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Emerald Star News


Volume: 9

Issue: 14

bi-weekly Edition

July 14, 2016

from Freeport, Florida

the good life

Since 2008


Made possible by your local

advertising businesses in this edition.

Inside this EDITION:

Editorial in the Wolfes 2
Letters to the Editor:.Page 3
Can Pokemon Go improve your mental
health? Maybe.....Page

Clintons Threatened Attorney

General With Her Life..Page 7
House Republicans asked the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia on Monday to investigate Hillary Clinton
over her private email server while serving as secretary of state and determine whether she lied to Congress. "In light
of those contradictions, the department should investigate and determine whether to prosecute Secretary Clinton for
violating statutes that prohibit perjury and false statements to Congress, or any other relevant statutes," the two congressmen wrote. Last October, in testimony to the House Benghazi panel, Clinton said she never sent or received
emails marked as classified when she served as secretary of state. She also has said she only used one mobile device
for emails and turned over all her work-related emails to the State Department. FBI Director James Comey said she
had multiple devices and investigators found thousands of work-related emails that had not been turned over, telling
Congress last week that three of her emails carried classified markings. The two congressmen also call in their letter
for Comey to answer a number of questions hovering over the FBIs conclusion regarding its investigation and how
his definition of Clintons actions, extreme carelessness, is not synonymous with gross negligence. The GOP
convention begins July 18. The Democratic convention is a week later. Referrals from Congress don't automatically
result in full-fledged investigations, but they have spurred some notable criminal probes and indictments.

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View past editions:

Obama signs EXEC. ORDER To

Take Over America.. Page 10

Estate sale listed...Page 11

Read what else is inside!
2500 of your neighbors read this !

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SMILE, JESUS Loves you!!!

A style of its own a community Based Newspaper

Page 2



The Wolfes Den

Hello fellow readers. I hope this finds you doing
much better than the week before. We have been on a
circus ride of Lies and deceit when it comes from
any political agenda. The amount of news that comes
is so fast and half of it is untrue. Did you know the Govt. regulates what you see on TV
news? Exception to that is Foxx news. Same as Donald Trump, no one talks good of them
for it rubs the establishment the wrong way. But look who is speaking the truths?
Anyone else notice how many people have either come up missing or even committed
suicide when they are announced to testify against the Clintons? Even Eric Snowden was
charged for 1/10th of what Hillary has been accused of. Somehow in the statement, the
FBI stated 24 minutes of reasonable negligence of our nations security, etc, etc. Then
with the next 2 sentences goes against the evidence and advises to NOT prosecute this
Liar? Way too much video for her to deny anything she said. And those E-mails?
How many times have you seen them match up what she Lied to Congress about and the
Lies she stated to the Public and now the FBI after a year and a half of investigating
choose to do nothing? Even as a movie, this action sucks. For if the Law is written and
enforced on so many others, why not her? Rumor has it they will kill you if you step on
their shoes. I bet if they would use water-board tactics as she is an enemy of our nation,
she would sing like a bird. Probably would even send her hubby down the river too!

And now this? Military Purge: Barack H. Obama Says Obey

Him, Not the Constitution! We are in the gravest of situations. Our military
once the most powerful in the world is crumbling. Obama is purging every branch of the
US armed forces at an alarming rate. Hes deliberately crippling our military, setting them
up for failure and defeat. Through his actions he is rapidly demoralizing our troops en
masse, creating a dangerous situation at home and abroad, leaving our troops, our country
and we citizens open to attack.
Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, recipient of the U.S. militarys highest decoration,
the Medal of Honor, as well as other top retired officers, say Obamas agenda is decimating the morale of the U.S. ranks to the point members no longer feel prepared to fight or
have the desire to win. Our Army has not trained for six months. Meanwhile there is
tremendous domestic and foreign unrest taking place. To have the Chief of Staff of the
Army confess to the world that our Army has not trained for six months is highly disturbing, says former Florida Congressman Allen West. [It] should make us all sleep less
soundly at night.
Since Obama took office an unprecedented number of top military leaders have been removed from their posts nearly 200 generals, flag officers and other high-ranking officials. They are being removed at a rate of about one per week. Allen West, who served
on the House Armed Services Committee, is calling for hearings to determine exactly
why so many officers, especially senior officers, are being given the boot.
Sadly, it seems the greatest force our military is facing is not that of the foreign enemy but
the enemy within? The one in the White House that is actively purging our military.
One top military official, Ret. Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely has been very outspoken
on what he calls a purge of the U.S. military by the Obama administration a stunning
nine generals and flag officers relieved of duty this year alone. There have been mass
firings, suspensions and dismissals, for which Vallely also blames Obamas closest
adviser, Valerie Jarrett. With Jarretts influence there is rampant political correctness
which is permeating the military and negatively affecting everyone from top generals to
the ranks of the enlisted. It is frightening to hear what Vallely and others like him have to
say. For instance, Vallely maintains that Obama is intentionally weakening and gutting
our military, Pentagon and reducing the U.S. as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks
who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.
Now, instead of continuing with military operations as they should, senior officers have
been reduced to glorified babysitters, having to watch everything their military personnel
say and do. Its been described by those with intimate military operations knowledge and
experience as the equivalent of political commissars from the Communist era.
Military moral has hit an historic low. Add to that the $1.3 trillion thats been cut from the
Pentagon budget. Drastic cuts are resulting in the elimination or slowing of modernization
programs, reducing maintenance of worn-out weapons systems and other equipment, diminishing training and cutting back in benefits. Do you know that the Pentagon ordered
commissary privileges at all of the militarys 178 U.S. and 70 foreign bases CUT? Our
combat-ready brigades have been reduced to just two. Yes, you read that right just
two. Weve also lost an unprecedented number of lives under the iron-fisted rule of
Obama. His Rules of Engagement have resulted in very high casualty rates in Afghanistan, including the loss of 17 members of SEAL Team 6 in one incident. Think of the
thought perversion in Washington: disrespect the military, cut lifelines to active duty military and cut benefits to veterans but push for amnesty so that 11 million or more illegals
suck at the welfare and healthcare through. It is all very wrong.

