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Iguazú National Park The Tango

Within the Iguazú National Park, located 18 The evolution of the dance has profound
Km. away from Puerto Iguazú and declared World implications for the way we dance today, and
Natural Heritage by the UNESCO in 1981, are the Tango music has become one of the great World
famous waterfalls. Music genres.
Originating in Spain or Morocco, the Tango
was introduced to the New World by the Spanish
settlers, eventually coming back to Spain with
Black and Creole influences.
In the early 19th Century, the Tango was a solo
dance performed by the woman, but later was
done by one or two couples. The dance was soon
considered immoral with its flirting music.
Nowadays the tango has many different styles.
The dance tells a story in which dancers, audience
and music are connected.
Buenos Aires
Is the most elegant and active city in South
America. It has managed to preserve old traditions
and endearing corners.
Visitors feel fascinated because of its The river flowing waters fall from a height of
environment, because neighbourhoods have all 70 meters, through 275 falls, and over a 2.7 Km.-
different personalities, and also because people long area. The border with Brazil goes through the
are warm and there is a wide range of shopping Garganta Del Diablo (Devil's Throat), where
and cultural proposals. many cascades produce sprays of water and
The Province of Buenos Aires invites you to colourful rainbows.
the countryside and its traditions, the sun and the The National Park protects the subtropical
sea, the serenity and the adventure, the delta and vegetation surrounding the falls with over 2,000
its mysteries. There are estancias (large cattle plant species - gigantic trees, ferns, lianas,
ranches) featuring a great deal of architectural orchids, - 400 bird species - parrots,
styles, a magical vast area of far-off horizons, hummingbirds, toucans - jaguars and yacarés
where you may breathe history. Everywhere you (caimans).
will be amazed.
Is the longest and most spectacular road in
The magical National Road 40 runs along over
5,000 Km from Cabo Vírgenes (Santa Cruz) to La
Quiaca (Jujuy). It goes up from the sea level to
almost 5,000 metres. It crosses 236 bridges. It
touches 13 big lakes and salts flats. It gives access
to 20 National Parks and Reserves. It crosses 18
main rivers. It connects 27 Andean passes.
The RN 40, created in 1935, runs from south to
north along 11 provinces of 3 different regions in
Argentina. Patagonia: Santa Cruz, Chubut, Río
Negro and Neuquén. Cuyo: Mendoza, San Juan Created by José Arias Mascias
and La Rioja. Norte: Catamarca, Tucumán, Salta May, 2010
and Jujuy.

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