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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Datoo, Mahmood Husein
Mechanics of fibrous composites.
1. Composite Materials I.
ISBN 1-85166-600-1
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Datoo, Mahmood Husein.
Mechanics of fibrous composites/Mahmood Husein Datoo.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-85166-600-1
1. Fiber reinforced plastics. I. Title.
TA455.P55D27 1991


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Preface ............................................................................................................ vii

1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Fibrous Composites ........................................................................................................ 1

1.2 FRP Constituents ............................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Reinforcement Types ...................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Types of Materials .......................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Terminology ................................................................................................................. 11

2 Ply Stiffness Analysis ................................................................................. 14

2.1 Isotropic Ply .................................................................................................................. 16
2.2 Specially Orthotropic Ply .............................................................................................. 24
2.3 Generally Orthotropic Ply ............................................................................................. 34
2.4 Transformation of Elastic Constants ............................................................................. 45
2.5 Typical Elastic Properties ............................................................................................. 66
3 Ply Strength Analysis ................................................................................... 68
3.1 Isotropic Ply .................................................................................................................. 68
3.2 Orthotropic Ply ............................................................................................................. 74
3.3 Failure Criteria .............................................................................................................. 75
3.4 Sign of Shear Stresses ................................................................................................... 92
3.5 Choice of Failure Criterion ........................................................................................... 96
3.6 Typical Strength Properties ........................................................................................... 97

4 Layered Laminate ...................................................................................... 99

4.1 Beam Constitutive Equation ......................................................................................... 99
4.2 Laminate Constitutive Equation .................................................................................. 113
4.3 Laminate Notation ...................................................................................................... 129
4.4 Equivalent Elastic Constants ....................................................................................... 136



5 Laminate Stiffness Analysis ................................................................... 149

5.1 Stiffness Formulation Procedure .................................................... 149
5.2 Laminate Configuration Types ...................................................... 153
5.3 Symmetric SOPL: Isotropic Plies .................................................. 155
5.4 Symmetric SOPL: Specially Orthotropic Plies .............................. 163
5.5 Symmetric SOPL: Generally Orthotropic Plies ............................. 170
5.6 Symmetric MOPL: Isotropic Plies ................................................. 177
5.7 Symmetric MOPL: Generally Orthotropic Plies ........................... 185
5.8 Symmetric MOPL: Cross-ply ......................................................... 191
5.9 Symmetric MOPL: Angle-ply ........................................................ 201
5.10 Symmetric MOPL: Quasi-isotropic ............................................. 216
5.11 Antisymmetric MOPL: Cross-ply ................................................ 225
5.12 Antisymmetric MOPL: Angle-ply ............................................... 231
5.13 Estimated Membrane Elastic Constants ....................................... 236
5.14 Laminate Stiffness: Summary ...................................................... 245
6 Laminate Strength Analysis .................................................................. 248
6.1 First-Ply-Failure (FPF) Procedure ................................................. 248
6.2 FPF: Symmetric LaminateMembrane Load ............................... 253
6.3 FPF: Symmetric LaminateBending Load .................................. 260
6.4 FPF: Unsymmetric LaminateMembrane Load .......................... 265
6.5 Last-Ply-Failure (LPF) Procedure .................................................. 269
6.6 LPF: Complete Ply FailureMembrane Load .............................. 273
6.7 LPF: Partial Ply FailureMembrane Load ................................... 302
6.8 LPF: Complete Ply FailureBending Load .................................. 333
6.9 Estimated Laminate Strength ......................................................... 355
6.10 Laminate Strength: Summary ....................................................... 364
7 Residual Stresses ...................................................................................... 367
7.1 Compound Isotropic Beam ............................................................. 367
7.2 Laminate Thermal Stresses ............................................................ 374
7.3 Determining Thermal Residual Stresses ........................................ 389
7.4 Constant Temperature Distribution ................................................ 391
7.5 Hygroscopic Diffusion Mechanism ............................................... 422
7.6 Laminate Hygroscopic Stresses ..................................................... 426
7.7 Constant and Linear Moisture Distribution ................................... 431
7.8 Influence on Laminate Strength ..................................................... 471
7.9 Typical Physical Properties ............................................................ 482
8 Thin-Walled Composite Sections ........................................................... 483
8.1 Assumptions and Axes Systems ..................................................... 484
8.2 Axial Force ..................................................................................... 485
8.3 Symmetrical Bending ..................................................................... 497
8.4 Unsymmetrical Bending ................................................................. 508
8.5 Shear Forces ................................................................................... 517



