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"Dr George Cainglet Palaganas" <>
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Memorials of Connecticut Judges and AttorneysAs Printed in the Connecticut
ReportsRobert J. Callahanvolume 239, page(s) 961-964REMARKS OF CHIEF JUSTICE
1996 Justices and judges, state and federal, family and friends: It gives me great pleasure
to welcome all of you here this morning to this beautiful courtroom to witness the
installation of Robert J. Callahan as the new chief justice to preside over the Connecticut
Supreme Court and to lead the judicial branch of the state of Connecticut. Our new chief
justice will be the thirty-fourth person to hold this high office since the adoption of the
state constitution of 1818.It is altogether fitting that a new chief justice take his oath of
office here, in this courtroom. This ceremony will take place under the watchful eyes of
many of his predecessors, the relatively recent twentieth century chief justices whose
portraits you see all around you. It will also take place under the pictorial representation
of the signing of the Fundamental Orders that, more than three hundred fifty years ago, in
1638, marked the beginning of constitutional government in this state.We are honored
that Governor John G. Rowland will conduct this swearing-in ceremony. John G.
Rowland, after a distinguished career in the Connecticut legislature and the United States
House of Representatives, became our governor in 1995. Throughout his gubernatorial
term of office, he has consistently manifested his strong support for the judicial branch.
That support has taken many forms. none more important than his presence here
Chief Justice Peters, Governor O'Neill, justices of the Supreme Court, federal and state
judges, state legislators, family and friends. Thank you for being here. I particularly want
to thank those of you who made the long trip from Norwalk. It's not often that
Norwalkers have the chance to witness the swearing-in of a chief justice from the Clam
Town. The last time, as a matter of fact, was in 1870, when Thomas Belden Butler - who
I did not know personally - became chief justice.The seventeenth century clergyman and
poet, John Donne, once wrote: "No man is an island." That familiar line is certainly true
in my case. There are many people who have made this day possible for me and to whom
I am indebted.A special thanks of course goes to Governor Rowland for nominating me
to be chief justice. I also owe a debt of gratitude to former Norwalk Mayor Frank N.
Zullo, former Congressman Donald J. Irwin and the late Nick Bredice who, in 1969,
brought my desire to be a judge to the attention of the appointing authorities. Contrary to
the rumor that I have spread over the years, my initial nomination to the bench was not
the result of divine intervention and the successful completion of a judicial merit
examination.I thank the late Governor John Dempsey who first nominated me to the trial
bench in 1970 as a judge of the Circuit Court and changed forever the course that my
professional life would take. I am grateful also to the late Governor Ella T. Grasso who
nominated me to the Superior Court in 1976, and to Governor William A. O'Neill who
nominated me to the Supreme Court in 1985. Because of the faith they have shown in me,
I have been privileged to serve on the beach for over twenty-six years. During that time, I
have had the opportunity to work with many of the diverse and dedicated men and
women who comprise the Connecticut Judiciary. I thank them all for unselfishly sharing
with me their wisdom, their experience, and their total commitment to justice for all of
Connecticut's citizens.I acknowledge particularly my colleagues past and present on the
Supreme Court who taught me to respect the opinions of others even though I might
disagree. Although the court's opinions of late sometimes seem to have been formed in a
cauldron rather than a melting pot, I assure you we are unanimous in our search for
justice and we are stronger and more representative for the different viewpoints
expressed.In addition to the fellowship that I have enjoyed with my colleagues on the
bench, I consider myself blessed to have served my entire time on the Supreme Court
under the exemplary leadership of Chief Justice Ellen Peters. Fortunately for me and
maybe not so fortunately for her, Ellen's new office is only a left hand turn and a short
walk down the hallway from mine. This will give me easy access to presume our
friendship and ask a few questions such as, "Now that I'm sworn in, what's next?"There
have been many others too numerous to thank individually who have played a part in my
career over the years and who have provided the friendship, encouragement and support
that brought me here today.I would, however, ask your indulgence while I introduce the
members of my immediate family, who were oftentimes neglected when Dad was
preoccupied with an important case, composing a jury charge or writing a opinion. My
daughter Sheila and her husband Steve Matthews and grandson Kevin. Steve and Sheila
have two other children who are too young and too slippery to bring to today's ceremony.
My son Kerry and his wife Maura and grandchildren Colin and Bridgett. Daughter
Denise grandson Aedan. My daughter Janine and her husband Tim LeBlanc. Janine and
Tim have two children, Sean and Danny, who are in the same slippery category as
Sheila's two youngest. My son Patrick. My daughter Jane and her fiance Craig
Tiedemann. My daughter Megan, Jane's twin. My son Robert, Jr., and last but not least,
my wife Dorothy, my keeper for the last thirty-eight years, without whom I would
probably still be home looking for my shirt. Thank you.With the swearing in of a new
chief justice, it is only natural to wish to look ahead to see what the future might hold for
Connecticut's courts.Nevertheless, because I would like to keep my remarks brief, my
thoughts for the future of the state's judicial branch must necessarily await another, more
appropriate time. I would remiss, however, if I did not take note of the fact that our courts
now contend with greater challenges than ever before, in terms of both the volume of
cases filed and the complexity of cases heard. As a former Superior Court judge, I know
firsthand the difficult problems faced daily by other trial judges, who, along with the
clerks' offices, are the front line troops of the justice system. It is imperative that we work
diligently to identify and resolve quickly the difficult problems facing our trial courts, not
the least of which is the increasing volume of complex litigation and the backlog of
20,000 civil cases now awaiting trial. All of the state's citizens are the beneficiaries of a
strong independent judiciary. If the system is underfunded and understaffed for too long a
period of time, then the average citizen's access to the courts is seriously compromised.
Having sufficient resources for the just, swift and effective resolution of cases is the best
way to ensure the continued provision of equal justice under the law.That said, I look
forward to working closely with the legislative and executive branches to accomplish our
mutual goals. Governor Rowland, I appreciate the confidence that you and the General
Assembly have placed in me. I do not take your trust lightly, and will do my utmost to
live up to your expectations.In closing, I would quote Hartford's own Mark Twain, who
in 1901 said, "Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest." I
assure you that as chief justice I will try my best always to do right.Thank you.Volume
249, Appendix, pages 933-939REMARKS BY JUSTICE DAVID M. BORDEN ON
Before the court hears this morning's cases, we have some other important business to
transact.Barring unforeseen circumstances, today is the last day that this beautiful and
historic courtroom will be graced by having Chief Justice Robert J. Callahan preside over
oral argument. The honor of marking this bittersweet occasion falls to me as the senior
Associate Justice on this court - speaking on behalf of all of the Chief Justice's
colleagues, both on the court and throughout the Judicial Branch.A special welcome goes
to the members of Bob's family who are here this morning - Bob's wife, Dorothy; his
brother, William J. Callahan; three of his daughters - Sheila Matthews, Jeanine LeBlanc
and Jane Callahan; and his son, Kerry. Sheila, Jeanine, Jane and Kerry are here
representing Bob and Dorothy's eight children and ten grandchildren. I suspect that Bob
told the rest to stay home, only so that there would be enough seats for the rest of you. In
addition, Elizabeth McMahon, the Chief Justice's eighth grade teacher at Center Junior
High School, in Norwalk, is here to help celebrate this occasion. Miss McMahon, we're
delighted to have you here with us to honor your former student. I trust that you knew all
along what a great success he would be.I know with assurance - because he told me - that
Chief Justice Callahan would have preferred not to have had this ceremony. He wanted
just to slip away quietly and he actually thought he could get away with it. But not only
the long tradition of the court, but our deep and sincere desire to stamp on the public
record our regard for hint as a scholar, as a leader and as a treasured colleague, required
that his preference be overruled. And so we are here this morning, to honor him and his
accomplishments with our deepest admiration and respect.Chief Justice Callahan came
up through the judicial ranks. He served with distinction on the Circuit Court, the Court
of Common Pleas and the Superior Court. He truly loved the trial bench, and has often
spoken of his exploits there with a sense of affection.Perhaps his most famous case as a
trial judge was the well-publicized "Brookfield demon" case, in which the defendant,
who had stabbed the victim to death, claimed that he was not guilty because he had been
in fact possessed by a demon, whom he had personally summoned from the body of his
girlfriend's young brother. However, trial judge Callahan ruled that defense, namely, "the
demon made me do it," out of the case as a matter of law, much to the chagrin of both the
defendant and his demon, and the defendant was convicted. The case did garner national
media attention, however - and this was before the days of "Hard Copy" and "Gerry
Springer" - and there was even a television movie of the trial. And to this day, I think that
Bob harbors some disappointment that the producers didn't choose Robert Redford to
play the trial judge.On June 22, 1985, just short of fourteen years ago, Superior Court
