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United States Court of Appeals

Tenth Circuit


FEB 14 2000



ENERGY, INC., doing business as
Rocket Oil Company; SPRING
COMPANY, as trustee; PAUL
GRAY, as trustee; MARJORIE L.
SIMMONS, as trustee;
NATIONSBANK N.A., co-trustee of
the Louis Howard Andres Cox Trusts
B & D,


No. 98-3223

Appeal from the United States District Court
for the District of Kansas
(D.C. No. 85-1636 )
Arthur R. Miller, Cambridge, Massachusetts, (Fred H. Bartlit, Jr., Donald E.
Scott, Ellen A. Cirangle, Ryan D. Downs, Glen E. Summers, of Bartlit, Beck,
Herman, Palenchar & Scott, Denver, Colorado, Attorneys for PlaintiffsAppellants William I. Koch, Oxbow Energy, Inc., Northern Trust Company and
Spring Creek Art Foundation; Harry L. Najim, of Najim Law Offices, Wichita,
Kansas; Russell E. Brooks, Eugene F. Farabaugh, of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley &
McCloy, New York, New York, Attorneys for Plaintiffs-Appellants Frederick R.
Koch and The Fiduciary Trust Company International; Gregory S. C. Huffman, L.
James Berglund, II, Christopher L. Barnes, of Thompson & Knight, P.C., Dallas,
Texas, Attorneys for Plaintiffs-Appellants L. B. Simmons Energy, Inc. d/b/a
Rocket Oil Company, Gay A. Roane, Ann Alspaugh, Paul Cox, Holly Farabee and
Ronald Borders, with him on the briefs).
Robert L. Howard, of Foulston & Siefkin L.L.P., Wichita, Kansas (James M.
Armstrong, James D. Oliver, and Timothy B. Mustaine with him on the briefs) for
Before EBEL, McWILLIAMS, and MURPHY, Circuit Judges.
MURPHY, Circuit Judge.

In June of 1983, a group of Koch Industries, Inc. (KII) stockholders
entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (SPA) with KII. Under the SPA, the
selling stockholders (the Plaintiffs), who owned 47.8% of KII stock, received
$200 per share, a total value of approximately $1.1 billion. Two years later, the
Plaintiffs sued KII and individual KII officers (the Defendants), claiming the
Defendants misrepresented and omitted material facts during the negotiation of
the SPA, which resulted in the Plaintiffs undervaluation of KII stock. Thirteen
years later, the case finally went to trial. Following an eleven week trial, a jury
returned a verdict in favor of the Defendants. The Plaintiffs now appeal a host of
district court rulings, made both prior to and during trial.
Specifically, the Plaintiffs challenge the district courts summary judgment
ruling; its construction, application, and unwillingness to vary the terms of the
pretrial order; various evidentiary rulings; jury instructions on state law claims;
the district courts restrictions on the Plaintiffs fraud claims; its limitation of
damages; and, generally the trial courts administration of this litigation. With
the exception of the district courts jury instructions on two fraud claims premised
on Texas state law, this court affirms the judgment of the district court.


A. Factual Background
The subject of this dispute, KII, is the second largest privately-held
corporation in the United States. Based in Wichita, Kansas, KII owns an array of
energy-related operations in the United States and Canada. Specifically, KIIs
assets include oil refineries, service stations, pipelines, coal mines, oil and gas
exploration properties and processing plants, and a fleet of trucks. KII also owns
numerous ranches and several hundred Chrysler dealerships.
Originally named the Rock Island Oil and Refining Company, KII was
founded by Fred C. Koch, the father of plaintiffs William and Frederick Koch and
defendants Charles and David Koch. Fred Koch launched the company after
World War II, when his mentor, L.B. Simmons, sold a refinery and several
pipelines to Fred. In exchange, L.B. Simmons received stock and cash and he
soon purchased additional shares of Rock Island Oil and Refining.
L.B. Simmons stock eventually passed individually and in trust to the
following plaintiffs: Gay Roane, Holly Farabee, and Ronald Borders (the Texas
Plaintiffs), Ann Alspaugh, Paul Cox, and L.B. Simmons Energy, Inc.
(collectively, the Simmons Family 1). For decades, the Simmons Family elected

The Simmons Family includes the Texas Plaintiffs as well as Alspaugh,

Cox, and L.B. Simmons Energy, Inc.


a director to KIIs Board of Directors. Those members of the Simmons family

involved in the instant suit are cousins to the four Koch brothers.
In 1966 and 1967, Fred Koch gave all his common shares of KII stock to
trusts created for his four sons, granting equal shares to plaintiff William and
defendants Charles and David, but a lesser amount to plaintiff Frederick. When
Fred Koch died in 1967, Charles succeeded his father as a director and chief
executive officer of KII, positions he retains today. David went to work for KII
in 1970 and presently serves as an executive vice-president and a director.
William joined KII full-time in 1974, becoming vice president of corporate
development five years later and continuously serving as a director from 1967 to
1983. Frederick, however, displayed substantially less interest in the company; he
was never a KII employee and did not place a representative on the board until
March of 1981.
In 1980, a dispute erupted over the management of KII, pitting William,
Frederick and the Simmons Family against Charles and David. During this
contentious power struggle, Charles and David purchased the 4 % of KII stock
owned by Howard Marshall III, the son of director J. Howard Marshall II. As a
result, the voting percentage of stock retained by William, Frederick and the
Simmons Family stood at 47.8 %, while Charles, David and the family of J.


Howard Marshall II controlled 49.7 %, with employees and others owning the
balance. In addition, the Board voted to terminate Williams employment at KII.
At that point, KII began negotiating with William, Frederick and the
Simmons Family either to buy back some or all of their stock or to take KII public
and have the now dissident shareholders sell their stock on the public market.
Both sides then retained law firms and investment banking companies to represent
them in the negotiations. On behalf of the dissident shareholders, the investment
banking firm Goldman Sachs undertook an extensive valuation study of KII,
beginning in the spring of 1982.
These efforts culminated in the June 1983 SPA. Signed by all parties on
June 4, 1983, the SPA provided that William, Frederick and the Simmons Family
would sell their shares of KII common stock back to the company for $200 per
share. In addition, the selling shareholders received their pro rata interests in an
offshore oil concession. The SPA contained two relevant warranties by KII: The
first provided that all KII financial statements disclosed to the selling
shareholders had fairly presented KIIs financial condition and were prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The second warranty
promised that since December 31, 1982, the Defendants had provided all
information which if fully disclosed might materially affect the valuation of
[KII] stock . . . .

B. Procedural Background
In June of 1985, two years after signing the SPA, the selling shareholders
filed suit, claiming the Defendants had misrepresented or failed to disclose
material facts which, if properly provided, would have increased the Plaintiffs
valuation of KII stock at the time of the SPA. Specifically, the complaint detailed
three alleged misrepresentations concerning KIIs oil and gas properties in the
Persian Gulf, Utah, and North Dakota and further alleged a general scheme to
conceal the true value of KII stock. The Plaintiffs asserted federal claims under
sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Securities
and Exchange Commission Rule 10b-5, and state claims for breach of fiduciary
duty, breach of warranty, and fraud. They requested actual damages of over $2
billion. The Defendants named in the action were KII; Charles and David Koch;
Sterling Varner, the president and a director of KII; Tom Carey, KIIs vice
president of finance; and Donald Cordes, KIIs vice president of legal affairs.
On November 5, 1986, the district court granted summary judgment in
favor of the Defendants on the Persian Gulf and Utah claims, but denied summary
judgment on the North Dakota claim. The district court also determined the
Plaintiffs allegation of a general scheme to conceal the value of stock failed to
meet the particularity requirement of Rule 9(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure. After several failed attempts to bring the excluded claims before other

fora, 2 in 1989 the Plaintiffs persuaded the district court to grant them leave to
amend their complaint, adding both general and specific allegations of fraudulent
accounting policies and practices. Based on this amended complaint, the

The Plaintiffs first filed a motion for reconsideration of the grant of

summary judgment and a motion for leave to amend their complaint to meet Rule
9(b)s particularity requirement, but the district court denied these two motions.
The Plaintiffs then unsuccessfully petitioned this court for a writ of mandamus
compelling the district court to vacate the order denying them leave to amend.
See Koch v. Koch, 1988 WL 130669, at *2 (D.Kan., Nov. 4, 1988). Later that
year, the Plaintiffs brought a separate suit before another judge of the United
States District Court for the District of Kansas, again alleging fraud and
misrepresentation regarding the SPA. See Oxbow Energy, Inc. v. Koch Indus.,
Inc., 686 F.Supp. 278, 279-80 (D.Kan. 1988). The district court, however, granted
summary judgment to the Defendants, because it required [the Plaintiffs] to
bring all claims of misrepresentation arising out of the [SPA] in one action. Id.
at 282. In that order, the district court stated,

[T]he court cannot condone plaintiffs practice of running to a

different city within the district and filing a new case every time a
judge in a prior action makes a ruling adverse to that litigants
position. The court cannot be made a party to what is in effect an
appeal from Judge Crows ruling in the 1985 action.
Id. Finally, in 1988, in a suit brought by Charles and David Koch against William
Koch requesting specific performance of a sales contract concerning a coin
collection and real property, William counterclaimed, alleging he was excused
from performance due to Charles and Davids misrepresentations regarding the
SPA. See Koch, 1988 WL 130669, at *1-*2. Yet a third judge of the same
district court dismissed Williams counterclaim as precluded by the summary
judgment order issued in Oxbow Energy, Inc. v. Koch Indus., Inc. See Koch, 1988
WL 130669, at *3-*4. After reciting the above quoted language from the Oxbow
Energy summary judgment order, the district court concluded, This counterclaim
is the third vehicle which defendant has used to raise the same issues . . . . This
court is even more emphatically unwilling to overrule the clear decisions of two
learned brothers. Id. at *4.

Plaintiffs then sought broad discovery from several non-parties, requests which a
magistrate judge and the district court strictly limited.
In 1993, the district court closed discovery. The Defendants then filed a
motion for summary judgment on all of the remaining claims. On July 11, 1997,
the district court issued its order, granting summary judgment to the Defendants
on several of the Plaintiffs claims. The district court, however, denied summary
judgment on one of the Plaintiffs accounting claims, which alleged the
Defendants failed to disclose that certain expenses were unusual or infrequently
occurring. In addition, the district court preserved the Plaintiffs claims that the
Defendants withheld information about two expansions of KIIs Pine Bend
Refinery in Minnesota. Just prior to trial the district court further ruled that
Texas law governed the Texas Plaintiffs state law fraud claims.
In 1998, an eleven week jury trial proceeded on the accounting and Pine
Bend claims. The jury eventually returned a verdict in favor of the Defendants.
With respect to the Pine Bend claims, the jury found that the Defendants had
withheld information but that their misrepresentations or omissions were not
material. It also found the Defendants had not breached their fiduciary duty,
because they disclosed all material facts and KII had paid a fair price for the
stock. On the accounting claim, the jury found the expenses at issue were not
infrequently occurring as defined by generally accepted accounting principles.

The Plaintiffs, including the Texas Plaintiffs, now challenge a litany of

district court rulings issued both before and during the trial. This court exercises
jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291 and affirms in part and reverses in

A. Pine Bend Claims
The Plaintiffs challenge two district court rulings relating to their claims
that, prior to the SPA, the Defendants withheld information about expansion plans
for KIIs Pine Bend Refinery. First, the Plaintiffs argue the district court
improperly granted summary judgment against the Plaintiffs on their claim that
the Defendants did not disclose KIIs plans to expand the refinery to a crude
processing capacity of 175,000 barrels per day (B/D). Second, the Plaintiffs
assert the district court erred by denying their motion to amend the Pretrial Order
to conform to evidence at trial indicating that just prior to the SPA, KII had plans
to increase the refinerys capacity to 200,000 B/D.
1. Summary Judgment on the 175,000 B/D Claim
In a 1993 Pretrial Order, 3 the Plaintiffs asserted the following claim:
Although this 1993 Pretrial Order is not dated, file-stamped, or signed by
the District Judge, and does not set a date for the pretrial conference, the parties


As of the date of the stock sale, defendants knew but did not
inform the selling shareholders that KII already was increasing, and
making plans for further increasing, the crude processing capacity of
the Pine Bend Refinery to approximately 145,000 B/D by June 1983;
to approximately 155,000 B/D by the end of 1983; and to
approximately 175,000 B/D within the next two years thereafter.
. . . Defendants plans included delivering and selling the increased
Pine Bend output into existing and new market territories to be
accessed more effectively by the reversal of the direction of flow of
the Williams Pipeline and by other means.
1993 Pretrial Order, 9-10 (italics added) (underline in original). The Plaintiffs
sought to recover for these alleged omissions under the following legal theories:
(1) breach of contractual warranty; (2) breach of fiduciary duty; (3) common law
fraud; and (4) securities fraud. See id. at 16.
The Defendants moved for summary judgment on each of the 145,000,
155,000, and 175,000 B/D claims. The district court denied summary judgment

appear to have treated this proposed order as defining their claims and defenses
for purposes of the summary judgment motion. This court will similarly treat the
1993 Pretrial Order.
After the district court issued its summary judgment order in 1997, the
parties drafted a new pretrial order (the 1998 Pretrial Order) which reflected the
determinations made at summary judgment. Thus, the 1998 Pretrial Order looks
much like the 1993 Pretrial Order, except that it does not include those claims
which the district court had ruled insufficient as a matter of law. This 1998
Pretrial Order, which was subjected to the formalities normally required for such
orders, constituted the final pretrial order prior to trial and was used to measure
the dimensions of the trial. See infra note 9.


on the 145,000 and 155,000 B/D claims, allowing those claims to go to trial, but
granted the Defendants motion on the 175,000 B/D claim.
In its summary judgment order, the district court first posed the issue in
these terms: Is there enough evidence from which a reasonable jury could find
that as of June of 1983 KII had firm plans to expand Pine Bends capacity to
175,000 bpd within two years? Summary Judgment Memorandum and Order,
July 11, 1997, at 127-28 (emphasis added). In answering this question, the
district court went on to rule,
The court believes a reasonable jury could not find that the
defendants in June of 1983 had reasonably firm or definite plans to
expand Pine Bends capacity to 175,000 bpd within two years. At
most, the evidence sustains the inference that [KII] officials believed
in early 1983 that the economic forecasts and other projections were
sufficiently favorable that they should reconsider now increasing
refinery capacity under two previously defined cases. . . . The
plaintiffs do not submit any evidence from which one can reasonably
infer that as of the SPA the defendants had already decided on a
specific schedule for expanding refinery capacity regardless of [the
engineering firm] Litwins engineering results and cost summaries.
Instead, the evidence overwhelmingly indicates that the defendants
remained uncertain about the timing, amount and type of any
expansion and that any decision to expand remained contingent on
among other things, Litwins results. The mere decision to consider
refinery expansion and to set parameters for estimating costs is not
what the plaintiffs allege in this claim. They allege that the
defendants planned to expand the refinery to 175,000 bpd within two
years. Quite simply, the plaintiffs do not come forth with the
evidence to sustain this allegation of planned expansion.
Id. at 128-29 (emphasis added).