Cont on pg. 9

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Views expressed in The EMERALD STAR NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the
publisher. The staff of The EMERALD STAR NEWS pride ourselves in our efforts to
ensure accuracy of the publication contents. However, there is no guarantee of the accuracy of
all the Information nor the absence of errors and omissions (especially when sent through a third
party); therefore, no responsibility can or will be assumed. 2500 copies printed bi-weekly.

This newspaper is your voice to the county and all city or state employees, or
whomever it may concern. Have something to say? Good or bad? Lets hear
it!! Dont hesitate to make suggestions or send in your comments to us anytime
on any subject. Did you ever want to be a writer? Have an investigative mind?
Heres your chance to be recognized. Or you can help anonymously, like most.
Send any and all inquiries to the address listed below. Like the beaches?

ISO: A Friendly PERSON to ( Ad Sales)

WOW online:

Mail invoices and other information to:

P.O. Box 1133

Freeport, Florida 32439
Quote of
**The web site and blog are now as one
the week :
Taking a STAND
against the establishment doesnt
make you a traitor. It makes you
an idealist with
knowledge to lend
the other side for
answers for unity.
When we fight for
clean water, look
at it. We ask for
safety, look at all
disappearing all
around us. To let
the Govt. choose
for you what is
best or now
illegal, when will
the people rise up
in revolt of this
tyrannical idiot
playing with our
safety, our future?
You just going to
sit back and
watch it all crumble down or
what? At any
level of justice
things need to be
straight and by
the books. Including arresting
Hillary, just as
they would you or
I. How are we to
believe that they
will ever be
punished for the
crimes committed
thus far?

Frank Wolfe Jr.

(850) 585-0262
Check us out on FACEBOOK!

E-mail info. to:
Main Office/Sales - 850-585-0262
Web Designer Lee Cox
Contributing Writer - Rian Lyday

Health Post Dr. George Roll PPA

Special Thanks to our advertisers, show support.


Thursday, July 14, 2016


The Okaloosa-Walton Transportation

Planning Organization (TPO) will hold a Project

Three Early Learning Centers in Walton

County were added to the Lets Move! Child Care (LMCC) map
Priorities TPO/TCC/CAC Workshop at 1:30 p.m., Monday, of child care providers who have successfully implemented all
five criteria of the LMCC 5210 program. TLC Kids Care,
July 18, at the Niceville City Hall, Tile Side, located at 208
N. Partin Drive in Niceville.
The Preschool at Point Washington, and The Tree
Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color,
national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or family status.
Reasonable accommodation will be made for access in
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Contact
Brittany Ellers, (850) 332-7976, Ext. 220 or, for assistance, or 1-800-995-8771 for
TTY-Florida, at least 3 business days in advance. Por favor a
la Sr. Dan Deanda, de los requistos de acceso o el idioma en el
(850) 332-7976, Ext. 227 o 1-800-995-8771 para TTY-Florida
al menos 48 horas de antelacion.
The Okaloosa-Walton TPO is staffed by the West Florida
Regional Planning Council, a not-for-profit agency providing
professional planning, coordinating and advisory services to
local governments, state and federal agencies and the public to
preserve and enhance quality of life in northwest Florida.

Letter to the EDITOR:

"Call To Action" Let's face it, if our leaders in Congress can't
come together around Donald Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton,
we don't need them. They are a liability and there legacy will
be nothing. We should completely get rid of them, all of them.
If we loose this election it will be on there backs. We have
given them our candidate, Donald Trump! If they dont unite
behind him and they cause us to loose the most important election in history, WE DO NOT NEED THEM! They become
dead weight because all is lost. If it comes down to the end in
November and they don't stand up and fight hard for WE THE
PARTY we should not vote for them. Do not donate to any
canidate who doesn't enthusiastically endorse Donald Trump or
show up too the people's convention. We should pull the lever
for Trump and not vote at all for Congressional seats. We have
got to send a lasting lesson. You work for us. You serve the
people. We need to let them know now where they stand and
what we expect from those who serve.
There will be consequences.
Ret. Msgt J. Helms USAF

Dear Editor,
Thank you for the help you gave us opening our new store
front. We appreciate you and your efforts to help everyone as
you can. People around here really like your newspaper and
want to see it last for a long. long time. Folks please let these
new businesses and new neighbors know of this fabulous newspaper. For such a small town, to have a writer as you. We are
blessed to have you here. The way you tell it as you see it, is
what the people around here need. So many folks on dope and
just going thru the motions. Walk Tall, you have a great paper!

