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Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are

An M/M Romance Group Publication

copyright 2010

With stories by:

M.J. O'Shea
Brian Jackson
Deanna Wadsworth
Missy Welsh
Jade Archer
Michael S.
Xara X. Xanakas
Mark Alders
Em Woods
Rachel Haimowitz
SJD Peterson
Kari Gregg
Kim Dare
A.J. Llewellyn
Serena Yates
Jessica Freely
Heinrich Xin
William Cooper
Wren Boudreau
Selah March
Sarah Madison
Stephani Hecht
Amy Lane
Angela Benedetti

edited by:

Diane W. (
Jason B.
Kathy H.


The stories you are about to read are the product of a very special project sponsored by the

Goodreads M/M Romance group the online community for readers who love to read about men in
love (Male/Male).

The group moderators issued an invitation for members to choose a photo and pen a Letter to

Santa asking for a short M/M romance story inspired by the image; authors from the group were
encouraged to select a letter and write an original tale.

The result was an outpouring of creativity that shined a spotlight on the special bond between

M/M romance writers and the people who love what they do. This book is an anthology of those
letters and stories.

Whether you are an avid M/M romance reader or new to the genre, you are in for a delicious

treat. So sit back, relax and enjoy


The best things in life, including this ebook, are free. It is distributed as a gift to M/M Romance

readers and should not be offered for sale. Each story appears courtesy of its respective author and
should not be reproduced without express written consent from the author
the authors for consent (or any other reason,

contact information can be found

at the end of each story.

The cover photo has been licensed for this ebook, but the original photos that inspired the

real deal, please feel free to join the Goodreads M/M Romance group (
and visit the discussion section:



This ebook is published by the M/M Romance Group and is not directly endorsed by or affiliated

with Goodreads Inc.

The stories in this collection are sexually explicit and intended for adult readers; so


First and foremost, this anthology is dedicated to Lori B., better known as Moderatrix Lori, the

devoted leader of the Goodreads M/M Romance group. In 2009, Lori stumbled upon a niche genre
reading group with less than a dozen participants and turned it into the epicenter for M/M

Romance readers with nearly 2,000 members. Her vision transformed a simple book club into a
thriving online community, where people from all walks of life and all over the world, can come

together to exchange ideas, make friends and indulge in their love of books. This book is dedicated
to Lori because she is dedicated to us.

Of course Lori would have had a nervous breakd

her equally devoted

co-moderators Jen McJ and Jason B. Each and every day they selflessly volunteer their time, talent,
patience and wit to make the Goodreads M/M Romance group hum. This book is dedicated to Jen
and Jason just because they rock.

Finally, this book is dedicated to all the authors who put pen to paper (or more accurately

fingers to keys) and created the wonderful original stories you are about to read. Thank you.


Table of Contents

A SHINY NEW TOY by M.J. O'Shea .................................................................................................................................... 5

THICK AS THIEVES by Brian Jackson ............................................................................................................................ 16

LEAKING PIPES by Deanna Wadsworth ...................................................................................................................... 24

CHRISTMAS IN THE SANDBOX by Missy Welsh ....................................................................................................... 35

CRYING WOLF by Jade Archer.......................................................................................................................................... 40
THE NEW MAN'S ARMY by Michael S. .......................................................................................................................... 55
ROMMY AND JULES by Xara X. Xanakas....................................................................................................................... 59
THE CONQUERORS by Mark Alders ............................................................................................................................... 66

A WISH FOR JAMIE by Em Woods .................................................................................................................................. 98

PONY UP by Rachel Haimowitz..................................................................................................................................... 112

MASTERS AND BOYD by SJD Peterson ...................................................................................................................... 117

YOU MELTED ME by Kari Gregg ................................................................................................................................... 126
A BUGGER TO PACK by Kim Dare ................................................................................................................................ 136

.......................................................................................... 154

BOBBY'S CHRISTMAS GIFT by Serena Yates ........................................................................................................... 160

LAS POSADAS by Ocotillo ................................................................................................................................................ 175

