stay there

for their business interests. About
150 Indians are there who work in
the oil wells and for them it's easier
to go towards Sudan where there
are not much issues," Singh said.
"While I was there, I spoke to the
vice president of South Sudan and
he told me what they are doing
with regards the safety of the peo
ple there," added Singh.
South Sudan has been convulsed
by violence.

New York: With Rustom

Bollywoods versatile actor Akshay
Kumar looks set to repeat the suc
cess of his recent lms (Airlift was
his last Rs 100 crore club lm).
Along with ZEE Studios, he
unveiled the trailer and the rst
song of his upcoming movie here
on July 8. It will be released on
12th August around Indias
Independence Day. During the pro
motional event at the Chatwal
hotel, Akshay Kumar, who plays
the title role of a Parsi naval ofcer
Rustom Pavri, met and had lunch
with the Parsi community of
America and Canada. The commu
nity felicitated him with Farvahar,
a pendant
symbolic of
Neeraj Pandeys Rustom that
also stars Ileana DCruz and Esha
Gupta is produced by ZEE Studios,
KriArj Entertainment and Friday
Filmworks, in association with
1959, it is inspired by incidents
from the life of K.M. Nanavati who
killed his wifes paramour and the
ensuing trial that gripped the
country. The romantic thriller is an
absorbing tale about a man who
must uphold his own integrity and
that of the nation.
At the event, Akshay Kumar had
a relaxed interaction with the
media. He revealed that Rustom is
the rst Hindi lm with a Parsi as
the main character, and a Parsi
who is not a caricature as seen in

Indian movies. He denied that he

is the 21st century Manoj Bharat
Kumar for having done a string of
patriotic movies like Holiday and
Baby. I have also done lms like
Housefull and Singh is Bliing, he
Asked which lm genre he
enjoys the most, he said, Slapstick.
It is also challenging. Making view
ers to cry is easy, but making them
laugh is difcult. He would also
love to play a negative role, which
he is already doing in Rajinikants
Robot 2.
How does he select scripts to
work with? Pat came the answer,
In which I play a human not a
superhuman. He also pointed out
that the documentaries are not the
best format to project a cause,
because then very few will watch
it. He presents socially relevant
themes in a commercial way with
songs and all to have an impact.
Akshay Kumar said he was not
interested in seeking work in
Hollywood, as he has enough work
in India.
The Bollywood hero who has
starred in over 100 lms also
made a controversial remark that
lm awards in India are meaning
less. I get of fered awards if I
would perform at the awards night
at half my fee, he said. So you
know that the stars who are invit
ed to perform and you see sitting
in the front rows are the ones who
get the awards. Award nights, he
said, are meant to promote TRPs of
TV channels, nothing more.

July 16-22, 2016

80 killed in France
terror attack
Continued from page 1
origin. The identity papers of a
FrenchTunisian were found in the
truck, reports said quoting police
source. According to the reports,
the gunman exchanged shots with
police before plowing into the
crowd of revelers. Footage captured
by terrified bystanders fleeing from
the scene has the sound of several
gunshots being fired.
T he eye witnesses said they
watched the scene in disbelief.
"All we see is this truck along the
boardwalk, just plowing through
people, just bodies getting hit and
people running in all directions,"
Tony Molina, who witnessed the
attack from his apartment, told
CNN. He said that following the
crash, there was a "barrage of gun
fire". "There were families just lay
ing down, crying next to these bod
ies. Then they had to clear the area
out. The bodies stayed there cov
ered up," Molina said.
Paul Delane, an American who
witnessed the attack, was with his
partner at the Nice celebration.
They had just finished watching the
fireworks show and decided to walk
towards the other festivities where
a DJ was playing music.
"All of a sudden, thousands of
people started running in one direc
tion. My partner took my hand
immediately and we started run
ning. "I had no idea what was going
on. T he music was so loud, we
couldn't hear anything. I didn't see
a truck, I just heard people running,
screaming and crying and people
carrying their children.
Over 150 people were also
injured in the mayhem.
Hollande and Prime Minister
Manuel Valls were in the intermin
isterial crisis cell after the attack, a
spokesperson for the Elysee said.
"France was struck on its national
day ... the symbol of freedom," said
Hollande. "We must do everything
so that we can fight against the

scourge of terrorism," he said. "This

is France, which is under the threat
of Islamist terrorism."
From 9.00 a.m. (local time),
Hollande was to preside over a
security and defence council meet
ing with ministers and the main
authorities in these matters, said
the spokesperson.
Interior Minister Bernard
Cazeneuve has arrived in Nice after
the attack, said PierreHenry
Brandet, the spokesperson of
Interior Ministry, adding there was
no hostage in the incident.

counterpart Xavier Bette l con

demned the attack as the two held a
bilateral meeting on the sidelines of
the 11th AsiaEurope Meeting
(ASEM) in Mongolia.
New York Governor Andrew
Cuomo directed state law enforce
ment officials to step up security at
highprofile locations around the
state, including our airports,
bridges, tunnels and mass transit

World condemns second

major terror attack in France

Continued from page 1

counterpart of misusing the UN
platform with phony concern about
human rights, India's permanent
representative at the UN Syed
Akbaruddin lashed out at Pakistan,
calling it "a country that covets the
territory of others; a country that
uses terrorism as state policy
towards that misguided end; a
country that extols the virtues of
terrorists and that provides sanctu
ary to UNdesignated terrorists."
"Pakistan is the same country
whose track record has failed to
convince the international commu
nity to gain membership of the UN
human rights council in this very
session of the UNGA," Akbaruddin
sneered, saying the "international
community has long seen through
such designs" and such "cynical
attempts find no resonance in this
forum or elsewhere in the United
Nations". He asserted that "as a
diverse, pluralistic and tolerant
society, India's commitment to the
rule of law, democracy and human
rights is enshrined in its founding
India's excoriation of Pakistan
was mild compared to what tran
spired in the US Congress a few
hours before the same day. US law
makers and experts testifying
before a congressional panel called
for designating Pakistan a state
sponsor of terrorism and for cut
ting off all aid to Islamabad.

Continued from page 1

whatever support is needed.
Republican presumptive presiden
tial nominee Donald Trump tweet
ed: Another horrific attack, this
time in Nice. Many dead and
injured. When will we learn? It is
only getting worse.
Democratic presumptive nominee
Hillary Clinton said: Every
American stands in strong solidari
ty with the people of France.
She said the attack struck at one
of our closest allies in the Europe.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau tweeted: Canadians are
shocked by tonights attack in Nice.
Our sympathy is with the victims,
and our solidarity with the French
people. The UN condemned what
it termed a barbaric and cowardly
terror attack in Nice.
Mukherjee, condemning the attack,
said he was shocked to hear about
the terror attack in Nice.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra
Modi also condemned the attack
and said: India shares the pain and
stands firmly with our French sis
ters and brothers in this hour of
immense sadness.
Juncker vowed to continue the
EUs fight against terrorism inside
and outside the bloc.
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry
Medvedev and his Luxembourg

In UN and US Congress,
Pakistan humiliated as
sponsor of terror

Chairman and Co-Founder

Kamlesh C. Mehta

Associate Editors:
Hiral Dholakia-Dave

Co-Founder: Saroosh Gull

Contributing Editors: Meenakshi Iyer,

Nilima Madan, Melvin Durai,
Dr Prem Kumar Sharma, Ashok Vyas,
Dr Akshat Jain, Ashok Ojha

President: Arjit Mehta


It was arguably the harshest

indictment of Pakistan in congres
sional hearing history as lawmakers
holding the hearing and those testi
fying before it shamed the country
for repeatedly hoodwinking succes
sive US administrations on the issue
of terrorism, milking Washington
for aid while promising to change
"They are making chumps out of
us. They see us being so stupid. It
seems like paying the mafia," said
Congressman Matt Salmon, who
was holding the hearing.
"If I may use an undiplomatic
term, we have been patsies," said
former US ambassador to
Afghanistan and Bush era diplomat
Zalmay Khalilzad.
Khalidzad described how Pakistan
manipulated the US by reaching out
to US officials and lawmakers with
a charm offensive each time it had
its back to the wall, promising to
change, but then not changing after
collecting the money and the pres
sure eased of f. He reminded the
panel of how Musharraf had main
tained terrorism was fine as long as
it was directed against India.

respond to this populist moment

this concern amongst some people
that their views arent being lis
tened to, on immigration in particu
lar, said Tim Bale, a politics profes
sor at Queen Mary University of
Former London Mayor Boris
Johnson was the surprise pick in
U.K. Prime Minister Theresa Mays
first cabinet, which will be responsi
ble for negotiations with the
European Union over Britains exit
from the bloc.
New Foreign Secretary Boris
Johnson and Brexit chief David
Davis, both prominent Brexit sup
porters, are now in charge of forg
ing a new foreign policy and over
hauling the U.K.s relationship with
trading partners inside and outside
Handling the Brexit negotiations
will be Mr. Davis, officially the sec
retary of state for exiting the EU. In
an article written before he was
appointed, he said negotiations
should begin at the start of next
year, with final withdrawal taking
place by December 2018..
(Source: WSJ)

Mike Pence is Trumps VP pick

Bobby Deol is Grand

Marshal for IDP
in Hicksville

Continued from page 1

Nice Thursday evening. His VP pick
sets up a stark clash in styles: a
brash presumptive nominee with a
tendency to freelance into contro
versies alongside a cautious former
congressional leader who's stuck
close to conservative orthodoxy
since starting his career in talk
radio. Two other prominent finalists
for Trumps VP slot were New
Jersey Governor Chris Christie and
former House Speaker Newt

New British PM signals swift

exit from EU
Continued from page 1
the U.K. economy but left some citi
zens feeling alienated. Many of the
people shes picked are acutely
aware the Conservatives have to

ollywood star Bobby Deol,

son of the legendary actor
Dharmendra, will be the
Grand Marshal at the 5th India
Day Parade 2016 (IDP USA) in
Hicksville, scheduled for August 6.

Jaipur (India) Bureau

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Printed Every Saturday by: Forsythe Media Group, LLC, ISSN 1941-9333, 76 N Broadway, Suite 2004, Hicksville, NY 11801 P: 516.390.7847
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Notice: The South Asian Times is published weekly by The Forsythe Media Group, LLC. POSTMASTER: Send all address notices, subscription orders/payments and other inquiries to The South Asian
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July 16-22, 2016



New York: The annual convention of the American
Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) held
here through the July 4th weekend attracted some
unhealthy criticism and ire of invited performers and
mediapersons due to misdemeanor of a couple of organiz
ers of the event.
To make amends, the new AAPI president Dr Ajay Lodha
sent an apology on July 12 to the media. I, as a President,
along with my Executive Committee and all the members
truly apologize for any inconvenience or embarrassment
caused to any members of the media during 2016 Annual
Convention at Marriott Marquis, NY, it read. He also
promised to hold an inquiry into the unsavory incidents.
According to an Indian Express North America edition
report last week, while senior TV journalist and commu
nity activist Renee Mehrra was allegedly asked to get
out of the convention, invited guest of honor and
renowned composer and singer Shankar Mahadevans son
Sidharths performance was stopped midway and his mike
apparently snatched.
T he Indian Express report added that Renee was
stunned when Dr Sanjay Jain, husband of Dr Seema Jain,
the outgoing President of AAPI, who claimed to be COO of
the convention, ordered her to get out of the convention.
Renee was at the venue covering the Fashion Show when
Dr Jain asked her to leave and forced her to unformat
her camera chip. When she of fered to show the email
invitation, Dr Sanjay Jain told her to leave immediately as
she was not invited to AAPI. Several AAPI members had
interacted with Renee at the convention. No matter, Dr
Sanjay Jain threatened to call security if she didnt leave.
Several other doctors were witness to Dr Sanjay Jains

Shankar Mahadevan (inset)s Facebook post

condemning the mistreatment.

Mahadevan, along with Antra Mitra and Sukriti Kakkar,

who are well known in the music industry as the Young
Generation Artists.
Express report said, as per eye witnesses, Dr. Sanjay
Jain, Dr. Rita Ahuja, Chair of the 2016 Annual Convention,
and another doctor (name unknown) rushed to the stage
and asked Sidharth Mahadevan to leave the stage while
he was apparently on to his last song for the evening.
Sidharths microphone was snatched away, while the
trio demanded Shankar come on stage and perform. A
humiliated Shankar Mahadevan kept his cool and per
formed while publicly declaring that it was his last per
formance for AAPI. He later lashed out at this humiliation
on his Facebook page as well.
In his statement issued to the press, Dr Lodha added,
AAPI is grateful to the 2016 Convention Committee for
the endless time and effort put into organizing a conven
tion of that magnitude. However, AAPI received numerous
complaints of unforeseeable incidents which were beyond
the custody and control of the Executive Committee.
These incidents were caused by unauthorized members of
the association. As such, the Executive Committee has
taken immediate action in establishing an Emergency AD
HOC COMMITTEE to investigate each and every incident
and or complaint and make appropriate recommenda
tions to the Executive Committee for action within a rea
sonable period of time.

rude behavior before a humiliated Renee left the venue.

Shankar Mahadevan too was mistreated and humiliated.
At the grand finale of the conclave he was billed to give a
live performance accompanied by his son, Sidharth

Anybody who may have a complaint and or any infor

mation regarding the incidents, please contact the AAPI
Office in confidence at 6309902277, or Fax 630990

Hindu Temple Society to host inaugural

young professionals conference
Flushing, NY: The Hindu Temple
Society of North America (HTS)
will be hosting Anubhava, an
inaugural conference for Hindu
young professionals to promote
the engagement of young profes
sionals within the Temple com
munity as volunteers, advocates
and future leaders. The allday
conference has been scheduled
on July 30th, and will feature
keynote speakers, peerled pan
els and workshops. Anubhava
conference is expected to bring
together over 100 Hindu young
professionals in the age group of
20 to 45 in the tristate area to
discuss the evolution and rele
vance of Hinduism in todays
modern world.
This is the first time a confer
ence of this scale geared towards
this age group is being con
vened, says Dr. Uma. Its won
derful that our young people are

stepping up to organize and par

ticipate in Anubhava. Their voic
es are invaluable to the dialogue
surrounding Hinduism and these
are all individuals who will pave
the way for the Temple commu
nity in the coming years. Hindu
Temples and institutions may
sponsor de leg ates to the
Anubhava conference to involve
young professionals associated
with the respective organizations
in understanding Temple man
agement and discuss other
aspects of modernday Hinduism.
The conference takes place in the
Hindu Temple Community
Center located in Flushing, New
Interested participants may
contact the Temple at: (718) 460
8484 Ext. 112 for more info
about the conference or may

Gadkari's visit to NY to give new momentum to

Indo-US ties in infrastructure sector
By Karishma Asoodani
New York: Nitin Gadkari, Indian Minister of Roads,
Transport, Highways and Shipping, visited New York
for two days where he had a brief interaction with
New York State Transport Department and digni
taries and experts to identify areas of mutual co
operation in the field of intelligent transport man
agement, city traffic management and control center
and other technologybased transport solutions.
The Minister also had a series of interactions with
investors at the meet organized by the Indo
American Chamber of Commerce, Business Council
on International Understanding and Goldman Sachs,
etc. These interactions with the investors are to fol
low up deliberations at the Maritime India Summit
in Mumbai where a large number of US companies
had evinced keen interest in promoting bilateral
cooperation with India in Maritime sector.
"Our Ministry's highest priority is development of
infrastructure in India. We have already worked
immensely on National highways, with very positive
results. I remember the time I had taken in charge of
the ministry there were so many projects lying ignored.
Today, I believe I have 90% completed them. Something

Nitin Gadkari visited the New York City

State Transport Department
that I am really worried about and the reason for which
I am here is, how to curb road accidents and save peo
ple's lives. Besides, around 85% of Indians are on road
transportation, so to improve the quality and safety of
people we have already started various methods like
sending information every now and then on radio. We
further look on doing more, said Gadkari.

July 16-22, 2016


Michigan State University honors

India's milkman Dr Verghese Kurien
New York: The Michigan State Uni
versity (MSU)s most impactful grad
uate of all time Verghese Kurien, the
Milkman of India was honored dur
ing a ceremony in the International
Center on Thursday, June 30.
MSU International Studies and Pro
grams, along with the College of En
gineering and the College of Agricul
ture and Natural Resources, dedicat
ed a bust of the entrepreneur that is
on display in the International Center
Kurien (19212012) received a
masters degree in 1948 from the
MSU Department of Mechanical Engi
neering. He returned to India and be
came the architect of Indias white
revolution, which transformed the
nation from being a milkdeficit coun
try to the worlds biggest milk pro
Leo Kempel, dean of the MSU Col
lege of Engineering, said Kurien is an
excellent example of Spartans Will.
No graduate from the College of
Engineering, or maybe even MSU,
transformed more lives than Dr.
Kurien, and he used a mindset of

A display on Verghese Kurian (inset), who engineered the worlds largest

agricultural development program, is on display in the lobby of the
International Center. (Image courtesy:
breaking up a problem and solving it
piece by piece, Kempel explained.
Satish Udpa, MSU executive vice
president of administrative services,
said as a little boy in India he would
wake up early to retrieve water and
the family's daily ration of milk. By
the 1980s, milk was available every
where and the need to ration milk
was gone, thanks to Spartan Engineer
Verghese Kurien. "India becoming the
largest producer of milk in the world

Indian family
perishes in accident
in New York
New York: In a tragic incident, a 38
yearold Indian man and his parents,
who were visiting from India, were
killed when the vehicle they were trav
elling in was hit headon by a pickup
truck being driven by a drunk driver in
New York.
Chandan Gavai, and his parents
Archana Gavai, 60, and Kamalnayan
Gavai, 74, died when Gustave Geyer
crashed into the family's car on
Yaphank Middle Island Road in Long
Island late Monday night.
The elder Gavais were visiting the US
from India, Suffolk County police said.
Geyer, who was pronounced dead at
the scene, allegedly had a blood alcohol
level twice the legal limit, CBS News re
ported. Both vehicles caught fire fol
lowing the collision. Chandan was pro
nounced dead when he was taken to
the local hospital. His parents were
pronounced dead at the scene. The re
port said Gavai was in the US on a work
visa and was employed with an IT firm.
Gavai's 32yearold wife suffered life
threatening burns and head injuries.
The couple's 11monthold son sur
vived the crash and is being treated for
nonlifethreatening injuries.
The report said family members were
expected to begin arriving from India
this week to make funeral arrange
ments and to care for the baby.
Geyer, 25, was driving a pickup truck
when he lost control and slammed into
Gavai's car, Suffolk County police said.

was made possible entirely by this in

dividual," Udpa added.
During Thursdays ceremony, two
Kurien enthusiasts shared stories on
some of his most important contribu
tions. Manche Gouda, who was asso
ciated with Kurien for more than
three decades, said India benefited
from his good judgment and ability to
spread his message. The daily pro
duction he created redefined the
meaning of milk and economic rede

velopment, he said.
Mallikarjuna Devapur Veerab
hadrappa, a dairy engineer with
SHIMUL, KMF, spoke on behalf of 15
million grateful farmer families of
India and milk cooperatives.
When Dr. Kurien returned to
India from the USA, he was
touched by the discouraging state
of monopolized milk production
at the time. He decided to dedi
cate his life not only to the
empowerment of the
farmers producing it,
but also to make India the worlds
largest producer of dairy.
His billionliter idea, Operation
Flood, transformed India from a milk
deficient nation to the worlds largest
milk producer, surpassing the United
States in 1998. He made the country
selfsufficient in edible oils, too.
Kurien founded 30 institutions,
which today are owned, managed by
farmers, and run by professionals,
Mallikarjuna explained. Kurien was
responsible for the creation and suc
cess of the Amul brand of dairy prod
ucts, including the invention of milk

powder from buffalo milk as opposed

to cows milk. That success led to
Kuriens appointment as the founder
chairman of the National Dairy De
velopment Board in 1965 and a
charge to replicate Amuls model na
tionwide across India. Mallikarjuna
said Operation Flood also emerged as
Indias largest rural employment pro
gram. India increased its milk pro
duction from 22 million tons in 1970
to 66 million tons by 1996. Since
then, milk production has increased
to 160 million tons per year support
ed by 15 state cooperative dairy fed
erations, 189 district milk unions,
156,000 village dairy cooperative so
cieties, and 15.2 million milk produc
er members. Women represent just
under half of all producers.
Cash income from Indias white
revolution is estimated at more than
$5 billion dollars annually.
To thank him, Kurien received
many prestigious awards during his
lifetime. MSU presented him with an
honorary PhD in 1965. It is one of 15
honorary degrees he received from
universities around the world.

Greater New York Seniors celebrate

240 th I-Day on July 4th

New York: Bruhud NY Seniors

and delegates of various Indi
an associations celebrated
240th Independence Day of
the US on July 4th at an event
organized by Shashikant Pa
tel/Gopi Udeshi at Sri Sa
neeswara Temple New York
with Chief Guest Hon. Ushir

Pandit Durant, newly elected

Judge for Civil Court of New
New York State Governor
Andrew Cuomo awarded a
Bruhud NY Seniors for their
dedication to the betterment
of their community.

Jayant Patel, Bharat Patel, Shashikant Patel, Ushir Pandit, Gopi

Udeshi, Usha Shah, Narendra Butala, Pritam Shah, Urvik Trivedi.