judge Robert J. Callahan was appointed by Governor O'Neill to this court. To date, and
still counting, there are 343 majority opinions, 40 dissenting opinions, and 11 concurring
opinions that bear his name. It would be virtually impossible to summarize the body of
his jurisprudence as a Justice of this court, but there are three of those opinions of which
he is especially proud, and rightly so.In State v. Golding, then Associate Justice Callahan
formulated the standard to govern appellate treatment of a constitutional claim raised on
appeal that was not properly preserved at trial. That standard has truly passed the test of
time. A recent computer search of the opinions of the Supreme and Appellate Courts
revealed 485 citations to the Golding standard, surely making it one of the Court's most
frequently cited opinions.In Jaworski v. Kiernan, Chief Justice Callahan articulated the
standard of care that players in recreational sporting events owe to one another. Those of
his friends and colleagues who are aware of Bob's memorable, albeit brief, sojourn as a
Chicago Bear, under the legendary professional football coach, George Hallas, know that
the Chief Justice brought a special sensitivity to the question of when an athlete in a
sporting event involving physical contact can be liable to one of his adversaries.More
recently, Chief Justice Callahan's opinion in Packer v. Board of Education set a
constitutional landmark. The plaintiff there, a high school student, was expelled from
school for possessing marijuana in the trunk of his car - off school grounds and after
school hours. The issue was whether the statute, which authorized expulsions for conduct
off school grounds that was "seriously disruptive of the educational process," provided
the plaintiff with constitutionally adequate notice that his possession of marijuana under
those circumstances, would subject him to expulsion from school. In a thorough and
tightly reasoned opinion for the court, Chief Justice Callahan concluded that, although the
statute was not unconstitutionally vague on its face, it could not be applied
constitutionally to the plaintiff.In the atmosphere in which we labor and by virtue of our
work product - our opinions - the public focus is often on the scholarly and public policy
aspects of our work. And Justice Callahan has contributed enormously to our Connecticut
legal landscape. Intellectually honest, he does not avoid the outcome dictated by
unquestioned precedent; he does not compromise the integrity of the law by an
unprincipled quest for a desired result; he does not manipulate the means to reach an end.
For him, the process by which the decision is reached is as important as the result in the
case.But the career of Robert J. Callahan, whom we honor and admire today, goes
significantly beyond his body of opinions. On September 1, 1996, Associate Justice
Robert J. Callahan was sworn in as Chief Justice by Governor Rowland, who appointed
him to that position. Thus, he has now capped twenty-nine judicial years by serving for
the past three years as our Chief Justice.As we all know, the job of Chief Justice also
carries with it the weighty responsibility of leading the Judicial Branch of our state
government. In the best of times, and in the worst of times, the buck stops there. In these
past three years, Chief Justice Callahan has worked tirelessly and effectively to prepare
our branch for the new millennium.Promoting public confidence and trust in the judicial
system, and in the integrity of the legal system as a whole, has been the number one
priority for Chief Justice Callahan during his years in office. With enormous planning
and effort, several major innovations have come to fruition on his watch.In February,
1998, the Chief Justice established the Commission on Public Trust and Confidence. That
Commission, chaired by the Chief Court Administrator, is charged with evaluating and
examining the factors that contribute to the public's confidence in Connecticut's judicial
system, and with recommending long-term initiatives to build that trust. As part of this
effort to inform the public of our services more effectively, and to demystify the judicial
process, the Judicial Community Outreach program has been inaugurated. Coordination
of tours of our facilities, establishment of a speakers bureau, and Open House
celebrations, have been instituted as ways of increasing our responsiveness to the needs
of the community. Demonstrating his total commitment to this effort, Chief Justice
Callahan serves as a member of Connecticut's five person leadership team that met
recently with other teams from around the country, at the National Conference of Public
Trust and Confidence in the Judicial System, in order to formulate a national strategy to
enhance public trust in the judiciary.On a second front, in recognition that dishonest
conduct on the part of attorneys results in extensive harm, not only to the client whose
money the lawyer took, but to the legal profession as a whole, Chief Justice Callahan
encouraged the creation in 1998 of the Client Security Fund, in order to provide
reimbursement for losses arising from dishonesty in the course of an attorney-client
relationship. Under his aegis, the judges of the Superior Court established the fund as a
trust, funded by annual fees assessed upon each attorney admitted to practice in the state
and upon each judicial officer in the state. All who have been admitted to practice must
participate. The Client Security Fund Committee, appointed by the Chief Justice, is
charged with receiving, investigating, and evaluating clients' claims, determining possible
reimbursement, and pursuing transgressing attorneys for restitution. This initiative
embodies the concept of accountability to which Chief Justice Callahan has long been
dedicated.During his tenure as leader of the Judicial Branch, Chief Justice Callahan has
also recognized that public confidence in the judicial system must be matched by and
built upon a strong internal foundation. He knows that adequate court facilities that house
the judges and support staff, and welcome litigants and the public in a professional
atmosphere, are essential to a responsive and effective judicial system. To those ends, in
the past three years new courthouses in Waterbury and New Britain have been opened.
Moreover, each of our new courts has been designed with the latest in technology and
security in mind - built for the future as well as the present.Additionally, in 1998, based
on an innovative concept, the Hartford Community Court was established. A
collaborative effort of the state and the City of Hartford, the court targets quality of life
violations, and metes out appropriate sanctions, usually in the form of community
service. In this way, the Chief Justice's goal of giving back to the community for an
offense committed there can be fulfilled.Perhaps the most difficult aspect of the position
of Chief Justice - more difficult, I suspect, than leading the entire Judicial Branch - is
leading this court as an institution. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once described the
United States Supreme Court as nine scorpions in a bottle. Well, I don't think that
metaphor quite captures us - for one thing, there aren't nine of us - but it does capture the
difficulty of leading headstrong and wilful colleagues who usually think that they are
right. Chief Justice Callahan has led us these past three years by his unending patience,
his boundless consideration of others, and his unfailing good humor. He has led by the
most telling and effective marker of leadership - by example.Bob - in some of your public
remarks, you are fond of telling a story about yourself that I'd like to advert to this
morning. You tell how your father, a plumbing contractor, really wanted you to become a
plumber, and that he was a little disappointed that you became a lawyer instead. Then,
you would pause - and, in your characteristically self-deprecating manner, you would add
that there are several lawyers who also think that you should have become a
plumber.Well, all of us here today - and everyone in the legal profession in this state - are
glad that you didn't become a plumber. I'm sure that you would have been a good one.
But I'm even more sure that you have been a superb judge, a superb Justice, and a superb
Chief Justice. On behalf of your colleagues on this court and throughout the Judicial
Branch, I congratulate you on what is truly an extraordinary career. And we recognize
how fortunate we are, to continue to have the benefit of your wisdom, your talents, your
common sense, and your uncommon decency, on this court for the year to come, and in
the Branch for the years to come.One final note. Sixty-nine years ago today, Robert J.
Callahan was born. Mr. Chief Justice, we wish you a Happy and Healthy Birthday, and
many more to follow. [footer.htm] Connecticut State Library231 Capitol Avenue,
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Robert J. CallahanAmbassadorNicaraguaTerm of Appointment: 07/24/2008 to present
Robert J. Callahan was sworn in as United States ambassador to Nicaragua on July 24,
2008. Previously, Mr. Callahan served as the first public diplomacy fellow at the School
of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University, a position created in
August of 2005. Immediately before being named to that position, he served as director
of public affairs at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in Washington,
DC.Mr. Callahan joined the Foreign Service in 1979 and, after training and language
classes, served in Costa Rica as assistant cultural affairs officer and in Honduras first as
cultural attaché and later as press officer. In 1985 he was assigned to the embassy in
London as the ambassador’s speechwriter and assistant press attaché. In 1989 he returned
to Latin America as counselor for public affairs in La Paz, Bolivia.After a tour in
Washington from 1992-95, which included Greek language training, Mr. Callahan
became the counselor for public affairs in Athens, and then from 1998-2002 he served as
minister counselor for public affairs in Rome. That summer he returned to the U.S.,
where he taught for 2 years at the National War College in Washington, DC on a detail
assignment from the State Department. In 2004, he volunteered to serve for 1 year as
embassy spokesman and press attaché in Baghdad.Mr. Callahan has a B.A. in modern
European history from Loyola University in Chicago and an M.A. in American history
from DePaul University also in Chicago. He was an editor at Loyola University Press in
Chicago before joining the Foreign Service. He speaks Spanish, Greek, and Italian.
