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Plea Rien FT 8, Robert F. Taft Liturgy in Byzantium and Beyond VARIORUM 1995 “This eon copyright © 1985 by Rober F. Ta Published ty VARIORLD “Athen bling iid Gomer Hows, rot Raa, Alder, Hasire GUI SHR Groat Bain Ashgate Pblising Company Old Poa Re, Brock, Vermont 05036 USA ISBN o-cart-isas Belo Libenry CP Data “Tal Hobe ‘ig i B)zandum and Beyond (Warcran Callie Sis Seles, C8400, L The. Sei, 2401 US Library of Congress CIP ata tay in Bynum ad Beyond Room F, Ta em ~ (Collec Sree Sees, C8433, Inside ibliogapicl reese. ISBN aaanre-i-s ak paper 1 Ontndos Easier Caweh-Liuigy-Hisn, 2. Fasten Charcies-Liur to | Tie, Sees: Coles Sota, C5453, BXSS0, 35 1985 oss 264 1 009-de20 cP ‘he paper wed in Us pbleaon wes he minim eee the Anson Nitra landed fer Information Seles -Pomatonne ot Pip fer re ey Ma ANSI SPAIN ey Prine be Gallia Prited) Lit ‘Great Yarmouth, Nov, Great iin ‘COLLECTED STUDIES SERIES C3491 ‘CONTENTS Price vi Sig “THEBYZANTINE LETURGY:WHSTORY AND INTERPRETATION 1 ‘Theta of he Great Chacha inl sym oF ‘ure ta intrpctation on hove of oclm 5.5 ‘Bandung 995 gig DEL BE 8L mina IML ‘The athens o he Cysowom Anaghacs Revs Dricmibine Be autesh of peal ery computer SS ‘asta Cina Berner Rome 190 RETWFEN CONSTANTINOPLE AND JERUSALEM: PARADIONS THE Poniation OF Toe BYZANTINELITUAGICAL SYNTAESIS Mouse Atos te chper inthe iy of — ah ae Papers. Wang DC. 198 Inthe iepiom's abunce The Pacha Tin in the Byaaatne hutch ns ge ae a a tH MI Atle. Th Byte Hy Wok Tas ‘prs of arp hry a ne re no Tom la al NPM Mest! ure it seam LLTURGY BEYOND THE BYZANTINE WORLD Vit Some es on ema oh Eas unl Wet an ‘tons 226-299 nents Oriana Pera 2. Rms, 1988 ‘VIN On thous fe bain he Earn ey aoe astern Carche Review 3 Landon 1990 [RC The meyolton oh Sanco ino te anapion when aed utr? A roe of hdr 231-308 Orienalie Cision Printen 57. ome, 991 nd 83134 rire Christians Prac 38 Rome, 1992 Aliens Note ané Comets 4 (Gene Index Index of Manstrigs PREFACE, Ling! xs an cry es sre ani ot ois ytanne Flic commer taconite, meng pa Bah {le )omprie ta cosa percentage mac ransede ws {Lote Ancien Medion Ester Chan mancarits Toten teal enon Crete the aso Cheatin ors Amen, Conte Ethiopie Sytoe. ‘Bal dsp he oe npoeaneof burch ual in be eof Eason Chin communis jester a ty fr Byars oe md ale thence oar in the pal co composi ke he cath cory De Conon ore farce nincerzy De Ofte -compars oe ir oes, which asa eb! he try of ars Ci ery rms Seto dpe acted ex profes by ery few, Bor steel of Poaiteomatonspoiogeist and inal practcemany by Wester trernstein srk of rgumerisied em e presualy ona Est (erin romney Wastrclrys wa ay Torin gs Ensen) compa cma lugiology aan objets eet, hrc fut and estish sou Cains a indapondom ecghind anch of Oral ot Osc a Byzine Srutes. The age mabe? Salen ira ost The Os Dictionary of Bi 1991 ae ‘we he eat een rcognion, ‘rst arginogy i he, relives new slnce, Though is made tees merlin, td aor sa lb wrt ere gra {yhwe scp ah dtinsons funnel Sob Gran sflctlist Avion Baum ( 1948), is followers ke Mirongris| TEngoring, 0.5. and othe Liogy DeparmcnScrone Lrg) o te Fly of Orin Chan Stud at he Pots! Org Ise ke Roms! o which the pent sur belongs "Wiha ackgroand nin, eres aera why ht Helen Loch a fe nvedacion to his st thelial seve ie the Georgie Lestonry msi eins app fBeaeSicea thaws te Inourime wha ried of car inh ry th gy that liad cay sures Tadisorouls hid teat ely singised fom hypotheses Becase fhe eine eer metode ‘of ody's ures scolahi. wih is eatin 0 spec dn ‘Suestns aide-angng onesie wok coverings ge eases ‘lyme proteatan imps Toomey ancerain sans wold het advan oo mons hypotess red ost tecauseore arson ‘anno longer hep in viel der sens, Ty Liga eerste becoming moe ond moe ray In sho, befor wating he general tess one st hve Something to syns bees ioe rst ir cle gus the Soa, and bake the bk I he sur ae ese) deed Less lenge tooling strat an travels ofthe iter ofthe Byzane isa Eaiton? Ws ot hsabie he csgrees th Let's ses but [ture ea ein thrty yen ot guaring ad bik aking fin st {dost ten, nr as Prvfasor of Orca agy ae Ponca (ties nice a Ror The essays zed n hi oame conic bata Sal sunpling of at rat, gecind work hah lone pov tbe sis and stieton for ta nial sy tei and, opel fer fe move more moanead ony thers nthe at “Th twelve sues calcd hore range acess hoeon of ae of ry als pbletions nthe fe itn ere Tal corpse ny Jott ‘cis Ny, VIT-VI oa: wl i cor sgl nore? Ir werk. But een wih th pss of te Jeans ind ning oat th are werk. tcugh mx oesioal recion or ping of ipo oF igri fl eles the Ana tes and Coven ‘The ales elected for his volume ean he roped der te hang, ‘Nos. lle te Byun itzy nth rch eae ate." Divine Lira ha chart No Idea ths power sage aed neining as it emerges a be fet quart ofthe sigh cey. Ne Tan ‘Sion deri commentas of he are oo of path Buc (of Hogle Sophia vey of elas sous, was ned poper toa uametook on he yraine pil ithatileaisonhe wine und Not repesens 4 plomeing ale o we sop wchsogy sexeining he ats pf ths Canute Anton ‘os IV-VI ae "A Tale of Two Cie hs lata of Consncnele an Jee nth oan fe Byanite Re. Tiss etd Inthe Linsey ofthe Boars anda Psca Taka (V0, cE en ri ee 06 tdi) “he It ce sts (Noe. VI-T) move Keyed the Bye Greek sor th Et San ton hen fk istry tthe er wo of Sopra maton ses thos athe Byun puss peti Tefen ih sunt i heen iRsape and popup extensor fie famous "Syren Boma oughone Offset pl startle ete Ro, Vices Aint iupal et oftioben the Aus Cen Re No Denis rater ase ts ons of te anophora Sacts sang theo oar ave tu, For permission a reprodace ese eis he ators eel the eos f Dunron Gets Papers (Nes. LIV), Oriettia Ciara Pendica Noe IU, Vi, 1s} Sia neta (No Vp, The Pastoral Press (o VT}, and ‘heFelovabp of Alan and St Seis, pblshers of Sharma secs to Bore Cheer Review. VI. ‘he ube also wishes express hush coeapus Ugo Zane $53, Ble Vellava and Stan Pate fc te geneous enone odfng hess collected hte and spoting ad erecting te alo Sera misprinis erors [sean te aotwo srs fs: oe Stove whelpan as wt etcaelo dire denen. Th oma Imei oe gaan hie stor. wo. he Ses 7S bas an es peeiwew inrancy oc inalibiy, acknowledges pully sn wah Complex His del toe his emer tens, fom whoa, be as sways ‘manned, one can ert 5 oe anyone ce. Poni nie Oren, Rome meee NEY Novnier 138 PUBLISHER'S NOTE ‘The articles in this volun, ef al shes in the Calis Sais See, June ot Geen given 4 new, coninoss fusnaon In order o std ‘enfin, and flit their ue where ese same sis hve sen "sed ekewhere th ris pasaton ba st Hanne wheovr pombe Etch atlas ben yn a Ronan number in oder of prance, a sed inthe Contes. Ths ers repeated inh paged pied nthe dens SIGLA ion bpssnan ieacd eben ony weremchisures over rapoetl “ited om oa te ref oer mesons oe OC Anos de Oven ce ori Bo ai = ec cime Spon tenn ‘tar SID = ier emerson Oscecie Acepan sonscon Pann Dine oh ce ge Boece ane Bok pin ot Se, 3S. ‘aloe = E Ca, 8 Paton ThlomeyeEVolhowha es), PAO Seater “iro i nabs Acs Unegen# Rore 00 = Coane ls FoR ane nos el ne ‘aca. Ga sh crt lr ap 8 ol ST, 1, 1985, ‘css geocenchet en StiGetnbnk, Son Star Bictcrane meee Ctra spe int des Dine ‘ingles aftr sobantsirant clean: hectares been ‘rans einer posal et wart ore ut rea ccna steepest Soe 8 Bs 9. Tsk At a Chinen at foes Gane ue IS er de fe ws EDM ee tne ane Bis Roe dictate Se eet crane, rae ane re ‘THE LITURGY OF THE GREAT CHURCH: AN INITIAL SYNTHESIS OF STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION ON THE EVE OF ICONOCLASM* Delle iturclconmeniare, sorties caparegingy refered to mates pts esl eu ut eonoed hla! rata fey! But ol a the Fite ot cece ebay ne an jective eon of ealtral tory cold. oe Ernary ls sorely ses lest genes he Bjeatne Berea lente Andindoc ent scar haley pecan he ru fee ‘Seanen cretion of heater ie flloving pager {ea deci eB the cemmantry of Patriarch St rman of Constantine 73) and te Ug of ha Great Church ha eden *Alinagh Maxima Cotewcr sure) are sft autor and Ks Mytrey mf, the nt a Dyarine comms, ny Wa) 5 en gti ram wi ead tee (eration da at pupae Lisp pny aod tad tettly hs iene Ia {heb spatanne Deanne iepelsybctan And altough the commentary bf Sion Cans 1380) tat epeete hi inal yb hen Cele? ad reached aloe the ay of Phen! and he et pop fhe ' “6 Ips fre nl even sre tv Gite ta! roe odie nog terete theca pode o evelopment fat mata ia te ped vale and ity or eowsinm (26-77, SIS SU? te Pe een eve tr aus bey oe reste Here ist oes ot Fon Ae the toy mide "Dar ges of Wester Burp this i feted of potest Cuan mpeg The attardnte of femme C1730 ‘ends teat ol thisatedrd,Sndhis wae soo cara wipes to he ne ‘yathess poplar ge ay “Tha emable aces ol ths a prod by iby, Geomanar sowwisteenann el eri du, enti ponte in wpe tha ‘Stars by ica tne tly ah oh ow erm ttt he Beep ele" Ion his ental rw fhe tat mae {he ean why set cht ve pu eaten to Geena. The erring [6698 boy crip aod the suey of be conn sweeney afd ntl te rstrain of Bega a, met sce. te mst ‘aly ot ere Telling hs reso ent, Lope we that German work ania aly asin char a ee tedster, titans eet in ay ack ee ‘Staite 4 tdogy othe Ul ot tine ae ao al ino Bt alsin Ry of heey svg othe atevanae of sting ayhing foe, Oat of te coun ase the Now Tetaentamage cach a ts tpl aon molt ow Sade to erent parca sew fe a THE LITURGY OF THE GREAT CHURCH a fai cen th cia von tea Al we ana of Garson i wt GT Slog Lela: eto thera peat Ya expression Shine conn radon sarong fs age For Sietncesctn oon and contemporary etre thatthe adage caf is ‘Rect alo Byrne org explanation tte Start of tlw {Geren vs eos by Garman iowa Cusrunv Wowsn 8 Guar Cavnew: HistomaTasorl® Hagia Spr Hea ting oil gl oh ty asin the By ann no ties fa see played ack a ec ra Js esp char wea hl anh tv op le ae Fintne rlnt iodeal by the Une ofthe hrgy me are dina nose ‘acs of gute dace wale bat sede fo takeover the He Se lage Sip wos tie cane) chore nf te ety ware the Byratine te ae iSed tad ese, sl who De vam of Ke mewn, erated sche Goal stage, was determined a pt ‘Wie vast ra shoot this bldg. Za nee than it sarting anche guar us then cee by fuer, nd he fortis ne ihe von on th spn of te pital Kar ull fo home. A care ota ape testa ite gal concn. TBa commu ile than ame mater thon isthe dig oc yeee Te ine e bcs boat et Uling os snl ofthe mya ome Butt wes aot tts Sophia that coteta ctl for Semaivena vel worthy of eectng sey With eps Spain na some cats Rooms the No Tepe and Jutta Nop suo, mel sa Ca have exhaled on the ees the ded "Tee Byratines id net. cous, nat the nodosa he cae a image a the cmos God ceted and ifm Uae wpetreuchet of is these oon the iy tosh ver stage hee Bem Me enact Bat Haga Sopa fv areome exsdun ins way never ahtved Ber, Tse sheer mass ‘fet ultoming over tha iy wage apical of gr ent apa 1 & oa ee oper ety eee Se ere eee Serbecesae oiwenenerst mrenees eee ees errs ere the very glory of God! “ caso ase ne ema eer Rete eo mene pees et ees emcee rete eet eee Eee oem eae cere 2 Seon ote ite ‘Wn ert gy thy oberon hi ee xn, evn ‘pene ttt Habe sional mba cen eed of BS san 8 Cote maces ‘THE LITURGY OF THE GREAT CHURCH