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Read the interview between Astro and actor Zain Saidin

of Oh My English!
Q: Which schools did you go to?
A: I was at Sri Inai, a private school in Ulu Kelang during my primary
school years. For my secondary education, I went to Garden International
and later, ,a government school in Bandar Baru Sri Petaling.

way, I learnt how to grow up. Interacting with people at school also taught
me social skills.
Q: Of all the students in OME! , who reminds you the most about
yourself as a student?
A: Farouq, because he is into girls, always playing around and
trying to be the macho man of the class.

Q: Which subject did you like best?

A. 1. Which school did Zain go to when he was very young?

A: The easiest was English, so that made it one of my favourites. I also

liked Art where we learnt how to carve. It was interesting to create
designs. This was why I studied Graphic Design after school.

Q: And your least favourite?

2. What subjects did Zain like in school?

A: Definitely History. I didnt score so well. There was a lot of memorising!

Q: Can you tell us how were you in school?

3. Why didnt Zain like History?

A: I was a little naughty, I guess. I liked to talk in class and was disturbing
other students. I just couldnt sit still. Once, I was caned for coming to
school with a really short, crew cut hair-do ala David Beckham. It was the
World Cup football season and Beckhams hair style was fashionable!

Q: What was your favourite food at the canteen?


A: Nasi lemak. It was cheap and there were a few different types to
choose from. Then, my friends and I would go to the fruit stall and get
mango and guava juice.

Q: What games did you play in school?

5. Do you think that Zain was an active student in school? Why?

A: My friends and I used to place one item on one end of a seesaw, then
jump on the other end to send the item flying! On Sports Day, Id take
part in the 100 m run and sometimes, Id play football for the school as

Q: What is the most important lesson that youve picked up from school?
A: Being the youngest child in my family, I used to get anything I wanted
at home. But when I was in school, I couldnt behave that way. So, in a

4. State two things that Zain did which were naughty?

B. Say whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Zain only went to private schools. (

2. Zain disliked Art. ( )

3. Zain did very well in English. ( )
4. David Beckham was a famous hockey player. (

5. School life helped Zain to become more mature.( )

6. Zain , like Farouq, also tried to act macho when he was a student. (

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