Gcla Board Meeting 6-14-16

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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting June 14, 2016

Present: Clark Ahlden, Stephanie Brown, Judy Seyb, Sharon Hecht, Susan Drozdz, Pete
Recording: Judy Seyb
Call to Order: Clark called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm.
Minutes: Minutes from the May 10 meeting were read. Pete motioned to accept the
minutes. Judy seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Treasurers Report: Clark reports the last outstanding lake assessment was received.
Flower Beds: Clark spoke with Cleanvue Services. The bed behind 1510 Glenshire will
be rebuilt. The rock and border for the bed behind 1504 Glenshire will be removed. The trees
and bushes left intact and area seeded.
Measuring of grass in commons area: is to be done on the 1 st and 15th of each month. Jim
may be interested in doing this the first half of the summer. Susan volunteered to be the backup.
Pond Control: Susan will submit receipt for dye. Susan will spray the lake soon. There are still
chemicals left from last year.
Scouts: Clark will be going to a scout meeting soon to present them with a check. Scouts will
walk the lake soon.
Website: Stephanie will post last months minutes.
New business: Decision will be made at the July meeting as to whether or not to have a BBQ
this year. Sharon will call Browns about doing lake maintenance.
Next Meeting: July 12 at 6:30 pm at Sharons home.
Adjournment: Clark adjourned the meeting at 7:20 pm.

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