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Only dead can see end of war- Plato

Chechen wars, were horror. Thousands have died in most horiffic ways. Bombings,
shellings, beheadings, hostage situation....
First battle of Grozny, was blood bath. Not only that Russians didn't captured the city, they
also lost a lot of equipment during siege. The Chechen fighters had the advantage in that they
were highly motivated and familiar with the terrain. As Soviet citizens, they spoke and were
educated in Russian and had served in the Soviet armed forces. Many (like their Russian
adversaries) had Soviet uniforms.
Chechen units were divided into combat groups consisting of 15 to 20 personnel,
subdivided into three or four-man fire teams. A fire team consisted of an anti-tank gunner,
usually armed with Russian-made RPG-7s or RPG-18s, as well as a machine gunner and a
rifleman. To destroy Russian armoured vehicles in Grozny, five or six hunter-killer fire teams
deployed at ground level, in second and third stories, and in basements. The snipers and
machine gunners would pin down the supporting infantry while the antitank gunners would
engage the armoured vehicle aiming at the top, rear and sides of vehicles.
When Russian forces enterend into the city itself, they entered in well prepared death
trap. Chechens would destroyed first, then middle (or last vehicle) in columnt, and that was it.
Dance of vampires can start. Many Russians were literally coocked inside their vechicles. But
civilians paided biggest price. Some, Russian commanders ordered to their forces to attack
fleeing civilians.
Chechens win this battle, but it was phyric victory. City was a simple pile of trash, for
years no one started city re-building, and black market was flowering. And as everything was
enoguh, radicals started to rise into power. Shamil Basaiev, Ibn al-Khattab, Abu al-Waleed...
And circle of violence ended in 2009.

Darijo ivkovi

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