8.6 Torsion of Open Sections ........................................................................................... 533

8.7 Torsion of Closed Sections ........................................................................................ 547

9 Interlaminar Stresses ........................................................................557

9.1 Free Edge Effects ....................................................................................................... 557
9.2 Interlaminar Stress: fxz .............................................................................................................558
9.3 Interlaminar Stresses: fyz and fZ ............................................................................................562
9.4 Prediction Methods .................................................................................................... 567
9.5 Effect of Different Stacking Sequences ..................................................................... 572

10 Miscellaneous Topics ......................................................................581

10.1 Holes in Laminates .................................................................................................. 581
10.2 Buckling of Laminates ............................................................................................. 588
10.3 Computer Aided Laminate Analysis ........................................................................ 597
10.4 FE Method: Line Elements ...................................................................................... 602
10.5 FE Method: Shell Elements ...................................................................................... 610
10.6 Test Methods ............................................................................................................ 619

Index .......................................................................................................................... 631

1 Introduction

2 Ply Stiffness Analysis

3 Ply Strength Analysis

4 Layered Laminate

5 Laminate Stiffness Analysis

6 Laminate Strength Analysis

7 Residual Stresses

8 Thin-walled Composite Sections

9 Interlaminar Stresses

10 Miscellaneous Topics


Angle-ply antisymmetric MOPL,

Angle-ply electric constants, 23841
Angle-ply laminate elastic constants,
Angle-ply symmetric laminates, 2467
Angle-ply symmetric MOPL, 20116
Anisotropic bodies, 1011
Antisymmetric laminate
configuration, 154
Antisymmetric MOPL, 22536
angle-ply, 2316
cross-ply, 22531
Aramid. See Kevlar
Axes, 1213
material, 1213
reference, 1213
Axes systems, thin-walled composite
sections, 4845
Axial forces, thin-walled composite
sections, 48597

Buckling, laminates, of, 58897

bending orthotropy, with, 58991
bending orthotropy, without, 591
Carbon fibres, 3
Chopped strand mat, 7
Chopped strands, 68
Closed sections, torsion, and, 54756
Complete ply failurebending load,
first ply, 3349
second ply, 33951
third ply, 3515
Complete ply failuremembrane load (
LPF), 273302
first ply, 27480, 2913
second ply, 2805, 2934
third ply, 28590, 298302
Composite beams, line elements,
60610 Composite,
definition of, 1 Composite properties,
48 Compound isotropic beams,
symmetric, 1048
unsymmetric, 10913
Compression tests, uniaxial, 6245
Compressive strength
longitudinal, 3589, 362
transverse, 359
Computer-aided laminate analysis,
Constant moisture distribution, 431
Constant temperature distribution,

Beam constitutive equation, 99113

symmetric compound, isotropic,
unsymmetric compound, isotropic,
Bending equivalent constants, 1448
Bending load, ply failure, and,
first ply, 3349
second ply, 33951
third ply, 3515
Bending .orthotropy, 58991
absence of, 5917