o envsson of Rs? The smtntre Masia Confer and Garmansar the (aly extn tmnt th tsar east of he Gea hic ie ped Sete fstinan md orca tthe monainal ores i noe change oes ix die two cenunesfetnesn Catan and oot wate so et ok ‘Seni. and wi) ie eae seat wach 4 procedure, 1 shal ae som of. ise eco tnly lo onplte oe pntre ster at Gera ay Ade Among that ste the tentantary De cormoni of Consatine AT Pophyrgunsue recounts thee es of te pater Haga ns he ‘enianca, Lesa psc, omaminior in which te ep conse payed a Atte Ten fare eth mat important eliscestury Tyco a the Great hats? ant fay Cafe fers Pyros asd the reais Latin seen of Sesotho comtary atrgy of Se Da tat cola epi rae forte pial elston of Hag Spin he ior commit Une af he itagal e o must awa sho. Late ‘Byrd score bseywhic om teil eanty’bgin to mul bane genta sunt els trate The testo their iiey Ovo ts aly Uiuey aca th Rc if th ot Chrc, omnia feicnnucy vl portion cox Bi Libary A 3052 Pepin Bet Fo tie eet dents ven, mot fu th ie pa iin Wl as ey ego Peseta ins ener Sra nthe it a Petia th prone he een en pioereptates Sprcanw pe nn aed te Eile eta sun 0 dh a ot obit ia ae ch ei te Spc ttt ee ie oe he ro et a rt let yee aay vo oe Bie thy eee tt een fs pots Bian as cr te ee en Sola tne he mn nd pried sa ® Wn ee RELIG em pak he epee ey a tn eel nt Mee the eat tee ee ce Syn te obey Poet ELISEO ih Samet cies nario ome ‘hago sin orem cay of a sh ser ai pace ae ae 1 50 in ht int eae ar thst aig The {eof Germans on totaal days ten ary as tt fede bye tect, move robe tat he ptiach vested fe last ete Speer al och ad a ee Af there wars sale, dag and ele ae topes tng cage ati tte cuneed anaes pa, Upmeterng t eaae the pitch and clergy pnd aie she tnt eat der leading ns the nave to tay the tnt pawl he ple of into the mea he ther dx do rew oa etd he es ene aes eserted be thecec Solna 4 The Beene A mostra ue, bo th eae he yah a sto a leas ene pester tone dare won abe gone ners te san to ead the gtterng cng Se te oie of the earn eel href ce ‘mpg ach pre Hyon cson ants casbnary wes Nec the Spee hing er te et pape any fee we pu of eae Al eprint rey ait ep By now the ptach iseaed fete me ei eld tig rit Wha ‘ela of (be int path tied etphon of the natn on oration ‘yet utach gps ble era dan to ay te irl praje To Ge ach es view int hs sve acme ont ropa dots and eer wets Stes ono the cavalo he amba ne, sascacy wich werocd ‘ihe rays oun amin tough he wadows of he pee the wd st ner Hale Se ir Web, 1 ‘THE LITURGY OF THE GREAT CHURCH a reer tae of he many commentator ave ve the von Be hese snconey inde to tees, bes ery pe (Lor and maser ut Gd who in even ha etablahd the ona an srs fangs an rchange omit nto our mae, gan hat {he ranges ay eter wiht aNd wih ave and pi our gat ‘9 he lem al nection wah he ops of ach andres spy ae th Tih tena of i re eS easing the Gonpel ud ns, tae of Ch, the pain LX. P94) a {ig apo et ned have presage the lnipent ayjearint of he hatly eet Hie in tk at ome lt ue in the Lord, twat wth il unt Gad Tata ome lowe countaace wth Uaskagiing, ad tee st nln ne i Fer he Lords get Got and geting overall he art, (coms, at ori nd fal dea elore i pains Conlon Son and Wied of God. hase moral yon cnn for onc lpn eta sh fom the iy Theos a eerie May Winat change you tease man ad were ered. Cart ou, trate ‘dwn cath auth. You wo ars nef he Haly Tet bid ith the 6 The Germnns (2433) ners he “entance ofthe Gap” a Ue coming of Casa tothe won The entra ofthe Gospel shes the apsarnce ad etranie of te Sen af God lly fhe wold sate apo ay, "hen oe Gl the Futter teins the ftom ise toe port Me saya Let all Hi orgs ‘oipHln® (eb 16 “he nila eo vests epee he inact Cra. te apni nt n'a ager ation Dats tte tae ofthe Wor stole, Sst t cy ‘the aus Hl comin sang “Gory to God in the Hise 2:48), fg "0 came, et 9 wort ad fall awa Save Son Hf God And ashe ‘Mas efor gal lets myth, we clr fal ope atl ty ‘feed nthe Tiagin Dyn 294), wleh as bart ey le {bein snip “Tho sits that pec tis spenrance Gran ert as the poh ein that amomerd Cats conung (230, Tye at ond seen a he threat of heihop vested a hsetop toro, show Chretien ‘ona in jsy atthe ight Iw he athe ening 99H set ad ring tothe Father the wed aso Ada (273, ‘Uj atvig atthe evo me aps, the alse sets and ls the congestion te indoural “Pon's a allies Thee tae ae ‘Gated the gad oan orpoleinenon cpt alla en and Gore The einen 3d Gee ard nc gun the pent fC 24H i) nde ths tarcone"=a tr Corsa ta Sve nce SE 2433, 23) S148) inthe content of tha peewee of Chat inthe entrance essed Word ‘eric the ala the sted by Coane ths prt te tangy The Maly Gospel the appearance of Goin which He ae By 20 longs throug clin speang im ne ence ty Monet Ke ‘appre openly a roe maa and was sa by w= Progh who Go ae ater has poker oe facet aces mtn lon ceunig vm the Father gives wtnen fm eaten a This my lene = odo nt ae inane oa hop ad ta he ol Chinn of Gad To Hon wom we have hard nd ith ot own eps ae fais itn td or of el wea "Gy on, Od ‘hiss more han a sghtecentry Byrne way of ease win Chrstans say ol he Ward sce td “Tn te iu he ing Go coms net ait He Wd amd ie cre Chis te Word ae es ns ee iets ed it mals esr ta tips For Gena ial wih he Gos al syle es ema ‘teen Word emis of tet ayer in he le fe he ‘cein Word isa the oathatinn a amen oem, eg of camo a 1 The rest Baneo® Alter the Gospel and bey de pcre a eenpenying egy descend he ‘yahoo ad pons tthe Mis ne te ofthe deanas awe heat 1 THE LITURGY OF THE GREAT CHURCH a Sua. te ine for he citchamens and thr dows. an eats Fei yt iu Gora Tes ei 9 jeder Kael te doors olin ie interseasone rom he abo bss ees haste thas and eve te sentry the nth ane yt gang aot ch tothe stostaion bye ortheaat dor Im secu in Shey te lie taal pric of the pte shen po though the rt, chop sting his ita and ener he ech gun by the dors In The eth sla cron te ab ter the terion bres box cmpced the deacons in the soe brat fo ral wth Ue gle by inning the Chacon, wh hee op {he psa, in have It he ctecy plan Inthe hae ent Svea ind pon buch kes han fe a or gard ogi wh She proven el gil arenas ty’ rons cde nd he agree a Lig ses, roe psa" When th cco Te ea of he peso rive atthe holy do ofthe shane the proce halts wal be tr Fee the aka, heptane, snd oer med sues aang the areal of the its Taste Sint nit chant, hi ved o propa the peopl ote coming a {uot in te maser of His Werd. the Chealeon, song dg this poses Wet erent et mane ev Pe the yonse sitealy ftw miaet ition sapbors) a snare ‘ety fo sovate thee mins an arts Cou tg heaps Saha, sh tear to ei thi Hg commun ™ \Wornto yt epeaeat the Corin and singe eos ely yan sot Magi Tent, ete new aps ll only eae To see he ingof aecrid umden by the agi og: Ales ‘oe sei fh poon at rasa o he ung in which tok ace Tocet it camo symbol, by nett of ital syaedacbe, the ens ue Dive ry PF prepare h vapors pce ith he deacons aang Auten caleron oe ska uacoveag Ch withthe nn the Agrawal le enough oeovee much othe ae Not oni teenth to {eects cena ds tes dation ie bn sue ace de Sree SEN Pa ee Ty La ea pnd ty iar Peon Dh Sa ee Bi le frre ot a tin: Ft un 2 Ppt 1 injucne the neeasing role importance the eter commentators sgn tot ae the il of the ay of st {be conedaratlng heres bd ap ch atts ofthe fl the bl Alert Gellar kang th payin tn sci ao es bat eg hey roped vith hr anon tnt tam Lae 1380 Ua) Ihe iy Sp ius don wn ym ond the oar of te ie igh aha” Ten te eas ie nachna ll ernest Pape In the er devaprent of Byrntne Kiel seb the eterprtatin ihe pon td nin git cae hee amu wh he we Syne sveiee cumals all a peed and med slnatly came to ‘ep on. Ba teers le sys that of the age any wich ‘Bunda ita the tery’ under Justin I 573-314 and Germans oll om Hees et ries tiene By means f the proton ofthe dans nd the representation ec) ‘Mie ope beng Crass the ferpten, Ui Crest yan se es [nance of the site ana the fase turns tate Slee the he [ered angle hats in gig toe Ca gat hing yong {otbe mati serie. (31/9) Wo comes lavishly up ws and pete We ayo. egielng abd oils mop and ut" Aad the ange coe set Cees cary noun fel i Hi cs ab deat ad hp eos over dah dent at ell Soren oo he ta ays iw allen” (370), Gee ee er reper ete eee fees Gee sete CAG ete Bye lepcem ‘Senet Ca Grete ra rash phar et Un Graresiror ‘Gane of te Byte abd ined ofa Esser Hg edo ae sot Sar chnls,bo eve ales iodsce Ue wl ital flim, mic, she rit anton sce dd forthe asi ofthe Word Ad in trae Fao Geren se ite hte samen nes Ces lois ‘THE LITURGY OF THE GREAT CHURCH ca ‘esr in iene, Te ot rpmsentaton of the paso, a i amet be f Teh Ue late meal West ih sche cmanencs she ge ipo ment of ite wane ad elomstion costae thao Ser Caan ee eps eee wn scl, be don Dont woull evenly esr partie’ the prc and pein the en ere ane al Ce lin inttion oft bil tC. jut Joep tok wm he ‘ym the tonsa wrapyd eins ean doa stain sh sles nd me eared wh Need ad Dt a ae Domotec fom rein alte an dopontary the ant of he ly Suter that ths ly ale on hh ares macs od aly ey 8, iy tein o Gea this ew, Aone aeretton Mas Baan on Sy te of siggy att etanoe Nl ul ck inte tae Stn at ove nating 1 pce weey the wale Monga sto Sete a er | The tani gil epee nfanction ofthe in Ut thei tthe Iran tyson Ihe blo he aed eased Cet ™ This Che itn, pend hie a by the dears blr ring ou to etch he ats. symone the ‘ten hick the dente Chet we wpe an la I the ab (67 Sh efit preparation i sepa ec he enteric nage Mert fli hi ed peg tte Sc 9) Tpandeof Joveph and Nicodemus; ts caver is she napkin that covered CARs fh03 Ur be oa the gre yl fae the oe od yer htm, an Uh wah se bt by Pte 1. The er, Cet and Anapord ‘fjoncolaing far domgy of the Poxonide Pear the peta arta he ole Pet's and the ricer ses the coms sate bap tata leone sur?” Ts oly tspase Was the Ke el ecm eho feck orc by sveone Inthe chee Then i chot Oe ceed an aly, the [Beat ves ronoed rom the gilts a rules fo tel sng inthe anspor Tye ansocs Hl a paper seated seni bythe cebans sean the far, ee aan pante eros 1 = Ss cee telat va sei Gt epee his alias ouarig hc fu nd Go 10. Thaw Germans exits hie cranes om the anaphora with sdeamlic polmaon BG depen tputenee it Ui oes eal ely loa Gres aie ae ee Bet ht ered es ee tem cin the tone sale ‘The yet apyoats teen withthe age power al setae em ath ‘tan tin te estat anetoney, tnd beer he lar of Ges arene 2ecanemplnte ep the gra and netbeans sty 1 Got He confess te gro, peas te rsurectir, sel the ah o the Hay Paty “he desea cx the ate aanonacins the angtara wih te ue all: "Pa as ‘oa eight tot ded i frar Et ets oft hs iy onan fo Tele the ape ct te stuoe ofthe secur amoung Chit’ thre ‘yr te tomb rpente, “The pope exci te gice of Crate rene chm 'A kr fs aos of fate! Aad the ing vp verge ot Seavey Jems ta he by mount, te post eb: Louk! La Mt toe fas "GSD, Han, German tert the olor ge of Ce Saline ie ata he wie sd nm of hth el erumcton, Benet ser petal owe ystny of te heey Ht ti eaventy mystery tht Geman its Ms ecu stents Sa God grace wh cnnanes Sef, spaing to Got ng in chad ee Mase bt ae oar, he nyo uth he yey of ho Hale Tey reveled Clete the ete ho th ron of he epi nd chew he people chat the ange Tasgin Surtae).Te expan