LOVE BOUND by Jessica Freely..................................................................................................................................... 190

IN THE CITY OF NEVERLOVE by Heinrich Xin ....................................................................................................... 200

CHRISTMAS GIFTS by William Cooper ...................................................................................................................... 207
IN THE WIND by Wren Boudreau................................................................................................................................ 219

............................................................................................................. 232

A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE by Sarah Madison .................................................................................................... 241

HOLIDAY BONUS by Stephani Hecht .......................................................................................................................... 249

................................................................................................................ 259

THE GIFT by Angela Benedetti ...................................................................................................................................... 268

Quick tip: You can navigate this ebook both through links in the Table of Contents and you can get

on of each story.



Dear Santa,

I have been trying to get my best friend to notice me as more for

months. I want to stuff his stocking with all sorts of naughty toys to
help him realize how perfect we would be together. Perhaps a cock
ring and/or anal beads. Please help me to figure out just what

Two smiling college guys

stare into the camera. They
are shirtless, barefoot and
wearing jeans. One of the
guys is carrying the other
piggyback style.

buttons to press to get him to take that step forward. Thanks!

Merry Christmas

James started hopping up and down on the sand, one foot in his hand. A piece of glass was
Quinn had launched over the net at warp speed. James lost his balance and fell in the sand, injured
foot high in the air.

his throat when Quinn

leaned closer. He was hot from their game and the unseasonable warmth. He smelled like sun and
sweat and like Quinn. Sexy and familiar.

Jesus. Knock it off. James squeezed his eyes shut for a second; partially because his foot really did

It seemed like one day he was sitting on his floor playing Star Wars
impersonations, and the next

201 at the local college, Quinn stopped bei

up with concern.


The path from the beach to the parking lot was at least a few hundred feet.

home after that ice c

happened nearly ten years before.

to hoist him up.

skin beneath his arms, and the subtle shift of

those strong abdominal muscles between his thighs made the awkwardness worth it. Oh God.

fact that you can feel his ass bumping up and down underneath your crotch.
James reached down and worked the camera strap free from where it was trapped by his thigh.

Two girls, probably in high school, and both in bathing suits and designer track bottoms were

grinning at him and Quinn.

When did they get there?

He stretched out the arm that was holding the camera silently, not sure what to say.

against his chest. He smiled, although between the pain in his foot and the fact that he could barely
breathe, it was a little hard to pull it off.


grin that could easily be considered naughty.

When they got to the car, Quinn laid James across the backseat before he hopped in and started

the engine, ready to drive back to their apartment. James looked down at his foot and immediately
his stomach went queasy. The glass was still in deep, and his foot was dripping all over the place,
the bleeding showing no signs of slowing down.


It was officially the first night of Winter Break. James was lying, wrapped foot propped on the

couch. It had been a pain in the ass, well foot actually, taking his last few finals with every single
heartbeat throbbing in his arch. Quinn had been really helpful. Not only had he driven his

unconscious friend to the ER that day and sat with him for hours until his foot was clear of glass,

dinner on the couch. The other guys who played water polo with them had been giving Quinn
hope they never got hurt. James had spent a lot of time reminding himself that Quinn was just begin
There was a storm raging outside, wind and rain battering the coastline and making everything

soggy and dark. James kind of li

spending his first eight years in New Hampshire. It always felt like they were a little cheated


least when the Santa stuff started showing up. It was hard to get all excited about a snow globe if it
was still shorts weather.

before it took off racing. He told himself to calm down for probably the millionth time. It was just


wrapped foot.
his lap and started rubbing it with gentle well-

o talk without squeaking. The pain and pleasure

pouring through his body from that one pressure point made his skin tingle all over. He wanted to
arch his back and moan.

e felt like

talking about food would make his insta-erection go away. Just in case, he bent his other knee so the
blanket would hide anything that might be showing.

Quinn chuckled and fished his phone out of his pocket.