The Plaintiffs appeal this decision on two grounds. First, the Plaintiffs
contend the district court erroneously required evidence of firm or definite
plans, even though neither the Plaintiffs claim in the Pretrial Order nor the
controlling law on any of their legal theories uses those terms. Second, the
Plaintiffs assert that a reasonable jury could find that the evidence supported the
exact claim articulated in the Pretrial Order, i.e., KII was making plans for a
175,000 B/D expansion.
This court reviews a district courts grant of summary judgment de novo.
See Anderson v. Coors Brewing Co., 181 F.3d 1171, 1175 (10th Cir. 1999).
Summary judgment is appropriate if the pleadings, depositions, answers to
interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show
that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is
entitled to a judgment as a matter of law. Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c). When applying
this standard, we view the evidence and draw reasonable inferences therefrom in
the light most favorable to the nonmoving party. Simms v. Oklahoma ex rel.
Dept of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Servs., 165 F.3d 1321, 1326 (10th
Cir.), cert. denied, 120 S.Ct. 53 (1999). This court has held that failure of proof
of an essential element renders all other facts immaterial. See Treff v. Galetka, 74
F.3d 191, 195 (10th Cir. 1996). Thus, to succeed on summary judgment on the
175,000 B/D claim, the Defendants must demonstrate that no material facts

regarding this claim, or at least regarding any essential element of the claim, are
in dispute and that these undisputed facts fail to prove as a matter of law any
essential element of the claim.
In Air-Exec Inc. v. Two Jacks Inc., this court noted that when parties to a
lawsuit fail to object to or move to amend a pretrial order, that order measures
the dimensions of the lawsuit both in the trial court and on appeal. 584 F.2d
942, 944 (10th Cir. 1978); see also Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(e) (the pretrial order shall
control the subsequent course of the action unless modified by a subsequent
order). For purposes of summary judgment, therefore, the pretrial order coupled
with the governing law establish the quantum of evidence required for the
Plaintiffs to survive the Defendants summary judgment motion on the 175,000
B/D claim.
In the 1993 Pretrial Order, the Plaintiffs asserted KII was making plans
to expand the refinerys crude capacity to 175,000 B/D by the end of 1985. As
this order plots the dimensions of the Plaintiffs claim, they must reference
sufficient record evidence for this court to conclude a reasonable jury could find
KII was making plans for this 175,000 B/D expansion by the end of 1985.
Additionally, although each of the Plaintiffs four legal theories impose upon the


Defendants slightly different disclosure standards, 4 this court can look to the least
burdensome of these standards to determine whether any of the claims should
have gone to trial. Among these four slightly different disclosure standards, the
least rigorous for the Plaintiffs is that flowing from their breach of warranty
claim. Thus, in order for even the warranty claim to survive summary judgment,
this court, viewing the evidence before the district court at summary judgment in
a light most favorable to the Plaintiffs, must answer the following three questions
in the affirmative. (1) Could a reasonable jury find that at the time of the SPA,
KII was making plans to expand Pine Bends crude refining capacity to 175,000
Due to the terms of the SPA, the breach of warranty claim requires the
Plaintiffs to prove a failure to disclose any event, condition, or state of facts . . .
which if fully disclosed might materially affect the valuation of stock of [KII] by
a prudent and knowledgeable investor . . . . SPA, 5(d) (emphasis added).
Under their breach of fiduciary duty claim, the Plaintiffs must demonstrate that
the Defendants withheld some facts affecting the value or price of stock or any
other matters which would tend to increase the value of the corporations stock.
See Sampson v. Hunt, 564 P.2d 489, 492 (Kan. 1977). The common law fraud
claim requires the Plaintiffs to show KII knowingly or recklessly withheld
information to which a reasonable person would attach importance in determining
at what price to sell KII stock, and that Plaintiffs did in fact rely on this nondisclosure to their detriment. See McGuire v. Gunn, 300 P. 654, 656 (Kan. 1931)
(defining common law fraud); Griffith v. Byers Constr. Co., 510 P.2d 198, 205
(Kan. 1973) (establishing when an omission or non-disclosure constitutes a
material fact for purposes of common law fraud). Finally, to succeed on their
securities fraud claim, the Plaintiffs must show a substantial likelihood the nondisclosed information would have been viewed by a reasonable investor as having
significantly altered the total mix of information made available. See 17 CFR
240.10b-5 (defining securities fraud under Rule 10b-5 of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934); Basic Inc. v. Levinson, 485 U.S. 224, 231 (1988) (establishing when
a fact is material under 10b-5).


B/D by the end of 1985? (2) If so, did KII withhold this information from the
Plaintiffs prior to the SPA? (3) Might knowledge of this information materially
affect the valuation of KII stock by a prudent and knowledgeable investor?
Without needing to address the last two of these three inquires, this court
concludes that a reasonable jury could not have found KII was making plans for a
175,000 B/D expansion at the time of the SPA. In reaching this determination,
we have reviewed all of the record evidence which might support the Plaintiffs
claim, though this court is not obligated to locate or inspect materials not
referenced by the parties in their briefs. 5 See Adler v. Wal-Mart Stores, 144 F.3d
664, 672 (10th Cir. 1998); see also Gamble, Simmons & Co. v. Kerr-McGee
Corp., 175 F.3d 762, 773 n.5 (10th Cir. 1999) (In the absence of sufficient
citation to record support for a partys allegations, we decline to search for the
proverbial needle in a haystack.).
The crux of the Plaintiffs 175,000 B/D expansion claim is this: as far as
the Plaintiffs knew, at the time of the SPA the Pine Bend Refinery utilized two
crude units, No. 1 having a capacity of approximately 40,000 B/D and No. 2
having a capacity of approximately 90,000 B/D, for a total capacity of
approximately 130,000 B/D. Unbeknownst to the Plaintiffs, however, KII was in

Attached as an appendix to this opinion is a detailed list and discussion

of the relevant evidence. See infra Appendix.


the process of revamping unit No. 2 to a capacity of 110,000 B/D, while also
working with Litwin Engineering (Litwin) either to expand No. 1 to a 65,000
B/D capacity or to replace No. 1 with a new unit with a 65,000 B/D capacity. The
Litwin project, combined with the revamp of unit No. 2, would allegedly result in
a total capacity of 175,00 B/D, all of which information the Plaintiffs claim the
Defendants hid from them prior to the SPA.
In opposing summary judgment on the 175,000 B/D claim, the Plaintiffs
also rely heavily upon evidence that KII had struck a deal with the Williams
Pipeline Company to reverse the flow of the Williams pipeline, but failed to
inform the Plaintiffs of that agreement. The Plaintiffs maintain that the Williams
reversal provided KII access to new markets for gasoline, thus indicating a plan to
increase crude production capacity to 175,000 B/D. Evidence of general market
expansion, however, does not specifically support the Plaintiffs discrete claims
for crude production expansion to 145,000; 155,000; 175,000; or 200,000 B/D.
Indeed, to succeed on each of these claims, the Plaintiffs must direct this court to
evidence of distinct plans to expand production capacity to each specifically
alleged number of barrels per day, independent of evidence demonstrating efforts
to expand general markets. When the Plaintiffs stated claims so discretely
reference 145,000 B/D, 155,000 B/D, and 175,000 B/D and further include
anticipated dates of accomplishment for each expansion, they must provide

evidence differentiating between the three claims. With respect to the 175,000
B/D claim, therefore, the Plaintiffs need to demonstrate evidence of the alleged
plan through Litwin to expand Pine Bends crude production capacity to 175,000
B/D. 6
Viewing the relevant evidence in a light most favorable to the Plaintiffs,
this court concludes that a reasonable jury could not find that prior to the SPA KII
was making plans to expand Pine Bends crude production to 175,000 B/D. At
most, KII was merely contemplating this expansion possibility. Although the
evidence does not reveal definitively whether KII ever contracted with Litwin to
conduct design and cost studies for this possible expansion, this court concludes
that a reasonable jury could infer such a contract existed and even that Litwin
performed this work. What a reasonable jury could not find, however, is that

The Appendix to this opinion, therefore, does not include any evidence of
the alleged secret deal to reverse the Williams pipeline. See infra Appendix. The
summary judgment order did not in fact preclude introduction of such evidence,
because, as discussed above, that evidence also was relevant to the 145,000 and
155,000 B/D claims; indeed, the Plaintiffs presented such evidence at trial.
Similarly, the Appendix does not include the doom and gloom evidence
which the Plaintiffs contend is also relevant to the 175,000 B/D claim. See infra
Appendix. In short, the Plaintiffs allege the Defendants, while secretly planning
for these expansions, communicated to the Plaintiffs dire predictions about the
economic future of the refinery. This court need not consider such evidence to
determine whether the Plaintiffs presented a material issue of fact regarding the
existence of a 175,000 B/D expansion plan, because this evidence really bears on
the separate issue of whether the Defendants withheld information about the
alleged expansion. As stated above, this court need not address that question.


KIIs contracting with Litwin to perform preliminary design and cost studies rises
to the level of KIIs making plans for this expansion. According to MerriamWebsters Collegiate Dictionary, to make plans is synonymous with to plan,
which is defined as to devise or project the realization or achievement of.
Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary (10th ed., 1993) (emphasis added). To
study, however, merely means to consider attentively or in detail. Id.
(emphasis added). Resort to dictionaries thus confirms that which common
parlance indicates: studying is not planning, and, in this case, the term
making plans connotes a higher level of commitment to the expansion than
mere evidence of initial cost and design studies indicate.
Moreover, the totality of the remainder of the evidence provides an even
stronger sense that KIIs approach to this potential 175,000 B/D expansion was
rather tentative, at least at the time of the SPA. In November of 1983, five
months after the SPA, KII announced plans for a more aggressive expansion to
over 200,000 B/D, a plan predicated on an entirely different technical approach
than the ones studied by Litwin to effectuate the 175,000 B/D expansion. This
approximately 200,000 B/D expansion envisioned adding a third crude processing
unit, as opposed to the options studied by Litwin of either replacing or upgrading
existing unit No. 1. Despite the 200,000 B/D expansion announcement, one
month later KII was still merely considering the lesser, intermediate step of

expanding to 175,000 B/D, as evidenced by an announcement at the December

1983 Board of Directors Meeting that KII was continuing to analyze the technical
and economic feasibility of the 175,000 B/D expansion options studied by Litwin.
It was only in February 1984, eight months after the SPA, that KII apparently
committed in any way to an approximately 175,000 B/D expansion. 7 In sum, the
evidence before the district court at summary judgment, viewed in a light most
favorable to the Plaintiffs, shows at most that KII was considering an expansion
to 175,000 B/D when the parties signed the SPA, but it does not demonstrate that
KII was actually making plans for this expansion, as the Plaintiffs alleged in the
Pretrial Order. Thus, this court affirms the district courts grant of summary
judgment for the Defendants on the 175,000 B/D expansion claim.
Alternatively, the evidence in no way establishes KII had firm plans for a
175,000 B/D expansion at the time of the SPA and, although the district court
erred in requiring evidence of such firm plans, the Plaintiffs invited this error and
thus cannot appeal it. This court has long recognized the equitable doctrine of
invited error. See United States v. Johnson, 183 F.3d 1175, 1179 n.2 (10th Cir.
1999); Air Exec., 584 F.2d at 944. The Invited Error doctrine prevents a party

This February 1984 commitment, however, was actually to expand Pine

Bends crude capacity merely to 170,000 B/D, something less than the amount
pleaded by the Plaintiffs.


from inducing action by a court and later seeking reversal on the ground that the
requested action was error. Johnson, 183 F.3d at 1178-79 n.2.
Here, the Plaintiffs induced the district court at the summary judgment
stage to view their claim as asserting KII had made firm plans for a 175,000
B/D expansion. Both the Plaintiffs expert witness, in his report, and their Brief
in Opposition to the Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment stated KII had
firm plans for this expansion in June of 1983. One important purpose of
written briefs and expert opinion evidence is to focus the courts attention on the
specific nature of the legal theories and factual allegations at issue in a case. By
claiming these firm plans, the Plaintiffs themselves induced the district court to
focus on whether KII had made such firm plans. Cf. Air Exec., 584 F.2d at 944
(holding defendants could not appeal an inferential admission they had made in
the Pretrial Order, as the Pretrial Order measures the dimensions of the
This court acknowledges that it is the Pretrial Order which measures the
dimensions of a lawsuit, and not a summary judgment brief or an experts
testimony, and therefore the district court erred in requiring evidence of firm
plans rather than making plans. Nonetheless, the Plaintiffs induced the district
court into making this error, and thus they cannot challenge this heightened
evidentiary requirement on appeal. Because the evidence before the district court

on summary judgment, viewed in a light most favorable to the Plaintiffs, provides

no indication whatsoever that KII had made firm plans to expand Pine Bend to
175,000 B/D at the time of the SPA, this court affirms the district courts grant of
summary judgment.
2. The Motion to Amend the Pretrial Order to Add a 200,000 B/D
Expansion Claim
At the close of their case, the Plaintiffs moved to amend the Pretrial Order
to conform to the evidence, asserting the Defendants had impliedly consented to
the trial of a new claim: that the Defendants failed to disclose KIIs pre-SPA plan
to expand Pine Bends capacity to 200,000 B/D. The district court denied that
motion for several reasons. First, it resolved that the evidence at trial presented
no new issues at all, but instead was the same evidence the Defendants presented
at summary judgment to show the Plaintiffs always knew about KIIs ideas for
expansion. The district court thus concluded the Defendants did not consent to
the trial of a new claim. Second, the district court reasoned that because the
subject evidence was also relevant to the claims already being tried, the Plaintiffs
could not rely on that evidence to amend the Pretrial Order in conformity with the
evidence. Third, the district court determined its reasoning for granting the
Defendants summary judgment on the 175,000 B/D claim applied with equal force
to any possible 200,000 B/D claim. Finally, the district court concluded that
forcing the Defendants to defend this new claim would unfairly disadvantage

them. This court reviews the district courts denial of the motion to amend for an
abuse of discretion. See Trierweiler v. Croxton & Trench Holding Corp, 90 F.3d
1523, 1543 (10th Cir. 1996).
During defense counsels cross-examination of William H. Hanna, the
President of KII at the time of trial, Hanna stated the following:
We really wanted very badly to do this, to be able to reverse [the
Williams] pipeline, because we could see as youve heard earlier,
starting in 76 there was more product, more product, more product.
We werent naive. We knew we were heading to 200,000 barrels a
day so we were looking for every outlet.
Later in the trial, the following exchange occurred between defendant David Koch
and Plaintiffs counsel during their direct examination:
Q: Did you know in the fall of 1982 that the Pine Bend Refinery was
heading to 200,000 barrels a day?
A: Yes, Bernie Paulson had been talking about expanding the
refinery to that number for many years.
Q: This was the Paulson starting talking about this
A: Yeah, in the 1970[s].
Q: in the 1970[s]. 70s. Hed advocated 200,000. Right?
A: Well, it was a long-term objective, yes.
Q: That you, David Koch, then did know in the fall of 1982 that the
company was heading to 200,000 barrels a day?
A: Yes, at some distant point in the future. I mean, we were trying to
get there eventually.
A: The 200,000 barrels a day was in the future. Now, I dont think
we had any idea of during the early 80s at what point we were
going to reach 200,000 barrels a day, but it was almost certain that
sooner or later we were going to get there.


