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Rasashastra texts inform that Parad with attributes of a bluie

tinge internally and brilliant whiteness externally must be
considered as pure. Parada found in nature is discussed as
having many Natural and Inherint impurities and adulterations.

Parada Dosha

(Natural impurities of Parada)

Treatise on Rasashastra mention about the eight natural

impurities or doshas of Parad. They are
1. Naag (lead)
2. Vang (Tin)
3. Guru (unduly heaviness)
4. Bhushail (Jalaj (water impurities), Bhumij (stone, mud, gravel),
Girij(minerals etc))
5. Chapal (instability, fickle nature)
6. Mala (endogenius, exogenius waste like excretea)
7. Agni(intolerance to heat)
8. Vish / Garal (poison)
Parada consumed with any of these impurities causes ulcer,
leprosy, burning sensation, eruptions, loss of reproductive
power, dullness, loss of consciousness and death respectively.
Hence Parada needs to be free from these natural impurities
before its use as medicine or for other alchemical purposes.

Kanchuka Dosha of Parad

(Coverings of Parada)

Apart from the eight mentioned natural impurities of Parada,

Rasashastra text mention about additional seven
impurities/defects of Parada in form of encapsulation or
external coverings or layers. These layers are known
as Kanchukasand since they are totaled 7 in number they are
refered to as Sapta (7)-Kanchuka(coverings) dosha (impurities) of Parada.

In brief these coverings are baically mixture of other metals

in powdered form with Parada which cause following 7 disorders
in the human body if Parada is consumed without getiing rid of
these impurities;
1. Bhedi (tearing)
2. Dravi (liquefying)
3. Malakad (causing impurities)
4. Dhvanksi (causing darkness of skin)
5. Patanakari (rupturing)
6. Parpatika (producing scales on skin)
7. Andhakari (causing blindness)
Parada due to its mystical importance in Ayurveda and
Rasasshastra is briefly used for two purposes ; Dehavadha (Medicine, body rejuvenation) and Loh-vadha (Occult, Alchemical and Spiritual
upliftment). To completely attain all the purposes, Ayurveda
texts inform aboutAshtadash-Sanskar (Eighteen process) required to
purify mercury. Of these, only the first eightare recommended
for Deh-vadha(medicinal purposes) while the remaining ten steps,
which are obscure and have occult overtones, are used only for
purifying mercury in such a way that it can transform vulgar
metals into gold (Loh-vadha).
The first eight steps to preapre Parada for Deh-vadha (consumption
as medicine, rasayana)comprise of:
1. Svedana (steam, or make Parada seat)
2. Mardana (rubbing or massaging Parada)
3. Murchana (swooning or making Parada faint)
4. Utthapana (upliftment or elevation of Parada; installing upward direction into

5. Patana (sublimation of Parada , installing downward direction into Parada)

6. Bodhana /Rodhana (awakening of Parada, educating Parada)

7. Niyamana (restraining or disciplining Parada to have control over its


8. Deepana (stimulation, energizing or potentiating Parada)

The remaining 10 sanskaras (treatments) which are speciffically
used for Loh-vadha(alchemical , spiritual and occult purposes) are as follows.
Grasa (swallowing)
1. Garbhadruti (internal liquelication)
2. Bahirdruti (external liquelication)
3. Charana (movement)
4. Jarana (amalgamation)
5. Ranjana (dyeing)
6. Sarana (pushing)
7. Kramana (leaping)
8. Vedha (transmentation)
9. Sevana (application)
Since, NLAM is strictly concerned with medicinal uses of
Parada we would be discussing only the eight steps of
medicinal purification. Readers can refer to standard
textbooks on Indian Alchemy and Parada for further details.
Svedana (Steaming)
Chitraka, Pippali, Maricha, Aradraka, Saindhav Lavan and
Triphala are blended together and made into paste. Parad 16
times the weight of the prepared herbal paste is added with
this paste, thoroughly blended and the mixture rolled into a
ball. The ball is tied in a poultice and steamed in dolayantra
filled with Sauveer (see glossary) for three days. Each day fresh
herbal paste and Kaanji is used. This process of steaming
Parada with herbs is known as Svedan Sanskar which helps loosen or
clear the impurities present in Parada.
Mardana (Rubbing)