They ate their pizza and watched a few dumb action movies on HBO. The storm had gotten

worse, but it lulled James. The wind and constant patter of rain on their bay window was practically
ankle. He closed his eyes for a second and leaned his head back.

d on his foot and

is legs from their

take the last of his pain pills.

before shutting himself in the bathroom.

James lay down in his bed and stared into the darkness, just like he did nearly every night. No

matter how tired he was, as soon as he was in the near silence of his room, his mind woke up and

refused to let his body fall asleep. He could hear the faint hum of the television, or maybe the radio


uinn had always had a hard time sleeping in pure silence. James

remembered that from their many sleepovers. He thought of Quinn, lying in bed on the other side of
the wall, maybe wearing boxers, or nothing at all. His stomach tightened, breathing quickened, and
as usual, he was wide awake.

-minded sister a few weeks before to

talked James into a plug, a set of anal beads, and this sparkly red vibrator with hearts all over it that
Definitely both.

The thought of pushing into Quinn with the vibrator, or his fingers, or even better, gulp, his cock,

made James shiver. Decision made. He reached over and pulled the shiny new vibrator and a bottle
of lube from his nightstand.

James lifted his head from the pillow and stared into the darkness, trying to make his sleepy

brain focus on the noise coming from the direction of his doorway. He was groggy and a little loopy
from the pain medication. It was really hard to keep his eyes open.

James felt his bed move. Quinn must have sat down at the fo

my ro

not that he minded. In his Vicodin induced haze snuggling


James usually spent those after practice showers trying really hard not to look at Quinn. He

usually succeeded. Quinn slipped under the covers and huddled closer to James.

Breathe, James, breathe.

ce broke the pitch

black quiet.

d not. Oh, God, naked in bed with his

of embarrassment.

James gave up and flopped back down, burying

mumbled miserably. It was official. He was going to die.

James lifted his head up and stared at Quinn, whose face was close enough to be almost clear in

James sighed. Twelve yea

w up.
That most certainly was not what he expected.



Before James had a chance to react, his lips were being covered in a kiss, sweet and insistent and
sweeping over his skin. It was
drew away.

needed to know.

slick tongue trailing down

his neck.

When Quinn tongued a path around the rim of h


watching TV.

but I never realized you wanted it too until earlier when we were

He was shaking and turned on and scared of everything that might be happening. The rain pounded
away outside, making his room feel like a dark warm paradise that he never wanted to leave. Quinn

he paused, but Quinn flipped over onto his back and impatiently pushed the bottoms off. Then he


reached for James, wrapping him up in what felt like miles of hot silky skin, waxed clean for the

James quivered

actually happening.

t the fact that Quinn

wanted him. The kiss was just as emotional and explorative as the first except with full body contact
hands that started to explore him, shoulders, back, the tingly skin right underneath the crease of his

James gulped, then sig

throbbing shaft of his cock.

Quinn gave James a sly smile and pushed their hips together so he could hold both of their cocks

in his grip. James drifted in the delicious sensations for a few moments before he had to stop it.

There was no way in hell he was going to come early and miss out on what might be next. What he

empty doorway.

wly washed, and a handful of




pick the vibrator off of his table and fish around on the floor for his lube.

lowing it whole. He saw Quinn white-

knuckling the sheets and had to grin.

stopped only to slick one finger, which he worked gently into Qu

away to slick up two fingers with lube and push them back inside a little bit at a time.

When he thought Quinn was ready, he covered the vibrator with lube and slowly worked it

cock into his mouth, sucking with increasing pressure and thrusting gently with the toy at the same

James fro

gave Quinn a long, deep kiss.