In addition, Plaintiffs counsel questioned both Bernard Paulson and William

Koch about this alleged 1982 plan for expansion to 200,000 B/D.
The Plaintiffs contend that by eliciting Hannas testimony and failing to
object to the other testimony, the Defendants impliedly consented to the trial of a
new claim, i.e., that the Defendants failed to disclose to the Plaintiffs KIIs
200,000 B/D expansion plan. Because of this implied consent, the Plaintiffs
argue, the district court erred by denying them leave to amend the pretrial order to
include this additional claim.
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15(b) provides:
When issues not raised by the pleadings are tried by express or
implied consent of the parties, they shall be treated in all respects as
if they had been raised in the pleadings. Such amendment of the
pleadings as may be necessary to cause them to conform to the
evidence and to raise these issues may be made upon motion of any
party at any time, even after judgment . . . .
Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(b). A party impliedly consents to the trial of an issue not
contained within the pleadings either by introducing evidence on the new issue or
by failing to object when the opposing party introduces such evidence. See
Hardin v. Manitowoc-Forsythe Corp., 691 F.2d 449, 457 (10th Cir. 1982).
Contrary to the Plaintiffs characterization of Hannas and David Kochs
testimony, the Defendants neither introduced evidence on a new issue nor failed
to object to that type of evidence. Indeed, this testimony presented anything but a
new issue. Both before and during the course of this litigation, the Plaintiffs were

fully aware that beginning in 1977, KII President Bernard Paulson had lobbied to
expand Pine Bend to a capacity of 200,000 B/D. The Defendants presented
evidence at summary judgment demonstrating the Plaintiffs possessed knowledge
of Paulsons aspiration to expand Pine Bends capacity to 200,00 B/D. See 6A
Charles A. Wright & Arthur R. Miller, Federal Practice & Procedure 1527, at
287-89 (1990) ([I]f the evidence or issue was within the knowledge of the party
seeking modification [of the pretrial order] at the time of the [pretrial conference]
. . . then it may not be allowed.) Moreover, in both the 1993 and 1998 Pretrial
Orders, the Defendants attempted to refute the Plaintiffs non-disclosure claim by
contending that the Plaintiffs were aware of KIIs engagement in a process for
expansion. Thus, this longstanding objective to expand Pine Bend to a 200,000
B/D capacity was both known by the Plaintiffs and raised in the pleadings.
The Plaintiffs now argue that prior to the early 1980's, KII had abandoned
Paulsons idea for expansion, and therefore, the trial testimony pointed to some
new 200,000 B/D expansion plan first proposed in 1982 and about which the
Defendants were not informed. The only fair, contextual reading of the
testimony, however, does not support the Plaintiffs interpretation. Both Hanna
and David Koch unequivocally stated that this 1982 200,000 B/D expansion
objective had originated with Paulson back in 1976. Therefore, the district court


did not abuse its discretion in concluding that the Defendants had not consented
to the trial of an issue not raised in the pleadings.
In addition, Hannas and David Kochs testimony about the 200,000 B/D
expansion plan was relevant to issues already being tried. When the evidence
claimed to show that an issue was tried by consent is relevant to an issue already
in the case, and there is no indication that the party presenting the evidence
intended thereby to raise a new issue, amendment may be denied in the discretion
of the trial court. Hardin, 691 F.2d at 457; see also Dole v. Mr. W Fireworks,
Inc., 889 F.2d 543, 547 (5th Cir. 1989) (The evidence that [plaintiff] alleges to
have shown implied consent was also relevant to the other issues at trial and
cannot be used to imply consent to try the present issue. (emphasis in original)).
The Plaintiffs awareness of all KIIs ideas for expanding Pine Bend was relevant
to whether the Plaintiffs were unaware of the purported 145,000 and 155,000 B/D
expansions, claims that were being tried. Undoubtedly, that is why defense
counsel elicited this testimony, not because the Defendants intended to raise a
new issue. The Defendants were merely attempting to demonstrate that KII
embraced a healthy corporate philosophy to act aggressively, move ahead, and
increase market share, a philosophy of which the Plaintiffs were aware. The
evidence regarding the 200,000 B/D expansion goal was introduced simply to
illustrate the Plaintiffs knowledge of that philosophy and thus of the two lesser

expansions, not to inject evidence of a specific or discrete plan, as argued by the

Plaintiffs. The district court, therefore, did not abuse its discretion in denying the
Plaintiffs motion to amend the Pretrial Order.
Alternatively, the Plaintiffs argue that even if the Defendants did not
consent to trial of a 200,000 B/D expansion claim, the district court still should
have granted the Plaintiffs motion to amend the Pretrial Order because the
Defendants failed to show that they would be prejudiced by the trial of the new
claim. 8 This argument, however, relies on an incorrect interpretation of the
district courts reasoning. The district court did not conclude merely that the
Defendants failed to consent, but also that the evidence at issue presented no new
claim. Although Rule 15(b) does allow a court, under certain circumstances, to

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15(b) provides,

If evidence is objected to at the trial on the ground that
it is not within the issues made by the pleadings, the
court may allow the pleadings to be amended and shall
do so freely when the presentation of the merits of the
action will be subserved thereby and the objecting party
fails to satisfy the court that the admission of such
evidence would prejudice the party in maintaining the
partys action or defense upon the merits.

Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(b); see also Hardin v. Manitowoc-Forsythe Corp., 691 F.2d
449, 457 (10th Cir. 1982) (Even where there is no consent, and objection is made
at trial that evidence is outside the scope of the pretrial order, amendment may
still be allowed unless the objecting party satisfies the court that he would be
prejudiced by the amendment.).

amend pleadings to conform to evidence even when the opposing party objected
to that evidence, application of any portion of Rule 15(b) is appropriate only
when an issue not raised by the pleadings has, in fact, been presented. Fed. R.
Civ. P. 15(b). As discussed above, the district court did not abuse its discretion
in concluding the testimony about the longstanding aspiration to expand Pine
Bend to 200,000 B/D presented no issues not raised in the pleadings, both because
the Plaintiffs were previously aware of this evidence and because this evidence
was relevant to other issues already being tried. Rule 15(b), therefore, does not
apply at all to this testimony, and this court need not undertake a Rule 15(b)
prejudice analysis with respect to that testimony. Thus, we affirm the district
courts denial of the Plaintiffs motion to amend the pleadings to conform to the

B. Accounting Claims
During discovery, the Plaintiffs obtained, for the first time, a document
entitled Extraordinary Items 1982, a list of company expenses and other
accounting items from 1982 prepared by KIIs controller, Milton Hall. After
discovering the existence of Halls list, the Plaintiffs were granted leave of court
to amend their complaint, adding allegations about KIIs accounting treatment of
the items on Halls list. They contended the Defendants 1982 financial

statements, upon which the Plaintiffs relied when valuing KII stock for the SPA,
failed to identify the items on Halls list as non-recurring. Because these
expenses were, according the Plaintiffs, actually non-recurring in nature, the
Plaintiffs undervalued the company by approximately $283 million.
The Plaintiffs sought recovery for these alleged mischaracterizations as a
violation of both the Full Disclosure and the Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP) warranties contained in the SPA, as well as the Defendants
fiduciary duty of full disclosure. With respect to these accounting claims, the
Plaintiffs raise three issues on appeal: (1) whether the district court improperly
required the Plaintiffs to prove, as a predicate for all of their accounting claims,
that these expenses were unusual or infrequently occurring as defined by
GAAP; (2) whether the district court abused its discretion by failing to amend the
1998 Pretrial Order 9 to make clear that the accounting claims did not hinge on
the jurys finding the items were unusual or infrequently occurring as defined
by GAAP; and (3) whether the district court erroneously denied the Plaintiffs an
opportunity to present certain rebuttal testimony to the defense theory on these

Unlike the 1993 Pretrial Order, this order was file-stamped, signed by the
district court, and subject to a Pretrial Conference. See supra note 3. Indeed, this
was the final Pretrial Order prior to trial, which incorporated the summary
judgment rulings and ultimately controlled the course of the trial.


1. Requiring Proof of Unusual or Infrequently Occurring Losses

Under GAAP
In the 1998 Pretrial Order, the Plaintiffs set forth the following claims:
KII employed accounting methods that were designed
intentionally to understate KIIs earnings and assets in the financial
statements. . . .
To diminish its apparent earnings, KII therefore employed the
following accounting practice which violated GAAP and constituted
breaches of both warranties in the Stock Purchase and Sale
Agreement (quoted above): KII failed to disclose its unusual and/or
infrequently occurring losses. KII categorized these losses as
recurring expenses or depreciation, thereby artificially reducing what
appeared to be KIIs ordinarily recurring income.
(emphasis added)
Later that year, in ruling on a defense motion in limine seeking to exclude
some of the Plaintiffs expert testimony on the accounting claims, the district
court responded to the parties arguments about the parameters of these claims:
If the plaintiffs intend to pursue an allegation that the defendants failed to
disclose information on items that are neither unusual or infrequently occurring
under GAAP, then the court rules that such an allegation or theory is outside the
plaintiffs accounting claim as pleaded in the pretrial order . . . . The district
court looked to the 1998 Pretrial Order, which articulated only one factual basis
for the Plaintiffs accounting claim regarding these expenses: KII failed to
disclose its unusual and/or infrequently occurring losses. Additionally, the
district court noted the Plaintiffs chose to define these losses with accounting

parlance borrowed from GAAP. Thus, the district court concluded the Plaintiffs
must prove the Defendants failed to disclose unusual or infrequently
occurring items, as defined by GAAP, to prevail on their accounting claims and
therefore excluded any expert testimony on disclosure requirements for losses that
were not unusual and/or infrequently occurring.
At trial, Alfred Eckert, a former Goldman Sachs investment banker who led
the team hired by William Koch to value KII for purposes of the SPA, explained
that when valuing a companys stock, he would add back into the companys
earnings certain non-recurring losses. He further testified that his decision to add
back these items depended not on generally-accepted accounting principles, but
simply on whether, in his opinion, the losses likely would recur. On the
Defendants motion and over the Plaintiffs objection, the district court then
instructed the jury that the plaintiffs accounting claim is limited to the
defendants failure to disclose items that are unusual and/or infrequently
occurring as those terms are defined by [GAAP] and to disregard Eckerts
testimony addressing the treatment of non-recurring items that do not fall within
these definitions. The district court also issued an order (the May 12, 1998
Order) consistent with these instructions resolving that the accounting claims
were predicated on the Plaintiffs ability to prove the losses at issue were unusual
or infrequently occurring under GAAP. Finally, both the instructions which the

court gave the jury at the close of the trial and the jurys verdict form all
indicated that to prevail on their accounting claim, under any legal theory, the
Plaintiffs were required to prove the Defendants failed to disclose infrequently
occurring losses as defined by GAAP.
On appeal, the Plaintiffs challenge the district courts orders and actions
hinging their accounting claims on proof that the items at issue were unusual or
infrequently occurring as defined by GAAP. This court reviews for abuse of
discretion a district courts exclusion of evidence or issues from trial on the basis
of a properly-drawn, detailed pretrial order. See Grant v. Brandt, 796 F.2d 351,
355 (10th Cir. 1986).
It is first important to note that the failure to disclose unusual and/or
infrequently occurring losses constitutes the sole factual basis pleaded by the
Plaintiffs in the 1998 Pretrial Order to support their claims regarding the
Defendants accounting treatment of KII expenses. Because a pretrial order
defines the scope of an action for trial, the Plaintiffs were thus obligated to prove
this one specific factual contention to prevail on their accounting claims. See
Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(e) (A pretrial order entered after a pretrial conference shall
control the subsequent course of the action unless modified by a subsequent
order.); Trujillo v. Uniroyal Corp., 608 F.2d 815, 817 (10th Cir. 1979) (When
issues are defined by the pretrial order, they ought to be adhered to in the absence

of some good and sufficient reason.) (citation and internal quotation marks
omitted). The question then is whether the district court properly determined the
Plaintiffs needed to prove the losses were unusual or infrequently occurring as
defined by GAAP, or whether infrequent occurrence under some other standard
would have sufficed.
As the Plaintiffs point out, this court has recognized that a pretrial order
should be liberally construed to cover any of the legal or factual theories that
might be embraced by [its] language. Trujillo, 608 F.2d at 818 (quoting
Rodriguez v. Ripley Indus., Inc., 507 F.2d 782, 787 (1st Cir. 1974)). A careful
reading of this courts cases reviewing trial courts construction of pretrial orders,
however, reveals that a district court may more strictly construe a pretrial order
when that order has been refined over time, properly drawn, and drafted with
substantial specificity. See, e.g., Cleverock Energy Corp. v. Trepel, 609 F.2d
1358, 1361-62 (10th Cir. 1979) (affirming trial courts exclusion of breach of
fiduciary duty issue as beyond the scope of the pretrial order when the objecting
party failed to take timely advantage of an opportunity to enlarge upon the
general terms used in the order); Rigby v. Beech Aircraft Co., 548 F.2d 288, 29192 (10th Cir. 1976) (affirming trial courts exclusion of evidence of defects in 40gallon fuel cells of airplane when the plaintiffs answers to interrogatories and the
pretrial order consistently alleged defects only in the planes 31-gallon fuel cells).

On the other hand, this court has more liberally construed pretrial orders when the
orders are not drafted with substantial care and specificity. See, e.g., Whalley v.
Sakura, 804 F.2d 580, 582-83 (10th Cir. 1986) (liberally construing pretrial order
when pretrial order . . . stated the claims of the plaintiff in general terms);
Trujillo, 608 F.2d at 817-19 (broadly construing a pretrial order that was not
properly drawn, [was] not definitive, specific, complete or detailed).
In Cleverock Energy this court elaborated on the reasons for allowing two
divergent approaches to construing pretrial orders:
This court is acutely aware of the evils of the inflexible application
of a pretrial order. These evils are aggravated when the pretrial
order is unrefined. We recently held [in Trujillo] that a coarse
pretrial order could not be narrowly applied to exclude one of three
subtheories fairly encompassed within its general terms. However,
we should not lose sight of the important policies behind the pretrial
order mechanism, i.e., the narrowing of issues to facilitate an
efficient trial and to avoid surprise.
Cleverock Energy, 609 F.2d at 1361-62 (citations omitted). Ultimately, the court
held, We cannot in these circumstances conclude that the trial judge, who
presided over the pretrial conferences of this extensive litigation and had before
him the pleadings, motions and various pretrial statements of the parties, abused
his discretion in striking the . . . issue as beyond the scope of the litigation. Id.
at 1362. In sum, while pretrial orders generally should be construed liberally, a
district court may more strictly construe such an order when the party favoring a


liberal construction has had ample opportunity to refine the order and when the
final order is properly drawn and substantially specific.
The Plaintiffs do not allege that the 1998 Pretrial Order was improperly
drawn. Indeed, a pretrial conference was held on August 25, 1997, after which a
proposed order was drafted. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(d). The district court signed
the 1998 Pretrial Order on February 6, 1998. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(e). Further,
this court has noted a proper pretrial order is definitive, sharpen[s] and
simplifie[s] the issues to be tried, and represents a complete statement of all the
contentions of the parties. Trujillo, 608 F.2d at 817 (citations and internal
quotations omitted). The 1998 Pretrial Order in this case fits that bill, as many
years of draft pretrial orders, district court orders, and discovery served to focus
the legal and factual contentions of the parties and culminated in this final pretrial
order. Additionally, because numerous draft pretrial orders were produced over
the many years of this litigation, the Plaintiffs cannot claim that they lacked
opportunities to draft the order to clearly encompass their claims. Because the
1998 Pretrial Order was properly drawn, with relative specificity and
definitiveness, and because the Plaintiffs had ample opportunity to refine the
order, the district court was not required to afford the Plaintiffs overly-generous
leeway in its construction of their accounting claims.