IndianAmerican couple ordered to pay $7.75

million for healthcare fraud
Washington, DC:
An Indian
American couple, who owned a
mobile diagnostic testing compa
ny in New Jersey, has been or
dered by a US court to pay $7.75
million for committing a multi
million health care fraud.
Kirtish N Patel and Nita K Patel,
both aged 53, had earlier pleaded
guilty to healthcare fraud.
The government's civil com
plaint had alleged that they creat
ed fraudulent diagnostic test re
ports, forged physician signatures
on these reports and then billed
Medicare for the fraudulent re
They also billed Medicare for
neurological tests that they con
ducted without the required
physician supervision, the Justice
Department said.
The lawsuit was filed under
whistleblower, provisions of the
False Claims Act, which allows

private citizens with knowledge

of fraud to bring civil actions on
behalf of the government and to
share in any recovery.
The False Claims Act also per
mits the government to intervene
in such lawsuits, as it has done in
this case. The whistleblower who
brought the misconduct to the
government's attention will re
ceive 15 to 25 per cent of the
more than $7.7 million recovered
by the government.
According to the documents
filed in the case and statements
made in the court from 2006
through June 2014, Nita and Kir
Biosound Medical Services Inc
and Heart Solutions in New Jer
sey, which were mobile diagnostic
medicare providers.
As per court documents,
Biosound technicians would trav

el to the office of a primary care

physician in the New York and
New Jersey area to conduct diag
nostic testing. Biosound was re
sponsible for sending the tests to
a reading physician, an appropri
ate specialist who would interpret
the results.
"After the reading physician
prepared a report, Biosound was
responsible for providing it to the
referring physician. Biosound was
paid millions of dollars by
Medicare and other payers for the
diagnostic testing, the reading
physician's interpretation of the
results and the reports, the pros
ecutors said.
Kirtish admitted to fraudulently
interpreting and writing diagnos
tic reports produced by Biosound
despite having no medical license
and knowing that the reports
would be used by the referring
physicians to make important pa

tient treatment decisions.

Nita assisted her husband in
forging physician signatures on
the fraudulently produced re
ports to make them appear legiti
The couple admitted falsely
representing to Medicare that the
neurological testing performed
by Biosound was being super
vised by a licensed neurologist,
the Justice Department said.
According to reports, more than
half of the diagnostic reports gen
erated by Biosound between Oc
tober 2008 and June 2014 were
never actually reviewed or inter
preted by a physician.
Nita and Kirtish were paid more
than $4,386,133.75 by Medicare
and private insurance companies
for the fraudulent reports, which
they used for personal expenses,
including multiple residences and
luxury vehicles, it said.

Tulsi Gabbard asks California board

to describe Hinduism accurately
Washington, DC: Tulsi Gabbard,
the rst ever Hindu elected to the
US House of Representatives, has
asked a Californian educational
board to give Hinduism its due
place in school text books and
not to describe it inaccurately as
'religions of ancient India.'
California State Board of
Education is in nal stages of
revising and updating the K12
HistorySo cial
Framework for public schools.
In a letter ahead of their nal
hearing on Thursday, Gabbard
who represents the Democratic
Party from Hawaii urged the
board to preserve Hindu history
and identity by restoring all ref
erences to "Hinduism" that were
removed or replaced with the
ahistorical and inaccurate phrase,
like "religions of Ancient India,
including but not limited to early
Just as other religions, includ
ing Christianity, Judaism, Islam,
and Buddhism are given their
own separate and distinct space
for discussion in the Framework,
so should Hinduism.
"Replacing Hinduism with the
term 'religions of Ancient India,

July 16-22, 2016


Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

(Image courtesy:
including but not limited to early
Hinduism' is not only inaccurate,
but it will cause confusion for
students and teachers alike," she
said in her letter dated July 8, a
copy of which was obtained by
news agency PTI.
In the letter, Gabbard also
urged the board to acknowledge
the posit ive roles played by
women in Ancient Indian and
Hindu society.
"While it is important to discuss
the existence of patriarchies in
ancient civilizations, it is also crit
ical to discuss the positive contri
butions and unique roles played
by women in those societies," she

noted. "In the context of Ancient

India, Hindu women were able to
perform their own religious rites
and also authored the Vedas,
Hinduism's sacred texts.
"The framework should thus
acknowledge these historical
facts when describing the roles of
women in ancient Indian society,"
she argued.
Gabbard asked the California
Board to accurately represent the
castesystem in the framework by
not depicting it as a dening fea
ture or a foundational religious
belief of Hinduism.
"While castebased discrimina
tion is a reality that must be dealt
with, it goes against the essence
of Hindu teachings and scrip
tures, which posit that divinity is
inherent in all beings," she said.
Gabbard said as the rst and
only serving HinduAmerican
Member of Congress, she has
worked actively throughout her
many years of service to promote
diversity, equality, and pluralism.
"I rmly believe in the signi
cance of creating an education
system and textbooks that uphold
these important American val
ues," she said.

Bill introduced in US to
prevent Indian cos from
hiring on H1B, L1
Washington, DC: A bipartisan
group of two US lawmakers has
introduced in the House of
Representatives a legislation,
which if passed by the Congress
would prevent Indian companies
from hiring IT professionals on H
1B and L1 work visas.
Since the revenue mode l of
majority of big Indian IT compa
nies is heavily dependent on H1B
and L1 visas in the US, such a bill
is likely to have a major impact, if
not sound a death knell, on their
businesses. The 'H1B and L1
Visa Reform Act of 2016' intro
Congressman Bill Pascrell from
New Jersey and Republican Dana
Rohrabacher from California
would prohibit companies from
hiring H1B employees if they
employ more than 50 people and
more than 50 per cent of their
employees are H1B and L1 visa
holders. Before the bill is signed
into a law by President Barack
Obama, it needs to be passed by
the Senate, wherein it has not
been tabled so far. Notably, the

two sponsors of the bill come

from the two American states
which have the maximum concen
tration of Indian Americans.
"America is producing many
skilled, hightech professionals
with advanced degrees and no
jobs. By 'insourcing' and exploit
ing foreign workers, some busi
nesses are abusing the visa pro
grams and undercutting our
workforce to reap the rewards,"
Congressman Pascrell said.
"Without the critical reforms
our bill proposes, American work
ers will continue to be unfairly
displaced and visa workers will
continue to be mistreated both
of which are unacceptable," he
said in a statement.
Pascrell and Rohrabacher had
introduced a similar version of
this bill in 2010, which could not
gain enough support in the
T he
Federation of Labor and Congress
of Industrial Organizations (AFL
CIO) and the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
have endorsed the bill.

Community celebrates American independence and Indian American heritage

California: Indian American commu
nity in Southern California celebrat
ed Americas Independence on July
4th by organizing a seminar on pay
ing tribute to pioneers, patriots, and
Gadar heroes. The event was spon
sored by Indian American Heritage
Foundation in coordination with
Empire, NFIA, Rajput Association of
America, India Association of Inland
Empire, India Association of Los
Angeles, Apna Punjabi Group, and
UFICA. The celebration took place at
Amaya Lounge in Buena Park at
11:00 am. Over 120 people attended
the information packed seminar.
Inder Singh, former Chairman of
GOPIO Intl explained the circum
stances which forced the thirteen
colonies to start war against the
British after signing Declaration of
Independence on July 04, 1776. He
also detailed the suf ferings and
hardships which 56 people who
signed the declaration, had to

The organizers and speakers at the event

endure. Other speakers spoke on
Early Indian Immigration and
Settlement Problems, Fight for
Movement), Struggle for US
Citizenship, Indian Community
Contributions to India and USA, and
Indian Americans who made India
and Indian Americans Proud. There
were many in the audience who had
no knowledge of our past history
and were glad they attended the cel
ebration. Kewal Kanda while talking
about the settlement problems of

early Indian immigrants, said that

most of the Indians, mostly Punjabis,
had come to the United States in
search of better economic opportuni
ties. They however experienced dis
crimination and racial prejudice
from American people. In
Bellingham and some other places,
they were beaten up, robbed of their
belongings, and called by derogatory
names. Indian students, upon gradu
ation, were not able to get jobs com
mensurate with their high qualica
tions. Indians attributed American

attitude to their being subjects of a

slave country. They formed Gadar
Party to free India from British colo
nization. Some Indian nationals in
the US were granted US citizenship
as they were considered Caucasian.
In case of Bhagat Singh Thind, his
citizenship was revoked in four days.
He applied for citizenship again from
another state and despite objection
from the Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS), the
judge granted him US citizenship
only to be taken away again by
Supreme Court because he was
Caucasian, not a white. A few years
later, Indian Community activists
started lobbying with the elected
representatives of the American peo
ple for the grant of citizenship.
Indian community activists waged a
long and hard struggle. In 1946, the
US Congress passed a bill granting
rights of citizenship to 100 Indian
nationals annually. President
Truman signed the bill into law on

July 2, 1946. Thus, July 2 is truly the

Independence Day for Indians in the
US. After the grant of citizenship
rights in 1946 and subsequent liber
alization of US Immigration laws,
there has been a huge inux of
Indians. Today, people of Indian ori
gin number about 4 million. Many
Indians have made signicant contri
butions to the country of their adop
tion. Navin Gupta specially men
tioned the contributions of
Chandrika and Ranjan Tandon who
gifted $100 million to NYUs School
of Engineering in 2015, Dr. Amar
Bose,founder of Bose Corporation
who gave majority of the stock of
Bose Corporation to MIT in 2011
and Dr. Romesh Wadhwani, a Silicon
Valley entrepreneur with net worth
of $2.8 billion who has signed the
Giving Pledge dedicating 80% of his
wealth towards philanthropy. He
also mentioned names of several
Indians who have given in millions to
causes in USA and India.

July 16-22 2016


Dr Kinshuk named dean of

Schoolgirl raises funds to
University of North Texas college distribute free LED bulbs to poor
Houston: An IndianAmerican professor
with a diverse set of academic experience in
the field of science and technology has been
named the dean of a leading US university.
Dr Kinshuk, who goes by single name, has
been named the dean of University of North
Texas College of Information in the US.
He received his doctoral degree from De
Montfort University in England, a master of
science in mechanical computer aided engi
neering from Strathclyde University in
Scotland and a bachelor's degree in mechan
ical engineering from University of
Rajasthan in India.
Since 2010, he served as an associate
dean at Athabasca University in Alberta,
Canada, where he helped lead the Faculty of
Science and Technology.
In that role, he helped start new graduate
programs, gained external research funding,
developed strategies for student recruit
ment and promoted senior students and
alumni to serve as mentors for new stu
Prior to this, he served as director in the
School of Computing and Information
Kinshuk also served as Industrial
Research Chair in Adaptivity and
Personalization in Informatics for the
National Science and Engineering Council of
Canada. "Dr Kinshuk brings with him great

Dr Kinshuk (Image:

leadership and research experience," Finley
Graves, provost and vice president for aca
demic affairs at UNT, said in a statement.
"We look forward to Dr Kinshuk working
with our faculty to articulate a clear vision
for the future of the College of Information."
Kinshuk will start his new position from
August 15.
Kinshuk's career also includes a variety of
other academic positions.
At Massey University in New Zealand,
Kinshuk was the director of the Advanced
Learning Technologies Research Center, as
well as an associate professor, and before
that, a senior lecturer.
He also was a research fellow for the
German National Research Center for
Information Technology in St. Augustin,

New Delhi: Meera Vashisht, an Indianorigin

girl living in the US, has raised around Rs.
1.4 lakh through crowd funding to distribute
LED bulbs to underprivileged sections in
Meera, who learnt about India's 'Unnat
Jyoti by Af fordable LEDs for all' (UJALA)
program while working on her 7th class sci
ence project, collected $2,079.51 with the
help of her parents and reached out to 500
people in her vicinity in Houston, Texas, the
Power Ministry said.
She purchased LED bulbs from the Energy
Ef ficiency Services Ltd (EESL), the imple
menting agency for UJALA, and distributed
them to residents of JJ clusters in
Keshavpuram in New Delhi, it added.
Six hundred families will benefit from
1,800 LED bulbs to be provided under the
UJALA scheme from the funds collected by
"LED bulbs use less than half the energy of
an incandescent bulb and runs for over 78
years. I am very happy to have been able to
carry out the distribution of LED bulbs and
hope to inspire young minds across the
globe for working towards energy efficien
cy," she said.
Meera also believes that her ef fort will
result in lighting up 46 houses for one year,
reducing electricity bills by Rs. 2,500 and
most importantly there will be significant
reduction in CO2 emissions every year, the

Meera Vashisht
(Image :
Ministry said. Under UJALA, over 12.60
crore LED bulbs have already been distrib
uted across India, which is leading to a daily
energy savings of about 4.48 crore kWh and
resulting in avoidance of about 3,278 MW of
peak demand, it added.
Through the scheme, the estimated cumu
lative cost reduction of bills of consumers,
per day, is Rs. 17.94 crore and is part of the
governments efforts to spread the message
of energy efficiency in the country.
Project Manager of UJALA scheme in Delhi
Jitender Kohli said: "It is inspiring to see the
young generation taking lead in conserving
the environment."
The UJALA scheme will play a key role in
huge energy savings in the state by use of
energy ef ficient LEDs. LEDs, in long term,
serve as a cost effective and a safe alterna
tive to the traditional lighting, he added.

India should harness research: NJ Author

New York: The number of Indians
and persons of Indian origin who
have enriched many nations, and
humanity as a whole, through
applied research and innovation in
a multitude of fields has increased
dramatically, says V. Ramaswami,
the New Jersey based author of the
new book Innovation by India for
India: the need & the challenge.
This should be reassuring for
India particularly because a signifi
cant fraction of these have had
their initial graduate education and
training in India. There can be no
doubt that the capacity of the
Indian mind and the will of the
Indian can match any other. Indias
indigenous scientific advances in
the nuclear, space, and supercom
puter technologies are remarkable
and attest further to the scientific
and engineering talent in the coun
try, Ramaswami says.
Indias scientific and technical

The author V Ramaswami

establishments have many feats to
boast about, including the recent
successful launch of an orbiter to
Mars at a per kilometer cost less
than that of a one kilometer auto
rickshaw ride in Ahmedabad.
Despite all of its above accomplish
ments, India is yet to harness com
mercially its research and innova
tion capabilities. Though it is a sig
nificant contributor to the informa
tion sector, not a single Indian

Cover of the yet to

be released book
enterprise has come close to any of
the new age technology giants.
What are those impediments that
hold back the Indian in India in the
sphere of applied research and its

commercialization? Why it is that

new product generation is low even
at the low end where little technol
ogy is needed? Can those issues be
redressed and if so how? These
concerns form the main focus of
this book.
The book deals with the creation
of an ecology for commercializable
innovations by Indians in India and
owned by India. The timing for the
book is perfect. There is so much
interest in the Modi government to
generate many startups but unfor
tunately, it has not worked out well
from the response to the call for
applications for funding, the author
The most poignant example is
the fact that our soldiers in Kargil
were struggling with hand cranked
telephones while Pakistanis had
Motorola satellite phones for which
Indian engineers wrote the soft
ware. Whoever got rich by working

for others? "Make in India" is much

needed but if we stop there, we will
become a nation of coolies and
laborers for others and not realize
our "tryst with destiny" much
talked about, he says.
He was motivated to write the
book by former Indian President
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam whom he had
met in Anna University in Chennai
where he had gone to deliver the
Ramanujan lecture series.
Dr. Ramaswami, a former Chief
Scientist at Bell Communications
Research, has an innovative track
record of research in applied prob
ability and telecommunications
with work impacting many real
world systems and international
The book is to be released in
Chennai on July 22 at the Alumni
Association meeting of the Madras
Institute of Technology, the alma
mater of Dr. Abdul Kalam.


Obama calls on Americans

to 'have open hearts'

President George W. Bush joined President Obama and the First Lady at the memorial
service for five police officers killed by a black sniper in Dallas last week. (Photo: AP)
Washington: President Barack Obama on
Tuesday called on protesters, police and the
public to open their hearts and drop their
preconceptions to deal with racism and vio
lence in the country.
At a memorial service held in Dallas to
honor five police of ficials killed on
Thursday by a lone gunmen Micah Johnson,
Obama lamented a flood of guns in cities,
and a glaring and chronic mistrust between
the police and citizens, Xinhua news agency
The five of ficials were killed because
Johnson was upset about the fatal police
shootings of two black men in the states of
Louisiana and Minnesota. The gunmen
opened fire at the end of a peaceful Black
Lives Matterorganized protest in Dallas.
Obama encouraged police and the public
to acknowledge and confront the implica
tions of entrenched institutional racism,
while also demanding respect for police and
the role they play.
"The deepest fault lines of our democracy
have suddenly been exposed, perhaps even

widened," he said. "Faced with such violence,

we wonder if racial divides can ever be
Calling the shootings of the police officials
an act of demented violence and racial
hatred, Obama of fered empathy to those
who view police with suspicion, and to those
who view antipolice protesters as disrup
tive and disrespectful. Obama said race rela
tions had improved dramatically in his life
time, adding that those who deny it were
dishonoring the struggles that helped them
achieve that progress.
Meanwhile, former US President George
W. Bush, now a Dallas resident, also attend
ed the service and urged Americans to reject
the unity of grief and fear.
"At times it feels like the forces pulling us
apart are stronger than the forces binding
us together," Bush said.
"Too often we judge other groups by their
worst examples, while judging ourselves by
our best intentions. And this has strained
our bonds of understanding and common
purpose," he said.

Sanders moves his

supporters towards Hillary
Washington: After Bernie Sanders endorsed
Democratic primary opponent Hillary Clinton
on Tuesday, diehard fans of the senator
threatened that they wouldnt be as willing to
transfer their allegiances to the presumptive
nominee. But for all the talk of Sanders sup
porters moving to the Green Party, staying
home or even voting for GOP candidate
Donald Trump instead, already some of his
backers are lining up behind Clinton.
Her campaign announced a spate of
endorsements in the day after Sanders said he
was backing her for president. It is also hold
ing what its calling Stronger Together
events this week in swing states to emphasize
the need for Democrats to come together
behind her, some of them featuring those for
mer Sanders supporters.
Rep. Keith Ellison (DMinn.) endorsed
Clinton on Wednesday, writing in a blog post
that he was feeling the Bern but that Clinton
offers strong progressive values, a remark
able tenacity of spirit, and has demonstrated
a capacity to listen. Eleven current and for
mer elected officials from his state, most of
whom endorsed Sanders, signed onto a letter
backing Clinton on Wednesday, along with
other progressives in the state.
In Michigan, three Sanders delegates issued
a statement on Wednesday urging their fel
low Sanders supporters to join Clinton. Three
Pennsylvania delegates for the senator did
the same on Tuesday, as did three Florida stu

Sen. Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary

Clinton for President after a long primary
battle. (Photo courtesy NBC)
dent leaders. After a long primary battle, the
Clinton campaign is clearly eager to unify
Democrats behind a single candidate, particu
larly with the Democratic National
Convention coming up later this month.
Secretary Clinton has won the Democratic
nominating process, and I congratulate her
for that, Sanders said on Tuesday. She will
be the Democratic nominee for president and
I intend to do everything I can to make cer
tain she will be the next president of the
United States.
More broadly, evidence suggests Sanders
supporters will stick with Democrats. Pew
Research Center polling found that 85 per
cent of his Democratic and Democraticlean
ing supporters planned to vote for Clinton in
the general election.
Source: Huffington Post

July 16-22, 2016


July 16-22, 2016


Unconventional speakers at Trumps Convention:

Model, astronaut and Trump clan
Cleveland, Ohio: The GOP convention to offi
cially nominate Donald Trump for President
will feature an eclectic mix of cultural fig
ures, from the first woman to command a
space shuttle mission to the survivors of the
2012 Benghazi attacks to an underwear
But while several Republican Party estab
lishment figures will take the stage next
week in Cleveland, the national convention
will be devoid of some of the partys most
seasoned leaders and brightest new stars.
The list of convention speakers released
Thursday are billed as nonconventional
speakers who emphasize real world experi
The conventions theme will be Trumps
campaign slogan: Make America Great
Again, with a core focus on national securi
ty, immigration, trade and jobs.
The program includes more than a dozen
current or former elected officials, including
the leaders of the partys congressional
wing, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
A handful of governors and other lawmak
ers are scheduled to give addresses, includ
ing former primary opponents, Sen. Ted
Cruz of Texas, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker,
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former
Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, as well

Donald Trump with his family: (from right) son Eric, daughter Ivanka, wife Melania,
Donald Trump Jr. and daughter Tiffany. (Photo: EPA)
as retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.
The unusual collection of nonpolitical
speakers seems designed to broaden
Trumps appeal. They include retired astro
naut Eileen Collins, the first woman pilot
and first woman commander of a space
shuttle mission; Mark Geist and John Tiegen,
two survivors of the 2012 attack on the U.S.
diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya; and
Antonio Sabato Jr., a former Calvin Klein

Trump sues former

campaign aide
for $10 M
Washington: Donald Trump is
seeking $10 million in damages
from former senior campaign con
sultant Sam Nunberg, alleging that
he leaked confidential information
to reporters in violation of a
nondisclosure agreement.
In a court filing obtained by The
Associated Press, Nunberg accused
Trump of trying to silence him "in
a misguided attempt to cover up
media coverage of an apparent
af fair" between two senior cam
paign staffers. Such a legal dispute
is highly unusual for a presidential
candidate. It reflects Trump's
efforts to aggressively protect the
secrecy of his campaign's inner
workings, as he has for years
fought to protect the secrecy of his
businesses and family.
The AP reported last month that
Trump requires nearly everyone in
his campaign and businesses to
sign legally binding nondisclosure
agreements prohibiting them from
releasing any confidential or dis
paraging information about the
real estate mogul, his family or his
companies. Trump has also said he
would consider requiring such
agreements in the White House.
Nunberg's filing comes days
before the Republican convention.
In the court filings, Nunberg

denied disparaging Trump and

accused the presumptive GOP
nominee of attempting to "bully"
him into silence after Nunberg
decided to publicly support Texas
Sen. Ted Cruz's presidential bid.
"Mr. Trump's actions in starting a
$10 million arbitration, seeking to
silence Mr. Nunberg and have the
proceedings sealed are a caution
ary tale of what the American peo
ple face if Mr. Trump is elected
Miltenberg, Nunberg's attorney.
Miltenberg said Trump's attorney
argued for the documents to be
sealed in a hearing Wednesday
Nunberg was a consultant to
Trump's presidential campaign but
was fired in August 2015 because
of years old racist posts he wrote
on Facebook.
In the court filings, Nunberg said
Trump filed a $10 million arbitra
tion claim against him and falsely
accused him of being a source of a
New York Post story from midMay
that recounted a public quarrel
between Lewandowski and cam
paign spokeswoman Hope Hicks.
Lewandowski was fired from the
campaign in June after months of
tension with other senior Trump
Source: AP

underwear model, soapopera actor and

realitytelevision star.
Some sports figures will take the stage
here, including pro golfer Natalie Gulbis and
Ultimate Fighting Championship president
Dana White. But some sporting heroes of
decades past that Trump has said he would
like to see at the convention former
Indiana University basketball coach Bobby
Knight and boxing legend Don King are

not listed as featured speakers.