Parada obtained after Svedan sanskar is further vigourously

rubbed individually with the following ingredients;Triphala,
Sarshap, Rasona, Aradrak, Lavan (Saindhav Lavan) and Soot (Jute or any
cloth with rough surface). This process is known as Mardana Sanskar which
helps clear Parada of all impurities that might not have been
cleared by Svedan process or might have loosely been attached
with Parada after the Svedan process.
Murchana (Swooning)
The third process after Mardana includes further blending or
processing of Parada with decoctions prepared from Chitraka,
Kumari and Triphala for 1 week each (or collectively one week as
suggested by some authors). This process is known as Murchana
Sanskar which completly eradicates Parada with all its
impurities and gives it a pulverised form. In this form the
ever mobile metal looks stagnant ang gives an appearance of
fainting or swooning hence the name (Murchan== faint, swoon)
Utthapana (Elevating)
Parada needs to regain its natural mobile properties and form
which is achieved from this process. The Murchit Parada is
steamed with Kaanji (see glossary) and thoroughly washed (The timespan for this procedure is not exactly clear). The process gives Parad its
normal form eliminating all abnormalities. Hence the process
is known as Utthapana Sanskar (or one of upliftment or elevation). Some
authors suggest that Parad gains upward direction after this
Patana (Sublimation)
Parada in this process is treated to 3 types of Patanakarma (sublimation process; upward, downward and oblique). This procedure is
carried out in a special set of appratus known asPatanYantra which are differnt for each process.
Urdhvapatan sanskara
The upward sublimation process is carried out
in Urdhvapatan (Urdhava==up)-Yantra (see glossary).Parada is mixed with
Tamra bhasma (1/4th the wieight of Parada) and Kaanji and thoroughly
blended. The mixture is then aplaced in the lower vessel of
Urdhvapatanyantra and heated. At the end of the process Parad

is collected from top vessel. This procedure is said to

completely eliminate the and Vang impurities of Parada.
Adhapatan sanskara
The downward sublimation process is carried out in Adha (adha==down)Patan Yantra(see glossary). Parada is mixed with Sarshap, Saindhava
Lavan,Shobhanjan Beej(Beej == seeds) and Triphala (All ingredients taken
1/16th weight of Parad) and the mixture is thoroughly blended in
Kaanji. The Parada paste is applied on the inner side of the
upper vessel of Adhapatan Yantra and the lower vessel is kept
immersed in water. The upper vessel is subjected to heat which
results in collectin of Parad in the lower vessel.
Tiryakpatan sanskara
The third process of oblique sublimation is carried out
in Tiryak (tiryak==oblique)-Patanyantra (see glossary). Parada procured from
above two procedures is mixed with Abarakh (Dhanyabrakh, 1/4th the
weight of Parada) and thoroughly blended. The Parad-Abrakh paste is
transferred to the Tiryak-Patan Yantra and heated to obtain
Parada as the end result in a more pure form.
All the three yantras are distinctively comparable to modern
apparatus used for process of sublimation. Patan sanskar is
specifically done to help Parad get rid of
its Naag (lead) and Vanga (tin) doshas (impurities).
Bodhana /Rodhana (Awakening)
This specific sanskara or process is said to implement logic
or awaken Parada after its previous treatments which give
Parada its powers to move in all directions. This process is
said to curtail Parad of its audacity and move in an
instructed manner in the body when used as medicine or
likewise. To accomplish this , Parada procured from the
previous Patana sanskara is tied in a poultice with help of
bark procured from the Bhurjapatra tree. The poultice is then
steamed in salt-water (water mixed with Sindhav Lavan) or saline
water. Here it is not clearly mentioned about the period the
process of steaming must be undertaken. Few treatise mention
to expose the entire mixture to heat treatment equal of
oneLaghuput (see gossary). Certain scholars denote to Bodhana
sanskara as removing impotency of Parada which occurs due to its
previous sanskaras of Mardana (rubbing) etc.