Campaign Ads space available

Voting takes place end of August!
Contact us
NOW to ensure
you get all your
Votes in, place
an AD today!
Advertising here helps people know where you are!

House Episcopal Montessori School received

certificates for successfully implementing the program. These
preschools have also developed an action plan for the upcoming
school year.
LMCC is part of First Lady Michelle Obamas Lets Move!
Initiative to prevent childhood obesity. The program encourages
and supports child care and early education providers to make
positive changes in their programs in order to work toward a
healthier future for children. LMCC is voluntary and for all types
of programs, including family child care homes, Early Head Start
and Head Start programs, preschool, tribal programs and
faith-based programs.
Children spend many hours in early care and education
programs, as well as family child care. Help kids build good
habits by ensuring your program is a healthy environment for
children to learn. Lets Move! Child Care encourages you to meet
these goals: Nurture Healthy Eaters, Provide Healthy Beverages,
Get Kids Moving, Reduce Screen Time, Support Breastfeeding.

Page 3

Since 1989
998 Bay Dr.
Santa Rosa-Beach, Fl.32459

State Certified-Master Plumber
License # CF-C057978

Call for AJs -tip of the week

Water Heater sizes are

For more information about the program, contact Greer Creehan, changing due to new regulations.
Florida Department of Health in Walton County at 850-892-8015. Call us today for information. AJ
About the Florida Department of Health
The department works to protect, promote and improve the health
of all people in Florida through integrated state, county and
community efforts.
Follow us on Twitter at @HealthyFla and on Facebook. For more
information about the Florida Department of Health please visit

A few parents of these children who play
sports at Hammock Bay or any other Sports
Complex. Please have your teams listed for
scheduling. Get your coaches and leaders of
the organization to contact us today. We can
work out a nice deal for baseball, football and
soccer schedules. It will help gather more interest and possibly
more players too.
Folks in town
keep asking me
for the City to
place an Ad for
event schedules or
ballgames. ASK
Them to do it!

Lets all chip in and make this

Let people know where you are,
what do you sell?
What do you offer?
2500 copies
You have a enough

2 Hamburger Combos, fries and

DrinksONLY $12.00 NOW!
tear out/show this coupon show when ordering!

Page 4


Health Post
George Roll P.A.-C
Seagrove Medical Clinic
Call # 850-231-6200
Walk-ins and Appt.s
Send health questions or
comments to: P.O.Box 1133
Freeport, Florida 32439

Thursday, July 14, 2016

A Better South Walton (ABSW) is

Business Ads
as low as $25,
call today to
find out how!

Can Pokemon Go improve your mental health? Maybe.

The game, which was released
last week, has quickly become a
viral social phenomenon, and
already, dozens of players
called trainers have taken to
Twitter to tell the world how
much better they feel after
spending hours walking around chasing the virtual creatures that pop up
on their smartphones.HiRez David, it turns out, is a 26-year-old year
events producer for a video game company in Alpharetta, Ga. He
describes himself as a textbook introvert who needs time to mentally
psych himself up before hanging out with other people. A few years
ago, he says he went through a rough patch and needed regular
prescription meds to help him deal with some crippling anxiety.
So when he spent hours outside this weekend walking around and
playing Pokemon Go with friends, it was definitely out of character.
I spend more than 80% of my weekends at home, usually, he says.
Its really weird to think that I spent more time out of the house this
weekend than I spent in the house.How does it work? The game is a
free app thats designed to be downloaded to a smartphone. It uses GPS
and the phones camera to direct players, called trainers, to the Pokemon creatures that appear to pop up in the real world. Once alerted to a
location, the game requires trainers to walk to capture the creatures.
Many fans say theyre already addicted, logging miles each day on a
quest to catch them all. Others are complaining about sore muscles
from all the exercise theyre getting.

incredibly fortunate to have the support of so many

members of the local community. ABSW began as a
group of citizens devoting their time and energy to
exploring ideas to improve South Walton as it rapidly
expands. With tremendous local support, ABSW has
evolved into an initiative that seeks more effective,
responsive governance and increased local representation for South Walton to preserve and enhance the
unique character and quality of life that our residents
and visitors value.
ABSW is proud to have the following number of citizens supporting the effort thus far by:
Volunteering to donate their time 101 people
Responding to the survey 2,294 people
Signing up for the ABSW newsletter 710 people
Making a financial donation 142 people
Donations make it possible for ABSW to fund necessary research and analysis and to communicate this
information to the citizens and businesses of South
Walton. Financial and in-kind donations have both
been an integral part of the continued growth of
ABSW. To date, more than 140 individual donations
ranging from $10 to $10,000 have been received by
ABSW and a detailed listing of those donors contributing $300 or more can be found on the ABSW website,
ABSW still has a great deal to accomplish, and asks
Freeports Best Lil Pharmacy
that you consider:
What level of donation you would be comfortable
Can you let us help you?
How your time and talents could help the efforts of
We can use some help too..
Reaching out to ABSW to schedule a meeting with
Your advertisement supports the
your neighbors, club, business, church, etc., to eduprinting of this publication. Without
cate your group on the ABSW initiative.
you, this would not be possible. The
Signing the petition, if you havent already, and acNewspaper from Freeport, Florida.
tively engaging others to do the same.
You help us, we can help you too!
The continued support of the South Walton community is vital to the mission of ABSW. Please ask your
family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to:
Sign the petition
petition/ Donate
donate/ Volunteer
volunteer/ Contact ABSW to schedule a community meeting.
Educate yourself, and encourage those around you to
do the same. Learn more about this initiative, the results of the preliminary feasibility study and the mulShow support for FREEPORT by
tiple benefits this could bring to South Walton by
Advertising your business in


