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Buildings and houses are basic requirements of any
humenbeing .there are several changes in construction
technology since the beginning.The basic requirements of
construction now a days are best easthetic look ,fast,economical
and high quality.Pre engineered building is best option for all
these requrements.Pre engineered building are cost effective,time
consuming are compaired to other conventional
buildings.Generally pre engineered buildings are faster
thanconventinal buildings,25% less time consuming,and 30%
lighter than convensional building.The plan and load on building
are calculated at the biginningand the members are
manufactured in factory and they are just assembled on actual
time at the time of construction.
Key words:Introduction,advantages,various systems,technical
Reference: [1]Milind Bhojkar & Milind Darade,Comparison of
Pre Engineering Building and Steel Building with
Cost and Time Effectiveness; International Journal
of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology,
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December 2014.

[2]Saurabh A. Shah, Madhav B. Kumthekar, An

overview of Pre- Engineered Building Systems in
India;Proceedings of 27th IRF International
Conference, 24th May 2015, Pune, India.

[3] C.M.Meera,Pre-Engineered Building Design of

An Industrial Warehouse;International Journal of
Engineering Sciences & Emerging Technologies,
June 2013 Volume 5, Issue 2, pp: 75-82 IJESET.

[4] J.Jayavelmurugan J.R.Thirumal, Padmanabhan

haridas, A study of Pre-Engineered Building
structures, International Journal of Innovative
Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 4, Issue 1, January 2015.
Prepaired by
Anju Abraham
S7 CE ,06

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