Niyamana (Restraining)
Niyamana sanskar is done to remove any defects of instability that

may have been remained with Parada after the Bodhana sanskar.
This sanskara can be looked upon as restrainment or
curtailment of the fickle nature of Parada (Metaphorically stating as
to remiving the mecurial nature of Mercury). Parada is steamed with
Bhringaraja, Rason, Navsagar, Amlika and Musta (Here it is not specific
if Parada needs to be steamed in juices/ decoction of the above mentioned ingredients or
mixed with their individual/combined paste and steamed.). The process needs to

be carried out over a period of 3 days which is said to purify

Parada of its Kanchuka, Bhushali and Mala impurities.
Dipana (Stimulation)
Parada procured after the Niyamana sanskar is considered free of
its natural impurities and its inherint unpredictable
properties. However it still needs to be prepared for
combining with other ingredients to form complex and compound
formulations. To acheive this, Parada is steamed with the help
of Dolayantra filled with Kaanji /Arnaal (see glossary) for
1Prahara (3 hours, see glossary). This process is known as Deepanasanskara which makes Parada capable of digesting, swallowing or
amalgamating other entities. Deepana is the last Parad
sanskara for Deh-Vada. Parad procured after Deepana sanskar can
be used as medicine.
Certain texts mention of few more process
like Jarana(Amalgamation) and Murchana (Swooning)to further potentiate
the medicinal limits of Parada. Theses process are
specidfically done by amalgamating Parada
with Gandhak (Sulphur) and treating the mixture to various methods
of heating. Readers can refer specific texts for further
Sauvir in Ayurveda terms implies to a fermented product (wine to be
specific) prepared fromNishtush(Skt., dehusked) Yava (barley).

General Method of Preparation.

Barley seeds are dehusked and crushed fine. The seeds are then
cooked in water 8 times its weight. The cooking process is
continued till the water reduces to half its quantity. On
cooling the mixture is transferred to an hollow earthen

vessel. The vessel is sealed with a muslin cloth and kept

undisturbed for specific number of days till the inner mixture
ferments and gives a sour taste. The mixture is then filtered
and the water content stored for use. This fermented liquid is
called Sauvir
Kaanji in Ayurveda terms implies to a fermented product prepared

from cereals , specifically rice. Kaanji is used in

purification process of many Ayurveda metals, minerals and
General method of preparation.

Rice grains are cooked in water. The cooked grains are then
transferred to an hollow earthen vessel. Water 3 times the
quantity of cooked rice is then is poured in the earthen
vessel over the cooked rice grains. The earthen vessel is
sealed with a muslin cloth and kept undisturbed for 7 days.
After that, the water (which turns sour due to fermentation) is filtered
and stored for use. This water is calledKaanji.


The Dola-Yantra is a purification device. Materials of

construction include clay, iron, and stainless steel. In this
process a drug is wrapped in banana leaf or amuslin cloth which is
then suspended in the yantra by string and stick. Bolus should
not contact any surface of the yantra. The liquid suited to
the purpose is poured into the yantra until one-half of the
muslin bolus (poultice) has been covered. The container is heated
from below and as the liquid evaporates the liquid in the
yantra is replaced-always keeping the poultice half covered (or
the poultice may be lowered, too). Tradition permits covering of the
yantra to capture the evaporate and to allow it to fall back
into the fluid below. Either process is acceptable. Generally,
there is a prescribed period for this cooking, upon completion
of which the muslin sack is removed. The contents are water

washed and sun dried. Note that the drug in the cloth has been
potentiated by cooking in some prescribed herbal mixture. In
some respects this resembles the(Skt.;treatment) process done
in a Kharal (Skt.; Mortar).
The Urdhvapatan-Yantra is mostly used to procure Parad(sublimation of
mercury). The apparatus setup requires two earthen jars sized such
that the bottom of the upper will seat on and seal the mouth of the
lower jar. Medicine (Mostly Parad (Mercury)) triturated with the
prescribed drugs is placed in the lower jar. The joint is sealed
with seven layers of mud-smeared cloth and allowed to dry. The upper
jar is filled with cold to ensure that the lower jar is always cool.
These are placed above a fire and heated for the prescribed time.
Cold water is constantly renewed in the upper jar so as keep the
bottom of the jar cool. Evaporating Mercury will cool and condense
on the bottom of the upper jar. After the prescribed time they are
cooled and seal is carefully broken. Collected mercury on the bottom
of the upper jar is removed, washed and dried for use. Here, rdhva
refers to the upward movement of mercury in the process.

Kharal/ Khalvayantra is an traditional device, used for grinding,

powdering, and mixing medicine. It is generally prepared

from granite and other stone boulders. It is used by pre-historic man
thousands of years ago to grind grains for bread and plants
for medicines.
Tapta Khalva Yantra (hot mortar and pestle) is an open-faced mortar having

different sizes and shapes-round and oblong. It may be shallow

or deep, iron, agate, or black stone(granite - preferably). Generally,
the mortar is kept over a fire during processing of the drug,
for which iron is preferred (Tapta== hot).

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