Constitutive equations, layered
laminate, 99129
beam, 99113
laminate, 11329
Cross-ply antisymmetric MOPL, 22531
Cross-ply laminate elastic constants,
Cross-ply symmetric laminates, 246
Cross-ply symmetric MOPL, 191201
E-glass, 2
Elastic constants, 13648
laminates, 23645
angle-ply, 23841
cross-ply, 2378
quasi-isotropic, 241-5
transformation, 4566
Elastic properties, 667
Electrical glass. See E-glass
Element deformation, 1722
Epoxy resins, 4
Equivalent electric constants, 13648
Estimated laminate strength, 35565
Estimated membrane elastic
constants, 23645
angle-ply laminates, 23841
cross-ply laminates, 2378 quasiisotropic laminates, 2415
Failure criterion choice, 967
Failure criteria, ply stength analysis,
and, 7592
Fibre properties, 28
Fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP), 2-6
Fibrous composite failure criteria,
Fibrous composites, 12
Finite element method, 60219
line elements, 60210
shell elements, 61019
First ply failures, 27480, 2913, 303,
31621, 3349
complete, 27480, 2913
bending load, 3349
membrane load, 27480, 2913
mechanical/hygrothermal, 47682
mechanical/thermal residual, 472
partial, membrane load, 303, 31621


First ply failurescontd. procedure, 24853

symmetric laminate, 25365
bending load, 2605
membrane load, 25360
unsymmetric laminate,
membrane load, 2659
residual stress, 47282
FPF. See First ply failures
Free edge effects, 5578
FRP. See Fibre-reinforced plastic
Generally orthotropic ply, 3445
symmetric MOPL, 18591
symmetric SOPL, 1707
Glass fibre types, 2
Heterogeneous bodies, 9
Hoffman theory, 789
Holes, laminates, in, 5818
membrane orthotropy, 5868
specially orthotropic ply, 5826
Homogeneous bodies, 9
Hookes law, 25, 26, 46, 99, 100, 142
Hygroscopic diffusion, 4226
Hygroscopic stress, laminates, 42631
In-plane shear tests, 6268
Interlaminar stresses, 55780
fYZ, 5627
fz, 5627
free edge effects, 5578
interlaminar stress, 55867
prediction method, 56772
stacking sequence, 5729
Isotropic beam line elements, 6036
Isotropic beams, 10013, 36774
axial deformation, 100 bending
deformation, 101 strain/stress
distribution, 1014 symmetric
compound, 1049 unsymmetric
compound, 10913
Isotropic bodies, 910
Isotropic ply, 1625, 6874
general, and, 26
maximum principal theories, 70
strain, 70
stress, 70
shear strain energy theory, 71


Isotropic sections, torsion, and, 534

8, 54751
Isotropic symmetric MOPL plies,
Isotropic symmetric plies, 15563

Kevlar, 1, 3

Lamina, definition, 1213

Laminate analysis, computer-aided,
Laminate configuration types, 1535
antisymmetric, 154
symmetric, 153
unsymmetric, 1545
Laminate constitutive equation, 11329
Laminate equivalent hygroscopic
coefficients, 4301
Laminate equivalent thermal
coefficients, 3889
Laminate hygroscopic stresses, 42631
constant moisture distribution,
equivalent coefficients, 4301
linearly varying moisture
distribution, 42930
residual stress determination, 427
Laminate notation, 12936
Laminate positive system, axes, of,
Laminate stiffness analysis, 149247
Laminate strength, 35565
Laminate strength analysis, 248366
longitudinal compressive strength,
longitudinal tensile strength, 357
8, 361
maximum stress theory, 3567
negative shear strength, 360
positive shear strength, 360
transverse compressive strength,
transverse tensile strength, 3623
Laminate strength residual stresses,
FPF, 47282
mechanical/hygrothermal, 476
mechanical/thermal, 4726