of {his tet frm Ii € provides Genin with the opprtniy expound ae ‘ening ofthe eacarit* Oven Hy hs ded sso he hens the Le Serum By serpin crying, Hy, ly, hoy the Let of hat Te whale tort ff His por” tn roped ado et or Tam os: oe Ta ‘Be oof the seaport nga saan of wa ips 1 THE LITURGY OF THE GREAT CHURCH a som eta nd cued Ne mot, seg: "Dee, shoud yours ‘Soares taken oway snl your age’ (a 6:17). Ths sinless who take the pte cl Cis athe aps i inant ny ante apd saris and pees tte wh ha rumunleat, "For nea heavenly snconry Sot made by hand bs Cet fecond (drt 9.24, nad hs pete ny ore he ato Ge, having ‘Some fr msa ah pst (60) wh Ds pad throagh the ates 1) tr ve Hl a adwoate belo: he Father, a 98 « propa ot (er sim (i Tohn 22 who provid fr Hom o's teal ea. Teno rill ofa a Me sabe shen sarin vor tase ee lm Jer inv evn oe it they maybe mace bly” ob 71,1710) na Py des that they may be whe ar a a yrs beac ou hare lived tem you ave loved tile the owdsioe fhe wer (John 3p assay Wiha flows « srigitorwand expen of the ansptor fling the (Sete: the tition no enero of eax otsalvten th comets [fie bead and wine bythe por othe ily Spr ino he bay anno of Crs, bo mid" mncaty mj otha tcp mph bo sn (fo Rin), on etsy Heh en ike my tbo tenes na a” {lata 6:5 (0/0 The nie mln ceeat he ree owed clog fh Ged lone cotemplting tevin ght tnd the plore yo he fie of cot. “Te ded an the rng are remeber slong wit the sas “Thesuleo Cran ar caled wt be pops and acetic and ees fe pte sr ce with bran and Ite and Jaro tthe mpl ale 8 Gast the kg, ‘Testace gating togethers ay of oh ate ‘semnion of lly Sp” toh he sono of Him i ied fe enol ae ht fad ft Pte ea 9 go ith a ‘ding ein the ral shrne of Ged ia mae, whee Ct a8 He maa styer jure Father sani your naa thes whom Yon babe rene ines arn hey em wt” Job 1718 8) 160-0. ‘And as apt on an nr with Chis (Gn $5, Ro 8:17, Eph 2:8) we ars fo "Our Pat” Bis hi Zanes Propet Cetin ‘Mer sno eps rota amentary the Our Fate, Gerson com dade smb abaply in chapter f8 th the npn, Once a hele Ao te Epa tothe Hebe (191): Doe sprit ho Bod healer and pats ase bot ofthe covenant, bt Coe gave How ody ad Mandan Tec ih hr underage ot he bead ad he cp ts bd and {Sees of God, cotenang the das ad rrcton of te Lot Jr Cha. hom ly aco ho ag, amen!” (SW on of wate al 8 Since Gummi es ot comant onthe common ita Lal nt deste lu hum ot soe tus treed empath patel dane oh tba aah 380 “The ualaniog shape of Genin’ carmentary Se hereof lence lise nterpeiten that esto Be of sac inertness Deane prepamien and transer af fs. Not oalyare they given an ioediate amount ef Sparen mere thane apes sad emus the za a a Mou on eee est a tengo bee a now level 9 system et ‘Sole pte pero intel th explanation of fhe anapbors ‘Garman enter of the enapoca Yl ileal. Wont we meer ‘hat we ay be urd and sancti by retin Hs aval te The thlgy {ht has Seve catch ptt an has ote hs eaten sant te forall Theby, the Supper ofthe Lord as Gece the slants baud ot Tenge ane ur cathy itl ation oe besa mer Ta fie by there the Holy Sci By hs hp cof ah a ‘ing cats an erection of tbe Lcd Ie winded meri fal Ce pases boa ana of the tal mat tis Chit nis poset ae {he eral termes bt the icon 0 Go of Che ous hge st te se ‘aootst our tata lh Mi ee H the wok ft Ha Se sot Sethe lle he Father, though the hand of jt ag Cat He ‘Bat we tun tothe Sst ofthe chs of thy pti, tae, a ) send, and then when the archdeaco has secclved permission, ll the’ pe= tieioas (as ellaathe ektené (2) are aid by the des ‘on. a. Ard wen the pople excnim the “ire dion”, then [the bishop), with Hands reed ligiay im prayer, anys" thee times he Kyrie elaion”, 3. Then he tales the scroll font the ‘Bec pp. sts) hom fai wan epee eppitatn or onan Uo Ca nae wt of ni, DIT Th als: Bravo be eeaitenttas De eee aneaenbe 5) 20 {os gt Goa, pp 4h so) abt woe 3 DIARIES PR 140, 397 33H St ry he tn ato ene ‘Nips are erdae after the Teapog,_eesbyits afer the Great {Entio dencoos ie tr anopes blaconate teaser ome the itmgy, Deter te ena gin ck Cass pp 30s, 20, 10, be. s4f 245 253), onions toiorary dees ies (ree, 8) the pice a ne ee "tke ete {1 ain cos so sh tect tm fr the angel eye ante ype 2 ype ay Tae at 4 in ofher Byvantive sources (ee elerences TAM, Great Embrace, 1p soo) Tels lat roa f¥- 4, tno 12) Te ten inte tay a lore the Coop (= BeOS, rp sort O48 Bry, me erin Cla, abe 24 Essa neverpolt ol sednay nl ern lens Kine Edad: ty, teen 4. Kak bale, vpn bp ean, 1 Boos "Vale 1 wae ge tier. Tea 1s mates Rie Zlqooy Dain, muviel val el 2b Bebe, view ele op ngpiba tak donierat dy dey slcwten G. Hle Bech senor Emarpenet pbs vy ba ak i bah wal larg na Bled” wl ang eps roc Sune wok dks dy Exe dug een ivr ele baa Or Laan: 4. Kal wos dehnninss attr ibe noun ra mperpetuton on [Binion bigunct ag atv scves 8 'O Sepals Eecgeras ad laure wig sys Kile ody ude Rbyaucroigdr ene Hier sal eins gers "Ons Ei "Ve Ral ub ba sniere' “Apt Sera oh $e Pompeys 30 8 dpyszsis Papen dna ak muons LairG (hp Benes, ead yeasudined ddauevan Bees &) Band ty biden ob Otkee dees 3. Wereopbves Be Fie ee Enbihon. & Urcizen ip merely val dons (pends abr, lope cle eigne abe, bt 220" eae ZepeuBexty Gusay. 4 Kal wiz Froswdives el py TA deca wasenddos mals mph ob ocpytes Be ‘romipeis, "0 38 mpineaioas Ueapoget wah tonne shiley eh lowe Filton mpg wh hid. Tyron Foye. | bias oe ‘eee Sie rg sn 9 Ka span oven Serie bees Bllyrris 3 Oaks ay: 8 Kak uo? bel looper b Bunce, val Soin in Aazapén wah seaman, ovgniters me tae Nwwrocs Bilge 6 Oels ah ge TOS BE Apacs Dennen hv Say seenin, stot pzoweet 7d Bye, val 2 he sete = Talon hae the en (= ANA 75 ten on are he tent Meat Crt 10) (Heese owsgy of ty Preproltheted (Siac pares pe the Coteshamens; Fit ab Sond Prayer of the th wit ue tees cepbona (=H Pp are ‘he Postel Liturgy of the Gret Charc 25 ceresls and veal this prayer: “O Lond onr Gos the dni lent. (2) 4 And whet the arehdcacon bas teelvd permite iba, the petit ious are sd, after the detcon has aid, "For eo most Reset ant isinaly-priac..," (9) andthe people the "Rjis dation 5. A8 the singing of the Sst "Kyrie desen [the bishop] bows, aud at the second ne mounts the lator ae ase the aly alter. 6 the tide tus to te pope, end at the reniaing tres be bleses one in the conte, ad ts the Ist and to the right, and turns once again to the ent and says the eephonesis in the heating of al: "Fora sural..." (0) 4. Aid ater the aeedeacon sa go permieion again sd ged ‘im on, the descon procains the petitions. & The bishop prays to iol the ravens "O Landon Gad .."5 "We dane ors. Again and vepeattly to yur, °50 tat wer. (8) Ive Meron V1 And after the people say, “Amon, the palmists bein the Cherabicon, a, Au the bishop, coming forward’ at fence aad making within Minnlf suplieation during the Siagiog of the Clerabicon, (cars to) hinelf the prayer ‘No one wordy...) 3. Whoa the prayer fined Ne gives the scroll to the eastenis, adler ting dows his yonion {and jeinhig his bands, le sayy to himel the Cherubic Hyma. 4 Aed whcn this fs dove ifthe gilts have ariel he is summoned by the castes with a wr. . After bowing, be withicows and stands near the ils, 0) fackag right, 6. At the sive time the dencon goes oposite him to the other il And bowing, the bishop Bees aying, "Bleed our Go & And the deacon enters with them (te git), and inensing the bishop and boring, is Diesel by him siying, "Bleed ds 17 God. 9, Wlile tn nchdeacon is incening the bly atta, the pls come fn and the isop, bowed, pays to himalf "Bead (9) For toe Cmrbie Hyman ail pear ring Mook 1 Le. of the coclua over the attr. CE Marans, p. 9. Tho aschetlena af Gentes alan tts tthe plas (OMI TRN. & deers tubal, Ineyecns phe tondv® EtBeymutos & doy evs dy Ondo spon, Sel rine sal ddan jt. Dasa o- Cee ie ae Vin Aresebevcuy 32 cay dytay eat 2 waduebévzuy, dmomhine wig pelext 5 doyunlog dv oping 2. "0 8 oop ycm Endl val yet el 2 ee ligor dr oveddueves. 4. Ke wt Sends tel Ebttyyo, deere, Boy sn2b pew es Mee Nias 280s ‘he zie jm wal ii 0b Booarefele oo, xe, 00 eal we ‘orl dont oor bap aodn nvr ta Ooo ane, Ke, Spey etnias obs, sal tan emmys er cm. TB hu esol, espn ty, seer, 9 fal ae os ise ae.“ Re beae sh lon: ate val cb pedhion zaddons ae detrm mpg 10 veavoraas Dak nprceicue §. Kel Sabb ever Eres diy ip, tr Dar pli be 8 mel EE choiany cterndrer, nish al BGIe edie spoon hoe, 6 le Be pope ss eto igen a a ty Tip dxzontvan we erway nalaigeras Oe a ‘lvensipreneExcws on” praban inte, Bora” 8 dps phy Sun apyatse (Merl fan aos flo eat ébtre, wal dt al I cote la 2 toe 6 Oras ros loge ated og Le 35323548. Os the eolncn tne enscrly snte deveopel tas erp (= BREA, po, Eis re Gt Foc 90 ep 95 fo the pce eno: ht len Reese ‘he Ponte! Titangy of the Guat Chueh = ihe who coma in the name of th Lowi the Lord is God aed has lapeare 6"; "0 Heaven King. "5° Ge of doo. Vint. And when the gifts have been deposited and covered ‘he casienss covers the hands ofthe bishop. 2. Add estan Aig) tothe right, tarse and withdcavs tothe let side to wash ‘Bs hands, 3. And afer the subdencon 3p Blas, mae,” be wasies hie bands, saying "1 shall wash my beds among the inoset, ‘tnd T shal gn abot you allar,O Lord fa hewn the voce of your pate, land ta describe all your wonder. (0 Lert, 1 hese love tha mafety of our haute, ‘el the dele place of sow loy Hatiness tots your hose, 0 Lard, tins dente of dys tieys, now and eer, and an ape of age “Amen.” (0) (B. The “Orate faze") 4 And after drying bis hands and Letting dows the phe- loniom he Is stoned by the esters with a Bow, 5: And ler withdrawing, be stands eae the hol door, with the other rests (9) joining fim om the it and on the ff, and bowing Gown, he prays, 6. And atthe thi [bow], while he bows down {his} ead tle andthe pests pray to him. as fllowe: “May the Moly Spirit come dawn son jon, andthe fr of the Most High overshadow sou, Rembor as, master" the Uihop 9299 ‘ethan Being, "Alay the Lopd remember as is Ringdom Clays, mow and eer, and wae ages of gee" (*) fhe tangy deci a MS (eM $4, an snc the erate faes Snipe wa enleay beens esti cleat a ancl ante (Tuomas nna pp aye) Trem tat "pst obama ac aod ett, wl We ated sate 0 7 Retctrosdsteycu ts ay Say splat, Kal xpencoeae, Big 9 Aaa, nab, coon nai i Bas one Uprct), Eecztrones uh aden vie ats hoes, lnc et pin alow Mig Ode booms 9, Kal een Snueies eb ve ican 10 parts or Wt, x, Eriry adc “dyenfaoyer di erro, rovmnnct 4 aie oy Ebay splay val ie le ip venntba dndicrs arian Meal yobs “bp io ay marta ok BG nt ovat pyc Bel tet, deeds vp Eten spain see, ate ve pe Spreptas al cy dparepiy sweety oat ig Bathe © 4 Kal wh Lorasye3 sipabiven bavcelps ed sath Geers, wal ah Benbes bnoee" Tis Bienes Nya bop ore” "BY opts. aedeyone, goal uleue ath oh zat eek ‘ib tb oh Moet fa at 1M x Kal owe tly vo pyle a, Tale Bo dnp eri cous Exibdgpertt input nsntn bippbioes eget xg: Sepa an sete nen oy elegy Saar bn pSvyeve, col BR dpphanine 98 hanley bowel avrg, wal sin alzHacen sep bub Sngbnsvon, § pee Epes 21 sowed: 4 Rat tapwrck Kel talon Tn °0 Be en te ew Jor 0B Ak pe abd oh serchnn oreshpaten, Dlg mp Sects Meee face: 6. Ties tte Sa 9. "0 dd Ee Sp 2. Kal wien yee ‘VEL. the vrs wut of the ten tothe pak Do B36) he us develope nto a ited te re ‘Sa or, Govt Erne os 38 7 Bees of he ert oh scemmaning as pe ‘ot and ects @) (Baseman pp Ser uaa, 2. ne ates tn eee ec fa ae (0) Here too "ove mt ncede he caeenting ope Emsh oy oneal hat ly wae cee mh pe Brae po 38 8399 © = aie tee ( Adtootines pcalng the Creo teu, p38 34) (| The tag ster the aoeore (= dud pe ager seit set ema is oh Seen the apa a ne ‘The Ronse) Litsay of ie Grat Cae 99 4, And thue he withérans to the ely altar 8, And ater ‘pov [ana] giving the archdeacon leave, and when the later hos tured) again tothe deacon, gluing hi poraision te say tle petitions, the pries says this prayer: "Land Col, Pen- eget." @) "9. Aad the Uichop chnats aloud: “By the ane Hes of pour only Beaton So...” IVT The Kia of Penoy and Creed VIL. "Poace to al” “Let ws love ome ante”) a. And when that i sid the babop bows to the Holy altar, and afer Frownting the plitlorn, Kise iy then, after decendng and ‘ettng down is heonio, he tscan to the right side and stands there. And the press) come up, Kiss fist the holy altar, thes te bishop's hand an right cheeky and ose another ia turn “4 An when the it i Bised, [he bishop] tues again tthe east ad hen the deacon says, "The donrs,,.", the arch- escov says, "Fe won, Lt ua be lontie’.