Not speaking in Cleveland are the GOPs
past two president ial nominees, Mitt
Romney and John McCain, as well as its only
two living former presidents, George W.
Bush and George H.W. Bush. None will be in
Cleveland for the weeklong festivities.
Also excluded from the speakers list are
many of the partys more diverse rising
stars, including South Carolina Gov. Nikki
Haley, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez,
Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida and Tim Scott
of South Carolina and Rep. Mia Love of Utah.
By contrast, the Democratic National
Convent ion the follow ing wee k in
Philadelphia is expected to feature a full
assortment of party stars, past, present and
future, including President Obama, first lady
Michelle Obama, Vice President Biden, for
mer president Bill Clinton and Sens.
Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and
Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
The Cleveland convention will be orches
trated to help expand Trumps appeal to the
general electorate. To that end, several
members of Trumps family are expected to
give speeches, including his wife, Melania,
and his four oldest children, Donald Jr.,
Ivanka, Eric and Tiffany.

Source: Washington Post

Need an attack dog as running mate: Donald Trump

Washington: Republican presidential candidate
Donald Trump has said he wants "an attack dog" as
a running mate, days ahead of announcing his vice
presidential pick which has now come down to a
few. Trump, 70, said in an interview with 'The Wall
Street Journal' that his top picks included Indiana
Governor Mike Pence, former House Speaker Newt
Gingrich, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and a
couple politicians who haven't gotten as much atten
tion, including Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions.
"The New York businessman has said he wanted a
seasoned government leader as a running mate. But

in the interview, on the way to events with Pence in

Indiana, Trump added a new criterion: He wants an
attack dog," Trump said on Tuesday.
"I'm getting attacked from all sides," Trump told
the daily in the interview in which he called Christie
and Gingrich as "two extraordinary warriors."
Personal chemistry is also important, he said. "You
either have it or you don't. I clearly have it with
Chris and Newt," he said, indicating that his choice
has narrowed down to two.
US media reported that Trump might announce
Source: PTI
his vice presidential pick on Friday.

Justice Ginsburg apologizes for

'illadvised' Trump comments
Washington: Supreme Court
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has
apologized for what she called "ill
advised" comments she made earli
er this week criticizing presump
tive Republican presidential nomi
nee. "On reflection, my recent
remarks in response to press
inquiries were illadvised and I
regret making them," Ginsburg
said in a statement T hursday
morning. "Judges should avoid
commenting on a candidate for
public office. In the future I will be
more circumspect."
In an interview with the New
York Times over the weekend,
Ginsburg didn't hide her contempt
for Trump, saying, "I can't imagine
what the country would be with
Donald Trump as our president"
and that her late husband would

Supreme Court Justice Ruth

Bader Ginsburg says she regrets
calling Donald Trump a "faker"
and making other disparaging
remarks about the candidate.
have said it was "time for us to
move to New Zealand."

She doubled down on those

statements Monday to CNN, calling
Trump a "faker."
"He has no consistency about
him. He says whatever comes into
his head at the moment. He really
has an ego...How has he gotten
away with not turning over his tax
returns? The press seems to be
very gentle with him on that,"
Ginsburg continued.
While it's not surprising that the
liberal justice, who was appointed
by President Bill Clinton in 1993,
would be no fan of Trump, her
harsh words were surprising com
ing from a sitting Supreme Court
Justice. She was criticized by both
Democrats and Republicans as
well as the media. On Wednesday,
Trump called on Ginsburg to
resign in a series of tweets.

July 16-22, 2016



SC restores Tuki as Arunachal CM, setback for NDA

New Delhi: In a major setback to the
Center, the Supreme Court this
week directed the restoration of
ousted Chief Minister Nabam Tuki
in Arunachal Pradesh and quashed
Governor J.P. Rajkhowa's decision to
advance the assembly session by a
month. The court said the Governor
"cannot interfere in the activities of
the Assembly".
In an unanimous verdict, by
Justices Jagdish Singh Khehar,
Pinaki Chandra Ghosh and N.V.
Ramana in the main judgment and
by Justices Dipak Misra and Madan
B. Lokur in their respective concur
ring judgments, directed the
restoration of the status quo ante as
it existed on December 15, 2015,
ef fectively bringing back Tuki as
Chief Minister.
The constitution bench quashed
the Governor Rajkhowa's December
9, 2015 direction to advance the
assembly session from January 14
to December 16, and the message
to the State assembly to take up the
resolution for removal of Speaker
Nebam Rabia as first item of the

Ruling 'tight slap' for

Modi: Kejriwal
New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister
Arvind Kejriwal described the
Supreme Court ruling restoring
the Congress government in
Arunachal Pradesh as a "tight
slap on dictatorial Modi govern
"Supreme Court judgment yet
another tight slap on dictatorial
(Narendra) Modi government.

Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Nabam Tuki.

agenda. The bench also set aside all
the steps and decisions taken by the
State assembly in pursuance to the
Governor's direction and message.
Holding that Governor can't act as

an "ombudsman", Justice Khehar

pronouncing the main judgment
said, "The State Legislature, does
not function under the Governor. In
sum and substance, the Governor

just cannot act as the Ombudsman

of the State Legislature."
The court verdict came on plea by
the Speaker Nabam Rabia contest
ing the Governor's direction of
December 9 advancing the assem
bly session and the message that his
removal as Speaker be taken as the
first item of the agenda.
Referring to the Article 163(2) of
the Constitution, the judgment said

Hope Modiji would learn and

now stop interfering in demo
cratically elected governments,"
the AAP leader tweeted.
Another Aam Aadmi Party
leader, Ashutosh, said the ruling
was a "defeat of dictatorship
and victory of democracy". He
added: "Modiji, learn to respect
people's mandate."
that there is "no room for any
doubt, that the Governor cannot be
seen to have such powers and func
tions, as would assign to him a dom
inating position, over the State
executive and the State legislature".
On December 16, Deputy Speaker
Tenzing Norbu T hongdok had
ordered the removal of the Speaker,
pursuant to the resolution adopted
by the Assembly.

Tension grips Kashmir, V.K. Singh in South Sudan

38 killed
Srinagar: An injured youth died in a
hospital here on July 14, taking the
death toll to 38 in the current bout of
violence that has rocked the Kashmir
Valley after the death of a local mili
tant commander last week.
Curfew was imposed in the valley
on July 9 to control large scale vio
lence following the death of top
Hizbul Mujahideen commander,
Burhan Wani, 22, who was killed in a
gunfight a day earlier along with two
of his associates.
A police of ficer told IANS that the
forces exercise "restraint" but when the
protesters charged towards them with
rocks, one of the guards opened fire.
Another person was injured in the shoot
Barring the Anantnag shooting, the
Kashmir Valley appeared calm but tense
amid sporadic incidents of stonepelting
clashes at various places even as large
areas continued to be under strict curfew
for the fifth day.
Life remained paralyzed almost across
the valley due to the restriction and sepa
ratist called shutdown. South Kashmir
the worst hit in the latest bout of unrest

The country has been hit by violence that

has claimed hundreds of lives.

A view of deserted roads in Srinagar.

was virtually cut off from the rest of the
state amid snapped private cellphone
services and strict prohibitory orders.
In Srinagar, roads were deserted while
shops and other businesses, banks and
private offices were closed.
Top separatists Mirwaiz Umar Farooq
and Syed Ali Shah Geelani, in house
detention for five days, defied the restric
tions and tried to walk towards the mar
tyrs graveyard in curfewbound old
Srinagar. Police detained them briefly.
Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister
Mehbooba Mufti, however, visited the
graveyard under a heavy security cover
with her senior cabinet colleagues.

New Delhi: Minister of State for External

Affairs V.K. Singh reached South Sudan lead
ing the government's 'Operation Sankat
Mochan' to evacuate Indians from the
African country which has been hit by vio
lence that has claimed hundreds of lives.

@Gen_VKSingh has landed in Juba to evacu
ate Indian nationals from there, External
Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj tweeted.
Stating that the government has sent two
aircraft for the evacuation, she appealed to
all Indian nationals to move out of the trou
bled African nation.
In case situation deteriorates, we will not
be able to evacuate you, she added.

According to Vikas Swarup, spokesperson

in the External Affairs Ministry, Indian Blue
Berets who are part of the UN Mission in
South Sudan (Unmiss) are helping in the
evacuation process. In a separate tweet,
Swarup said Singh has also met with South
Sudanese Foreign Minister Deng Alor Kuol.
Sushma Swaraj said that Singh would be
accompanied by Amar Sinha, Secretary
(Economic Relations) in the External Affairs
Ministry, Joint Secretary Satbir Singh and
Director Anjani Kumar. She said India's
Ambassador in South Sudan Srikumar Menon
and his team were organizing this operation
on the ground. There are around 500 Indians
in the country.


July 16-22, 2016


Pakistan harbors terrorists, says India

United Nations: In a sharp rebuke
to Pakistan for raising the Kashmir
issue at the UN, India has
denounced it as a country that
uses terrorists and provides them
sanctuary and said Islamabad's
cynical ef forts to internationalize
the dispute has fallen flat.
Calling its reference to Kashmir
an "attempt at misuse" of the UN
platform, India's Permanent
Representative Syed Akbaruddin
said on Thursday, "The attempt
came from Pakistan, a country that
covets the territory of others; a
country that uses terrorism as
state policy towards that misguid
ed end; a country that extols the
virtues of terrorists and that pro
vides sanctuary to UNdesignated
terrorists; and a country that mas
querades its efforts as support for
human rights and selfdetermina
Earlier at a hig hleve l UN
General Assembly (UNGA) debate
on "Human Rights at the Centre of
the Global Agenda", Pakistan's
Representat ive

India's Permanent Representative to the UN, Syed Akbaruddin, respond

ed strongly to Pakistan raising the issue of human rights in Kashmir.
Maleeha Lodhi accused India of
human rig hts violat ions in
Kashmir and of carrying out an
"extrajudicial killing of a person"
she described as a "Kashmiri
leader". It was a re ference to
Burhan Wani, the 22yearold
Hizbul Mujahideen commander,

Delhi court convicts

three men in 2009
Jigisha murder case
New Delhi: A Delhi court held three men guilty of
killing IT executive Jigisha Ghosh in 2009.
Additional Sessions Judge Sandeep Yadav held
Ravi Kapoor, Amit Shukla and Baljit Singh Malik
guilty of kidnapping and killing 28yearold
Jigisha in March 2009.
The court said the prosecution has proved its
case against the three men.
Jigisha's parents told IANS that they are satis
fied with the court order and said that justice has
been done.
The prosecution cited 58 witnesses to support
its case.
The court has fixed August 20 for hearing argu
ments on the quantum of sentence and sought a
report regarding the behaviour of the three con
victs during judicial custody.
Jigisha, who was working with Hewitt Associate
Pvt Ltd as operations manager, was kidnapped
and killed on March 18, 2009 after her office cab
dropped her near her home in south Delhi's
Vasant Vihar around 4 a.m.
Her body was recovered on March 20, 2009
from a place near Surajkund in Haryana.
Later police arrested Kapoor, Shukla and Malik
in the case.
According to police, the weapon allegedly used
in the murder also helped in cracking the murder
case of journalist Soumya Vishwanathan, who was
shot dead on September 30, 2008 while she was
returning home in her car from office in the wee
Police said the three men were involved in the
journalist's murder and the motive behind the
killing was robbery.
The accused had used Jigisha's ATM card to buy
expensive goggles, wrist watches and shoes from
Sarojini Nagar Market, police said.

who was killed on July 8 in a gun

fight. The violence in the state fol
lowing his death has killed 37 peo
ple so far.
Lodhi said Indian forces were
resorting to "brutal acts to sup
press the right to selfdetermina
tion of the people of Kashmir".

Akbaruddin drew attention to

Islamabad's defeat last December
in its reelection bid for the Human
Rights Council as a sign of the loss
of its credibility. "Pakistan is the
same country whose track record
has failed to convince the interna
tional community to gain member
ship of the Human Rights Council
in this very session of the UNGA."
"The international community
has long seen throug h such
designs," he said, adding: "Cynical
attempts, like the one this morn
ing, therefore, find no resonance in
this forum or elsewhere in the UN."
Even as she attacked India, Lodhi
struck contradictory notes assert
ing that "human rights cannot be
guaranteed in situations of turmoil
and conflict" and that the "human
rights agenda needs to be depoliti
"Tabling of country specific reso
lutions without the consent of the
countries has proven to be count
erproductive," she added.
Separately, Secretary General
Ban Kimoon's spokesperson

Stephane Dujarric reiterated Ban's

call "to both sides to exercise
Brie fing reporters earlier
Thursday, Dujarric said that Ban
was closely following the situation
in Kashmir and "regrets the loss of
While Ban was ready to use his
"good of fices" to facilitate India
and Pakistan resolving the situa
tion, it could be only at the request
of both sides, he added.
In his speech, Akbaruddin criti
cised "the politicisation and select
targeting of countries" on human
rights issues.
"An agg ressive 'naming and
shaming' exercise has its limits, is
often counterpro duct ive and
tends to divide member states into
opposing camps."
"A more constructive and non
confrontational approach that is
sensitive to the genuine concerns
and capacity constraints of coun
tries" would he lp countries
improve their human rig hts
records, he added.

Sheila Dikshit is Congress'

CM candidate in UP
New Delhi: Sheila Dikshit, who was Chief
Minister of Delhi for 15 long years, will
be the chief ministerial candidate of the
Congress in Uttar Pradesh, the party
announced. The announcement was
made by Congress General Secretary
Janardan Dwivedi at the party head
"For the first time your assumption
has proved right," he said, referring to
media speculation that Dikshit, ousted
from power in Delhi in December 2013,
would be the face of the Congress in UP.
Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad
said the corruption allegations leveled
against Dikshit did not matter since
BJP's Chief Ministers in other states too
faced corruption charges.
Earlier, Congress appointed actor
turnedpolitician Raj Babbar as party
chief in electionbound Uttar Pradesh
amid indications that Priyanka Gandhi

Former Chief Minister Delhi Sheila Dikshit . (right) Former actor Raj Babbar is
now Congress chief in UP.
Vadra could play a bigger role in the
party's campaign.
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has been cam
paigning in constituencies of her moth
er and of her brother and party vice

president Rahul Gandhi. Congress lead

ers have indicated repeatedly that she
will play a bigger role in Uttar Pradesh
and would campaign outside the two

Explain the word 'thulla', HC tells Kejriwal

New Delhi: The Delhi High Court asked
Chief Arvind Kejriwal to explain the
meaning of the word "thulla", which he
used during a television debate on
Justice Mukta Gupta granted relief to
Kejriwal by exempting him from per
sonal appearance in the trial court on
Thursday after summons were issued
to him in a criminal defamation com
plaint filed by a constable, Ajay Kumar
Taneja. The court posted the matter for
August 21. The trial court had sum

moned Kejriwal saying his statement

was prima facie defamatory and had
asked him to appear in the court on
July 14. Hearing Kejriwal's plea, Justice
Gupta said the Aam Aadmi Party leader
must explain the meaning of "thulla" as
the Hindi dictionary doesn't contain
this word.
"If you (Kejriwal) use this word (thul
la) for somebody, you must know the
meaning. You have to satisfy the court
with the meaning of the word," said the
court. Senior advocate N. Hariharan,

appearing for Kejriwal, said "thulla"

was not used against all police person
nel but against those indulging in
wrong practices.
"It is a word with no meaning, so it is
not defamatory," he added.
T he court also issued not ice to
Taneja and sought his response.
In his complaint of July 23 last year,
Taneja, posted at the Lajpat Nagar
police station, claimed Kejriwal used
the "derogatory" term in reference to
police personnel on a news channel.

July 16-22, 2016



Brexit: Britons deserve better

political leadership

By Hardeep S. Puri

here are many deeply worrisome

aspects of the Brexit, one particularly
so. There are faultlines in the function
ing of democracies not only in the United
Kingdom but elsewhere as well.
Democracies are anchored in the will of the
people. This presumes, at the very least, that
the people know what their will is or have
been made aware of the consequences of
their actions. Because democracy plays on a
dumbeddown, lowest common denominator,
this is often not the case.
A discussion on the eve of the Brexit merits
recall. The question: what would have a more
negative implication for the world, a Brexit in
Europe or a Trump victory in the US? The
answer, overwhelmingly, was the Brexit.
Many believed, prior to the referendum, in a
close call in favour of 'remain', as the out
come would mean 'business as usual'. Some of
us were less sanguine, however, not because
we predicted Brexit, but because a 'referen
dum' is dangerous at the best of times.
Delusional politicians frame the proposition
to be voted, most often, in rather simplistic
terms. Gullible voters, or at least some of
them, participate without a full understand
ing of the matter or an application of mind.
Thus, 52 per cent decided to 'leave'. Clearly,
there had to be fundamental issues responsi
ble for their alienation.
This became evident when the better edu
cated, economically welloff and young peo
ple, with the most at stake, voted to 'remain'.

Theresa May was formally confirmed as Britain's 76th Prime Minister. (File photo: IANS)
That would also have been the case had the
verdict been in favour of 'remain'. Nearly half
the population still had serious grievances.
Sensible and mature politics should try to
address those grievances rather than inflict
further damage through selfmutilation. Both
Brexit and Trump feed on the same anxiety.
Voters in favour of the Brexit were not suf
ficiently aware that putting a brake on the
number of Poles who can work in the UK can
not coexist with the economic benefits of a
large single market. The verdict appears irre
versible and could be followed by Scotland
asserting its independence quite soon, and

possibly Northern Ireland thereafter. In a

powerful opinion piece for the New York
Times on June 29, 2016, Senator Bernie
Sanders argued that the Brexit is actually a
wakeup call against the present policies of
globalization. The British, he argued, are not
the only ones suffering. The globalized econo
my, established and maintained by the world's
economic elite, is failing people everywhere.
The world's wealthiest 62 persons own as
much wealth as the bottom half of its popula
tion around 3.6 billion people. The top one
per cent owns more wealth than the whole of
the bottom 99 per cent. One could argue, as

several have done, that this is somewhat sim

plistic. It probably is. The Brexit, nonetheless,
is a wakeup call, a reflection of the social
exclusion that is an inevitable result of poli
cies that produce inequality. This, however,
requires corrective action, not the overthrow
of an entire system. It requires coursecorrec
tion and not selfamputation.
At the heart of the Brexit fiasco is delusion
al politics and at the center of it is the delu
sional politician. A referendum on the matter
was not at all necessary. It was a shortsight
ed response against Euroscepticism for elec
toral gains. It was similar delusional politics
that advocated the "use of force" and the
"arming of rebels" in Libya, which led to the
country's eventual unravelling and the
same accounts for the current mess in Syria.
The actions of these advocates resulted in
the desperate westward migration that fol
lowed. The fear of this inward migration, even
when legitimate, has now culminated in the
Brexit and the selfmutilation of the United
Kingdom. This is what may be termed Post
Imperial Stress Disorder.
A 'referendum', no matter how many people
vote in it, is not one of democracy's better
products. Neither is a "plebiscite". Thirdparty
mediation, suggested by Britain's Labour
Party in 1995 to resolve the IndiaPakistan
divide, is also a lousy idea. A bad electoral
verdict, on the other hand, can always be cor
The people of Britain deserve better politi
cal leadership. Yet, this may not be forthcom
ing in the short run.