Laminate thermal stresses, 37489
equivalent thermal coefficients,
linearly varying temperature
distribution, 3858
residual determination, 3815
temperature distribution, 3815
Laminates, holes in, 5818
Last-ply failure procedure, 26973
complete ply failure, 273301,
bending load, 33355
membrane load, 273301
partial failuremembrane load,
Layered laminates, 99148
terminology, 11 13
types of materials, 911
Line elements, 60210
composite beam, 60610
isotropic beam, 6036
Linear moisture distribution, 43171
Linearly varying temperature
distribution, 3859
Longitudinal stength, 3573
compressive, 3589, 362
tensile, 3578, 3613
Longitudinal stress, 1617

Macromechanics, 1112
Material axes, 1213
Materials properties comparisons,
Materials classification, 911
anisotropic, 1011
heterogeneous, 9
homogeneous, 9 isotropic,
910 orthotropic, 10
definition of, 1
functions of, 2
Maximum principal stress theory,
Maximum shear stress theory, 71
Maximal stress theory, 768, 3567
Maxwell's reciprocal theorem, 50,
Membrane elastic constants, 1404,
Membrane load, ply failure, and,
complete, 273302



Membrane load, ply failure, and


first ply, 27480, 2913, 303,

partial, 30233
second ply, 2805, 2934, 3039,
third ply, 285-90, 298302, 309
16, 32533
Membrane orthotropy, 5868
Micromechanics, 11
Moisture, 42271
constant, 4279
linearly varying, 42930
Moisture content profiles, 4701
antisymmetric, 22536
angle-ply, 2316
cross-ply, 22531
symmetric, 177225
angle-ply, 20116
cross-ply, 191200
generally orthotropic plies, 18591
isotropic plies, 17785
quasi-isotropic, 21625
Multioriented ply laminates. See
Negative shear stength, 360
Negative shear stress, 9394, 360
Negative stress system, 16
Notation, laminate, 12936
Open sections, torsion, and, 53347
Orthotropic bodies, 10
Orthotropic plies
MOPL, 18591
SOPL, 16377
generally, 1707
specially, 163-70
Orthotropic ply, 2534, 745
generally, 3445
Orthotropic ply shear stresses, 924
membrane, 5868
specially, 5827
bending, with, 58991
bending, without, 5917

Partial ply failuremembrane load,

first ply, 303, 31621
second ply, 3039, 3215
third ply, 30916, 32533
Ply, definition of, 1213
see also specific types of

Ply angle, 557

longitudinal strength variation, 86
longitudinal tensile strength, 87
positive shear strength, 91 woven
ply, 602
elastic constants, 60
Ply configuration, laminate notation,
and, 13640
Ply failure, 248366
Ply laminates
multioriented. See MOPL
single oriented. See SOPL
Ply, specially orthotropic, 5827
Ply stiffness analysis, 1467
assumptions for, 14
electric constant transformation,
isotropic ply, 1625
orthotropic ply, 2545
Ply stength, 978
analysis, 6898
failure criteria, 7597 Hoffman
theory, 789 maximal strain
theory, 778 maximal stress
theory, 767 shear stress signs,
926 TsaiHill theory, 78 Tsai
Wu strain theory, 7980 Tsai
Wu stress theory, 79 ultimate
strengths, 745
Point stress, 1516, 70
Poissons ratio, 224, 26, 28, 31, 47,
50, 53, 58, 141, 143, 1457 ply
angle, 56
Polyester resins, 45
Positive shear stress, 923, 360
Positive stress system, 16
Prepregs, 89
Quasi-isotropic electric constants,
Quasi-isotropic laminate elastic
constants, 2415 Quasiisotropic laminates, 247 Quasiisotropic symmetric MOPL,