About A Better South Walton:

901 Hwy. 20 East

Florida Hours :
Tues Sat. 9am-5pm

A Better South Walton (ABSW) is made up of a

diverse group of citizen volunteers who share a
concern about the future of South Walton.
ABSWs mission is to seek more effective governance and local representation for South Walton
to preserve and enhance its unique character,
property values and quality of life.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

WE Made it! 8yrs in the
making , thanks to all of you!
2016 will bring so many new
faces to our Town. Advertise!

The Emerald Star News, Inc.


Office Receives Amended NCCI

County Affordable Housing Workers Compensation Rate Filing
Advisory Committee
The Office of Insurance Regulation received
(AHAC) Meeting
an amended rate filing yesterday by the National
Walton County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) Meeting
Notice is hereby given that there will be
a Meeting of the Walton County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee on
Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 1:30 p.m.
The meeting will be held at the Walton
County Administration Building Conference Room, located at 76 N. 6th Street,
DeFuniak Springs, FL. If you have any
questions, please contact Cindy McIlwain, West Florida Regional Planning
Council, at 1-800-226-8914, extension
226, or by email:

WORKSHOP - Headland
Ave Public Beach Access
You are hereby notified that the Walton
County Board of County Commissioners
will hold a workshop on Tuesday, July
12, 2016 at 3:00 PM or soon thereafter.
The meeting will be held at the South
Walton Courthouse Annex located at 31
Coastal Centre Blvd., Santa Rosa Beach,
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss
Headland Avenue Public Beach Access.
Walton County adheres to the American
with Disabilities Act and will make reasonable modifications for access to the
meetings upon request. Please call (850)
892-8115 to make a request. For hearing
impaired, please call 1-800-955-8771
(TDD), 1-800-955-8770 (VOICE). Requests must be received at least 48 hours
in advance of the meeting to allow time
to provide the requested services.

Page 5

Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) to

address a third legal change affecting Floridas
workers compensation system. This amended
filing increases NCCIs initial proposed combined average rate increase from 17.1% to 19.6%.
Individual projected rate impacts for all three
recent legal changes include the following:

A 2.2% projected rate increase for the June

9th Florida Supreme Court decision in the case of
Westphal v. City of St. Petersburg (Westphal), in
which the Florida Supreme Court found the 104week statutory limitation on temporary total disability benefits in Section 440.15(2)(a), Florida
Statutes, unconstitutional because it causes a
statutory gap in benefits in violation of an injured
workers constitutional right of access to courts.
The Supreme Court reinstated the 260-week limitation in effect prior to the 1994 law change.

A 15% projected rate increase for the April

28th Florida Supreme Court decision in the case of
Castellanos v. Next Door Company (Castellanos),
which found the mandatory attorney fee schedule
in Section 440.34, Florida Statutes, unconstitutional as a violation of due process under both the
Florida and United States Constitutions.

A 1.8% projected rate increase related to

updates within the Florida Workers Compensation Health Care Provider Reimbursement Manual (HCPR Manual) per Senate Bill 1402. The
manual becomes effective on July 1, 2016.
NCCI is proposing an effective date of October 1,
2016 for new and renewal workers compensation
policies and that the 19.6% rate increase apply to
all workers compensation policies in effect as of
October 1, 2016 on a pro-rata basis for the remainder of each policys term.
The Office has scheduled a public rate hearing
for August 16, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. to give NCCI an
opportunity to discuss the filing and interested
parties and other stakeholders the ability to provide testimony or comments. The hearing will be
held in the Jim King Committee Room, 401 Senate Office Building, 404 South Monroe Street,
Tallahassee, Florida. A media advisory with more
details will be released at a later date.
NCCI is a licensed rating organization authorized
to make rate filings on behalf of workers compensation insurance companies in Florida. For
more information about the amended rate filing,
read the NCCI press release. For previous information released by the Office on this issue, see
the May 27th Office Statement or the April 28th
Office Statement.

FREEPORT Presbyterian CHURCH, located on Hwy 20. Next to Franks Cash &
Carry. We are extending an open invitation to come to our quaint little church to give
thanks and praise to God. Small town feel and childrens services available too.
Sundays at 9am Bible study.10am church service.
Come meet Pastor Gene.

The Mayors Post

Russ Barley-Freeport Mayor
Please send any and all comments to

Greetings from the Mayors office..