No political party in UP ready for 'Mission 2017'

By Mohit Dubey

ravado and public posturing

notwithstanding, none of the
major political players seems
to be battle ready for the assembly
elections slated for early 2017 in
the politically crucial state.
With just a few months left for
these parties to put their best foot
forward and wow the voters in
Uttar Pradesh, they seem to be too
embroiled in their own internal
The ruling Samajwadi Party (SP),
which has on more than two occa
sions said it is ready for the polls,
is besieged with problems within
the family. While the "chacha
bhatija" (unclenephew) dif fer
ences between PWD minister
Shivpal Singh Yadav and Chief
Minister Akhilesh Yadav are now
part of the political folklore, the
candour of party chief Mulayam
Singh Yadav in publicly admitting
that party leaders and ministers in
the government were busy "loot
ing the people, land grabbing and
in filling their pockets" has given

The ruling Samajwadi Party (SP), which has on more than

two occasions said it is ready for the polls, is besieged
with problems within the family. (Photo: IANS)
enough political ammunition to
the opposition.
The recent suspension of many
party leaders on charges of land
grabbing and police complaints
against leaders for beating up
policemen and revenue of ficials
have only dented the ruling party
further. Senior journalist and polit
ical observer Rajiv Ranjan Jha says
the "rule of the Samajwadi's is as
good as over and its prospects of
returning to power in 2017 are
bleak". Sources in the ruling estab

lishment too admit that "all is not

well within".
The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP),
seen by many here as the natural
challenger to the SP as the state
has been swinging between these
two regional parties in the last
decade, is flooded with desertions,
something which has shaken the
very foundations of the party,
which stormed to power in 2007,
only to be booted out in 2012.
Having done well in the recent
polls to local bodies and panchay

ats, the BSP, many felt, was "recov

ering lost ground and inching
close to power". Developments in
the last one month, however, have
undone the BSP's "first movers
advantage" in the states political
arena. Three major party leaders,
other than some middlerung
party of ficebearers and former
legislators, have quit the BSP
accusing its chief, Mayawati, of
running it as her private property
and of being driven by greed for
money. Close confidante Swamy
Prasad Maurya, who quit the BSP
in June, was followed by another
stalwart, R.K. Chowdhary. Only
recently, nat ional secretary
Paramdev Yadav quit to end an
over threedecade association. All
of them accused Mayawati, a for
mer state chie f minister, of
digressing from the Dalit agenda
of party founder Kanshi Ram.
From calling the BSP a chit fund
company to a grocery store, the
allegations by these leaders, who
belong to important castes in the
state, have certainly confused the
BSP cadres. The Bharatiya Janata

The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times.

Party (BJP), which is taking a shot

at power after almost a decade of
being relegated to the third posi
tion in what used to be its power
centre, too comes across as a dis
organised entity.
While party president Amit Shah
is touring the state like never
before he has held more than a
dozen party conventions and pub
lic rallies in a span of 30 days
the fact that the state unit's organ
isational setup, under its new pres
ident Keshav Maurya, is yet to be
announced speaks volumes of the
disarray the BJP finds itself in.
The Congress, which ruled the
state for a majority of years after
Independence, has been in the dol
drums for many years now.
Sandwiched between the regional
satraps and a resurgent BJP, the
party has roped in election strate
gist Prashant Kishore to arrest its
downslide in the state.
But the appointment of party
veteran Ghulam Nabi Azad as the
state's incharge has upset some
party leaders and UPCC chief
Nirmal Khatri has been sulking.


July 16-22, 2016


Individual hackings and terror

attacks in Bangladesh: A whodunnit

By Saeed Naqvi

efore we dwell on Bangladesh's current

travails, the good news. It is the only
double distilled entity to emerge from
Partition. Armed with Bengali nationalism, it
shuffled itself out of the Islamic identity the
authors of Partition had imposed on the peo
ple. It is, therefore, a tough resilient society.
An overwhelming majority had fought
Pakistani hegemony to become Bangladesh.
But a powerful minority had not say about
30 percent. This minority, consisting of ele
ments in the army, police, civil service, Islamic
groups like the JamaateIslami, clustered
around spells of army rule and has now
thrown its lot with Begum Khaleda Zia, leader
of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist
Party (BNP). Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of
the Awami League is emotionally (and politi
cally) more inclined towards India. Begum Zia
correspondingly leans towards Pakistan. This
background was at the back of my mind when
I turned up in Dhaka in midApril at the invi
tation of friends to participate in the Pahela
Baisakh festivities. I have never seen Pahela
Baisakh, or the Indian New Year, celebrated
on the epic scale as in Bangladesh.
Every year I received a card inscribed beau
tifully in BJP stalwart Murli Manohar Joshi's
hand wishing me a happy New Year on April
14. Like most of my friends, I have grown
accustomed to receiving New Year cards in
December. I regarded Joshi's greetings as his
eccentric attachment to a prehistoric past.
But Pahela Baisakh in Dhaka opened my eyes.

Bangladesh is conflicted between mod

ernism and Islamism. The Islamist groups
like JamaateIslami have thrown in their lot
with the opposition leader Begum Khaleda
Zia (left), who leans towards Pakistan.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina leans India.
ISIS decries even Jamaat for supporting
democracy. These contradictions have
created a cauldron.
Ramana Park, the vast maidan in the heart of
Dhaka, was like a carnival. Groups of women,
in elegant sarees, bindis on their foreheads,
sang Rabindra Sangeet, Nazrul Geet, and, for
variety, more contemporary songs in Bengali
to the accompaniment of a rock band.
Hilsa, the national fish from Padma river,
disappears from the market because of
Baisakh feasts. Our hostess put a bindi on the
forehead of all the ladies who came for the
festivities. Exactly the opposite of the mood
this lunch created was available the previous
day. Clerics af filiated to the Jamaat had
issued a "fatwa" declaring Baisakh festivities
as "haram" or impure. Not only did the lunch
take place, but newspapers reported festivi
ties across the country. The people had

thumbed their nose at the mullahs.

The basic conflict in Bangladesh is between
modernism and Islamism. Contrary to one's
expectations, all modernists are not necessar
ily lined up behind Sheikh Hasina. A large seg
ment is disenchanted with her poor gover
nance and increasing intolerance. But this lot,
tested in the 1971 civil war, will never go
over the precipice, towards intolerant
Islamism. So, there is that anxious waiting
and watching on the part of many.
Recently, the powerful Editor of Daily Star,
Mahfuz Anam, had 84 cases slapped against
him by Awami League workers in the coun
try's 56 districts because the Prime Minister
was cross with him. Celebrating the 25th
anniversary of his newspaper, he invited
Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus. Yunus's
name had once surfaced as a possible replace
ment for Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia. His
presence at the Daily Star function was there
fore seen by a paranoid Prime Minister as the
start of another conspiracy against her.
Even though the persistent image in my
mind is of Pahela Baisakh in Bangladesh, it is
difficult to remain sanguine about the paral
lel macabre narrative. Soon upon my return, I
received news that Rezaul Karim Siddique had
been hacked to death. His contribution to
Rajshahi University's literary life was
immense. He was an expert on Tagore and
Qazi Nazrul Islam. Soon, the rampant culture
of impunity claimed its next victim Xulhaz
Mannan, editor of a gay magazine then
another and another. The climax, of course,
was reached with the killing of 28 guests at

the restaurant in Dhaka's elite Gulshan neigh

borhood on July 2 followed up by a bomb
blast on Eid day.
Sheikh Hasina blames it all on the opposi
tion combine Khaleda Zia, JammateIslami,
Pakistan. The Jamaat is particularly livid with
Hasina for the hanging of its chief Motiur
Rehman Nizami for his and the organization's
role in the 1971 war crimes.
Since IndoBangladesh relations have sel
dom been better, there is considerable will
ingness among her advisers to blame
Pakistan for attempts to destabilize her.
A Bangladeshi editor has drawn my atten
tion to an interview by ISIS's official maga
zine, Dabiq. The interviewee happens to be
Sheikh Abu Ibrahim alHanif, the "Amir of ISIS
soldiers in Bengal". The Amir strongly chastis
es the Jamaat, the object of Hasina's ire.
"Jamaat is a political party that has long
committed acts of Kufr (sin) and shirk
(deviant behavior). Firstly it supports and
calls the Muslims of Bengal to the religion of
democracy, and this is blatant shirk.
Democracy is a religion that believes in giving
people the power to legislate and make things
halal or haram, whereas that is the right of
Allah alone." Place these contradictions in the
cauldron, and vapors of confusion choke you.
It is difficult to see through this mist. But one
bet can be taken: a nation which has paid
with millions of lives to win the right to cele
brate Pahela Baisakh in its own way, is not
going to be brought to its knees easily. I am
less sanguine about the political longevity of
the two incorrigible ladies.

How India's concretizing cities are becoming heat islands

The difference between the daytime maximum and nighttime minimum temperatures
is steadily declining indicating that concretizing cores of cities are retaining heat.
By Max Martin
he monsoon has currently
dissipated intense heat
across India's growing cities,
but temperatures are rising and
will continue to climb because of
the way urban areas are expand
ing. With trees, lakes and open
spaces replaced by roads, expanses
of concrete with closely spaced
multistoried buildings often in
violation of zoning and setback
laws Indian cities are turning into
"heat islands", according to an
IndiaSpend review of studies in
five cities.
A clear trend is evident: The dif
ference between the daytime maxi
mum and nighttime minimum
daily temperatures is steadily
declining. This indicates that con
cretizing cores of cities are retain
ing heat, even as temperatures rise
in formerly cooler outskirts, as
they, too, urbanize. A higher range

of temperature indicates greater

4 In De lhi, over a decade to
2011, the temperature range
declined by more than 2 deg C, one
of India's strongest heatisland
4In Thiruvananthapuram, when
a cool, evening breeze blows, the
greener rural areas cool by 3.4 deg
C, but the city areas only by half as
4In Kochi, a canyonlike ef fect
of buildings funnels heat into the
city, creating a "heat island" that
makes the centre 4.6 deg C
warmer in summer and 3.7 deg C
in winter.
Heat islands are created by a
combination of design, construc
tion material and environment.
Close ly built buildings form
canyons that trap heat reflecting
from their walls. Airconditioning
vents, especially in narrow alleys,
further warm up buildings and

nearby areas.
Trees, shrubs, grass and soil
absorb heat and cool the land, but
since these are increasingly absent
in Indian urban design, and what
existed is being cleared, what's left
is concrete and asphalt, which soak
in and intensify the day's heat,
staying hot for many hours at
T hings are set to worsen:
Kolkata's tree cover fell from 23.4
per cent to 7.3 percent over 20
years, as the builtup area rose 190
per cent. By 2030, vegetation will
be 3.37 per cent of Kolkata's area.
Ahmedabad's tree cover fell from
46 per cent to 24 percent over 20
years; the builtup area rose 132
per cent.
On an instinctive, tactile level,
you can feel the ef fects of heat
islands in cities dissipate and the
temperature drop when you pass a
rare, green expanse, such as Delhi's
Lodhi Gardens or JNU and

Bengaluru's Indian Institute of

Here are the details of what's
happening in 3 cities:

Delhi: Intense heat island

Population: 11 million.
Area: 1,484 sq km.
As Delhi's metropolitan population
grew 20 per cent between 2001
and 2011, the difference between
its maximum and minimum tem
peratures flattened out, a 2015
paper reported. Wider temperature
variations meaning cooler areas
were evident in urban villages and
open areas. Northwest and
Southwest Delhi, areas of intense
growth, registered the largest fall
in temperature variation between
2.5 to 4 deg C.

Chennai: Star of fire

becomes warmer
Population: 4.68 million.
Area: 426 sq km.
During the hottest period of the

The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times.

year in late May the temperature

in the commercial complexes and
densely populated areas in central
and north Chennai registered the
most variations; the outskirts were
cooler, a 2016 paper said.
Compared with observations in
1991 and 2008, heat islands have
grown more intense, with a 1.5 to
2 deg C variation with the periph
eries in 1991 growing to 2.53 deg
C by 2008.

Guwahati: Heat islands

make summers hotter
Population: 0.95 million.
Area: 216 sq km.
The creation of heat islands in
Guwahati indicates that India's
smaller cities, too, have areas of
growing heat, as they concretize. A
daytime heatisland effect left core
city areas up to 2.12 deg C warmer
than the outskirts and 2.29 deg C
at night, illustrating how heat once
absorbed by roads and buildings

July 16-22, 2016



Visit to South Africa a pilgrimage for me: Modi

Pietermaritzburg, South Africa:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
on July 9 said that his visit to
South Africa was like a pilgrim
age as he got an opportunity to
visit places that are significant to
Indian history and Mahatma
Gandhis life. He was speaking to
the media after alighting from a
train at Pietermaritzburg railway
station, where Mahatma Gandhi
was thrown out of a train com
partment in 1893 on account of
his skin color.
This is the place where the
seed was laid for Mohandas
(Karamchand Gandhi) to start the
journey of the Mahatma, he said.
Mo di boarded the train at
Pentrich railway station and
reached Pietermaritzburg, the
capital of KwaZuluNatal
province, after a short ride. The
train resembled the one on which
Gandhi had travelled.
A plaque at the station reads:
In the vicinity of this plaque MK
Gandhi was evicted from a first
class compartment on the night

PM Modi at Pietermaritzburg station, in South Africa on July 9, 2016. It is

here that Mahatma Gandhi was thrown out of a train compartment on
account of his skin color, sowing the seeds for his Satyagraha movement.
of 7 June 1893. This incident
changed the course of his life. He
took up the fight against racial
oppression. His active nonvio
lence started from that date.
Modi inaugurated an exhibition
t itled T he Birthplace of
Satyagraha at the station wait
ing room where Gand hi had
spent the freezing night and

wrote on the visitors book.

On July 8, the Prime Minister
visited Const itut ion Hill in
Johannesburg, where Gandhi was
incarcerated in 1906 for resist
ing racism and apartheid.
Modi arrived in South Africa
from Mozambique on July 7 on
the second leg of his African
sojourn. On Friday, India and

Modi visiting the Constitutional Hill, in Johannesburg,

South Africa on July 8. (Photos: PIB)
South Africa signed four agree
ments after bilateral discussions
led by Modi and South African
President Jacob Zuma in
T he Prime Minister also
addressed an Indian diaspora
rally in Johannesburg that was
attended by over 11,000 people
before leaving for Durban.

T his is Modis first visit to

mainland Africa and is also the
first prime ministerial visit from
India to South Africa since then
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
arrived in 2013 for the G20 sum
mit in Durban.
Apart from Mozambique, South
Africa and Tanzania, Modi also
visited Kenya.


Modi visits
Phoenix Settlement
Modi visited
Gandhis residence
till his return to
India from South
Africa in 1914, at
Phoenix Settlement
on July 9. He was
guided around the
place by Gandhis
Ela Gandhi.
Durban, South Africa: Continuing his visits
to places associated with the life of
Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi last Saturday visit
ed the Phoenix Settlement near here, a
community settlement established by the
leader of Indias freedom struggle in the
early 20th century. Modi was guided
around the place by Gandhis granddaugh
ter Ela Gandhi. Gandhi established the
community settlement called Phoenix at
Inanda, some 20 km north of Durban, in
1904. The settlement, devoted to Gandhis
principles of satyagraha (passive resist
ance) has played an important spiritual
and political role throughout its long histo
ry, promoting justice, peace and equality,
the Ulwazi Programme, a digital library on
indigenous knowledge promoted by the
Durban Public Library, states.
Gandhi established the settlement as a
communal experimental farm with the
view of giving each family two acres of
land which they could develop, it states.

He believed that communities like

Phoenix which advocated communal living
would form a sound basis for the struggle
against social injustice.
It cites Ela Gandhi as saying that Gandhi
used the Settlement to train political
activists called satyagrahis as well as
house their families, while they were
engaged in the campaigns against unjust
laws. Indian Opinion, later renamed
Opinion, the newspaper Gandhi founded in
1903 to create awareness about inequality,
racism and other human rights issues, was
published from Phoenix Settlement from
1904. During his visit, Modi inaugurated
an exhibition and also signed the visitors
book after lighting a lamp.
T he Prime Minister also visited
Sarvodaya, which served as Gandhis resi
dence till his return to India in 1914.
On Friday, the Prime Minister visited
Constitution Hill in Johannesburg, where
Gandhi was incarcerated in 1906 for
resisting racism and apartheid.

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, accompanied by the President of Kenya,
Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, arrives for the Community Reception at Kasarani Stadium in
Nairobi, Kenya on July 10.

Modi and the President of Tanzania, Dr. John Magufuli, playing drums
at the ceremonial welcome for the PM at the State House,
in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on July 10



July 16-22, 2016

Actor and serial entrepreneur Arvind Swami with women entrepreneurs

Trenton, NJ: This year at TEFCON (Tamil En
trepreneurs Forum Conference), more than 25
speakers and eminent industry leaders capti
vated the audience through keynote address
es, panel discussions, TEF Talks, Startup pitch
es and networking sessions. They also in
spired young entrepreneurs to courageously
launch their ideas.
Several CEOs, senior business and technolo
gy executives, investors, students, and social
leaders streamed into the Patriots Ballroom at
the Trenton War Memorial on July 2 in one of
the largest gatherings of North American
Tamil natives for TEFCON. Held in conjunction
with the annual Federation of Tamil Associa
tions of North America (FeTNA) convention,
TEFCON 2016 brought together entrepre
neurs from India, Europe, Canada, and the
The conference started with a mouth water
ing South India Breakfast that allowed people
to network. Followed by Tamil prayer song by
Super Singer HariPriya.
Ram Nagappan, Chairman of the global TEF
(Tamil Entrepreneurs Forum), welcomed
everyone on behalf of Nanjil Peter, President
of FeTNA, Palani Sundaram, Chair of FetNA
2016 Steering Committee, and Usha Krish
nakumar, President of NJ Tamil Sangam. Mr.

Thiru Kumar, NY Dosa Man, an inspiring entrepreneur in NYC receives award from Arvind Swami

Nagappan shared his vision about impacting

many aspiring entrepreneurs from South India
to the Silicon Valley ecosystem through TEF.
Actor and serial entrepreneur Arvind Swami
(of Dalapathi, Roja, and Bombay fame) gave an
inspirational keynote address about destroy
ing fear, which holds back most people from
trying new things. From how his father (a well
todo industrialist) who sent him to school by
public transport that instilled in him a wonder
for getting to know people, to working in his
family business as a junior welding appren
tice, to becoming a metals trader, Swami re
counted how each experience taught him les
sons about lifeto enjoy material acquisitions
if you could acquire them, and not bother
about them if you couldnt.
Next, Dr. Veerappan Subramanian, Founder
and CEO of Novel Labs, enthralled the audi
ence with his studenttoserial entrepreneur
journey. I did everything myselfwrote my
own contracts, term sheets, and even did my
books, he recalls. From earning a PhD in
Pharmaceuticals to joining his first firm,
Squibb, where he launched over 50 products,
he is now running Novel Labs that employs
over 400 people between India and the U.S.
Be conservative, be committed, be confident.
There is only one friend in entrepreneurial

Panel on IT Services 2020, (from left) Ram Nagappan, Chair TEFCON;

Bala Balasubramaniam, CEO Karya Technologies; Badri Ramki, CEO Informatic
Technologies; Prasanna Gopalakrishnan, CIO Boston Private; Prem Aburvaswamy,
CIO Natl Labor Rel Board; Maj, Krishan Chari, CEO Parimba

life, and that is change. Make it your friend,

and you have won half the battle, he advised.
In their video keynotes, N Chandrasekar,
CEO of TCS, and R Chandra, Executive Vice
Chairman, Cognizant India, spoke warmly
about the spirit of Tamilians across the world,
and encouraged the entrepreneurial explo
rations for a Digital India.
TEFCON also offered an opportunity to two
youth volunteers Nishta Venkatesh and
Mahika Vivek to speak about why it is es
sential for women to be represented equally in
the business environment despite many ob
Arvind Swami then hosted the firstever
Women in Business panel. Jhansi Kandasamy,
VP at GE Nuclear, Vijayalakshmi Nachiar, CEO
of Ethicus, Shree Periakaruppan of Foodology,
Subashini Vanangamudi of Satori Studios, and
Veena Kumaravel of Naturals Salon took
stagea great mix of corporate and entrepre
neurial executives.
Jhansi Kandasamy brings a unique in
trapreneurial mindset to workchallenging
norms and presets, and building an inclusive
culture to teamwork at GE Nuclear. We have
it stacked against us, but it is not insurmount
able, she held. Everyone has to listen when
you make sense and are the only right person

in the room.
Vijayalakshmi Nachiar is a sociopreneur, dis
rupting a sixgenerationold family business to
help people build a critical element of their
psycheIdentity. She and her husband help
small farmers aggregate small holdings into a
single large farming lot. Today, she runs a
growing partnership with brickandmortar
retail brands and also retails onlineproof
that social entrepreneurship done right pays
off. Ethicus is expanding globally and is look
ing for partners, investors, and advisors.
Shree Periakaruppan moved back to India a
few years ago, and gave in to her passion for
cooking, while retaining her love for IT. As she
says, I am entrepreneur in the morning, and
an employee in the evening, where she runs
custom cooking classes for groups in Chennai
during the day, and then works for her US em
ployer during the nights.
Subashini Vanangamudi studied to become
a photographerdesigner, and everyone cau
tioned her against a fading art. She then dis
covered the idea of underwater photography
of normal life and has been blending beautiful
buoyancyled captures of people through
Satori Studios.
Veena Kumaravel preempted her husbands
keynote by recalling their early daysoffer

Ram Nagappan, Chair TEFCON, presented

the award of excellence to Guest of Honor
Arvind Swami

Blaze Kannan, MD Life Help Center receives

an award of excellence for entrepreneuship
from Ram Nagappan, Chair TEFCON and
CIO of Pershing.