Indeed, a contextual reading of the 1998 Pretrial Order leads this court to
conclude that the district court did not abuse its discretion in determining that the
Plaintiffs accounting claims predicated recovery on their ability to prove the
losses at issue were unusual or infrequently occurring as defined by GAAP.
Again, the 1998 Pretrial Order frames this accounting claim in the following
terms: To diminish its apparent earnings, KII therefore employed the following
accounting practice which violated GAAP and constituted breaches of both
warranties in the Stock Purchase and Sale Agreement (quoted above): KII failed
to disclose its unusual and/or infrequently occurring losses. (emphasis added).
As the district court noted in its May 12, 1998 order, the words unusual and/or
infrequently occurring are terms of art used in GAAP literature, which the
Plaintiffs earlier referenced at the summary judgment stage. Furthermore, this
lone factual allegation mentioning unusual and infrequently occurring losses
immediately follows a portion of the sentence which asserts a GAAP violation.
To support their reading of the 1998 Pretrial Order, the Plaintiffs point to
the conjunction and between the asserted GAAP violation and the alleged
breaches of two warranties, as well as the reference to both warranties. This
language, however, bolsters, rather than subverts, the district courts construction
of the pretrial order. The first of the two referenced warranties (the GAAP
Warranty) warranted that the financial statements disclosed to the Plaintiffs as of

December 31, 1981 and December 31, 1982 fairly present the . . . financial
condition . . . of . . . [KII] . . . in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles . . . . The second warranty (the Full Disclosure Warranty) stated
that since December 31, 1982, the Defendants had provided all information
which if fully disclosed might materially affect the valuation of the stock of
[KII] . . . . Although only the first of these warranties explicitly required GAAP
compliance, by pleading that the Defendants accounting practices violated GAAP
and both warranties, the Plaintiffs appear to assert that because these
practices violated GAAP they necessarily violated the Full Disclosure Warranty as
well as the GAAP Warranty. Otherwise, the initial reference to the GAAP
violation which precedes the word and would be superfluous, given the factual
allegation using GAAP terminology which follows. Thus, the claim ties GAAP
requirements to both warranties, as well as to the words unusual and
infrequently occurring.
Similarly, this court rejects the Plaintiffs argument that because they
separately pleaded breach of fiduciary duty, along with breach of these two
warranties, the court should not read the words unusual and infrequently
occurring as GAAP terms of art when applied to their breach of fiduciary duty
claim. In its May 12, 1998 order, the district court responded to this argument:
There is no reasonable construction of this pretrial order that is so liberal as to

permit a court to read terms of art in the same sentence as having two different
meanings simply because the party subsequently asserts an alternative legal
theory. This court concurs with that assessment. Further, as the district court
noted in that May 12 order, the Plaintiffs failed to exercise their drafting
prerogative to include a different, alternative, or additional definition in the
Pretrial Order. Instead, they effectively expressed their satisfaction to be bound
by the GAAP definition.
Finally, in analyzing the 1998 Pretrial Order, the district court properly
considered the parties motions, briefs, and arguments regarding the accounting
claims that came before it throughout the thirteen years in which that court
presided over this litigation. The district court stated, [T]he plaintiffs did not
allude during the summary judgment proceedings to any position that their two
legal theories on the accounting claim were based on alternative meanings to
unusual and/or infrequently occurring losses. The record bears out the
accuracy of this statement. For example, in its Memorandum in Opposition to
the Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment, the Plaintiffs assert, Thus, Koch
. . . failed contrary to GAAP to disclose its 1982 writeoffs as unusual, nonrecurring expenses. (emphasis added).
In conclusion, this court holds that the district court, with its thirteen years
of reading and listening to the parties assertions and arguments concerning these

accounting claims, did not abuse its discretion when it construed a properly
drawn, refined, and specific pretrial order as excluding any accounting claims not
predicated on proof that the losses at issue were unusual or infrequently occurring
by GAAP definitions.
2. The District Courts Failure to Amend the Pretrial Order
The Plaintiffs further argue the district court erred by failing to amend the
pretrial order to permit the trial of accounting claims not predicated on proof of
unusual or infrequently occurring losses as defined by GAAP. Although the
Plaintiffs never formally moved for an amendment of the pretrial order, this court
interpret[s] the assertion of an issue not listed in the pretrial order as the
equivalent of a formal motion to amend the order . . . . Trierweiler, 90 F.3d at
1543. Thus, by opposing the Defendants in limine motion, eliciting Eckerts
testimony, and opposing the Defendants motion to strike that testimony as
beyond the scope of the pretrial order, the Plaintiffs effectively moved for an
amendment of the pretrial order.
This court reviews a district courts failure to amend a final pretrial order
for an abuse of discretion. See id. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 16(e)
provides, The order following a final pretrial conference shall be modified only
to prevent manifest injustice. Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(e). Furthermore, the burden of
demonstrating manifest injustice falls upon the party moving for modification.

See R.L. Clark Drilling Contractors, Inc. v. Schramm, Inc., 835 F.2d 1306, 1308
(10th Cir. 1987). This court considers the following factors when faced with a
challenge to a district courts exclusion of an issue by failing to amend a pretrial
order: (1) prejudice or surprise to the party opposing trial of the issue; (2) the
ability of that party to cure any prejudice; (3) disruption to the orderly and
efficient trial of the case by inclusion of the new issue; and (4) bad faith by the
party seeking to modify the order. 10 Cf. Roberts v. Roadway Express, Inc., 149
F.3d 1098, 1108 (10th Cir. 1998); Smith v. Ford Motor Co., 626 F.2d 784, 797
(10th Cir. 1980). This court should also consider whether the party favoring
amendment of the pretrial order formally and timely moved for such modification
in the trial court. When a party fails to formally move for modification, it
neglects to focus the trial courts attention on the factors informing on the
The Plaintiffs contend the district court was required to consider these
factors and its failure to do so itself constitutes an abuse of discretion. This court
has never imposed such a requirement upon a district court when deciding
whether to amend a pretrial order or allow evidence or issues outside the pretrial
order to be presented; rather, we have always discussed these factors as matters
which this court should consider to determine if the district courts decision
constitutes an abuse of discretion. See Roberts v. Roadway Express, Inc., 149 F.3d
1098, 1108 (10th Cir. 1998); Smith v. Ford Motor Co., 626 F.2d 784, 797 (10th
Cir. 1980). Thus, the district courts failure to make explicit findings under these
four factors does not render its decision an abuse of discretion. The argument
raised here by the Plaintiffs is particularly disingenuous, given their own failure
to formally move to amend the order. The Plaintiffs simply cannot claim an abuse
of discretion by the district court for not reciting the factors for consideration of a
motion to amend a pretrial order when they failed to formally make such a


amendment determination and generally prevents the creation of an adequate

record as to the other four factors, thus limiting our effectiveness in reviewing the
trial courts decision. Cf. Hullman v. Board of Trustees of Pratt Community
College, 950 F.2d 665, 667-68 (10th Cir. 1991). The failure to formally move to
amend the pretrial order in this case resulted in exactly those consequences. This
court must therefore independently surmise the import of amending the pretrial
order to allow the trial of accounting claims not theretofore made.
Allowing the Plaintiffs to pursue any accounting claims without having to
prove the expenses at issue were unusual or infrequently occurring as defined by
GAAP would have significantly prejudiced and surprised the Defendants. When
the district court issued its March 1998 in limine order, it fully apprised all parties
of its understanding of the pretrial order and the parameters of the accounting
claims for trial. The Defendants undoubtedly relied upon that ruling to prepare
their own presentation of evidence as well as anticipate the Plaintiffs case. As a
consequence, the Plaintiffs sudden attempt to inject into the trial evidence which
the in limine order had precluded necessarily surprised the Defendants.
Additionally, a proper defense of these essentially new accounting claims would
have justified a mid-trial reopening of discovery, the addition of new witnesses,


and further motions and briefings. 11 After spending thirteen years honing their
defenses, this sudden amendment of the pretrial order would have significantly
prejudiced the Defendants. Cf. Joseph Mfg. Co., Inc. v. Olympic Fire Corp., 986
F.2d 416, 420 (10th Cir. 1993) (stating that defendants failure to raise specific
defense at an earlier possible juncture cuts deeply against his claim of manifest
injustice). Although the court could have allowed the Defendants to undertake
this additional work in order to cure the prejudice of injecting new issues into the
trial, to do so might have so severely disrupted the orderly and efficient course of
an ongoing trial that we cannot say the district courts refusal was an abuse of
discretion. Finally, the Plaintiffs neglect in not formally moving for amendment
of the pretrial order weighs against overturning the district courts decision. An
analysis of the applicable factors leads this court to conclude the Plaintiffs have
not demonstrated that manifest injustice resulted from the district courts failure
to amend the pretrial order and correspondingly they have failed to demonstrate
the district court abused its discretion in not amending the pretrial order.

Even if this court construes the Plaintiffs opposition to the in limine

order as the equivalent of a motion to amend the pretrial order and thus views the
surprise and prejudice from that point in time rather than from the elicitation of
evidence during trial, the Defendants still would have suffered the prejudice of
having just four months to prepare defenses to legal theories which the pleadings
up until that point had failed to articulate. Furthermore, and as discussed below,
analysis of the other factors firmly supports our conclusion that the district court
acted within its discretion in not amending the pretrial order.


3. The Rebuttal Testimony

During the Defendants case, three defense witnesses testified that KII was
by nature a risk-taking company and the losses at issue resulted from risky
ventures. With this testimony, the Defendants sought to demonstrate that these
losses did not constitute unusual or infrequently occurring losses under GAAP
definitions. Because those definitions account for the the environment in which
the entity operates, the Defendants presented testimony that KII operated within
a business environment in which it routinely took risks and suffered resulting
losses. In addition, according to the Plaintiffs, one of these defense witnesses,
Lynn Markel, on cross-examination disputed the testimony of Milton Hall, KIIs
controller, about some of the facts underlying the items on Halls list of
Extraordinary Items, which had triggered the Plaintiffs accounting claims.
The Plaintiffs then sought to recall one of their accounting witnesses, Gary
Gibbs, on rebuttal. The Plaintiffs proffered that this witness would testify the
Defendants interpretation of the GAAP definitions was incorrect and Markels
testimony disputing Hall was contradicted by the underlying documents and
financial statements. The district court precluded this rebuttal testimony,
concluding the Plaintiffs reasonably could have anticipated this defense theory
and evidence in their case-in-chief.


The Plaintiffs now challenge that decision, arguing that prior to the
testimony of these defense witnesses, the Defendants theory had always focused
on the likely recurrence of a type of event or write-down. With the introduction
of this testimony, the Plaintiffs assert, the Defendants theory suddenly twisted
into whether [KII] was a type of company that had to report its non-recurring
losses the same way as other companies. Thus, the Plaintiffs contend they were
entitled to present rebuttal testimony to this new defense theory and the district
court erred by denying them the opportunity to do so.
This court reviews for an abuse of discretion a district courts refusal to
allow rebuttal testimony. See Marsee v. United States Tobacco Co., 866 F.2d
319, 324 (10th Cir. 1989). [W]here the evidence rebuts new evidence or theories
proffered in the defendants case-in-chief, that the evidence may have been
offered in the plaintiffs case-in-chief does not preclude its admission in
rebuttal. Bell v. AT&T, 946 F.2d 1507, 1512 (10th Cir. 1991). When plaintiffs,
however, seek to rebut defense theories which they knew about or reasonably
could have anticipated, the district court is within its discretion in disallowing
rebuttal testimony. See Comcoa, Inc. v. NEC Telephones, Inc., 931 F.2d 655, 664
(10th Cir. 1991) (Because plaintiffs were warned that rebuttal evidence would be
restricted and because they reasonably could have anticipated defendants'
evidence . . . [i]t was within the district court's discretion to disallow plaintiffs'

rebuttal evidence.); Fashauer v. New Jersey Transit Rail Operations Inc., 57

F.3d 1269, 1287 (3d Cir. 1995) (holding that district court acted within its
discretion by precluding rebuttal testimony to that which reasonably could have
been anticipated). This court in fact endows the district court with broad
discretion in deciding whether to admit or exclude rebuttal evidence. United
States v. Olivo, 80 F.3d 1466, 1470 (10th Cir. 1996); see also Geders v. United
States, 425 U.S. 80, 86 (1976) (discussing trial courts broad powers to manage a
trial, including rebuttal testimony).
The GAAP definitions for unusual and infrequently occurring should
have alerted the Plaintiffs to the likelihood that the Defendants would argue the
nature of KIIs business endeavors rendered the expenses at issue usual and
frequently occurring. The Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 30, an
opinion at the heart of these accounting claims, refers to the following GAAP
definitions for unusual nature and infrequency of occurrence:
Unusual nature the underlying event or transaction should possess
a high degree of abnormality and be of a type clearly unrelated to, or
only incidentally related to, the ordinary and typical activities of the
entity, taking into account the environment in which the entity
Infrequency of occurrence the underlying event or transaction
should be of a type that would not reasonably be expected to recur in
the foreseeable future, taking into account the environment in which
the entity operates.