(®) ge Aud thus the elergy chant with the lity he F bllce fe ove Gal..." [VM Prayers before Commenton VIM Ant anay he marie of ar peat") Wile this eophonests atl blag shunted by the Bishop, the fchdescon comes up aud requests permiasion 4. (The pile] ‘eset im once while sil rnging ths same eephonesis: fn after the arcniezcon ss turned to the deacon, and while fhe petitions are being sang by the ltier, the pret pray "Po you I commend." (0) And be chants aloud, "Aud make sy woriy...""CH) And the bishop raise his bands «Hite in prayer, llding in his lee hand the rele scl, caving to ‘Our Father..." 6 “Hey things forthe Holy". 7. The “Ome is aly) (0 tle paper fore th Ou Fate (= mame. 996 5). ove pat prosahy means Hes st reer 2. ‘rit lvayt the nln oer wa pve peraeaen wt a enn. (0) Hepnoweleoductng he Lard’ Pager (= Bil, path 2500), “sy alto common a empanse (= i, 398, 294) 1. 1 al ste tabon apps bape Ap le sn Man wae dg Fe chorion al Dip ee Bos. 2 lie wh vb Apevia saleivln op ROG {04h derlopoo by x6 Sci op BE bo anny ee 5. Tle ty aly bv 7 BGR alah ye) dine By vB. 4 Ach Bw 8s Tee erg aioe ay eppl, Kel ‘farez a hans" Tne, Menara, tno sein ogpaibe Coasbin) ene BF tart bps ‘er Tans at RBIS by abd SH eppaytta, Gohaenbgm vel maby 8 9 sen 19 pss bo Hou. 7a dager Pap a Greetiuo demotion, val datienes i toed: cepan Einpot tb trepov worhptcry, al key ta oh hay on & <6 Moy. 9 Kal eles dwg Ep Sen Iurerrns oat [hE acd wheore 9. Kel se ty 8094 RE el Bae iDcaw fy 26 Sn to "hes Bw els Seinanves alt yoy dela ne sped 2 Bon gender abel angen antl ts dpb Bn 1: les ietupivetn ul no Ets fro Spec abel ts gti, ers ay Erte & ‘Gres casts ty thin Bea uesonAy we Xo 1 Kel pot 6 Sulonhas ledger, dopatlanec ons oo at Lc pla oe es ppc Eerie Caren tree i pra es eet ‘sah doers Deyn sys ta” Po nt a pt 1,5 The comet, tus ate stan Serie on seria Tsar, "Te Sv an ‘eps comaas ial the aye at Tpteie She em I (Se pl — tan, a, mpi’) rn cr tot wal tnpenmed othe Sacre renters sad hy ctor sin te bead fw otemped (daca ssh tap J 4p aL no. germ Rervem, Sn ep oda: 1X, 1 And ile thi is being sad, the Bishop less three tines with the bread on the dco, [making] one (sign of the os] inthe cates, ater to the tf, and another tothe Tht. a. Thon he breaks the bread ia two, and the (bread) fn hie ight hard be puts onthe discos; the [sel] (°) in hs let ihe eats fa the middle, 3. Ags he pats on the discos the [bea ins sgt Brod 4. Sor the [real] i his left he ets one el J Ans when the azchdeacon says, "Make fal, Bly maser, the halite” aking> the sae seal (the bishop] bless the chalice sith i saying, “The fatness of the Holy Spi,” and dope the seal {nto it.(#) 6 Aad the bread that hes holding fa the Ill hand he pots on the discos 7. And he takes the other Brest, the one cnt fom the same (sel, and alter tling frm Heasd, {ills the other chalice, and pute this bread ‘1 the discos too, 8, And again be takes the aor bread cit in two, and broaies it im the middle. 9. And the (bead! fn the right hand be pute on the discos. 1a, After taking one pttile toms the lefe-tnd [Brea, e puts it on the edge of the isco in feont of hn, and again places the bread on the discos 1 Then he takes alo the other breng, and faving take from cae pute, puts this next to the other parla 12. And in this way the whole Iz aetion of the bread is done 1 And after having divided enough and ped and shaken fue hands est perchance pest (2) heft on them, he descends from the pletorm and bon three tues tothe ens, saving to (6) Commisice c.appaainn, The vocebalary of Aig” etching hecho ay be a tenia ofS eat he el ee haw, p88 en Bim Hoenty na to tlt to pace o te omc ‘esl hfe Cavenes, Ditoaire gretrmie ds noms Hwee ft me da Mghae gene, Daa 595. oa te tes aon p27 a.2h ay neraBaons ai cle val Geipzores duplreen ele shy apart. nak daeiiores ay bas ‘ydrsiy. 5. Kit soos yy b dap dnhdions vis teas wet Ray Saver. 4. Blew ovdyon sy doce vse Boh bie ate, 84 ada 5:0 9 eatery Bethuows, toni sles aed sal oy mapehs 6. Kel voter fuga res, Bevan cele Bele Spree. Hee Freeing Ons, o6 Kal ioe a ceed cee Tet sv epee vat does ti So ye a als chy xpyride nal weve di Bu ae ste to Hanm. Nae 1 pet bi nt Sees Pee che pip ea sey ering rss Se it i ila omar Gisisee oa arena sen eae only et 8 nes Bo the Pgs wr ata te Eile’ ao san es ls Ban Sr apr 1 yeni. Cotes ar Mayas of te commen site (alten ap (0) Sis ceigy Hote Thordey stro TAPE, Git Bran, pg. 70) mel nce the Mule Age sa pase Melo es tus (="Hascimaas 3943879) Se conser, cane aio Se ec pit the tice ate, coe of the Eiiope communicates the patriarch, a seceiver {fom fate nia oso oe CT 10) The ftom cr corporal was say ch ses made the ‘suche gifts this perod 1 now estar tote for spe ‘The Yolen tay of the Grea Chaz es Rinse, “Your mystical suppor...” (0) 2. With him bows the rit [*) who is soppoved to give hin commusiou, and both Foust the platlorm and xist the holy alta, 3. And fist the shop, having stretched forth his hands, receives. 4. Then folding the frend In the fst two Anges, with te other trae ip tales the oer patil and gives it to the one that nave com- vain to him, 5. who, afar rising it, Kiwes bis aed and ek, 6 And both descend fro the platform and alter bowing ors, cousue the divine brad. 7. Then tiey wipe the hanes Clea on the dacs, 8. And the arceacon gees the ellie 1 the pent, and the Dishop, after toaiag to him and bowing communicates 9. Then he tums to the east and wipes the lip clesn sth she tdge of the lion, () ane males hese bows ih hantgiving. 10. And after Kissing the oly alta, be usm, and takes the chaise fom the pit, and (he bishop onmnictes hin. #1. The pret, alter receiving, bows fo the bishop and ilosce his right hand and takce the chalice Z3, Aad this the bishop goce to the platorm and gives Communion to thon fm the sanctuary 23, And sites giving coms) to evervoae (in the sane tuory| he goes ll Uh the fret communion table (0) and. en the deacoa earring the discs has sald, "Blas, maxin,” the shop says, "sil Hes the Lon a all tines..." (°) 24. And he mele pasim ts done by the earstants while the people are eciving commusioa. 33, Aad i there ace tll other comma ont, the dencon say agin, Bs, master,” and the Bishop 2, ST weil ess te Lard...” 36. Aud hia end eo and thie ad eveal tes, for as lng os there ate commusicant oot th sotimvon, 9 el-bearng,cmsernnd compa semen its tothe Sin stacetne net ke the lar, srpieally tended fers only Shen no comuecrted sae wan aie, or he ry bike amoral, te Jat ten, Qiay Tae dimension ie ita Heat end Camm! Tradition fhe Byamane a Lata Cari, Rome (ihr “snlimesin” ot porta ola, no sa be coton set be sodas cerparal not 4) A Hage Sphia sl te CE Cinnion paso (AD 604, PO ou, 20% (omparnnh, Dee moni eer. 10, = or, 1 De 30) Se te cmanatry below 27, TUS 3 ard (enaBlvee wat ced dadyad upd say meicen Birr cacwdirras, My & Apion ple Hn Annepix: Kine, eignnin. 18, Kel enya mk ae aly 4 ae a Biya solo by te nde: Kak Sdn ‘ple eldnogan ane, dees. 19 pon Dl Bb inch ibys" Bildyyam, Sano, ak eyun dees xa" tain Nir Goll’ 10) doikir ‘oom Sirs: Awavencerei. 20 Kal nndpyca shop bdpyditevos tw aby yu rad Besa eres: 28.0 Re opgnyon Eien rab gaivdln Mee Gold fou agp: 28. Blox Byes 8 Andras chy dys pas sander 23, Kal sarees era wpb so desta al Didone aby cleo ivan oy vegan ade Nye” EAD nom, Bmore 24. (0.38 dppocie cpemiien tien Eber 0b guwon Me Ellepic Oo jar adres 35. Kat & Spphseves ted “yin, Sibi gly wets Laken, wat oiDionn sh [geod sd AU enereesoca ky¥0 XL 1, Beepzentvoy 8 soln, ones Eesesabie foals Be drbay,. dyes 2b gv 05 Apgapius 6 amvonnbnes val mpmianelos eres ey Alas Deyn sain 4 depdeburee a Wynn at witaaese aed 7 dps 9. 4,10 8 deyeele Shes oe ebcin” Ebert beet Nerara: 4. Or ob ab 6 diss §.°0 Rane” Br sl 1 perspire (a stow) 1 eats rex St Bh sno mak edgy he ony 2928 98) ~ Bbacmin ty gk ate sagt Pah eat om a 8b i" The eal in e fvarza iD 9(8)9, Save, © on em ul uh Ms ou vin” econ, formic, bt uy fo wk te pagers shee ser {edlmiial the tstnes etnies Clee Lona Blt ers 1: aden, po), Teds tpt hPa, {i he pont rite nthe neha o Gesaon COMET p31) Af the Ancien Sete eles (id 1, p17), Today the Wp ‘rues has ter eammsctig. tthe Se ie esa See ar EE Gera ee cll ie "Dh Patieal tury ofthe Grat Cre vs 7+ After the pool have nasil conamanion and te palit ‘nas teen. completed by thove saying, the archon saps to the Hab, Lori, Hes” 14. And Uesing the people once, te Bishop (hens aloud, "The Messing ofthe Lard Be pon us, alas", 0) fod after withdnsng to te lat side bests down, 19. And the ableacon comes up aud says, "Ble, omar,” and the bishop washes Hs hs saying to hime, "Master, now Tet yon serant Grpart, (9). 30. And the archideacon come up to im regu fag the Prayer of Incense, 21. And he, bleaing fom Trier the plelonion, say, °V afer ot incense...” (8) 224 Then fe acchleacon fineness ssouud the oly ater. 23. And Sally the goes to the bishop ead efter iceasing him ace tes, bows Tis ead (and) saya, "Bless, maser” 24. The Visop, bling fin fons under the plein e836 "Ulsedi or Ge aay. 35, An alter saving, “Amon,” the archdcacon grants persion 8 the pesiniss, and they chant the Pidctido, (») and the gifts go ost ‘xt, Thanking and Di XL, 1, Wiale they one going out the peat stanls bowed andalter the exit of the gifts the castes ite up the Dishop’spieonion ana summons in co the Holy altar, 2, And after he withdrans and is standing belore the holy altar, the fchdcscon gots penmiason, ard the petitions are sid by the anchdcacon. ().$ And the bishop says the praver, "We thank sneer. 