Hope everyone is staying cool these days, only a couple of more months
until it begins to cool down a bit.
The Veterans Memorial Committee is working very hard to raise money
for the new added addition to the existing monuments, they are adding the
Heros Walk to the backside of the existing monument, bricks can be
purchased for veterans and the applications can be picked up at city hall
and the dedication of the new monument will be at this years Veterans
Memorial Ceremony in November.
The city council will begin in the near future to work from Ipads for the
council meetings reducing the cost of paper that is currently being used as
we become more tech savvy moving into the future. The city audit has
been completed and all seems to be in place with their findings, we will be
reviewing it at the next council scheduled council meeting. The next scheduled budget workshop is scheduled for July 21, at 6:00 pm, at the city hall,
anyone who would like to come and hear the budget being discussed for
the departments is welcome. The council had the reading of the Watson
Freeport Large Scale Amendment and Re-Zoning. The reading and adoption of the Fire Assessment Tax Ordinance was read and adopted and the
county will be assessing the bills beginning October 1. Contract updates
on the 331 project was presented by the city engineers and the search is on
for finding funding for this project. The city of Freeport received a grant
for $32,000 from the Department of Economic Opportunity for the recreation department and we are most delighted for being chosen to receive
Councilwoman Cuchens is currently working on a Florida Community
Trust Grant up to $10 million for land acquisition and we hope this will be
something that we can be a part of as well so that we will be able to acquire some land for future projects. The Shops of Freeport is moving with
great stride and the plantings are being installed in the parking lot as well
as the faced being completed on the front of the building. There are a couple of business that have been announced to come into the shopping center
one being Great Clips and the other DiLishi Yogurt and Coffee Shop. We
will make announcements as we learn more. Please remember to take advantage of the city pool they are open every day except on Wednesdays
and Sunday. Any questions or comments please give me a call or drop by.

Emerald Coast flowers & gifts

& The prissy hen
137 Hwy 20 West Freeport
"check out our weekly Cash & Carry specials!
Store hours are Mon-Fri 10-5 and Sat 10-2.
Owners Russ Barley and Tim Ard, invite everyone to stop on in!

850-835-5200 or 850-267-2616

Page 6


Thursday, July 14, 2016

"Serving all of Walton County Since 1985"

:Call me if
interested in
Realty/Land in
Walton county!

30A Realty, Inc. - 850-231-5030
Commercial Property on 331, MLS # 538545,
Other Properties - North Walton County
MLS # 607005 - .21 acres - Black Creek Lodge Rd - $25,000
MLS - 607740 - 1.28 - Campground Pt. Defuniak Springs - $11,900
MLS # 741552 - 8.45 Acres North of Bonifay In Holmes County off of St.
Rd. 160 & Metcalf Rd. - $24,500

Alice J. Forrester,GRI, SFR

30A Realty, Inc.
850-974-2676 cell
850-231-2530 fax.


Listing MLS 481585 - 3.86 acres on Lake Holley and
King Lake (Bell Dr/Holland Dr.) $58,000, parcel can
be split, will sell for $30,000 for half.

MLS # 724417 - Swanee Rd, $9,900 - .37 acre

Listing MLS 512970 - Waterfront Lots on Lake Rosemary,
Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind,
contentment, grace, the inner awareness of
simple abundance - it will surely come to us,
but only when we are ready to receive it with
an open and grateful heart.
You dont know how good you got it, until
its gone. Some called it FREEDOM.

each lot $11,000 or buy both for $20,000. Owner

The Florida Department of Health in Walton County (DOH-Walton) today advised residents there has
been an increase in mosquito-borne disease activity in areas of Walton County. A horse has tested positive for Eastern
equine encephalitis in North Walton. The risk of transmission to humans has increased. Walton County Mosquito Control
and (DOH-Walton) continue surveillance and prevention efforts. DOH-Walton reminds residents and visitors to avoid
being bitten by mosquitoes and to take basic precautions to help limit exposure.
To protect yourself from mosquitoes, you should remember to Drain and Cover:
DRAIN standing water to stop mosquitoes from multiplying.

Drain water from garbage cans, house gutters, buckets, pool covers, coolers, toys, flower pots or any other containers where sprinkler or rain water has collected. Discard old tires, drums, bottles, cans, pots and pans, broken appliances
and other items that aren't being used. Empty and clean birdbaths and pet's water bowls at least once or twice a week.

Protect boats and vehicles from rain with tarps that dont accumulate water. Maintain swimming pools in good
condition and appropriately chlorinated. Empty plastic swimming pools when not in use.
COVER skin with clothing or repellent.
Clothing - Wear shoes, socks, and long pants and long-sleeves. This type of protection may be necessary for people who
must work in areas where mosquitoes are present. Repellent - Apply mosquito repellent to bare skin and clothing.
Always use repellents according to the label. Repellents with DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, para-menthanediol, and IR3535 are effective. Use mosquito netting to protect children younger than 2 months old.
Tips on Repellent Use Always read label directions carefully for the approved usage before you apply a repellent. Some
repellents are not suitable for children. Products with concentrations of up to 30 percent DEET (N, N-diethyl-mtoluamide) are generally recommended. Other U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-approved repellents contain
picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, para-menthane-diol, or IR3535. These products are generally available at local pharmacies. Look for active ingredients to be listed on the product label. Apply insect repellent to exposed skin, or onto clothing, but not under clothing. In protecting children, read label instructions to be sure the repellent is age-appropriate. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mosquito repellents containing oil of lemon eucalyptus
should not be used on children under the age of three years. DEET is not recommended on children younger than two
months old. Avoid applying repellents to the hands of children. Adults should apply repellent first to their own hands and
then transfer it to the childs skin and clothing.
If additional protection is necessary, apply a permethrin repellent directly to your clothing. Again, always follow the
manufacturers directions.
COVER doors and windows with screens to keep mosquitoes out of your house. Repair broken screening on
windows, doors, porches, and patios. For more information on what repellent is right for you, consider using the Environmental Protection Agencys search tool to help you choose skin-applied repellent products:
insect/#searchform. The Department continues to conduct statewide surveillance for mosquito-borne illnesses, including
West Nile virus infections, Eastern equine encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, malaria, chikungunya and dengue. Residents of Florida are encouraged to report dead birds via the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissions site For more information, visit DOHs website at
5C/diseases-and-conditions/mosquito-borne-diseases/index.html or contact your county health department.

