Klingon 13

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1. The Klingon alphabet 0:52

2. Features of spoken Klingon 1:25
3. Stress 1:53
4. The sounds of Klingon 3:17
5. Klingon consonants 4:43
6. Klingon vowels 10:24
7. Klingon diphthongs 11:51
Lesson 1

New vocabulary in this lesson (Section 1-2 Time 1:51)

man : loD
woman : be'
friend : jup
enemy : jagh
child : puq
pet : Saj
captain : HoD
officer : yaS
(1-4 10:44)
goes : jaH
comes : ghoS
eats : Sop
drinks : tlhutlh
speaks : jatlh
understands : yaj
reads : laD
writes : ghItlh
(1-7 18:34)
and (joins sentences) : 'ej
but (joins sentences) : 'ach
(1-9 22:36)
alien : nov
tribble : yIH
doctor : Qel
patient : SID
family : qorDu'
baby : ghu
human : Human
Klingon : tlhIngan
(1-11 29:30)
don't, doesn't : -be'
Lesson 2

New vocabulary in this lesson (Section 2-1 Time 0:28)

sees : legh
hears : Qoy
has : ghaj
wants : neH
helps : QaH
obeys : lob
learns : ghoj
teaches : ghojmoH
(2-4 9:08)
(plural noun suffix for beings) : -pu'
(2-5 11:38)
Earth, Terra : tera'
Vulcan (planet) : vulqan
Romulus : romuluS
Cardassia : qarDaS

(2-5 13:11)
Terran : tera'ngan
Vulcan (person) : vulqangan
Romulan : romuluSngan
Cardassian : qarDaSngan
(2-6 14:51)
and (used in a list) : je
(2-8 17:57)
believes : Har
doubts : Hon
tells the truth : vIt
lies, fibs : nep
walks : yIt
runs, jogs : qet
chats : jaw
celebrates : lop
(2-9 22:36)
I (do something) (verb prefix) : jIyou (so something) (verb prefix) : bILesson 3

New vocabulary in this lesson (Section 3-1 Time 0:28)

star (sun) : Hov
planet : yuQ
moon : maS
ship : Duj
tricorder : Hoqra'
weapon : nuH
phaser, disruptor : pu'
bat'leth (Klingon sword) : betleH
(3-3 8:00)
asks : tlhob
answers : jang
uses : lo'
sends : ngeH
receives : Hev
buys : je'
sells : ngev
becomes : moj
(3-5 13:43)
I (do something to) you (verb prefix) : qaI (do something to) it (verb prefix) : vI(3-10 23:31)
father : vav
mother : SoS
grandfather : vavnI'
grandmother : SoSnI'
Lord, Lady (head of house) : joH
neighbour : jIl
prisoner : qama'
Ferengi : verengan
(3-12 30:01)
greeting (what do you want?) : nuqneH
farewell (success!) : Qapla'
Lesson 4

New vocabulary in this lesson (Section 4-1 Time 0:29)

looks for : nej
finds : tu'
travels : leng
visits : Such
trusts : voq
dislikes : par

hits : qIp
hurts : 'oy'
(4-3 7:28)
you (do something to) me (verb prefix) : choyou (do something to) it (verb prefix) : Da(4-8 13:40)
allows, permits : chaw'
forbids : tuch
arrests : qop
interrogates : rum
respects : vuv
insults : tIch
hurries : moD
relaxes, rests : leS
Lesson 5

New vocabulary in this lesson (Section 5-1 Time 0:28)

soldier : mang
army : mangghom
battle : may'
starship (a Federation ship) : 'ejDo'
Bird-of-Prey (a Klingon ship) : toQDuj
space station : tengchaH
torpedo : peng
target : DoS
(5-4 10:07)
(plural noun suffix for objects) : -mey
(5-6 13:00)
sleeps : Qong
wakes up : vem
waits, waits for : loS
salutes : van
attacks : HIv
defends : Hub
kills : HoH
fires (a torpedo) : baH
(5-7 17:43)
torpedoes : cha
targets : ray'
soldiers : negh
(5-9 23:36)
can (verb suffix) : -laH
can't (verb suffix) : -'laHbe'
(verb suffix for questions) : -'a'
(5-13 30:26)
yes : HIja'
no : ghobe'
Lesson 6