4. "Bor yo are th aly...) ‘The deacon: (ty nole 34 above, he 1th Arle ad Geng mations ot clk ape ete inns rage at ie pin (BACH, B00 Prsion son th (2) Tapes ony un stdin Ps zt 1 te Sie aapition nom genly cmt iy the Cech lat sil Bh Snvonte (Dw spatula ent tg Goro) Ihe he sits ar tea io te pes ate emo. i ‘ecsrn retains gan rps ev (are) one Seti of te coniatianantipbos See Tare Ltn ps TOT to 2ypen tesa neo, iti fone BM Liang fle cman {~ BHIODOS, p. a7. (0) Peteonmuaion Heyer 4) ad econo The payer, die ase a tno arn Gronks a yp 3953837) Bla Wei our BS, jnt Uterus (= tip ay, 13°) FrastDopen 6 "O38 daaids Imagine te ae Rr a 7. al aad Seren ay ae de vo epg oh oh B9au paves ehyhy Myedowme ater apeagien voem A Segara aes Etlynds 4 teks hain 8, Blo Posies as A avese ie 2 burp Wok rpbornc sank veri a ng we salen ebyartncin 9. Kok Sugeno sy eptte[ eal doe. Reread eicus warigfesn ro. Kel tmessbgeo be 7 Sapyireas sled val Amysipelon edocs tLe fewearlnoves Ib can dezlvean wal Solna Bi se og) oh 8 Bee chen cn dn oat nies ented. flr fe wtp Bassas, B > he lend eae tnd th Abo (oly 37 gop) il Meg tay coo te yest aha isc cometary bln). tm Ge tae itmues foe poe Ay ef ie Ore Cae eb al yO Ptr (tll BAS a oe hig et deteen eevee td Cor rom ‘ou 0) tthe arntn of Cees DMITRI pee) fed Anon Cte coder id psa) 8 prabgte ay as at ‘Scenes ab a modern tege (©) bee patra Chamtert Sn dhe sot gulhey of Sayin Suh, commanceted wi of te etic ingot ‘nati tt was abo tale tere {De stm, Yoon 1S) Pras GL Manna, pm ate SIRO, pp 72 acy is tito Me Sp ws UB hy «hn ‘The PotlealLitury ofthe Great Case 07 “ike ws depart in peace” 6, Av the bishop toes to the ight yr And wha the priest who fs to say the Prayer be~ ind the Ambo(*) & im postion before the ely doors, the Bishop bless kis saying, “Bessel 3 owr Gas." 8. Then “fs castrenls pats the omopltorca on tin, and he tums te the hot and bowe three tines fn thankepiing. 9 Aud be mounts fhe platform sod Kiso [ie alta), and thus desns x0, And “be tims to hs concelebrants, and taking leave of thea, goes out “Gappored by the archoates, and departs the metotoron(™) in te (doors) on the sight side ofthe hay doers.) ode continue) soe ach se the conto “oly dou in he wet sid, an ede Secor ant cothe Cl Mom, Norm, gk These dow 2 ‘he me side the Foschl some Leto the woth of Ft os eid he tha eh ox by wt he cae The Pontifical Liturgy of the Great Church according to a Twelfth-Century Diataxis in Codex British Museum Add. 34060 1) TV, COMMENTARY Sours fr the History of te Pontifeal Istargy ‘he tung desribed in the datas of coder British Masewn at. 3960 ca best mi i relation to Ui principal extant vvtnenes #9 the Byzantine pontiea) eucharist () (0) Pare 1 OCH 45 (279), argo. The to abnevistons ma fm toe nica vn Sere oben to whi Canasta (4 ba) — Srooeare Camas Ergin dr oman she! pin ri tei ue He, tin ‘tas Expcalon fo Die iri 2 (= BC 4) Pals cape yy sh Iasneety = NT Tota fod), Penni Ainie Scans Z6yp 15 fe. Pavey] Pash 4 (80) typed 3 Jscom, Poedas "A Jason see omar ue oie eon Chiyncionr, flee rte oar Peetion tu grate 1 dacdor'espisorp hfe grmge Ga emptied Sissi) analy os awn = 3 Ravn, Hoa Soli, tana. CES, 8. by Memigts ~il meaaiie tt Res 12 (Cat. Vathnen tne 13) “Pty Hs Tue Gods Vtent ih player va vam Tat top Nevoteneet Gon) — Savostacey and. A. Corba, Opie Tajeshed vate) Sarah Sino np Bibra 4. wl emia ObatenaieAleh Onpaye Ag, Chee 160 (8) 30305 est 2 sero (Te Pein Litas of St.John Cherie, Th Marie eee ot Ptah Gein 1 (te 730) (9, * 2 Te Tyo ote ret Che we halt Ber roa a th tin vn 4 The De cerimonit ot Comte ‘toad opus, Dy istieion othe lipo! rca to saga Pies lapel oer ieee tT, eh Suto th mld af Costantinoyttn tal ae eke © The set Jaton Stow 109 1. Ax Artie Mh pontiel of CR & Bu Prtcria of Mila of Seater rein ‘eons ot Aaa i A Manwsoite of ihe sh Coney in the Stemie Tot and t Tron, oan op mae ©) Fors omits testo tha mtn, ht to at SGP TAY Gal Dance: pas tating ed decpetichlatoetincs yon crane te (6) BAL Sarena, Type ~~ ©) Re cocmases, Be cemmin Toei A Vase, trmeton Faw oad iy Dec Ee anaes Ape) MEBs eae aah an Tho Pont Ltuay’ of the Great Chere on melanie tons of Paco Sphron ( Citation of he Die Liturgy 8 Of Po re The De pets of cuneate f 1 The Glaline of dracon Demetris Certs e380) scbng the pial este of igi Spa Thins Kanan pk oats of Goto erp sn creation ang of Soma IL Paleaga, cade by Fours anthony CY iu a36¢ 4 Tie sent mater} opal eokengy of seni ia to's nomena of code Bonen jodi $e lo}, 80 2), te ast Savoie mee Hen me ig, Tha sans ofthe ptr se of the reat Choc a3 a the Rian St Roden Sete on SEE thos" 16. The Dp sa timp aol Espanta te iin doupo ot Symeat of Then (ts) deaeiigg. the pote Seager of Bi ear Tir To cor Saat Gr sas of BAS. He inane Toatore Apnea (37) i. Unieiy of ihe Cabo 554, optical iataie ‘aac tues toe ated. ong spel fl ro 8 be opp of Geiss ptmer 1 aioe 01 BC #78 trons 60 Ro. Vinee, (9) Riv anaer )ehtdas i 7 x Fereatrag) Panu fe 409) py. ere Teaco et ef emma, rae vas om One (Geneva 889) Bee ns57: F Seeaninn, Covent. lemopapey of Set C07 (Condon ‘stn om gost, in, pn (Steet in p97 [iy FG tga. ash enn (O30 Cree Roehl je Pee ts seta eeocoros enters Barner er Betis) isn Law pall to Hlorga Urazmann of the UM 0 2, The arenes of codex Vato Sian 28 (560 enor), wich ntaine aeted potion ae well ar hee ‘Scr he egy meat a "ah ou “at The ovtlerejsieslusb nit 8 two Savoie mammacrnt, asin Sd 96) ab 37 (on wb te te neo ‘thon ofthe Reiner Claes med Aeatony of Stee Son test hor 91) ce a, Ptah of Aech o Pa Jfurmey zoo the Orton Hatin stscyy. A been ‘Seer of cee! carer and ol tl sing ‘chars fe Cathal of St Grange, Conant on Cee ih dy. 1052 nM. atamssen, Cy jay sah « Koji oe lebih" peda XVI a (= Prat HicerRate et Daaooe ha Ade tom 29) Roe th, pp tes ef BL, Wasi Coan ewiatok sbnatenty ylbol Mawepake SPT st Aenete sia 0 Cae sgt {0y'ce mswmm Gomaaay TI, 1, pp. peg: the elnncy Ldbeory of the Ponce Greta Insate by the te Seeetian Nikon of eaipad on Deer 131970. tbe MSS ted ne nV. T. Sueasvsey) and Pf. Poumonsity, Ofstenicrikepisnge seteie Blinc Impetoate Abani Nath, Ye fey tom 1 (Ge Rett spo) py 8 7 HB Rae, Voyage dt fares Marie Anke. Tene tate! tton rte BO fae 4 Se 4 fae 9 Ra ‘So ic ncopte ta a ie Rg aman of Pn, Pe Tif Maca, pinch dic awe ete he) Hawijue potwine XU sebn ofteose ogo syne, Sckdchnon ‘ati pain OUDR 8 tay‘ a8 tm ‘he Ponta! Luu ef te Great Che, ” stones aes, fom toward the om ot ns Frchnt Trae ya sat Senge ine ft soqn, Patsarcy Pan of Jeroles (ogo) ware hie ‘ol by Patek Plazes (29 33) departed Smt ‘hy io bene of she ta f Oey ee es nig ha pret ty i tober nal de a the of hha cet {oe for Uemilren So Mae Ars eos orn ‘she Ty Segln Amun Monsay. wt toe ion Whe command of Tar Ale Mistalovieh 36)550), ‘he Greek Wands, Huy ad Jerjalan, staal to Moveoy frevland in ts ior adhe Gea ue rg tend (rural tose Ami} peousy im favor at ses 2 1d Randan a,j he room, aa he Protea he fea this fst voage to the Orodor Ras “Shebann, E1OIDR 858) 280405, Matai Aja to ats ee Cate 88s oy cpa fe On the Prekintarand a 3655, a0 “0 ral note chaner nthe penis end oe Besnvor, dren Sucaany, EoHDKC woe pcan Oe ee parce ph ht no. 26.cand sy se 6 The text oft fe nd hI Solhay yp sgrra. Hewes soon ceceped fame the Presta ad ‘Bantel use sparta tan Ck. Ci berm ty Inthe 17h etary coder iene Syed Stn 8 fl 6 Ro: seesey tonsa) Ii 1. op towel >) On the 1h entry cierto oA. Asa, Sa ite Chinas facts 938) Ps and Meow Soe 4 (a i and Patan, ipa etme nig Dabinrche Fila BOERS 5) fo, 6 Ce AN, op spent a7 yp. 35 8 (oy teseowas. pe Sin th ca Ra AD oy Ca ent Test (Crboge Mise 1653) BB. HEL (hy atoroup. po synagt liso varie Athans ean Mao Greek HS ty. Toinee Container, Fatsch Atos ME Fathatas (Vata tice patch of Coonan ple fn bee 7 eyo an Oye ape ing that “arieee pil of trate be regs ‘Wile Newco rom (2) Ap 65) an thee tha ey ame wa jt ye ian to en ie Aewaton near Labor ta the Uaioe. Te et Ce ‘rae into Stave an eons tthe Syne Ser in'oer by Fata Pad of wma at Macs of ‘ecm they te oat ponte! tens the Rust ‘Selly the sate ab thoes he data rah ee ves Ppa sae oreo fe cern heer _gricrskija (Moscow 180) p. 385. = ronal C6 Rinse Par Sr ane a Slee rain penloytmseat ue eee a a Suioue lore tes as aaa aNe ee Sahai gprs SO ee) arin eee ‘mee Ait oui a Oi et Tecpetiauariol ehh cra cian ee ra saa nisi ET Ss te eal oe loeb cs Soos age aneneaoeea ro) Ber 69 ae Ae ce ManeemcaeEeseny e 7) Iti at a the vais nodal onto of the stb-oetary ER el bth rer pretreat ‘he Postel Lturgy of the Orent Che s 27. The mirth cesury achitiy ston In cote Movs Syed Ses 979 99) Th othe Skink pice i Maa Syd Sl 39 or AD austen phe, Rien. Catabe poscal with paral Sie oie teat sa tata mation face age, cay eed Syme i do ere an jpo) bua ad ew ena sith eeotary ca EM Se ii othe pet ato asi tok putan of hic re The ex fon pte scale natn fie Spucs-Preatenit atloa of Chancgyy cay sat of Spowtatey othe ew arb Hs (Gea erations rst he ee cof the pote Tow rita priacpe of Ce Fini aptesed in iste fant of Ue Grek ccc ony in 174. bot at Inver oat ‘Litery ae the Pentel Oneal ose “orth et metin ss nse Haber oat 4X7 (p Sepoezoncomay HL sym () Stroat pp. Susp fttetasne ttm (i) F onkenay, Opume rats Fustay Pins Bie sonoma ah ina 8) fo. i) AP Gatuncow al) son Chamingtgo Prasratushage Prediseen # mloraisom, HOIDR ton) () BE a. Chle ‘er htc rie ng faa RSFSR 75 yeaa Aid ne OCP 10 ‘whe eng copie onosnesaiys and clades the medern Secane Ute a Warsaw soya Joona (USA) 20s, tome (atheno) ee ee Mepenbns Newt Klee Mangoes ences tans er 17), {PATIRON, nig the ts rs wi Ltn tan, ne hore seco tn ona ruben Cre cream es nang tne ett Rhea eat ete nt set spa ten) ae el a he Slo pe siti the Eloy Cima ied meted ae ‘hi ti a complete at J ave teen oe to ks . te 10 ake tp rough the st century. For the ltr pro and the Satis sete bh bond the soe of i ay The tea Somptonentus dering, the soees kaon t we A agent ‘eur of al arate catalogs oul crate trm op fatiee MSS, Gyesily fn Seas (Our sources a into ix categories 1 Archiraic, tics, Le, ponies! eucholopes or ltueical books with the complete ensharstic formulary, destined for use by @ shop inthe actual eeabation ofthe enchait oom 57, ta, X23, a ge) Feo he te porta for it (9) Re rt cont Caer Prema of DAS (We ist etary Latin vemian of Johansen. made {Es bow in Gin 5 of HAS th ant cay the ne oth cnt patch Min of the Great Church (© Sisto 205, 1lPectury.Comtaatonel es Mur tal Sv written ar tat By @ isp Se Coe ci tent a tra itl at on een cae he i bet mle do ic hes Gad, not wat cn hake tay Se he’ aici amas tee eee ahaa a ier cede Ss Re tt Pag ‘the Pontel Laan oft Great Coach a (a) The Arabi Nuts areca fom which CER. was ted ta ratte by acs Although 18H ated AD ‘l,i poset apy at fe wan i be rth eomsy ie) Sina sone, avo eotary fll oa te Pa ie hie ot 4S 2) 2. Typiensoeh ay tt ofthe Grant Church (no, 2) end tbe “Cin of Chadgory (no. 3), sh ls insted a datas, ny Diatexele sometimes also tfered t ab atchieratica ever ‘hough tiny do not contain the Karel text. Rather, they are eremoniy giving detailed rabsles for the pontical eucharist (nos. 12,25, 18,10, 24,25, 30). There are ax of these: the dia thecb of Gemistes, Abdeess Seote, Theodote Agalians, Stee Arsen, Patriarch Athanasios I and Cholwogsry "| Commentaries on tae Rsngy (208 3, £79, 10); Germans, Prothoria, the minor commentaries of Cabasls, Ps-Sophraniay, Syiovon of Thessalonikea () 'STmpersl erenionials (De erinonie and De ofits) that exeibe the court rel of Constantinople, tadoding eure ise trim hich the court parlsipated actives, sich a the patircal aclarot atthe coroition of en emperor (aes. 4, £2). See also Ton-Yaiya (00. 