Thursday, July 14,, 2016


Page 7

Happenings in DeFuniak Springs

Clintons Threatened Attorney General With Her Life
Attorney General Loretta Lynch was threatened by Bill Clinton, according to a Department of Justice
source, which then set in motion an obvious and ridiculous chain of events that culminated in
Hillary Clinton being let off the hook, despite FBI Director James Comey essentially stating that she
broke the law.
The chain of events was so ridiculous that the beleaguered Attorney General Loretta Lynch even
attempted a joke, saying that she wished she knew where the lock on the plane door was when Bill
Clinton was striding along the tarmac toward her plane.
Loretta was shitting bricks after that meeting. Suddenly we had a whole new strategy, and things
moved fast.
I cant believe people cant see it for what it was, its so obvious and ridiculous, the Department of
Justice insider said.
It was just a f***ing mess in the Department. Everybody, including the FBI, did a U-turn.n addition, Congressman John Mica also referred to the fishy nature of the chain of events while questioning FBI Director John Comey about the scandal in the House of Representatives.
My folks think there is something fishy about this. Im not a conspiracy theorist, but there are a lot
of questions on how this came down.
he moment the unwanted meeting between the Attorney General and Bill Clinton was over, the
wheels started whirring at high speed and the mechanisms to get Hillary off the hook were set in
rapid motion.
The FBI interviewed Hillary Clinton without placing her under oath and without recording the interview. Obama campaigned with Hillary on Air Force One to distract attention. Then the FBI cagily
said Hillary was guilty in their eyes, but recommended against pressing charges.
Less than a week after the Attorney General was allegedly threatened, Hillary was free to continue
her White House push, despite clearly being guilty of some of the same crimes Edward Snowden has
been charged with.


Blanchard recognized as Employee of

the Month
By Ron Kelley
One might visit Healthmark Regional Medical
Center (HRMC) numerous
times and not see her. A
person could visit the hospital to have lab work done
or get an MRI, or a CT
scan or to simply visit a
sick friend. That person
still might not see Heather
Blanchard, but the work
Heather does helps keep
operations working
GERALD BEARD, Healthmark Resmoothly.
Heather Blanchard works gional Chief of Operations, surprised
Heather Blanchard with a certificate
in the HRMC Business
Office. According to Busi- recognizing her as the Employee of the
ness Office Director Dale Month for July.
Parrish, Heather has consistently shown patience and persistence in her interactions with
insurance representatives. She is one of the Business Offices goto people for training new billing clerks. She is detail-oriented and
gets the job done. Parrish said Healther is equally patient and persistent with co-workers, a valuable quality in any large operation.
HRMC Chief of Operations Gerald Beard agrees. Heather performs her duties without fanfare or a brass band. She quietly goes
about her business in a professional and efficient way. In todays
health care climate, anyone who can interact with multiple health
insurance companies successfully is practically a miracle-worker.
As if that were not enough, Heather has also taken on billing for the
hospitals Durable Medical Equipment operations and handles billing for Dr. Edward Tenewitz. We are very fortunate to have
Heather on our team and delighted that she was nominated and chosen as the Healthmark Employee of the Month for July.

Do you have a business?

Lowest Ad Rates in Walton county!
Wed like to see you advertise with us!
We are in S. Walton, DFS and
Freeport and places in between
Call us today: #850-585-0262 / 2500 ea

Page 8


Thursday, July 14, 2016




Thursday, July 14, 2016


Page 9

Holistic Doctor/Professor Found Stabbed To

Death In Her Home
Dr Rasmussen, who taught classes on the subjects of biology (and
nutrition as described below) was stabbed more than thirty times and found
dead in her Plymouth home this past week. She was 76 and a devoted
grandmother, and former foster mother to at least 20 kids, said her daughter.
This case reminds us, in some ways, of the very recent tragic case of Dr Han.
He and his family were found dead in their home just weeks ago, and soon
thereafter authorities said a young, white male was the suspect. That particular
suspect (now arrested) had no prior record either, and lived with his father who
was EX CIA.
Then there was the case of the Osteopath who was also stabbed to death in her
Pennsylvania home just months ago. There are allegedly no suspects in her
death and, as in this case, no motive.
In regard to the tragic death of Dr Rasmussen, police are searching for suspect
Tyler Hagmaier, 24, who was a neighbor. It has been alleged that he is
mentally unstable, though at least one relative of Hagmaiers said that she,
had no information about any mental health problems he may have dealt
with.We are trying to see if Hagmaier has ever had a record of being violent
with anyone in his past or what possible motive he would have to murder such
a great Professor and chiropractor. The Boston Globe said authorities
stated he was never arrested or charged with anything in the past.
We will continue to report on this and are so sorry for the loss of a woman
who sounds like she was a wonderful Professor, chiropractor, grandmother
and mother to many. The entire holistic doctor death series Ive written as
there have been over 30 mysterious deaths in well under a year.

