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Belt conveyor covers

Global solutions for belt conveyor protection

Who we are
Pioneers and specialists

We are Pioneers & Specialists

The first and only company specialized in covering belt conveyors all around the world

We are Manufacturers
Our products are designed and manufactured within our own factory

We are Direct Sellers

We offer our products directly
Take full advantage of it in terms of cost, quality and efficiency

We are Experts
Over ten years designing and manufacturing belt conveyor covers

We are Internationally Oriented & Dynamic

Traveling, delivering and covering no matter where you are

We are Environmentally Commited

Always concerned about our Planet Earth

Engineering Partners
For special projects we design our covers with your engineers

What we do
Advanced solutions for belt conveyor protection

Cover any conveyor

We offer both standard and custom covers for belt conveyors
Consult our technical department

Wide Range of Materials

Steel, fiber-glass, aluminium... It just depends on your application

World-Wide Distribution
Efficient and low-cost delivery anywhere

Long Overland Conveyors

We have covered some of the longest belt conveyors all around the world

Research, Development & Innovation

Ideas & engineering put together

Environmental Protection
Not only our products but also our procedures are environmentally friendly

Customer Service
Far beyond the selling itself

Capotex product range examples

The definitive cover
Fully enclosed.
Robust, aerodynamic and lightweight.
Allows opening for easy conveyor maintenance.
Very simple installation.
Tailor-made for any belt conveyor model and size.
All dangerous edges are eliminated.
Resistant to extreme environmental conditions.
Manufactured using top-class materials.
Models available:
madrid, hinged on both sides.
paris, hinged on one side.
dakar, unexpensive, wide range of fixings available.


open models
Freely accessible covers
Options available:
durban, accessible from one side.
berlin, accessible from both sides.


Lateral wind-shields
Tailor-made in both height and length.
Wide range of fixings available.
Adaptable to any belt conveyor.

Capotex product range examples

Simple arch-shaped cover
Easy to open for maintenance from both sides.
Lightweight and economic.
Specially designed for installation over channellers and loading

Easy-to-clean lower cover
Prevents material from falling.
Easily opened for fast cleaning of fallen material.
Perforated to allow water to pass through.

Quick inspection window
Allows quick inspection of the belt conveyor.
Very lightweight and easy to open.
Ergonomically designed.
Adaptable to any covering model.
Other window designs available.

Capotex product range examples

Cover with high-performance skirt
Turns any standard belt conveyor into a fully enclosed system,
which prevents material from falling and dust emissions.
Our patented self-adapting articulation system achieves
maximum leak-tightness with minimum friction.
It includes a simple replacement system.

Universal cover for dust suppression systems
Cover adaptable to any dust
suppression system on the market.
Reduces water consumption.
Allows easy access for maintenance.
Maximum performance if the caposkirt and
capocurtain systems are added.

Fireproof system
Cover adapted to all fire-extinguishing systems.
Enables all covers to be opened for fast access.

Capotex product range examples

Cover for extreme wind conditions
Aerodynamically optimized.
Withstands winds over 180 km/h (110mph).

Noise reduction cover
Triple layered cover for maximun noise absortion.
Adaptable to any belt conveyor.

Cover adapted to dust extraction systems
Cover with sleeve filter connection.
If the caposkirt and capocurtain accessories are added,
maximum performance is achieved and power consumption
is reduced.

Covering some of the longest belt conveyors all around the world.

Global solutions for belt conveyor protection

Calle Colombia, 1 28220 - Madrid - SPAIN - +34 91 634 71 92 Fax: +34 91 636 21 15
Carretera de Aguasal, s/n 47410 - Valladolid - Spain

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