5) (6. Eyesmitnes accounts of Ibn Yahya, Xguates of Solana, and Paul ef Als, to which one cau add the Prosintani of Stare Asin ant the Chron of Chabwogery (aoe. §. 1. 215 24. st cL alto the dZoida at the end of this arti). (Of courte some of these eategpias overlap, and some doce ments defy easy categorising. The dip of Stance Arseny isa sort Gf dintans entered from an eperitucss sccoust. And the Ginoonik of Cholnogory is at once en eye-witness account, a ty0- eon, and contnins what amounts co distant. T-bave cassia them es intanets becanee dt sila my purposes In this study (3) Botti prs eto ee beso ee Tg frou is BIS, 2m ie cto of the Teng MAEAO8 patently ‘Scan sie Or gitchanesn pp ton rermaon se) Fe eons cok a ue Nani soon ceiat aae sence amen) Boi Db ig Tom Ween Sr gyebdlar Gs gue. 3 Pain Date ofthe ture ‘Our MS, an archieraticon of dlatants that details the rubies of the pontifical Itargy of Hagia Sophia, ithe eatost source of tis category that T now of. Ax re shall et lao, it presents ‘a Bturgy that I woald date rat costary: later than that of Cafer Pyronalus and the Jokssaisberg version, but easier than the ‘Arable Melkite ponsical — lhece more or lst contemportsy 40 Staron 205 ‘This fs supported by the following characteristics, sme of ‘hich wile discuseed re Tully belo the ltl ote is Be nate (neg ae Th patie of irda the Tg by th cepousa ot pt re te ah say. Or amet 19) The Corp! payer 4th ceury aden to the Hear se forma ig (sag ae oon 4) Tas dato Vie 3) sil ai te reath caty 3} The erate franes dialog (VI 6 ie sive 4 sity sinplt tedacts ofthe new Casati etna, wb fpr forthe few en te sath ry 6) The feria of he pa (V3) have Romeo Ge ath 2) Th so 30 enone ea ima ay goth cetaysousce {1X} 1 The Crm pao shown ie fate the Pah by ety soo "Aes no gu rod als sev of eer hx tbe toed ce se ata (99-09 tof Mi gaze the sel vn added sor the gpntimbonss pager fom the rah cent om [le yoy ‘how ey areaten otis fm ae suey MSS thane ke ou document la sige cota sch evans The Liturgical Fonseary A diataxs des sot give the texts ofthe litsgisal clbraton f& describes, but me can ee ftom the tipte indicated ty out document that the tomalary presents uo suzpres. Tie folowing Ut gives, mimbered cousecutively, the prayers hat form am in ‘The Pond Liang ofthe Grest Chore » top! part of preity CHR. Those which ae mentloned our MS are followed by the refernce to them In the tex, i Yolace Te Ves of throne sod deco i talc ae ca ound in tay’ ate Sut the inceanepeaver (in brackets) which for document inserts bers he Gompel aud aftr communion as Sevce teen prt of the fued formulary except at the pot, thoughts tot uncommon or coats to say feat each ese ofthe thle: ties 1 = Eee = See of ee tg of he ac tact! fata 1 Nemo age reveal ie he Our Yaer om.» 2 eee 20 ‘ oncomousia fr) {5 tthe eae 2. Reenpsstaion = ‘ue distaxs onits the thee antiphon prayers (ios: 2,3. 4h tonne th bishop didnot eter the nave unt the inteit. Daring the cures ines vated Is thenathex (a). Tn the rth eentry souces the biop di eny te protheysprayerin the skenopilakion thf entering the church (*). This wos pole Denese the Stewoptvltion was a separate office near the northeast comer (ey Cote Roomate, Govn pe 59: Joburg vet, cmasta Gigs th ld la Tab Gna stan pp 2074 a of Hagia Sophia (4). Once the preparation of the gifts was moved ‘9 an aunilsry prothes chatter next to the saicuacy the ikep could no long fer his peorphora ‘none the Hurts ‘gan. Sch side chal or pastaphota fyct appeseiu Comte, tinopottan churches in the 10th eantury. Our text, ten slang with the 18h century roll Swen 209, would sem to epee this transitional stage in which the plisseal location of the pros ‘sis inside the church, ad of the Babop outside in tb sefao. Phrlakion ot narthes,foread the temporary suppresion of the Drothesis prayer as formal to be sd by the ship. Late hw the Bishop entered the ckeych bafore the tuegy began oe attended the enares at his throne fore the Royal Doors at the Wet end of the nave, the three antiphon prayers appear in the outlical text’ And moder arcierten fave added again the Bothess prayer as the fist forma to be suid by the sop, ‘hough there i considerable confusion between the rae ofthe ‘modern hraticen and those of the azeheraticon ‘The Ganpel prayer (no. 7), a Inter ition to” CHR-BAS, oes ot anpesr in ur datas though tle ct be ange rom its absence since it is mis fa numerous Inter sont of te liturgy (On the other had the formulary certaalyinctied the anaphora (t4) and the peayers of Sackiation a clvation (36-17), even though they ate set mettioned. “The fal prayer (a0), sa in the skenophyfakion a the consummation Of the (4 Ck tare, Gent Enron pp i820 othe uation of the ‘Seuiiimon and fect, $5 On Gis qoation et pp. 26470. The mow Ralls 1. sein, dedi hain yay (anergy ie the Bap complete the protheie eo the Great Hayes the ofeary pres (fy 6-4), ths abelny the seme ‘ets Melina anertonn” The Mattel by Sonne hoe tHe comenoraios tela the Goat Eattaee phe ar Rae a fers pager atonal Hae re the Hay fp Acai pnteal(MAcna 0) moe wor cena” aden SCA (ee Tabs at Earn den, pe 4ye"Onetal pectonteet) oe Ae om he Titrgy of Se Jase (A atncaen psa ee ie ret ge inthe 12th eee Crane GBTL TS Saat ‘alata ti caspecadennfe tart Sey Bee i Bed) On te dati of to Sef Jacun, arate pp. oy, ‘Te Ponta Tugy of de Great let ove ter conmausin, i ming Deca it was recited fity by tae prbyten. in oar 38 the biiop doo not even fer othe Soros after Stargy, but ge ety to Hs cm jes BX 0}. also missing in oth extusy BAS of Cofer Pyromais cnt the Jeinnsabeg veri and In the atsele tf emits and Anions Sete) Hat, cou, i is fod in Slew 109 ( e TA bisting ofthe Anco Bice the Case in found fa staf ur patel eabologls and stance save Sheer 209, i spite tte fect tht is appearance nthe presbyter te samc tee fink constant (9. ‘hn Saenss prayer otk Defoe the ineesttion of the Gospel at aller comunion i le found i the Arabic postin () ‘The Conzteratin ‘The azchvzaticon of Gumsts isthe fist source of the pont fica coucelebration to epi the paricpation of the cocelebrants| Gn he eectntion of the sacerdotal prayers (2). Oar decament ries only to the fst bishop saving prayers sith the exception ff the aisthtshonos which ie sid by ose f the prsbyters CX. 7), ee ae Gat itinde in. run Ou oaks hore sowie ala ees pelos BOP 8 Goh, Maat 35 aca we ata pte Tecin f SiaGrYor an ack Ei in DAT. ete lowing see Big, Cte ps4 se oes cee ees Te sare cao eerie eee SS rence SSnu SE Whence mtr tt “Kok dnpurdxver rdres ot a ‘je adgagureon Bly" Zi aie igeeerrer aes Siena Peston In this period the patriarch, as of ol still entered (L 4) sd left (XI Bo) the char vere (9). By the tate nf Gemistae| {e138 the present easton of vesting and unseating fn the nave Is already observed (9) ‘The only pontifical vestments ovr diataxs efrs to are the fmoploron aad phclnion (2) Just before the Goapel the cae tren removes the Diskop's exsophorion (IL. zo The next rmontion of this vestments at the end of the lta, sem the sae luster puts ion the bishop gain ater common Xt. 8). 1h the commentaries of Sjmeon of Thaleniea the bishop ako removes the emophoton before the Gorpel, but puts ston again before the elevation nel fraction (+). "mn present usage there ae to omophori, the great omopho- fon or palit, ait the little omopherion, « wie band wore ‘around the neck sad doom in fronton Ut des to below the vas, aud fastened atthe beast, tc Hike ide, hort western stole). Today the grest omophoriou i removed before the ‘piste and put on again only alter the prope’ common, wen “i? Sx extn Bowne, Vi Buin 4 ae: Goan nts Gt pth 9h mang on Sea Poa ae te test ef ee Slee oan hl eae ye woud Nae darian eae Pe aes eer led Entity aire naga sin ens. Tes Pp toes, rowed tt aged os canine asc mace Vis Rtn al Sete ety Se toe nathan hah (oh DMEIR pp soap {) Omernoe i Spal AL an. ¥ wea Miia ak bs oer Ba an ssh a S657, cn 10 1359046 70. Cae st fei ta i hop tin Sa ee Camastias (SC 4 Dis) DP. 372-4. idles ems OUD) erhlat et opunBae frequently pltoeap a te Burl Mosete) Paar (foural i tnd ert “Tye Powis Liturgy of ths Great Cae en the gilts axe removed to prothasis, ‘The stall omophorion is pot ‘on drng the Cherian snd removed after Ske commemorations | At the pots just Before the Great Euteasce; om agin after the sanctus ond removed after the epics; o9, ally, before ‘tye cevtion and frcton, and changed for the great omepiorion| swhon the pills ae removed to the pruthesis after commution (%). "This small omophorion doss nat appear im any civic soaree vows fo me. The diatanis of Patsich Athanasius ia the ate fof the Russian synod of 1667 gives the modem ussge rsarding patting en and taking of the omephocion during the liturgy, bat fakes to distinction Deticon "gteat” and “small” (9). And ven the modes Slvle pontieal knows nothing of the smal ‘moyhorion: fhe rubrics sy that the omophorion ie worn from the elevation until the end of the Hturgy, with uo reference to changing frm enall bo great omoplorion after common %) 4s ovigin this small onenorion & fast the great omopbioroe folded it hal and laid over the shoulders ax Cescribed, when the ‘omephorion was to be worn ony fora short piod of time, Sym: con of Thesis in he De acre ordinationibus sees to imply Chae diferent ways of nearing the same omoptorin () ‘The esos or dalimatic mow commonly worn by: Brrantine petvarehs and metropolitans — end fn sone Chucches by all, Bishops — when full vested for solemn services was originally sm iperial garment conceded to the Patriarch of Constantinople 4h the rath cantary (). By the beganing of the 13th eontury some mtettopltans had acquired the sane privilege, butt didnot ‘come the conimon vestent ofall metrepabitsms wall m7 ceutury, Before the advent of the sakkos, gatlache and metio- polite wore the palstavsion or pisbnion covered wit muer: H) Cini, Neow 1908. ( sue: Wana toys tt Cb mutta Pie enue acne Ponta Ck ist Ptcntarg tog yp ony Sctolas Canssse rt he moe ‘Sot the muoprn Us Ibe comecaton of the gis (On ie Cae ttn of he Disor Latny 8, Gamamean Se 4 Wl pp. Se {3 Seer, ti op be fe (0) S886 app as To tb mo 2 Speyer te ane 0" ous anal eres, a pattern famille to thove acquainted with eons and frescoes of the taly hietarchs (9) Oedoary bishops Simply wore the pilonion. ‘The other episcopal vestments are mentioned by Gemistos nd later sources exept forthe mitre (', which docs uot appear as litres! vestment of the Byzantine troiiion ttl much Inter in spite ofthe fact that Orato 20 (AD 372) of Gregory New ane, briedy bishop of Constantinople (3801), is sometimes cited evidence for the Byzantine episspal cosa (But Gregory uses the IXX term for the Ausone prety etre (eiipc: of. He 26:4; Lev 8:13; 0g; ete}, and