Reporting the Results of OperationReporting the Effects of Disposal of a

Segment of a Business, and Extraordinary, Unusual, and Infrequently Occurring
Events and Transactions, APB Opinion No. 30 (June 1973) (emphasis added).
These definitions explicitly underscore the need to consider accounting items
within the environment in which the entity operates when determining whether
to classify such items as unusual or infrequently occurring by GAAP standards.
Indeed, in opposing the Defendants motion for summary judgment, the Plaintiffs
themselves referenced the language found in APB Opinion No. 30 and pointed out
the significance of this language. The Plaintiffs should not have been surprised,
therefore, when the defense witnesses discussed the risk-taking business
environment in which KII operates and the effect of this environment upon the
accounting treatment of expenses.
Furthermore, testimony which the Defendants elicited on cross-examination
early in the Plaintiffs case-in-chief also should have put the Plaintiffs on notice
of the Defendants risk-taking environment theory. In cross-examining Milton
Hall about his list of Extraordinary Items, defense counsel took Hall through
his list item-by-item, having Hall explain the particular business context in which
each of the losses was sustained. Hall thus provided a broad overview of KIIs
various business enterprises, describing how each of these enterprises both sought
to make money and yet routinely suffered losses. One particularly relevant

example of this testimony occurred when Hall described KIIs practice of trading
in futures markets, which resulted both in occasional profits and losses; Hall
analogized KIIs involvement in the futures market to an individual who trades in
the stock market. The effect of this testimony should not have been lost on the
Plaintiffs. Even at this early stage of the Plaintiffs case-in-chief, the Defendants
sought to establish the significance of KIIs specific and unique business
practices to their accounting treatment of particular expenses. Having listened to
Halls testimony, the Plaintiffs reasonably should have anticipated the
Defendants further elaboration on this theory during their own case. Indeed, the
Plaintiffs could easily have countered this testimony prior to closing their case-inchief. 12
Finally, it is significant that the Plaintiffs never objected to the testimony
elicited by the defense as outside the scope of the defenses articulated in the
pretrial order. Had the Plaintiffs raised such an objection, the district court might
have limited the controversial testimony and thus obviated the Plaintiffs asserted
need to call a rebuttal witness. Because the Plaintiffs should reasonably have
anticipated the evidence they sought to rebut and then failed to object to the

Only the seventh of twenty-four witnesses called by the Plaintiffs, Hall

testified on April 16, 1998. The trial had begun a mere ten days earlier, and the
Plaintiffs did not close their case until one month later on May 18, 1998.


evidence as supportive of a new theory beyond the Pretrial Order, the district
court did not abuse its broad discretion in precluding the rebuttal witness.
Regarding the Plaintiffs contention that this rebuttal witness was necessary
to counter defense witness Lynn Markel, who allegedly contradicted the factual
testimony of Milton Hall, the record both undermines the Plaintiffs
characterization of Markels testimony and reveals that plaintiffs counsel himself
elicited the disputed testimony on cross-examination. Markel initially disagreed
with facts and conclusions testified to by a different plaintiffs witness, Gary
Gibbs, even stating, I dont know where Mr. Gibbs got his information. The
Plaintiffs attorney then asked, Did you know that, in fact, Mr. Gibbs had gotten
that information from Milton Hall? Markel replied, No. The Plaintiffs
attorney then made a final attempt to draw out Markels disagreement with Hall,
eliciting testimony which the Plaintiffs now claim demanded a rebuttal witness:
Q: You told the jury last week that Mr. Gibbs had his facts wrong. And in truth,
you disagree with Milton Hall, dont you? A: Mr. Gibbs had his facts wrong, sir.
Contrary to the Plaintiffs assertion in support of their argument for a rebuttal
witness, Markel did not dispute Halls testimony, but rather disagreed with the
testimony of Gibbs. Further, even if Markel had disputed Halls testimony, the
Plaintiffs attorney intentionally elicited such testimony. The record makes clear
that Markel was not an out-of-control or unresponsive witness, or one

aggressively attempting to advocate on cross-examination. When an attorney

conducting cross-examination affirmatively draws out specific testimony, as
occurred here, the district court does not abuse its discretion by disallowing
rebuttal to that testimony.

C. Evidentiary Rulings
1. Admission of Evidence of Other Lawsuits
Prior to trial, the Plaintiffs moved in limine to exclude any evidence of
other lawsuits which they filed against the Defendants after filing the instant
action in 1985. The court ruled, however, that evidence of these other lawsuits,
including that plaintiff William Koch named his own mother as a defendant in
one, demonstrated Williams ongoing hostility toward his brothers Charles and
David. The court further ruled that the evidence of these lawsuits was relevant to
Williams purported reliance on Charles and David prior to the SPA, as well as to
his bias and credibility as a fact witness. The Plaintiffs then moved for
reconsideration and modification of this in limine ruling. In response, the district
court issued another order clarifying that evidence of other lawsuits could not be
offered to show William likes to file lawsuits, that [he] files lawsuits devoid of
merit, or that [he] lacked proper feelings and consideration for his mother. In
addition, the district court stated that William should have an opportunity to

explain his reasons for filing these lawsuits, but that there was no need for either
side to introduce evidence, comments, findings, or rulings from these other suits.
During opening statement and over the Plaintiffs objection, defense
counsel noted that Williams hostility toward his brothers was the motive behind
the instant suit, as evidenced by his and Frederick Kochs later suit against the
Koch Family Charitable Foundation and its trustees, which included their own
mother. Furthermore, while cross-examining William, defense counsel elicited
testimony that William had sued his brothers and mother in the Foundation
litigation, that he greatly upset his mother by subpoenaing her into court, and that
he later brought suit challenging his mothers will. The Plaintiffs objected to this
line of questioning as irrelevant and a violation of the courts in limine order. As
a consequence, the court instructed the Defendants not to delve into the specific
facts of these lawsuits. Two days later, the Plaintiffs filed a motion for a mistrial
because the Defendants had unfairly elicited testimony about Williams suing his
mother and injected evidence of the outcome of one post-1985 lawsuit. The
district court denied that motion. Two weeks later, however, the district court
precluded the introduction of any further evidence that William sued his mother.
Finally, before submitting the case to the jury, the district court gave an
instruction only to consider evidence of these other lawsuits on issues of the
motives, intent, bias, and credibility of the parties, and not to consider whether

any party is overly litigious or to cast judgment on the propriety of the intrafamily relationships.
The Plaintiffs now challenge the district courts rulings which allowed
introduction of this evidence of post-1985 lawsuits. They argue this evidence
lacked relevance or, at best, had de minimis probative value which was
substantially outweighed by the danger of prejudice resulting from Williams
admission that he sued his own mother. [T]he admission or exclusion of
evidence lies within the sound discretion of the district court and will not be
reversed absent an abuse of discretion. Seymore v. Shawver & Sons Inc., 111
F.3d 794, 800 (10th Cir. 1997). To determine whether a district court properly
admitted evidence of other acts, this court requires:
(1) the evidence was offered for a proper purpose; (2) the evidence
was relevant; (3) the trial court determined under Fed. R. Evid. 403
that the probative value of the evidence was not substantially
outweighed by its potential for unfair prejudice; and (4) the trial
court gave the jury the proper limiting instructions upon request.
United States v. Lazcano-Villalobos, 175 F.3d 838, 846 (10th Cir. 1999)
(quotation omitted).
The Defendants offered the disputed evidence for proper purposes. The
Defendants first claimed that evidence of these lawsuits demonstrated William
Kochs bias. See United States v. Abel, 469 U.S. 45, 51 (1984) (holding that the
use of evidence of bias to impeach a witness is permissible); United States v.

DeSoto, 950 F.2d 626, 630 (10th Cir. 1991). Additionally, the Defendants
asserted that this evidence bore directly on an essential element of several of
Williams claims: whether William relied on the Defendants
misrepresentations. 13 See United States v. Shumway, 112 F.3d 1413, 1421-22
(10th Cir. 1997) (Prior acts evidence is clearly relevant to show an essential
element . . . . (quotation omitted)). The evidence therefore was offered for
permissible purposes.
Evidence of the post-1985 lawsuits, however, did not in fact bear upon
these two stated purposes. Thus, the district court should have excluded the
evidence as irrelevant. Federal Rule of Evidence 401 defines relevant evidence as
evidence having any tendency to make the existence of any fact that is of

The district court gave the following instruction to the jury:

I have instructed you, with respect to the plaintiff(s) claims based on

theories of state law fraud, breach of fiduciary duty and Section
10(b), that the plaintiff(s) cannot prevail without proof of actual
reliance, that is, they would not have sold their shares at the price
actually paid without the defendant(s) misrepresentations or
omissions. . . . [I]f you find that the plaintiff(s) did not actually rely
on any belief that the defendant(s) had completely and truthfully
disclosed the material facts but instead actively doubted the
defendant(s) and relied on the expectation that they could later sue
the defendant(s) for breach of warranty, then your verdict should be
for the defendant(s) on the plaintiff(s) claims asserting theories of
state law fraud, breach of fiduciary duty and Section 10(b).
The Plaintiffs never objected to this instruction. As a consequence, reliance was
treated as an essential element of these three legal claims.

consequence to the determination of the action more or less probable than it

would be without the evidence. Fed. R. Evid. 401. Federal Rule of Evidence
402 bars the introduction of any evidence that is not relevant. See Fed. R. Evid.
402. This court first fails to understand how evidence that William filed these
lawsuits actually demonstrates to any degree that Williams testimony may be less
credible due to his bias against his brothers, particularly when the Defendants did
not, and perhaps could not, show that these lawsuits were frivolous. The Second
Circuit rejected the precise argument advanced by the Defendants, concluding that
evidence of other suits brought by a plaintiff against the defendants go[es] to
character rather than bias. Outley v. City of New York, 837 F.2d 587, 594 (2d
Cir. 1988). Although the Outley court recognized the possibility that evidence of
other lawsuits could be probative as to bias, the particular details of each action,
and the extent to which the bringing of each action was justified, must be before
the jury to render the evidence relevant and admissible. Id. at 595. Here, the
district court precluded such an examination of the details and merit of the
lawsuits, and thus, the evidence admitted was not relevant to Williams alleged
Additionally, the evidence admitted was not relevant to the issue of
Williams reliance on his brothers representations in signing the SPA. The
evidence concerned lawsuits filed at least two years after the SPA and in part

indicated William had sued his mother. Though the filing of these lawsuits might
demonstrate Williams distrust of his brothers after 1985, the parties entered into
the SPA in 1983. This evidence thus lacks probative value as to Williams
reliance on his brothers in entering into that 1983 agreement. Furthermore,
evidence that William sued his mother, even if such a suit had been brought prior
to the 1983 SPA, demonstrates nothing about his attitude toward and reliance
upon his brothers. Because the contested evidence is irrelevant to the stated
purposes for which it was offered, this court concludes that the district court erred
in admitting it.
When a trial court erroneously receives evidence, this court will reverse the
jurys verdict only if the error prejudicially affects a substantial right of a party.
Sanjuan v. IBP, Inc., 160 F.3d 1281, 1296 (10th Cir. 1998). This court deems
such wrongly admitted evidence prejudicial only if we reasonably conclude that
the jury would have reached a different result without that evidence. See id.
Having reviewed the transcript of this trial, this court cannot reasonably conclude
that the jury would have found for the Plaintiffs had it not learned of these other
lawsuits. In the context of this eleven week trial, it is extremely doubtful that the
lone, brief colloquy between defense counsel and William about suing his
brothers and mother and one passing mention of this evidence in the Defendants
opening statement caused the jury to find for the Defendants. Therefore, although

the district court did err in admitting the disputed evidence, that error did not
sufficiently prejudice the Plaintiffs to warrant reversal of the judgment.
2. The Denial of Cross-Examination on Charles Kochs Character
A number of defense witnesses, including Charles Koch himself, testified
to Charles honesty and integrity, as well as his positive management style. The
Plaintiffs repeatedly sought to ask these witnesses whether in rendering their
character opinions they knew about or considered certain instances which might
call into question Charles honesty. Specifically, the Plaintiffs wanted to ask
about three such instances: (1) a United States Senate Report which detailed KIIs
widespread theft and fraudulent reporting practices in the 1980s; (2) a 1974
federal court decision finding KII liable for fraud; and (3) two 1997 retaliatory
discharge and age discrimination lawsuits filed against KII.
The district court denied the Plaintiffs the opportunity to ask about these
instances, concluding there was little or no probative value regarding Charles
honesty, and the danger of confusion, prejudice, and delay substantially
outweighed the probative value. The Plaintiffs maintain the district court erred in
precluding their cross-examination. This court will not reverse a district courts
exclusion of evidence absent an abuse of discretion. See Seymore, 111 F.3d at


In Securities & Exchange Commission v. Peters, this court held that the
district court had abused its discretion in refusing to allow the SEC to ask, on
cross-examination, both Peters and seven of his character witnesses whether they
had heard about other fraud suits filed against him. 978 F.2d 1162, 1164 (10th
Cir. 1992). The questions which the Plaintiffs in this case sought to ask,
however, differ significantly from those at issue in Peters. In Peters, the SEC
sought to test the accuracy of Peters factual testimony and his witnesses
character testimony by asking if they were aware of two previous fraud suits
brought against Peters personally. See id. at 1169. In contrast, these Plaintiffs
undertook to challenge the character testimony by asking the witnesses if they had
heard about instances of dishonesty by KII, the corporation, not by Charles Koch
the individual.
Although the Plaintiffs maintain these instances of KIIs dishonesty also
implicate Charles own trustworthiness, the nexus between KIIs conduct and that
of Charles in these instances is not nearly as strong as the Plaintiffs suggest. In
its 1974 order finding KII liable for fraud, a federal district court may have noted
some of Charles activities within the company relevant to the fraud action, but it
never concluded that he personally committed fraud. The Senate Report focuses
almost entirely on the deceptive and illegal practices of KII, and, although the
report does impliedly question the veracity of Charles statements to committee

investigators, it does not explicitly state, as the Plaintiffs assert, that Charles lied.
Finally, the retaliatory dismissal and age discrimination complaints name KII as
the defendant and allege no wrongdoing whatsoever by Charles Koch; even had
these complaints targeted Charles, this court fails to see how allegations of
retaliation and age discrimination bear upon the alleged wrongdoers honesty.
This court thus agrees with the district courts conclusion that these instances
have no real probative value regarding Charles character for honesty.
The district court also did not abuse its discretion in determining the little
probative value that these instances might have is substantially outweighed by the
danger of unfair prejudice, confusion, and waste of time. This court has
recognized that exclusion of evidence under Rule 403 is an extraordinary remedy
to be used sparingly and reviews a district courts decision to do so for abuse of
discretion. K-B Trucking Co. v. Riss Int'l Corp., 763 F.2d 1148, 1155 (10th
Cir.1985) (quotation omitted). For the jury to properly assess the weight of this
evidence, the court would have needed to allow both sides to explain how
instances reflecting KIIs dishonesty as a corporation might or might not
implicate Charles personal character for honesty. The district court, therefore,
would have entertained a series of virtual mini-trials on these rather collateral
events. Such diversions from the trials focus would have wasted considerable
time and potentially created unnecessary confusion in the minds of the jurors.

Because these instances of dishonesty at most only tangentially implicate Charles

own character and the jury could have become confused about the tenuous nature
of this link, there existed a definite danger that this minimally probative evidence
would unfairly prejudice Charles. Therefore, the district court did not abuse its
discretion in excluding these questions under Rule 403.