Rankine failure criterion, 72

Rankine theory, 70
Reduced compliances, 2830
Reference axes, 1213
Reinforcement, definition, 1
Reinforcing fibres, 69
Residual stresses, 367482
compound isotropic beam, 36774
constant temperature distribution,
hygroscopic diffusion, 4227
laminate hygroscopic, 42631
laminate stength, 47182
moisture distribution, 43171
thermal, determination, 38991
Resins. See specific types of
Roving, 7
Second ply failures, 2805, 2938,
3039, 3215, 33951
complete, 2805, 293, 33951
bending load, 33951
membrane load, 2805, 2934
S-glass, 2
Shear, 71
Shear forces, thin-walled composite
sections, 51733
closed section, 52733
Shear modulus, ply angle, and, 56
Shear strain energy theory, 71
Shear strength, 360
negative, 360
positive, 360
Shear stress signs, ply stress analysis, 92
Shear tests, in-plane, 6268
Shell elements, FE method, 61019
symmetry conditions, 61617
validation tests, 61719 Silicaglass. See S-glass Singly-oriented
ply laminates. See
generally orthotropic, 1707
isotropic plies, 15563
specially orthotropic plies, 16370
symmetric, 15577
Specially orthotropic ply, 2434,
symmetric SOPL, 16370
Specific modulus, 26
Stacking sequences, interlaminar
stresses, 5729

Stiffness formulation, 149
Strain theory, 70, 778
TsuWu, 7980
Strength. See Laminate strength
properties, 978
residual, 367482
unsymmetric compound isotropic
beam, 113
Stressstrain relationship, 2930
Stress theory, 70, 767 Stresses,
interlaminar. See
Interlaminar stresses
Symmetric angle-ply laminates, 2467
Symmetric compound isotropic
beams, 1049
Symmetric cross-ply laminates, 246
Symmetric laminatebending load
(FPF), 2605
Symmetric laminate configuration
types, 153
Symmetric laminatemembrane
load, 25360
Symmetric MOPL, 177225
angle-ply, 20116 crossply, 191201
generally orthotropic plies, 185
isotropic plies, 17785
quasi-isotropic, 21625
Symmetric quasi-isotropic laminates,
Symmetric SOPL, 15577
generally orthotropic, 1707
isotropic plies, 15563
specially orthOtropic, 16370
Symmetrical bending, thin-walled
composite sections, 497508
Temperature distribution constants,
3815, 391422
Temperature distribution, linearly
varying, 3859
Temperature distribution residual
stresses, 391422
Tensile strength, 28
longitudinal, 3578, 361
transverse, 359, 3623
Tension tests, uniaxial, 6223
Test coupons, 6212
Test methods, 61928
coupons, 621

Test methodscontd.
in-plane shear, 6268
standards, 621
uniaxial compression, 6246
uniaxial tension, 6223
Thermal coefficients, 3889
Thermal stresses, 37489
laminates, 37489
Thermal residual strength
determination, 38991
Thermoplastic, 34
Thin-walled composite sections, 483
assumptions for, 484-5
axial force, 48597
shear forces, 51733
symmetrical bending, 497508
torsion, 53356
closed sections, of, 54756
%open sections, of, 53347 Third ply
failure, 28590, 298302,
30916, 32533, 3515
complete, 28590, 298302, 3515
bending load, 3515
membrane load, 28590, 298
parital, membrane load, 30916,
Torsion, 53356
composite sections, 53947, 5516
closed, 54756
open, 53347
isotropic sections, 5348, 54751
Transverse compressive strength, 359
Transverse isotropy, 3134
Transverse strength, compressive,


Transverse stress element

deformation, 26-27
Transverse tensile strength, 3623
Tresca failure criterion, 72
Tresca theory, 71
TsaiHill theory, 78
TsaiWu strain theory, 7980
TsaiWu stress theory, 79

Uniaxial compression tests, 6245

Uniaxial tension tests, 622-3
Unidirection ply elastic constants, ply
angle and, 55
Unsymmetric compound isotropic
beam, 10913
Unsymmetric laminate configuration,
Unsymmetric laminatemembrane
load (FPF), 2659
Unsymmetrical bending
thin-walled composite sections, in,
Von Mises failure criterion, 72
Von Mises theory, 71
Woven ply, 602, 89
Youngs modulus, 25, 52, 55, 58, 100,

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