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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting May 10, 2016

Present: Clark Ahlden, Paul Terrio, Judy Seyb, Jim Kaiser, Pete Fernandes
Recording: Judy Seyb
Call to Order: Clark called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm.
Minutes: Minutes from the April 12 meeting were read. Pete motioned to accept the minutes
as presented, Jim seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Treasurers Report: No report presented. Paul reports one of the outstanding lake
assessment dues was received, one is still outstanding. Clark will try to get some legal advice
about this situation.
Geese: Paul reports there were 8 goose nests found around the lake with a total of 51 eggs
addled this year. Paul and Clark will determine if a second addling is necessary.
Lake Commons maintenance: The board members present walked around the lake to
consider which beds to rebuild and which to remove. Jim raised concerns about the grass
height in the commons area. Grass height will need to be monitored as was done last summer.
Pond Control: Judy reports Susan added dye to the lake.
New Neighbors: Clark will deliver a welcoming package to the 1408 Glenshire new
Scouts: Clark has not yet, but will be delivering a check at the Scouts meeting.
Website: no report
New business: none
Next meeting: Next meeting will be held June 14 6:30 pm at Clarks house.
Adjournment: Clark adjourned the meeting at 8 pm. All were in favor.

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