D. Jury Instructions
For their Pine Bend claims, the Kansas Plaintiffs and the Texas Plaintiffs
separately requested jury instructions on fraudulent misrepresentation which
defined materiality under a subjective standard. The district court, however,
denied these requests and instead gave instructions defining materiality in
objective terms. 14 Both the Plaintiffs and the Texas Plaintiffs maintain on appeal
that Kansas and Texas law define materiality subjectively. In addition, the
Plaintiffs challenge the district courts instruction on fiduciary duty. Finally, the
Texas Plaintiffs also appeal the district courts refusal to give instructions or

The Plaintiffs proposed instruction read: A representation is material

when it relates to some matter that is so substantial as to influence the party to
[whom] it was made. The Texas Plaintiffs proposed the following: You are
instructed that a fact is material if the plaintiffs would not have entered into the
stock transaction without such misrepresentations having been made or facts
concealed. The district court, however, settled on this instruction: A fact is
material if a reasonable person would consider the fact important or significant in
deciding whether or not to sell his or her shares.


submit a special verdict or a general verdict with interrogatories on their Texas

common law constructive fraud and Texas Securities Act claims.
This court reviews jury instructions de novo and reverses only when
deficient instructions are prejudicial. 15 See Coleman v. B-G Maintenance
Management of Colo., Inc., 108 F.3d 1199, 1202 (10th Cir. 1997). In assessing
the propriety of jury instructions concerning state law claims, this court has a duty
to apply state law as announced by the states highest court. See Shugart v.
Central Rural Elec. Co-op., 110 F.3d 1501, 1504-05 (10th Cir. 1997). If,
however, the states highest court has not decided the issue presented, we may
either certify the question to that court or predict how it would rule. See Fields v.
Farmers Ins. Co., 18 F.3d 831, 834 (10th Cir. 1994); Coletti v. Cudd Pressure
Control, 165 F.3d 767, 775 (10th Cir. 1999); 10th Cir. R. 27.1. Furthermore,
this court must . . . follow any intermediate state court decision unless other
authority convinces us that the state supreme court would decide otherwise.
Daitom, Inc. v. Pennwalt Corp., 741 F.2d 1569, 1574 (10th Cir. 1984).
1. Kansas Standard of Materiality
To support their contention that the proper definition of materiality under
Kansas fraudulent misrepresentation law is a subjective one, the Plaintiffs rely on
four Kansas cases and the Kansas Judicial Councils Pattern Instructions (PIK).

See infra 66-68 (discussing the degree of prejudice warranting reversal).


The first two cases to which the Plaintiffs cite do not in fact recite any materiality
definition. See State ex rel. Stephan v. GAF Corp., 747 P.2d 1326, 1331 (Kan.
1987); Dushane v. Union Natl Bank, 576 P.2d 674, 678 (Kan. 1978). Although
the Plaintiffs next case, Fisher v. Mr. Harolds Hair Lab, Inc., does state a
subjective definition of materiality, several paragraphs later the court also
articulates an objective standard. See 527 P.2d 1026, 1032 (Kan. 1974). It is
only the Plaintiffs final case, McGuire v. Gunn, which clearly defines materiality
in subjective terms. See 300 P. 654, 656 (Kan. 1931). McGuire, however, has
aged nearly seventy years, and the Kansas Supreme Court long ago ceased relying
upon it, 16 instead now applying an objective standard. Finally, PIK Civ.3d 127.40
(1997), which the Plaintiffs maintain directs courts to issue an instruction
defining materiality subjectively, speaks to this issue as inconsistently as Fisher.
Although the proposed instruction states, A representation is material when it
relates to some matter that is so substantial as to influence the party to whom it
was made, the comments following provide, Materiality of representation is
defined in Griffith v. Byers Constr. Co. . . . and Timi v. Prescott State Bank . . . .

The most recent Kansas appellate court opinion citing McGuire for its
subjective materiality definition is Fisher, a 1974 case which, as noted above,
simultaneously stated an objective standard of materiality. See Fisher v. Mr.
Harolds Hair Lab, Inc., 527 P.2d 1026, 1032 (Kan. 1974).


As discussed below, both Griffith and Timi unequivocally define materiality in

objective terms.
This court has previously stated that in a fraudulent misrepresentation
action pursuant to Kansas law, A fact is material if it is one to which a
reasonable person would attach importance in determining his or her choice of
action in the transaction involved. 17 City of Wichita v. U.S. Gypsum Co., 72 F.3d
1491, 1495 (10th Cir. 1996) (citing Timi, 553 P.2d at 325). Following the
doctrine of stare decisis, one panel of this court must follow a prior panels
interpretation of state law, absent a supervening declaration to the contrary by
that states courts or an intervening change in the states law. Cf. Kinnison v.
Houghton, 432 F.2d 1274, 1277 (10th Cir. 1970) (concluding that the panel need
not look to a Tenth Circuit opinion addressing state law which supported the
appellants position, because an intervening state court decision held to the
contrary). Because the Plaintiffs have failed to alert us to any supervening
Kansas decisions contrary to U.S. Gypsums reading of the materiality element in
a Kansas fraud action, and we have located no such authority, this court is bound
The Plaintiffs contend this court, in another case, also applied a
subjective definition of materiality under Kansas law. Palmer Coal & Rock Co. v.
Gulf Oil Co., however, simply quotes a district courts instructions which
articulated the subjective standard, but does not itself endorse such an approach
as the correct one. See 524 F.2d 884, 885 n.1 (10th Cir. 1975). The Palmer
Coal court noted neither side objected to these instructions, thus verifying that it
did not adopt the subjective standard in the instructions. See id. at 885.


by U.S. Gypsums conclusion that Kansas law defines materiality under an

objective standard in a state fraud action.
Moreover, negotiating the labyrinth of Kansas jurisprudence confirms that
the standard of materiality for fraudulent misrepresentation, as presently defined
by the Kansas Supreme Court, is an objective one. In Griffith, a case involving
an action for fraudulent concealment, the Kansas Supreme Court first indicated
that such an action is governed by the identical legal standard as a fraudulent
misrepresentation claim. See 510 P.2d 198, 205 (Kan. 1973). In defining
materiality for such an action, the Kansas Supreme Court stated, A fact is
material if it is one to which a reasonable [person] would attach importance. Id.;
see also Timi, 553 P.2d 315, 317, 325 (Kan. 1976) (defining materiality in the
same terms in a fraudulent misrepresentation case). Indeed, in its recent review
of a consumer protection action alleging illegal misrepresentation, the Kansas
Supreme Court relied on Griffiths objective definition of materiality. See York v.
InTrust Bank, N.A., 962 P.2d 405, 420 (Kan. 1998); see also Farrel v. General
Motors Corp., 815 P.2d 538, 548 (Kan. 1991). Furthermore, in discussing the
elements of fraud by silence, the Kansas Supreme Court recently noted that a duty
to disclose material facts only arises when the other party would reasonably
expect disclosure. See OMI Holdings Inc. v. Howell, 918 P.2d 1274, 1300-01
(Kan. 1996). This courts review of Kansas law and binding Tenth Circuit

precedent thus leads to the conclusion that the district court properly instructed
the jury on materiality under Kansas law.
2. Texas Standard of Materiality
In contrast, the Texas Plaintiffs correctly characterize as subjective the
definition of materiality under their two distinct claims, i.e., Texas common law
fraud and a violation of section 27.01 of the Texas Business & Commercial Code
(section 27.01"). 18 Although the Texas Supreme Court has not recently
articulated a materiality definition for either of these two causes of action,
numerous Texas Court of Appeals and Fifth Circuit opinions lead this court to
agree with the position taken by the Texas Plaintiffs. Discussing Texas common
law fraud, the Texas Court of Appeals recently stated, A misrepresentation is
material if it induced the complaining party to enter into the contract. Marburger
v. Seminole Pipeline Co., 957 S.W.2d 82, 86 n.4 (Tex. App.1997, writ denied)
Marburger simply follows a long line of cases establishing this subjective
standard. See, e.g., Hart v. Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co., 756 S.W.2d 27, 29 (Tex. App.
1988, no writ); Sawyer v. Pierce, 580 S.W.2d 117, 124 (Tex. App. 1979, writ
refd n.r.e.); Putnam v. Bromwell, 11 S.W. 491, 492 (Tex. 1889). Additionally,
Although the Defendants contend that the district court erred in its
choice of law decision allowing the Texas Plaintiffs to proceed on two Texas state
law claims, the Defendants nonetheless expressly waived review of that
determination on appeal because they believe Kansas and Texas law do not differ
on the issue.


the Fifth Circuit has noted that Texas common law fraud, unlike federal securities
fraud, defines materiality in subjective terms. See In re Sioux Ltd., Securities
Litigation v. Coopers & Lybrand, 914 F.2d 61, 65-66 (5th Cir. 1990), implied
overruling on other grounds recognized by,Pacific Mut. Ins. Co. v. First
RepublicBank Corp., 997 F.2d 39, 41 (5th Cir. 1993). Indeed, a treatise on Texas
law states the following:
In order to constitute actionable fraud, representations must
pertain to material facts . . . .
The test for determining whether a represented fact is material
relates to the effect of the representation on the transaction in
question. . . .
A representation is not material if it appears that the
transaction would have been entered into notwithstanding the
representation. On the other hand, a represented fact is said to be
material if the transaction would not have been entered into had the
representation not been made.
Elizabeth A. Wong, 41 Texas Jurisprudence, Fraud and Deceit 13 (3d ed. 1998).
Admittedly, a few Texas cases have caused some confusion about the
proper materiality standard under Texas common law fraud. Two recent Texas
Court of Appeals cases each confusingly recite both an objective and a subjective
materiality standard in a single sentence. See Beneficial Personnel Servs. of
Texas, Inc. v. Porras, 927 S.W.2d 177, 186-87 (Tex. App. 1996, writ granted
w.r.m.); Beneficial Personnel Servs. of Texas, Inc. v. Rey, 927 S.W.2d 157, 168
(Tex. App. 1996, writ granted w.r.m.). The objective language in these two cases
is drawn from another case upon which the Defendants rely, which merely quoted

a trial courts instructions employing an objective standard but never

affirmatively approved those instructions. See American Medical Intl, Inc. v.
Giurintano, 821 S.W.2d 331, 338 (Tex. App. 1991, no writ). No other case to
which the Defendants cite suggests Texas common law fraud utilizes an objective
definition of materiality. 19 Porras and Rey merely confuse the issue; they do not
overrule earlier cases and they antedate Marburger. Therefore, this court is
convinced that Texas common law fraud jurisprudence establishes a subjective
standard of materiality.
Materiality under section 27.01 is also measured subjectively. As the Fifth
Circuit noted, Because the statute is derived from Texas common law fraud, the
reliance and materiality elements of section 27.01 do not differ from those of
Texas common law fraud. Haralson v. E.F. Hutton Group, Inc., 919 F.2d 1014,
1025 n.4 (5th Cir. 1990); see also Fisher v. Yates, 953 S.W.2d 370, 380 n.7 (Tex.
App. 1997, writ denied) (The reliance and materiality elements of statutory fraud
Like American Medical, Miller v. Miller merely notes a trial courts use
of an objective definition in jury instructions without deciding the correctness of
those instructions. See 700 S.W.2d 941, 948 (Tex. App. 1985, writ refd n.r.e.).
Bridwell v. State addresses criminal fraud under the Texas Securities Act, not
state common law fraud. See 804 S.W.2d 900, 904 (Tex. Crim. App. 1991, no
pet.). Shepard v. Rubin never articulates a materiality definition, though it
implicitly approves a subjective standard laid down in H.W. Broaddus Co., Inc. v.
Binkley, an opinion adopted by the Texas Supreme Court. See Shepard, 462
S.W.2d 316, 320 (Tex. App. 1970, no writ); Binkley, 88 S.W.2d 1040, 1042 (Tex.
Commn App. 1936). Finally, American Tobacco Co. v. Grinnell addresses the
element of reliance, not materiality. See 951 S.W.2d 420, 436 (Tex. 1997).


[under section 27.01] do not differ from common law fraud.); Keith A. Rowley,
The Sky is Still Blue in Texas: State Law Alternatives to Federal Securities
Remedies, 50 Baylor L. Rev. 99, 124 n.104, 163 n.198 (1998) (noting that in
contrast to an action under Texas Securities Act, an action pursuant to common
law fraud or section 27.01 merely requires a subjective showing of materiality).
The Defendants have failed to alert this court to any authority that treats section
27.01s materiality element as an objective one, and nor have we found any such
authority. This court thus concludes that section 27.01 imposes a subjective
standard of materiality.
Finally, the district courts incorrect jury instruction sufficiently prejudiced
the Texas Plaintiffs to warrant reversal. This court recently noted its own
conflicting precedent regarding the precise standard for reversal due to erroneous
instructions. See Morrison Knudsen Corp. v. Firemans Fund Ins. Co., 175 F.3d
1221, 1236-37 (10th Cir. 1999). Coleman and City of Wichita v. U.S. Gypsum Co.
require reversal when a jury might have based its decision on an erroneous
instruction, even if that possibility was very unlikely. See Coleman, 108 F.3d at
1202; U.S. Gypsum, 72 F.3d 1491, 1495 (10th Cir. 1989). An earlier case,
however, indicated this court should only reverse when it is more likely than not
that the erroneous instruction affected a substantial right of the appellant. See
United States Indus., Inc. v. Touche Ross & Co., 854 F.2d 1223, 1253 n.39 (10th

Cir. 1988), implied overruling on other grounds recognized by, Anixter v. HomeState Production Co., 77 F.3d 1215, 1231 (10th Cir. 1996). Morrison Knudsen
did not need to reconcile these differing standards. See 175 F.3d at 1237.
Again, we need not decide which of these competing standards controls,
because the erroneous instruction here would require reversal under either
approach. The district courts erroneous instruction on an essential element of the
Texas Plaintiffs fraud claims effectively directed the jury to ignore the Texas
Plaintiffs own testimony that they would not have entered into the SPA absent
the Defendants misrepresentations and omissions. Additionally, the Defendants
failed to present any evidence contradicting the Texas Plaintiffs testimony about
their states of mind. 20 Even under the more burdensome Touche Ross standard,
therefore, the erroneous instruction warrants reversal, because the error more than
likely, if not necessarily, affected a substantial right of the Texas Plaintiffs, i.e.,
the right to have the jury even consider the primary and only direct evidence on
the materiality element. The district court therefore committed reversible error

The Defendants did present evidence indicating that a reasonable person

would not have been affected by the alleged misrepresentations in deciding
whether to enter into the SPA. Certainly such reasonable person evidence may be
used to counter the Texas Plaintiffs testimony because a jury could potentially
discredit the Texas Plaintiffs testimony based on the unreasonableness of their
assertions. Nonetheless, the Defendants presented no direct evidence that the
Texas Plaintiffs ever said or believed anything contradicting their state-of-mind


with respect to the Texas Plaintiffs claims when it instructed the jury to
determine objectively whether the Defendants misrepresentations and omissions
were material.
3. Fiduciary Duty
Relying upon a 1986 order by the district court, the Plaintiffs proposed a
jury instruction which stated, The Court has found, as a matter of law, that a
fiduciary relationship existed between the plaintiffs and the defendants. Over
the Plaintiffs objection, the district court instead instructed the jury as follows:
To recover on their [fiduciary duty] claim, the
plaintiff(s) have the burden of first proving, by a preponderance of
evidence that is clear and convincing, that they did not voluntarily
and intentionally relieve the individual defendant(s) of their fiduciary
duty as directors or officers of Koch Industries. If you find the
plaintiff(s) to have not met this burden of proof, then you shall find
that the individual defendant(s) did not owe a fiduciary duty.
If you find, however, the plaintiff(s) have proved that
they did not relieve the defendant(s) of their fiduciary duty as
directors or officers of Koch Industries, then it becomes the
individual defendant(s) burden to prove, by a preponderance of
evidence that is clear and convincing, the following elements:
that concerning the alleged misrepresentations or
omissions, the individual defendant(s) completely and
truthfully disclosed to the plaintiff(s) or their agent(s)
all relevant facts, known to the individual defendant(s)
by reason of their office or position at Koch Industries
and not known by the plaintiff(s) or their agent(s), that
were material in affecting the value or price of the
stock; and
that the plaintiff(s) were paid a fair price for their stock
and that the terms of the transaction were fair, balanced
against the best interests of the corporation and all of its

