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Weekly Meeting Agenda

Greetings -2 min
What issues have come up around the school with teachers/students
using the apps effectively? -5 min
How have the issues been solved? Severity of the issue?-5-10 min
Tech Tool (App) of the week: 3 min
Brainstorm about Implementation into content areas: (students will rotate
for content area brainstorm every week.) 15-20 min
Prepare weekly showcase for teachers during PLC. 10-15 min

The basics that training should cover for technology should include:
Using school server space, networks, logins, email, retrieving student passwords
Simple hardware issues rebooting, syncing, updating apps, etc.
Using school accounts or services (Google docs, Learning management systems,
video services, library services)
Citation, copyright friendly images, rules about using intellectual property
Internet search strategies
Acceptable Use Policies (such as who can download files)
What to do if the Internet filter is triggered
Troubleshooting skills diagnose, isolate, and test
Common apps/programs: Notability, Edmodo, Google apps.
Meet with Assistant Principal and Counselor when looking over application for Genius
Bar Students and to update them once a month on the progress of the club.

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