George C. Palaganas, Ph.D.Bembesan EVIS®Current Mailing Address:(as of 22-
February-2010 Monday) #21 Zamora St. Purok Maligaya II Barangay Poblacion SUR
2307 Paniqui TARLAC Region III PHILIPPINESPhone Number:001(206)339-2624
Fax: 001(206)339-9327e-mail address: drgeorgecaingletpalaganas@yahoo.comPRC
Licence Number 0029594-98 Asst.Elec'l EngineerAutomated Phone Query: 00632-917-
7777 SSSNo.:02-0837587-0 Birthday: 10/19/1968URLs
bsID2066184--- On Thu, 2/25/10, Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
<> wrote:From: Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
TELINGAS Account With BFC Bank(code:ROB-EARTH)To:, bfc@i-,,,,,,,,,
manilascooltalk@yahoo.comDate: Thursday, February 25, 2010, 5:13 PM26-February-
2010 Friday 8:52am Mr. John BarnesClaims/Foreign Operations DeptBFC Bank
Cayman Island®Phone - +18669788444 +18669786221Fax - +1-
8663284507Website - Attention: Mark Adams David
WattsTEL:+44 11 58223108FAX:+44 709 286 4823B F C Bank Cayman Island®
Dear Mr. John Barnes: Greetings! I had finally resolved the fact that the account number
1001346486 PIN 109281 the last balance was GBP 10,800,000.00 with BFC Bank
Cayman Island belongs to Robert Telingas. His surname most likely is not the same as
my surname since the automated voice message system pronounced my family name as
Palagnas as in "pa-log Nash" dropping the third letter A and that is very far from
Telingas, as in "telling us".Regarding my funds from HMS First Direct Trust UK under
Secretary Craig Burton, until all things are clarified by him officially, then and only then
can we conclude that my funds of GBP 15,600,000.00 was secretly transferred to one of
your accounts in 2008.With this, although investigations are not yet conclusive, be it
known that I have no immediate claim for the funds of Mr. Robert Palaganas with BFC
Bank Cayman Island.In the age of EURO, I'll keep monitoring with you this fund for it
can provide a route for large buckets. Truly, George C. Palaganas, Ph.D. Bembesan
EVIS®Current Mailing Address:(as of 22-February-2010 Monday) #21 Zamora St.
Purok Maligaya II Barangay Poblacion SUR 2307 Paniqui TARLAC Region III
PHILIPPINESPhone Number:001(206)339-2624 Fax: 001(206)339-9327e-mail address:
drgeorgecaingletpalaganas@yahoo.comPRC Licence Number 0029594-98 Asst.Elec'l
EngineerAutomated Phone Query: 00632-917-7777 SSSNo.:02-0837587-0 Birthday:
Subj:PHONECALL Today from +15154745649 to +18669786221Date: Wednesday,
February 24, 2010 5:45 AMFrom Dr George Cainglet Palaganas Wed Feb 24 05:45:29
HvQ52hHCvj1Zw94Y Received: from [] by via HTTP; Wed, 24 Feb 2010 05:45:29 PST X-Mailer:
YahooMailClassic/9.2.12 YahooMailWebService/ Date: Wed, 24 Feb
2010 05:45:29 -0800 (PST) From: Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
<> View contact details Subject:
PHONECALL Today from +15154745649 to +18669786221 To:,,,,,,, MIME-
Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-1500491212-
1267019129=:94760" Content-Length: 159906 Compact Headers 24-Feb-2010 Wed
9:30pmManila Mr. John BarnesClaims/Foreign Operations DeptBFC Bank Cayman
Island®Phone - +18669788444 +18669786221Fax - +1-8663284507Website - Attention: Mark AdamsTEL:+44 11 58223108FAX:+44 709 286
4823B F C Bank Cayman Island®Dear Mr.John Barnes: Finally, I was able to talk with
one of your bankers today on your +18669786221 number from +15154745649. A
certain David Watts on accounts department took the call and all we have talked is about
accounts number 1001346486 PIN 109281 the last balance was GBP 10,800,000.00
before it became a not valid account yesterday(?) on phonebank number +1206 6078947 .
What happened to it? The other account was account number 1180643670 PIN 682797
the last balance was GBP 0.00 Please give details of clarifications including transfer of
funds involving UK's First Direct Trust to the account 1001346486 , if any. The secret
fund transfer was done sometime in 2008. Your prompt response is highly enjoined.
Truly, George C. Palaganas, Ph.D.Bembesan EVIS®Current Mailing Address:(as of 22-
February-2010 Monday) #21 Zamora St. Purok Maligaya II Barangay Poblacion SUR
2307 Paniqui TARLAC Region III PHILIPPINESPhone Number:001(206)339-2624
Fax: 001(206)339-9327e-mail address: drgeorgecaingletpalaganas@yahoo.comPRC
Licence Number 0029594-98 Asst.Elec'l EngineerAutomated Phone Query: 00632-917-
7777 SSSNo.:02-0837587-0 Birthday: 10/19/1968URLs
bsID2066184 ---------------------------------Messages---------------------------------------
Subj:PHONECALL Today from +15109842666 to + 442070601797Date:Wednesday,
February 24, 2010 4:51 AMFrom Dr George Cainglet Palaganas Wed Feb 24 04:51:09
cLvY- Received: from [] by via HTTP;
Wed, 24 Feb 2010 04:51:09 PST X-Mailer: YahooMailClassic/9.2.12
YahooMailWebService/ Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 04:51:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Dr George Cainglet Palaganas <> View
contact details Subject: PHONECALL Today from +15109842666 to + 442070601797
To:,,, bfc@i-,,,,,,,,,, MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
boundary="0-308653399-1267015869=:84714" Content-Length: 155160 Compact
Headers 24-Feb-2010 Wed 8:33pmManila CRAIG BURTONSecretary to Treasury
AffairsMoney Trafficking DeptUK ClearingHouseTel: + 44 2070601797Fax:+ 44
2070601798Email: craigburton@secretary.netDear Secretary Burton: I had left a message
on your recorder at +44 2070601797 today 24-Feb-2010 Wed at about 8:35pm from
+15109842666(Yahoo!M) Manila and this is regarding the telebanking transfer of
account number 19008679 PIN 4456 UK First Direct Trust and your phone bank in
London +44 7599836936 which is now not serviceable(unavailable). The account's
balance was GBP 15,600,000.00 before communications between parties were lost. BFC
Bank of Cayman Islands with phone banking number +1206 6078947 and the accounts
1001346486 PIN 109281 the last balance was GBP 10,800,000.00 before it became a not
valid account yesterday(?) What happened to it? The other account was 1180643670 PIN
682797 the last balance was GBP 0.00 Clarifications need to be relayed. Truly, George
C. Palaganas, Ph.D.Bembesan EVIS®Current Mailing Address:(as of 22-February-2010
Monday) #21 Zamora St. Purok Maligaya II Barangay Poblacion SUR 2307 Paniqui
TARLAC Region III PHILIPPINESPhone Number:001(206)339-2624 Fax:
001(206)339-9327e-mail address: drgeorgecaingletpalaganas@yahoo.comPRC Licence
Number 0029594-98 Asst.Elec'l EngineerAutomated Phone Query: 00632-917-7777
SSSNo.:02-0837587-0 Birthday: 10/19/1968URLs
bsID2066184 ----------------------Messages----------------------- Subj:Regarding Account
1001346486Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 7:06 AMFrom Dr George Cainglet
Palaganas Tue Feb 23 07:06:42 2010X-YMail-OSG:
sSY6lH4VM1n2a0F6BF4DWtu0SJ9CRttCy_nJ6r3RhYBx.Fujn2.sspFM Received:
from [] by via HTTP; Tue, 23 Feb 2010
07:06:42 PST X-Mailer: YahooMailClassic/9.2.12
YahooMailWebService/ Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 07:06:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Dr George Cainglet Palaganas <> View
contact details Subject: Regarding Account 1001346486 To:,,, bfc@i-,,,,,,, MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
boundary="0-1184341422-1266937602=:70231" Content-Length: 133075 Compact
Headers 23-Feb -2010 10:54pm Manila Dear Accounts Officers:Greetings! I was just
wondering why the account 1001346486 with PIN 109281 is now inaccessible(invalid)
as of the last time(23-Feb-2010 about 10:30pm Manila) I did a phone banking check
using PLDT phone No. 00632-911-9100 when it has GB P10,800,000.00 beforehand.