In short, the first paragraph of this instruction required the jury to determine
whether a fiduciary relationship actually existed; if the jury answered this
predicate inquiry in the affirmative, it then needed to determine whether the
Defendants in fact breached their fiduciary duty.
The verdict form, however, guided the jury directly to the second question,
entirely ignoring the predicate inquiry of whether a fiduciary relationship existed.
Question 6 on the verdict form stated, Do you find on the fiduciary duty claim
that the defendants have proved that they disclosed those material facts
concerning Pine Bend Refinery to the plaintiffs which the plaintiffs or their
agents otherwise did not know and that Koch Industries paid a fair price for the
plaintiffs stock? The jury answered, Yes.
The Plaintiffs appeal the district courts instruction requiring them to prove
the existence of a fiduciary relationship, arguing that Kansas law imposes a strict
fiduciary duty on corporate officers and recognizes no exception to this duty when
a plaintiff may have relieved an officer defendant of that duty. As noted above,
this court will reverse a district court judgment only when deficient instructions
are prejudicial. See Coleman, 108 F.3d at 1202. Here, this court need not
determine whether the challenged instruction constituted a proper statement of the
law, because the verdict form rendered any possible error in the instruction
harmless. Although the jury was told in the instructions that they would need to

first determine whether the Defendants had been relieved of their fiduciary duty,
the verdict form never asked that question. Instead, Question 6 in the verdict
form impliedly assumed that a fiduciary relationship existed and queried only
whether the Defendants had proved they did not breach that relationship, to which
the jury answered yes. Because the verdict form never posed the challenged
question to the jury but impliedly assumed the answer in favor of the Plaintiffs
and the jury found for the Defendants on the breach inquiry, this court concludes
any possible error in the district courts instructions on the existence of a
fiduciary relationship was harmless. Due to this harmlessness, this court need not
reverse the judgment under either the Coleman/U.S. Gypsum prejudice standard or
that of Touche Ross, even if the challenged instruction was erroneous. See
Coleman, 108 F.3d at 1202 (requiring reversal when a jury might have based its
decision on an erroneous instruction); U.S. Gypsum, 72 F.3d at 1495 (following
Coleman standard even if the possibility is very unlikely); Touche Ross, 854 F.2d
at 1253 n.39 (requiring reversal only when it is more likely than not that an
erroneous instruction was prejudicial).
4. The Texas Common Law Constructive Fraud Claims
Prior to submitting the case to the jury, the Texas Plaintiffs proposed
instructions, definitions, and verdict questions on their Texas common law
constructive fraud claims. Over their objection, however, the district court

refused to submit instructions or verdict questions to the jury relating to Texas

constructive fraud. The court reasoned that those claims duplicated others and,
alternatively, that the Texas Plaintiffs had failed to include a constructive fraud
claim in the 1998 Pretrial Order.
In appealing the district courts decision, the Texas Plaintiffs maintain Rule
15(b) required the district court to amend the pleadings to include a constructive
fraud claim. Their opening brief, however, does not offer any argument
whatsoever that the Pretrial Order did in fact include a constructive fraud claim.
The issue of the courts construction of the Pretrial Order is thus waived on
appeal. 21 See Johnson ex rel. Johnson v. Thompson, 971 F.2d 1487, 1499 (10th
Cir. 1992) (noting this court generally will not address issues that the parties
failed to brief). Therefore, this court must only determine whether the district
court properly declined to amend the Pretrial Order. We review that
determination for an abuse of discretion. See Trierweiler, 90 F.3d at 1543.
Upon a partys motion, a trial court should amend the pretrial order to
include issues not initially raised in that order but tried by express or implied

In the Texas Plaintiffs Reply Brief, they argue the phrase common
law fraud used in the complaint and pretrial order includes constructive fraud
under Texas law. They never raised this argument, however, in their opening
brief, and this court need not entertain an argument raised for the first time in a
reply brief. See, e.g., Coleman v. B-G Maintenance Management of Colo., Inc.,
108 F.3d 1199, 1205 (10th Cir. 1997).


consent of the parties. Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(b). A trial court should find such
implied consent either when the consenting party introduces evidence on the new
issue or fails to object when the other party introduces such evidence. See
Hardin, 691 F.2d at 457. This court, however, has determined that [w]hen the
evidence claimed to show that an issue was tried by consent is relevant to an issue
already in the case, and there is no indication that the party presenting the
evidence intended thereby to raise a new issue, amendment may be denied in the
discretion of the trial court. Id. The Texas Plaintiffs fully concede that the
evidence presented at trial to support a constructive fraud claim precisely matched
that evidence relevant to several of their other claims. Therefore, the Defendants
did not impliedly consent to the trial of constructive fraud, and the district court
acted well within its discretion in declining to amend the pretrial order to include
an admittedly duplicative claim.
5. Texas Securities Act Claims
Similarly, the district court refused to submit to the jury the Texas
Plaintiffs Texas Securities Act claims. The district court determined the Act
required proof that the stock at issue no longer exists and no such evidence had
been presented to support that requirement. On appeal, the Texas Plaintiffs argue
the district court improperly construed the statute. They acknowledge, however,


that their appeal on this issue depends upon this courts concluding the materiality
element of fraud under the Texas Securities Act is a subjective one.
Unlike actions under Texas common law fraud or section 27.01, 22 however,
a fraud claim pursuant to the Texas Securities Act does require proof of objective
materiality. Most recently, the Texas Court of Appeals stated that under the
Texas Securities Act an omission or misrepresentation is material if there is a
substantial likelihood that a reasonable investor would consider it important in
deciding to invest. Weatherly v. Deloitte & Touche, 905 S.W.2d 642, 648-49
(Tex. App. 1995, writ dismd w.o.j.) (emphasis added); see also Anheuser-Busch
Companies v. Summit Coffee Co., 858 S.W.2d 928, 936 (Tex. App. 1993, writ
denied) (same), vacated on other grounds 514 U.S. 1001 (1995); Granader v.
McBee, 23 F.3d 120, 123 (5th Cir. 1994) (same). Indeed, one commentator
explicitly noted that materiality is defined objectively under the Texas Securities
Act, but subjectively under Texas common law fraud and section 23.01. See
Keith A. Rowley, The Sky is Still Blue in Texas: State Law Alternatives to
Federal Securities Remedies, 50 Baylor L. Rev. 99, 121 n.104, 163 n.198 (1998).
The Texas Plaintiffs have cited no authority suggesting a subjective materiality
standard under the Texas Securities Act, and this court has found none.
Therefore, because materiality is defined objectively under the Texas Securities

See supra Section III.D.2.


Act and the jury found the Defendants omissions and misrepresentations were
not objectively material, the district courts refusal to submit Texas Securities Act
claims to the jury, if error, was harmless.

E. District Courts Limitations on Plaintiffs Fraud Claims

1. The Rule 9(b) Order
The Plaintiffs Fifth Claim for Relief in their Amended Complaint pleaded
fraud by the Defendants. Specifically, the fraud claim alleged that the Defendants
misrepresented and concealed information about three particular KII assetsKoch
Qatar, Inc., the Capa Madison Unit, and the Bates & Reimann wells. In addition,
the fraud claim incorporated an allegation contained in paragraph twenty-two of
the Amended Complaint, which broadly stated,
during 1982 and continuing to the present time, defendants planned
and acted to conceal the true value of shares of stock in Koch
Industries from plaintiffs and the other selling shareholders and
carried out a scheme designed to understate the existence, extent and
value of property and assets owned directly or beneficially by Koch
Industries by failing to disclose the existence, location, ownership,
condition and true value of assets and property, including, but not
limited to, oil and gas reserves, acreage, prospects and properties, oil
and gas production and planned development of oil and gas
properties owned or acquired prior to June 10, 1983.
In an October 17, 1985 order, the district court limited the Plaintiffs fraud
claims to those allegations concerning the three specifically referenced assets,
determining that the broad allegation contained in paragraph twenty-two did not

satisfy the particularity pleading requirement of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure

9(b). The district court went on to grant the Defendants summary judgment on
the causes of action regarding two of the three assetsKoch Qatar, Inc. and the
Bates & Reimann wells. The Plaintiffs now challenge the district courts Rule
9(b) ruling restricting the Plaintiffs fraud claims. 23
This court reviews a district courts Rule 9(b) ruling de novo and confines
its analysis to the text of the complaint. See Schwartz v. Celestial Seasonings,
Inc., 124 F.3d 1246, 1251 (10th Cir. 1997). Rule 9(b) provides, In all averments
of fraud or mistake, the circumstances constituting fraud or mistake shall be
stated with particularity. Malice, intent, knowledge, and other conditions of mind
of a person may be averred generally. Fed. R. Civ. P. 9(b). More specifically,
this court requires a complaint alleging fraud to set forth the time, place and
contents of the false representation, the identity of the party making the false
statements and the consequences thereof. Lawrence Natl Bank v. Edmonds (In

In addition to the district courts October 17, 1985 ruling, the Plaintiffs
challenge two later orders of the district court, issued on October 24, 1991 and
June 30, 1992, which they also claim constituted dismissals of allegations under
Rules 9(b) and 8. Although the October 24 order did reference Rule 9(b), it
concerned discovery requests by the Plaintiffs, not dismissals of allegations or
claims. Thus, this court will discuss the propriety of that order in the following
section of this opinion dealing with discovery. See infra Section III.E.2. The
June 30 order addressed the Plaintiffs motion to amend their Second Amended
Complaint, and the district court did not rely at all on Rule 9(b) or Rule 8 in
denying some of the proposed amendments.


re Edmonds), 924 F.2d 176, 180 (10th Cir. 1991). Rule 9(b)s purpose is to
afford defendant fair notice of plaintiffs claims and the factual ground upon
which [they] are based. . . . Farlow v. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., 956 F.2d
982, 987 (10th Cir. 1992) (quotation omitted), implied overruling on other
grounds recognized by, Seolas v. Bilzerian, 951 F.Supp. 978, 981-82 (D.Utah
Here, the broad allegation in paragraph twenty-two of the Plaintiffs
Amended Complaint, which the district court found insufficient under Rule 9(b),
set forth none of the specific and required allegations. The statement that the
alleged misrepresentations were made during 1982 and continuing to the present
time does not alert the Defendants to a sufficiently precise time frame to satisfy
Rule 9(b). Furthermore, paragraph twenty-two fails to mention at all the place at
which any misrepresentations were made. In addition, this paragraph specifies
nothing about the content of the alleged misrepresentations, instead reciting a
general statement that the Defendants fail[ed] to disclose the existence, location,
ownership, condition and true value of [KII] assets and property. Finally,
paragraph twenty-two failed to identify any specific Defendant who made these
alleged fraudulent misrepresentations or omissions, a particularly important
requirement in this case because of the number of individual defendants involved.


The Plaintiffs cite Scheidt v. Klein, 956 F.2d 963 (10th Cir. 1992) for the
proposition that Rule 9(b) particularity requirements are relaxed when the facts
supporting a fraud claim are within the opponents knowledge and control.
Scheidt, however, is not so generous. It merely holds that [a]llegations of fraud
may be based on information and belief when the facts in question are peculiarly
within the opposing partys knowledge and the complaint sets forth the factual
basis for the plaintiffs belief. Id. at 967. Unlike the complaint in Scheidt,
paragraph twenty-two did not state that the Plaintiffs allegations of fraud were
based on information and belief, nor did it set forth any factual basis to support
such a belief. Instead, paragraph twenty-two broadly alleged that the Defendants
concealed the true value of KII stock without informing the court or the
Defendants of the source for this contention. Moreover, the information and
belief allegations in Scheidt concerned the intent or purpose of the defendants
actions, elements which this court noted were allowed to be pleaded generally
under Rule 9(b). See id. Paragraph twenty-two, however, does not address intent
or purpose, and thus Rule 9(b) does not excuse the generality of the Plaintiffs
allegations. Therefore, the district court properly precluded the Plaintiffs from
pursuing fraud claims based on the broadly stated allegations of paragraph
2. The Discovery Rulings

After substantial but unsuccessful efforts by the Plaintiffs to litigate the

claims stricken by the Rule 9(b) decision, the district court granted them leave to
file a Second Amended Complaint and determined that document to be the one
measuring the relevance of discovery requests. The Plaintiffs then issued
subpoenas for production of documents from six different banks requesting all
documents relating to any loans or transactions with KII between June 1, 1978
and June 30, 1988. In two separate orders, a federal magistrate judge limited this
discovery request to those documents relating only to the Pine Bend Refinery,
the Pouce Coupe, Gilt Edge and Cold Lake properties in Canada, the equity value
of ABKO, and the alleged understated value of certain assets because of financial
and accounting policies and practices. The Plaintiffs also subpoenaed from the
Ryder Scott Company all records of KIIs oil and gas reserves for the years 1980
through 1988. A federal magistrate judge also limited this discovery to those
documents concerning four KII assetsthe Pouce Coupe, Gilt Edge, Cold Lake
and Capa Madison properties.
The district court then affirmed the magistrates decisions in its own order
of October 24, 1991. In so ruling, the district court first determined that
paragraphs thirty-eight and forty-six of the Plaintiffs Second Amended
Complaint did not delineate allegations of financial impropriety with sufficient
particularity under Rule 9(b) to justify discovery into all accounting documents

and practices of Koch Industries during the relevant time period. Additionally,
the district court reasoned that even under the Plaintiffs breach of contract and
breach of fiduciary duty claims, Rule 26 barred the requested discovery because
the burden and expense of producing these documents far outweighed the
Plaintiffs mere hope that they might find something upon which to base a claim.
The Plaintiffs challenge the district courts orders limiting their discovery
This court reviews discovery rulings for an abuse of discretion. See
Pippinger v. Rubin, 129 F.3d 519, 533 (10th Cir. 1997). Rule 26(b) provides,
Parties may obtain discovery regarding any matter, not privileged, which is
relevant to the subject matter involved in the pending action . . . . The
information sought need not be admissible at the trial if the information sought
appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.
Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1). Despite this broad language, the rule does allow a court
to limit discovery if the burden or expense of the proposed discovery outweighs
its likely benefit. Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(2)(iii). Indeed, the 1983 and 1993
Advisory Committee Notes indicate this sub-section was added to encourage
judges to be more aggressive in identifying and discouraging discovery overuse
and to enable the court to keep tighter rein on the extent of discovery.