James gently pulled the vibrator out of Quinn and tossed it to the side before reaching out to

snag a condom from the bedside table. He rolled it onto Quinn, then flipped onto his stomach, giving
Quinn a naughty look over his shoulder.

een them,


aiming for the tight pucker that James was dying to have him claim. To James it seemed like he

could feel every molecule of Quinn pushing inside, filling him up, stretching, impaling. It felt like he
in his bed every night.

sed, but he

When Quinn started to move, James nearly sobbed out loud. Their sweaty skin, the deep

breathless kisses, the way that Quinn nailed him in the exact right place every single damn time
was all too much to withstand.


hips. Quinn flopped down on top of him and sprinkled his face with happy slobbery little kisses.
James reached up to cup
Quinn shifted and pulled slowly out of James. He snagged a tissue from the box that was

perpetually on the nightstand and wrapped up the condom before he dropped it on the floor.

James snuggled into Quinn, hoping his previous shameless cuddler status still applied after

James floated happily there for a few minutes


gently, kissed the same spot, then wrapped James in the warmest tightest hug ever.
James turned to face his oldest friend and brand new lover.
ning. We



ng, and then you kind of arched your back and moaned.

It was the way you said it, like I was giving you pleasure. I wanted to be in that dream with you so

out that much ever before.

foot, faces nestled close together on one pillow. James couldn't help doing a silent little happy dance
in his head.

Merry Christmas to me, he thought. Merry Christmas to me.


Copyright 2010

Also from M.J. O'Shea:

Blood Moon
Things I'll Never Say
Hunter's Moon




THICK AS THIEVES by Brian Jackson

Dear Santa,

I would very much appreciate it if you could stuff my stocking with

these two cuties. (Then I can stuff their stockings. ;)) One is never too

old to receive a Christmas present, and a tale about these two wonders

would be just magnificent. And what better way to warm up during the
winter than with a steaming poolside tale?

Two young men, standing

on the bo om step of a
private swimming pool
with the water mid-thigh
deep. They are holding
each other and kissing

Charlie Berkus had loved Anthony Tolbert for what seemed like
him in the fifth grade, standing in line on the playground waiting for

class. Anthony had just moved to the town of Cedar Falls and being the same age as Charlie they

shared a classroom. Charlie yearned to see more of Anthony in class that day but was seated in the
As usual, Charlie was sitting alone at a table in the far corner of the cafeteria. He nearly jumped

out of his skin when Anthony, confident as all get out, plopped his tray down on the table and took
the seat opposite him.

Charlie looked to Anthony, mouth open and full with a fresh bite of Mac and Cheese, and gawked
up at the corners in a smile that somehow managed to encompass his eyes. He had hazel eyes with
long, black lashes. His thick, dark hair was cropped short but still managed to look mussed. If

idence and mischief two things that

Charlie lacked in abundance.

no one ever made that mistake twice.

Anthony did most of the talking that day at lunch which suited Charlie fin

of a talker. He did the same the next day. And Anthony always managed to be around to stick up for
Charlie, so soon the bullying stopped. Charlie was almost as grateful for his defense as he was for
the arm occasionally thrown over his shoulders in friendship.


attention. Still, his grades remained high so his parents ignored the call from his teacher regarding

his unruly classroom behavior. Anthony would sometimes catch Charlie looking at him and make a
face in return causing both of them to laugh, which in turn caused Mrs. Graves to lose her temper
and scold them both.

l weeks later that Charlie

which pleased Charlie to no end.

Of c

Charlie dared to admit to others that Anthony was his best friend, but still he had a hard time
much later.

include him in the wide variety of sports at which he excelled. Anthony always picked Charlie first,
even though he was the worst, which balanced the teams since Anthony was always the best. And
yet they usually won which made Charlie uncharacteristically proud.

In contrast, Charlie was good at scholastics. In fact he often tutored Anthony who needed help in

all subjects and even did his homework for him more often than not. For this reason, Anthony

received passable grades which kept his parents out of his hair and allowed him to continue to excel
at sports which he loved more than life itself. What Charlie got out of their studies was the lingering
memory of lying on his bed side-by-side with Anthony, pressed close together at the hip and

sharing a textbook, and occasionally having a tickle fight when Anthony got a study question wrong.
Arousing feelings that he did not yet understand, Charlie feared that these feelings were to be the
only thing the two of them would never share.