What happened to the fund? while Account number 1180643670 with PIN 682797 has an
undefined funds based on that phone query too. All your phone numbers are also
unserviceable at this time. I need to be informed please. You may give me a call back at
001-206-339-2624. Thank you! George Palaganas -----------Messages------------ Fw: Files
LOCATEDSunday, February 21, 2010 3:03 AMFrom Dr George Cainglet Palaganas Sun
Feb 21 03:03:19 2010X-YMail-OSG:
KQ- Received: from [] by via HTTP; Sun,
21 Feb 2010 03:03:19 PST X-Mailer: YahooMailClassic/9.2.12
YahooMailWebService/0.7.361.4 Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 03:03:19 -0800 (PST) From:
Dr George Cainglet Palaganas <> View contact
details Subject: Fw: Files LOCATED To:,,,, MIME-
Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-1982382143-
1266750199=:5746" Content-Length: 139916 Compact Headers --- On Sat, 2/20/10, Dr
George Cainglet Palaganas <> wrote:From: Dr
George Cainglet Palaganas <>Subject: Files
LOCATEDTo:,, claims@i-,, bfc_cayman@execs.comDate: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 3:46
PM21-February-2010 Mr. John BarnesClaims/Foreign Operations DeptBFC Bank
Cayman Island®Phone - +18669788444 +18669786221Fax - +1-
8663284507Website - Attention: Mark AdamsTEL:+44 11
58223108FAX:+44 709 286 4823B F C Bank Cayman Island®Dear Mr.John Barnes:
Greetings! I finally found the files that points to my account with your bank and may I
requestfor proper audit. Attached below this e-mail are the letters of Secretary Craig
Burton of the UK Clearing House. Bank1: HMS FIRST DIRECT TRUSTTELE-
Cayman Island TELE-BANKING TELEPHONE NUMBER --- + 1 206 607 8947
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1001346489 SIX DIGITS PIN: 109281--------------------------
New Account with BFC Bank of Cayman Island Request for further
Transfer( TELEPHONE NUMBER --- + 1 206
607 8947ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1180643670SIX DIGITS PIN: 682797Transfer
Amount: minimum amount for a dayThe account went dormant into your coffers because
I was trying to contact Secretary Burton within the last few months since our last
communication in 2008 but to no avail. Thank God, I have finally put all the pieces
together. If the discrepancy on the transfer amounts are due to transfer and clearing fees, I
will understand. Truly, George C. Palaganas,Ph.D.Phone: +1-206-339-2624Fax: +1-
-------------Messages--------------Fw: REQUEST For Audit $31,000,000.00
( £15,600,000.00)Saturday, February 20, 2010 3:02 PMFrom: "Dr George Cainglet
Palaganas" <>View contact detailsTo:,,, bfc@i-,,, ATTENTION: All Bankers REQUEST For Audit
$31,000,000.00 ( £15,600,000.00) Check deposited to BFC Bank of Cayman Islands
through bank to bank transfer.George C. Palaganas, Ph.D.Current Mailing Address:(as of
14-November-2009 Saturday) #21 Zamora St. Purok Maligaya II Barangay Poblacion
SUR 2307 Paniqui TARLAC Region III PHILIPPINESPhone Number:001(206)339-
2624 Fax: 001(206)339-9327e-mail address:
drgeorgecaingletpalaganas@yahoo.comPRC Licence Number 0029594-98 Asst.Elec'l
EngineerAutomated Phone Query: 00632-917-7777 SSSNo.:02-0837587-0 Birthday:
bsID2066184 --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
<> wrote:From: Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
<>Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 2:27 AM 20-April-2009
CRAIG BURTONSecretary to Treasury AffairsMoney Trafficking DeptUK
ClearingHouseTel: + 44 2070601797Fax:+ 44 2070601798Email: Dear Secretary Burton: Good day! We are in the process of
transferring this money into a nominated bank account last year when clearances has
gone on the way, hence the money were not transfered plus the phone banking system
from the Philippines is unserviceable. May I then suggest that the account be converted
into a checking account. A 1000 pieces of banker's check is requested for account number
19008679 with check numbers MMIX0001 to MMIX1000. I will be looking forward to
your response. Very Truly Yours, George Cainglet Palaganas, Ph.D.Current Mailing
Address:(as of 20-April-2009)#21 Zamora St. Purok Maligaya 2Barangay Poblacion
SUR2307 PANIQUI TarlacRegion III PHILIPPINESPhone: 001-206-339-2624
001-206-339-9327e-mail: Regulatory
Commission License No. 0029594-98 Assistant Electrical EngineerURL --- On Thu, 5/8/08, Craig Burton
<> wrote:From: Craig Burton
BANKING TRANSFERENCETo: manilascooltalk@yahoo.comCc:
drgeorgecaingletpalaganas@yahoo.comDate: Thursday, May 8, 2008, 9:47 AM-----Inline
Attachment Follows-----ATTN: DR. GEORGE CAINGLET PALAGANAS Thanks very
much for your emails confirming your file. The Treasury Dept. has finally approved your
payout via a TELE-BANKING CHAPS TRANSFER. You are to perform a tele-banking
operation to transfer your total deposit out of the UK. UK CLEARINGHOUSE working
in partnership with HMS FIRST DIRECT TRUST an arm of the UK
GovernmentTREASURY DEPT has approved a total of $31,000,000.00
( £15,600,000.00) in your favour being funds programmed to be released via Electronic
CHAPS Transfer by Tele-Banking. This total includes accrued interest over a period of
time. Please accept my congratulations. The TREASURY DEPT have now cleared you to
transfer your funds by telephone banking to your nominated account. Please be informed
that we have received your secret Tele- Banking details: You are required to transfer a
maximum limit of $5,000,000.00 per day because of Bulk Transaction Monitoring.
Using a touch-tone telephone pad, please dial your Tele-Banking Telephone Number
stated above and follow the promt accordingly. You should be able to transfer a daily
limit of $5,000,000.00 to your account by following the directives on the tele-banking
operations. Please make sure you keep the above details secret.. Do not give it to any
third party. For assistance in Tele-Banking Operations, please call Mr FRANK
APPLETON on telephone number + 44 2070601669 or email: If
you have any problem or you are a first timer in Tele-Banking Operations, please seek
the assistance of Mr. Frank Appleton. Mr Frank Appleton - Transfer Director of FIRST
DIRECT TRUST DEPT has been assigned to your account. Please feel free to deal with
and ask him to help you in the tele-banking operations. He has 24 years experience in IT
and Tele-Banking Operations. I look forward to your success in this operation. Regards
CRAIG BURTONSecretary to Treasury AffairsMoney Trafficking DeptUK
ClearingHouseTel: + 44 2070601797Fax:+ 44 2070601798Email: See Exclusive Video: 10th Annual Young Hollywood
Awards-----------------Messages--------------------Fw: Regarding Account Number
1001346489 and PIN 109281 Phone: +1-206-607-8947(Washington)Wednesday,
February 17, 2010 3:50 AMFrom: "Dr George Cainglet Palaganas"
<>View contact detailsTo:,,, bfc@i-,,, --- On Wed, 2/17/10, Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
<> wrote:From: Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
<>Subject: Regarding Account Number
1001346489 and PIN 109??? Phone: +1-206-607-8947(Washington)To: admin@i-
bk.infoDate: Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 3:46 AM17-February-2010 WednesdayMr.