(L to R) Nanjil Peter, President FeTNA; Dr. P Sundaram, Chair, FeTNA 2016 Convention; and
Usha Krishnakumar, CoChair, FeTNA Convention
ing salon and spa services at affordable pric
ing in a clean setting that breaks away from
either seedy massage parlors or oppressive
fivestar hotels. After being turned down
many times, the couple proved their business
model, and is today part of growing 500+ re
tail stores, employing over 7000 women.
Dont give up, nothing is worth it. If you be
lieve in yourself, nothing else matters.
And then came the star of the day. Hema
Annamalai is paving a swathe of new roads in
personal transport using electric transporta
tion technologies. Smart batteries shatter
previous conceptions of electric power drive,
she began. And most of my investors laughed
at me! One of them asked her why she was in
a business that most large automotive enter
prises had given up, and she quipped, They
are in it to lose, I am in it to win. Despite all
odds, the Ampere CEO is making progress
from humble starts to investments from
Ratan Tata, Kris Gopalakrishnan, and other
luminaries. Ampere is looking to raise be
tween $3m to $10m to scale to the next stage.
Post lunch, CK Kumaravel, of Naturals Salon
and Spa, came on to recount his lifes stories
of wins, losses, learning, discovering faith in
oneself at the Ramakrishna Math, turning
around his business and business models.
Blaze Kannan brought in a fresh air about
nonprofit businesses, where his NGO is help

July 16-22, 2016


ing in education, lowcost homes, and health

care for people in Tamil Nadu.
In recognition of the growing importance of
digital healthcare, Siva Nadarajah, GM at IMS
Health, coordinated a panel on opportunities
for entrepreneurs in this area. It included
Pramila Srinivasan, CEO of CharmEHR, Ma
hesh Narayanan, CEO of PepVax, Sanjai Mu
rali from Neural Therapeutics, and Veerappan
Subramanian from Novel Labs. As patient
care becomes complex, a datadriven ap
proach to analytics, lab research, care giving,
and drug development all start becoming syn
chronized. Siva orchestrated this conversa
tion nicely, showcasing how CharmEHR
brings peruse approach to health records
management, linking to how Mahesh and
team are using protein data to create cancer
immunotherapy, segueing Neurals lowcost
wearabledriven care delivery for rehabilita
tion of neuromuscular conditions, and how
Novel Labs is using similar data to design new
drugs for the markets. The panel engaged
with the audience about data sharing, privacy
and regulatory issues, and exploring new
models to build out solutions.
Suja Chandrasekhar, newly appointed as
the Chief Digital Officer at KimberlyClark,
then invited Eash Sundaram, CIO and EVP of
JetBlue Ventures, to a discussion on life in the
corporate lanehow do they connect and be

Be Well: Digital Life and Healthcare panel from L to R , Pramila

Srinivasan, CEO Charm EHR; Mahesh Narayanan, CEO PepVax;
Sanjai Murali, CEO Neural Therapeutics; Dr. V. Subramanian,
CEO Novel Labs


CK Kumaravel, CEO Naturals Salon & Spa, presenting the award to Hemalatha Annamalai,
CEO Ampere Vehicles, as Mahendran from TEFCON looks on.
updated with technologies, what do they con
sider key elements of personal branding, em
powering teams within and outside the or
ganization, and building innovation within
their companies. Eash Sundaram ended the
panel by generously offering one listener who
asked him a question with a fully paid set of
tickets on any JetBlue destination!
And in a first, TEFCON brought together IT
sellers and buyers together for the panel on
IT 2020: Where are the opportunities? Kr
ishna Chari, CEO of Priamba Technologies,
moderated the panel, and it included Prem
Aburvaswamy, CIO at the Federal National La
bor Board, who was instrumental in launch
ing the TSAPre program across the US,
Prasanna Gopalakrishnan, CIO at Boston Pri
vate, Bala Balasubramaniam of Karya Global,
and Badri Ramki from Informatic Technolo
gies. Both the buyside CIOs were innovators
in their respective roles, and encouraged
service providers to offer up ideas and plans
for the future. We can solve yesterdays
problems ourselveswe want to know how
you can help us bring value to the table, said
Prem. Prasanna was equally encouraging,
Tell us a new idea and we will listen. Become
a trusted partner, and we will give you busi
ness. Both the service providers too disclosed
how they bring a partnershipdriven model to
client engagements, and how they got across

CIO Discussions: Life as an Entrepreneur; Eash

Sundaram, CIO Jetblue Airways;
Suja Chandrasekaran, Chief Digital Officer,

vendor gateways.
In another first, 10 startup companies
came to pitch their ideas to a panel of in
vestors and mentors that included Eash Sun
daram, Veerappan Subramaniam, Karthik
Dhama, and Atul Sharma. Moderated by the
days coordinator, Karthik Sundaram, CEO of
Purplepatch Services LLC, the startups had
ample opportunity to showcase their prod
uctsranging from apps to portals to search
bots to fresh food to cancer cureand each
of the panelists gave recommendations and
advice. Some of the companies are lining up
next level of interviews for possible invest
ment consideration.
There was a huge participation from the au
dience and TEFCON released an interactive
mobile app to be used by the attendees.
At the awards ceremony many entrepre
neurs, sponsors, and executives who have
shined in their respective fields were hon
ored. They included Thiru Kumar, also called
NY Dosa Man. According to Ram Nagappan,
Chair of TEFCON 02016, and CIO of Persh
ing, a BNYMellon Company, the conference
had packed house from 8am to 7pm. The at
tendees said it rivaled any such event in pro
fessional meetings and created an enormous
enthusiasm within the community. The atten
dees wanted another meetup in the next few
months. Stay tuned.

Panel of investors intently listening to the startup pitches:

Atul Sharma and Karthik Dhama


July 16-22, 2016


Salman Khan in 'Sultan'

A.R. Rahman's
Britain tour to begin
from September
ome September, double Oscarwinning com
poser A.R. Rahman will perform live in Britain.
The concert will be
a feast for the senses,
showcasing his inim
itable style and mix of
eastern classical music
with modern electro,
world music and tradi
tional orchestral
According to an offi
cial Facebook post, The
A.R. Rahman UK
A.R. Rahman.
Intimate Tour kicks off
at London's SSE Arena Wembley on September 22,
and then heads to Birmingham Barclay card Arena
on September 24. For the first time ever, he will be
performing in Leeds on September 29 and
Manchester on September 30. "After the successful
18date 'Intimate' tour in the US last year, we really
wanted to bring it over to the UK. The show has all
kinds of songs, some are Hindi, some Punjabi
there's a lot of music to hear! "'The Intimate Tour' is
all about music, it's all about intimacy and seeing
you face to face, and I look forward to seeing you
all very soon," Rahman wrote on his Facebook page
on Sunday.

ollywood superstar Salman

Khan's Eid release "Sultan" has
crossed the Rs 300 crore mark
worldwide in just five days since its
release. The sportsdrama film is now
touted to be the highest grossing
Bollywood film in terms of opening
weekend collection worldwide.
The Yash Raj Films production, which
released on July 7 has done a gross box
office collection of Rs 252.5 crore ($
37.7 million) in India and Rs 92 crore
($ 13.7 million) abroad, according to a
communication from the banner.
The total gross box office collection
of the Ali Abbas Zafar directorial now
stands at Rs 344.5 crore ($ 51.4 mil
lion) and is said to be the highest for
any Bollywood film in its opening week
end. The film featuring Salman and
Anushka Sharma as wresters has per
formed fantastically in territories like
UAEGCC, Pakistan, Britain, Australia
and New Zealand where it has shat
tered the highest opening weekend col
lection record by any Hindi film.

Salman fails to
appear before NCW
Actor Salman Khan failed to appear

before the National Commission for

Women (NCW) on Friday over his
"raped woman" simile and filed a
response to the commission's notice
through his lawyers, the NCW said.
The Commission had summoned
Salman Khan to appear in person on
July 8, 2016, at the Commission's
office to give a satisfactory explanation
on the matter. It may be noted that
today Khan or his legal team has not
appeared before the Commission,
NCW Chairperson Lalitha
Kumaramangalam said in a statement.
However, the Commission has
received a response from his legal
team, which is currently being exam
ined by the Commission, she added.
The NCW had summoned Khan in
connection with the actor's remark
where he compared his condition after
shooting for a gruelling wrestling scene
in his recently released movie Sultan
to that of a "raped woman".
Taking suo motu notice, the
Commission on June 21 sent a notice to
the actor asking him to apologise. Khan
filed a response through his lawyers,
which the NCW did not find satisfactory
and asked him to appear before it in
person on July 8.

ctor Hrithik Roshan, who is

embroiled in a legal battle with
actress Kangana Ranaut, says he is
not looking for support from within the
industry as "when truth is on your side
you don't need support".
Hrithik says he will speak up about the
issue but only when the time is right,
adding that "patience is the mother of all
virtues". Asked why he didn't get any sup
port from the film industry unlike
Kangana in their tussle, he said here on
Tuesday: "When truth is on your

side you don't need support."

The two, who were apparently dating in
the past, slapped a legal notice against
each other for tarnishing their images in
the public. Issues began when Kangana
hinted at Hrithik being her "ex" when she
said in an interview that she fails to under
stand "why exes do silly things to get your
attention". The topic in discussion was
Hrithik's hand in getting Kangana
replaced in the project by Sonam Kapoor
in "Aashiqui 3". Hrithik opened up about
the issue at the promotional event of
his upcoming film "Mohenjo Daro".

Hrithik Roshan
Kangana Ra ut

Not looking
for support,
says Hrithik on
Kangana spat

SRK takes business lessons

from Steve Jobs's biography
Shah Rukh Khan.

July 16-22, 2016


uperstar Shah Rukh

Khan says the biog
raphy of former
Apple CEO, the late
Steve Jobs, changed the
way he looks at business
platforms and showed
him new avenues that
he could tap into.
The 50yearold said
he is a voracious reader
of fiction as also nonfic
tion books, listing out
his favourites as Walter
Isaacson's "Steve Jobs"
and E.L. James' "Fifty
Shades of Grey".
He shared his views
while interacting with
his fans via #fame, a live
video social platform.
He said: "At Red
Chillies Entertainment
(his motion picture pro
duction and distribution
company), I was
involved in multiple
businesses. But after


I've learnt focus, dedication

from sports: Deepika

reading the book, I

realised that focusing
only on one thing will
"So, we stopped TV
and ad production and
focused entirely on films
and visual effects. There
is a lot of stuff in the
book that I don't agree
with, but who am I to
disagree with Steve
Another book that the
"Dilwale" star lists is
Malcolm Gladwell's
"Blink", which explains
that in a competition,
the guy who blinks first
loses first.
He recommended
Blake Snyder's "Save the
Cat!" for all aspiring
writers. "This is one of
the best books on
screenplay writing that I
have read so far."

'Sultan': Salman's 'Raging Bull' act is a blockbuster

ope, you cant touch this.
Salman Khans superstar
dom is beyond the
precincts of rationale or logic. To
his credit, he is now finally sur
rendering to his characters.
After last years Eids heart
warming "Bajrangi Bhaijaan" act,
this festive season Salman pushes
himself physically and emotionally
to a new level of commitment in
Playing the good hearted solidly
dependable Haryanvi wrestler
Salman brings a kind of feisty vul
nerability along with a spiritual
certainty to his instantly likeable
He is no longer interested in
being Salman Khan on screen. The
physical and emotional transforma
tion is so palpable and authentic as
to remind us of what Robert de
Niro achieved in and outside the
boxing ring in Martin Scorceses
"Raging Bull".
Salmans accent is pitchperfect.
And thats where the performance
begins. While the actor takes him


stretched out and

over cute, the pair
large ly
because Anushka
is the first Salman
costar who does
nt seem over
whe lmed by his
presence. Yup, she
gives him tit for
tat with such nifty
nonchalance that
ith Anushka Sh
we are soon root
Salman Khan w
m 'Sultan'
in a sceone fro
ing for them as a
couple. This is a funny engaging
self dead seriously, the film is and satisfying film brimming with
remarkably lighthearted and free many moments of joie de vivre. The
spirited even though the underly wrestling sequences, done with a
ing message sometimes to be a choreographic candour, are out
true hero youve got to fall hard on standing.
All said and done, "Sultan" is a
the ground before you pick your
self up again is never squandered love story first, then a sports film.
in the outward frivolity that grips Director Ali Abbas Zafar doesnt
the narrative as, for long stretches, distil the drama with interpolat
Salman plays the supersmitten ions. Though lengthy, the charac
loverboy who cant get enough of ters never lose their plot. They are
written into a tightly edited pas
Aarfa (Anushka Sharma).
Though their scenes of courtship tiche of pain and pleasure
and romance are unnecessarily unleashed with honesty and charm.

Deepika Padukone.
ollywood star Deepika
Padukone, who has gained
immense success in the
Hindi film industry, says her dedi
cation and hard work comes from
her background as a sportsper
son. Before venturing into the
mode lling and film world,
Deepika used to play badminton.
The daughter of celebrated bad
minton player Prakash Padukone,
she has come on board for Nike's
"Da Da Ding campaign to fuel
women's participation in sports.
"Everything I am today and
everything I have achieved comes
from my years of playing sport.
My goals, my commitment, my
focus, my dedication, my disci
pline, my sacrifices, my hard
work. All of it, I've learnt it all
through sport. Sports has also
taught me how to handle failure
and success. It has taught me how
to fight and It has made me
unstoppable," Padukone said in a

In the Da Da Ding music video,
Deepika and Indian hockey player
Rani Rampal, alongside other
leading Indian athletes foot
baller Jyoti Ann Burrett and crick
eters Harmanpreet Kaur, Smriti
Mandana and Shubhlakshmi
Sharma, urge Indias next genera
tion to define their own success
by bringing sport into their lives.
Coming from a small village
never stopped me; every time I
won a medal I kept getting
stronger and more confident to
take on the world, said Rampal,
who in 2010 at the age of 15
became the youngest player in
the national team.
The "Da Da Ding" campaign has
been created in collaboration with
Wieden+Kennedy India, and
he lmed by French director
Franois Rousselet. The music is
by Generation and features
American rapper Gizzle.


July 16-22, 2016


New Zealand denies visas to thousands

of Indian students
Melbourne: New Zealand has denied visas
to thousands of Indian students after
immigration authorities determined that
most of the applicants from the country
were not "really coming for studies",
according to a media report.
According to figures provided under the
Of ficial Information Act, 51 institutions,
including half of the country's polytech
nics, have visa decline rates for Indian stu
dents of more than 30 per cent.
At most of the institutions more than
half of applications are being turned down
and at one the decline rate is 86 per cent,
Radio New Zealand reported.
The figures covered the six months from
the start of December 2015 to the end of
May 2016 and were only for institutions
with at least 10 visa applications from
Indian students.
They showed that Immigration New
Zealand turned down 3,864 visa applica

(Image courtesy:

tions for the institutions, and approved
3,176 during that time. Immigration New
Zealand said Insight program that most of
the declined applications in the first four
months of this year were because it did
not believe the applicant was really com
ing to study, or because it did not believe
they had enough money to support them
In 2014, Immigration New Zealand
warned New Zealand Qualificat ions
Authority (NZQA) that high refusal rates

could indicate problems with tertiary

Immigration said it had increased its
audits of providers with high decline rates
and was now assessing informat ion
obtained from the 10 establishments it
had visited so far.
It also had other tools, such as extra ver
ification of visas applications for providers
w ith hig h decline rates. Auckland
International Education Group spokesper
son Paul Chalmers said the vast majority
of the declined applications were not
cases of fraud, but were simply not up to
Immigration's specifications.
Immigration was sometimes turning
down bona fide students, he said.
The international education spokesper
son for the private sector bo dy,
Independent Tertiary Education, Richard
Goodall, said immigration was being
tougher on applications from India, but

visa decline rates above 50 per cent were

quest ionable. "You're gett ing more
declined than accepted, something's
wrong along the way."
The chief executive of Newton College of
Business and Technology in Auckland,
Ashish Trivedi, told Insight that all institu
tions enrolling from India were having a
lot of students turned down.
His organization was one of 21 that
Immigration New Zealand said had decline
rates above 60 per cent. "Some of it is a
real necessary crackdown on fraudulent
activities and we support that. We have
had rejections to student visa applications
based on fraudulent activities. Working in
Indian market you are going to be affect
ed by that," Mr Trivedi said.
Imperial College of New Zealand, which
had the highest rate of refused applica
tions at 86 per cent, did not comment on
the report.

Indian govt launches skill development initiative

Sikh man kicked out of
to train workforce for jobs abroad
Wimbledon queue for 'making
Pravasi Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PKVY) will train and
people uncomfortable'
certify Indian workforce keen on overseas
don't feel like I'm ever going back
London: A 20yearold Sikh man
now. It's still one of my favorite
was kicked out of an overnight
tournaments but can no longer
queue to watch the Wimbledon
definitively say it's a lifelong
tennis championships as he appar
dream to play on center court,"
ently made other people around
he was quoted as say ing by
him "uncomfortable."
Metro. Dozens of people respond
Govindpal Kooner took to
ed to his post saying he should
Facebook last week to voice his
report the "discrimination" to
anger at being thrown out and
police. A Wimbledon spokesper
claimed it was an act of racism,
son said: "We can confirm that a
cases of which have reported a
gentleman was asked to leave
rise in the wake of Britain's vote
the queue at 4.42 am this morn
to leave the European Union
The man took to
ing (Friday) after a number of
(EU). He wrote on Friday: "Kicked
Facebook to
complaints from his fe llow
out of the overnight camping
vent his anger
line for center court Wimbledon (Image: Facebook page) queuers about his behavior."
He has previously been
line 'because you make some
people around you uncomfortable, so we're warned about his conduct in The Queue on up
gonna have to report you and ask you to leave to six separate occasions during this year's
Championships. "We do acknowledge, howev
immediately, sir'."
"PostBrexit racism and the overt rise of neo er, that in this instance the event safety staff
facism. Please advise how best to report this," could have provided a better explanation to
he said. The sportsman who himself dreams of him. Happily, the same person has been in the
playing professional tennis was eventually Grounds today (Friday) watching the tennis,"
allowed to enter the ground after requeuing he said. But the man insists he did nothing
in the line a few hours later and made an offi that would warrant being escorted of f the
cial complaint about his treatment. "I felt grounds, was not intoxicated, loud or aggres
awful. I felt like I should've fought and negoti sive and had not been previously warned
ated but I backed down and silently left. I about his behavior.

New Delhi: Ministries of external affairs and

skill development & entrepreneurship have
signed a memorandum of understanding
(MoU) for implementing Pravasi Kaushal
Vikas Yojana (PKVY), a skill development
PKVY will train and certify Indian work
force keen on overseas employment in
select sector, in line with international stan
dards. It will be implemented by the
National Skill Development Corporation
(NSDC) through its training partners, in
consultation with the ministry of external
af fairs (MEA) and the skill development
ministry. As part of the collaboration,
potential emigrant workers can avail of
workrelated skill training under PKVY or
any other similar governments skill devel
opment program, which would take place at
transnational standards. Skill development
ministry, through NSDC, proposes to estab
lish customized international skill centers
to operationalize this initiative.
MEA role would be to support predepar
ture orientation training, which will include
language and soft skills training modules.
The training offered will also be backed by
an internationally recognized assessment
and certification system.
Commenting on the signing of the MoU,
External Af fairs Minister Sushma Swaraj
said this collaborative ef fort between the

employment in select sector, in line with

international standards. It will be implemented by
the National Skill Development Corporation
(NSDC) through its training partners, in
consultation with the ministry of external affairs
(MEA) and the skill development ministry.

two ministries would enhance overseas

employment opportunities for Indian work
ers, boost the Skill India Mission and is an
important step towards the realization of
Prime Minster Narendra Modis vision of
transforming India into the skill capital of
the world. Lauding the partnership, Skill
Development Minister Rajiv Pratap Rudy
said: Till now Indians who traveled abroad
for work, were not empowered with rules,
regulation, finesse and skills required for
those markets, which made them unsafe in
those regions. Our partnership with the
MEA will ensure that there is a formal train
ing imparted to these emigrants, which
makes them more productive and efficient.
We plan to set up 50 exclusive skill cen
ters to cater to overseas employment
opportunities by the end of this year. This
MoU will further strengthen our efforts for
the global market, Rudy added.

July 16-22, 2016



Nepal's Oli govt in minority after Maoists withdraw support

Kathmandu: In a sudden but not
surprising move, the Pushpa
Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda'led CPN
(Maoist Centre) withdrew sup
port from the K P Sharma Oli
government in Nepal, reducing it
to a minority.
A meeting of the party's senior
leaders here had earlier decided
to withdraw support to the bare
ly ninemonthold Communist
Party of Nepal (Unified Marxists
Leninists) led government that
came to power shortly after the
Himalayan nation adopted a new
"I have decided to withdraw
support from the government,"
said Dahal in a statement later.
Dahal said the party decision
has been conveyed to President
Bidhya Devi Bhandari, Prime

PM K P Sharma Oli is also the Chairman of Communist Party

of Nepal (Unified MarxistLeninist).
Minister Oli and Pratinidhi Sabha
(lower house of the Nepali

Parliament) Speaker Onsari

Gharti. While receiving the letter

of withdrawal of support, Prime

Minister Oli congratulated Dahal
for "the new government",
sources said conjecturing that
the comment was perhaps made
in a sarcastic vein.
The rift between Pushpa Kamal
Dahal's CPN (Maoist Centre) and
Olis CPN(UML) has been grow
ing since May when the Maoists
found support in the country's
Opposit ion,
Congress. Dahal had then asked
Oli to join the government under
his leadership.
However, a day later, Dahal
changed his mind and decided
not to break the Leftled and
Leftdominated government
thus giving Oli "a reasonable
amount of time to quit with dig
nity and subsequently support

Dahal as his successor.

With polit ical part ies now
engaged in talks to form a new
alliance, the developments were
being keenly watched by
observers as the decision to with
draw support to the incumbent
government by CPN (Maoist
Centre) was ostensibly to clear
the path for the formation of a
consensus government in the
Prachanda, in his abortive May
5 quitnotice to the Oli govern
ment, had also won the support
of the United Demo crat ic
Madhesi Front (UDMF) that had
launched a fivemonthlong
protest movement against the Oli
government after the promulga
t ion of the Const itut ion on
September 20 last year.

JMB carried out Dhaka cafe, India tells Pakistan to

Sholakia attacks: Police chief
PM Sheikh
Hasina pays
respect to
victims of
Dhaka attack.

