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Dixon Middle School

Genius Bar
Student Leader Contract 2016-17

Student Leader Responsibilities:

Attend weekly meetings
Meet with your assigned teacher at least once a week to provide technological support.
Help peers with iPads/Chromebooks at the Genius Bar at least once per week before or after
Educate peers on digital citizenship and netiquette
Create how to videos (in English and Spanish)
Be engaged in ongoing learning to help teachers and peers with technology
Student Leader Expectations:
Average GPA of at least 2.5 in academics with no F's
Citizenship of mostly Ss
Follow Dixon Way
No suspensions or truancies
Above average technology skills
Responsible, honest, and ethical behavior
Effective communication skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing
Be positive and kind when helping others
Model iPad expectations both inside and outside of the classroom

I, _____________________________________ (first and last name), agree to the requirements

and expectations of being a Dixon Middle School Genius Bar student leader.
Student Signature: ________________________________
Student School Email: ______________________________
As the parent/guardian of the applicant, I acknowledge that my student is applying to be a
member of the Dixon Middle School Genius Bar. I will support my child in the commitment and
responsibility this involves.
Parent Name: __________________________________
Parent Phone Number: ___________________________
Parent Email: ___________________________________
Parent Signature: ________________________________

References: (not as helpful as I first thought) (This is a great resource)

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