30-50% off storewide!!

Ladies wear and Accessories
Kathryn Nikole

Kathryn Nikole Clothing

131 Highway 20

Freeport, FL

Drop in today for GREAT savings!

Store hours Monday-Friday 10-5, Saturday 10-


At the time of this article printed there have been several more mysterious
deaths in Holistic healings, the number of deceased is now at 49.



pg. 2

Please take a minute to think about the

mass corruption, lies and cover ups along
with the perversity of thought taking
place under Obamas reign.
A former Geneva City Magistrate
The White House wont investigate its
plead "guilty" to Theft of Property" own officials, but will readily fire military
Monday in court.
commanders who have given their lives
for their country.
These are the same people who shut our
veterans out of open-space war memorials
during sequestration. There is no dignity
or respect coming from them for our military. If there were, they would have already held someone accountable for Benghazi, the Fast and Furious and the IRS
and NSA scandals, but they have not.
Instead, theyve covered up the scandals,
protected their own while innocent lives
were lost. If anyone speaks out against the
great one or goes against his ideologies,
that person is purged, sent packing or
simply silenced.
Isnt this why the Constitution was writFollowing her guilty plea, Randi
ten so we cannot be forced by a tyrant to
Crystal Glisson was ordered to pay do anything beyond his power? But yet
back nearly $10,000 to the City of
every week we see him overwriting a new
Law to help him hurt us Americans.
In September of last year, the 29If any of you think Hillary will NOT
year-old reportedly misappropriated continue this absurd non-sense, you need
city funds. Glisson will "not" serve to move to Venezuela. This nation will
jail time...but will be on probation. revolt if Trump doesnt become president
and change back to what we are meant to
We appreciate our readers. Let the
businesses you saw their AD. Thats all we
ask in return for your time. Thank you very
much. Its been 8years of FREEPORT news.


247 E. Main St. Freeport Florida
Call or TEXT Nathan Frymire @ 850-419-4005
Also available:
Chicken Coops, Dog Houses, Green Houses too!

Come and
Pick out what you want...
All styles/roof colors
Like us on Facebook:
king of Freeport



*July 16 Weather King of Freeport will be hosting our Grand Opening Event.
Join us for great food provided by Sweet Southern Comfort, drinks, bounce houses,
Giveaways, and much more You and your family to enjoy! Any and all local vendors who
wish to set up a booth for the event are more than welcome to do so, also consider ideas
for giveaways to add to our door prize drawings. Thank you Freeport for your continued
support and we hope you all will join us for this special day! "
Nathan Frymire

+++++++ We Thank you Lord ++++++for giving us this day. For all our friends, family and community.
Please help us guide FREEPORT in the best direction so that we all, can grow& prosper to become all we can become, for
the near future and of the futures of our childrens children. Amen! IN GOD WE TRUST

Page 10


Thursday , July 14, 2016

Obama signs EXECUTIVE ORDER To Take Over

President Barrack Obama signed the Patriot Defense of
Liberty Enabler Act which is his latest in a series of Executive Orders to bring the U.S. in compliance with the
United Nations Agenda 21 The President says that this
plan will allow the Federal Government to assume control of all Federal territory in case
of a National Emergency or Civil Disobedience. In addition, this act will allow the U.N.
Troops to assist U.S. Forces when needed on domestic soil.

Five Governors Declare All Out War On

Obamas Executive Tyranny
President Obama is well aware that there is no way for him to force Congress to put rules
in place for global warming on America. In fact, many Democrats dont even support
these rules, and many Republicans dont believe that global warming is a true scientific
Of course, thats not going to stop Obama from getting his way.
Recently, Obama talked about implementing an unconstitutional executive order placing
a limit on carbon emissions. As soon as he made this announcement, five Republican
Governors banded together to say they will oppose any such action.
The Governors involved include Greg Abbott of Texas, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Scott
Walker of Wisconsin, Mike Pence of Indiana and Mary Fallin of Oklahoma. All of the
above say they will refuse to carry out these rules in their states.
This could once again pose a huge clash between federal and state authorities, and undermine Obamas efforts to urge other nations to enact similar plans this year as part of a
major United Nations climate change accord.

Can U Shoot DARTS?

Ever tried before?

****Only 50c/gm. **Lessons available if needed. $10/hr (FW)

There are NOW 2 Radikal Dart boards in THE Lucky Star Bar, Freeport.
Play anyone in the WORLD, drink a few beers. Karaoke on weekends @9pm
Play leagues and online competition as well. View games from
home, via computer. Play from your location of choice!
(once you become a Premium member for only $12/yr).
Make an ID and play! The Machine keeps your stats from
any thrown match play..
****Online tourneys Friday-Sunday and WED. weekly leagues,
come join the fun!!
Entry thru Paypal...EASY
Couples and singles, teams open, leagues are being formed
now. You shoot from the Star, no travel, play against players from all over the USA.
$$ Payouts too!