since the whole ‘asnage describing Gregory's namioent episcopal ordination 5 replete with Levitcal metaphor, a Siguative interpretation ca not be exchided. ven if some acteal headgear is meant hens is no indication of what i might lave beet, ‘The Inter evidence is eqully sant, wight up until modern ‘mss. Tie soth century senologion of Basil TE shows Saints Athanesius and Cyril wearing what seeme to be a wite Kane ‘askin (9), and St Spidion of Cyprus ina wort of saleap which the etre see asthe tiara mientoned jn his Tite). ian. sation ia a r4th century Serbian 3, the Slavonic Teleneange- lion of codex Brith Museum Ad 99606 (A.D. £954), portears| Metzopotan Tacs of Serres fly verted ad coi with a lac ap (6252s). Thongh K, West! identities it a the mite), this bomet seems more Uke the monsitle Kamelaukion, whl the iluststions of this period show as stil quite distinct fom the (8 Lae. cit and inetation In Bane, 7 97,35 (0) DMEER It pp. aor Svanowe or Tsaatisty St 98s FO ag sg FF as ety (ry doit, a as 6, 47 PH Soe, Seusuananis, The ovat in Byontine tines Moma (~Ryontne mrs, 8 alee Tah 9998 (0) Review f eRe, anual ie, Duin beefing inpenns af sidltasigus (= ete mutta Upon Flr ps ses ony 9f 40,0 gh Seek 9p ot eh sbie to me) in W274 ys) ea eee es diem ‘he Pos! Litany ofthe Great Charsh 295 Iingeialtype crown that will Inter grace Merachal beads (0) ‘Bat sone of thse IMustratons depict the excharstie serve, and ‘according to Symcon of Thewaloiks (1420) only the Pope of Alanis had the ight to celebrate the itrgy 0 his hea covered, Uough be implies that in fact others did 0 tao (i). ‘At any ate the mitre ne we kno ald nt conse to general ‘oe until ch ater (0), We lar of isthe 26th centre, thovgh ‘even then it was zeserved tp patsarshs, and in the late 27th ‘enturyiahops were all dethroned for wearing "the mitre and ‘petratcal vestmen's (). But by 1675 ft was already in general fee br bishops, a least fn Roa The Dipotemert of te Celebration 2 The onarxis “The Byzantine itorgy once begun withthe intro (9). When the cnarsis ost of tite antipons was added before tis introt, twas celebrated atthe ponte Borg by one presbyter and fone deacon at least though the xh century (¥,n the 2oth (fe the uterus dla tation of the Epa come tnd Eamelaoon, tn States (op it spre tte 74) B68 35 {6 diiG bats 36 sean (be cote serpy ee (Oy BP 45. 90 155 1675 Ronee a Garin Pntptannm oat id See According to Bast (yoy, BABOON (F159) {ett anton omen hs Alanine ange ate repens, Po ta care Bea (np) be fond na raion on Bytin - ied Pavan pi. (6) aaa pa (See ate crm on op. oa e163) BD, 19531 35 Ut) pp ase: 9 GO) oP Ss Shveta Typuon HH, tex Inu, 9p284 IE =, Spt" TT € Bkseen, Citation, pp ay fe Taw, Citgo, pp 3033 (9 tre Prom Som fm. es tamara, ‘blew py ays: tcheaen of Genta (BNE Tp 38) 40 ‘asia Sele oEUER Tepe 168), Def century’ somrees the bishop and other ministers stil vested in ‘he skeuoplilakion and did not ener the clash unl the intel [cd antipbon(e). When the outside skecophylakion fall ite ius) i becne cutie’ forthe bis to avait the itcot in the narthes, seated before the "Beaatfel Deo leading ints the nave (7). ‘This intermediate wae is what we ind fn oo doce Enter soureseelect tue modern practice of having the bishop ves in the nave and then st there sarrounded bythe ater cance. tants desing the enarsis In the ries ofthe Andrew Sete ole the bishop vests at Ms choir stall (orzle) in the nave, thes goes to the appointed place where & faldstoot (wn) ie placed for him to sit during the entre, ‘This i local to the Aight of the “Deantfal Deore” — apparently just imide the fave (")Tikevise in Gemistas, the patdarch ie “belore the Roval Doors!(¥}. But since he says the entiphon pers vi the presbyter and deacon celebrate the enaris es andovbley fnside the nove. AE any rate tat ie where ie certainly (sm the ser Arabic pontifeal (#), and in the Bxporitio de divine temple of Symeon of Thesforike (9). Ta coatemporny sige the Se wonie Cini tas preserved the lder cortocn of the thzone in the center ofthe nave. Tm Greck sauge its usualy dlaplaced to ‘he right, foward the font of the Church, b The inteaty One NS desesibes the ital mative to the intrit of the Yishop without explenting the movemnts of the conceebrante es ee Pe cect ahead iar area CEs 1 paseat pectic, daring the sao ntpon the conelsbatiog rsisters rho bed eum standing belo i bishop heoe in io nave dling he ei tr the snctacy By the Sie doors io tert pected deme hi tk toarns (At the thd or intra antipon, all exit vi he not ‘hori slon prseson, Int by acolyte and he deacon beng {he Gonpl and goto mec he babog at is Cone Tie bahop Tests titrate prayer, blemce the eatance, and ise tbe Gospel prtered te Him by the Aeseon(eThen the dene et" Wsio Si!” an al the nates intone he eisiton Sr entrnce verse of the into atiphon (Pe ois) +) a the inion, boldng the tskeson and diteron, Aarons foot Mt trove and pede the misters into te encaary, led by the escou with the Gopal A the done of fe same te Msp fame to bls the congegaion tise with the candles, then trees the alr and incense the alt, sanctuary, nso ‘Sai and congreration. “Tis blowing ofthe pope at the eutrance oot found in ‘oe dunt or So ay oer MS ofthe ponte te, nor io OuLRiewast vege. Te appears for tha etme ithe 77h conta refoom of the Roan try ‘What al sazoe do have, never — thong not alvays jn the sme place or seqenss — i 1) ern ofthe alae pith the candi 2) en incensation, orginally of the altar alone ‘ur doesent has the pat icc pevfon hs tual toward the end ‘of te Tsagon, aller reciting the verses of Pa 79 that accompany ts chant (ef IL, #9, and the next section of the commer), °) Th th rng, 0 he eee ons ntl he i wt" a ‘Sain yy es farm yams ea te Elo ccni, tony Le lyases bl choo Tn te Sie mt nna en on os ain yp 818 (9) Dejanija, # 28v-200 1 (low), In tater archicraten the deacon (Arabic ponte) or, sore suas, the Bshop (Geistos, Andreas Skate cx) incests the alias, and the bishop blames fe with the trikeron (Arable Ponta!) or diterion(%). Gamistos even bas him say 2s 79: 3gb-168 while Being. ‘This verse, ond ere oly i Genie, ‘was undoubtedly attracted to the being of the alta by parallel fam with the bleing at te Triagion — and that afore os the ‘most llkely key to the whole development of this conpley rte Originally, the Biewing and incesation of the altar were tals of reverence to tie holy tale upon fet entering the sabes ‘tary. To conder homage with candles and incense was «common Byzantine practice, Putriarchs were accompanied by lights when ‘hey walled bro (»), and ie was exetontary to light « candle and to Incense upon entering chise for prayer ("The proces sion to the church forthe Divine Liturgy was accompanied by thuible and candles as well at Gospel and ros (}), ‘The zoth century Book of Ceremonie, describing the role ofthe emperors a the intalt ofthe puiasaleuchaitin Haga Sophis, son ealiest witness to thie form af fomage atthe Divine Lita {Gre thes to Cn Hg dove thee tes ee ae And whe: te ptr ba nied the prayer, the hte as sce. sean OM B44; DAT. 2961, Ale SME oF (2) Hatsune {1 14), Mebane serps, PO 198. a3 Ck Mao Type pe Dr ection Weer ht pte sain Be stn. 0 Lah pts Gh pp san re, (Teas a i 430 aoie d: Tosswtes Dxacost, Pita 9 Nicphert (hy Seer ace De comet Vac. E198. tot: 9B Sh S30, 3 om. 383. 90 Go) em tthe ih eae ite, moude of 8 Ville Raventn, ted te la eRe ot aad IL Baas, pp. 390 a3 Swi, plates 4 ate sea ccs tice he angy of ier ue sng GP Mens Ca ration 9. Shon Mase yh ye he Bam Toney of the Geet Chor vo ieee fer Gay thie Ca Nog doe tne ue teh. then the coves Wl the eter ‘nthe gh nl of the nctuary to he ar ret gle ‘in in law sad thers ne sin ty snr Sham 29 Sal by Hang Shr ace wt de cana, as h cna, fhe pth eo he hi the et emp, ad ‘Den the soverign tae Ive of the pasinch and. peocetd to ther oratory wher Uy wil ated he Margy. and here ein fey wor re with the candles Ge, At the Anmaocoion tsgy the empererinoeses ard he aa (). “fe conteperaseous Typcon of the Great Church notes thas at espns on Holy Theda sd Good Fray he ptr rakes hs entrance "eithost acon and cable” — a sre Filson tat the analy acsrpaaie him at sch nite (>) ewer with cand aod ince by epetor patric eu 10 have inen & common low in be opening ites of Byrentce service, and as. probably borrowed fom ssclar {pedal ritual) It originally took plae fn one MS, daring the Tring, whch the sot entry om intone a oo a the peoveion entered the cure (9. Kafr deslpmerts the Gpeing es ofthe Tong tended fo mpaate the actual fotctnce fom tha since tie. “This proved siting for Sedo the Msg ofthe air with the ean, a nthe Are eee re ae eee ie? ride fa etre Se nee ite ec eee ee ee tr et. MATHOS, Typicon II, tndex Ueurylque, p. 322: mtn pontieal, wiih fas the hop Des the sanetaary thee tes With the tekeron duiog the siging ofthe trparia, be belore the symapt,Trsagion prayer, and Tasapion (9), Th oes sees sich as the arcieratin of Genistos and Andreas Skete ft Ted to a doubling ofthis Using, once at the entrance — ts time ‘vith dein’ — ard again, withthe tikerion, ding the Tle ion (ee felon, section TE ). Te alo found Sa te esth century preter liturgy (=) 2s te ol Lavon nit ths eng ad tact to it verses we have already seen ithe entrance ie sal on soe we Seng the psp wt the ron) Tar herd eae dow fol Geaven nba gage, ttn he gy A similar practice i stil preserved im Ruteian and Ukranian nage, though the order is revered, the alm veiee ail bles wlth the tekeson coming Hee (2). (om) neaznon Caton eas enh Son Doran” Cotas 42 Jhamierg een Sean i in the 12th © coer Ger Gey. 5. 30 Tac meal Etne Cli Mon oy nt te ot (0m) h Poel Dine Ly and Creony of Conacration of HE. The Maa Rie Sup j. Rach (ang toa To av Cerca af Coucerton sf #. The Mu ee Ba ts Boke (Chath 050) pp. cos) the ne Rowan ete eae Rae ‘as piesa omit he bso nthe P79 ath Be fod a0 the Tesh (Rome saa Pos ae a0) he Potlea terey of the Grea Chae ‘The Great Entrance and ecesat sites poesent the following rosie fetus 1) the bishop says the Cherubic Hymn once, not three times (Ws), and there are mo commemorations or other Tater foomulne at tie Great Rateasce (9), 2 the enly iconantion ie tht of bahop, alae, and gite ater the Great Bntrance (¥. 