Dhaka: As investigations into the terror

attacks at the Gulshan cafe and the Eid
grounds at Sholakia are underway,
Bangladesh police chief A.K.M. Shahidul
Haque said that the attacks were carried
out by militants of the banned Jama'atul
Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB).
When asked about the involvement of
Islamic State (IS) in the attacks, the
Inspector General of Police said that the IS
claimed the responsibility of every attack
wherever it took place.
"We can't find any link as to why they
(Islamic State) do it," said Haque, reported
The Daily Star.
Police had been looking for the five
Gulshan cafe attackers for a long time, the
IGP said, adding that the law enforcers had
information about them.
"They were JMB members," the IGP said.
"We primarily found evidence of JMB's
link with the Sholakia attack," he added.
An injured man, who was detained in con
nection with the Sholakia attack, admitted
that they had contacts with the attackers of
the Holey Artisan Bakery, the police chief
added. A case is likely to be filed in connec
tion with the Sholakia attack that left four
people dead on Eid day, Haque said, adding
that "In the Sholakia attack, one attacker
was killed and another was injured."
Quoting the policemen who were present

at the terror site during the attack, IGP

Shahidul said, "Five to six men took part in
the attack but several other persons might
have assisted them. We are trying to detain
them." On July 1 terrorists killed 22 people,
including 17 foreigners and two policemen,
shortly after taking a number of hostages at
the Holey Artisan Bakery cafe and O'
Kitchen Restaurant in Dhaka's diplomatic
zone. Six militants were also killed during
the incident and one was captured alive.
A day after the brutal killing, IS claimed
responsibility for the Gulshan cafe attack,
according to USbased Search for
International Terrorist Entities (SITE)
Intelligence Group.
Barely a week later, the terror attack at
the Sholakia Eidgah took place, claiming the
lives of four people, including two police
men, as hundreds of thousands gathered
for Eid congregation on Thursday morning.
A day before the Sholakia attack, Sirajul,
father of Abir Rahman, the suspected
attacker who died in a gunfight with police
at Sholakia in Kishoreganj, had filed a com
plaint at Bhatara Police Station over his son
going missing.
As per the General Diary missing com
plaint, Abir, a student of North South
University, had been missing for four
months since March 1, police said, quoting
his family, reported

re buf fed Pakistan's
demand for a plebiscite
in Kashmir and said its
criticism of the killing of
Burhan Wani reflected
Islamabad's "continued
attachment to terror
ism" and its use of ter
ror "as an instrument of
state policy".
"We have seen state
ments from Pakistan on
the situat ion in the
Security forces on vigil in Jammu and Kashmir.
Indian state of Jammu
and Kashmir. They reflect Pakistan's contin of Wani, a poster boy of militancy in the
ued attachment to terrorism and its usage as state, and security forces has claimed over
an instrument of State policy. Pakistan is 20 lives.
Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
advised to refrain from interfering in the
internal af fairs of its neighbors," said a called for a plebiscite in "occupied" Jammu
and Kashmir to let its people decide if they
Ministry of External Affairs statement.
The statement comes in the wake of com want to be with India or align with Pakistan.
In a statement, Sharif also voiced "concern
ments by Pakistan alleging human rights
violations in Jammu and Kashmir, where and deep sorrow" over the killing of Wani by
clashes between mobs protesting the killing security forces.

Former Sri Lankan

president's son
arrested over fraud
Colombo: Former Sri Lanka President Mahinda
Rajapaksa's son was arrested over financial fraud.
Namal Rajapaksa was arrested by the Financial
Crimes Investigations Division over fraud, and was
questioned for hours, Xinhua news agency reported.
He was alleged to have recorded a statement over the
misplacement of funds amounting $480,000 during
the previous government. The former first family was
under a probe over allegations of fraud and corruption
that had taken place in the Rajapaksa government.
Mahinda Rajapaksa was ousted out of power in the
presidential poll in January 2015.
Former Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa.

22 July 16-22, 2016

Paris attacks victims

to file charges
against government
Paris: The victims of the Paris
attacks last year, intended to
file charges against the French
government, their lawyer has
Maitre Samia Maktouf, a
lawyer defending 17 victims of
Paris terror attacks on
November 13 last year that left
about 130 people dead and
over 250 injured, said her
clients intended to file charges
against the government, Xinhua
news agency reported.
"We will do everything to
obtain the condemnation of the
French government for failing
to prevent the action of the ter
rorists, while some of them
were under judicial supervi
sion," said the lawyer.
At the same time, the report
of the parliamentary committee
of inquiry on terrorism was
delivered to French President
Francois Hollande, the report
According to the media, the
committee's report said one of
the suicide bomber of the
Bataclan Theatre visited Syria

French President Francois

in September despite the judi
cial supervision put into place
after his indictment for a failed
attempt to head for Yemen in
2012. The French government
has been condemned for negli
gence by the administrative
court of Nimes (Gard) in the
case of master corporal Abel
Chennouf who was assassinat
ed in March 2012 by Mohamed
Merah in Montauban (Tarnet
Garonne), France.

Theresa May takes

over as Britain PM

London: British Home Secretary Theresa May was

confirmed as the new leader of the Conservative
Party with "immediate effect" and set to succeed
David Cameron as Prime Minister of Britain.
Graham Brady, the chairman of the Conservative
1922 committee that oversaw the leadership cam
paign confirmed that May, the only remaining
candidate in the Tory leadership battle after her
rival Andrea Leadsom pulled out of the contest, is
now the new leader of the party "with immediate
effect", Xinhua news agency reported.
The announcement came after outgoing Prime
Minister David Cameron confirmed that May will
be his successor as leader of the Conservative
Party, and decided to step down to pave way for
her to become the next British Prime Minister.
In a brief statement outside 10 Downing Street,
Cameron said Leadsom had made "absolutely the
right decision" to stand aside and that he was
"delighted" May, the Home Secretary, was to suc
ceed him.
He said a "prolonged period of transition" was
not necessary.
May, who supported the "remain" vote during
the UK referendum on its membership of the
European Union will be be the second female
British Prime Minister.
Conservative Margaret Thatcher was Prime
Minister of Britain from 1979 to 1990.
Cameron announced his resignation on June 24,
a day after Britain voted to leave the European

China rapped over South

China Sea, remains defiant
The Hague/Beijing: China suf
fered a major diplomatic blow
when an international tribunal
ruled that it violated the
Philippines rights in the South
China Sea. Beijing refused to
accept the verdict, calling it "null
and void".
T he Permanent Court of
Arbitration in The Hague accused
China of interfering with the
Philippines fishing and petroleum
exploration, building artificial
islands in the waters and failing
to prevent Chinese fishermen
from fishing in the zone, media
reports said.
The tribunal held that fisher
men from the Philippines had tra
dit ional fishing rig hts in
Scarborough Shoal in the South
China Sea, and that China had
interfered with these rights by
restricting their access.
The court held that Chinese law
enforcement vessels unlawfully
created a serious risk of collision
when they physically obstructed
Philippine vessels in the region,
the South China Morning Post
The South China Sea is a mar
ginal sea that is part of the Pacific
Ocean, encompassing an area


Theresa May made history by becoming the longest

serving Home Secretary in more than 100 years.

South Sudan president

orders ceasefire after
days of fighting

China reacted
angrily to the
ruling, saying it
did not accept
or recognize it.

from the Karimata and Malacca

Straits to the Straits of Taiwan, of
around 3.5 million sq km.
T he South China Sea is a
resource rich strategic waterway
through which more than $5 tril
lion worth of g lobal trade is
shipped each year. Beijing has
placed runways and radar facili
ties on new islets it has created in
the disputed sea after piling huge
amounts of sand onto reefs.
The tribunal's muchanticipated
verdict demolished China's expan
sive claims and its historical nine
dash line in the disputed South
China Sea.
"T here is no legal basis for
China to claim historic rights to
resources within the sea areas
falling within the ninedash line,"
the court said. "China has violated
the Philippines' sovereign rights
with respect to its exclusive eco

nomic zone and cont inental

China reacted angrily to the rul
ing, saying it did not accept or
recognize it. "The award is null
and void and has no binding
force," the Foreign Ministry said.
China's territorial sovereignty
and maritime rights and interests
in the South China Sea should
under no circumstances be affect
ed by such rulings, it said.
Besides the Philippines,
Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and
Taiwan also have overlapping
claims with China in the South
China Sea, one of the world's
busiest trade routes.
China, however, said it was
ready to continue to resolve the
dispute peacefully by negotiation
"on the basis of respecting histori
cal facts and in accordance with
international law".

South Sudan
civilians settle
down at UN
house in Juba.

Juba: South Sudan's President

Salva Kiir recently ordered a
ceasefire after days of heavy
fighting between his government
troops and forces loyal to Vice
President Riek Machar in the
capital Juba.
President Kiir directed all com
manders to cease all hostilities,
control their forces and protect
civilians, Information Minister
Michael Makuei said in a tele
vised speech on the state broad
caster, SSTV.
The ceasefire order took effect
from 6 p.m. local time and that
any member of the Macharled
forces who surrender must be
protected as well, Makuei said,
Xinhua reported.
"All the regular forces that
were deployed because of what

ever, they need to go back to

their respective units, any soldier
or any member of the regular
forces that will be found loiter
ing about with his rifle without
reporting to his unit will be
arrested and immediate action
will be taken," Makuei cited Kiir
as saying. He added President
Kiir had expressed his commit
ment to the implementation of
the August 2015 peace deal
signed by him and Machar to
end more than two years of civil
war. Witnesses said that heavy
artillery shelling and mortars
were heard in parts of Juba.
It followed deadly clashes in
the capital city. The violence
raised fears that the wartorn
country could descend into civil
war again.

July 16-22, 2016




Washington: With India needing
about a trillion dollars for infra
structure development, India's
Minister of Road Transport,
Highways and Shipping Nitin
Gadkari has highlighted invest
ment opportunities in India for
US investors.
With Prime Minister Narendra
Modi making the country's infra
structure development the top
most priority of the government,
"This is a golden opportunity to
invest in India," he told a round
table organised here Monday by
the USIndia Business Council
"We are committed to improv
ing the country's road, highways,
and port connectivity in a time
bound, result oriented, corrup
tionfree and transparent manner
that includes egovernance and
fasttracking decisionmaking,"
Gadkari said.

Minister of Road Transport, Highways and Shipping Nitin Gadkari

in the US. (Photo: IANS)
"The pace of road construction
has accelerated to an alltime
high of 20 kilometres per day and
next year we plan to increase it to
41 km per day," he said.
Gadkari later told Indian media
that thanks to recent government

G20 resolves to rollback

protectionist measures
New Delhi: With protectionism on
the rise as a countervailing trend
to globalization, G20 trade minis
ters have committed to check and
rollback protectionist measures
with a view to boost global trade
at a time of continuing economic
slowdown, a statement said.
In their meeting he ld in
Shanghai on July 9 to 10, G20
trade ministers resolved to
improve world trade governance
and remain committed to an open
global economy to help address
the ongoing slowdown while voic
ing concern that despite the
group's repeated pledges, restric
tions on trade in goods and servic
es has continued to rise.
"In response, we recommit to
our existing pledge for both stand
still and rollback of protectionist
measures, and to extend it until
the end of 2018. We also commit
to improve the track record of
notifications related to standstill
and rollback ef forts, including
making better use of existing
WTO bodies," said the statement
by the trade ministers.

The G20 group of developed

and emerging economies includes
India, Australia, Brazil, China,
France, US, European Union and
Britain, which voted last month to
leave the EU.
"G20 members agree to provide
political leadership by acting with
determination to promote inclu
sive, robust and sustainable trade
and investment growth, which is
integral to achieving our ambition
of 2 per cent additional growth by
2018 set by G20 Leaders in
Brisbane in 2014," it said.
"We resolve to step up our
efforts to better communicate the
benefits of trade and investment
openness and cooperation to a
wider public, recognising their
important contribution to global
prosperity and development," it
Briefing the trade ministers in
Organisation ( WTO) Director
General Roberto Azevedo said
2016 is likely to be the fifth con
secutive year of trade growth
below 3 per cent.

decisions there are no road

blocks to investment in trans
portation sector with 95 percent
of issues facing investors
resolved. "Previous image of
investment climate in India is
completely changed."

During his meeting Monday

w ith
Transportation Anthony Foxx, he
had discussed at length all the
problems facing India in the
transportation sector.
Gadkari said he had made road
safety his first priority as he was
very much disturbed by about
500,000 accidents every year
that took a toll of about 150,000
US side had expressed its will
ingness to share all manuals of
National Highway Traf fic Safety
Administration to he lp bring
about standardisation of codes
and greater safety, he said.
The roundtable at the USIBC
was attended by senior executives
of US and Indian companies that
included TransAsia Infrastructure,
Uber, Bentley Systems, Tata,
Caterpillar, Moo dy's, DLZ
Corporat ion

T he discussion was focused
around Gadkari's plans and vision
to strengthen India's infrastruc
ture, investment opportunities in
road construction and portled
industrialization, and how US
industry can collaborate with the
Government of India.
Gadkari also spoke on the new
highways under construction in
the country, financing mecha
nisms under PPP models, framing
policies for logistics parks, mod
ernisation of roads, building intel
ligent traf fic systems for road
safety and further innovation and
technology to India's logistics sec
Gadkari has envisaged around
$150 billion investments for the
highways sector in the next five
years with a range of projects to
suit each investor's risk and
return expectations.

Pokemon Go raises users'

security, safety concerns
New Delhi: The newlylaunched augmented reality (AR)
game Pokemon Go poses a great data security threat to
users as the app gets "full access" to their Google
account, allowing the gaming company to read all
emails, a new report said.
According to security software company Trend Micro,
for some users of iPhones, signing into the game with
the most convenient option using your Google
account allows the gaming company to read your
"Other risks this game exposes are physical risks to
actual life and limb," the report said.
While enjoying the game, the user is exposed to many
threats and introduces whole new categories of life
Firstly, Pokemon Go's realworld gameplay has been
linked to armed robberies as criminals have used the
game to locate and lure intended targets.
Secondly, there are reports of trespassing as enthusi
astic players try to "find" and "capture" creatures on
others' property. In the US, gamers trespassing on oth
ers' property face a real threat of physical harm from
property owners who may use force to protect their
"And of course, there's the risk of injury or death from
not paying attention to your surroundings as you play
the game," the report added.
Thirdly, the users can meet an accident while they are
indulged in gaming.
Since launch, the game has topped 7.5 million down

The game uses the GPS capabilities of your device

in conjunction with Google Maps to "place" crea
tures in real world locations.
loads and pulled in an average of $1.6 million a day in
revenue, according to estimates from research firm
This is how the game works.
It uses the GPS capabilities of your device in conjunc
tion with Google Maps to "place" creatures in real world
locations, which you then try to find them using your
device as a guide.
Once you are in proximity to the "placed" creature,
you then use your device's camera to "view" the crea
ture and try to "capture" it.

24 July 16-22, 2016


It's a great responsibility

bestowed on me: Sreejesh

The Portugal team with Euro Cup 2016 trophy.

India's Riobound men hockey team captain P.R. Sreejesh with Union MoS Youth Affairs
and Sports Vijay Goel and BJP chief Amit Shah in New Delhi. (Photo: IANS)
New Delhi/Kochi: Star goalkeeper P.R.
Sreejesh, who was on Tuesday handed over the
mantle of the Indian men's hockey team,
replacing veteran midfielder Sardar Singh, said
this is a huge responsibility bestowed on him.
"This is a great responsibility bestowed on
me as India goes to every Olympics with a lot
of expectation and with a purpose," said a
mighty pleased Sreejesh to reporters in New
Delhi after hearing the news.
At his home near Kochi, it was excitement as
even his baby daughter Sreekutty Awas seen
walking around with two very small hockey
sticks, realising that her father is on a high.
"Ever since he led the team to the final for
the first time during the recent Champions
Trophy, where India won the silver, he has
been excited and his next ambition is the gold
medal at Rio," said his father to the reporters
who came to meet the happy family..
Sreejesh's wife Aneesha also could not con
tain her happiness as this is the first time that
a Keralite is leading the national team to the
Olympics. "We are all really happy and we
wish him and the team all the best in the tour
nament," said Aneesha. In the 16member Rio
squad announced by Hockey India (HI) chief
Narinder Batra, injured defender Birendra
Lakra has been excluded and Surender Kumar
has been named his replacement. Forward S.V.
Sunil has been named Sreejesh's deputy.
Sreejesh led the Roelant Oltmanscoached
side to a silver medal at the Champions Trophy
in London in June, where Sardar was rested. In
the subsequent sixnation invitational tourna
ment that followed the Champions Trophy,
Sardar came back to lead the side only to fin
ish at a disappointing fifth. In Rio, India have

Sushila to lead Indian

women's hockey
team in Rio
New Delhi: Seasoned midfielder and
longt ime skipper Ritu Rani was
dropped from the Indian women's hock
ey squad for the Rio Olympics next
month and defender P. Sushila Chanu
named the captain.
Ritu has been an important member
of the national team over the years and
led them to their first Olympic qualifica
tion in 36 years. But she left the nation
al camp last week following allegations
of poor performance and attitude prob
lems from Hockey India (HI) officials.
Sushila, 24, had captained the Indian
team in Ritu's absence during their tour
of Australia earlier this year. She also
led the Indian junior women's team to a
bronze medal finish at the 2013 Junior
World Cup in Mncheng ladbach,
Germany under the coaching of present
chief coach Neil Hawgood.
been clubbed with giants Germany and the
Netherlands, where the hockey competition
for the first time will see quarterfinals after
the league stage. Top four teams from each of
the two groups progress to the lasteight stage.
India finished last among the 12 countries
that participated at the London Olympics in
2012. The eighttime gold medal winners,
however, were the first team to qualify for Rio
after they beat Pakistan in the 2014 Asian
Games final.

Ronaldoless Portugal beat

France to win Euro 2016
Paris: Cristiano Ronaldoless Portugal upset
hosts France 10 in extra time of a breath
taking Euro 2016 final to clinch their first
major football title at the Stade de France
here. It was substitute forward Eder who
fired the winning shot from outside the box
in the 109th minute, ending a match in
which a dominant France failed to capi
talise on the absence of Ronaldo who had
to leave the pitch weeping in the 25th
minute due to an injury, reports Efe.
Ronaldo, the leader of the Portuguese
team, got an injury only seven minutes into
the game when French midfielder Dimitri
Payet put in a challenge on him and caught
him with the followthrough, bringing play
to a halt.
Although the Real Madrid star goal
poacher continued playing for some time,
he had to be replaced by Ricardo Quaresma
in the 25th minute.
The injury cast a shadow over the match.
France were back in possession. France
tried to apply the same plan they had used
to knock out Germany and Iceland high
precision and speed.
Right from the start they had Portugal on
the defensive, but the first half ended score
Midfielder Moussa Sissoko made several
flash runs as he injected a sudden burst of
pace to send himself through.
Besides Sissoko, playmaker Antoine
Griezmann, who had scored six times to
take the Golden Boot of the tournament,

was a huge threat to Portugal. Once he was

set up just in front of the goal but he misdi
rected a header.
And not much changed in the second half
either, with the French depending on
Matuidi and Sissoko while Portugal's Pepe
provided leadership as the team defended
tenaciously, slowed the game down and
tried to survive until they could put togeth
er some kind of scoring combination.
AndrPierre Gignac for France hit the
side bar minutes before the 90 minutes of
play and in the extra time, Raphal
Guerreiro, Portugals leftback, struck the
crossbar with a freekick.
It was then that 28yearold Eder fired his
blast that salvaged the match for Portugal.
The Lille forward took a pass from Joao
Moutinho in the 109th minute, cut onto his
right, and unleashed the perfect strike from
25 yards towards the nearcorner, beating
a stretched France keeper and captain
Hugo Lloris.
The statistics showed that France had the
upper hand with 56 per cent ball posses
sion and seven ontarget shots. But
Portugal keeper Rui Patricio performed
brilliantly to deny the hosts a victory.
The tough duel witnessed six yellow
cards for Portugal and four for France.
This was the fourth meeting between
Portugal and France in a major tourna
ment. France have won the previous three,
all in semifinals Euro 1984, Euro 2000
and the 2006 World Cup.

Kumble will teach India lads to tackle crunch moments: Sachin

London: Batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar, who was part of
the BCCI's Cricket Advisory panel that selected Anil Kumble as
head coach, has reckoned that the legendary legspinner will
help the young Indian side to fight out during crunch situa
Recalling his association with the Bengaluru leggie,
Tendulkar termed him a "hard competitor" with tons of expe
rience, which he feels the team can benefit from.
"It's about being a tough character and being able to stand
on your feet in tough moments. That's what I feel Anil will
teach them. There are crunch moments in any match, so
approaching those moments is important. He will be out there
to win each and every moment," Tendulkar was quoted as say
ing by espncricinfo. "My experience with Anil has been fantas

tic. He has been a matchwinner, and the guys have got a lot to
learn from him. Anil is ready to share everything he has learnt
from this wonderful sport."
"He played for close to 20 years, so there is plenty to share.
I'll just tell the players to grasp as much information from Anil
as possible, and enjoy the game above everything else," the lit
tle master added.
The former Mumbai batsman also came to the defence of
Australian opener David Warner who has recently been in
news for his bat size. Former Australia skipper Ricky Ponting
had recently critised Warner.
Commenting on the rising imbalance between bat and ball,
the legendary batsman called for more bowlerfriendly pitches
to address the problem.

Former cricket player Sachin Tendulkar.