The Plaintiffs attempted to justify their extraordinarily expansive discovery

requests as relevant to two broad, non-specific allegations contained in their
Second Amended Complaint. 24 When a plaintiff first pleads its allegations in
entirely indefinite terms, without in fact knowing of any specific wrongdoing by
the defendant, and then bases massive discovery requests upon those nebulous
allegations, in the hope of finding particular evidence of wrongdoing, that
plaintiff abuses the judicial process. That is what occurred here. The limits
which Rule 26(b)(2)(iii) place upon discovery are aimed at just such a tactic.
Utilizing its discretionary power under this rule, the district court appropriately
recognized that the likely benefit of this attempted fishing expedition was
speculative at best. Furthermore, the district court understood that to require the
six banks and the Ryder Scott Company to produce the massive amount of
documents requested, first weeding out privileged and confidential records, would
impose a serious burden and expense upon these non-parties. The district court
thus properly determined that the burden and expense of these discovery requests
far outweighed their likely benefit. Therefore, this court concludes the district
court did not abuse its discretion in limiting the Plaintiffs discovery.

Both paragraphs thirty-eight and forty-six contained broad allegations

that the Defendants did not provide financial information to the Plaintiffs in
accord with GAAP. Paragraph forty-six recited one specific example of these
alleged accounting improprieties relating to the Pine Bend Refinery.


F. The District Courts Administration of this Case

The Plaintiffs contend the district court administered this case unjustly.
They first assert the district court harbored an unfair disdain for the Plaintiffs
which led the court to oversee the case in a biased fashion. The Plaintiffs then
list a number of the district courts rulings which were unfavorable to them as
evidence of the courts harsh, lopsided and manifestly unjust treatment.
To the extent that some of the specified rulings were contested in greater
depth in previous sections of the Plaintiffs brief, this court has already disposed
of those arguments. Furthermore, the Plaintiffs cite no legal authority at all in
contesting other rulings which they failed to address in prior portions of their
brief, thus waiving these arguments on appeal. See Adler, 144 F.3d at 679 (noting
that [a]rguments inadequately briefed in the opening brief are waived). Finally,
at no point during the litigation did the Plaintiffs seek to have the district court
judge disqualified on the basis of bias or on any other grounds. The Plaintiffs
thus waive their bias argument on appeal because they failed to timely move for
disqualification. See United States v. Stenzel, 49 F.3d 658, 661 (10th Cir. 1995).
Therefore, this court concludes none of these arguments warrants reversal.

G. Damages


Finally, the Plaintiffs assert the district court erroneously limited their
damages, arguing that their Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 claims warranted a
more liberal measure of damages than allowed by the court. Because the jury
found for the Defendants and, with the exception of the Texas Plaintiffs state
common law and statutory misrepresentation claims, this court now affirms each
of the district courts rulings which the Plaintiffs challenge, we need not address
this issue.

H. Motion to Correct Misstatements at Oral Argument

The Plaintiffs have filed a motion under Federal Rule of Appellate
Procedure 27 to correct alleged misstatements by defense counsel at oral
argument. Rather than a Rule 27 motion, the Plaintiffs filing constitutes an
additional six pages of briefing on the merits, which in turn inspired a response
from the Defendants amounting to twelve more pages of such briefing. Not to be
outdone or, in the alternative, to equalize the pages of briefing on the merits
under the guise of the Rule 27 motion, the Plaintiffs then filed a six page reply.
One thing this court did not need in this case was further briefing and
argument. The court previously demonstrated leniency in allowing the filing of
oversized briefs pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 28(g) and Tenth
Circuit Rule 28.3 and by granting additional time for oral argument. Regarding

the Plaintiffs substantive claims in this motion, while it is true that one of the
statements challenged is a misstatement, defense counsel did not make the
utterance maliciously nor did he mislead the court. Most disturbingly, the
Plaintiffs motion reveals their apparent assumption that the court does not read
the record to confirm or refute representations as to its content. That assumption
is wrong.
The Plaintiffs motion is denied as an inappropriate attempt to circumvent
Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 28(c), which states, Unless the court
permits, no further briefs [beyond the reply brief] may be filed. Fed. R. App. P.

In deciding the instant appeal, this court has reviewed a piece of litigation
spanning a decade and a half and a trial lasting nearly three months. This court is
well aware that in such litigation the discretion of the trial court is important to
accomplish efficiency, notice, and fairness. In this context, however, we could
not reasonably expect perfection in the district courts exercise of that discretion
or in its overall handling of the case; rather, what this court expects from the
district court is basic fairness to all parties. Having reversed the district court on
but two of many issues presented on appeal, we are satisfied that the district court

achieved fundamental fairness in its presentation of this vast and complex piece
of litigation to lay fact finders.
This court hereby AFFIRMS the judgment of the United States District
Court for the District of Kansas, except as to the Texas Plaintiffs claims under
state common law fraud and section 27.01 of the Texas Business & Commercial
Code. Regarding those two claims, this court REVERSES and REMANDS for
proceedings consistent with this opinion.


Following is a list and discussion of the evidence which this court
considered in determining whether the district court erroneously granted summary
judgment on the Plaintiffs 175,000 B/D expansion claim:
A 12/13/82 letter from Keith Bailey, President of Williams Pipeline, to
J.W. Moeller, Vice President of KII, stating, As you know, time is growing short
if we are to have an expansion in place by mid-1983. This letter undoubtedly
refers to the 145,000 B/D expansion, not the 175,000 B/D expansion idea, as even
Plaintiffs allege the larger expansion was not intended for completion until the
end of 1985 while KII aimed to complete the 145,000 B/D expansion by mid1983.
A 1/6/83 letter from KIIs Vice President of Planning to Williams
Pipeline, stating, Due to Koch Refinings current and planned future expansion
of our Pine Bend Refinery . . . Koch Refining and Williams Pipeline management
have been discussing several plans to increase current pumping capacity into the
Williams system. Given the date of this letter, the current expansion language
must refer to the 145,000 B/D expansion. The planned expansion wording,
however, is not expressly clear as to whether it refers to a 155,000 B/D or a
175,000 B/D expansion. Reading this document in the context of the other
evidence, however, leads this court to conclude this language must refer to the

lesser expansion, inasmuch as there is no evidence that as of January 6, 1983 KII

had even started discussions with Litwin Engineering about a potential 175,000
B/D expansion.
1/20/83 Litwin Engineering notes from a meeting with KII
representatives, stating,
1. The purpose of the meeting was to establish a basis for design to
expand Kochs St. Paul Refinery No. 1 Crude Unit to 65,000 BPD.
The unit presently operates at approximately 39,000 - 40,000 BPD.
Koch is currently making modifications which will increase capacity
to approximately 50,000 BPD.
2. Target for processing 65,000 BPD would be start of summer, 1984.
These notes indicate that prior to the SPA, KII had inquired of Litwin about
possible designs for Unit 1 which would enable that unit to process 65,000 B/D.
KII was therefore at least considering such an expansion prior to the SPA. These
notes do not suggest, however, that KII had contracted with Litwin to do actual
design work required for the expansion or that KII had committed in any way to
effectuating the expansion.
an undated Litwin Proposal, stating the following:
Litwin will provide engineering and estimating services to
provide Koch Refining Co. with comparative budget cost estimates
of 1) expanding Kochs existing St. Paul Refinery No. 1 Crude Unit
from the present operating capacity of 40,000 BPSD to 65,000 BPSD
2) constructing a new 65,000 BPSD Crude Unit at the same
Litwins initial emphasis will be the review of two cases of a
1979 study for expanding Kochs St. Paul No. 1 Crude Unit.

Litwin anticipates completion of this work approximately five
weeks after release by Koch.
This likely was written shortly after the January 1983 meeting with KII
representatives. The Proposal, however, manifests only the internal dynamics of
Litwin regarding what it would do to study the potential expansion.
a 2/1/83 Proposal from Litwin to KII:
Litwin proposes to provide process and mechanical
engineering and cost estimating services to compare [1.] expansion
of the No. 1 Crude Unit from 40,000 BPSD to 60,000 BPSD, [2.]
expansion of the No. 1 Crude Unit from 40,000 BPSD to 65,000
BPSD, and [3.] construction of a new 65,000 BPSD Crude Unit.
Litwin will review and update . . . two cases of its 1979 study for
expansion of the No. 1 Crude Unit. . . .
This proposal is valid for acceptance on or before February 15, 1983
This document appears to be a contract offer from Litwin to KII. Like the prior
undated proposal, this document reveals Litwins offer to engage in these studies
but not KIIs commitment to the studies or the actual expansion.
1/31/83; 2/3/83; 2/14/83 calculations by Litwin employees. These
calculations were performed internally by Litwin and there is no direct evidence
that they ever reached the eyes of KII representatives. This work, however, may
imply that KII had in fact accepted Litwins proposal to study these design
options for the 175,000 B/D expansion. Alternatively, these calculations may

merely suggest Litwins dogged and hopeful pursuit of a contract which KII had
not yet accepted. At most, however, this work merely evidences that KII was
studying the expansion option, but not that KII had committed to it.
3/4/83 Project Notes for internal use only, written by L.J. Ross of Litwin,
stating, Attached is a marked-up Equipment Summary for both the 60,000 BPSD
and 65,000 BPSD Crude Unit Expansion . . . . Again, while one might infer
from these notes that KII had engaged Litwin to study these two options, there
remains no evidence KII saw these notes or that the matter progressed to a
planned expansion.
an 8/3/83 unsigned memorandum entitled Crude and Hydrotreater
Expansion - Pine Bend, which states, We propose to utilize an existing FCC
Preheater and add a Preflash Tower to increase our No. 1 Crude Unit capacity to
65,000 B/D. This plus 110,000 B/D capacity of the No. [2] crude unit . . . will
give us a total of 175,000 B/D crude capacity. The words our No. 1 Crude
Unit indicate a KII employee drafted this memorandum. The document,
however, merely proposes this expansion option. It does not demonstrate that KII
was actually planning to execute this expansion.
8/9/83 Litwin Conference Notes from a meeting with J. Johnson of KII,
stating, Litwin is to present Koch with the cost and time required to prepare a
process package with major equipment specifications for a new 65,000 BPD Unit

and Splitter Tower at the St. Paul Refinery. These notes provide fairly strong
inferential evidence that KII had not accepted Litwins earlier contract offer of
February 1, 1983. If KII had accepted that offer, these cost estimates would have
been prepared much earlier.
8/19-20/83, KII Board of Directors Meeting Supplemental Information,
stating Analysis of the expansion of Pine Bend crude and desulfurization
capacity have been underway for some time. . . . Design and optimization of
equipment of the two desulfurizers and the crude expansion are in progress. . . .
[A]pplication for the crude expansion permit will be submitted in September.
Final cost estimates, LP optimizations and economics are being prepared. In a
chart on the following page, titled Pine Bend Expansion Comparison, the
number 157.5 appears as the total under the column for Expansion Case
(MB/D). The first two statements in the Board notes must refer to the 155,000
B/D expansion, given the on-going nature of the stated expansions and the
numbers on the following page. The statement regarding the permit, however,
could possibly refer to an expansion beyond 155,000 B/D. Nonetheless, it is
significant that KII did not apply for a permit which might have pertained to a
175,000 B/D expansion until September 1983.
a 9/26/83 Memo from KII employee T.W. Segar to KII President Bernard
Paulson, stating, 1. Koch presently has a refinery capacity of 137,000 B/D crude

oil and is operating at or near maximum. 2. Expansion plans are to add a third
crude unit of 70,000 B/D to raise design capacity to 207,000 B/D. This memo
indicates KII may have abandoned all of the options for expansion to 175,000
B/D studied by Litwin, opting instead for a more aggressive expansion plan.
Thus, this document constitutes evidence of KIIs tentative approach, as of June,
1983, to a possible 175,000 B/D expansion, something less than making plans.
a 10/13/83 Memo Sheet from First National Bank of Chicagos Annual
Review of Koch, which states, Koch is considering expanding the [Pine Bend]
refinery to 175,000 BPD and exporting the additional product into Chicago, Des
Moines, and Kansas City areas to take advantage of the markets formerly served
by refineries which have closed. This reference to the 175,000 B/D is
inconsistent with the prior document (the 9/26/83 memo), but perhaps First
Chicago was relying on older information. More significantly, KII apparently was
telling First Chicago in October 1983 that it was merely considering this
expansion possibility.
on 11/16/83, KII publicly announced its plan of adding a third crude unit
to expand to 207,000 B/D. Again, this commitment to a more aggressive
expansion indicates KII had abandoned the two options which Litwin investigated
that would have increased Pine Bends crude production to a mere 175,000 B/D.
12/8-9/83 KII Board of Directors Meeting Supplemental Information:

At the August 1983 Board Meeting, a combined project to

expand Pine Bend Crude capacity to 175 MB/D and construct two 10
MB/D hydrotreaters using equipment purchased from Sohio was
presented. Several significant changes have occurred since August
and the current status of the project is discussed below.
Modifications to the [No.] 2 crude unit during the September
turnaround has increased crude capacity to 155 MB/D. . . . Although
a crude expansion still appears to be economically attractive,
additional analysis is required due to the reduced Canadian crude
availability and expanded base capacity.
In November, permit application was made to the Minnesota agencies
for construction of a 70 MB/D grass roots crude unit in order to
expedite permitting, which normally requires approximately one year
to complete. Currently, two cases are being evaluated: (1) Expand
the [No.] 1 crude unit from 40 MB/D to 70 MB/D and (2) Construct a
new 70 MB/D crude unit and shut down the [No. 1] crude unit. The
permit application would be adequate for either alternative.
Major efforts currently are directed toward attaining the permits
necessary to expand the crude unit. Analysis is progressing on the
two alternate cases under various crude availability and product
marketing scenarios.
This discussion apparently revives consideration of the Litwin options, or perhaps
these options never were abandoned, despite the implications of earlier
documents. As of December 1983, however, the 175,000 B/D expansion option
was still mired in the analysis stage and KII simply was continuing to explore
this possibility.
2/21/84, Fourth Quarter Report from Bernard Paulson: We have applied
for permits to increase our permitted capacity to crude to 200,000 B/D and expect
it to take over a year to secure the permit. We would plan to be running to

170,000 B/D in 1986. At this stage, some eight months following execution of
the SPA, KII was indeed making plans for an interim expansion at least
approaching 175,000 B/D with an ultimate expansion to approximately 200,000
3/6/84 KII Inter-company notes, stating, Bernie Paulson in charge of
Refineries stated that in 1983 the Pine Bend Refinery had a capability of handling
138,000 barrels of crude oil and in 1984 that would increase to 152,000 barrels
per day with the goal of being 170,000. Again, it seems that now KII had made
a more definite commitment to the nearly 175,000 B/D expansion. These
references to 170,000 B/D, however, do cast doubt on KIIs pre-SPA level of
commitment to the 175,000 B/D expansion possibility.
5/7/84, First National Bank of Chicagos Annual Review of KII: Also
under consideration are the replacement of the No. 1 crude unit for efficiency and
the expansion and revamping of the fluid unit. Contrary to the prior two
documents, this review indicates that as late as May of 1984 KII was still only
considering this expansion.
In Bernard Paulsons deposition testimony, he stated,
We did have Litwin review the possibility of expanding the No. 1
crude unit. . . . It was a rather short cursory look at it, this is January
26, I assume the latter part of 82. I dont think they spent a lot of
time at it. . . . [W]e did not do it and rejected it I think because it was
too much money, you know, it was not effective.

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