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1st Stage: Preproduction

2nd Stage: Early Production

3rd Stage: Speech Emergence

4th Stage: Intermediate Fluency




10 hours to 6 months exposure to English

3-6 months to 1 year of English

1 to 3 years of English

3 to 4 years of English

language skill listening (receptive level

language skill continued listening mainly

Student speaks in phrases and short


Student engages in dialogue.

BICS development

BICS development

CALP development

BICS development

English Vocabulary - 7,000 receptive words

(10% is expressive)

English Vocabulary - 500 receptive words

Sample Student Behaviors

English Vocabulary -1,000 receptive

words (10% is expressive.)

Sample Student Behaviors


English Vocabulary - 12,000

receptive words (10% is expressive.)

Sample Student Behaviors

Sample Student Behaviors

Silent Period

One-word responses

Points to or provides other non-verbal


Short Utterances

Participates in small group activities

Participates in reading and writing

activities to acquire new information

Demonstrates comprehension in a variety of


Responds to commands

Sample Teacher Behaviors

Language focuses on conveying meanings
and vocabulary development

Sample Teacher Behaviors

Asks questions that can be answered by
yes/no and either/or response

Sample Teacher Behaviors

Focuses content on key concepts

Provides frequent comprehension checks

Uses expanded vocabulary

Models correct responses

Sample Teacher Behaviors

Fosters conceptual development and
expanded literacy through content


Teaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies

Uses performance-based assessment

Asks open-ended questions that stimulate

language production

Teaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies

90% teacher talk

50-60% teacher talk

40% teacher talk

10% teacher talk

Total Physical Response (TPR)

TPR with responses

Scaffolding and expansion

Essay writing


Verbal and non-verbal

Poetry, songs, chants

Analyzing charts and graphs

Active student involvement

Who, what, where, and


either/or questions


More complex problem solving and


Role playing


Completing Sentences

Use of pictures
Use of realia (concrete items)
Simplified language

Social interaction (cooperative learning

with information gaps

How and why questions

Problem Solving

Group discussion


Listing, charting, graphing

Continued with how and why questions

research and support
Pre-writing activities writing process, peer
critiquing, etc.

Literary analysis

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