John BarnesClaims/Foreign Operations DeptBFC Bank Cayman Island®Phone -
+18669788444 +18669786221Fax - +1-8663284507Website - www.bfc.bk-
ag.comDear Mr. Barnes:Greetings! In response to your letter dated February 15, 2010
11:00 AM Monday,the subject of which was "Subj:IN RESPECT OF YOUR FUNDS
CLAIM", please be advised that I am not certain if Robert Palaganas is deceased or
living. When the case pertaining account number 1001346489 and PIN 109???, the
dormant balance on BFC Bank Cayman Island® as of this writing was British Pound
Sterling 10,800,000.00 checkable through bank phone number +1-206-607-
8947(Washington), was brought to my attention by banker Mark Adams(Phone: +44-
151-203-8033 ), he started on the premise that someone has made an unauthorized
access to my account. So, I have assumed that somebody made a deposit into your bank
using my name.In my capacity as payment manager with Asian Market Exchange
Company, it is not uncommon for me to receive checks in large sums such as the one on
account number 1001346489. Since all I need to do basically is; deposit the check, take
my share from it as an honest agreed-upon wages based on my appointment paper , and
wait for my parent company's instructions on what account and bank it will be transferred
to later on.Since Mr.Mark Adams earlier letters composed my address as 4910 SeaBreeze
Way, Everett Washington 98203, people on the address on which I was associated could
have deposited the check, possibly Mr.Robert. All communications will bear my identity
just the same. I was associated with the address since I have talked with a realtor, a
certain Tyrone Bafaro(Phone: +1-425-218-2255 ) who helms the realty transcripts of the
said address, on the possibility of buying it in 2007. I was holding at that time
US$5,000,000.00 on money market at Easy Forex with Richard Owens(Phone: 1877-
532-7939/ +1-312-234- 9118 ). All I am saying is, I am a valid copy.Therefore, I can
not just move to the way you had motioned on your most recent letter. Nevertheless, I
will bring the matter to the legal experts of my parent company, Asian Marketing
Exchange Company. And I might be travelling to the Carribean,on cruise, within
eighteen months so I might as well do a side-trip to the Cayman Islands for this thing.
Meanwhile, you can check on your records farther for the real score. I am looking
forward for your detailed response the soonest.Truly, George C. Palaganas, Ph.D.Current
Mailing Address:(as of 14-November-2009 Saturday) #21 Zamora St. Purok Maligaya II
Barangay Poblacion SUR 2307 Paniqui TARLAC Region III PHILIPPINESPhone
Number:001(206)339-2624 Fax: 001(206)339-9327e-mail address:
drgeorgecaingletpalaganas@yahoo.comPRC Licence Number 0029594-98 Asst.Elec'l
EngineerAutomated Phone Query: 00632-917-7777 SSSNo.:02-0837587-0 Birthday:
bsID2066184 ----------------------Messages----------------------------Flag this
messageSubj:IN RESPECT OF YOUR FUNDS CLAIMDate:Monday, February 15,
2010 11:00 AMFrom =?ISO-8859-1?Q?BFC_BANK=AE_CAYMAN_ISLAND?= Mon
Feb 15 19:00:16 2010X-Apparently-To: via; Mon, 15 Feb 2010 11:00:18 -0800Return-Path: <admin@i->X-YMailISG:
ASadDKPzHW.fnImAwX-Originating-IP: []Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=neutral (no sig); from=i-; dkim=neutral (no sig)Received: from (EHLO mail-gx0- ( by with SMTP; Mon,
15 Feb 2010 11:00:17 -0800Received: by with SMTP id
19so3104260gxk.0 for <>; Mon, 15 Feb 2010
11:00:17 -0800 (PST)MIME-Version: 1.0Sender: admin@i-bk.infoReceived:
by with SMTP id k14mr6991068ybn.138.1266260417029; Mon, 15 Feb
2010 11:00:17 -0800 (PST)Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 19:00:16 +0000X-Google-
Sender-Auth: f318352189b6ec76Message-ID:
BFC_BANK=AE_CAYMAN_ISLAND?= <> Add sender to
ContactsTo: Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
<>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
boundary=001485e7e9a659aa31047fa83afaContent-Length: 3364Compact
HeadersATTN: George Cainglet PalaganasOur Ref:BFC/06-J/4577 /AGIN RESPECT
OF YOUR FUNDS CLAIMGood Day,This is to notify you BFC Bank Cayman Island®
are in receipt of yourclaims application.All records are being verified and measures are
being made to effect thetransfer of Mr Robert Palaganas funds to you.However you are
required to provide the following documents for finalverification.(1.) Copy Of Death
Certificate Of The Deceased(2.) Copy Of Identification From The Deceased Attorney(3.)
Copy Of The " Certificate Of Deposit"(4.) Valid copy of your Drivers license or
International passportMake available these required documents in order for us to
provideaccount co-ordinates of Mr Robert Palaganas.Thank you,John
BarnesClaims/Foreign Operations DeptBFC Bank Cayman Island®Phone -
+18669788444 +18669786221Fax - +1-8663284507Website - www.bfc.bk-******************************************************************
**********This communication is confidential and is intended only for the person
towhom it is addressed. If you are not that person you are not permitted tomake use of the
information and you are requested to notify BFC Bank Cayman Island®immediately that
you have received it and then to destroy the copy in your
**************N: B: ------------DISCLAIMER---------------------------------
Messages------------------- Matter To be Studied Over by BE/AM Legal
ExpertsWednesday, February 10, 2010 7:24 PMFrom: "Dr George Cainglet Palaganas"
<>View contact detailsTo: "Mark Adams"
<>,,, bfc@i-, bfc_cayman@execs.com11-February-2010Dear Mark:In response to your letter
dated Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 8:06 AM, the subject of which was "FILL FORM
AND SEND TO THE BANK", the matter will be taken cared of by the legal department
of Bembesan EVIS- Asian Marketing Exchange Company(BE/AM).Whatever will be the
legal departments decision, you will be informed in the future.I remain, George C.
Palaganas, Ph.D.Current Mailing Address:(as of 14-November-2009 Saturday) #21
Zamora St. Purok Maligaya II Barangay Poblacion SUR 2307 Paniqui TARLAC Region
III PHILIPPINESPhone Number:001(206)339-2624 Fax: 001(206)339-9327e-mail
address: drgeorgecaingletpalaganas@yahoo.comPRC Licence Number 0029594-98
Asst.Elec'l EngineerAutomated Phone Query: 00632-917-7777 SSSNo.:02-0837587-0
Birthday: 10/19/1968URLs
bsID2066184 --- On Wed, 2/10/10, Mark Adams <>
wrote:From: Mark Adams <>Subject: FILL FORM AND
SEND TO THE BANKTo: "Dr George Cainglet Palaganas"
<>Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 8:06
AMPlease send the below document to bank to make the claim , , or by Fax - +1-8663284507 or FAX:011-
447092842662 or FAX: 011-447005800934Note all needed documents requested by the
bank will be provided for
you.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attn:
B.F.C Bank Cayman Island Dear Sir / MadamI Am Mr./Mrs
……………………………………………………. A Relative Of Late Mr Robert
Who Operated An Active Account in Your Respectful Bank And I Am PuttingForth This
Application For The Transfer Of The Funds In My Late RelativesAccount.I Will Very
Much Appreciate It If My Application Is Processed As Soon AsPossible.My Information
Are As Follows:Full Name:
…………………………………………………………….Yours Sincerely,Mr.Mark
AdamsTel: +44 151 203 8033Fax: +44 709 286 4823BFC Bank Cayman
Island------------------------Messages---------------------------Fw: In Honesty and IN
TruthMonday, February 8, 2010 11:34 PMFrom: "Dr George Cainglet Palaganas"
<>View contact detailsTo:, correspond@36912.com09-February-2010Mr.Mark
AdamsTel: +44 151 203 8033Fax: +44 709 286 4823BFC Bank Cayman IslandDear
Mark:Greetings! Please be informed that your proposal will be studied over by the legal
department of Bembesan EVIS/Asian Market Exchange Company(BE/AM) as it involves
a huge sum and alot of tied-up legalities. Firstly, this next of kin legal impediment must
be "gotten-over" with before we can commence. You are right now in England and I am
right now in the Philippines, the phone banking system is in Washington, the Bank is a
central American bank, whatever progresses beyond this point will be limited to the laws
implied by the governments we are currently working with. Nevertheless, since what you
are drawing out is not necessarily a "delicate" information, here are the details,Full
Names: George Cainglet PalaganasHome Mailing Address: #21 Zamora St.