July16-22, 2016



Edhi The exception to Pakistan's faults

By Sami Shah
All Muslims are terrorists.
But, Edhi
All Pakistanis are corrupt.
But, Edhi
All Karachiites are violent.
But, Edhi
All men with beards are
But, Edhi
But, Edhi.
Our lives as Pakistanis and the
experiences within tell us that
Edhi should not have been. People
arent that noble in real life, no
one can be that selfless truly.
To have access to millions of
dollars, and still only own two
changes of clothing, and the same
cramped apartment in the same
cramped part of the city.
To start with a single van in
which he carried corpses, no mat
ter their level of degradation. And
to build the worlds largest volun
teer ambulance service purely on
the weight of reputation alone.
These things do not happen.
People dont remain uncorrupted
their entire lives. Politics gives

By Vikas Datta

Abdul Sattar Edhi, better known as Father Tersea, was the exception
as long as we can remember. Now, he is no more.
them promises of power, wealth
gives them a lust for luxury, reli
gion gives them the narcissistic
egotism of a messiah.
But, Edhi.
I know people who when they
met him in person, were so over
come with emotion, they wept. I
did too.
He was small, frail in appear
ance, even years ago. Until you

noticed his arms. Edhis hands

were the kind that only develop
after a life of hard work, with
gnarled fingers and a fierce, yet
effortless grip.
His forearms were thick, mus
cled from carrying the dead, car
rying the children, carrying the
weight of all our exceptions.
People arent that brave, they
cannot be.

But, Edhi.
Edhi did not stop working. Even
when the religious parties lashed
out against him because he didnt
discern between Muslims and
nonMuslims, he kept on sending
his ambulances out to save the
wounded and to bury the dead.
They hurled abuse at him for
not praying as much as they did,
yet he kept working. He knew, as
did we all, that they hated him
because he showed their farce for
what it was. They could pray all
day and pass judgment all night,
but they would never be as
revered as he was.
Political parties threatened him,
yet he kept working.
One night, when I was working
in a newsroom many years ago,
Karachi had been submerged
under monsoon rains. The death
toll was high, higher than the rul
ing political party could allow.
They knew they couldnt stop
people dying, not in a Karachi so
neglected by development and
consideration for care, so they
instead stopped the ambulances
from collecting the dead the
toll would not rise if there were

no more bodies to count.

Edhis son called the news chan
nels for help. The political party
leaders also called, to threaten
with silence. No channel ran the
story. Yet, Edhi kept working. He
personally went to collect the
corpses, knowing they would not
kill him. Anyone else they would
But, Edhi.
Gangs fighting in Lyari would
cease fire to allow his ambulances
to collect bodies. Infants, who
would have died unwanted, were
saved by his cots, given lives
through his orphanages.
He began with a single van, and
died with a fleet of ambulances,
helicopters, orphanages, and an
army of volunteers dedicated to
saving life. Even in death, he
donated his last funct ioning
organs, a final act of charity.
Pakistanis know how to grieve;
it is the one thing we know all too
well. However, I worry that this
grief is too large for all of us it
is the kind of grief that no one can
carry for us. But, Edhi.

Source: Dawn newspaper


A boon or a bane?
On Nationalism

t inspired the Indian subcontinent's people

to deem themselves one political entity,
fight for selfrule and eventually gain free
dom, but 70 years after independence, nation
alism is again at the center stage. This mani
festation is however more restrictive but
aggressive, seeking its frequent, visible
demonstrations as a citizenship 'test'. Is this
suited for democracy at all or geared towards
some Hitlerian "Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein
Fuehrer" (one state, one people, one leader)
As the Kanhaiya Kumar and JNU episode,
continued use of the sedition law, forceful
emphasis on nationalistic slogans and "anti
national" and other slurs for any dissenters,
and threats to cultural freedom and inde
pendent thought indicate, this issue is no
longer confined to the public sphere, but
impinge on our private lives too.
This small book brings together incisive
opinions from three distinguished scholars of
history, law and culture on this phenomenon
and its implications and what it may seek to
conceal. As publisher/author David Davidar
notes in the foreword, "we live, as we have for
the last couple of centuries now, in a country
that is poor, violent, corrupt, overpopulated
and misogynistic, unequal, and prone to sec
tarian violence, terrorism and environmental
Questioning if what is now being touted as
"nationalism" deserves the term, historian

Author: Romila Thapar, A.G.

Noorani, Sadanand Menon;
Publisher: Aleph Book
Pages: 176;
Price: Rs. 399

Romila Thapar, who was in her midteens at

the time of independence, recalls that nation
alism was then "understood to be Indian
nationalism and not Hindu or Muslim or any
other kind of religious or other .." and its pri
mary concern was "to ensure welfare of the
entire society and all its citizens".
It was not, she argues, as now, "reduced
merely to waving flags and shouting slogans
and penalizing people for not shouting slo
gans like 'Bharat Mata ki Jai' because real
nationalism "requires a far greater commit
ment" to the nation's needs.
Refuting other claims of today's "national

ists", Thapar specially seeks to counter Indian

civilization definition as located on what was
then British India, with its language Sanskrit
and religion Hindu, terming it a "contribution
of colonial scholarship", and based only on
the "culture of the dominant elite" to create
the idea of a victimized past whose return is
legitimate. Noted lawyer A.G. Noorani, who
compares the current "irresponsible attacks
on the patriotism and nationalism" of Indian
citizens, usually by members of the Sangh
Parivar, to those of notorious US Senator
Joseph McCarthy, known for his witch hunts
in the 1950s, takes up two aspects of this
"dangerous phenomenon", particularly the
sedition law.
Sketching its curious history from its intro
duction by the British colonial regime over a
century ago, he notes how it was loathed by
leaders of Independent India, who did not let
it figure in the Constitution, how it was struck
down by the Allahabad High Court, but inex

plicably restored to full potency in 1962 by a
Supreme Court Constitution bench, which
chose to ignore all these factors.
Also going into the origins of the 'Bharat
Mata ki Jai' slogan, he makes a fair case that
it is religious and not national in origin.
Sadanand Menon, who describes himself as
an explorer of the "charged space between
politics and culture", makes a case that
"national culture" and "cultural nationalism"
are not synonyms. The first may be the "visi
ble face of nationalism", but the other is a
rogue form with the "cunning agenda" of
replacing political rights with "cultural
rights", which are "emotive aspects" from a
"highlycharged area of irrational selfbeliefs
that give little credence to claims of history or
any other kind of scientific research".
Menon also argues that "Bharat Mata ki Jai"
is not an "attribute of patriotism but of deep
patriarchy", and there is no evidence that
"devotion towards an abstract 'Bharat Mata'
translates into even a semblance of affection
or respect for real fleshandblood women". A
long list of crimes against women are cited in
Will this book make a difference? Those on
either sides of the debate may need no more
convincing/be persuaded otherwise, but it is
the large number of those who are still to
make their minds who can benefit from read
ing it to understand what is at stake.


July 16-22, 2016


Cancer and the role of food we eat

A Sri Lankan Buddhist monk lauds traditional Indian dietary practices &
cites how deviation from these causes cancer and virus related illnesses.
Colombo: Cancer and viruses are
emerging as a major cause of
deaths in Sri Lanka. Why has this
happened to us? India, which is not
such a clean country, has not been
gripped by such fears. The Indian
people are healthier because they
add wholesome condiments, lentils,
pepper and sesame oil to their food
and they eat mostly homegrown
food. What I see is that our people
are used to consuming ham, bacon,
pastries, Ajinomoto and such artifi
cial foods resulting in poor health.
Our country is surrounded by
water. With clean air and water how
come we have cancer and viruses?
Sickness af fects everyone, rich or
poor, people of any race or religion.
In the villages, we have seen a
decline in the availability of nour
ishing and tasty food.
Sri Lanka got its system of indige
nous medicine from India. Most of
our food ingredients and condi
ments such as coriander and garlic
are obtained from India. Though we
started cultivating onions locally it
has not been successful. We must
discourage our people from con
suming food that causes cancer and
other diseases. Else, we will have to
build more hospitals and import
more drugs. It is time for us to
switch back to our indigenous food

Processed meats such as sausages, salami, bacon and hot dogs contain
numerous chemicals and preservatives, including sodium nitrates,
are wellknown carcinogens.
and medicine so that our lives
would be healthier. Instead of
expecting everything from the
Government it would be good if we
could grow some of our food in our
own home gardens.
Health is Wealth according to
what our Lord Buddha preached
more than 2,500 years ago. He real
ized that by meditation we could
come to an awareness of what is
good and bad for our body. His
teachings go beyond the norms of
modern science. The Lord Buddha
understood these vital facts by

practical means. In his vision, the

qualities of kindness, mercy and
equanimity need to be given priori
ty because these will heal many of
our ailments. Without mental
health, we are prone to physical ill
nesses. It is still not too late to
achieve good health by the means
of mental powers in us.
Who is monitoring the quality of
our food items, to which harmful
ingredients are added? I feel we are
one of the few nations that allow
harmful or poisonous items to be
put into our food. Sometime ago,

terrorism provided the biggest busi

ness for undertakers. Today sick
nesses caused mainly by bad food
have taken that place. Temples,
churches, mosques and Kovils must
lead the way in getting people to
follow a simple and healthy
lifestyle. Strangely there are some
who expect good health by consum
ing drugs. This just does not hap
pen. Many food items are also
harmful. We should avoid consump
tion of flesh of animals that are
being fed with harmful stuff.
We should put a stop to the
slaughter of cattle and increase the
cattle in number so that we have
more milk, ghee and other dairy
Most Indians take a teaspoonful
of castor oil in the morning. It is
good especially for children as it
helps mental development. We do
not have these good practices now.
In earlier times, we maintained
good health with kollu or garlic
water. If we did not have mothers
milk we had coriander. It had so
much power and energy. What we
should do is to have a list of good
food items for the family. Even
though science has developed we
have no answer to sicknesses that
come our way now. Keeping a
healthy and a clean body is impor

tant. We must also wear clean

clothes. Even poor Indians sprinkle
a little turmeric water around the
house as a disinfectant. That power
is there in turmeric. Our white curry
is a mixture of condiments includ
ing lentils, mustard, cinnamon and
turmeric. These ingredients act as
antioxidants. Today many do not
know how to make use of them.
We drink water from the king
coconut and young coconut. The
fleshy part of the nut at the top is
called the Kahagoda which is medic
inal and acts as an antioxidant. It is
applied to wounds with turmeric
powder for immediate cure.
Most of our ailments are due to
phlegm and other connected rea
sons. If we can organize our daily
food intake properly, a lot of dis
eases could be avoided. We get
frightened when we hear the word
cancer. Instead of being frightened
we must change our food habits.
Learn to keep an Aralu (or Gall
nut/Inknut) in the mouth and keep
on biting it: it heals stomach ail
ments like constipation and purifies
blood. Sudden anger is unhealthy.
Dont lose your temper, but try
always to have a correct attitude in
life. You will be in better health and
live a longer life.
The Sunday Times, Sri Lanka

Eating more fruits and vegetables Water might be the new

secret to weight loss
leads to a happier life
London: Apart from reducing
the risk of cancer and heart
attacks, consuming up to eight
portions of more fruit and veg
etables a day can substantially
increase people's happiness
levels in life, finds a new
study. "Eating fruit
and vegetables
boosts our
ness far
m o r e
improves human
health," said Andrew Oswald,
professor at the University of
Warwick in London.
The findings showed that hap
piness increased incrementally
for each extra daily portion of
fruit and vegetables up to eight
portions per day.
People who changed from
almost no fruit and vegetables
to eight portions a day showed
an increase in life satisfaction.

Usually people's motivation to

eat healthy food is weakened by
the fact
t h a t

were predictive of alterations in

happiness and satisfaction later
in life. "However, wellbeing
improvements from increased
consumption of fruit and veg
etables are closer to immediate,"
Oswald added. Large positive
psychological benefits were
found within two years of an
improved diet consisting of
more fruit and vegetables, the
researchers said. "There is a
psychological payof f now from

fruit and vegetables not just a

lower health risk decades later,"
noted Redzo Mujcic, researcher
at University of Queensland in
The results could be used by
health professionals to
persuade people to
consume more
fruit and veg
larly in
t h e
o p e d
world where the
typical citizen eats an unhealthy
diet, said the paper to be pub
lished in the American Journal
of Public Health.
For the study, the team fol
lowed food diaries of 12,385
randomly selected people.
T he authors adjusted the
ef fects on incident changes in
happiness and life satisfaction
for people's changing incomes
and personal circumstances.

New York: Water can be the poten

tial secret weapon in the fight
against the everburgeoning waist
line, finds a study.
According to researchers, drink
ing water which contains no carbo
hydrates, fat or protein key fac
tors for obesity may help avoid
overeating and thus lead to a
healthier weight.
"Staying hydrated is good for you
no matter what, and our study sug
gests it may also be linked to main
taining a healthy weight," said lead
author Tammy Chang, Assistant
Professor at University of Michigan.
"Our findings suggest that hydra
tion may deserve more attention
when thinking about addressing
obesity on a population leve l,"
Chang added.
The findings showed that people
who are obese and have a higher
BMI are more likely to be inade
quately hydrated.
On the other, people with inade
quately water content are also like
ly to be obese and have a higher
Staying hydrated by drinking
water and eating more waterloaded

fruits and vegetables can help with

weight management, especially in
obese individuals.
However, "the link between
hydration and weight is not clear.
Our study further explains this rela
tionship on a population level using
an objective measure of hydration,"
Chang noted.
In addition, people with higher
BMIs, who are expected to have
higher water needs might also
demonstrate behaviors that lead to
researchers said.
For the study, published in Annals
of Family Medicine journal, the
team looked at a nationally repre
sentative sample of 9,528 adults.
Roughly a third of the adults, who
spanned ages 18 to 64, were inade
quately hydrated.

Pokmon Go beats porn on

Google in popularity!
London: The new Pokmon Go
game is now officially more popu
lar than porn, previously pre
sumed to be the internets favorite
More people are searching for
the new augmented reality game
than are searching for pornogra
The search term porn has long
been seen as the ceiling for
searches, reflecting the relatively
predictable and base interests of
the internet. But very rarely some
stories manage to break through
that barrier and beat pornography
as Brexit did, for instance, in the
wake of the UKs vote to leave the
EU. Pokmon Go, the new aug
mented reality game that lets peo
ple catch creatures in the real
world with their phone, also finally
managed to break through that
ceiling on 11 June. It had been
threatening to do so for the past
week, since the game became
hugely popular, but managed to

(Image credit:

do so over the weekend and has
been pulling away from porn
ever since.
Most of those searches appear to
come from areas that already have
the game: the US, Australia and
New Zealand. But theres also
huge amounts of search interest
from places like the Netherlands
and Canada which notably dont

Great Smog of 1952 still affects

lives of many Londoners
New York: London's Great Smog of
1952 resulted in thousands of pre
mature deaths and even more peo
ple becoming ill and the five
December days the smog lasted
still af fect some people's health
more than 60 years later, say
researchers including one of
The researchers studied how
London's Great Smog af fected
early childhood health and the
longterm health consequences.
The results, based on health data
from the 1940s and '50s, showed
that the event of 1952 likely still
af fects some people's health.
"Because the smog was unexpect
ed, residents likely didn't leave the
city," said coinvestigator Prashant
Bharadwaj, Associate Professor at
University of California, San Diego,
US. The researchers noted that the
Great Smog presents a "natural
experiment" because the smog
was intense, "exceeding current
regulations and guidelines by a
factor of 5 to 23"; localized to a
major city; and unanticipated.
The researchers analyzed 2,916
responses to a life history survey
that is part of the Eng lish
Longitudinal Study on Ageing.
Among other health questions, the
survey asked participants if they
had asthma as a child (up to age
15) or asthma as an adult.
Responses of those who were
exposed to the Great Smog in
utero or in early childhood were
compared with those born

July 16-22, 2016


(Image courtesy:

between 1945 and 1955 who
lived outside of London during the
Great Smog or lived in London but
were not exposed to the smog in
utero or in their first years of life.
The results showed that expo
sure to the Great Smog in the first
year of life was associated with a
statistically significant 20 per cent
increased incident of childhood
The researchers said they found
a similar trend between exposure
to the smog in the first year of life
and adult asthma (a 9.5 percent
increase) and in utero exposure
and childhood asthma (eight per
cent increase). "Our results sug
gest that the harm from this
dreadful event over 60 years ago
lives on today," Matthew Neidell,
Associate Professor at Columbia
University's Mailman School of
Public Health, said. The study,
published online in the American
Journal of Respiratory and Critical
Care Medicine, has implications
for other countries and cities
today with high levels of air pollu

yet have access to it apart from

through workarounds, and are
presumably looking to find ways
to play.
Pokmon Go has by many meas
ures become one of the most pop
ular apps ever. It even has more
active daily users than Twitter and


People love social media

use in restrooms: Survey
New York: Nearly 69 per cent
of people in the US are using
their smart
phones in
with more than
half of them
chatt ing and
posting on vari
ous so cial
media plat
forms like
and Twitter, an interest
Twelve percent of
respondents con
fessed to watching
explicit material on their smart
phone while in the toilet,
according to the survey
released by New Yorkbased
cloud online service MiMedia.
Nearly 25 per cent said they
had dropped their phone in the
toilet, with Android users more
likely to admit to such an acci

dent than iPhone owners.

About 59 per cent said they
visited their so cial
media feeds including
T w i t t e r ,
Snapchat and
r e s t
room, reported
on Wednesday, quoting
the survey.
Moreover, 83 per cent of
people who said they used dat
ing apps while on the toilet
were men. Only women con
fessed they took selfies
or photos while in the bath
In addition to that, 32 per
cent admitted to shopping
online and eig ht per cent
divulged that they actually
check up on their online dating

Bridal look not about going

overthetop anymore: Anita Dongre
New Delhi: Designer Anita Dongre
says that bridal makeup is not
"overthetop" look anymore.
Dongre says nowadays women
like to wear traditional outfits with
a "casual edge."
"Today, young Indian girls like to
wear traditional outfits with a
casual edge. We do a lot of printed
lehengas with pockets," Dongre
said. "Even if you are all decked up
as a bride, your personal style
should always shine through. It's
not about doing an overthetop
look anymore," she added.
The designer, who is not only a
celebrated name in the Indian fash
ion industry but also successful
entrepreneur believes that a "bride
must look like herself, just more
beautiful on her special day. She
should feel like a princess, light on
her feet, who dances at her own
wedding." And according to her, in

(Image courtesy:

India, "couture is basically bridal

couture". "Designers are getting
more lavish with Indian craftsman
ship, the traditional weaves, gota
patti, zardozi and heirloom crafts,"
she said. Dongre feels "lehenga and
sari are here to stay", as designers
keep reinventing them.
There is a perception that when
it comes to grooms, there is not
much one can experiment with. But

Dongre has a dif ferent opinion.

She said that Indian men are "a lot
more open to experimenting with
their looks today." "Comfort and
casualness still remain a priority
though. Stitched dhotis paired with
long kurtas, bandhgalas, shirts and
bandis... Each silhouette can be a
part of the groom's wardrobe.
When styled well, they look mod
ern yet very Indian," Dongre added.

Workout gets stylish with Hrithik's new HRX collection

Mumbai: Hrithik Roshan's active lifestyle
apparel and casualwear brand HRX has
come out with the Activewear Collection
2016. The actor says the new line lends
"great comfort and style" to workout ses
sions. With a wide range of apparel for
both men and women, the new collection
focuses on the perfect athleisure balance
of sport, comfort and casual. "The new line of prod
ucts are contemporary and it's surely something the
youth will resonate with. Our aim for this year is to
present a product range with good fits, great com

fort and style that aides and inspires your

workouts," Hrithik said in a statement.
He added: "Through HRX, I look for
ward to inspiring many more to becom
ing the best version of themselves."
HRX's ready to wear Activewear collec
tion include compression tees, shorts,
track pants, sweatshirts, tracksuits along
with a casual line of denim, shirts and tees with
sporty detailing. The collection also includes accessi
bly priced accessories like shoes, caps, duffle bags
and backpacks.


July 16-22, 2016


Funny Side by Nury Vittachi

New York Head Quarter
422S Broadway
NY 11801



a twoyearold Labrador from the UK,
can read four words and is working
on another 20, says his owner, a teacher.
The growing intelligence of animals wor
ries me, as I well remember the difficulty I
once had trying to teach a twoyearold
HUMAN not to throw herself off a balcony.
All parents know that children get furi
ously angry if we stop them doing things
like climbing into lion enclosures, drinking
poison, eating mystery brown objects of f
the forest floor, throwing themselves out of
windows, etc.
Parenting books say: They grow out of
What they DONT tell you is that they
grow right back into it as teenagers, who
have the exact same curiosity, but with
more expensive dangers. (I wander what
would happen if we mixed every chemical
in the school lab?)
The obvious solution is to teach children
the way we teach dogs.
(Child sits.)
Whos a good boy? (Adult pats head
and presents tiny morsel of food.)
Study! Pass exams!
(Child studies and passes exams.)

Laughter is the Best Medicine

by Mahendra
Mahendra Shah is an
architect by education, entrepreneur by
profession, artist and
humorist, cartoonist
and writer by hobby.
He has been recording the plight of the
immigrant Indians for
the past many years in
his cartoons. Hailing
from Gujarat,
he lives in Pittsburgh,

Whos a good boy? (Adult pats head

and presents another tiny morsel of food.).
This is pretty much how my boss treats
me at the office, and it works just fine.
What if your child cant talk yet?
You can still teach it, thanks to scientists
in Taiwan who have just invented an Infant
Cries Translator app.
You download the app and stick your
phone near your babys mouth. Wah wah
waahhhhh is translated on the screen into
clear, adultreadable terms such as: I wish
to have an additional beverage, carer.
This reminded me of my first daughter,
Kelci, who had advanced verbal skills and
actually spoke just like that from about 18
months old:
Convey me to the potty immediately,
carer, or you and your socalled Persian
rug will live to regret it.
Happy memories.
But I was brought back on topic by a col
league from the US who says TV shows in
her country feature a dog called Willow
who can read. Clearly its a trend.
Look, Im sorry, but Im not convinced
teaching animals to read is a good thing.
Life is grim enough without coming
home to be greeted by my dog saying
things like: W hat do you think of
Schopenhauers second volume of essays?
Good grief, you havent read it, have you?
Lets keep this evolutionary advantage
away from lesser creatures such as dogs,
cats, crustaceans, Donald Trump fans, etc.
But I must admit I was curious. So I hand
ed a newspaper to my dog.
She stared at the front page picture (an
Asian political leader of course) and then
tilted her head to one side, since dogs have
the same gyroscopic thing in her brain that
smartphones have.
Then she peed on it. That was an insight
ful comment.
Wish Id thought of it.