New vocabulary in this lesson (Section 6-1 Time 0:27)

food : Soj
meat, animal : Ha'DIbaH
restaurant : Qe'
menu : HIDjolev
chocolate : yuch
beer, wine : HIq
tea : Dargh
coffee : qa'vIn
(6-4 9:43)
bigger, more important (noun suffix) : -'a'
smaller, less important (noun suffix) : -Hom

(6-5 12:43)
boy : loDHom
girl : be'Hom
(6-7 16:41)
hides, cloaks : So'
guards : 'av
scans : Hotlh
hunts : wam
(6-9 20:45)
doer (verb suffix) : -wI'
(6-10 23:12)
cloaking device : So'wI'
guard : 'avwI'
scanner : HotlhwI'
hunter : wamwI'
(6-12 25:43)
willing to (verb suffix) : -qang
not willing to (verb suffix) : -qangbe'
willing to? (verb suffix) : -qang'a'
Lesson 7

New vocabulary in this lesson (Section 7-1 Time 0:27)

body : porgh
head : nach
arm : DeS
hand : ghop
leg : 'uS
foot : qam
heart : tIq
blood : 'Iw
(7-2 4:34)
(plural noun suffix for body parts) : -Du'
(7-3 8:13)
guides : Dev
follows, chases : tlha'
watches : bej
listens : 'Ij
meets (for the first time) : qIH
introduces : lIH
chooses : wIv
annoys : nuQ
(7-4 13:06)
he (does something to) me (verb prefix) : muhe (does something to) you (verb prefix) : Du(7-6 19:54)
to be good : QaQ
to be bad : qab
to be new : chu'
to be old (not new) : ngo'
to be big : tIn
to be small : mach
to be hot : tuj
to be cold : bIr
Lesson 8

New vocabulary in this lesson (Section 8-1 Time 0:27)

lives : yIn
dies : Hegh
cooks : vut
serves food : jab
arrives : paw

departs : tlheD
carries : qeng
brings : qem
(8-3 6:26)
one : wa'
two : cha'
three : wej
four : loS
five : vagh
six : jav
seven : Soch
eight : chorgh
nine : Hut
ten : wa'maH
(8-6 17:36)
I / me : jIH
you : SoH
he, she / him, her : ghaH
Lesson 9

New vocabulary in this lesson (Section 9-1 Time 0:26)

serves (a master) : toy'
(9-2 1:32)
servant : toy'wI'
slave : toy'wI''a'
boss : pIn
entity : Dol
son : puqloD
daughter : puqbe'
husband : loDnal
wife : be'nal
(9-3 5:22)
to be old (not young) : qan
to be young : Qup
to be clean : Say'
to be dirty : lam
to be strong : HoS
to be weak : puj
to be happy : Quch
to be unhappy : QuchHa'
(9-6 14:49)
very (verb suffix) : -qu'
(9-10 23:41)
now : DaH
soon : tugh
today : DaHjaj
tomorrow : wa'leS
yesterday : wa'Hu'
Lesson 10

New vocabulary in this lesson (Section 10-1 Time 0:27)

home : juH
room : pa'
door : lojmIt
window : Qorwagh
stairs : letlh
table : raS
chair : quS
bed : QongDaq
(10-2 4:42)
enters, goes in : 'el
stands : Qam
sits : ba'

lies (reclines) : Qot

to be open : poS
to be closed : SoQ
(10-4 11:20)
cause something to happen (verb suffix) : -moH
(10-6 15:29)
in, on, at (noun suffix) : -Daq
(10-7 18:45)
here, the area around here : naDev
there, the area around there : pa'
everywhere, all places : Dat
(10-10 25:31)
need to (verb suffix) : -nIS
(10-12 30:08)
afraid to (verb suffix) : -vIp

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