Barangay Purok Maligaya 2 POBLACION SUR, 2307
Number/Fax: 001-206-339-2624 001-206-339-
9327Occupation: Telemarketer/Engineer/Payment ManagerUntil
then,George C. PalaganasBembesan EVIS-Asian Market Exchange Company(BE/AM)e-
mail: drgeorgecaingletpalaganas@yahoo.comPhone: 001-206-339-2624 001-
206-339-9327PRC Licence Number 0029594-98 Asst.Elec'l EngineerAutomated Phone
Query: 00632-917-7777 SSSNo.:02-0837587-0 Birthday: 10/19/1968URLs
DETAILSMonday, February 8, 2010 3:21 AMFrom Mark Adams Mon Feb 8 11:21:09
2010X-Apparently-To: via;
Mon, 08 Feb 2010 03:21:10 -0800Return-Path: <>X-
[]Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=pass (ok);; dkim=pass (ok)Received:
from (EHLO ( by with SMTP; Mon, 08 Feb 2010 03:21:10 -0800Received:
by pzk7 with SMTP id 7so5214474pzk.12 for
<>; Mon, 08 Feb 2010 03:21:09 -0800
(PST)DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=gamma;
h=domainkey-signature:mime-version:received:date:message-id:subject :from:to:content-
type; bh=KVdtxrZ3I3UPKmyhhVXhMnjBjdnq+bqTgYooNdoEZDQ=;
hIM FG6FHCp3yqXPoyzzHnm24b/XN2Pz82aznmgFU=DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-
sha1; c=nofws;; s=gamma; h=mime-version:date:message-
Y TNRoCNxegGRr42mQ5+ygO66WHaNAUNp6ug3A8=MIME-Version: 1.0Received:
by with SMTP id a18mr4418796rvj.17.1265628069346; Mon, 08 Feb 2010
03:21:09 -0800 (PST)Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 11:21:09 +0000Message-ID:
DETAILSFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verifiedMark Adams
<> View contact detailsTo: Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
<>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
boundary=000e0cd17b0a7dc1f5047f14ffa3Content-Length: 4676Compact HeadersDear
George C. Palaganas,As i earlier introduced myself to you i am the credit manager of B F
CBank Cayman Island and in one way or the other was hoping you willcooperate with
me in this endeavor i am about to undertake.I stumbled upon the account of a deceased
client of this bank and ifigured out that since you share a common name with him
(Palaganas), ibelieve you are related, i decided to contact you with this
privilegedinformation regarding his account, he goes by the name of RobertPalaganasI
also hired a private investigator who got me your contact and saidyou as the case maybe
have a high chance of being one way or anothereither close or a very distance relation to
him being that he wastraced to you through the surname similarity, now my proposal to
youis that i want you to cooperate with me as i want you to stand as abeneficiary and
claim the funds with my assistance.The amount involved is British Pounds £7.8M (7.8M
British Pounds) , Iam hoping that once you have successfully made the claim with
myassistance my share in this will be 30% and you take 70%.I hope that is ok with you
Also note the information i am giving toyou is highly confidential and i may stand the
risk of losing my jobif it gets out.Now what i intend for you to do is to facilitate me with
all your basic detailssuch as:FULL NAMES:HOME MAILING ADDRESS:TEL/FAX
NUMBERS:OCCUPATION:AGE:These information will be used to facilitate all the
relevant changeof ownership documents apart from the basic documents which i have
inmy possesion, as all copies of such documents will be provided to youas well for your
records.If this is OK by you i will kindly indulge you to provide me withthese basic
details for confirmation of which after doing so i willfurnish you with the claim form and
i will alsodirect you on a step by step basis as to how you will approach thismatter and
secure the funds effortlessly.I await your response so that we can commence this project
as soon as possible.Regards,Mark AdamsTEL:+44 11 58223108FAX:+44 709 286
4823B F C Bank Cayman Island®--- On Sun, 2/7/10, Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
<> wrote:From: Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
<>Subject: Re: History FileTo:,,
mailamanlapaz@yahoo.comDate: Sunday, February 7, 2010, 10:39 PM08-Feb-2010Mr.
Mark AdamsTEL:+44 151 203 8033FAX:+44 709 286 4823B F C Bank Cayman Island
® Dear Mark:Greetings! I went over your previous communications and I was trying to
make connections with the case you have presented and my present job connections as
payment manager with Asian Marketing Exchange Company. But I can not co-relate
any. Since in your letter the owner of the account is deceased, have you tried
communicating with the next of kin of the dead person? It is perplexing that a phone
banking number is not on a 1-800 number plus the automated system is very similar to
the automated reader at TellMe Studio. I need a real fax number of you in UK since your
purported fax number,+44 709 286 4823,is recognized by the system as a cellphone.I
remain,George C. Palaganas, Ph.D.Current Mailing Address:(as of 14-November-2009
Saturday) #21 Zamora St. Purok Maligaya IIBarangay Poblacion SUR 2307
PaniquiTARLAC Region III PHILIPPINESPhone Number:001(206)339-2624 Fax:
001(206)339-9327e-mail address: drgeorgecaingletpalaganas@yahoo.comPRC Licence
Number 0029594-98 Asst.Elec'l EngineerAutomated Phone Query: 00632-917-7777
SSSNo.:02-0837587-0 Birthday: 10/19/1968URLs
bsID2066184 -------------------------------------Live rates at 2010.02.06 10:52:30 UTC
16,889,039.75 USD = 784,664,771.32 PHP United States Dollars Philippines Pesos 1
USD = 46.4600 PHP 1 PHP = 0.0215239 USD Trade Currencies. Click here!!
Exchange rate courtesy of C. Palaganas, Ph.D.Current
Mailing Address:(as of 14-November-2009 Saturday) #21 Zamora St. Purok Maligaya
IIBarangay Poblacion SUR 2307 PaniquiTARLAC Region III PHILIPPINESPhone
Number:001(206)339-2624 Fax: 001(206)339-9327e-mail address:
drgeorgecaingletpalaganas@yahoo.comPRC Licence Number 0029594-98 Asst.Elec'l
EngineerAutomated Phone Query: 00632-917-7777 SSSNo.:02-0837587-0 Birthday:
bsID2066184 --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
<> wrote:From: Dr George Cainglet Palaganas
<>Subject: Account Balance InquiryTo:,,
correspond@36912.comDate: Saturday, February 6, 2010, 2:41 AM06-Feb-2010 SatMr.
Mark AdamsTEL:+44 151 203 8033FAX:+44 709 286 4823B F C Bank Cayman Island
® B F C Bank (Cayman) Ltd Company Phone: 949-8748 Dear Mark:Greetings! In
response to your letter dated Friday, February 5, 2010, 5:46 PM, the subject of which was
"Subj: GEORGE PALAGANAS - To verify what i said -
account in the Philippines, using a public phone booth at the corner of East Avenue and
Makatarungan St. in Quezon City Philippines with phone booth number 00632-920-0046
on 06-February-2010 Sat at about 4:00pm(Manila Time) by dialing 001-206-607-8947
and the BFC Cayman Bank automated phone banking service allowed a balance inquiry
and the account has 10,800,000.00 British Pound Sterling. It does not allow last five
transactions query, debit transfer to another BFC Cayman Bank account and debit
transfer to an International bank account.I will appreciate it if the features will be added
the soonest. Truly, George C. Palaganas, Ph.D.Current Mailing Address:(as of 14-
November-2009 Saturday) #21 Zamora St. Purok Maligaya IIBarangay Poblacion SUR
2307 PaniquiTARLAC Region III PHILIPPINESPhone Number:001(206)339-2624 Fax:
001(206)339-9327e-mail address: drgeorgecaingletpalaganas@yahoo.comPRC Licence
Number 0029594-98 Asst.Elec'l EngineerAutomated Phone Query: 00632-917-7777
SSSNo.:02-0837587-0 Birthday: 10/19/1968URLs
bsID2066184 --- On Fri, 2/5/10, Mark Adams <> wrote:From:
Mark Adams <>Subject: GEORGE PALAGANAS - To verify
Friday, February 5, 2010, 5:46 PMBFC ® International BankDear GEORGE
PALAGANAS ,To verify Mr PALAGANAS's Account details Please call the
International telephone Banking Number: 1 (206) 607-8947 (USA Number)Enter His 10
digit Account number 1001346???(last 3 digits withheld) And Pin 109???(last 3 digits
withheld). Regards,Mr. Mark AdamsTEL:+44 151 203 8033FAX:+44 709 286 4823B F
C Bank Cayman Island ® B F C Bank (Cayman) Ltd Company Phone: 949-8748
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------URL CAYMAN ISLANDS CAYMAN
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Activity Guide ForumsCayman Islands bank reviews and personal experiences.