July 16-22, 2016


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By Dr Prem Kumar Sharma

JULY 1622, 2016

ARIES: Business partners would be enthu
siastic about new plans & ventures.
Sudden good news in the evening will
bring cheers for the entire family. Important
people will be ready to finance anything that has
a special class to it. Your flashing smile would
work as the best antidote for romantic partners
unhappiness. You will be successful in getting
rid from tensions. Time to relax and enjoy your
visit to a relatives place. It might be the right
time to sale your empty plot as property rates
are at peak. You are likely to help needy people
to navigate through rough patches of their life.
TAURUS: Female colleagues would help
in completing pending work. Your efforts
bring success & happiness at family
front. Property dealings would materialize help
ing in bringing fabulous gains. Sharing can
dyfloss and tof fees with lover/beloved would
bring unlimited joy. A sparkling laughter filled
week when most things proceed, as you desire.
Journey to some famous historical place sounds
exciting to your kids. Your plan for a new house
will be in process very soon. You will be highly
benefited by interacting with strangers and lend
ing a helping hand to them.
GEMINI: A promising week for ambitious
professionals to demonstrate technical
skills & abilities. You achieve success in
personal work with the timely help & support
provided by family members. You are likely to
earn monetary gains through various sources.
Company of love partner would inspire to take
initiatives this week. Your enormous confidence
would help in enjoying a healthy life. Romance is
in full bloom, a journey full of pleasure is your
crave. Your loan procedures for pursuing a plot
will be in process. Lending a helping hand to
strangers and helping them to solve their prob
lems would give you a wonderful feeling.

CANCER: Politicians find a very smooth

sailing as results go in your favour,
thus immensely boosting confidence.
Misunderstandings with near ones in the family
will get cleared. Increase in income from past
investment is foreseen. Love works like a
panacea as you find sanity. A very healthy week
filled with happiness & vitality. Its time to travel
with innovative imagination. Investment in
hotel industry can be the right choice to be
made. In the company of friends you are likely
to enjoy, as many good things happen at a same
LEO: People engaged in tourism will
have the energy to keep pace with fast
taking events thus giving themselves an
edge over others. Children would do their best
to keep you happy. Monetary gains from
unplanned sources will brighten your week.
Love partner touches soul that would take imag
ination to unlimited heights. Pleasure trip would
help in maintaining sound health this week. Are
you longing to go on a vacation then be ready
for it? Investment on construction business
might give fruitful results. You succeed in main
taining a distance from af fairs that dont con
cern you at all.
VIRGO: Betterment awaits people
engaged in the field of graphic design
ing. You are likely to be benefited as
family members positively respond. New mon
eymaking opportunities will be lucrative.
Someones timely help would enable visualizing
succeeding in love. Yoga and meditation would
help in keeping in shape and mentally agile. Be
ready to hang out with your friends. Investing
on a ship or a cruise is an exciting venture to be
made. Your wit & repartee would immensely
help in developing healthy relations with

LIBRA: Selfconfidence would immense

ly help in achieving good results at pro
fessional front. Parents and friends will
do their best to keep you happy. You get some
financial rewards as dedication & hard work
gets noticed. Romantic imagination would keep
you in a jovial & cheerful mood. Blessings of a
saintly person give peace of mind. By traveling
you will learn about new places, ultimately its a
great deal for yourself. The best ideas for
investment are to on invest on real estate busi
ness. You impress others by your wit and
SCORPIO : The efforts of people aspiring
to join interior designing course are like
ly to be handsomely rewarded. A promis
ing week to plan things for your progeny.
Monetary gains are likely to be from more than
one source. The company of love partner makes
you forget about the work. Chances of recover
ing from physical ailment are high. Pack your
bags and some eatables and go out for a picnic.
Are you longing to buy a farmhouse, try for it?
You are likely to contemplate a new construc
tion programme.
SAGITTARIUS: Leadership qualities and
ability to understand people would ben
efit at work. You would be the center of
attraction at a social gathering that you attend
especially with family. A new financial deal gets
finalized paving the way for fresh money.
Sudden romantic encounter will lift your spirits.
Inexhaustible energy enables to participate in
outdoor activities. Many people want to fly
international and you are one of them. If you
want to invest on property, then go for residen
tial one.
You are likely to impress others by behaving
politely & charmingly to everyone whosoever
comes to you.

CAPRICORN: At work you will be perfect

in whatever you do this week. You would
prefer to relax and enjoy the company of
family members in the evening. Financial position
will improve later in the week. Attending a social
event/family function brings a romantic
encounter. You attain a bloom in health on shar
ing happiness with others. By traveling youll
learn about new places and cultures, which is
ultimately a great deal about yourself. Selling
your home privately can be an excellent way of
saving on costs. Inviting an annoyed old friend in
party would renew your friendship.
AQUARIUS: Support and appreciation
from seniors would raise your morale
and confidence. this week you move
with new excitement & confidence as you receive
support from family and friends. Real estate
investment would be lucrative. Your physical
charm would catch the attraction of opposite sex.
A cheerful state of mind would allow enjoying the
perfect health. You and your loved ones been
busy for quite sometimes and have finally decid
ed to go on a vacation. Offplan property invest
ment is one of the easiest and most profitable
methods to maximize gains in the real estate
market. You might find yourself in the spotlight
when your assistance is publicly acknowledged.
PISCES: A very good week to apply for
overseas job. Family front seems to go
smoothly as you receive their full support
to your plans. Investment in stocks & mutual
funds would help in earning profits. Love life
blossoms paving the way for lovely times ahead.
Divine knowledge from a saintly person provides
solace & comfort. Your next journey is to a place
which is full of natural beauty and ravishing. Your
property prices will boost in the coming period.
You get a reward for your loyalty & ability to get
things done with perfection.


16 July, 2016
Ruled planet: Neptune Ruled by no : 7
Traits in you: As your governing planet is Neptune, you
are simple, dignified, unique, charismatic, reliable, trust
worthy and confident. You have a great leadership skill
and you are very creative. You should not be pessimistic
and show your stubbornness.
Health this year: As far as your health is considered you
may go through minor health issues this year. However,
regular medical checkups and proper medication will
solve this problem. You may go for Yoga and meditation
classes to remain healthy.
Finance this year: Your financial conditions will be very
stagnant this year. As you will not earn much or spend
much, you will lead a peaceful life in money matters. You
may invest for future. Do not lend or borrow money
from your friends or colleagues.
Career this year: With an enhanced confidence and
brushed up skills, you will become very successful pro
fessionally. You will do justice to the role assigned to
you. You may get promotion or a hike in your current
salary. If you are in creativity field, this year will bring
you much more success and recognition.
Romance this year: Your marital life would be a peaceful
one this year. Your partner will be supportive enough in
every tough situation. You should get married this year
if you have not married yet.
17 July, 2016
Ruled planet: Saturn Ruled by no : 8
Traits in you: Your ruling planet the Saturn makes you
highly dynamic, hardworking, courageous, trustworthy,
reliable, courteous and friendly. You are very much
inclined to music and literature. You should work on
your impatience. You need to enhance your constructive
ideas as well.
Health this year: You will enjoy a pretty good health this
year. You need to take care of the health of your family
members. You need to take extra care of your health if
you are having some chronic diseases. You may go for
domestic healthcare instead of allopathic medicines as it
will give better results for your ailments and save your
money as well.
Finance this year: You may try your entrepreneurship
skills this year and you will be successful unexpectedly.
You will be able to get many projects, which you help
you establish as a good businessperson. You should go
for investments in real estate and stock market.
Career this year: Your professional ability and skills will
take you to new heights. You will be admired by your
peers and seniors for your high productivity. You should
help others at office as it will be considered as a positive
pointer during your appraisal.

Romance this year: Your relationship with your partner

or beloved will be strengthened as day passes. You may
decide to get married this year if you are in a long term
18 July, 2016
Ruled planet: Mars Ruled by no : 9
Traits in you: Being governed by the planet Mars, you
are adventurous, sensitive, courageous, emotional, hard
working, charismatic and punctual. You are full of enthu
siasm and ambitions. You should try and avoid your shy
ness and stubbornness.
Health this year: Your health may remain disturbed
throughout the year because of some minor ailments. If
you do not take proper care of your health you may end
up spending a lot of money for your treatment. You
should take preventive actions to avoid health issues.
Finance this year: As far as finance is concerned, you
will be earning a lot of money. You will be assigned to
new projects and those will be highly yielding for you.
You will gain enough profits from your past invest
ments. Your improved financial status may bring you lot
of happiness and joy later this year.
Career this year: If you are a working professional, you
may face various profession related problems this year.
You need to handle all the issues diplomatically else you
may lose your job. You may create wonder in the cre
ativity field if you are a writer, singer or actor.
Romance this year: This is a quite good year for women
when romance is concerned. You will enjoy a very
strong relationship with your spouse. You may decide to
get married towards the end of the year.
19 July, 2016
Ruled planet: Sun Ruled by no : 1
Traits in you: As you are ruled by the powerful Sun, you
are dynamic, confident, intelligent, unique, daring, and
very helpful. You are the master of a strong willpower,
which helps you stay ahead of others. However, you
need t work on your nature of being introvert, careless,
and fickleminded.
Health this year: Your health would not cause much
worries for you this year. However, the health of your
family member s may require extra care. Provide your
parents with proper medication as they may fall sick
often due to old age. You may start taking a balanced
diet. You should stop consuming alcohol and smoking
cigarettes for the betterment of your health.
Finance this year: Your financial conditions will be very
good this year as you will be working hard to reach your
goal. Your past property dispute will get solved and it
will earn you a lot of money. If you are into business,
you may go for new ventures as those seem to be very

profitable this year.

Career this year: You need to work hard to prove your
self in your profession. Do not take up minor issues to
an escalation. Try and brush up you knowledge and
skills to perform more efficiently. You may go for a job
change during the last months of the year.
Romance this year: Your relationship with your spouse
will get filled with more romance as day progresses. You
will find enough support from your partner in every cru
cial situation. If you have not married yet, this is the best
time to tie knots.
20 July, 2016
Ruled planet: Moon Ruled by no : 2
Traits in you: As you are influenced by the Moon, you
are confident, emotional, imaginative, simple, creative,
courteous, and warm hearted. You can easily make
friends because of your nature so you enjoy enormous
respect amongst your friends. You should control your
mood swings and you should not be lazy.
Health this year: As far as your health is concerned this
year, you may frequently fall sick. You need to undergo
regular medical checkups and take your prescribed med
icines on time. Join a gym and try practicing meditation
to retain your fitness.
Finance this year: You would not be able to save any
money for future this year as your earnings will be
spent for something or the other. You may face unex
pected expenses, which would make you a bit financially
weak. You may go for new business ventures but need
not get involved in any partnerships.
Career this year: You will be given more responsibility
this year as you have proved yourself to be an efficient
resource for your employer. You may expect a promo
tion or salary hike later this year. You should guide your
ordinates to perform better and bring unexpected
results for your organization.
Romance this year: Your marital relationship will move
forward with lot of mutual love, care, respect and admira
tion. You should not get into any kind of argument with
your spouse as it may disturb your peaceful personal life.
You should get married this year if you are yet to marry.
21 July, 2016
Ruled planet: Jupiter Ruled by no : 3
Traits in you: As you are ruled by the Jupiter, you are
energetic, ambitious, dignified, realistic, optimistic, reli
able, and very kindhearted. You have the skills of a good
listener so you can perform well in any field. You should
learn handling tough situations calmly and efficiently.
Health this year: You will enjoy a moderate health this
year. You need to take preventive medicines for weather
changes as it may hamper your health conditions. Do

not neglect your health if you feel uneasy. Consult doc

tor regularly and practice Yoga for better results.
Finance this year: You will be in huge monetary benefits
this year as you are going to get many contracts if you
are in business. You may travel abroad to for business
purpose and that would be very successful in establish
ing your business. You need to create new contacts to
get more business. You should not invest in share mar
ket this time though you may go for real estate.
Career this year: You will be highly appreciated by your
employer for your excellent performance. With the
increased workload, you may also be of fered an
increased salary. You should learn to handle pressure
situations from your seniors. You may go for a job
change later this year.
Romance this year: You may go through minor personal
disturbances and these could be solved by talking more
to your partner. Do not let the distance grow. Get some
time to talk to your spouse. You may plan a long trip
with your partner to strengthen your relationship.
22 July, 2016
Ruled planet: Uranus Ruled by no : 4
Traits in you: The influence of your ruling planet
Uranus makes you active, practical, enthusiastic, coura
geous, ambitious, and highly philosophical. You are very
proud of your traditions, culture and rituals. You are
highly religious and have a very sharp mind. However,
you need to work on your impatient and stubborn
Health this year: You will enjoy a pretty good health this
year though you may go through few minor diseases. Go
for regular medical checkups to retain your good health.
Take care of the health of your family members. Do not
ignore any health related issue as it may lead to further
Finance this year: You will be able to earn more money.
However, you may end up spending a lot of money on
luxury and comfort. You may go for new business or
investments this year as the movement of planets
ensures you good monetary benefits.
Career this year: You will get new heights in your pro
fession because of your excellent communication skills.
Your employer would be very impressed and will admire
you. You may get few extra responsibilities and salary
will also increase. You will get expert in your domain
and you must go for learning new things in your
Romance this year: If you are yet to be in a relationship,
this year is the ideal time to find a partner. You will get
ample support from your spouse in any critical decision
you have to take. You should show your love to your
partner as it strengthens your relationship.


July 16-22, 2016


How to Improve Spiritually?

By Sant Rajinder Singh

Ji Maharaj

hen we apply for a job and

write a resume, we usually
try to highlight all the
good things about our experience,
our background, and ourselves.
Many people hide all the difficul
ties they have had in their career
and focus on their great achieve
ments. When employers read such
resumes, they often feel each is
describing the greatest person who
ever lived. We try to put ourselves
in the best possible light to land
the job.
When going to a bank for a busi
ness loan, we also list our greatest
financial achievements and best
references. We want to appear to
be a safe client and not a credit
risk. We write down all our busi
ness and financial successes in the
hope that the loan of ficer will
grant a loan.
When applying for college or
business school, we collect all the
best references from former teach
ers so that a college will find us
appealing as a candidate. Few peo
ple would request letters from
teachers who would describe them

By Sant Rajinder Singh

Ji Maharaj

as slacking off or misbehaving. We

want to show ourselves in our best
light. When we attempt to gain
anything in the world, it is often
based on the concept that we put
ourselves forward and hide our
weaknesses. T his is typical in
worldly affairs.
In this connection, there is a true
story from the sports world. A uni
versity football team was condi
tioning themselves by practicing
running. One of the players had the
position of lineman. This large
player was in a tackle position and
considered the fastest lineman in
the team. One day, he walked up to
his coach and asked if he could run
sprints with the fastest running
backs. The coach gave him permis
sion. The lineman went out daily to
run, but each day he came in last.
Day after day, he continued to run
with the fastest backs, even though
each day he lost. This was to be
expected because linemen are gen
erally not considered as fast as the
running backs.
T he coach, thinking it was
strange, asked himself, Why would
this football player want to play
with the best runners and continu
ally come in last when he could run
with the linemen and be the
The coach observed the young
man and finally, after seeing the
lineman lose for many days, decid
ed to ask him: Wouldnt you prefer
to be a winner and run with the
other lineman, rather than keep
being a loser running with the
He was surprised to hear the
football players answer.

A way to improve spiritually is to take an honest look at our failings and

weaknesses. By doing so, we can weed them out and work on improving.
The young man said, Im not
here to outrun the linemen. I
already know I can do that. Im
here to learn how to run faster, and
if you have noticed, Sir, I lose to the
backs by a little less each day!
This account holds the secret to
our spiritual progress. Whereas in
worldly work, we always want to
appear the best, when it comes to
spiritual work, we cannot hide who
we are from God. Our progress is
an open book to the Lord. The
grace we receive to progress spiri
tually is based on sincere ef forts.
We cannot hide the truth of our
spiritual gains and failures from
the Creator.
The football player learned that
he would not improve by living on
past glories. He knew he could only
improve by challenging himself. By
seeing his weaknesses as a runner,
he could work on them to improve.
By pitting himself against those
who were better than he was in the
area he wanted to master, his

shortcomings would become visi

ble and he could work on overcom
ing them. He was after improve
ment, not accolades and praise.
A way to improve spiritually is to
take an honest look at our failings
and weaknesses. By doing so, we
can weed them out and work on
improving. Besides noting our posi
tive efforts, we should also analyze
our failings. Through this brutally
honest look at ourselves, we would
see areas for improvement. If we
looked at only our successes, we
might become complacent and
think we have reached the pinnacle
of g lory. T hen, we would not
change; we would be satisfied with
what we are and take longer to
reach our goal.
The football player could see
what the other runners were doing
and could work on developing his
ability. The losses showed him
what he needed to do better the
next time. By doing this, each day
he lost by a little less. When we

look at our failures, we know what

we have to do to do better each
day. Then, by making an effort, we
will have fewer failures than on the
previous day. Over time, we would
ultimately reach a stage in which
we have improved and reach zero
To progress spiritually, we can
honestly analyze the areas in which
we need to improve. We are not
applying for a job with God and are
not writing a spiritual resume to
show ourselves in a good light. We
are not applying for a credit loan
from God where we conceal our
business failures and show only
our successes. Rather, we are
applying for union with God, the
abode of all purity and virtue. To
enter into that union we need to
weed out any ethical failures. We
cannot hide our failings from God,
who sees all. God wants our honest
efforts in overcoming the failures.
When the Lord sees us making an
ef fort to honestly assess our fail
ings, even if we have dif ficulties,
our sincerity is recognized. God
then responds with compassion
and grace. Thus, if we are still
struggling, we will get help. God
gives us a boost to overcome our
failings so we can weed them out
and make progress.
By our effort and Gods grace, we
will improve spiritually more
quickly. If we practice introspec
tion with complete honesty and
sincerity, focusing on areas in
which we need to improve, we will
see rapid spiritual progress. If we
put it to the test, we will be able to
see the results and proof for

Life is restless for peace in the world

ystic poetry and literature is rich

in verses addressing the way to a
peaceful, calm life. One of the
greatest mystic poetsaints of the past
century, Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj,
has written a verse that captures the way
to lead lives in which we reduce stress
and anger to produce calm and peace
within ourselves and for the whole world.

The verse by Sant Darshan Singh Ji says:

Let this world become a temple of love
and peace.
Let love and Truth illumine the world,
And the adversaries of peace awaken to
its Light.
This sacred land of God has been
trampled with the burden of oppression.
Life is not a dagger stained with the
blood of hatred;
It is a branch filled with the flowers of
love and compassion.
Life itself is restless for peace in the
Let its noble dream materialize.
May the garden be illumined with
wave after wave of Light.

May the wealth of love grow greater

and greater and enrich every heart.
These verses capture the essence of
what I consider the purpose of life and
have been the inspiration of my life.
These penetrating words by Sant Darshan
Singh Ji Maharaj, a past master of medita
tion on the inner Light and Sound, illu
mine a way to achieve peace through
uncovering the Divine within. Once this
uplifting peace permeates our being, it
can spread to others, bathing this planet
in peace.
These verses describe the unity at the
heart of all creation. The poet realizes
that the same Light of God within us is
also in all others, making us one human

family. Even science points to our ones

through the Genome project. Scientists
have found that more than 99% of the
genes of all human beings are the same,
with only less than 1% being dif ferent,
accounting for dif ferences in our hair,
skin, and eye color, or our size and shape.
When we realize we are all one family, we
would not cause pain or suffering to oth
ers. As we would not want to hurt our
parents or children, we would not want to
hurt any other human being. The walls
that divide us through nationality, social
status, or appearance tumble down as we
realize that we are all children of the one
Creative Power.
Through meditation on the inner
Light and Sound within each of us, we can
have a firsthand experience of our unity.
Through absorption into this Light and
Sound current, we experience conscious
ness of higher spiritual realms. This inner
journey leads back to the source of this
current and we experience oneness with
the Creator. Saints and mystics have
described within us a series of realms.
Beyond the physical realm, there is the

astral, causal, and supracausal realms,

and a purely spiritual realm, called Sach
Khand. Each realm contains greater and
greater light, celestial music, joy, and
We ultimate ly merge back in the
source of all consciousness, love, and
light. Then, we recognize that all humans
and all forms of life are created by the
Divine and comprise one family. This
nondenominational meditation practice,
called Shabd Meditation, or meditation on
the Light and Sound, can be performed by
people of all cultures. The introductory
form of meditat ion, called Jyot i
Meditation can be practiced by any one at
any place. The more time we spend in
meditation, the more we realize the unity
w ithin each. Spiritual prog ress is
enhanced by an ethical life of nonvio
lence, truthfulness, humility, love for all,
and selfless service.
As we gaze at the wonders within
through meditation, we can experience
the inner light, enjoy its nourishing peace
and bliss, and radiate that loving
luminosity to all.

July 16-22, 2016

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