89) 3) the lesaia (Vie 1-3) sl comer after the deposition of the gift i Ks primitive role nt oporing ste of the arcesns ad ‘alters 4) the orate fees (WI. 5-6) isan easier redaction of the sath century new Constantinopolitan seceaslon, and retains its tulsa! porpose st a dialogue sunong conclebrans ‘The Hntrofection to the kiss of ponce (VHT. 14) retains its Sinple early fona ("Let ws fave ove ewather”) without the leer fittion {so Jat with unanimity we may cones’) aid titra Fesporse (Nor aro any of the other later ations indicated ip wisdom’ ie found at tho introduction to the cred. This 1g cailiet Constentneplitan aoeree (which T ase sen thi ‘tition. It sppeas it the Proficoraa and in several Osentl ‘iid Tina soereee from the 28¢h centory om, ut sot in othe Constntinoplitan source antl he 32th century (9), 1%, The Fraeton and Commistre ‘The only formate at the “ananal actions” is that of the omistare IX, 5). The sources shows conaerable varity in Commistareformne. ‘The one in our MS is the seme foond in the carat MS of the OM! Constantinopaltan redatin of CHR, (9 tare, creat Bane 289 (os) ie yp 4 fee Heep da (6) Had pp. aoa fas) Hi po. ea (65) Gh Peto 99, 76146 44 Tare Great Eran pe Sesastonoe 474 (9 (0b contusy), and I il in-use among the slave (9) Abo noteworthy is the abwence in the ven tad rare of the “manual actiooe” of any mention of the saw ~~ ie. Ue censtom of adding boling water ta the clalice right after the ‘commistare. Actuals, it appears very rately in even the most ‘etal runes — the 14.14 ceatusy Gataxs in cokes Mowe Syd 275 (38) iste oly ae before Pilots’ to give it (4) — ‘hoagh we Know i existed Tong before Ut (3, The history of this unique ritual zeaine ty be wnten & Communion of the clergy ‘The only prayer Uelore communion is the Holy Thuy {topation Cones tae (. 3), sa other contemporary somes (*) ‘he later suliplication of these lets eoemenion devotions fe 4 neva! photomenoa, uadosbtediy the produst of mas ‘The bishop docs ot sive himelfcominanion, asf modern sig, but scevesit fom sconceetant, whom he ommnicates| “Pedant, pate Ye he frm er ance, 1) tated Duel Sejaagy i ao Many i ptr “atu wjligeIoonse Zener (anen a8 Et oe Asta inte sewn, ae the i-th Soles Hn ‘Biddle ad hat of techew te Trmarces pa [ty Es foun, ter example, a le sc © Pit 3, BC 90 Ad he rats vero of Ls Tascam ion p10) a ‘at ted te aap itr re ef fee eat (Or, py toy) Mich cnr the Avni Cae Shs TT recede hating toe te iets wig ot ter reas ararnie, PG 132, 42485]. Bat ts doce not nevessally tee to th i th is ome ul ft a las of Cite tes) onthe pe, ld pW. Lane et detepresunidiec iadeyptie de Cree REDpe ws enga pp oe Ines 19,1491, ao fda testa ae ody JM. Hasan Sutin iene ents ate 930) Hh ppt (resins. 9.3) ‘he Voatieat Lior of the Great Che 2 ‘pra OC. 11). We se the some practice in other documents ofthe period b, Communion antiphon Most sotoresting of alli the presentation of the Aotaniton “ox comonnio x51}. 25) at Hntermediat stage of doveop font from its geimitive structve to preeatday usage = oe ah: By i ty tg cep, "Uy ae (sek. ae Rae tt Jaan) oe ‘Prof blatation ~ vreau vese (3) — ‘wi le alll, {g"Manea! scien common. see, wit Po a ‘le ee 9 Bip esting frie "he ae Feet cae oe be fa cot. (6 Pope We be te wt) Sel rir at iste fo the ar, ered fot ena. and accel aeimpnng forme) fp) Brow talons) "end te oa Col Bliss 0 eat saat per eal en your iateritace” |r) Bio ae fet ae tow sabes ete ti feo a one motel. Dr Fp “Eben, ty ou mca teamed) aloe Sv i wy pra ea fo tint we may Nous gery. ed fiteg aay fo yeu se ae ‘tia tea” dba ti ant Bits ee removed te prot), (08) Torn po; the rath € ene Grit 11, 3-34 assnchs, Besancon (sues we) pte Bet tic {pram empleo ems He Bt (oon te possi " We lave alta outlined elsewhere the story of the hanes aiion(, which is now no more than a single ptm yore with tile atleaia chanted right after “One is hy." (e VITL 7). ‘The Chronicon poschale forthe year 624 sows that this was wot the orginal form ofthe chant. The psuige ceseibes the into. duction of a variant troparon into the Witurgy ander Paslarch Sergius 1 (or038) 1 ths yar In the nts of Acenss — aay acu to te Ccawertnog sr tha tt ec tah Sa {Se sec aon th pom Pl eas ad ane a ee = oe ‘ug a ‘oe ta a lt sea ot eth el wih oc pe © From this one can see that: ‘ene wit etia bt are pons, "Mak oe iin trees Xow Gaede crs peas ean Meee eae eae ne ‘And in fact @ study of the mansictipt trudtlon shows ll the intervening material found today betveen the commision ‘ere (and tie remains ofthe dosolgy 7) tale alter addition, None of it appeas in any source eater than the cath eentry ‘ncudiog the clase "Blesed ir our Gat” Vat has bees append to the Shale of the doxology (ateaye new and jorevr ") to sve it rome sense (0). So chat we have isthe br of what ‘as once an antiphon — its beziming and end, with alot of ater (9 tay, Lies. wm ae (2) ba oe oat {64 GF Tain,» 260 cen tit Bit coer £31 6.0 ays ee ray of te Great Cate ue freodoating bts and ples added after the origial enit kad | asinegrated ‘Oar AS is the only oe I Low of after the Chroncon pach to give the communion antipion in something non to its orga form. Bat ou docunent altedy hows apt of dectiponLion ‘The Ptéotho (X. a) has slronly boon separate from the pain K-27), and, fathermore, ie se not at al cevsin that Ds 33 wae the somal pial af the Byzantine gaiplons af commie ‘The eorest references t9 & common pes all agree on 3p, chowen obviously because of verse) "Taste an se haw ood is the Lard!” Cyril of Jerunl ¢f 386), alter consenting fon ths "One fe Bly...", says “Aftor thi vom heme he petit | fviting you to he commuion of the Holy Mystea with ‘scr mete avd saying: Tasie wal se haw good i the Lar”), Bes ibn Coe ab Leah peta at neti ecco “47-10 sees to the same verses". cole cies pane surat ‘Belmas: Gustto wie, nam saci nt Domine). Prom the ‘exvirons of Antioch we read in the ponte Couteions WLI, Ey, 1617 of simile practice, aftr the "One soy." and the ‘communion of the sister heaton take at et a ring tote pron According to te hypotheas of HL. Tes in ie excellant stay of the Jerusalem chants, Ps 33, sung sespousodally with verse 6 a5 rafoseriam — Jerome saye the people sing it daily — was Dtobubly te original, common communion pean of the ancient Christan tration (Te remains so to this diy in the Jerusalem itegy of St. Jaen fn) And he very tems Sr the comenson fost eta 9p te fe) Re oom Dh Ges (com gs 8 aloha) loi oe, pb te fos Gomengtent om Jeans, ‘Ware ane tr These R28 chant in. Georgian, “gnniéate" Inet of P3339 6 ‘But eventually, according to Lew’ recostroction of the Iistory of the Jeruaess commonion chen, other aly votes sume to be added as resfonsria ad, eventialy, even Urpasia ot sonseriptutal refraing, turning he repinsoral palm into antipton jn fest iF mot in mode of excetion, Tht sane process ‘was operative Constantinople. ‘The sot centany Typicon ofthe Great Church indicates seventeen pele response, four other illest ones (Prov 207, Lk righ, Ju bgh, Tt 203), and three fcelsisical compositions). The most freqeenty std are Pe 18:5 (times), gat (100 ines), x11: (06 Lime), 13554 (2 ‘mes, 148: (ry tts) Ps 33:9 oats only foe times, three of| them in the Prestctiied Liturgy (4). So Constantinople dacs ft show strong evidence in favor of Ps 33a its priate come sxe praim, But onthe ther and the way evidence proces tio other contenders. So the question cant yet be esaved in the patent sate of oar knew ge, taste"), comes from the © Conclusion of the communion rites ‘The communion sites concate with a blessig: "The Nes sng of the Lord be upon ns, aon, ar, andl. age fag” (X. 8) follows the ncensation of te fs (30-33) before returning them to the protheds, Talay this text i weed 8 blessing after the opistiambenes prayer, and. the Mewig aes comnonion is from Bs 27 (2): gu: "Save, O Ga, your foie and Wess your inkontawee’, ater which the people shoe the tropation “IVe five son tho hae Bh!” from vespes of Bente: ost ("9 The pane blewing Rist appears th 12-r3eh century sa a utente 8) wp 84 vee [ot Maru, pln fh pp em sot. Tar ieee tp. 392, 4 atin tthe sgh pan etc Uoinnibn = fits oe todays uae oaks i ie ipo pn, fur tdpag he ‘ueton ft, Tw bare tae these ween ate eo nsponle rte ering aso 1 Mae pee 1 ures, tt the tropaton i @ moder addition (4). Most 3188 fire no cexponse a all hongh some 151th coxtury eubeloge pve ce mea toy, Bbc kant of a other sone tnt has at thi pol ofthe Busy the Lesg our dovasnent giver Cootemporsty souress do have ig — sometimes tusee — after the opiethambonos. paper), fad an expe orn of i es found there fs the lee 72) tis). ‘The eats soace fa which 1 ave found tis Gergian CCH in the eith centsy cole Sinai Geog. 89() "The incesation of the lite before relucaing them to the pots [X 20-28) 6 tested to i the same source (=), Thee foo, it is acsopanied by an incense prever, of was indented above 0), Xt, Thantagiving and Disnssat ter the ual postcommsion prayer (XL 3), the liturgy couches vith the opisthambonos prayer (XL. 7}, the orginal Sina blessing of the Byzantine cashacst(). ‘The additional IMielige and otter formalae that aw encumber the present Aisissal tes begin to appene ie tozath century soarees (), eB sc 38 int Cn 06 es he Mig tt tice. ‘The pean vet ie found in TreonRR Srenttns (t S36), Eepie raw ei tre of te Peat Bit fetacon a meh ir shan Tendo ia Madox the ewe (Gupetias,p asitie nthe Scr ogy ove he Aan DMITRI, po a Aroma CHD (Aun ll vr Set a Gr SS fe A asia), Re g5veser, Hobie Bui p50 fxOes3¢h e}. TeHMHLAR. f. H5U (eppsat Ty aan 0h, ye EM 6 ar Tacion are e818 (4 Stra aoee 63, Tae Arte ponte dod ese tae the Ue) ee Bart 3, ar. spa: Sets fe inet igi! 906, Riasnonccen, 203, Faron alot, art many’ conservative MSS preserve the ol ening util enti Tater Our dlatese takes ao mention af the prayer stl in the Skewophylkion at the consuaunstion of the gifts because the bishop. obviously, had no part in Use puscation of the vesls fer the liturgy, Teis abo absent from other sources of the yon- ties ite, at we indicated above (), ion tov of Bysatee ries ofS Bas est Se Jon Chom, Pat (eg) PE (oat ee ps6) J tes a8 Sine hie aril went poe, further perusal of sna plarnage sate bus (ated pte ore deteitons ‘hele ena a a at tn ee Exahiahoes otis mastan 1) Alebichop Aubony of Norges ‘iris Beh (A.D. aera wh cule the urge senor of Taga Soin sed inca rst Genre of the Geet Haan EET GSS tora eu). Hoge post Skate me jth so Cangrae Antje tveipstipa, Resprastage, ravens} alsa Stan tance) pp seni 9) The Journey 2f the Moca Basi BRN tay Paces of ean (rgt-igt, whi deesen teary of Patt Son of leans thc Care of Se Niche the Wendeworter fu Cain 1b, Chace hapou Vasa Pom Penn wu ght a tne 9) ML The Authenticity of the Chrysostom Anaphora Revisited. Determining the Authorship of Liturgical Texts by Computer (*) In memory of Los Lage, $2 enclose ies VIMY — ‘Rome 2211195) Seventy years age, on Janoary 18,1920, a this Footie Oren- tal Tose in Rome, then sll a is oxsinal sent, te Paizo deta This ride wan fe io ub-Age 1966 whe the sur woe sun ann Sets Sai Ae Dens Gale Cn Sms States Wasninpion DI ib tegen my entue e Pere oe Harvard Unie who evar sc hs lech and 0 ‘Disses safaf BO, wi aw te community o Sustmer Flow, fer ic tafngLndne oopersn, "An sored ses fh apt wae deed oe interauions comps of te Sun Lia, ore Expl, AGM 141, 989 Aireiaton Atowi « JA, Abin, Reem geukchpsonican (Dae ey et pres pans pr Mani eee et lee er tes, Pars, 165) aay othe te onn ean Amortene Grok Liury ofthe Apo, pe Janel Une of CHR ad APS Cos» The tons Costin os M. Sara, Los Cnaons tines tes FHS 33), Pr 98) TE: Ls HVE 9 SSP RRC suge ct, bey VENT 3, Pars 1987) Anse Te Src Anapors of he Two Aposs ( ipiial = The wane Prado, ce BON ‘AS phn Scat tebe pert it omic Tad Sadr Osean et tains sere (RW a. um Sica Congeazione per le Chise Osemalt in the stcem-

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