With no taxes on profits, capital gains, income or any withholding taxes charged to
foreign investors, the Cayman Islands offer an excellent return on investment; as well as
the stability and security of a British Commonwealth State.There are no estate or death
duties payable on Cayman Islands Real Estate or other assets held in the Cayman Islands,
making them the ideal place to set up trusts, annuities, and savings.You can easily take
advantage of these and the many other benefits of doing business in the Cayman Islands
by contacting Cayman National Bank. They are a well established and highly trusted
financial services group that provide a full range of services to their domestic and
Cayman Islands Banking Information:Opening a Cayman Islands Bank Account with
CNBCredit and Debit Card BankingOnline Internet Banking at CNB with a Cayman
Islands Bank AccountCayman Banking Laws and RegulationsBenefits of Banking in the
Cayman IslandsComplete Cayman Islands Bank DirectoryCNB ATM Map
LocationsNote: Not all ATM's Are IncludedCNB Branch and Contact InformationTop of
Page-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening a
Cayman Islands Bank Account with CNB: Cayman National Bank offers a variety of
bank accounts to suit your needs. Over the last 30 years, CNB has been privileged to
serve its customers in providing increased convenience and flexibility.CNB will open an
account for a new depositor on receipt of a reference from the depositor's home banker.
They will not accept large sums in cash. Funds can be deposited in US dollars or other
currencies and can be delivered by check, which takes about two weeks to clear; or by
banker's draft or wire transfer. Checking or savings accounts may be opened, but the
most popular method is the fixed-interest or on time deposit (usually for a minimum of
US$5,000) paying the interest quoted on receipt and for an agreed time. Interest rates on
the various currencies may vary daily, and are published at the CNB website, available to
all of their customers.Minimum Opening Deposit for Personal Account:$100 for
residents$1,000 for non-residentsAccounts may be maintained in CI$, US$, CAD$,
Sterling$ or other major international currencies. Inquire as to schedule of fees for
applicable service charges.Apply for your Cayman National checking or savings account
by completing one of their online account opening forms and delivering it — via mail or
in person — to one of their convenient customer service centers.For overseas customers,
notarized copies of all required documents can be mailed as instructed in their easy online
application form.Credit and Debi
t Card BankingOnline Internet Banking at CNB with a Cayman Islands Bank
AccountCayman Banking Laws and RegulationsBenefits of Banking in the Cayman
IslandsComplete Cayman Islands Bank DirectoryCNB ATM Map LocationsNote: Not all
ATM's Are IncludedCNB Branch and Contact InformationTop of
Page-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cayman Islands
Debit and Credit Card Banking Information: With a Cayman National VISA debit card or
Master Card credit card, CNB customers are free to carry less currency when visiting the
Cayman Islands while also saving on transaction fees. CNB customers have 24-hour bank
account access using self-service channels to access your bank account online or by
phone. Access your Cayman National bank accounts 24/7 with Cayman Express ATMs,
Cayman In-Touch (telephone banking) and Cayman Global (Internet
banking).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Access your
Cayman National bank accounts 24/7 with Cayman Express ATMs, Cayman In-Touch
(telephone banking) and Cayman Global (Internet
banking).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Opening a
Cayman Islands Bank Account with CNBOnline Internet Banking at CNB with a
Cayman Islands Bank AccountCayman Banking Laws and RegulationsBenefits of
Banking in the Cayman IslandsComplete Cayman Islands Bank DirectoryCNB ATM
Map LocationsNote: Not all ATM's Are IncludedCNB Branch and Contact
InformationTop of
Page-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cayman Onlilne
Banking - Internet Banking is Easy with CNB:Cayman National online services affords
easy access to manage your finances from home, vacation destination or office with
Cayman National online banking (Internet Banking).CNB's state of the art secure internet
banking option, allows you to pay bills, print and view statements, order cheques, view
cheque images, request stop payments, incoming / outgoing wire transfers, order drafts
and standing orders that can be mailed or transfered directly from their Elgin Avenue
bank in Grand Cayman.Cayman National Master Card customers can also enjoy the
convenience of managing their CNB credit cards online. Business Banking customers
also have the value added service of submitting salary payments online via Cayman
National Online Banking. New customers who would like to use their online banking
account services can sign up for online banking with online credit card account
service.Opening a Cayman Islands Bank Account with CNBCredit and Debit Card
BankingCayman Banking Laws and RegulationsBenefits of Banking in the Cayman
IslandsComplete Cayman Islands Bank DirectoryCNB ATM Map LocationsNote: Not all
ATM's Are IncludedCNB Branch and Contact InformationTop of
Page-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cayman Islands
Banking Laws and Regulations:The Cayman Islands have implemented laws to protect
and enhance the reputation of the Cayman Islands as a base for offshore financial
operations. The Cayman Islands signed a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty with the United
Kingdom and the United States targeting narcotics and other crime related
frauds.However, Cayman Island banking laws specifically exclude tax offenses, which
has resulted in a consistent rise in the number and quality of banks seeking a license to
maintain a presence in the Cayman Islands.At least 40 of the world's top 50 banks have
branches or subsidiaries in the Cayman Islands, indicating the recognition of the islands'
stature in international finance as well as its position as one of the leading centers of the
global Euro-currency market. Some of the influencing factors include the Cayman Islands
strong reputation for sensible regulation, professionalism, confidentiality, tax advantages,
asset protection, political stability, good infrastructure and geographical
Cayman Island banking laws specifically exclude tax offenses, which has resulted in a
consistent rise in the number and quality of banks seeking a license to maintain a
presence in the Cayman
Monitory Authority exists to protect the Cayman Islands status as a reputable
international financial center by strictly enforcing procedures for new licenses and
consistently monitoring the existing licensees. Strict insistence on the submission of
regular returns and compliance with all Government requirements, including an external
audit by approved local auditors.Opening a Cayman Islands Bank Account with
CNBCredit and Debit Card BankingOnline Internet Banking at CNB with a Cayman
Islands Bank AccountBenefits of Banking in the Cayman IslandsComplete Cayman
Islands Bank DirectoryCNB ATM Map LocationsNote: Not all ATM's Are IncludedCNB
Branch and Contact InformationTop of
Page-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benefits of
Banking in the Cayman Islands:The advantages of banking in a tax-free, secure, English
speaking tropical paradise could fill an entire website in and of itself. Almost too
numerous to properly cover, the Cayman Islands financial services industry encompasses
banking, mutual funds, captive insurance, vessel registration, companies and
partnerships, trusts, structured finance and the Cayman Islands Stock Exchange.As of
December 2005, over 70 THOUSAND companies were incorporated in the Cayman
Islands; including 430 banking and trust companies, 720 captive insurance firms and
more than 7,000 funds.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There are absolutely no capital gains, corporation, withholding, property, payroll, income
or any other asset-based taxes in the Cayman
Islands.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Over 30 banks
have a Category A license, which allows them to conduct business with residents and
nonresidents alike. The remaining banks hold Category B licenses, which restricts them
to offshore transactions with nonresidents.There are absolutely no capital gains,
corporation, withholding, property, payroll, income or any other asset-based taxes in the