As the years passed, Charlie and Anthony only managed to become closer. They ate, played, and

studied together. They went through Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts together. While Anthony played on
the varsity football team, Charlie played in the band. They even dated together, something which
Charlie participated in only so that he could double date with his friend. As the years passed,

Charlie tried to look more like Anthony, wearing his hair in the same style and dressing the same.
Some said they looked like twins. His mom began calling Anthony and him the Bobbsey Twins


for the night with Anthony. While Anthony snored, Charlie rolled close beside him, going so far as to
suspend an arm over his friend, but not so far as to allow his arm fall and embrace him. All the time,
Eventually he rolled away and fell asleep feeling ashamed for the feelings he harbored toward

his friend who remained blissfully oblivious amidst his dreams.


night thinking of Ant

Touching it felt good. Charlie pulled his pajama bottoms down and it felt both naughty and nice to
press his bare ass against the cool sheets.

Reaching down he slid his fingers over the front of his penis using the substance that leaked

from its end as a lubricant. He noticed that his attentions were feeling better the more he played,

yet he stopped periodically to calm himself. All the time he thought of Anthony Anthony kissing
him, Anthony holding him, Anthony taking his pants down.

rubbing himself until he felt something strange building inside. Soon it was too late to stop. Without

wracking convulsions. His eyes closed and rolled back under his lids as his spine arched in ecstasy.
His mouth opened and he expelled a long, languorous groan. When he recovered from this

overwhelming reaction to his ministrations, his hand, belly, and top sheet were slick with seamen.

He crept from his bed, shaken, and cleaned himself and his sheets with a tissue from his nightstand.
When he climbed back into bed, he fell asleep dreaming of touching Anthony and giving him the

very same experience.

Ever since that night, Charlie would lock himself in his bedroom or the bathroom and

masturbate to fantasies of Anthony in his arms, Anthony touching him, Anthony kissing him,

Anthony, always Anthony. And still, Charlie could not share his secret obsession, now a certainty,
that he was in love with his best friend.

window as Anthony cleaned the pool outside. Anthony had his shirt off even though it was

somewhat cool amid the autumn breezes. Steam rose off the water which showed that it was

obviously heated. As Anthony moved a net on a long pole around the pool, collecting leaves, his



Charlie and Anthony were both sixteen and as was more and more frequently the case around

his friend, Charlie was aroused. He was making Kool-Aid which he planned to serve in a tall pitcher.
To distract himself, he pressed harder against the counter, causing his penis to ache -- because the

pain felt good, it felt like what he deserved for having such nasty thoughts. Charlie fantasized about
Anthony spanking him for being bad. And still, the more he pressed against the counter, the more
aroused he became.

Finally, Anthony had cleaned the pool to his satisfaction and set the net aside. Turning to face the

kitchen window, he waved his arms, signaling Charlie to come outside and join him. Adjusting his
jeans to accommodate his erection, Charlie set the pitcher and two full glasses on a tray and
stepped through the sliding glass doors.

ed, placing his tray on the patio table beside the pool,

wrapping his arms around himself to show that he was cold, and smiling sheepishly.

Anthony said, taking a healthy draught of Kool-Aid from one of the glasses.

mustache from the Kool-Aid which was distracting. He was about to protest out of shyness when
quick as a wink Anthony was throwing off his shoes and socks in preparation for pulling off his
pants and underwear.

Charlie had only ever seen Anthony naked in the showers after gym, and then he had to stop

himself from staring and move off on his own to keep from getting a boner. Only now was he able to
pause and revel in the scene taking place before him.

Anthony had the strong, lithe body of a swimmer, another activity at which he excelled. His

muscles were well toned and his abdomen sectioned into a modest six-pack. His arms were long

and lean. As he pulled off his pants and underwear Charlie noticed that this was true of his legs as
he almost died it was circumcised, not too small, and not too large. In fact, Charlie judged it to be

just right. Then, while Charlie was still admiring his physique, Anthony flashed his lovely smile and
dove headlong into the deep end with nary a splash.
direction after coming up for air.

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