**Do you need a set of Darts? Low as $20/set

If you need any Dart supplies? Call #585-0262

In DFS, go ck out 4C-BBQ on HWY. 331 (behind Walgreens), they

have 4 Dartboards by Radikal. Join leagues open to all skill levels, even hdcp for averages
of beginners, if desired to get started. Look for Radikal boards and become registered to
give yourself and HCP rating after u shoot 25 games of 501 and 25 Cricket
Ask Robin Ford for more details. Or ask Frank Wolfe.

Great BBQ FOOD/ Dinners & Drinks! Live Band most weekends.
Comments and responses are welcomed by all who write-in, E-mail. Instead of guessing what is going on around town, PUT IN PRINT, let those who live here make the
call. Got a beef or compliment? Lets hear about it!
County/city issues not right? Tell your story here! Let us hear it.
Write in, FREEDOM of Speech lives here in FREEPORT @
The Emerald Star News.
( We CAN make things happen.)
Advertising with us HELPS MOST!
**2500 people are reading this,
People just like you!
Going on 8yrs now!
Thanks for reading.

Thursday, July 14, 2016


AD Only
$10 per issue

Column written
by :
Rian Lyday


Mail or E-mail

Shop Local
By Rian Lyday
To go along with our summer savings, I was
thinking about how my family has changed to
shopping locally in order to both help our
neighbors and buy fresher, better products.
Why should you shop locally? Our community is growing in leaps and boundslook at
the construction going on. We want to keep
supporting the people that have been the foundation of our community for so long. How can
you help? Here are some ways to stay local:
START WITH, this paper. It is given to you
free of charge but filled with community information. Do you own a business? Buy an
ad from Frank. BUILD COMMUNITY!
When you run into people at local businesses
and the public spaces around them, you are
building relationships and community cohesiveness. Theyre the ultimate social networking sites! STRENGTHEN YOUR LOCAL
ECONOMY! Did you know that each dollar
you spend at independent businesses returns
three times more money to your local economy than one spent at a chain? Lets keep the
money in our community. SHAPE OUR
CHARACTER! Independent businesses help
give our community its distinct personality.
Independent, community-serving businesses
are people-sized. They typically consume less
land and carry more locally-made products.
LOWER TAXES! More efficient land use and
more central locations mean local businesses
put less demand on our roads, sewers, and
safety services. They also generate more tax
revenue per sales dollar. The bottom line: a
greater percentage of local independent
businesses keeps your taxes
lower. CHOICES! A wide variety of
independent businesses, each serving their
customers tastes, creates greater overall
choice for all of us. INCREASE WEALTH
OF RESIDENTS! The effect created by
spending locally generates lasting impact on
the prosperity of local organizations and
residents. CREATE JOBS AND OPPORTUNITIES! Not only do independent businesses
employ more people directly per dollar of
revenue, they also are the customers of local
printers, accountants, wholesalers, farms,
attorneys, etc., expanding opportunities for
local entrepreneurs. Try keeping your business
within our community. The benefits will
continue to enhance the beautiful area we are
to call

A+ Estate Sales will be hosting an

estate sale liquidation of a house, garage
and sheds on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
July 14-16 from 9 am to 2 pm at 57 Garden
From Hwy 20, go North on Site C6 Rd, and
turn left on Garden Lane.
BOOK LOVERS - 10 bookcases full with
many Christian titles, Bibles and songbooks

Page 11

For Sale
PINE STRAW...min 30-bales
Dee Watson 850-333-0877

Home/Condo repair work
Call 850-460-0896

For Sale: GE Electric Stove, white.

Coil burners. ONLY $75. You can
pick it up in Freeport.
Call 850-585-0262...give a call now1


FREE ADs for listing with us!
Call or E-mail the information !


throughout the house and some vintage pieces
in the sheds
ART LOVERS - works of a local artist,
frames, canvasses, prints and art supplies

Let us get your name out
For Sale: 2011 Ford V-8, 4x4 transmission w/transfer case already to
go. Only $350/obo located in
Freeport. 850-585-0262

Sheds are a PICKER'S PARADISE with tools,

wood and items needing a little TLC after
sitting for a while

When you sit on your Ass and Not

call about a Crime. How does that
make you better than the criminal
themselves? You may be able to
prevent rape, drugs, crime and
possibly a murder. Be safe

Lady of the House loved to COOK and CAN we have tables full of kitchen and canning
gear, glassware, pots and pans and canning
She also loved to SEW - we have 2 sewing
machines and a table of sundries.
NO JOB? Wanting to be more than
just another person struggling.
Please see our website for photos of items for Talk to an Armed Service branch in
sale -
the Military. Gather to see what all
No early birds, sale starts at 9 am for every- you can become. Maybe finish that
scholarship as you serve in the
body. Please bring help to load heavy or
bulky purchases,
Our country needs less
drug dealers, thieves and
criminals. We need
Soldiers, Airmen,
Seamen, Special forces
to protect us from the
inevitable war waiting
from Islam.
If you dont sign up how
many lives may die
ace per!
because you didnt do a
ing ewspa
job serving your country



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Along Hwy. 331 S. just past Hwy20 on RH side..
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(The reader) to become a part of this

newspapers history, as we grow with
FREEPORT and the surrounding
areas into the future. Send in your
comments anytime! E-mail to:

The only versatile newspaper that
offers both sides of discussion. Let the
people in charge = read your opinion.

They work with your tax dollars!

No need for PC here. Live!

Page 12

The Emerald Star News, Inc.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

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