Cayman Islands.Absent any exchange control allows the free transfer of funds in and out
of the Islands, in any currency and with equal freedom to open and maintain accounts in
any currency anywhere in the world.There are no reserve asset requirements in the
Cayman Islands andmandatory statutory confidentiality of client information is
guaranteed under Cayman Islands law.Statutory confidentiality of client information is
provided by the Confidential Relationships Law although in extremely rare
circumstances, the Governor can authorize disclosure of information where there is
evidence of criminality. This can apply to transactions effected outside Cayman if - had
they taken place within the Islands, they would have constituted a criminal offense.In
1990 the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty with the United States came into effect, which
provides for the exchange of information required in the investigation of a range of
criminal activity. However, the treaty specifically excludes tax matters. With no direct
taxation, The Cayman Islands are a thriving offshore banking & finance center among the
top five banking sectors in the entire world.Cayman National Bank offers a full range of
offshore financial services and products, which include:• Asset management and
protection• Commercial banking• Company formation• Investment management• Trust &
fund administration• Private banking• Shipping and aircraft registry with financing
support services. Individuals and companies alike, both locally and abroad are assured
that establishing a bank or placing assets in the Cayman Islands will provide them with
the best opportunity to maximize the potential of their assets conveniently — with the
added value of confidentiality, unparalleled professionalism and efficient regulation. This
assurance is as a result of the high ethical standards in government and among financial
service providers in addition to clear and fair laws and regulations. Cayman law is based
on the English common legal
system.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------CNB also
offers opportunities for investors on a smaller scale, who wish to take advantage of
Cayman’s tax-free environment, protected by a confidentiality law which ensures privacy
for all legitimate
many of the banks in the Cayman Islands are involved in the movement of billions of
dollars around the world in business operations, CNB also offers opportunities for
investors on a smaller scale, who wish to take advantage of Cayman’s tax-free
environment, protected by a confidentiality law which ensures privacy for all legitimate
transactions.Many overseas investors use Cayman Islands bank accounts as a secure and
discreet place for depositing funds that earn tax free interest. There are no exchange
control or reporting requirements in the Cayman Islands, thus funds may be converted
into other currencies and easily moved in and out of the Cayman Islands.Opening a
Cayman Islands Bank Account with CNBCredit and Debit Card BankingOnline Internet
Banking at CNB with a Cayman Islands Bank AccountCayman Banking Laws and
RegulationsComplete Cayman Islands Bank DirectoryCNB ATM Map LocationsNote:
Not all ATM's Are IncludedCNB Branch and Contact InformationTop of
Page-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cayman Islands
Directory of Banks in Grand Cayman Cayman Islands Bank DirectoryAALL TRUST
LIMITED Company Phone: 945-1111 ALTAJIR BANK Company Phone: 949-5628,
949-8562 ANSBACHER (CAYMAN) LIMITED Company Phone: 949-8655 B F C
Bank (Cayman) Ltd Company Phone: 949-8748 B N P Private Bank & Trust Cayman Ltd
Company Phone: 945-9208 Banca Unione Di Credito (Cayman) Ltd Company Phone:
949-7129 Banco BCN Grand Cayman Company Phone: 945-1200 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya
- BBV Company Phone: 949-7790 Banco Bradesco S A Company Phone: 945-1200
BANCO COMERCIAL PORTUGUS SA Company Phone: 949-8322 Banco De La
Provincia De Buenos Aires - Company Phone: 949-7933 Banco Do Brasil S A Company
Phone: 949-5907, 949-7012 Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul S A Banrisul
Company Phone: 949-6604 Banco Itau S A Grand Cayman Branch Company Phone:
945-1271 Banif-Banco International Do Funchal Company Phone: 946-6538, 945-8060
Bank Danamon Indonesia Company Phone: 946-0046 Bank Espirito Santo International
Ltd Company Phone: 949-3128 BANK OF AMERICA TRUST & BANKING CORP
(CAYMAN) LTD Company Phone: 949-7888 Bank of Bermuda (Cayman) Ltd -
Member HSBC Group Company Phone: 949-9898 Bank Of China Grand Cayman
Branch Company Phone: 945-2000 Bank Of Credit & Commerce International
(Overseas) Company Phone: 949-4722, 949-8233 Bank Of New York Trust Company
(Cayman) Ltd The Company Phone: 949-7734 BANK VONTOBEL CAYMAN
Company Phone: 945-9200, 945-9007 BCL Private Bank & Trust (Cayman) Ltd
Company Phone: 949-6674 BHD Cayman International Bank Company Phone: 949-0243
LIMITED Company Phone: 949-3977 CLOSE BANK (CAYMAN) LIMITED Company
Phone: 949-8455 Comerica Bank - Cayman Branch Company Phone: 945-4398 Delta
Bank & Trust Co Grand Cayman Company Phone: 949-0437 DEUTSCHE BANK
Company Phone: 949-8888 Euro Bank Corporation Company Phone: 949-8721
FIDELITY BANK (CAYMAN) LIMITED Company Phone: 949-7822 First Cayman
Bank Ltd Company Phone: 949-5266 First Union Bank And Trust Company (Cayman)
(CAYMAN) LIMITED - FORMERLY CIBC Company Phone: 949-2666
(CAYMAN) LTD Company Phone: 949-7942 Gerfiner Bank Company Phone: 946-
2079, 946-2078 Givens Hall Bank & Trust Ltd Company Phone: 949-8141 Gulf Union
Bank Ltd Company Phone: 949-5398 HSBC FINANCIAL SERVICES (CAYMAN)
LIMITED Company Phone: 949-7755 I B J Schroder Bank & Trust Co Company Phone:
949-5566 I B J Whitehall Bank & Trust Co Company Phone: 949-5566, 949-2849 Itau
Bank Ltd Company Phone: 945-4175 JULIUS BAER BANK & TRUST CO LTD
Company Phone: 949-7212 LGT Bank in Liechtenstein (Cayman) Ltd Company Phone:
949-7676 Mercury Bank & Trust Ltd Company Phone: 949-0800 MERRILL LYNCH
BANK & TRUST CO (CAYMAN) LTD Company Phone: 949-8206 MORVAL BANK
& TRUST CAYMAN LTD Company Phone: 949-9808 Multi Banking Corporation
(Overseas) Ltd Company Phone: 949-5765 NCB (CAYMAN) LIMITED Company
Phone: 949-8002 PDG Bank (Cayman) Limited Company Phone: 946-6101 Piguet Bank
& Trust Ltd Company Phone: 946-1378 PT Bank Mandiri Persero TBK Company Phone:
945-8891 QUEENSGATE BANK & TRUST CO LTD Company Phone: 945-2187
9107 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Company Phone: 949-4600 SCOTIABANK &
TRUST (CAYMAN) LTD Company Phone: 949-7666 Shepherd Bank The Company
Phone: 949-2158 Sul America International Bank (Cayman) Ltd Company Phone: 949-
0855 The Dundee Bank Company Phone: 946-8688 The Shepherd Bank Company
Phone: 949-2158 Trade Link Bank Company Phone: 945-1344, 949-6675 TransOcean
Bank & Trust Ltd Company Phone: 949-7493 Unicorp Bank & Trust Co Ltd Company
Phone: 949-6800 United Mizrahi Bank Ltd Company Phone: 949-9639 Wing Hang Bank
(Cayman) Ltd Company Phone: 949-6509 Opening a Cayman Islands Bank Account with
CNBCredit and Debit Card BankingOnline Internet Banking at CNB with a Cayman
Islands Bank AccountCayman Banking Laws and RegulationsBenefits of Banking in the
Cayman IslandsComplete Cayman Islands Bank DirectoryCNB ATM Map
LocationsNote: Not all ATM's Are IncludedCNB Branch and Contact InformationTop of
Page-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNB Branch and
Contact Information:Branch Information:Elgin Avenue (Main) Customer Service
CentreCayman National Building, 1st Floor200 Elgin AvenuePO Box 1097Grand
Cayman KY1-1102Cayman IslandsPhone: 345.949.4655Fax: 345.949.7506Auto Email
will automatically generate email message if you have a dedicated email client. If not,
email to: and be sure to include: Activity Guide
Member in the subject line.Cayman Global Internet Banking:Log on at
-www.caymannational.comCayman In-Touch Telephone Banking: 2 800 In-Touch (468-
6824) local 345 943-0000Cayman National Bank's Customer Support Centre:Tel:345
949-8300Fax:345 949-8495Auto Email will automatically generate email message if you
have a dedicated email client. If not, email to: and be
sure to include: Activity Guide Member in the subject line.Opening Hours:Mon - Thurs
— 9:00am - 4:00pm Friday 9:00am — 4:30pmServices Available 24/7:• All Deposit
Services• All Mortgages/Loan Services (Personal, Commercial and Corporate)• Drafts•
Incoming / Outgoing Wire Transfers• Bank Card Services• Premier Banking• Letters of
Credit• Night Depository• Safe Deposit BoxesCNB ATM Map LocationsNote: Not all
ATM's Are IncludedCNB Branch and Contact InformationTop of
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